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WMAT B1 Ryuko Matoi vs. Kiyoko Saito
Date of Scene: 26 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Gizard Wasteland
Synopsis: It's a schoolyard brawl to end all brawls! The delinquent Ryuko Matoi faces off against the Magical Girl Kiyoko Saito in a no-holds-barred beatdown!
Thanks to: Mister Satan for organizing the tournament, Yuri for entertaining commentary.
Cast of Characters: 106, 131, 140, 430
Tinyplot: WMAT

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
Instead of a hot air balloon, Yuri Stinson has gone even lazier. He has strapped a metric butt-ton of balloons to a reclining Laz-E-Boy chair and is currently floating through the Gizard Wasteland lazily with a Megaphone in one hand and a mojito in the other, "Ladies, Gentlemen, and Multiversian Blob Creatures of non-Definitive Gender! WMAT Master of Ceremonies Yuri Stinson here to announce another amaaaaaazing match about to get underway in the Gizard Wastelands. We're going to watch an Elementary Exhibition of Middle-School Mayhem, full of Junior-High Jabs and High School Hostility between two Collegiate Kickasses. Step on down to watch the school delinquent known as Ryuko Matoi throw down in a full-out brawl against Sailor Salvation, Kiyoko Saito. Tune your radios to 900.4, grab your concession-stand treats, and get ready to see these two teach eachother a lesson in violence."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko is limbering up, stretching her legs and arms a bit while she waits for the announcer. She's already changed into her Sailor garb, all pink and blue and prettied up in a fuku. The outfit only has two changes: she's wearing a large pack that hangs at her hip, and she's wearing a hat. A graduate hat, complete with tassels. She waits for the introduction and bows, then straightens up with a twirl and a pose! "That's right, strange girl I've never spoken to before!" Hey, Ryuko is a Last Chancer, right? "You face... The Amazing and Incredible Unstoppable Divine Stylish Magical Formerly Pony Nurse Ninja Rocket Hammer NotEvilClone Santa's Little Helper Super Entrepeneur Club President TzimischeBane Vampire Hunter Ace Detective Giant Robot Pilot Martial Artist Abstractum Wielder Love Doctor Titlemaster Half-Metaphorical Princess Dame Sailor Salvation!"

Again with the pose. "Since you're a schoolgirl like me, I'll use my full title though! Please introduce the upcoming winner as... The Amazing and Incredible Unstoppable Juggernaught of the Union, Channeler of the Divine Light, Wielder of the Impeccable Style, Bearer of the Magical Light, No Longer Beholden to the Equestrian Form, Attendant to the Injured, Wielder of the Rocket Hammer of Justice, the True and Singular without Evil Duplicity, Aide to Santa Claus Himself, Entrepreneur of Legend, President of the After School Superheroics Club of Wazurau High School, Destroyer and Bane of the Antediluvian Tzimische, Hunter of the Vampires of Three Worlds, Trained Detective, Lord of Multiple Titles, Partially of the Metaphorical Bent, Princess of her own Heart, Honorable Knight of the Allied Kingdom of Illyria, Bearer of the Crimson Abstractum Eternal Passion Of Rising Fury For The Justice Of Pounding Hearts Crying For Freedom, Pilot of the Grand Warstrider of Many Realms the Transcendent Star, Sailor of Salvation, Kiyoko Saito. Remember it well!"

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
Ryuko's fine with all the formality, as.. extensive as it is. She just kind of stands, waits, and listens. Her expression slowly shifting from her usual neutral grumpy one, to a bit of a 'is she serious' frown, and finally just a 'when is this supposed to be over' open mouthed gape, once she breaks into the second round of titles and positions. Clad in her own school uniform, she takes out her scissor blade, thrusting it into the ground as she grasps the glove on her wrist, "Alright, well. Name's Ryuko Matoi.. The Kanto Vagabond and the Guitar Case Drifter. And what I'm wearing is Senketsu, my Kamui. And you're gonna be facin' both of us." With that said, she pulls on the tab sticking out from the glove, and the black fuku she's wearing is slowly dyed red with her blood, as it seeps into every thread, activating the Life Fibers that Senketsu is made out of, causing them to erupt outwards, and then collapse back in, to form the Kamui's transformed state.

"Life Fiber Synchronize..!"

"Kamui Senketsu..!"

It's not any more decent than Satsuki's Junketsu, if Kiyoko happened to watch that fight. And, likely, no less powerful in Ryuko's hands. She grabs her weapon again, pulling the crimson, scissor-shaped blade out of the ground and brandishing it at her opponent. "Ready, Senketsu?"

The outfit responds, in a gruff tone, the 'eye' on the outfit's shoulder shifting around. <<Of course.>>

"Your move, then, kid."

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
One of the smaller hovering platforms around the Gizard Wasteland fighting area has been somehow-or-other procured for the exclusive use of exactly five people, most likely through a combination of several direct bribes and the indirect pull of a sponsor. Four of the platform's occupants sit calmly on more comfortable spectator seats, but the fifth? The fifth stands on her feet, at the very edge of the platform, with a sword planted before her, and her hands resting on the pommel.

Of all the matches in the WMAT's first round, this is the one that Satsuki Kiryuin has deigned to watch in person. Her expression remains calmly neutral, betraying no hint of her thoughts as first Kiyoko, then Ryuko, introduce themselves and prepare. Ryuko in particular, she watches sharply.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"Kiyoko Saito has deemed to introduce herself as either the Elderest of Solars or the Newest of Abyssals, I cannot fully decide which! Nonetheless, her title is weighty and mightful. Here is hoping that she can win with it!" Shouts the hovering Yuri Stinson, leaning back in his chair and relaxing, "And in a showstopping second match I've been to, a girl transforms into ANOTHER piece of fashion I simply must convince FIA to wear! They've squared off, introductions are handled, and soon the fight will start."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Oh, not to worry, Kiyoko is well-used to that expression! "It's a pleasure to meet you my OPPONENT OF MIGHT! Your Art of Distraction with your boyfriend shall not work on me, for I am not a thespian!" Rambling on, Kiyoko points accusingly. "I ran many stairs and beside many bicycles this year, for JUST THIS MOMENT!"



A hurled little ball bursts upon the ground of the wide platform in the wastes, billowing outward with smoke to screen the young girl for a few moments. From the smoke, several heavy steel ball bearings burst out, launched toward Ryuko before the form of Kiyoko can be seen leaping to another of the platforms, this one smaller, making this a dance among the pillars! Battle is joined!

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
Ryuko brings her arm up to her face, to keep the sudden burst of smoke out of her eyes, and out of her nose. Still, she coughs a little and closes her eyes, blinking it away in a moment. Senketsu, in the meantime, stutters. <<B-Boyfriend!?>> The red trim on the Kamui might appear to grow a slightly brighter shade. "Oi, don't get distracted already!"

Thankfully, Ryuko herself isn't all that bothered by the smoke. She even manages to hear Kiyoko's movements, as she takes that first leap, and the ball bearings hissing through the air. With a couple of quick, smooth strokes of her scissor blade, the weapon is swung and deflects them out of the way, save for one that's cut in half. The sharp shart of metal grazes her shoulder, but the Kamui quickly seals up the minor injury and the blood is absorbed.

Ryuko, in an effort to counter attack, turns and leaps, straight at one of those rock pillars, streaking through the air and looking to kick straight into it with tremendous force, enough to shatter it and send it crashing down. Hopefully, Kiyoko will be caught in the middle of that collapsing spire of rock. If not, there's still plently of debris to deal with.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"The girl with the long title makes a speech! She's got gumption, but she may need a word a day calendar. Still... she charges in with a smokebomb and some pellets of metal, seeking to open this up with some damage, maybe testing the waters a bit."

"Meanwhile, the other girl's lingerie seems startled by the words of Kiyoko Saito! Ryuko gives it a pep talk and then the two are swinging a mighty kick at a pillar, trying to send rocks falling onto the flighty Kiyoko."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Wuh oh, that didn't work as well as she'd like. Kiyoko skids to a halt just in time to see Ryuko KICKING DOWN A PILLAR! "Ahhh, why do I have to get the girl with the huge... strength!" She flings something upward, which detonates to shatter the falling pillar, resulting in some jagged remnants still dusting her body and scraping over one cheek in a dramatic line of red. She's not as well-armored, so that probably stung, getting all those pebbles launched at her!

Kiyoko leaps and rebounds off another pillar, keeping fast and mobile. "Well, I guess there's no rules against JUMPING with scissors. Or maybe you can just half-walk?" God, does she ever shut up? Apparently not, but while she's bounding around and chattering on, she idly flings what seems like a small needle at Ryuko.

Which, unsurprisingly, explodes with a small 'POP!'

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
In the meantime, Ryuko vaults back to where she started, and lets out a bit of a huff, honestly wondering the same. Does she stop talking, or is this going to be pretty much a constant thing? <<Ah, Ryuko!>> She barely manages to bring her arm up again, which the needle strikes. She's about to leap back after her opponent, when it explodes and both Kamui and the girl wearing it shudder. "Ack! Damnit, that's gonna get annoying!" Well, more than just annoying.. That one hurt a bit more than the last.

This time, Ryuko brings her scissor into the act, grasping the curved part of the handle and taking off after Kiyoko, blowing the dust and smoke out of the way, in her wake. The same goes for when she swings the weapon, with the intent to strike the sailor warrior with the blunt edge of her sword.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"This fight is starting to get going! Kiyoko Saito is dual-wielding her entendres as skillfully as she wields her exploding needles!" Yuri shouts from his position up above the arena, starting to take a sip from his drink, "But Ryuko Matoi comes out swinging with her big sword-scissor-thingie! Kiyoko better be careful, that thing looks painful."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko briefly considers a SWORD CATCH by CLAPPING HER HANDS!

Then she realizes that would be a good way to lose a finger.

Instead, she tries to parry and knock aside the blade with a well-placed bat of her forearm, which seems to have the bracers reinforced with metal of some kind. "HAH! Oh hey, you have a kinda patch thing going th-OW!" Okay, as it turns out, that wasn't /completely/ successful, jarring Kiyoko's arm pretty bad.

And now she's in melee. This could actually be pretty bad! Still, she twists aside and with a short jab, thrusts her off hand forward and tries to poke at Ryuko's belly. Also, there may be a sudden jolt of electricity involved if she lands a hit, due to the Flame Pieces being replaced by tasers for the match. You're welcome.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
If it had been the sharp edge, the Scissor might've bitten into those bracers a bit. So, catching it with her hands was probably a good idea. Either way, Ryuko feels the contact, and more importantly, has her opponent closer. The blow Kiyoko counters with makes Ryuko grunt hard, as she tries to tense up.. but that only makes the taser that much worse. That hurts. "Ngh!" Still, it's a sudden jolt, and she manages to break contact.

She reverses the grip on her scissor, and lunges back into melee again.

Once she does, Ryuko plants one heeled foot and swings her leg up with another kick, this time looking to strike the other girl right in the side. She's fast, though, and her leg is a blur of black-and-red as it sweeps in.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"Kiyoko tries to deflect those swordy-scissory-weapons! And her bracers seem to be for more than decoration, but that still had to ache her arm something fierce!" The Exalt shifts in his seat, "But she's back in with an electric jab to the chest! Ryuko may be saying 'don't taze me bro' about now. What an ability. But Ryuko will need more than a zap to take her down! She's coming in hard with a sweeping move right to the side of Kiyoko. Talk about gams that don't quit."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
This time Kiyoko doesn't try to block, she just takes the kick... and rolls with it! Not literally rolls, just lets it slam into her and toss her across the top of the pillar. This hurts... the SMACK of the impact can be heard across the plateau, before she flips and slams into a pillar with both feet. "Ow. Stupid super-strength."

Kiyoko leaves behind some fluttering papers which start to drift down. Wait, are those hissing? Yes, the tiny papers are mostly just postage-stamp-sized, but there are a lot of them, and they explode in a staccato series of *POP* noises to try blasting Ryuko and give Kiyoko some breathing time for her bruised side to recover.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
Ryuko isn't in the habit of letting her opponents have a whole lot of breathing room. So she launches herself again, right at Kiyoko, reversing the grip on her sword. It's the sharp edge, this time. No more of this 'testing the defenses' or 'holding back the punches'. Though, as she moves into the midst of those papers, she realizes a little late what they are. She doesn't have much choice now, as committed to her next attack as she is, and manages to charge through them, as roughed up as she is when she comes out the other side.

When she does, though, she takes her swing, lashing out with the fine edge of her sword, in a wide horizontal arc. There's not a whole lot that Ryuko's run into, short of other weapons and armor that other elites have been using, that can stop her scissor when she's decided to cut something with it. And, sharp or no, she's putting her strength into this one. "Haaaaaaahh!!"

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"Those super-powerful physical moves out of Ryuko are really starting to add up on Kiyoko! She's certainly feeling the pain off that kick. But she's also ever-resourceful and hopes to leave an explosive impression on her opponent," Yuri beams faintly, sipping on his drink, "The explosive maneuvers of Kiyoko certainly seem to blow up in Ryuko's face. But the delinquent schoolgirl is gonna step it up! She's using the wickedly sharp side of that sword."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
That blade is sharp! It shears through the fuku blouse and... hits armor? Yeah, there's a breastplate under there and it saves Kiyoko's hide, the girl tumbling backward as the blade scrapes along metal. And not just along it... the super-sharp blade actually penetrates, drawing a line of red from the blood slowly seeping out. Hard to tell how deep that cut was, but certainly deep enough to draw blood. "GAH!"

But Kiyoko is never without witty repartee! She was already in the process of whipping out something from her back... a collapsable baton of some sort? Looks like! It has a label on it! She retaliates with a quick, hard /crack/ that... naturally sends a jolt of electricity through it from her bracers, if she hits, and announces, "By the way... I'm holding the NINJA CLUB!"

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
Ryuko can't help but smirk a little, as she feels armor. But, the blow was enough to get through, and that's what's going to get her a win. She draws back, swinging her weapon a bit to fling the blood off of it. "Good thing you wore that.." She remarks, as she steps forwards to meet Kiyoko's next attack, again head on, bringing her sword to meet the sailor warrior's baton. There's a sharp /clang/ as the two weapons meet, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the weapon conducts any of the electricity.

She parries the attack, shoving it to one side, hopefully putting Kiyoko off balance.

Ryuko takes full advantage of this, taking a step forward with one foot, and bringing up the other. "Heh.. You wanna club, I ain't the gal you need to be talkin' to. I'm not the queen of Honnouji, and all. But, I can help ya get a /foot/ in the door!" She kicks out, straight forward, jabbing with her heel.. both with her foot and the one her outfit is sporting.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"Oh wow! Kiyoko Saito has been cut. How deep, I can't tell from here, but it doesn't look like a papercut!" He frowns a bit, "She doesn't wanna stay down, though, so she goes in with a collapsable baton. Oldschool, blunt-force violent. I approve. Ryuko parries the weapon, though, and swings back with her foot. I guess, with that outfit, that makes her the heel in this fight~."

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
From her private viewing platform, a familiar voice calls out, carrying a certain young woman's voice down to the combatants.

"We do not allow duplicate clubs, Matoi."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Heel to the stomach that's already hurt. That's not a great feeling. Kiyoko decides to tumble with it again, so the jarring impact bruises but doesn't cause horrible trauma. Except that it knocks the wind from her with a short, hissing wheeze! Also, her club is sliced in two, not just beat aside. It's kind of a cheap parlor trick, not meant for a real swordfight. "GURK!"

Now she's clutching her injured midriff, breathing heavier. All of this is starting to take its toll! "That was painful!" The pun, or the foot? Maybe both!

Either way she flicks her wrist, and a much larger thrown weapon zips toward Ryuko! This one appears to be a kunai, but if it hits the real surprise will be made obvious: the trailing wire which sends another electrical jolt down the line!

Of course, whether it hits or misses, that wire might be useful to Ryuko in turning against Kiyoko.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
Hm, that's curious. Getting hit the the shoulder with a kunai isn't really pleasant. Still, Ryuko's not about to let that slow her down. She cringes, and scowls rather openly as she hears a certain someone's voice, but that's really not her priority once that line and the projectile start electrocuting her. Senketsu is clearly not enjoying it, either. But, indeed, she tries to use it against Kiyoko. She pulls the knife out, and gives it a sharp yank. Enough that she'll either lose the weapon, or get yanked right into Ryuko's range again.

If she just lets go, Ryuko charges to close the distance before lashing out with her scissor, in a thrust. If she gets yanked along, she lets momentum do the work, and just holds out her sword, and jabs it at the ninja.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"Kiyoko Saito lets out the insightful tactical input of 'GURK', which for non-veteran fighters to know, means 'Oh holy hell, you just kicked me in the stomach, I think you bruised an organ, oh ow'. Which is very accurate! But she comes back with a power hit, throwing a kunai that seems to be trailing a wire." He pauses a bit, "Oh! A shocking surprised for Ryuko! That stunned her! But she is rough and tumble, and so she goes for a bit of a straight thrust, trying the old war strategy of 'poke em with the pointy end'."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
The yank tugs Kiyoko forward roughly with a flail of arms! "WAH!" She starts flailing her hands in front of her, stumbling forward, but the cord does detach in a moment so Ryuko doesn't reel her /all/ the way in. Just enough to get an all too easy STAB right through Kiyoko's middle! The blade actually slides right into her abdomen and out the other side! OH NO!

Then Kiyoko vanishes in a puff of smoke.

Ryuko's blade is impaling a stuffed Sailor Nothing, which squeaks in a stuttering, damaged voice, "Why does this always happen to me?" Behind Ryuko, the THUD and tumble followed by an 'ow' from Kiyoko announces that she's still not good enough to avoid all the damage even when she uses that technique, though.

And then, predictably, the Sailor Nothing doll explodes.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
Oh shi-

.. That could have been worse. Ryuko has a split second to move. To do something, to try and defend herself against that explosion, and she does so by leaping up with as much strength as she can push into her legs. She goes /up/ a considerable distance, but is still caught by some of the blast anyway. But again, it could have ended up worse. Even leaving the ground, her feet manage to crater the rock beneath them. Now above, there's not much else to do, but go down again. Might as well use all that to her advantage. She grasps the weapon with both hands, and the scissor blade folds out, into it's much longer and more dangerous form. It resembles a proper sword now, even if it's twice as long as Ryuko herself is tall.


And the new reach she uses as well, the blade slams into the ground, carving out a gouge in the rock, the sheer strength behind the strike giving it even more reach, no doubt a better demonstration of what the garment is capable of, as she swings the blade down in an overhead blow.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"Ryuko's stab goes right into the gut of Kiyoko....'s doll! But it seems before she could pull a switcharoo she still got a little bit of the tip of that blade. Just the tip, though, so she could know how it feels." He pauses, "The doll explodes shortly after, trying to catch Ryuko in the blast. She comes out more or less still moving, if a bit scuffed. But now she's playing for keeps. That sword just got a WHOLE lot more wicked and it's coming right for Sailor Salvation."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
OH GOD BLOOD EVERYWHERE! Yes, the blade connects and actually /slices/ Kiyoko. Not a shallow cut this time. The Sailor is just getting up and lets out a SHRIEK of pain as the blade gouges down her side and along one leg, leaving a pretty deep cut that has to be excruciatingly painful!

It looks like the little girl has a surprisingly high pain tolerance though. She staggers, flinching and fighting back the pain with tears in her eyes, but the stumble comes with her own counterattack. That graduation hat tumbles off as Kiyoko staggers and grabs it... then flicks it to split it open into a windmill shuriken. "Buh..." What, no clever quip? Not after that, no.

The windmill shuriken is thrown! And... sails right over Ryuko's head.

That's when Kiyoko vanishes in another puff of smoke, turning into... the shuriken? The shuriken itself poofs as well, and a bloodied Sailor Salvation drops from behind, aiming to stab and send another powerful crackling /jolt/ through the short blade she carries.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
That.. definitely managed to throw her off, a bit..

Ryuko's ready, and sees the first feint coming as the shuriken flies over her head, but the second one seems to puzzle her. It's not till she feels a twinge from the outfit she's wearing. Even then, Senketsu barely manages to get a warning out, and even tugging at her, she does't react quickly enough to dodge the attack entirely. So, another stab. This time into her back, which causes Ryuko to clench her teeth and grimace, growling loudly in pain.

The electricity is totally not all that much fun, either. It's pretty damn uncomfortable, in fact. Crying out, she slumps a bit, but manages to keep her footing.

She lets out a breath, and turns, now grasping her sword only in one hand, as she moves on her heel, the other planting itself firmly. She clenches her free hand into a fist, and swings it around, with the intent to slam it somewhere into Kiyoko's body.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTY!" Yuri shouts, slamming his hands on the arms of his floating recliner-chair, "Ryuko gets a MASSIVE cut into the side of Sailor Salvation. There is no quip or jest I can make. Bloody, messy, and absolutely a terror to behold. One has to feel bad for poor Sailor Salvation. BUt she fights on valiantly, throwing a massive bladed weapon straight at her opponent," Yuri narrates, "It scores a deep hit, electrocution too. These are starting to take their toll on Ryuko Matoi. And come to think of it, for a fight between two schoolgirls using blades, we are seeing a record low in wardrobe mishaps. But right, anyway, Ryuko swings back in with a mighty haymaker!"

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko is panting heavily... and who can blame her? Her Sailor transformation numbs the pain, but the numerous smaller injuries plus that large one are really slowing her down. Her eyes bug out as she squeaks, "AH!" Looks like she has some experience in hand to hand, as she twists to the side, trying to blunt the impact which-

OH GOD! BLOOD SPRAYS EVERYWHERE! The fist connects with her shoulder and it's just FOUNTAINS OF GORE and BRIGHT RED spraying EVERYWHERE! OH THE HUMANITY!

Kiyoko stumbles back, rubbing her side that was spraying gore everywhere. That's gonna bruise. "Buh... that was a strong hit, it even got through my Saito Support Incorporated Armored Fake Blood Pack!"

She flicks the deflated kevlar out from her blouse.

Then, dropping down, the girl slams her hand into the ground. "SECRET SAITO SUMMONING TECHNIQUE: EXPLOSION RHAPSODY!" It's actually just a surge of chakra through the wires she's been letting lay about from all of the throwing she's been doing, sending it to the explosive tags littering the ground to explode the earth beneath Ryuko's feet. Presuming she remembered the right wire. Otherwise this will result in a hilarious anticlimax of some other place exploding.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
Just another surprise, for Ryuko, as the ground more or less explodes beneath her feet, nearby. There's plenty of obscuring smoke and debris around, as a result, too. A lot of it, in fact. But, it wasn't the right one. Ryuko's not about to sit idly by and let the chance go to waste! She charges right out of that smoke, both hands grasping her weapon. She's holding it like a samurai might hold an o-dachi, behind her back and with the cutting edge facing down. She's winding up for an attack, and it might be an easy one to see coming. But, the range of that damn sword is really something.


She lets loose, taking a wide swing with her sword, horizonally. Hit or miss, one of the rocky pillars behind Kiyoko gets totally wrecked, the upper half smashed away from the bottom one, as the force of the blow strikes it. The ground craters beneath Ryuko's feet, and the blast kicks up a huge cloud, too.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"Good God almighty! Good God almighty! That killed her! As God as my witness, she is broken in half!" Yuri shouts in a southern accent, standing up on his balloon-alofted chair to watch as blood and gore spray everywhere from Kiyoko's body. Only for her to be fine a few moments later, "Or not! What theatricality! She tries to follow it up with some fireworks below the feet of Ryuko, but the fleet-footed girl hops backwards! She wants to come in with another big sword strike!"

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
A shout! That means bad things are coming! Kiyoko instinctively hurls herself aside, squeaking lightly as she tumbles and the long blade opens up a very shallow slice in her arm, nicking her bracer as well. Considering what happened to the pillar, she got off easy, she thinks, bloodied gash or no!


What? Oh, that's a bright pink beam of energy lances out! Of course even if it hits Ryuko it will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but that's not the point! The point is to hide the twin ball bearings she's hurling right after it, with wires attached, which she can yank and try to encircle Ryuko. Also, the wires explode, because everything Kiyoko uses explodes or electrifies.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
Ryuko brings up her sword and her forearms, to try and block that beam of energy, seeing as she doesn't have a whole lot of time to get out of the way of it. But.. what? Shit, another feint!? The bolo does it's job, but Ryuko quickly turns her sword and the weapon gets snagged around the blade. Those ball bearings still explode, though, and well. A face-full of shrapnel usually doesn't brighten your day. The Kamui can only do so much. Ryuko's got some cuts on her face, blood trickling out of them. And while her outfit seems to 'fix' all the tears, the blood that's splattered about definitely shows that she's losing some here, too. She's breathing harder now, as well, as she hefts her sword up.

A lunge again, though she launches off her feet into a sprint, and like a jet, the fins on the shoulders of her outfit glow and then light up like a pair of afterburners. She doesn't need to touch the ground with her feet but a couple more times, before she twists her sword, holding it out like a spear and seeking to slice Kiyoko again with the cutting edge, as she passes by.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"Kiyoko manages to avoid taking another one of those big strikes by jumping to the side! It grazes her just a bit, but not nearly as bad as that huge hit she took earlier! She rolls, regains her balance, and shoots a HUGE lance of energy which... DOES NOTHING. But the pieces of metal she hid in there sure do." He points out, catching the maneuver, "Ryuko is not playing games here any more. Coming in off the attack from Kiyoko, she is trying to score another big hit with that sword of hers, stepping up into high speed."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko is coming into some weird stance now... or trying to. Suddenly ROCKET CLOTHES! Kiyoko is... staring. "Man, I want rocket clothes, that kicks ass!" She's so busy admiring that the blade passes CLEAN ACROSS her other side now, jolting her back to awake with a short, shrill cry of pain and a stagger on the injured leg, now that both sides are deeply cut this time. "AH!"

Yeah, sometimes she derps up hard, but seriously? ROCKET CLOTHES!

Well, while Ryuko is passing she can try SOMETHING at least. With a jerky twist and thrust of both arms, she does some... weird martial arts form. Which turns out to cause an EXPLOSION of a different sort, electricity blasting out from her bracers in an attempt to electrocute the other schoolgirl and give her more breathing room.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
It does stun her, but Ryuko's in her zone, now. With her running on adrenaline, and Senketsu just feeding off the heat in her blood, it's probably going to take more than a shock to slow her down. She shakes it off quick, and manages to stop herself, digging in her heels and spinning rapidly, till she's nothing but a blur of black and red. And with sword in hand, still spinning like a deadly top, she streaks right back at Kiyoko again.

Her heel digs into the ground, carving out a deep trail into the rock and tearing up quite a bit more around her. Nevermind the fact that she's spinning rapidly, scissor blade still in hand, as she comes straight at Kiyoko like a cyclone!

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"Kiyoko takes another huge hit from that blade. For a tiny girl, she sure is a miniature juggernaut." Yuri pauses, "And speaking of Jug...gernauts, she charges in towards Ryuko Matoi with a pair of stunguns. This doesn't have too great an effect, though, as Ryuko spins around like a tornado of deadly blades."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko tchs as she misses, then produces two short blades of her own, whipping them from that pack behind her to try parrying those slashes. Blood flies anyway as she staggers back, wheezing, with one sliced blade for her troubles. Her blade, not Ryuko's, of course. But the last minute defense at least let her back away from the cyclone enough that she survived. And stayed conscious.


Clutching her side, Kiyoko wheezes a few times, and then swallows. "Ah... wow... I guess you're... pretty tough. I was hoping to save this for later but..." She puts her other hand to her mouth, sticking fingers in, and lets out a shrill *FWEEEEET*

The sudden roar doesn't come from her, it comes from the MASSIVE motorcycle with flames spewing from its tailpipes ramping off the distant plateau to scream down and slam toward Ryuko at high speed. Boy, having a demon-powered motorcycle for an ally comes in handy sometimes!

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
That.. Is a fucking awesome bike. If Ryuko wasn't getting run over by it, burned by the exhaust, and slammed into the ground, she might take the time to check out Kiyoko's sweet ride. As it is, however, she's a bit busy being the victim of a hit and run. It takes quite a bit of time for her to pick herself up to her feet, and she's pretty much beaten and singed now, totally showing the effects of the demon motorcycle's attempt at vehicular homicide.

But she isn't done fighting yet. The red trim of her Kamui glows, a shimmer of bright crimson racing up from her feet to her head, and along the edge of her scissor blade. All she has to do is swing it. And swing it she does. "Senketsu.. everything we've got left!"

<<Of course!>> The Kamui is all too eager to comply, after that last attack. She brandishes her weapon, raising it over a shoulder and bringing it down in a heavy, two-handed slash. The force of the blow alone blows out a huge crater behind Kiyoko. But all that force has to go through her, first.

"Finishing blow..! SEN-I-SOUSHITSU..!!"

'Stripped' of the Will to Fight!

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"Just when I think I've seen everything, we get a slobberknocker exchange fest like what we're seeing here folks! Kiyoko Saito LITERALLY SUMMONS A DEMON MOTORCYCLE TO THE FIELD! It careens towards Ryuko and hits her like a bike out of hell! AND RYUKO IS COUNTERING WITH EVERYTHING SHE HAS! I'D BE STAMPING MY FEET, BUT IT'D AFFECT MY ABILITY TO FLY. BUT RYUKO IS COMING IN WITH A CLEAR ATTEMPT TO FINISH IT ALL OFF."

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Whelp, this is it. Kiyoko is on her knees, panting heavily, bleeding all over. And when Ryuko gets up, she groans softly in defeat. "Ahhh... I'd kinda hoped that would work. I guess it wasn't quite enough. You're pretty tough!" She sighs, gulps, and fumbles a bit. Nope, that won't help. Nope, not that either. Oh, she was wondering where that went! A bunch of smokebombs and various debris fall out of her pack, including something that starts playing epic, end of the line music.

That doesn't help.

So Ryuko is heading right for her, and suddenly a few tags fall out, and Kiyoko gets a wild idea. "I hope this works!" As Ryuko heads straight for her, moments before impact, an explosion flares up! The impact craters the ground, but Kiyoko isn't there any more... blown up and away by the combined shockwave of her explosive tags and Ryuko's attack. Flailing, it's pretty clear she nearly lost consciousness just from doing THAT! But she has enough energy to hurl a small blocky package down.

The power pack for her tasers, with an explosive tag on it, her only remaining one. It explodes in a roar of concussive force.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
Ryuko, somehow, manages to move, raising her arms up and swinging her swords one last time. She swats the power pack away with the flat of the blade, before it can go off in her face. "Shit, kid.. You're tough as nails, yourself.." She huffs, a shudder wracking through her body.

<<Ryuko, you'll have to finish it now, or you'll definitely pass out.>>

She knows that already, the anemic effects of having to wear a Kamui through a fight like this are starting to take their toll, her skin getting a little pasty. She swallows hard, drops her sword, and manages to take a few strides towards Kiyoko, cocking her fist back, and just.. aiming a jab at the other girl's jaw. Nothing fancy about it. Just something she hopes will knock her out.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
WHUMP! Kiyoko lands in a heap, groaning a little. She blinks a few times, standing up wobbily as Ryuko approaches. "AH! Oh no! You kept your duplication technique secret this entire time? AMAZING!" Uh... yeah. She's in no condition to dodge that. The little love tap on her jaw hit solidly, and Kiyoko spins around a few times...

THUD. Good night.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"There it is! After a fight that left both competitors barely standing on their feet, it comes down to the last swings. Kiyoko uses her LAST of her armaments to make an explosive. But Ryuko pushes through it, coming in with a mighty blow that staggers Kiyoko until... she's DOWN! She's down for the counter. After an amazing fight from both competitors that came RIGHT down to the wire, Ryuko Matoi advances to the next set of matches!"

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
When Yuri calls the end of the match, a bright, shining radiance entirely separate from any previous source lights up the canyons of the Gizard Wastes. There is only one possible origin for that brilliance, and she stands tall and calm, looking down from her platform with a breeze whipping her hair sideways. Her eyes fix squarely on the girl in the black kamui, her expression unreadable until she speaks.

"You've learned to use Senketsu's strength well, Ryuko Matoi. Congratulations on advancing."

Only she could make even that complement sound haughty, a high-handed pronouncement from above figuratively as well as literally. After so declaring, she turns, the Elite Four rising with her to leave the platform.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
Ryuko just manages a scowl, as that light shines down, and she glances up at the source, "Kiryuin.." She's not sure who her next opponent will be, but.. "Nhh.. We got more in store, so you'd better be ready yourself. We'll show you just how strong we are.." She manages to blurt out, before Senketsu's transformation drops, and Ryuko just passes out.