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WMAT B1 Homura Akemi vs. Kharn
Date of Scene: 24 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Devil's Hand
Synopsis: Kharn (Horus NPC) and Homura fight it out in Bracket B's first round.
Thanks to: Thanks to Horus for being an awesome opponent, and Laine for being the commentator! And being god damn amazing at it too.
Cast of Characters: 2, Crys Gattz, 103, 131, 383
Tinyplot: WMAT

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby taps the mic a few times. "Is this on? Is this... oh! Okay!" Ahem. "LADIEEEEES, GENTLEMEEEEN, AND SPECIES WITH INDETERMINATE GENDER! Today we have a match for the ages! Gemini Brand Soy Flakes-" (Gemini!) "HAve brought you me, RUUUUUUBY RHOOOOOD as your announcer for the FIGHT OF THE CENTURY! We have one HOT HOT HOT Magical Girl, Homura Akemi! How's it goin', Homura, can you do a hair flick? HOMURA AKEMI! And up against her, the Undefeatable, Incredible, Wall-o-muscle SPESSS MAREEEN, the Infamous KHAAAARN! Tune in on channel 900.2 to follow this fight to remember!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
Today's match takes us to the DEVIL'S HAND.
More accurately, to the ruins of the Demon Castle.

And dark and gloomy place, the castle is seemingly constructed mostly of dark blue and dark green stone, though when lit, the torches within can make it all glow a sinister red instead-- and some parts are built out of red stone, quite simply, decorated with various ruined statues. Once quite the place, its use as an arena and being empty over the years has left it in less than stellar condition, but there's still plenty of the castle left to use as a fighting ground.

The COURTYARD is where the fighters will meet, a large open square surrounded by half-demolished ramparts, with broken pillars and decorative statues strewn all over.

It is cloudy, but not rainy. Ominously dark, even.

HOMURA AKEMI stands near the middle of the courtyard, likely to give Kharn the obligatory handshake or salute before the match begins. It's going to become painfully obvious just how much he dwarfs her when that happens. The Puella Magi, already transformed, is unarmed for the moment. Around one of her wrists is a white and gold device with a gemstone, clearly identified as a Time-Space Administration Bureau external limiter. She didn't trust herself to hold back within acceptable levels and really needs the practice. That, and it'll prevent her magic from kicking in to regenerate injuries too much. Better conserve it and trust the medics. She can take it off if it gets hairy.

Horus (103) has posed:
Well, Kharn is going to be taking that handshake. Yes, he towers over the petite Puella Magi, stomping forward in his armor and holding out a gauntleted hand. The shake is firm but careful, exerting no extra force like some might expect. In fact, Kharn is looking rather... pleasant and agreeable to the exchange. "They tell me that you are dangerous, so I look forward to a good and worthy fight. Certainly not the most unpleasant of foes to look upon, this time, if one of the more unusual."

Did he just call her cute? Well, she is going on her late teens, right? Smoothly, he steps back and lowers his helmet again, putting a few yards of distance between himself and the magical girl. "Tough or not, I've swapped my chainsword for something less messy. I hope you don't mind this, considering the rules of the tournament. Shall we begin?" He draws a large blade, which crackles with energy. Probably some kind of taser-based kind.

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
"It looks like our Homuramura is all ready and waiting! She's got that look down but GOOOOD, just standin' round with that look that says she's ready and waiting! But Kharn havin' none of that! He's all green with it and shaking hands, then OH it looks like he's got more than respect for this matchup, he's a flattering man! Who'd have thought it? They may call this guy the 'Betrayer' in some worlds, but I can tell he's thinking 'Betrayer, I don't even know her!'"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
"I have heard the same of you. I do not mind. Thank you for the consideration," Homura says, before she finally gives Ruby and his camera crew the hair flick they wanted, retreating back to a further position; that is, a designated start point that puts the two of them with about twenty feet between them, as opposed to "none".

It's odd for Kharn to be this well spoken. Cursory research seemed to imply he was some sort of battlefield war god, lusting for carnage and breaking through friends and foes alike. Either those worlds have the wrong impression, this Kharn's different, or she's about to discover this man is the most polite berserker she's ever met.

Well, either way, he's an Astartes.
Prowess or reputation aside he can still break her with one hand. And that armor's tough. She's going to have to use real weapons, or aim very, very well.

The ball rings, and red lights turn green. FIGHT!

... but Homura does not move, or arm herself.

This doesn't stop half a dozen bolter rounds from suddenly whistling through the air from her location, out of seemingly nowhere. They're aimed for the arm joints of his armor, in the vain hope she can quickly figure out how to crack that shell.

Horus (103) has posed:
Kharn's armor is an older model, rather than the newest used by the Space Marines in the 41st Millennia. While Terminator Armor aged quite well, the regular armor did not, and even those first few bolts cause something to hiss and escape. Kharn staggers for just a moment, bracing his back leg.

She's fast, he realizes.

"HAHAHAHA!" Oh, there's the laughter. It isn't the laughter of a madman, though... just someone with an undeniable lust for battle. He's surprisingly graceful even in that bulky armor though, hurling himself back to circle around a pillar. When he emerges, he's blasting his own bolter at the pillar behind Homura, aiming to spray her with sharp shattered stone and possibly drop some of the masonry upon her.

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz has been here for a while watchin the fight, she has a bit of a history with the chian of world that the Imperium is from. She's known several spacemarines over the years, also fought a number of horrors still the name of Kharn? That still cows her a bit, if this man is connected to the one she's heard stories of it's going to be a hell of a fight with someone like Homura in the mix.

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby snaps his fingers and leans forward, then jerks his head back! "And there's the hairflick! This girl is on FIRE Ladies and Gentlemen! HOMURA AKEMI opens up with some kind of gunfire oh wow I didn't even see her shoot! Fastest draw in the west, east, north, and south voids, Ladies and Gentlemen! Kharn is already leaking fluid! But this guy is on a total BZZZZ! Kharn's laughing it up and using that cover like a real pro fighting guy person in armor thing! Did you see that? Did you? Oh right that's what I'm here for! He's shooting some kind of weapon and just blowing the castle apart! It looks like Homura's in for some STONE COLD HEAT!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
He's not exactly slow either.
Guess the bulky armor isn't just for taking hits.

Homura dives away from the pillar as Kharn comes running; his firearm easily shreds through the stone, sending shards and chunks of the pillar towards the magical girl. She avoids most of it, the biggest chunk of stone passing a hair's length from her and tearing some of the white fabric off her sleeve.

She quickly realizes she won't be able to rely on him being a slow, bulky and heavy warrior at all. She's not sure she wants to give him the chance to close into melee, but she might not be able to keep him from doing it for very long, either.

Homura withdraws, backing up quickly towards the door leading inside the castle itself-- or what's left of that entryway, anyway. Less a door and more a big hole. She produces pistol-- futuristic looking, with the word RAIKOU on its side-- and unloads the clip towards Kharn. The energy bolts aren't quite like the plasma ones he'd be used to. They don't really melt armor, it's most blunt impact than anything. These are aimed for his chest, but a few stray bolts could be seen heading for his legs, not quite accurate enough to nail the knee.

Horus (103) has posed:
It's not that Kharn lacks tactics, he just considers what he's doing a valid tactic. Firearms against such an agile opponent mean he has to close and do melee, or just close in near enough that she can't dodge easily. He /could/ zigzag between pillars, but if she's retreating to the castle he has to stay close, soooo...

Kharn just charges like a train, stomping at high speed toward Homura. His bolter is tucked to the side - magnetically attached, she might note - and a different weapon is drawn. This one fires a rapid series of pellets that crackle with energy, not a weapon that the 41st Millenium may be familiar with. It's the Space Marine equivalent of a taser gun, though with it amped up enough that it could take down something much larger than a girl.

Unfortunately for him, this means he's charging right into plasma, which is slamming into his armor and pitting it deeply, even hitting a joint at an angle good enough to make him stagger and grunt, slamming into the side of a pillar just so he can keep his momentum instead of falling over.

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby fans himself audibly, "OH oh! Omigod omigod this is INTENSE ladies and gentlemen! It looks like KHAAAARN is just gonna charge right toward this magical girl! He's bouncing off pillars and walking right into all this firing Homura is doing! There's bolts of light all over it's like a war zone and they aren't even in the castle yet! AAAHHHHH! He's firing some kind of stun gun oh wow how many guns do these two carry? It's like a gun show down here but with lots more SHOOTING! Water... I need water..." Gulp gulp.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
She can't tell if she's slowing him down or just making him MORE enthusiastic about the chase. It doesn't help he just produced a Space Marine-grade stun gun. Disappearing into the darkness of the castle, the Puella Magi can be seen avoiding the pellets as they cast light into the darker unlit halls of the ruins, though one seems to slam straigth into her and she tumbles into a dark corner.

In order to get a better look, Kharn will have to enter.

It is eerily silent as he does so; he is no longer being shot at, for one, but his opponent seems to be out of sight. The silence is broken only by his armor, the heavy steps making the rock crack and whine under his feet.

Then there's a red light.

Several red lights. They blink.



Multiple proximity mines go off, caving a large section of the hallway and floor down into the deeper level of the castle. If Kharn cannot avoid the collapse, he will find himself in an immense underground room, housing the ruins of a massive cannon, all lit by magical green and red torches. He'll have to tank the fall, though, as well as the explosions and chunks of stone. We all know fall damage is the worst enemy of a Space Marine!

In the wake of the blast, Homura will appear to look down into the hole-- a perfect opportunity to get back at her, or possibly even drag her down with him into the deeper level if he can reach her.

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz Seems to be enjoying the fight from the stands and she flags down one of the vendors for what might be natchos? Heck ya she does do natchoe sform time to time. She watches the cameras fereds as the fight goes on, this is getting petty good!

Horus (103) has posed:
Beeping. That's never good. Kharn once again displays that he's not a mindless berserker by stopping and dealing with the proximity grenades. He's sheathed his sword by now, but has to hold on to his gun just in case he sees Homura again. That leaves one hand free to grab two power packs from his side and hurl them to each side, shooting each in turn.

In World Eater fashion, he counters the explosions by blowing up power packs, causing the explosion to backdraft the other explosions. Unfortunately this still puts him in a huge kaboom, and does absolutely nothing to stop him from tumbling down the hole to land with a loud CRASH. Even power armor doesn't really stop everything from a fall, that HAD to have hurt.

As Homura leans over, though, she'll hear the bolter again. *DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA* Only, it erupts from behind her, bursting open the floor and allowing the blood red Astartes to leap up from the gaping holes, smashing through the hole to take a wild swing at her, laughing all the way. "HAHAHAHA! OH YEAH!"

He's having fun with this, yeah.

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby is leaning over and peeking around the corner, panting, "Oh... oh ladies and gentlemen it looks like Homura is in the castle! She's hiding in the castle! Kharn's going to have a big game of hide and seek to do this and AHHHH! AHHHHH! OMIGOD! Kharn just exploded! There was big explosion Kharn's fallen down a hole in the floor!" Ruby's hair peeks around the corner again, edging around to get a better look. "It looks like this may be it folks! The fight may be over! I can see Homura looking over to check on him, but I don't see... there's a lot of dust and- AHHHHHHHHHHH!! KHARN JUST BUST THROUGH THE FLOOR LAUGHING LIKE A GREAT BIG KOOL AID MAN AND SMACKED HOMURA!" Lots of screaming and darting around the corner again ensues.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
Wait, what's that sound.

Homura prays to God that it is not Kharn about to burst through the floor Kool-Aid Man style.

All of a sudden Kharn bursts through the floor Kool-Aid Man style.

If the bolter fire wasn't enough of a warning bell, the fact the Astartes just backhands her and sends her down the hole is enough of a wake-up call. She's rather fragile-- Kharn can tell he might have broken something with that swing. Probably a rib or three. Fortunately, Homura does not land face first into the lower level, but at least manages to land on her feet. She hardly looks like she's having fun.

But, this the practice she wanted.
Fighting someone in conditions where they can fight back.

"You certainly are enjoying this," she says, a bit pained. She won't be able to climb back up quickly enough; he's either going to shoot at her from up there, or come down with a hell of a swing. She decides the latter sounds like an awful time, and suddenly reappears behind a broken chunk of wall as cover.

Homura produces a rocket launcher, and lets the payload fly back up towards Kharn. He's a grown man in power armor, he can take a rocket to the face no problem.

Horus (103) has posed:
"This is amazing!" Kharn shouts! "A fight to remember! With a worthy opponent!" It's easy to see how he eventually fell to being a berserk monster, but right now there's no malice in his wild grin, despite the fact that Homura is in the opposing superfaction. In the rules of this tournament, this is a fight for fun and profit, not life or death. He's treating it as such, without any real care if he wins or loses.

Well, okay. Maybe some care. Her really does want to win.

But right now he's leaping forward, bolter in one hand and firing a DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA at the cover to make it explode and shatter. Except that instead of getting a clear swing, midway throug his leap a rocket launches toward him and hits him square in the chest, blasting him back to slam into the far wall and cause more of the floor to crumble. Some of his armor is twisted and smoking, and a rattling cough announces that one of his lungs might have just taken a puncture or something. Wow, that must have actually hurt him pretty badly, comparatively.

And before the dust settles, two massive blocks of masonry are flung out of it, each toward Homura's last two known positions: behind cover and just outside of it. The force of the throw causes the dust to be sucked outward, too, clearing the air to make it easier to see roughly where he is.

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby is panting loudly, "Okay... okay... ladies and gentlemen I think... I think they're complimenting one another. Kharn is saying Homura is a good opponent. And Homura is looking serious now. Oh this is one fight to remember. Are you getting this, camera crew?" He pants a little more, then shouts, "AHH! Homura shot Kharn with a rocket! Kharn is down! KHARN IS DOWN! No one could survive that much dust! No one- NO WAIT! Kharn is throwing boulders from the dust! Look at all that dust! No one can make dust like Homura Akemi! Where does she keep all those roooockeeets!? Ladies and gentlemen a quick reminder that Gemini Brand Soy Flakes are a delicious part of your morning breakfast!"

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko megaphones from the crowd, "GOOOO HOMURA! If you win I'll make you an AWESOME TITLE you can introduce yourself to the Space Marines with!" She flips her hair and drops the megaphone to whistle and jump up and down. "DON'T KICK HIM IN THE BALLS, I THINK THEY'RE TITANIUM!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
Kharn destroys Homura's cover; she's getting ready to find new one, before the Space Marine suddenly hurls entire small sections of the castle straight for her. Aww crap. Though it's hard to see due to all the dust (and Kharn does not make that any better by throwing wall sections around!), it does appear that the Puella Magi does not vacate her position fast enough.

A few more silent moments will pass, as both fighters sit in dust clouds that need to settle. Some more painfully than others. Homura considers, fairly bruised from the impact, what to do next.

Well, stupid ideas seem to work pretty well for people around her in these situations. In fact they seem to usually work more than well thought out plans. Alright, well, let's... give it a shot?

Sayaka you're in so much trouble if this doesn't work.

The magical girl suddenly appears next to Kharn, just as the dust settles. She's wielding a longsword of black silver and amethyst, Shadowtouch, forged by Lloyd as a gift-- as sturdy as it looks, although it has no special properties aside from that.

Engaging Kharn in a swordfight, there's a bad idea.

At least she can rely on her speed. Her strikes come like a flurry, and not all of them seem to connect with swings she actually takes. Time shanenigans are afoot.

Horus (103) has posed:
Again, Homura's speed startles Kharn, but he's starting to realize that the slight glitch in his helmet's chronometer precedes some kind of action. He can't hope to match Homura's apparent speed... but he can mitigate it with footwork and bladework. He's not exerting himself /too/ much because he's breathing with his secondary lungs at the moment thanks to the earlier damage, but he can still counter the flurry with a clash of blade on blade from his shock blade.

Kharn is good with a blade. Not the best - he could never beat, say, Lucius or Tarvitz from the Emperor's Children, and Loken could beat him in a swordfight. But he is competent enough that the strikes dig shallower cuts than Homura would like, forcing Kharn back a step, then another, as the blade licks out and slides over armor, even piercing some of the ruined sections from earlier damage to draw blood. Those time shenanigans are still effective.

Homura might not expect the sudden kick of a block of masonry up at her legs, followed by a slash or two with the blade, then a twisting slash across the midriff... followed by a "HRRG!" and a lurch forward, trying to slam his shoulder into the much smaller girl.

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz has been watching this fight go back and forth for some time. Kharn is qiote tjhe fighter up close and Homura seems to have made a mistake there. She cringes a little but, yet she's totally still watching this.

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby takes a deep breath, "Ladies and gentlement the dust is settling... I think I can see... yes! Both of them are still up! Homura is... AHHH! Homura's having a sword fight with Kharn! Please tell me you're getting this! Ladies and gentlemen my hair-cam is catching it! Let's see that in slow motion! Kharn is huge and tough and it looks like he's guessing where Homura is going to stab! This is SUPERGREEN ladies and gentlemen, I've NEVER seen dancing like that before!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:

Whether or not she manages to gash the armor is literally consolation for the fact Kharn swings back, hard, and fast. Homura looks like she's going to be fine for a moment-- she blocks Kharn's first hit and holds her grown against the behemoth of a man, straining to keep his blade back.

He hits again-- her stance falters.
The third time she's disarmed, her sword flying back and lodging itself into the wall. It's the shoulder slam that really puts her all the way down, sending her several feet back, tumbling and rolling on the ground. She crawls back up, slowly, spending some magic on just cutting the pain altogether. Her wrist limiter beeps to indicate to her she is being awful and stretching her allocated magic limit thin by doing that.

"I don't know why I thought getting in close with you was a good idea. I need better role models," Homura whines, though whether that's directed at Psyber, Sayaka, Himei or someone else would be hard to say. Probably, all of them.

There's another glitch in Kharn's clock, and a few stun grenades suddenly pop in the air around him. They're loaded with electricity, painful, made to disable regular people without threatening their lives too much, short of a heart condition. One would probably not even inconvenience him, but a couple might slow him down.

Horus (103) has posed:
Grenades blast all around Kharn, causing another stagger out of the cloud of explosions. Yeah, that worked... he's slowed down, and breathing heavier to boot, even his superhuman balance and inner ear having trouble compensating for that much. He grunts softly, then lets out another amused chuckle. It's not a mocking chuckle, it's genuine glee. "I see now why the Warmaster told me not to underestimate my foe! This has been fun... and taught me much!" There's a wheeze there, which should be enough of a warning to tell that he's hurting. Space Marines do not normally get such problems. He's pushing himself to finish this.

"You're very fast... or something," Kharn admits, moments before he just /hurls/ his sword at Homura. It does have a point, after all. The point is aimed at her midsectin, for a nonfatal wound. The idea being to pin her to the wall so he won't use up his energy reserves after all those grenades by chasing after her.

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby fans himsel and hides behind a fallen pillar to peer over. "Ah... omigod... ladies and gentlemen... this match is... we have Homura Akemi, and she's fighting the bigness of KHARN! There's explosions all over, and a lot of swords clashing and flying around. This is a reminder to tune in to 900.2 to hear this match and see... OHHHHHH! It looks like Homura has just dumped an entire bag of grenades on Kharn! And the Space Marine he's still coming he's still coming and throwing his sword! Omigodomigod what are you gonna DOOOO Homura!? What will she think of next?!

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
Plan: do not get impaled to the wall.

The Puella Magi sidesteps, not entirely fast enough, and the sword passes by the right side of her ribcage, and takes some of it with it as it then slams into the wall behind her. The wound is not grievous, but to someone like her, without miraculous regeneration, a hole in the side of your chest is a hole in the side of your chest you can't really ignore. Seems her outfit's going to have a few more bloodstains on it.

It's getting obvious all the injuries are slowing her down; she can't keep fighting with the same tenacity as when she's unharmed like Kharn, whose life and blood is battle. She's too used to fighting things that do NOT hit back, or that go down in a burst of time magic and explosives. That and Union assistance in every matter whatsoever has... spoiled her.

"Or something, yes," Homura confirms to Kharn.

The Puella Magi produces a minigun; it's far too big for someone her size to be wielding, although not the kind you mount on planes either. It's no heavy bolter, but...

The barrel starts spinning very quickly, and she starts firing at Kharn without the slightest hint of hesitation. The constant stream of bullets from the weapon illuminates the large room, like a stream of orange-red death.

Horus (103) has posed:
"You've been a grand opponent!" Kharn announces, yanking Homura's sword from the stone where it was lodged. "But it appears that I have won. You should cede the match, unless you think you can win with only a-"

Stop. Stare.

That's a minigun.

Kharn spins about and 'turtles' with a grunt, wincing as the pose aggravates his wounds. It does allow his relatively undamaged back to catch the hail of bullets though, which is good. The bad thing is that his suit isn't indestructible at all, so the bullets tear into the systems and cause pops and hisses from busted power lines and conduits. His Black Carapace is still operating, and connected, but suddenly the armor is much heavier... which just makes the wounds he's suffered that much worse.

Edging to the side, he finally spots some cover, which he rolls behind with a clattering scrape of the sword he grabbed. He can't close with Homura to use it, though, so she'll just hear the loud whine of a weapon overcharging, then the crackle of that stungun blasting toward her.

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby makes a loud WOOOOO noise! "Kharn's sword really sliced into Homura, it doesn't look good for her! Oh this is so INTENSE you can't even imagine what it's like being here, it looks like Homura's out of trick but... NO SHE'S NOT!" A pause. "What? No, I don't want anything to drink! GET OUT! BZZ! Can't you see she's firing a minigun? Kharn grabbed Homura's sword so Homura found a minigun in... the rubble or something I don't know. Now Kharn is behind cover and shooting little blue zappy things or something."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
The minigun howls like a beast.
Until, finally, it goes clickclickclickclickclick.
She frowns.

Kharn is not silenced yet, either. It's getting pretty bad for her. She hefts the massive weapon up, blocking the overcharged stunshot with it. The electricity crawls up the weapon-- she drops it, before it can reach her. Her hands still get burnt, and she cries out in pain for just a moment. She's out of breath, and kind of shocked-- literally.

"You're no pushover yourself. But I'm not out of weapons. It'd take me years to use them all." Finally, Homura does the FIRST actual magical girl thing she has done the entire fight, and produces her massive bow, pulling the brilliant purple-pink string of magic back, and forming an arrow of light between her fingers, as she aims it towards Kharn's cover.

"I'm sorry, but I intend to go much further!"

The arrow is released, and fires as a bright pink beam of light, threatening Kharn, and about the entire quarter of the massive dome-shaped room the two of them are in. The magic is vaguely nonlethal, though it singes and stings all the same.

It would be far more effective if Kharn was not still pure. Ish.

Horus (103) has posed:
Oh good the bullets have stopped. That means he won't get SHOT more, right? "Where did that come from?" he grunts, lurching to his feet with Homura's sword in hand, and something else in his other hand. He's about to do something when he sees a GIANT MAGICAL BOWSHOT streaking toward him! Fortunately he tosses whatever he was holding to the side and dives under cover again in time to prevent a devastating /direct/ hit, but Kharn's grunt can be heard nonetheless. It's seared him, the exposed and injured parts getting the worst of it but some of that shining light managing to sear through his armor to the (relatively) fragile flesh below. Pillars are crumbling, walls shaking and cracking, and the entire castle shudders because hey, this is a DBZ world.

Kharn's pinned down, but the satchel he threw goes off anyway, explosing in a massive shockwave that brings down the rest of the walls. Hopefully on top of Homura. At the very least it will create a MASSIVE AND DRAMATIC DUST CLOUD THAT NOBODY COULD POSSIBLY SURVIVE!

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby huffs, "Oh no oh no! Homura is out of bullets! What is she gonna do now? Kharn is up and heading right for her like a bear about to eat her face on a camping trip! HEADING RIGHT FOR HER! And- HOMURA YOU'RE SHOOTING A BOW WITHOUT DOING YOUR HAIR FLICK WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Then comes the explosion. "AHHHHHHH! ExcuseABriefIntermissionAsYourHostRubyRhodFleesToANotCollapsingPartOfTheCastle! It looks like Kharn and Homura blew up the basemeeeeent!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
Oh crap a satchel charge.
A SPACE MARINE satchel charge.

Homura produces a barrier of purple light around herself, discarding her bow into thin air. It's a weak shield, but it is bettle than nothing. The charge goes off, and the shockwave rocks across the entire basement. Fortunately, through a miracle, the entire castle does not collapse. Homura is still caught in the explosion though, and the last of that is seen is her barrier shattering like glass.

The dust settles.

There is some noise behind Kharn.

Homura catches her breath-- how she appeared there is a mystery, but his helmet clock went and glitched out again. She's badly burnt, missing a part of her outfit, and obviously in no state to really continue fighting much longer. Yet, she's putting a slight smile on.

"The same place this is coming from."

She slams her hand against the weakened wall and it crumbles.

There was a missile truck behind the wall.
It aims its payload at Kharn.

Homura reappears atop it, for safety.

"My turn!"

Two anti-ship missiles launch straight for Kharn... and the castle basement in general. The payload isn't quite as devastating as it COULD be, because she cares about not getting caught in the explosion, but it might leave a few extra scratches on Kharn.

As for how that missile truck got there, well...
Only a tactial genius could...

Horus (103) has posed:
Pant pant. Kharn cracks his neck and drops Homura's sword as the bricks and masonry stop falling, reaching over to yank HIS sword from the wall instead. "Tough girl, I'll give her that. Hope I didn't overdo it, that was way too fu-"

She is still up.

And there is a missile truck behind the wall.

Kharn stares. "Uh oh."

Then the explosions hit, and he's hurtled through the air, through the remnants of a wall, and slamming into the bedrock with his armor crumpling. A low groan seeps out as he slides down to the floor again, shaking his head in an attempt to clear it. He's kind of on fire, and LOOKS like a wreck. It's amazing that he's still up at all! And his stun gun is burnt out, so all he can do is lurch forward shakily, grabbing some stones and HURLING them at Homura! It's not much, but there's a bit more to it.

Because he follows them up with a stun grenade.

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby finally settles behind one of the outdoor pillars and peeks around to adjust his hair-camera and microphone, gaping in surprise. "Okay ladies and gentlemen! Your host is back on the air after that short intermission! It looks like the walls are gone now and Kharn is getting ready to claim his victory... but HOMURA IS STILL UP! And behind the wall she's hidden... a missile truck! WHERE DID SHE GET A MISSILE TRUCK? Who knows! This girl is so /HOT/ listeners, she hid a missile truck without anyone noticing! Only a TACTICAL GENIUS could do that! Kharn is now ON FIRE! And I don't mean he's hot too, even though he REALLY REALLY IS, I mean he is /literally/ on fire in a non-ironic 'fires are burnin all over' way! And he's still throwing bricks!" BOOM! "Bricks and GRENAAAAADES!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
How HE is still up is exactly as astounding to Homura as the fact she is still up is to Kharn. To be fair the fact she is still standing is a bit astounding to herself, too.

A quick glance at her body reveals she's going to be screaming in pain when she actually stops blocking the pain out. And even with pain blocked out she's still feeling some of those injuries, so that's not being very helpful.

The projectile slams into the missile truck's launcher, which Homura uses as cover. This slams the metal back into her, causing her to lose balance, as well as get hit directly on the head by the metal, causing a streak of blood to cover her face from her forehead and hair line. The stun grenade blinds and deafens her, too, and she slams into the ground next to her surprise truck.

There is no way she is getting back up, and she knows it.

Barely able to see, or hear, until the Astartes-grade flashbang wears off, Homura reaches into her badly tattered outfit and pulls a detonator out. She REALLY hopes she is seeing correctly and Kharn is where he is right now.

When she hits the button, several explosives go off overhead, bringing some of the ceiling down. Unfortunately her vision isn't perfect right now, so Kharn might not be exactly under the payload.

If that does not bring him down, though, she is a sitting duck, because she doesn't look like she'll be able to get up.

Horus (103) has posed:
Tromp tromp tromp. The power armor is whining loudly as Kharn approaches the downed magical girl, his own breath ragged and less steady. He grunts, "A grand opponent. No shame in loss to an Astartes."

Then the explosion above has the ceiling heading right toward his head. Kharn is looking up as it goes off, and Homura and the audience will hear one more line. A laughing line. "And no shame in my loss to such an opponent!"


Now he's buried under the rubble, with a muffled groan indicating he's alive, but he isn't even trying to get up.

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby winces, "OW! I think I felt that from here! Let me tell you listeners these two are ROCKED UP contestants! Homura just fell over from a stun grenade and she's having trouble moving, I think this is it! The winner is- No, wait! HOMURA JUST DROPPED THE CEILING ON KHARN! HOMURA HAS JUST WON HER MATCH!"

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz Watches as the fight comes to a close it was a hell of a fight really. She was not sure how it was going to end. She watches as Houmra pulls off a heck of a gambit against Kharn. She leaps out of her seat cheering.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
And Homura is... not getting back up.
That is not happening.

Medics are going to have to scrape her off the floor, but fortunately, she left a bunch of black cubes with them and instructed them how to use them. Sayuri did a good job forcing Homura into the habit of always having a full zip bag of spares, and it helps the Union is constantly helping with those things.

She'd love to give Kharn a congratulation personally, but.
She might as well be on the verge of passing out.

Ruby Rhod (383) has posed:
Ruby finishes off, "MAAAAAAN And that's it! Omigoooood that was the best match EVER! Kharn just kept coming and coming but he couldn't win against the TACTICAL GENIUS of HOMUUUUURAAAAA AKEEEEEMIIIII! Looks like it's the Magical Girl going to the next round, and getting a month's supply of GEMINI BRAND SOY FLAKES!"