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WMAT B1 Jinx vs. Allan Bodily
Date of Scene: 25 June 2014
Location: Papaya Island - Stadium
Synopsis: WMAT first round Bracket B action between Allan Bodily and Jinx of Zaun. SO MUCH BLOOD!
Cast of Characters: 22, 39, 123, 353

Jinx (39) has posed:
The stadium is packed, the crowds filled to brimming and standing room only tonight. Despite the fact most of the tournament is Safe and Sane, tonight the people have been promised Ultra Violence. They've been promised the best of the best. They've been promised BLOOD. Lots of blood. All over.

And two people are going to deliver it for them. One of them is hopping her way up onto the nice white shiny arena right now, braids swaying, eyes wide and gleaming as she waves happily to the screaming crowd. Jinx, the Loose Cannon is here. It's a rare chance for some of her fans back home in Valoran to see her live and in person rather than just on the Summoner's Rift, after all. Though, there's a tinge of excitement in the young murderer now, as she scans the crowd.

Watch me now, Vi and Cait. Watch me work.

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:

A tournament like the WMAT attracts all sorts. Auper heroes, magical girls, martial artists, knights and soldiers of all sorts. so you can imagine the crowds confusion when what appears to be a repairman with a shotgun strapped to his back calmly makes his way into the area. He doesn't do much special, a slow look over the crowed as he pulls the shotgun off his back, and tucks it under one arm before his eyes settle on Jinx.

"Consider this a friendly warning: Ignore what the WMAT told you, do your worst, fight will full intent to kill me. I'll outlast anything less." His voice is calm, even. No bravado, no joking. he sounds deathly serious. That should get the crowd curious.

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer is sitting eight rows up in the stands, doing the call over a personal radio, her voice managing to echo throughout the stadium as she calls commentary into it. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the latest and greatest match of the WMAT, held here within the tournament stadium proper. This is Laer Azati broadcasting, and I hope you've all worn clothing you don't mind getting a little bloodstained, because I'm not entirely certain if our entrants today have actually read the standard rules and regulations or not. On one side, with all the luck and a great many weapons, Jinx! And on the other, a man thought by many to be practically impossible to kill, Allan Bodily! Join us here in the Stadium, or listen to the action live on WMAT8/900.8. Warning, the first seven rows may get shot!"

Jinx (39) has posed:
If there was anything else Allan could have said to Jinx, anything ever at all in the history of things to say, that would be right up there at the top of things. Jinx's eyes go very wide indeed, something gooey entering her expression as she bites her lip.
She purrrs... trying to come back to this plane of reality, and calls out. "Hoo ho ha aha aaaa... Oh, Allan, nothing could make me happier than that."

A look at the rest of the stadium, and Jinx calls out. "Hold on! I'm about to say something really cool!" She thinks, those eyes dilating again... "Wait no. That other thing."

And with that, she plants her feet, sucks in a deep breath, and levels Pow-Pow at Allan, firing directly for center of mass. "Everybody, panic!"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
The man is right. If you don't strike at Allan with the intent to kill him, then you can't hope to dent the man. After being the one who initially did the medical testing on the man, a certain Confederate nurse knows this far better than other. Then again... Jinx might just be the one who can slow the man down enough to secure a win. The young lady is certainly enthusiastic. But she might be the only one who is in need of medical help afterwards, as Medusa hasn't heard anything about her having the same regenerative skills that mister Bodily does.
The witch is watching the match with her medical outfit on, white coat easy to spot along with her medical backpack next to her. This fight is bound to be violent, after all!
And Jinx doesn't disappoint as she starts the fight, earning a soft smile from Medusa as she leans forward, resting her head in one hand, serpentine eyes watching intently.

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
What happens is... ew.

Blood, blood everywhere, a steady spray of the red stuff flys out from behind Allan as the bullits find their mark, he doesn't even bother dodging, his boddy wobbles head rolling back as he starts to fall forward...

He then suddenly stops. With a grunt of pain and spitting out more blood Allan's standing again! Either that somehow didn't kill him, or it did and he somehow came back. Creepy.

Allan tightens his grip on his shotgun as he takes aim at Jinx, and quickly pulls the trigger. "You took that seriously, good. Let's give this people a show."

Jinx (39) has posed:
Oh my goodness. Jinx lands a critical, there's blood everywhere and then Allen is right back up and shooting. There's a grin in her face, and the girl doesn't even bother to dodge that all that much, buckshot peppering her thoroughly, leaving welts and shit but not fully penetrating just yet. Darn you hextech.
The impact though does rock her a bit, Pow Pow firing wildly into the audience for a second or two before she centers herself again, bouncing merrily on the balls of her feet. "AH! AHAHA! OH MY GOODNESS. SEE? I'M GONNA EARN THIS 'M' RATING!"
Those eyes shift a bit, and Jinx starts moving in again, dashing and trying to circle round Allan as she moves to attempt to flank. MORE BULLETS!

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer is here as a completely impartial commentator, of course, but she's also cheating with her sonic magic to not only broadcast on the radio but to make every person in the stadium hear her as though she were in their ear, screaming. "And we have quite the opening sequence, as no punches get pulled! Nor thrown, because both of them have gone straight to the guns; it'd be something of a duel if not for Allan's near-death right away. Loser will have to mop the arena! He gets back up, of course, and the first rounds have been exchanged here within the stadium!" She'll reach a foot down, shoving a man who had been walking in front of her to get refreshments over a railing, then resume broadcasting.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Hmmm, interesting.
The blood spray doesn't visibly bother the nurse, then again... medical personnel see all sorts of things. Not to mention some people are used to causing it as well. The fight has started well. So she starts clapping in approval. Now this is a fight!

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Once again, there's blood everywhere as Allan ends up tanking another spray of bullets. Unfortunatly for jinx, the regen starts to kick in, already some of the bullet wounds are starting to close themselves back up, and while there's still the occasional yelp or grunt of pain from Allan, he's not going down again.

In fact, he starts to move, slowly, steady, PAINFULLY, Allan starts to push his way through the hail of bullets towards the source, Taking aim and firing off another blast from his shotgun at Jinx as he moves.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx is laughing, laughing so hard right now as she keeps right on shooting Allan, watching the regen happen, the bullets land, the blood spray. This is amazing, this is wonderful. "You're my new FAVORITE waste of BULLETS!"

But as that shotgun comes back up again, Jinx cackles happily, an-
And with a *crack* *pop* of displacing air and a magical explosion of light, Jinx is on the other side of Allan, eyes wide and happy. And it's not Pow Pow that's out. Fishbones makes his first appearance of the match, as Jinx lays down a blistering barrage of rocket fire, peppering the Test Subject with weapons fire. "THIS IS SO FUN!"

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer will continue, mild disapproval in her voice. "And the initial exchange, having stricken true, seems to have thrown off the aim of the mad duo! Jinx's second volley is healed up relatively quickly, and I do not know that Allan's has found purchase at all. There are those in the crowd now looking for human shields to protect themselves from the carnage!" This last detail appears to be unsupported by facts for the moment, though perhaps a crowd member or two takes it as a suggestion.

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Allan blinks as Jinx ups and vanishes on him. "Eh?" fortunatly he's not confused for wrong as a rocket manages to blast a fairly large hole in his torso. and an explosion from a second burns off the side of his face.

They did put disclaim before they started broadcasting this, right?

with a roar of pain Allan suddenly spins about, his remaining eye focusing on Jinx, as he once again fires off his shotgun. "Hold still a sec, Diplomacy wants a word with ya."

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "Oh, oh! That appears to be a rocket. Things have really escalated here, as Jinx manages an above-average teleportation move to dodge and strike with that rocket, but it's still not enough to bring down the grotesquely regeneration Allan for good, as he locates her via the rocket to resume his own gunfire."

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx's body twists in place as she tries to dodge the shot, taking a blistering of 00 across her back and knocking her a good few feet back along the staining arena tiles, a slick hazard in and of itself now.
No cries of pain though, as Jinx is breathing awfully heavy. In The Zone. "OH! You name your guns too! This is Fishbones! Say hello Fishbones!" She's miming a little bit, as she puts distance between herself and Allan. A deeper voice. "Jinx you really shouldn't be doing this in the middle of a fight you know."
Angry, regular Jinx voice. "WHO ASKED YOU, NERD?"

And with that she draws her zappy pistol, and lays down an tag at the Regen Master to try and slow him down.

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Allan blinks as fishbones 'talks' "What the..." and then he takes a lightening bolt to the noggin, right between the eyes! The leader of the Red Union twitches a few times, eyes rolling back into his head as the electricty cources through him. Before his suddenly snaps back to attention. "I'm suddenly ok with this. Hi fishbones." He aims at Jinx again and opens fire. "Sorry, fishbones."

Jinx (39) has posed:
"Don't talk to me, it only encourages her."

Jink shoves Fishblones back along her back and runs, ducking under the brunt of the shotgun blast as she skids to a stop, plants her feet again, and opens fire. "COME ON, ALLAN! IT'S GUN /PLAY/. LAUGH ALREADY! LET'S HAVE SOME FUCKING FUN!"

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "And there appear to be three competitors now; it's two versus one, with the two both seeming to share Jinx's body! That's no particular advantage to her, though, as another wave of attacks go back and forth between the two, shotgun and electricity flying!"

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
More bullits, more blood, Allan's going to be useable as a pencil at the rate this is going! "Fun?" There's the distict ka-click as the shotgun reloads, and allan spits out a bit mroe blood. "Neal's the guy you'd want for that. I'm here to make a point." He takes aim again this time aiming for Jinx's leg. "Hit harder! I want these people aware of just how bad a beating I can came back from!"

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx laughs as Allan stays so goddamn serious, the laughter taking a darker tone. "WHAT? This isn't funny? COME ON! ALL THIS BLOOD? IT'S HILARIOUS!"
The blast to one of her skinny legs isn't quite so funny though, as Jinx lets out a yelp and whine of pain, crumpling to the ground and scrabbling to yank something from her bangle/bag/whatever. It's a red vial which she smashes into her thigh, the viscous liquid at least patching over the heavy wound that just opened.

She staggers to her feet, sways... but the swaying hides a shift, as Fishbones vanishes from her back and is replaced with a heavy Terran-issue Flamebat flamethrower. It's been tricked out in garish orange and green neon. Ick.

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "Oh, and the game has changed, as Jinx has her legs taken from underneith her with a mighty blow from Allan's gun. But it's mere moments before she's back on her feet; evidently she's decided to fight regeneration with fire. Will it be effective?"

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:

There's a roar of pain as Allan lights up, and the results are... EWW! Bits are burning and falling off, only to regenerate so they can burn and fall off again That really can't be plesant to go through. It's definatly not plesant to watch. Hope they gave out barf bags for this fight!

With a mad yell, Allan charges at Jinx, heading rolling back before he snaps it forward in a mighty headbut, before following through with a punch from his still burning fist.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx rolls into the attack, letting Allan tackle her down to the bloody arena floor, braids flailing into the ick and gore and ichor. She cackles happily though, neatly kicking Allan over to the side of her as she rolls away unevenly on Pow-Pow and Hotfoot.
When she gets up, she is covered in blood, a hand lifting to wipe it out of her eyes. "FAVORITE~ WASTE~ OF~ BULLETS~" The Loose Cannon cackles happily and stomps her foot against the messy arena, a hand flashing out to toss grenades with bitey bits on them. Hopefully they will grab and distract Allan long enough for another barrage of bullets.

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "Oh, and I do not believe I'm legally allowed to describe what is happening to Allan now! But in spite of the smell of grilling coming from him, he's still on his feet and charging and... I think that was a miss. I'm having difficulty telling just who is bleeding in what quantities now, but they seem to both be still up and about for the moment!"

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Getting rolled across the floor fortunatly puts most of the fire on Allan out, Staggering to his feet, Allen looks... bad. Really bad. NSFW no way in he'll we're trying to describe that bad. turning to stare at Jinx with what's left of his face as the bullits once again start to chw through him. Allan slides his grip down diplomacy, holding the barrel end of the gun and swinging it like a bat to try and knock one of the grenades back at Jinx, right before the others explode on him. Ow.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Allan's swat to her face gets her head to snap back, and her stance to stagger again for a long moment or two. If she's bleeding from that, who can tell, really. Certainly not anyone present at this point.
The blood caked girl centers herself again though, and she lets out a happy, shuddering breath. "This is the BEST! OH MAN I hope all these fights are like this!" Bright white teeth show through that bloody grin, and Jinx CACKLES as Pow-Pow comes out again, the minigun somehow firing faster than ever before. It is tied to her, or something? Maybe.

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "And there are a number of grenades going back and forth, rather brutally exploding on Allan! Small children are crying in the stands, the very sight sickening the men and women who have come to see this! A veritable flood of blood begins to flood the arena, and yet both of the competitors are still going, determined to be the last one standing!"

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Allan... just god damnit how much blood does this guy have?! bullits keep hitting, that stuff keeps spraying, there doesn't seem to be any end to it! "I feel sorry for the next guy." Adjusting his grip on diplomacy, which is honestly going ot need a good cleaning after this, Allan actually spits into his hand, and then throws a handfull of blood in Jinx's face, using it as a distraction as he shoots diplomacy at her gut.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx... Jinx just cackles and leans into the blood, crashing forward with as heavy a shoulder tackle as she can pull off. Red eyes caked with red blood and red thoughts run through the crazy girl's twisted little mind. First though. "I KNOW RIGHT I HOPE THEY CAN CLEAN THIS SHIT UP."
Then she follows up the Tackle with a shoving kick with her foot, trying to push off and into another blast from Hotfoot, the flamethrower howling and fooooshing and scorching blood off the floor.


Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
There's some good news, and some bad news.

The good news is everything goes off without a hitch, the tackle, tthe kick, the flamethrower, Allan disappears in a wave of flames. Everything according to the plan. There's a yell of pain form Allan.

TUnfortunatly, and here's the bad news, Allan's not down yet, in fact, as soon as the flames die down, he's right in front of Jinx, regen working overtime to keep what's left of him standing. "Hi there." qucikly he goes to slam the business end of diplomacy into Jinx's gut, pushing hard enough to possibly force her back a couple steps. He's practically trying to put the gun THROUGH her! Then he goes and pulls the triggers. Here's hoping Jinx built some defense this game!

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "And the flames resume, consuming and licking at Allan, blood burning on the ground! They are not helping at all, whatever Jinx might claim! This is not going to be sanitary working conditions for whoever is next to use this stadium, as the blood levels begin to rise and the competitors begin to swim!"

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx's eyes go wide thorough the fire and flames, but-

It's clear she was not expecting what happens next. The gun goes off and Jinx goes skidding back across the messy, dirt field of battle, a chunk of her missing now. It's definately her blood now as she staggers and rolls to her back, frantically slapping another health potion over the wound to keep herself from bleeding out.

Is that fear in her glassy eyes? She's moaning a bit as she rolls up to her feet and knees in a crouch... But then Fishbones reappears in her grasp, Hotfoot vanishing back into her storage. Jinx eyes up Allan from across the battlefield, lifts the Rocket launcher and mewls. "Catch."

What emerges is not a rocket. That's too simple a term. It's a piece of exquisite death machinery, flying at incredible speed, aiming to blast Allan back into the stands.

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Allan, watching the rocket close in, only aw one thing to say. "Awwww fu-"*KABOOOOM!!*

There's a massive explosion as the rocket-on-steroids goes off, followedby a second, smaller explosion as allan makes a nice allian-shaped crater in one of the walls around the arena. "...ck." suprisingly, even this hasn't stopped Allan, though he looks...

Yeah, you know what? we're not gonna describe that, god knows this scene is pushing several boundries as it is.

Peeling himself out of the Allan-shaped wlll, Allan wordlessly takes aim with his shotgun, and fires what will likely be the last shot he manages to elt out this fight.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx is already closing the distance though, as Allan blasts her again with that shotgun, not about to let this opportunity go by. Not in a million years. Not in this life time anyways. Ignoring the fact that she's sliding her right foot on the arena slightly or the fact she's slippy sliding half the time, she yanks out that stunpistol again for a ZAP! Followed up by MORE GRENADES! Followed up by MORE ROCKETS! MORE! MORE MORE "MORE MORE MORE YES YES YES YES!"

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
allan coughs, Regen has been running on overdrive for quite awhile now and it can't quite keep up with the workload right now. allan doesn't even give much of a reaction as Jinx closes in. "..." There's a massive series of explosion, a cloud of dust, and when it finally setttles...

There's a heap of what may or may not be Allan on the floor, it's not moving.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx bends over, coughing up her own blood, before she finagles with her bangle again, pulling out another pair of potions. She pours both on Allan. "Nope nope nope, get up! GET UP! No sleeping on the job!"

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "Oh, and the action's fast and furious now, more and more blows going back and forth, and... is that it, or does he have one last shot in him?... No, I guess that's it. Jinx wins!" Switching to a broader broadcast, "Ladies and gentlemen, Jinx has just triumphed over Allan Bodily in the most bloody match imaginable, quite the display of gunplay and resilience on each side! Stepping out of my role as commentator, I would like to remark as a Confederate officer how very proud I am of both of them. Now get back to work! This is Laer Azati, signing off."

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
The... thing twitches a few times as the potions are poured on it, before it suddenly moves, twisting and beading about to show a heavily wrecked Allan sitting up. "Welp." and his voice sounds... in a bad way. "Hopefully that's made people interested in the Red Union... well, you know, after all the mental scars heal. Congrats."

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx laughs, and sits down next to Allan, leans up against the wall of the stadium, and promptly passes the hell out.