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WMAT B1 Staren vs. Vendetta
Date of Scene: 24 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Spinach Wastes
Synopsis: It's Robo-cat vs Robo-dog in this first-round WMAT B-bracket match!
Cast of Characters: Staren, 193, 368, 385, 411, 470
Tinyplot: WMAT 2014

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
As advertised, it's a nice sunny day in the Spinach Wastes, hardly any clouds in the sky ... you wouldn't think it's about to be a battlefield, unless you're following the tournament. (Or you just look at the stands and whatnot and realize it's not just a random field ...)

Yuna is currently floating next to one of the camera hovercars in her Flight Form armor, holding a microphone ready. "Looks like our competitors are approaching the starting positions right now!" says Yuna, her voice resounding from speakers (as well as being transmitted on the announcer channel). "There's Staren, and that must be Vendetta ... both of them look ready to rumble, so fasten your seatbelts, sit back with whatever munchies or drinks you're enjoying, and hang onto your hats!"

Staren has posed:
LAST WEEK - Staren's Lab

Staren stands over the android body on his workbench. His silvery wristbands extrude tools on slender little arms that work here and there, attaching and detaching components.

Staren prefers to fight as a robot in the WMAT so he can use as much power as possible. But that means that in turn, he expects plenty to be used /against/ him. And that means if he loses a fight, this body will be /trashed/ -- it sure was at the end of his stint in the last WMAT! And though he has the facilities to rebuild it... materials are expensive, and repairing Wiretech and Wakeman tech is a lot of work. So he's going to try an experiment: Take out all the experimental stuff he doesn't need. And, he thinks, as he looks over at another table on which a set of 'Blue 'Borg' armor is laid out, perhaps he can include a few new surprises.

NOW - Spinach Wastes

Staren stands at a table with one of the clerks, signing wavers to allow lethal force and to confirm that yes, he doesn't need a New-U station. "Finally." He mutters as he hands the forms over and walks towards the field.

Staren currently has the appearance of, well, himself, but in some unusual armor. The truth is that he's transferred his consciousness into a robotic body, but it's covered in synthskin from the neck up to look just like he normally does. From the neck down... He's wearing the famous Triax BLUE armor (ironically painted red) with its distinctive round pauldrons with little round indentations in them, though without the built-in weapons it's usually paired with. There's also a tail covered in segmented metal.

BLUE Cyborg Reference - rifts_borg_blue.jpg
BLUE Cyborg picture - EQKUO.jpg

In addition, his trusty magic messenger bag is slung over his left shoulder to hang at his right side, in an armored carrying case that's strapped in place so it won't bounce around when he's fighting. His signature laser pistol and beam saber are also holstered at his hip, and what looks like some kind of assault rifle with scope and underbarrel grenade launcher is slung over his back. One of his hands holds an armored helmet.

Staren smiles and waves to Yuna as he approaches the field, then waves to the audience, and the cameras. Vendetta gets a respectful nod as he takes up his position and stands waiting in the grass.

In the stands, a greying-haired cat-eared man in clothes similar to Staren's sits with a similar-aged human woman whose fashion sense seems to be stuck in the 80's. They wave back, and also possibly wave over Twilight if she's here.

Vendetta (193) has posed:
After Staren's entrance, things go quiet before the speakers in the arena start with just a guitar being played before the tune starts in earnest. ( http://youtu.be/K-8Rd9QBlJI ) Its only once the first words of the song are heard by the audience that Vendetta appears from the entrance without much fanfare. For all the hype and bluster she puts out on the radio, she simply looks -determined- in both her expression and her gait. When Yuna introduces her, there's a flash of a fanged grin, the sudden draw of her favored side arms, safeties off, and putting a certain Ocelot to shame in her motions before the weapons are back in their holsters as smoothly as they were removed. "Come'n get me," she calls, looking like she's unarmed, now. Who knows how many weapons are in that frame?! .. Tesla does. She's not gonna tell though, is she? ... Nah.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"And here they are, folks," Yuna calls out as the competitors arrive. "Staren Wiremu, one of the Union's mad geniuses in residence, and the Confederate biomech known only as Vendetta. Seems like Staren's pretty relaxed so far -"

Yuna waves back, grinning, although the pause is barely noticeable on the radio.

"- waving to folks he recognizes, and even greeting his opponent with a polite little nod ... but you don't win a World Martial Arts Tournament match on good manners; who'll make the first move that counts ... ?"

Subconsciously, she drifts a little higher, a little further back - or maybe making extra-sure she won't block the cameras.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
Twilight Sparkle is here! She's up in the stands with a flag emblazened with Staren's QT-mark when he is a pony, waving it wildly and somehow holding it in her hooves as Equestrian ponies are prone to do. "Woohoo! Go Staren! You can win! I believe in you!" the excited purple pony is proclaiming proudly.

Staren has posed:
(Minor additional desc note: Five small discs have been added to the front and back of Staren's chestplate. What could they do? Hmm...

Staren smiles back at Twilight, then blinks and looks around at the song. "She gets a theme song? Aww man, where's /my/ theme song?" He complains, and then he gets a good look at her. "Ahaha... seriously?" He looks up. "Robo-Cat vs Robo-Dog? Did the organizers do this on purpose? Man, they could have billed our match that way!" He lowers the pitch of his voice. "He's a cat-person. She's a dog-person. Those hyphens are important. Also, they're robots! Are YOU a cat person or a dog person? Either way, come see the CLASH OF THE MACHINES at the WORLD MARTIAL ARTS TOURNAMENT!" He shrugs and returns to his normal tone. "Ah well, we're here now!" he turns back to Vendetta. "Don't hold back! Give me your best -- I promise I'll do the same!" He unslings the assault rifle. "Let's start things off with a BANG, shall we?" On the word BANG, he fires a grenade at Vendetta and then starts running towards her and to the side before zig-zagging to the other side, trying to provide a difficult target! The grenade has a blast radius of about 10 feet -- she'd better dodge far!

Vendetta (193) has posed:
Problem is she doesn't really... Dodge. "A grenade? Really?" is all she says before it basically explodes just a bit to her side. The smoke clears, there's clear damage, but she has one of the weapons from her back in both her hands. "My turn!" She says far too happily before taking off after the other machine.

Every so often, Vendetta fires a shot, mostly at the ground. It almost seems like she's trying to make Staren dodge in a particular direction, but that all changes when the weapon starts to whine with a building charge of energy, "CATCH!" the resulting bang launches a high-velocity out of the rifle at a breakneck pace. The whine of energy? Magnets. The damn thing is a Railgun?! ... Maybe. It has a lot of different modes! (Thank you Tesla! AHAAHAHAHA)

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna ehehehs faintly, "And Staren's ... grousing about the publicity from the WMAT organizers. Well, maybe the advertisers just didn't know the details he's talking about - ah, and there's the actual fight starting! Staren lets loose - with a *grenade*; he's taking the fight seriously from the get-go for all his banter leading into it! Vendetta just takes it straight on ... wh-- that was a clean hit, she's acting like it was nothing?! And -"

She pauses, peering at the gun that Vendetta deployed as it powers up and fires. "Was that a railgun? Looks like it, she tracks Staren as he's running and snipes at him ..."

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
Twilight blinks a bit as Staren goes off on a slight rant about the advertising. She can't help but giggle softly to herself. And, despite knowing that Staren is safe at his lab, Twilight still winces at the exchange of blows. She momentarily wonders why people can't just arm wrestle like Rainbow Dash and Applejack, but then reminds herself that this is a contest of skill and honor, not a fight to the death or anything of that sort. "Good hit, Staren! Keep it up!"

Staren has posed:
Staren's only slightly surprised that she's unphased. She may well not feel pain, and she can clearly take much more punishment. In response to the shots Staren mixes up his zig-zagging, sometimes switching directions more rapidly than others. The railgun shot's not quite on target, but something funny happens: A transparent, thick amber sphere of force appears around Staren just as the railgun slug hits it and deflects off -- despite the angle, Staren stumbles back as if hit, and a large chunk of the forcefield's outermost layer outright disintigrates. In a fraction of a second, cracks spiderweb around the whole thing and then, as one of the discs on Staren's chest starts smoking with a loud popping sound and a shower of sparks, the outer layer of the field breaks into a shower of sparkles and falls, revealing the next layer covered in cracks before it all fades from visibility.

Staren changes his tactics slightly -- he stops closing in, and tries to keep what distance he has left, since ranged combat is going so well for him -- he raises the rifle again and snaps off a few quick shots from the hip (because why use sights when you have a smartlink?), this time with the laser! (speakers play a *PYYEEEWW* sound for the audience, since lasers are invisible and don't make a sound)

Vendetta (193) has posed:
When her round barely catches Staren, Vendetta can't help but blink in irritation, "Ah hell, I was never the sniping type anyway," she growls before fiddling with something on the side of her rifle while muttering about him getting the home field advantage, somehow. It's just as she's getting ready to fire again that Staren unleashes brilliant (only not brilliant) lasery pain upon her. This -does- get her to wince a little as one of the shots catches her square in the shoulder. After recoiling for a step or two she lines up that rifle again, the familiar whine returns, but then an absolute storm of bullets starts to fly out of the rifle. How in the hell is she firing so fast?!

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Staren gets winged by the railgun," Yuna continues, watching the two of them exchange attacks as they race around the field. "Considering how hard he's dodging, that was a good shot by Vendetta ... but he - wait, did he even ... oh, a laser mode on his rifle? Sneaky! But Vendetta takes it badly and pours on the firepower, how does a railgun cycle *that* quickly?!" She shakes her head in amazement before adding, "It's still anyone's match here, folks! Two ace gunslingers, and a whole lot of firepower between them!"

Pinkie (470) has posed:
So an Earth Pony, a pegasus, and a unicorn walk into a stadium...
It sounds like the beginning of a good joke! But it's not. Actually there is less walking and something more along the lines of hobbling, but Pinkamena is here. The prophet pierrot is settled in the stands, looking battered and bandaged, a new smiling mask of white porcelain covering her face- further covered by that drab and lank pink hair.
"A-ah... should you-" "-Really be here? You should-" "-Be resting!" "-Be resting!" Pound and Pumpkin Cake are with her, the pegasus and unicorn siblings lookg visibly worried despite wearing masks of their own. But how does Pinkamena respond?
The killer clown shoves a pair of penants into the confused children's hands.
"Have fun." She commands in a dour creaking voice. The two exchange a worried look to one another. Before Pinkamena waves her own penant lazily.
It reads: 'Go go horrible and mean laser robot!'
Pumpkin and Pound join her in penant waving.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"It cycles that quickly because I don't do things half-assed." Not that anyone can really hear a certain mad scientist making such comments while she watchs. Tesla isn't the sort to get up and yell and shout.

Staren has posed:
Staren doesn't reply to Vendetta's comment... and then, comes a HAIL OF BULLETS! "Ah, dammit!" They chew through the forcefield like nobody's business -- each successive layer is pummeled, cracked, and stripped away until it shatters and another disc pops, until all four remaining forcefield projectors have overloaded! Staren /hates/ this kind of attack because it's so effective at doing exactly this, though the fire rate doesn't puzzle him -- his mecha has a gun much like that!

To get out from under the hail of bullets, Staren activates another ability to go FAST: He leaps, thrusters in his boots pushing him faster, and then transparent wings of orange energy, like stylized insect wings, appear on his back, fluttering rapidly as they push him /even faster/! He flies in a shallow arc, trying to curve just ahead of the bullets as he closes in, releasing the rifle to draw and activate his beam saber, going for a charging stab with enough force behind it to tackle her to the ground, he hopes! Clearly, to beat Vendetta, he just needs to get close enough that she can't keep using that gun, right?

He's too distracted to notice Pinkie's banner right now, but he'll be a bit '...wha?' later when he reviews the footage!

Vendetta (193) has posed:
"Gunslingers nothin', I gotta whole arsenal!" Vendetta protests to the commentary before she starts trying to get a lock on Staren's current body. Time to put on a show for the people that came all the way out to the wastes! It's as she's getting her target locks that she realizes that Staren is coming RIGHT AT HER. "OHHELL!" is all she's able to get out before the saber is piercing the armor along her side, and then she gets TACKLED. "YOU REALLY THINK THIS WILL HELP YOU?!" she roars out as her armor protests being dragged along the ground.

Somewhere in the back of her head, she sighs. Loudly. Damnit why did Tesla have to be right about having some sort of dumb melee weapon? Seriously? HATE MELEE BARKBARKBARK- She thought this in basically the fraction of a second it took for the claws on her right hand to start glowing -bright-. "You're WRONG!" The energized claws go for the other machine's neck, trying to rip, tear, grab, and yank at anything they can find!

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Whatever Vendetta's shooting," Yuna commentates, "it chews through Staren's defenses in a hurry - and Staren looks like he's giving up on the shooting match, charging into melee with a personal-scale beam saber!"

She didn't actually know he HAD one of those on his current gear ... although in hindsight, hasn't she seen him use something like that before?

"Seems like Vendetta did NOT like that, though," she continues as Vendetta squawks in protest at getting stabbed/tackled. "She's got some kind of laser claws fired up, and she takes a swipe at -"

Yuna breaks off with a wince as she sees what Vendetta's swiping at, and can't help but call out, "HEY! Remember, killing your opponent is a disqualification offense!"

She pauses, still wincing before she adds into her microphone at a more conventional volume, "... but I'm going to assume she didn't mean it *that* kind of personally."

Staren has posed:
Staren slams into Vendetta, the two of them sliding along the ground and tearing it up as friction fights momentum! At Vendetta's shouted question, Staren's face behind the visor (this close, she can see him clearly) just flashes a look that seems to say 'Well, it's working so far!'

And then she grabs for him. Luckily, his helmet and shoulder armor make it hard to get at his neck, so the first swipe grazes armor instead, and then Staren actively moves his upper body to make the job harder -- Scratches tear small strips of metal out of his armor, and one swipe does just graze his neck -- metal is revealed underneath, and then it bleeds a little but not nearly as much as a slit neck should. "I'LL BE FINE!" Staren shouts, as he holds his other hand to the beam saber and it splits in two, which he tries to keep focused on Vendetta to keep boring into her chest armor while she's down. "We'll surrender before we die, right?" He looks down at her. "Our bodies can take it."

Vendetta (193) has posed:
Alright. This sucks. And its showing in how Vendetta's moving that she realizes this sucks. It also hurts. A lot, but the pain isn't being channelled into concern, its being channelled into anger. Rather then say anything to Staren, Vendetta is downright -snarling- as her other hand suddenly reaches down, grabs for one of her side arms, and then she tries to jam it against the machine's chest before pulling the trigger. Repeatedly. Yup. Mad dog is mad.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna lets out a faint sigh of relief as Staren seems to mostly shrug off the throat-slash - almost literally, considering how he dodges back from the brunt of it. "Staren's not too worried, so ...- *whoa*!" Suddenly he's dual-wielding, and she didn't get a good look - although the cameras might have. "Make that *two* beam sabers! Vendetta is NOT a happy mechabeast, either," she observes as the Confederate biomech retaliates, "slamming her gun into Staren's breastplate and holding down the trigger! That's gotta leave a mark ... or a LOT of marks ..."

If Yuna knew Staren was in a combat-specialized body for this, she'd probably have said it'd leave a mark on his real body from how nasty that looked to her.

Staren has posed:
*BLAM* Staren's knocked up a bit and his eyes widen. *BLAM* he's knocked back further. *BLAM BLAM* Staren's sent stumbling back (he keeps his grip on the beam sabers, so they're pulled free). The chest plate of his armor looks like banged-up scrap metal, with little impact craters around where the bullets hit, surrounded by cracks, with sparks flying with each hit from the impact energy superheating and blowing shards of metal straight off! Still, it's holding together in mostly one piece for now, though after the first bullet they start blowing through, leaving holes at the middle of the impact craters -- still, the armor absorbs enough that the metal body underneath isn't damaged too badly yet. Staren said this body was tough and he meant it!

The wings come back on as he leaps to the side, trying to get away from that sidearm -- to give him a little more breathing room while he plans his next move, a piece of his right shoulder armor pops up, revealing a hidden missile launcher -- One of the three missiles there streaks into the ground (or into Vendetta) and explodes, like a bigger version of the grenade he used earlier.

Vendetta (193) has posed:

That's all Vendetta hears as she manages to get distance between herself and Staren. FINALLY some breathing room-oh god missiles. Almost immediately the lupine machine rolls onto her chest and -tries- to get the heck out of there. One missile slams down beside her, the blast catching her side, but she does manage to avoid the rest. Then another sound rings in her ears. The sound of a positive lock-on. Oh this gets her to smirk so much. She stands, runs a few more steps, but skids to a stop then as she spins around, "Three's never enough!" she calls before a large panel on her back opens and a flurry of small missiles soar straight up into the sky before raining down toward where Staren is! It's a lot of missiles!

Staren has posed:
Staren sees his opportunity when Vendetta runs, starting to divebomb her for a flyby slash attack -- but then she turns and fires ALL OF THE MISSILES right back at him! The 'Oh, f***' expression on his face might be difficult to see through the visor though, as he tries to change his flight path and dodge to the side! A couple fly past him, but then one hits him, and being knocked out of his flight path makes it easy for all the rest to pummel him in a cloud of explosions and smoke!

Staren drops out of the resulting smoke cloud quickly enough, with one beam saber in his left hand and putting the rifle on his back with his right. His armor is beaten and battered all over now, with a few more tears blown in it, but nothing gaping enough to easily aim for. The chest plate looks almost ready to fall off, though. The shoulder panel is closed again. He levels his right fist at Vendetta. "Two can play that game!" A couple panels pop up, revealing four more mini-missile tubes. They /all/ launch this time, locked and homing in on the wolf!

Vendetta (193) has posed:
More missiles! AUGH. The mech blinks, ducks, and then dashes to one side, the explosions coming down all around her with one last one catching her right in the chest, sending her to the ground! "Ow.." she mutters before climbing up to her feet, now taking a rifle into each one of her hands, "Alright, time to bring out all the big guns!" She calls before the two weapons start to unleash bullet hell, but then panels on her shoulders and thighs open up, smaller blasters adding to the torrent of bullets headed Staren's way. To top it off, a new gift given by Tesla a few days ago, is heard rather than seen. A resounding *THUNK* can be heard as a mortar shell goes flying into the air, then another, then another! Its bullet hell AND carpet bombing! Yikes!

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna continues, somewhat taken aback by the levels of firepower being exchanged. "Vendetta's point-blank cannonade sends Staren reeling back - and his armor's taking a HUGE pounding from this, but he's still on his feet ... and off them - taking to the air, and launching a salvo of honest-to-god missiles at her! .... And *she* launches missiles back, times a - times a whole lot! This match is shaping up more like a fireworks contest than a martial arts tournament!"

And the firepower continues; one might even say it intensifies. Yuna isn't familiar with that meme, so she has to say something different.

"More missiles from Staren .. *WHOA*!! I still don't know how much artillery Vendetta's body holds, but I'm pretty sure she's unloading all of it right now! There's no way Staren can dodge all of that; can he endure the bombardment long enough to find another opening, or is she going to shoot him down like a clay pigeon ... ?"

Staren has posed:
More a fireworks contest than a martial arts tournament? Honestly, Staren would rather be fighting in a mecha... but few opponents are going to be of appropriate size for that, so he settled for putting the firepower of a small mecha on a robot body and fighting in that.

"Oh, /now/ it's time?" Staren quips before oh gosh more guns and then EVEN MORE GUNS and then A FREAKING MORTAR! Staren dodges one of the streams of bullets, drawing his rifle to fire back, but the other tears across his body and riddles the armor with holes! The chestplate splits in half, part falling off. Still more damage rains in from the blasters, melting bits of armor as he turns and tries to dodge and weave -- and then a mortar goes off and Staren just can't escape the blast radius! He's thrown to the ground, the other part of his chestplate sent flying. And still the mortars rain down!

When Staren stands again, the warped and battered armor falls off, too warped to remain attached. Except for the left arm which he landed on, and the helmet which is a battered, half-melted mess. Staren's actual robot body is a slightly thin metal construct, fairly stylized -- the arms and legs are closer to being made of distorted cylinders, and the feet are just the basic shape to fulfill their function. The right half of the body is painted red, with white trim lines crisscrossing it and at the joints and fingers. The left half is painted sea green, with portions made of a strong transparent metal revealing electromechanical innards. The shoulder-mounted missile launchers are plainly visible as their armor falls away -- it looks like there aren't any other weapons hidden under the armor, though.

Staren holssters the beam saber with one hand and reaches up and pulls the melted, useless visor off his helmet with the other, tossing the shattered pieces to the ground. "Nicely done..." he's grinning slightly, /enjoying/ this contest, despite its brutality. "You've got a lot of firepower! but I'm not finished yet!" The wings reactivate, and Staren flies forwards, again in a zigzag low to the ground as he raises that rifle. There's a whine of electronics powering up, and then a brief moment where he stops swerving in order to draw a bead and fire -- the rifle plays a nice *PSHHHEEEEWWWW!* sound as it fires a burst of rapid, devastatingly high-powered pulses to try and superheat whatever poor part of Vendetta gets hit!

Vendetta (193) has posed:
That wasn't everything! She didn't throw the 'kitchen sink' but Vendetta was saving that for later. She heaves a satisfied sigh as she sees the remnants of Staren's mechanical body. "Glad to hear it," she smirks before the mech is off, trying to line up a shot on Vendetta. Rather then put distance, the lupine frame rushes -forward-. THIS IS NOT NORMAL FOR HER! Something in her mind clicked, she had to do something different, something to catch Staren off guard, and it worked! He barely even nicked her armor. Sure, a shoulder panel goes flying but that's beside the point. THe point now is that all the fangs in her muzzle are glowing the way her claws were earlier. "C'MERE! I'M HUNGRY!" Not really, but she's going to try to rip a chunk out of whatever she can get at when she lunges at Staren, fangs, claws, all her pointy bits are glowing and all of them want a piece of that mechanical hide!

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Staren's armor is looking a LOT the worse for wear!" comments Yuna. "Pieces are actually falling off - and that doesn't look like flesh and blood underneath; that'd explain why he wasn't so worried. But he's not throwing the towel in yet - taking flight and opening up with that rifle again ... and Vendetta CHARGES RIGHT AT HIM!! I don't see her dodging but she's - what's she doing, jumping over the bullets with every stride - Looks like she's going in for the kill! Clawing and biting, all those sharp edges on her armor - forget the firepower, Vendetta's fighting like a living can opener right now, and Staren is the can! Who's biting off more than they can chew? It's STILL too early to tell, I don't see either of them going down yet ... !"

Staren has posed:
With no visor, Vendetta can clearly see Staren's eyes go wide as she charges when he lines up to fire. He rushes the shot and just clips her -- no good!

And then she's upon him, ripping and tearing, ripping and tearing him! Staren is metal, that means he has METAL GUTS! It takes work, the body is tough -- but it's not as tough as the armor. The first strikes shear strips of metal away... but then the claws begin to tear holes, revealing machinery overlaying titanium alloy bones... Staren stares in horror and tries to pull away as the attempted evisceration leaves him leaking what must be oil or hydraulic fluid from his belly, and she BITES OFF part of his right arm.

Paradoxically, that is what gives him one last chance.

With the arm bitten off, she's not holding him, and Staren uses that chance to fly up, one more time.

The left arm, holding the barrel of the rifle, clumsily aims it down. But at this range he doesn't need pinpoint precision. (Or to actually pull the trigger. Adding a smartlink to your guns is wonderful!) A whine, another burst of laser pulses and a grenade...

And then the missile launcher on the piece of armor on the left arm pops up and together it and the shoulders fire the remaining nine missiles in a rain of death and destruction that heralds the end of the match is coming, one way or the other!

Vendetta (193) has posed:
And she didn't even get to throw the kitchen sink at him!

Seriously, when all of that firepower comes raining down from what's left of Staren's frame, Vendetta can't help but look a little bit like a dear in headlights. It was her own fault, though! The tore off bit of his shoulder is spit out, "This is never why I close quarters," she snarls before throwing her arms up, bracing, but it doesn't really help protect her from what comes down upon her. Once all the smoke clears and the crater Vendetta's laying in clears up, there's a ragged breath, a cough, and a sigh, "Ngh... Lunessa is never gonna let me hear the end of this..

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Even taking off an arm doesn't slow Staren down!" Yuna calls out. "He's pouring on *all* of the firepower - lasers, missiles, grenades, more missiles ... how can Vendetta hold up?!"

Explosions ensue.

".... and she couldn't! Vendetta is *down*, the referee's called the match - VICTORY IN THE FIRST ROUND GOES TO STAREN!!!"

Was Yuna actually cheering as she called out the result? Or just caught up in the excitement?

Staren has posed:
Staren breathes heavily as he waits for the smoke to clear. Maybe he doesn't need to breathe right now, but he's so used to it... He coughs up some oil, which runs down his chin.

When he sees Vendetta no longer able to fight, he holds his remaining hand over his belly, oil seeping out over hand and gun, and lands in front of her. "Good game." He smiles. He releases the gun to let it hang by its straps, and offers to shake her hand (paw?) and help her up.

Then he turns towards the stands and raises his one fist in victory, smiling at the crowd... and then he catches sight of Pinkie's banner, looks startled, and coughs up more oil. He grabs the crunched piece of arm, and the /rest/ of his arm, and then flies slowly towards the warpgate, careful not to accelerate too quickly and jostle any damaged components.

Staren's parents wait for the excitement to die down before leaving amongst the first of the crowd that do so.

Staren leaves the scattered armor bits for the cleanup crews. Have fun, cleanup crews!

Pinkie (470) has posed:
The penant waving stops. And Pinkamena gets up from her seat in the stands to leave, gently waving Pound and Pumpkin away from trying to help her. Thus she gives the twins another task to distract them. "Hey how about you two send the wolf some consolation cupcakes." She suggests.
The masked little clowns perk up. "Do robots-" "Even eat-" "Cupcakes?""Cupcakes?"
This pauses even Pinkamena for a moment. "Mmmmaybe...?"