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Digimon MMO! Let's Go!
Date of Scene: 25 June 2014
Location: Digital World
Synopsis: The first scene in the Digimon MMO of the Digimon-1 universe, introducing several people to the concept of Digimon for the first time.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 27, 119, Alexis, 471

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The Digimon MMO. On its own world, quite a /popular/ MMO. But, in the terms of the Multiverse itself, it is currently a bit obscure. The marketting department have been trying to figure out ways to make it played in a /lot/ more places. And as such, they have started up a new marketting campaign. Send the virtual reality headsets to a number of Elites across the Multiverse, give them free subscriptions, and let word of mouth alone spread the fun.

Various people recieve boxes with the headsets. They are strange things, that simply go over the head of the person that uses it. Brainwaves and similar control the movement within the game. It can take some getting used to, but in a lot of ways, it's more or less just like moving your body. Or at least, moving your body if you were a human. There will probably be a slightly larger learning curve for non-humans.

The intro screen gives a pretty simple and expansive character creation system. Making the character is easy enough, and it'd be simple to make a representation of oneself. After that, it gives factional choices. Black Sword, users of Virus Digimon. Blue Falcon, who use Data Digimon. And, Gold Hawk, Vaccine Digimon. To new players, this probably would be a bit confusing. But, still, it's simple enough to just pick a faction based on a Digimon the player likes.

The starting Digimon, for each faction:

Blue Falcon: Patamon, Palmon, Gabumon, Candlemon, Kotemon.

Black Sword: Guilmon, DemiDevimon, Betamon, Hagurumon, Kunemon.

Gold Hawk: Agumon. Veemon, Biyomon, Gomamon, Tentomon.

Once the Digimon are picked, players will find themselves upon Beginner Island. An area, specifically, made for new characters and players.

Jinxel (119) has posed:
When Jinxel first wound up with one of these headsets, she really wasn't sure what to think. Equestria, while hardly primative, is a little on the low tech side of things, so stuff like MMOs or even computer games in general haven't really caught on.

But then again, Jinxel does own a Shinki, so she isn't ignorant of high tech stuff, ad seeing as it's free (for now), she decided that it couldn't hurt to try.

After almost an hour fiddling with the character screen to figure out what she should look like as a human and selecting which Digimon to start with, she appears in the game world as a magneta haired girl in modest clothes, with a Guilmon. She hasn't got the first clue about Digimon, so she basically selected a Digimon based solely on how adorable they were, and the way Guilmon's little fins wiggled or it tilted it's head quizzically while performing it's idle animation played made it see cute.

Now being a pony, one would think that Jinxel would have difficulty with having only two legs... but actually, ponies can stand, walk, even dance on two legs in their native forms, so that isn't a problem.

No, the problem comes from having FEET. And HANDS. With TOES and FINGERS with all sorts of new joints to have to factor into everyday activities.

Thus with an unceremonial flop, she falls on her ass and peers at these new things at the end of her four le-- er, two legs and two arms, "Ooof!"

And for the record, her handle is JinxPony.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
How Jono ended up with one of these headsets is anybody's guess. Then again, it's not like he doesn't stand out, given that he wraps up the bottom of his face like a mummy, but in black. Or maybe he looks like a guy who needs to find something fun to do. Who knows? Whatever the reason, he totally did end up with one of these headsets, and a subscription to the game. So... why not try it out? It's free, after all.

So it is that Jono's appearance into the world of Digimon is as a normal-looking male player. His chosen partner? Palmon. Why? No idea. Something about it struck him. And besides, he's just looking around, and the longer he took in character creation the longer it took him to get to the world itself and look around. So. Plant Digimon.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel had been curious about things, she's spent so much time in the Afterus net these days? She just needed to /get out/ and do something else. She took how the people saw hwe seriously and tried her best to live up to it but she's still only a mortal program when you get to the truth of the matter. She also wanted to hav some fun with this, she's got her means to connectd in then again she's likely just going to fully interface with th system given she is a digital lifeform herself.

EIthe way it doesn't take long for her ot pick Betamon and load up into her avatar.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The island itself is rather beautiful. The trees are somewhat sparse in this little starting area, and all of them seem to be palmtrees. There are a number of Digimon around as well. Some NPCs, which seem to be noted by blue circles around their feet. Player Digimon are rather obvious, for they always follow humans. And, the enemy Digimon, well. They're just somewhat spread around all over the place. There are a bunch of Digimon that look /somewhat/ weak, comparitively. Some penguin looking Digimon (Penguinmon) near the beach. A few Fanbeemon floating around here and there. Some Palmon palatte swaps, Aruraumon, as well. Hey, they have to save money somewhere.

Also in the area is what seems to be a little girl. Blonde hair, pink braided pigtails, cutesy pink dress. Pair of goggles on her head. Her Digimon partner is notably /not/ one of the default ones. It's appears to be a rough attempt to make a baby dinosaur out of lego blocks. ToyAgumon. It seems to be shooting lego brick flames at an Aruraumon.

Apparently there /are/ ways to unlock other partners. Well, it makes sense. It is a Monster based MMO.

Alexis has posed:
Digimon aren't entirely a new thing to the Multiverse, so the headset and access to the supposed MMO she recalls the new kid briefly mentioning showing up doesn't really surprise Alexis. She is one of the Union's resident experts on assorted trainable combat critters. This could be interesting. At the very least, informative.

She'll leave the Porygon-Z at home this time.

There was a bit of debating between a few of the options, what with one being a lizard wearing a fur rug, or living gears (wonder if they're related to Klingklang...) ... but something about the blue guy with the V on his forehead just reminded her of some of the pokemon she's trained before.

At least her avatar is fairly reconizable, she managed to get the same pink pigtails. "Huh. It's actual virtual reality. Cool."

Jinxel (119) has posed:
It takes a few attempts and some help from the big red adorable dino beside her, but Jinxel finally manages to get her feet beneath her and stand up, though she still looks unsteady on her feet as she walks. Once she's quasi-competant at locomotion, she takes a moment to examine her new Digimon, and is somewhat disappointed to find that it doesn't really react to her except in the most basic ways. She was kind of expecting something along the lines of a Shinki-level of self awareness, but come to think of it, pulling off that in an MMO with hundreds, if not thousands of players would be taxing on the servers...

Still, she has an adorable red dino all to herself. Eee <3

Squeeing over with, JinxPony sees another Player Character off in the distance and (unsteadily) hobbles over to great the girl with the Lego-Brick Dino, "Oh, hello there."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
It doesn't take Jono very long to note that the Palmon following him is just a construct in the game. So it seems there's nothing funny going on /there/, at least. Jono experiments with walking around a little, watching the Palmon follow him. Yup, just like an NPC in a video game. he does play them, after all.

He sees JinxPony, Alexis's avatar, and the girl with the pigtails, and heads over in their direction. "'Lo," he greets simply. There's a big smile on his face, though it's mostly because he can actually HEAR himself talking. And he can talk normally! And he actually HAS ALL OF HIS FACE INTACT.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The little girl in the pigtail blinks a bit, listening to the voices. She looks over to them, and smiles, before speaking. Speaking in a voice that is most definately /not/ a little girl voice. In fact, she's talked up a few times on the broadband. It's Violet Hunter.

"Oh, hello there. New players to the game, I assume? It's nice to see this game getting more popular."

She had already heard that Jinxel was going to be playing, so hearing Jinxel's voice is not a surprise. Though at the moment, Violet hasn't completely 'come out' as a villain. That'll probably be coming /very/ soon, but for now, she's pretending not to know Jinxel immediately. Though she barely knows the pony as is, nor does she really know the others.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is now a tiny squat thing and is looking about, she's not sure what to think but she's ditial and yes somehow this thing /has/ Deelels blue messy hair. Do not ask how this, she just does. She's also looking about for a moment a she notices someone appears before them.

"Greetings! I figured this would be worth a shot! It seemed interesting!"

Alexis has posed:
"Yo," Alexis replies to the other new arrival, before turning her attention to the girl with the brick-dino when she speaks up... with a disportionately aged voice. But a lot of adults pretend to be younger on the internet, right? ...

Vagely familiar, but she doesn't pay a lot of attention to the broadband at times, so Alexis just strolls over with the Veemon following after her. "Yeah." She pauses to tap the side of her head and the unseen from within the game headset. "They sent out freebie gear and stuff."

Jinxel (119) has posed:
"Y-yeah, I got a free subscription as part of a promotion and decided to check it out," Jinxel replies with as she comes to a stop, leaning somewhat on her Guilmon for support... who being an NPC doesn't seem to mind being used as a (literal) crutch, "Kinda still figuring everything out. I'm Jinx."

After an awkward moment to remember how her hand works, Jinxel holds it out for Violet to shake.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet holds her hand out, to shake Jinx's hand. She smiles. "Well, I hope that the virtual headset works well for all of you. It is my pride and joy, afterall. Though I suppose I should introduce myself. Dr. Violet Hunter, graduate of Miskatonic University, and creator of the virtual reality headset used in this game."

She looks around at everyone. Well, she had nothing to do with the give out of the virtual reality devices, but at the least, this will be a good chance to get to /know/ some of the other people in the Multiverse.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods to Alexis's and Jinxel's statement. "Yeah. Bloke just stepped up, handed me this stuff, and said have fun, basically," he confirms to Violet. If his accent is coming through his words will make more sense. Since he's British and all. Hearing Deelel, he turns his head, and offers a wave of greeting to her as well.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis huhs. "The actual creator hangs out on the game she invented stuff for. Cool." Pauses a moment to adjust her headset to be comfortable for the long haul for the session, visibly mimicing the gesture of her real life counterpart though her avatar isn't actually wearing anything in comparison, so it just looks a little silly. "Fighting monsters is kinda my thing, so this oughta be interesting."

Jinxel (119) has posed:
"Oh, I remember hearing you speak over the broadband," Jinxel replies as she stiffly shakes Violet's hand, "It's nice to meet you then."

As she pulls her hand back, she feels confident enough to try standing up on her own, and after taking a moment to steady herself, finally succeeds on standing up, "Er... sorry, not used to having a body... quite like this..."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet nods to everyone.

She turns to Alexis. "Well, I must admit. I don't /normally/ play this game. It's just coincidence I'm here. I do get some joy out of it, but when you know about the magic behind how everything works, it sort of takes a little bit away from said magic. Still though, I get some joy of it. Though right now, I'm basically beta testing a new virtual pet style peripheral I'm designing for tihs game."

A turn to Jinxel, "I tried to make the virtual device easily accessible for even those who lacked limbs. Though if you have any specific issues, please let me know. We want to make it as accessible to all people as possible."

She turns to Jono, "Well, I'm surprised they're taking that approach. Though I know they want this to take off across the Multiverse, and not just upon our world."

She smiles at everyone, "Have all of you worked out the controls for this game, yet? Such as the combat and whatnot?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel :seems to be pretty pleased at this. "So the head dev actually goes out and about? That's curious that's not often the case."

She's sitll getting used to her body at this point as she flexes her alien limbs and such.

"Oh neat you seem to be quite busy with this. Also I'm doubly curious as I'm... a digital lifeform myself."

Jinxel (119) has posed:
"Um... actually now. I just logged on for the first time, and I haven't really had a chance to do anything than figure out how to move around..." Jinxel replies with, sweatdropping as she does so. In fact, her Avatar even has a big pixelated speechbubble beside her head with a big blue drop in it.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis folds her arms. "Unlike some people, I do actually read instructions." She pauses a moment, looking around. "But I presume this place is equivilent to a tutorial? Might not hurt to actually get the experience of actually doing. You can only learn so much by reading how."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono looks up at the sweatdrop, confused. Might even prompt a big '?' in his own little speech bubble! VRMMOs aren't exactly his area of expertise, after all. But he does look to Violet, and shakes his head. "Not yet. I just logged on an' picked this one." Light tug on a flower petal on the thing's head. Very very light, though, since he doesn't know whether the things can be hurt or not. It might affect its happiness negatively or something.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The Palmon actually seems fairly happy with it. The Digimon seem to only have a few reactions to things. 'Happy', 'Sad', 'Angry' are the main ones programmed into them, at least at the moment. Though if the flower is tugged on /too/ hard, it would likely cause it to be mad. It doesn't seem to be causing it any outright damage at least.

Violet smiles, "Well. I can give you a small tutorial, then. Vocal commands is basically the way to go. There are some secret ones, but for the basics, most variations of saying 'Attack' will do it. Say, for example, Attack Araraumon."

With that, the ToyAgumon starts attacking another Araraumon. The ToyAgumon seems to make incredibly short work of it. Yeah, developers get extra power, as do GMs.

"Just hold your fingers like a windowframe and it will analyze the name for you."

She holds her fingers up, to demonstrate. Thumb and pointer out, making a sort of retangular shape.

"Some of these commands you can subvocalize too. Just think them hard enough, and they'll do it. This device works on brainwaves, afterall."

The ToyAgumon comes over, and as Violet looks at it? It begins to dance.

Jinxel (119) has posed:
EEEEEE! <3 "Aw, how adoreable!" Jinxel squeals, watching the little lego dinosaur do a little dance upon command. Eager to try it herself, she turns to look at her Guilmon and thinks really hard.

And true to form, the red dino Digimon begins to dance, hopping from one foot to another.

Alexis has posed:
".. Heh. Kinda like a pokemon training in some ways. Let's see here." Alexis turns her head to look around, and holds up her fingers as indicated to frame one of the Araraumon, and sure enough gets the 'scan' of the digimon and it's type. Okay, that works.

Pfff, people always goofing around with the 'social' commands. This isn't the sims.

"Okay, that works... So..." Having a lot of experience in this matter, Alexis strikes the 'point and command' pose towards one of the brightly colored plant-mon. "Veemon, Attack!"

The little blue lizard runs up to the Araraumon and headbutts it.

"Hah, I like this little guy's style already."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel listens smor more and she smiles a bit. "I see so we call out with the like?" She pauses for a moment looking about at the interface too.

"I guess I'm cheating in that repeect. I mean I'm using an alternate means to connrect as I'm not human."

She looks and humms getting an idea for the interface a bit more.

"This is pretty well done all things considered and good to see someone putting this to better use than this codebase was made for orginally."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono watches this with interest. At least, the attacking. The dancing, however. That gets an eyetwitch. Speechbubble, sweatdrop. Social commands. Jono tries another one-- /wave! He may try an attack after Alexis gets done. He doesn't killsteal, after all.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet nods, smiling at everyone. "Good, good! You're all getting it fairly well. And you're all interacting differently. While I don't play this often, one of my favourite things is seeing how different people interact with their virtual pets. Some prefer combat, some prefer the socialization aspect."

Deelel isn't the /only/ one who cheats. She mutes her headset's voice feature briefly, and then talks to someone near her.

"Hey, Tinkermon, can you go to the computer, and type some things in for me?"

Tinkermon is actually a bit surprised at this, but does as said.

There is, quite suddenly, a /loud/ buzzing sound in the distance. Something flies overhead, leaving but a shadow. Perhaps people will see what it is in time, though it's doubtful they have time to analyze it. But, some sort of siren blares, and Violet looks around at the lot.

"...Uhoh. Random event. Better prepare."

The large flying shape swoops down, landing in front of the group. A large red insec of some kind. It looks /waaay/ above the combat prowess of a newbie group.

Kuwagamon. An insectoid Digimon.


Jinxel (119) has posed:
Jinxel is having way too much fun with her Guilmon, making it dance, stand on it's head, roll over, even curl up in a ball and sleep. It's all just so adorable!

Then some buzzing can be heard in the distance, and Jinxel looks up, confused as to it's source... only to find a house sized bug swooping down!


And even though it's just a game, Jinx still finds herself cowering behind her new Digimon.

Jinx is not a brave pony.

Alexis has posed:
Crap, things don't jump out of the grass at random here!

But Trainer honed reflexes do give Alexis enough time to jump back as the giant bug slams down in front of the group. Big, red, large pinchers. Makes a pissed off Pinsir look cuddly almost.

Yet unlike the pony, Alexis smirks a bit. "Don't waste time taking off the kiddie gloves here." Cue the pointing pose again. Because she's playing a game, after all. She's not quite so blantant about giving commands in real life. "Go get him, Veemon. Attack!"

The Veemon charges at the Kuwagamon (or more likely one of its legs with the size difference) at the command, this time whirling his fists around like pinwheels in a kind of awkward yet cute looking animation.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel isn't cheating so much in chating at the game, just she's not a lifeform with a human brain so she's using another means to connect to the game. She pauses for a moment as some sort of monster appears. She looks at them and looks to her digimon partner.

"Get ready! Betamon attack!"

She's not messing about here nope not at all and away her partner goes charnging rigth for the digimon that crashed the party.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Craaaap! Doesn't take an expert to see that thing's not a standard wild Digimon! Aggro, probably. While Alexis's Veemon 'tanks', Jono tries to run around to the back of the bigger Digimon, and then send it into a Poison Ivy attack at the thing's back. Then he's going to try to strafe around, hopefully Palmon gets the hint.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
It's actually pretty impressive what a group of people can do when fighting as allies.

Aside from Jinx, who is too freaked out and is hiding behind the Guilmon. The Guilmon just sort of stares forward most likely, until commanded to attack.

The Kuwagamon is struck by the repeating whirling fists of Veemon, unable to attack before it launches its own. Soon after, the Betamon launches itself forward, cutting with its razor fin. And then in comes the Poison Ivy, striking against the insect.

And, Violet isn't just going to stay out of this, either.

"ToyAgumon, Toy Flame!"

The lego brick Digimon stays where it is. Three Digimon already using melee attacks against it, Violet figures she may as well have hers attack from a distance. The flame burns against the insect Digimon.

The Kuwagamon doesn't fall, though. At least not yet. Instead, it leans down, using the massive mandibles to try and slash at the Betamon and Veemon, while trying to somewhat rip at the Poison Ivy. It doesn't move in on Guilmon or ToyAgumon, because of the increased aggro the others have drawn.

Jinxel (119) has posed:
After a moment of cowering, Jinxel looks around at everyone else leaping into combat and swallows hard, then closes her eyes and points at the giant bug, "O-okay, um... go get him Guilmon!"

Finally given the command to attack, the red dino rushes forward to midrange and stops, then puffs out it's chest and inhales deeply as flames lick at the corners of his mouth, before leaning forward and belching out a gout of flame, "FIREBALL!"

Jinx, being the total noob that she is, can't help but remark, "It breathes fire??"

Alexis has posed:
"It does kind of look like a dragon," Alexis asides to Jinx's question. Followed by a sympathetic wince as the Kuwagamon starts flailing it's pinchers about, even if it is just a game animation and attack that knocks her digimon back into their side of the battle area and not a real monster. It still looked unpleasant.

Veemon gets back to his feet though, goes through a shaking off from being hit, and then resumes his 'ready' animation of hopping back and forth from one foot to the other.

"Okay then." Ranged attacks, smart idea. Maybe keep out of the range of those big mandibles. Alexis takes a moment to actually check what possible attacks there are instead of just picking Attack and letting the AI choose. "Veemon, Vee Shot!"

It takes a moment for the tactics switch to process, and then instead of flinging more melee attacks Veemon shoots a small vagely V-shaped energy shot at the Kuwagamon instead.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Being that these are Starter-level Digimon, it's likely they don't have that many attacks. So as Jono tries to direct his Palmon to strafe around the Kuwagamon, when he finds another good angle to attack from, he directs Palmon to let loose another Poison Ivy attack. He's not completely sure what else the Palmon has besides that.

Jinxel's incredulous question gets a nod. "Yeah. They have techniques besides headbuttin'." He gestures to his Palmon as an example, since it's did that Poison Ivy thing a couple times now, and then looks at Veemon as another.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is new this his digimon thing, she knew they existed before this but that's about it. Meanwhile heer Betam,on is already letting lose a burst of elecial energy. "Electric Shock!"

The little critter seems to be going at it even as the assault comes back in turn after them. Betamon isn't quite fast enough by the attack and she goes flying away landing in a heap.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The fireball from strikes the Kuwagamon /hard/. The thing is now set aflame a bit. It's hard to tell if that's actually a status effect, or just cool visual effects. It is then toppled be the Vee Shot, falling hard to the ground. The poison ivy comes in, striking the thing hard. If it was going to get back up, it's unlikely it will now. Finally, the Electric Shock comes in, which finishes off the beast. It dissapears, in what /seems/ to be just a cloud of dissolving data.

Kid-Violet smiles, looking around. "Nice job. That's a random event boss that shows up on this island. A lot of people can solo it, but for a group of newbies to take it out, well. You're doing well."

Alexis has posed:
Alexis is about to object at first, but then remembers that technically she is a newbie as far as Digimon go. Training monsters to fight in general, not so much. So she chuckles a bit as she rubs the back of her head with one hand. "Yeah, well, you get a half decent group together and things can get done."

Veemon does a little victory pose animation, and then goes back to its idly standby.

Jinxel (119) has posed:
"That... that wasn't so bad, I guess..." Jinxel replies with, feeling a bit more comfortable as her Guilmon returns to her side, "It's going to take a little getting used to though." She reaches over and rubs the red dino on the head.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Whew! Jono smiles, patting the Palmon on the head, when the Kuwagamon dissolves. Praise for successful battle! There's a happiness meter, right? Violet's words get a sheepish look. "Eh, they did most of it, I just tried to stay out of its way," he states, looking to the others in turn.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet smiles at them. Yeah, she's pretty good at smiling, even in digital avatar form. "Well, it still takes an amount of strategy to order these Digimon around. I hope you all keep playing, though. Sure, these are just game constructs, but they can be fun to play with. Though, I have heard there are /real/ Digimon... I wish I could meet one, someday."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono blinks. Looks at the obviously lifeless construct following him. Real Digimon? "That's kinna amazing, even in the Multiverse," he comments. "I guess meetin' one would be pretty awesome," he agrees. "I'll keep me eyes open if I see any." Not that, you know, he'd know what to look for. Then again, the game may help with that.

Jinxel (119) has posed:
"Well, if they're as cute as this guy here, I wouldn't mind meeting some as well," Jinxel adds as she rubs her Guilmon's ears, only to jerk her head to one side as she hears something, "Oh dear, sorry, but I gotta go! My cat is into the gaarden again!" She reaches up to lift the non-existant visor from her avatar's head and vanishes from the virtual world.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis has to restrain herself to a shrug of the shoulders, even if she does already know better. She's gotten the hint that most of the worlds don't actually know about 'real' Digimon if they haven't actually seen them for themselves. "Eh, you never know. Multiverse is a strange place. Lotta things you didn't think were real end up being."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel Sees that the fight is over or so it seems and she's pretty chipper.

"Not bad!"

She goes to pet her partner she's not sure if it's aware but hey she's closer to it than the other people playing, right? She seems in a good mood however.

"This sort of thing is interesting oh yes I'm Deelel."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet offer a hand to Deelel, to shake it. "A pleasure to met you, Deelel."

But then, she looks around, with a serious look on her face. It's not really fitting for a child's face.

"One thing, though. If any of you do hear about real Digimon, could you let me know? I just want to make sure that they aren't ending up hurting anything, or being used to senselessly harm others."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods to Violet's request. It seems fair enough. And it's a valid concern, if a real one has the same kinds of abilities. Still sounds like something out of a video game, but...

Oh wait. It is. He's playing it.

"Will do," he replies. And so she'll know him, he offers, "Name's Jono." Which is probably his handle too. Or some variation thereof.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis holds one hand up to her head in a faux salute-wave. "Alexis." Since that didn't get done earlier due to the Kuwagamon interruption. Then reachs down to pat Veemon on his head. "So, is there some sorta save point or such to use before we log out?"

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet smiles at everyone. "Once again, I am quite glad to meet all of you. I hope we shall become friends."

And then, to Alexis, "When you are done, simply say 'Log Out', on its own. We have it so it won't activate if you've been saying other things, though, so say it on its own. It's a convenience thing, you see. Makes talking about it easier."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks over to Jono for a moment "I'm Dynamically Loaded Libray or Deelel if you perfer I'm a program."

She smirks a liuttle but 3wondering about Jono's reaction to her and she looks over to Alexis.

"Good to meet you in the ... binary I guess? I understand and not bad use of voice commands, I have to say."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet smiles, yet again, at everyone.

"Again, it's been a pleasure meeting you all, but I must take off for now. Farewell."

A bit of a pause. She holds a hand up, for style.

"Log Out."

A strange cylinder, of sorts, circles around Violet, as she logs out. It appears to be made of cubes of light.