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WMAT B1 Alicia T. Harlaown vs. Reina Kinney
Date of Scene: 25 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Northern Mountains
Synopsis: The TSAB Mage, Alicia T. Harlaown, faces off against the GUARDIANS Hunter, Reina Kinney in the first round of the WMAT!
Cast of Characters: 4, 176, Reina Kinney

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
Alicia Testarossa Harlaown stands within her starting location, wearing a nice outfit of casual clothes. She waves to the crowds in the floating viewing platforms. She then looks at the small gem in her hand with a grin, "Let's do this Melody!" The Device chimes in acknowledgement.

Alicia's clothes sudden glow with silver magic, lighting up. The Mage does a slow spin, the light growing in size as the clothes she's wearing change form. Finally she stops her spin and with a flash of magic sparkles, her black and silver Barrier Jacket manifests.

Taking a moment to steady herself after the spin, Alicia then throws the small gem into the air above her. It too glows with silver magic as it grows in size, changing shape into a large crystal. A staff of shiny metal extends from one end, golden exhaust ports popping out where it connects to the crystal. A ring of magnificent white appears around the crystal, golden supports locking into place. The staff finally falls back down to Alicia who catches it and spins it a few times before settling it held behind her. The crystal flashes and Sweet Melody chimes, <Ready.>

Reina Kinney has posed:
The red-haired hunter named Reina Kinney is standing in her starting spot as well, wearing her usual attire. She hasn't any weapons equipped just yet, but that will change once the match begins most likely. She waves to the crowd, smirking a little in her unique sarcastic manner. "This is gonna be a lot of fun I'm sure," She says to herself as she does some light stretches to prepare herself for the big fight that's about to begin.

When Reina sees that Alicia is armed with a staff, she decides to make do with the weapon she feels would work best. She snaps her fingers and her sword materializes in her right hand. It's a glowing green color for the blade, and it's clutched securely in her right hand. "All right, this is gonna be a battle for the ages!"

Hastur (176) has posed:
Hastur is currently situated in an anti-gravity observing platform for announcers, hovering above the action with a microphone in front of her and her elbows resting lightly on the desk. She smiles slightly as she looks down at the scene and begins to narrate. "Our two girls seem ready to go already. Alicia manifests her uniform with a flourishing spin and summons her staff, and in turn Reina produces a radiant green sword. An interesting choice; she may have a disadvantage in reach here, but perhaps speed will be helpful to her in this battle. It's only a matter of time until we find out, I suppose. Shortly our combatants will be starting the match, and the excitement will only increase from there!"

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
Alicia gives a friendly smile to Reina in the distance, all the while summing up her opponent, "What do you think, Melody?"
The Device in Alicia's hand chimes, <Based upon a brief analysis of your opponent, there appears to be a 43.5913 chance of success.>
Alicia eyes her Device briefly, "Hey, just who's side are you on?"
Sweet Melody chimes, <Appologies, Master. You are assured to win.>
Alicia grins, "That's more like it!"

Finally the starting horn loudly announces the beginning of the fight and Alicia acts quickly! She turns to the side, bringing her staff up and around to point towards Reina in the distance. Silver magic gathers in the crystal until Alicia says, "Shoot!" The magic bursts off the crystal as several beams of silver light that shoot through the air and weave between the trees as they head towards Reina!

Reina Kinney has posed:
The starting horn doesn't catch Reina off-guard, although it might catch some who aren't paying attention off-guard. But Reina's senses are on high alert, and she's watching her opponent carefully. She returns the friendly smile, acknowledging that it's all in good fun... or something like that.

Reina rushes towards her opponent, watching her carefully, and when Alicia fires a shot at Reina, the red-head thinks quickly. She dodges to the side and then does a rolling technique to add a little flair to things. Getting up from a crouched position, Reina only shakes her head.

"Not bad, but you'll have to be faster than that if you want to get me," Reina comments. With that, her glowing beam of a sword is sent towards Alicia as Reina attempts a poking strike.

Hastur (176) has posed:
"And the fight has begun! Alicia immediately brings her staff up to target Reina from across the field, and her opening attack is a simple array of magical beams that dance through the trees on their way to Reina. Of course, it seems that Reina will not fall victim to dazzlement: the girl dodges and rolls before delivering a straightforward poke of her sword to Alicia." Hastur leans back slightly in her seat, getting comfortable as the fight begins. "It seems we are starting with something rather simple. Warming up and testing the opponents before getting into solid combat."

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
Alicia can't help but approve of Reina's speed in avoiding the magic shots. She grins in response to Reina's words and says, "Perhaps!" Reina charges in, apparently going for a melee attack. While Alicia knows an opponent's moves can be deceiving, she goes with this belief for now. A silver spell circle appears on the ground beneath Alicia and her Device chimes, <Blink.> As Reina's sword comes in for a poke, Alicia vanishes with a flash of silver.

Alicia reappears some distance away after her teleport. However, the spell circle on the ground where she was once standing- Where Reina is now standing- is still there! Alicia smirks and her Device chimes once more, <Detonate.> The ground beneath Reina explodes up in a blast of earth and debris.

Reina Kinney has posed:
As the explosion occurs beneath Reina's feet, she finds herself flying up into the air a bit and then landing on the ground flat on her face... for a few moments anyway. She picks herself up quickly and shakes her head. "That was a pretty impressive technique," Reina says with a slight smirk. "I never expected to have to watch my feet in more ways than one."

Then her eyes narrow a little, albeit with a smirk still there. "But I'm capable of things like that myself. Here, let's heat things up a little, shall we?" With that, Reina points at Alicia and calls out, "FOIE!" This sends forth a small blast of fire aimed right at Alicia.

Hastur (176) has posed:
Hastur pauses briefly as she sees Alicia suddenly vanish. "Oh, my, I may have underestimated how soon we would be seeing more elaborate tactics. Alicia has narrowly avoided Reina's thrust by summoning a spell circle to teleport her. The circle lingered, however, and Reina has suddenly found herself caught in a trap as it explodes beneath her feet! The hunter is at least swift to pick herself up again, and she even gives Alicia a compliment on her tactics before assaulting her with a flame blast from her fingertip. I suppose I could make a comment about the match heating up, but that would be far too expected."

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
"Thanks! I'm looking foward to seeing what you have!" Alicia grins. She then watches... Magic! Alicia had expected this, having done a little research about her opponent. This is the perfect opportunity to test out her new spell in a live combat situation. One that she had designed specifically for the tournament!

Alicia raises her free hand towards the incoming blast of fire. A spell circle appears just beyond her palm and Sweet Melody chimes, <Mirror Shield.> The blast of fire strikes the shield, lingers for a few moments, then suddenly flies back in Reina's direction... Though not as powerful as it had been.

However, if someone were to look closely, they'd see that the glove on Alicia's hand is singed slightly... Perhaps the spell still needs some work.

Reina Kinney has posed:
"Uh-oh," Reina comments with an eyebrow raised. "Seems the favor's being returned to me," She comments, obviously with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Well, I'll just grin and bear it!" She watches as the flames come at her, and then her shields pop up... well, in a sense. You can't see them, but they are there because they keep Reina from falling over or getting burned. Of course, her shields aren't indestructible either, but they do provide support once in awhile.

"That was pretty clever actually," Reina comments to Alicia as she comes at her again. "But how about THIS?" She leaps into the air and does a quick somersault before attempting to bring down her sword at Alicia.

Hastur (176) has posed:
"More special tricks come from Alicia as she manifests a reflective shield just in front of her hand. Reina's attack is sent directly back to her, though it appears to have been weakened somewhat by the spell. Either way, Reina seems to...simply accept the attack!" Hastur tilts her head to the side slightly in confusion. "How strange; she must have some sort of defensive ability we aren't seeing right now. Still, the hunter leaps into action once more, quite literally: up into the air she rises, attempting to bring her sword down upon Alicia with a flourishing strike!"

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
A successful test, in Alicia's opinion, even if the spell wasn't perfect... And the counterattack didn't seem to do much damage. Oh well! Alicia doesn't teleport away this time, instead simply trying to jump to the side to dodge. Unfortunately she's not fast enough, Reina's blade running across Alicia's Barrier Jacket with a clash of energy-on-magic sparks. When Alicia stops again, there is a clear cut in her Barrier Jacket. A streak of red is visible too.

No time for mid-battle banter this time, the close quarters force Alicia to act quickly. She swings her staff around rather quickly, attempting to whack Reina.

Reina Kinney has posed:

Definitely a whack heard round the arena. Reina is whacked by the staff and is sent spinning to the ground. She lies on her side, rubbing the side of her jaw while moaning a little at the sudden impact there that got her good. "Damn it," She mutters as she gets back up. "I hope I don't need dental surgery after that one. I hate dentists!" But when she looks at Alicia again, she's smirking.

"Got me good there, I'll definitely give you that. But I'm just getting warmed up!" She steps towards Alicia and attempts to deliver a feint in hopes of catching her off guard with another thrust.

Hastur (176) has posed:
"Alicia goes for a more conventional dodge this time and pays the price for it. Reina's blade makes an impact, but that will undoubtedly be only the first of many wounds made in this battle. Thankfully for Alicia, her response is quick in these close quarters as she tries to simply beat Reina about with her staff." Hastur gives a little wince at the hit. "Ooh, it's quite the powerful impact, as well; Reina is knocked to the ground, giving Alicia an opportunity to open the distance again if she so chooses. Reina is not down for long, however, as she rises and delivers - ah, a feint to hide the second thrust!"

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
The feint doesn't work, atleast not completely. Alicia manages to bring her staff around at the last moment to partially block the blade, removing some of the strength behind it and lowering the resulting damage to her shoulder. Alicia winces a little at the pain as she holds the block, Sweet Melody chiming, <Repulse.>

A blast of gravity centred on Alicia blasts outward in all directions. It'll catch Reina, sending her flying backwards and away from Alicia. However the gravity blast itself won't do much damage, especially for some like Reina who appears to be quite agile whether on her feet or in the air. However, Alicia doesn't give Reina the chance to recover after landing.

Alicia aims her staff towards Reina, Sweet Melody chiming, <Crushing Beat.> Several bursts of gravity appear at Reina's current location, pulsing inwards as they attempt to crush the Hunter. They won't last long, but they'll certainly hurt! Thankfully though, Alicia's attacks are non-lethal in nature.

Reina Kinney has posed:
Being caught in the gravity blast really hurts when you're propelled into the air again, and you don't have time to try to roll. Reina lands hard on her leg and yells out something in Gurhalian (most likely something unsuitable for younger ears, which was why she said it in that language.) She grits her teeth through the pain as she gets up and shakes her leg out a little.

"All right, I'm done warming up. Now we play for real this time!" Reina takes a running dash at Alicia, and then attempts to bypass her with a horizontal slash.

Hastur (176) has posed:
Hastur leans forward in her seat again, elbows on the desk and fingers interlaced as she comments on the match. "Ah, it's not quite an effective feint. Alicia is aware enough to catch the next strike and parry it somewhat with her staff, drawing lessened damage across her shoulder. Her response is quick, as she repells Reina away from her with magic and immediately follows up with what appears to be a gravity well to crush Reina after her flight! Ooh, that looks to be an unpleasant impact, but at least our fair hunter is back on her feet. Her response is to rush /past/ Alicia, delivering a slash to her side in passing. It seems we have a battle between physicality and magic today. Always a fascinating conflict."

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
Alicia readies herself as Reina charges forward, and then attempts to spin to the side to both avoid the attack and follow up with her own to Reina's back. Sadly she's not fast enough, the tip of Reina's blade slicing through her Barrier Jacket and somewhat deepling into her stomach. Had it not been for the defensive magics of her Barrier Jacket, Alicia would be in a very bad state. As it is, it was a pretty serious blow!

Alicia stumbles back from the cut, unable to follow through with her plan. She falls back onto the ground, the pain on her face. But with a grim smirk, she says in response, "Alright." Time to step this fight up.

<Blink.> Alicia vanishes with a flash of magic. She reappears some distance away and in the air. She lands on a magic platform which suddenly appears beneath her feet. She's some distance up, though still beneath the tall tree tops. She levels her staff in Reina's direction. Three silver spell circles appear in front of the staff's crystal, each progressively smaller than the last. Silver magic begins to gather within the crystal, which grows brighter and brighter as each moment passes. Finally Sweet Melody chimes, <Narrow Expanse.>

The magic blasts from the staff, immediately hitting the first spell circle which compresses it. The smaller stream hits the second, where the same happens. It finally leaves the third as a tightly concentrated beam of silver light that streaks towards Reina. Designed to pierce magical barriers as it is, Alicia hopes it'll get through what defenses Reina appears to have.

Reina Kinney has posed:
Breaking through the shields and getting to Reina directly is an interesting trick on Alicia's part. She staggers back a little and finds herself doubled over in pain as she attempts to catch her breath. "That was a great trick, she'll have to teach it to me sometime!" Reina mutters under her breath.

Once she's regained her breath and her composure, Reina looks to Alicia. "You're pretty good, it seems like this battle could go either way. But what say we lighten things up a little?" She points at Alicia and yells out, "ZONDE!" WIth that, a surge of lightning shoots from Reina at Alicia.

Hastur (176) has posed:
"Alas, Alicia is simply not quite fast enough to avoid the attack. Reina's blade makes a clear mark across her stomach in a blow that would likely be much more severe were it not for the girl's defenses. As it stands, Alicia is at least able to teleport away once more, this time elevated above Reina, where she sends off a highly concentrated beam of magic! No doubt meant for piercing; it seems to get through whatever barriers Reina has set up, causing quite a bit of damage to the hunter, or at least pain. It's a moment before she can regain her composure, in fact, but when she does she immediately retaliates with a bolt of lightning!"

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
It's only logical. Being on her perch up high, Alicia expected that Reina would return to using her magic for a ranged attack. Anticipating it as she was, Alicia raises her hand. Another spell circle appears like the first time, but this time it's just a simple Round Shield. The lightning strikes the barrier, coursing over it. Some seeps through to Alicia, who shudders a bit at the strange sensation, but it's not exactly all that harmful.

Lowering her hand again, Alicia takes a few steps back, before dashing forward and jumping off her floating platform in Reina's direction. As she does so, Sweet Melody chimes, <Storm Mode.> The staff's shaft extends out further and its ring vanishes, larger armored coverings replacing it and mostly covering the crystal. Three large exhaust ports sliding out of them. Finally, a large ornate blade of silver energy flickes into place out of the weapon's head, turning it into a poleaxe.

Alicia shifts her Device up over her head as she falls towards Reina, Sweet Melody chiming once more, <Mass Effect.> Alicia swings the poleaxe down towards the Hunter. At the last moment before striking the energy blade glows even brighter.

Whether it's Reina she hits or the ground, Alicia's strike creates a large crater in the ground a metre deep and several across.

Reina Kinney has posed:
It's more of the ground that gets hit, since Reina leaps backwards as the attack comes at her. She's grazed barely, but she knows it could've been a lot worse if she'd not moved a few seconds beforehand. "Too close," Reina says, wiping her brow.

Then it's back to Alicia as Reina raises her sword again. "This fight can't go on forever, one of us must fall. So let's finish what we've started, shall we?" She attempts to deliver a horizontal spinning slash this time.

Hastur (176) has posed:
"Lightning strikes the barrier Alicia forms to block Reina's attack, and for the most part it seems to be effective. Will Reina choose to change tactics soon, then? That is what I would do, at least; it seems Alicia has far fewer methods to mitigate the damage from melee than she does from magic." Hastur shrugs in her seat, then peers down at the combatants again. "Ah, in any case, it seems Alicia has changed her staff into a more melee-oriented weapon. A sort of polearm, by the looks of it, and it seems /she/ is now the one moving in for melee, dropping down on Reina from above with a vicious-looking blade! Reina is alert, however, and evades with a backwards leap, meaning that the ground is the one to suffer the crater-making impact of Alicia's landing. Before Alicia can recover, Reina moves in for another horizontal slash, going for efficiency over flare."

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
Alicia is still on one knee after her large blow to the ground. But she manages to bring her poleaxe up to one side fast enough to block some of the impact from Reina's slash. With their weapons briefly locked once more, Alicia grins at Reina, "I never intended anything else. And I'm having too much fun to stop now!" Alicia rises up, using her position to push Reina back away from her and give her a bit of breathing room.

Standing once more, Alicia shifts her poleaxe up and spins it above her head. The blade begins to glow brighter with silver magic once more, leaving behind a trail of light as it is spun. Finally Alicia brings the weapon down in a diagonal slash, Sweet Melody chiming at the same moment, <Crescent Rise.>

Magic launches off the blade as a crescent of energy that streaks towards Reina to cut into her.

Reina Kinney has posed:
Cut it out! Or at least that's what Alicia wants to do it seems, since that energy slashes into Reina like a real blade, knocking her down. And even though her clothing is somewhat red, it's definitely become redder now. Reina struggles to get up, finding herself in more pain than she thought she was in originally. She grits her teeth and forces herself up, trying to catch her breath. She leans on one knee, trying to keep from collapsing again. She looks up at Alicia and narrows her eyes.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but when my adrenaline gets too high, I have to release it. Unfortunately, this could hurt quite a bit... for YOU!" With that, a strange circular symbol appears in front of Reina's extended right hand, and then a blast of energy flies directly at Alicia. It may look like lightning, but it's more than just that!

Hastur (176) has posed:
"Oh, Alicia manages to get back up enough to block some of Reina's attack, locking their weapons together briefly even as Reina's blade digs into her! Ah, but that lock is temporary as Alicia pushes Reina away and immediately follows up with another attack. This one comes with quite some flourish, as Alicia spins her weapon above her head and has it begin to glow until she delivers a diagonal slash that sends off a burst of magic toward Reina! The hunter doesn't seem to be able to dodge it in time, but the impact is suffered and she rises from it once more. And it seems...this time she's offering another ranged attack, though...that is not lightning, is it? Something much more powerful appears to be flying toward Alicia now!"

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
Alicia winces a little in sympathy as her attack slices into Reina. It's a good thing that she knows her magic can't seriously injure Reina, otherwise Alicia wouldn't really have the stomach to attack someone in the name of fun and/or competition!

As the ranged attack heads towards her, Alicia resorts to using her stand method of blocking. She raises her hand, producing yet another Round Shield. However, this time the Round Shield only manages to absorb part of the damage of the attack. Once it reaches its limit, the barrier shatters into light and the rest of the attack strikes Alicia dead on. She goes flying back a bit, hitting the ground in a roll.

Groaning quietly, Alicia picks herself and send a smile in Reina's direction, "Nice!" She gets to her feet once more, shifting her polearm over her back in preparation of her next attack. She doesn't launch it immediately, instead saying, "I prepared this specifically for the tournament. You'll be the first person to see it!"

Bits of leaves and ground slowly float up off the ground as Alicia gathers the mana for her attack. Sweet Melody then chimes, <Mirror-> Alicia vanishes with the telltale sign of a teleport. But instead of one Alicia reappearing, four do, surrounding Reina on all four sides. The four Alicias swing their poleaxes around, slashing towards Reina together. At that moment, the four Devices chime in unison, <-Strike!>

After the four Alicias finish their attack, they all vanish and just the one reappears on the other side of Reina, some distance away.

Reina Kinney has posed:
One Alicia is enough, but FOUR? Now Reina's really seeing more than double. Unfortunately, it's not just sight that she should be worried about. The four clones (or whatever) come at her and strike her... hard. She's down on the ground, bleeding even more than she was before. But one thing you learn in GUARDIANS is that you never give up until you know all of your options have been used up. And Reina, weak as she may be, still has a little fight left within her.

"That was a clever trick," Reina says weakly as she stands up, steadying herself as best as she can. "But I'm getting a bit overheated," She adds, her sarcasm still showing notably. "Why don't we cool things off a bit?" She points at Alicia, and this time a frosty cold blast shoots at Alicia as Reina calls out "BARTA!"

Hastur (176) has posed:
Hastur gives a brief wince as she sees Alicia's barrier shatter. "Alicia decides to try and block the attack, but Reina's assault proves too powerful; within a few moments, the barrier outright shatters and the attack sends Alicia flying! She manages to pick herself up, however, and...oh, what's this? She has a technique she's prepared specifically for the tournament! She vanishes, and...oh, my, four Alicias appear surrounding Reina next, immediately swinging their poleaxes upon her in unison! That is quite the painful attack, as it seems Reina has been downed...ah, but she is not completely out yet. The hunter still stands, determined as ever, and follows through with a burst of ice directed at Alicia. It seems Reina is starting to look weakened, however. Will this be enough to turn the match in her favor?"

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
Alicia tries to jump to the side to avoid the blast of cold. Part of it still catches her leg, quickly freezing it up. As she lands again, Alicia loses her footing due to the numbness in her leg and she drops down to one knee. Breathing a little heavily, the match is starting to take its toll, as are the injuries. This becomes more obvious as Sweet Melody chimes, <Device Mode.> The Device transform back to staff form, Alicia apparently not willing to keep up with melee attacks.

Silver magic gathers within the staff's crystal. From her position on one knee, Alicia swings the staff around in Reina's direction. Sweet Melody chimes, <Wave Shift.> The magic flows off the crystal, forming a wave of gravity that barrels towards Reina. Unlike Alicia's previous Repulse spell, this one is stronger and more focused. The initial impact will likely batter Reina hard, but it has the added side-effect of launching the Hunter backwards towards the tree behind her.

Reina Kinney has posed:
Weak enough as she is, there's no way Reina would survive an attack like that... but with the tree added in?

Reina stands up and attempts to move, but it's no use, her shields are down and her stamina is too. She grits her teeth as the spell gets closer and batters her, sending her backwards. It doesn't hurt that bad at first, but Reina's head is twisted, and she does a double-take as she realizes where she's heading.

Watch out for that-- *WHAM* (oooh!) tree!

Reina crashes into the tree and drops to the ground in a semi-seated position. She makes one last effort to get up, looking at Alicia and giving her a slight thumbs up, before her eyes roll upwards and she closes them, slumping into a semi-fetal position.

Hastur (176) has posed:
"Alicia's leg is frozen, forcing her down to one knee! This may just be the opportunity Reina needs - oh, but Alicia is acting quickly! Once more her weapon changes back to a staff, and a focused rush of gravity is sent toward Reina! The hunter is sent flying, right into-" Hastur abruptly winces at that. "...ooh, right into a tree. It looks like Reina is having trouble getting up now...yes, it seems Alicia has won this match! Congratulations, Harlaown, and...I suppose we should send a medical team in there to ensure their safety, shouldn't we?"

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
From her position, Alicia watches her attack strike Reina. She winces in sympathy once more as the Hunter strikes the tree behind her... Ouch. As Reina collapses from her injuries and it becomes an win for Alicia, she relaxes, dropping to both knees now. Taking a few moments to catch her breath, Alicia crawls over and plops down to sit next to Reina. She puts a hand on Reina's back, patting her. Alicia knows Reina will be alright, as she can't really kill someone accidentally. Still, Alicia waits for the medical team to come. As she does, she says to the unconscious Hunter, "Thanks for the match. It was fun."