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WMAT B1 Richard Stadler vs. Ms. Fortune
Date of Scene: 28 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Yunzabit Heights
Synopsis: Richard Stadler and Ms. Fortune duke it out in the Yunzabit Heights Arena to see who will advanced to the next round! One of them explodes quite a bit. The other is very, very confused at all this exploding.
Cast of Characters: 29, 127, 183, 300, 422

Mel (29) has posed:
"LAAAAAAAAAAAAAADIIIIIIES AND GENTLEEEEEEEEEEMENNNNNN!!! Welcome to another very special World Martial Arts Tournament event!" The crowd roars enthusiastically! "We're live, at Yunzabit Heights, where towering spires of solid rock are outdone only by the ambition and drive of our competitors!" More cheering, whistles, clapping.

"Today we have for you two very special competitors indeed... our first competitor, is a girl... excuse, woman, who has built up quite a reputation as a helpful reliever of others material burdens, and she's not the first we've seen in this tournament. Here to steal your hearts, and other things too possibly - watch those wallets - the notorious Nadia Fortune of the Syndicate!" Applause comes, and Mel lets it go for a bit, before speaking again, "Last, but certainly not least, A public health officer specializing in... vector management..." Mel seems to be puzzling over that one, possibly also wondering if a medic slipped in. "No doubt an excellent competitor in his own right, by any means! Elsewise, he'd not be here! Please welcome, Richard Stadler of the Union!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard leaned aganist a wall, just outside the Arena itself, under the cover of stone from cameras and 'enemy' observation. There was a reason he'd done what he could to get this sort of Arena. No audience stands, which meant no Confederates getting cute with a camera and facial recognition. That came at the expense of being just a ghastly place to fight, but he saw those buildings in the distance. It should allow some cover for him... if he could reach there without getting pummeled.

The gear he was wearing had been better than the last attempts he'd made at the WMAT, with personal weapons, and surplus gear. It was always some bit of missing paperwork, it seemed, that didn't allow you to do what you need, and going through the reserve stocks at Fort Benning had allowed him some good gear that might have been mistaken for something ordered from a civilian catalog, depending on how good the eye was.

For now, though, he simply pulled back the charging handle on the HK 416 in his hands, checking the chamber to ensure a round was in place, before releasing it. Letting it hang on the sling for a moment, he pulls down the balaclava over his head, concealing more of his features.

A bit of squinting follows. It seemed like every day he could see just a bit less without his glasses. But he wasn't risking contacts, and it should be good enough for his purposes.

Only then does he emerge from the tunnel, casual and low key, hand moving to the grip on the rifle in front of him. Waiting for his opponent.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
Nadia Fortune is much less worried about being recognised. Hell, she -likes- being recognised. She even gives the first camera she manages to spot a wave and a thumbs up. Even though the cameras are meant to be hard to spot... She has good eyesight, after all.

She's been waiting in the arena for several minutes by the time her opponent decides to show up. Sure, she arrived early... but by the time Rick has made his way into the arena, she's begun playing with a ball of yarn out of boredom. Just batting it from one hand to the other.

As she spots her opponent, though, she quickly stands up, streeeetching. "Mmh... took you long enough!"

Mel (29) has posed:
"Thankfully, most of us -" More crowd cheering. "- do not actually have to weather the frigid atmosphere there unlike our competitors!" Whistles, clapping, briefly and then it dies to quiet again. "And am I ever grateful for that! It cost the better part of my monthly pay to purchase this new body after last night." Laughter arises, some inn the audience are apparently aware she got -destroyed- recently... "...Anyway, here comes our competitors! It looks like Richard is first on the field, and he looks serious!" Looks like this guy is more of a fighter than his card lets on. Interesting. "He's certainly prepared for this battle. ... aaaand here comes Ms. Fortune! She certainly looks enthusiastic too, what charisma this one has!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler walks forward to the strching cat creature in front of him, uncovered eyes flickering to the ball of yarn she's tossing about, back and fourth, and her... well. Lazy looking streching. It was times like this Rick knew he probably wasn't a cat person. A brief shake of his head, as his hand moves away from the grip on the rifle, dropping to his side. "Sorry about that. My gear had more set up to do than that ball of yarn you're amusing yourself with. Let me make it up to you..." He notes.

Before his hand drops down to the Browning at his thigh, drawing the pistol, and bringing it up in a single smooth motion. "By not wasting any more of your time." He's still calmly walking forward as he pulls the trigger five times, in quick succession. It was a one handed grip, and snapshots at that, so damage wouldn't be high. But at least it would get his point across.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
Ms. Fortune throws the yarn over her shoulder - where it promptly falls off the cliff she has her back to - and grins at Stadler. It's a wide, predatory grin, showing off some inhumanly-sharp teeth. "Oooh. Are you a soldier or something~?" she asks in a playful voice, before running right at Rick, actually getting down on all fours. Bullets fly by her, scraping along her flesh. One actually goes THROUGH HER SHOULDER, but this doesn't seem to slow her down at all. "Sorry, I'm not letting you keep your distance!" she shouts as she leaps up into the air.

"Feel my heel!" Slam! She brings her foot down in a crescent axe kick, her leg seeming to stretch slightly longer than it should... but that's probably just an optical illusion. Luckily, she's not using those vicious-looking toe claws just yet!

Mel (29) has posed:
"Richard is starting things off with a bang, a few of them in fact! He opens fire at Ms. Fortune with that sidearm, a pistol of a make I don't quite recognize, and it certainly seems to be effective!" More yelling, the sound of a soda bottle ricocheting off the announcer's stand comes, Mel turns to say something almost indistinct to the person behind her, and then she continues, "...and Ms. Fortune responds with a powerful-looking heel drop! ... It's just too bad Stadler seems to be pretty agile!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Rick has deal with sharp teeth before. Lots of them. That didn't make it any easier to view, of course, esspecially if those were going to go right into your throat, at some point. Or try to. Definitly try to. And probably sooner, rather than later, given the fact that she was heading forward with the speed of a frieght train, and roughly the same resistance to his weapon's stopping power. "I should have guessed!" Is all he has time to say before she leaps and moves to come down hard with that foot. RIchard will be the first to say it was sheer luck he was moving in the direction he was moving, that the kick only slightly bruised his arm, instead of coming down hard on his ribs.

"I really hope you don't have more of those." He says, his Browning skidding lightly across the ground as his hands go to the rifle in front of him, pulling it down and firing three quick bursts of three rounds each toward the cat creature.

"I am not a young man." And he's already moving. A static defense would be useless aganist someone that fast.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
More bullets! Two of them slam into Nadia's center of mass, but still don't manage to slow her down! And... is the bullethole in her shoulder actually CLOSING now?

She rapidly switches direction, trying to circle around to get him from behind! Or... Suddenly, her left arm flings out, visibly stretching - skin parting along those very obvious ring scars along her limb, muscle fibers visible underneath... ewww. Her claws try to rake along Richard's front even as she runs around to his side!

Mel (29) has posed:
"Looks like that sidearm has been dropped in favor of something a little more capable! That, or, that arm took a bit more damage than I thought! Stadler pulls a rifle, and opens fire upon his opponent... and she responds by going for the backside! ... Or is it?! Wow, that's certainly one of the strangest sneak attacks I've seen! A disorient, limb stretching, claw rake across the front from behind!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Oh, hell.

Whatever Rick was fighting was something he hadn't been expecting. Something prenaturally quick, certainly, with claws that could rend, he would understannd that. But she wasn't slowing down from ginfire that should have knocked someone down before, and that first shot was already healing. And that arm of hers /was/ streching. It left him slightly confused as to where the attack was coming from. He would be if he had just gotten that rake across the front, digging into ceramic plates and ballistic faric, cutting down to the skin. BUt she was /still/ moving, and Rick knew it was only a few moments before he'd be down to disoriented panic fire.

He needed to get some distance, and he only had a few methods of doing that. One of which required reaching to his belt to pull a cylinder out. It was a quick, practiced activity, the pin being pulled, the arming handle flying off, and being dropped at his feet. His eyes are quickly squeezed shut, arms moving over them for good measure, before the bright flare goes off. The candle power on it would have been enough to cause problems with the cameras up top. At close range, that bright of a flash would have had /physical/ effects. Esspecially to a cat.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
Nadia is grinning broadly as her arm snaps back into her place - complete with a wet 'squish' sound. But then she notices Rick pulling out a cylindrical object. What's that? Her feline curiosity gets the better of her, the thief watching the cylindrical flash grenade...

And then...

Nadia yowls at the bright flash, covering her eyes with her hands. After a second, she grins her hands down, eyes shut tight. "Oooh. Smart. Taking away my eyesight. But..." She promptly sprints right at him, jumping into the air to deliver a savage knee to his face, chest, or whatever else she hits... and then she extends her knee away from the rest of her leg, the joint connected to ehr upper and lower legs by muscle fibers, as she tries to launch Rick into a wall! "I can still hear and -smell- you, human!"

Mel (29) has posed:
"Looks like Ms. Fortune has Stadler disoriented! Her agility, and remarkable resistance, has her at a unique advantage right now! He might be contemplating a tactical wi-" Suddenly, there's a flash that momentarily causes the camera to fail to display anything. The crowd's cheering quietens. Mel asks, off-mic, 'Did we lose the feed?!', before cheering and screaming replaces the disappointed silence of the crowd and draws her back. "...as I was saying, a tactical withdrawal! But his opponent is having none of that! She seems to defy expectations, attacking Stadler with another of her strange-looking attack maneuvers!" She'd say 'gross' but being a machine, she doesn't really have those normal biological instincts.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard was expecting a little bit more time in the recovery phase, of course. Enough time to get some distance away from the target itself, and, maybe, to contemplate what that wet sound was (The biologist in him wouldn't let that part go). And in, the end, he /does/ get the distance he needs. It's just that, instead of doing it by running, he does it by having his chest forcefully impacted by a shapeshifting knee, and flying back until he slams into the wall of one of the abandoned structures on the field.

He does spend a few needed, luxurious moments, sucking in air, coughing, and maybe aspirating just a little bit of blood, before trying to stand. It's lucky for him that he still had a plan. "Hear and smell, that's something. But I think you'd really wish to be able to see right now." He notes, a bit quieter, as he goes for another item on his load bearing gear. Another pull of a pin, the arming handle flying off... but it's not thrown, right away. Three's three long seconds Stadler holds the active fragmentation grenade, before tossing it in an arc toward the cat. With luck, she'd never hear it hit the ground; it would detonate nearby, in midair, and do more than blind.

"Play with this."

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
Nadia does, of course, wish she could see. Being able to see would be useful! But hey, she has far better hearing and smell than any human could hope to have, so she can function pretty well on that.

But then there's a grenade, which explodes right in front of her. Her body promptly goes all to pieces, body parts flying every which way. Oh no!

Splat. Arms and legs are strewn about. Her torso bounces once or twice then skids to a halt. Her head isn't even visible!

Mel (29) has posed:
"That kick means Stadler is getting his tactical retreat in all the wrong ways! He gets quite some airtime! THAT looks painful!" There's quiet for the space of a few moments, as the crowd cheering subsides and Mel default to watching. Then, "...What's Stadler doing? ... That looks like a grenade! Wow, he's going all out from the start here!" Another pause. "OH! Ms. Fortune didn't like that one very much! I - wait, is - is she dead?! Uh -" Mel sounds anxious suddenly. "...The, med team is probably investigating. Maybe." The sound of head hitting standing comes. Isn't Stadler a medical professional? She really isn't sure how to handle this one.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
That... that CAN'T be happening, right? Intellectually Kirikou knows people can't die in these fights. There's safeguards, and New-U stations, and all kinds of stuff. Besides he knows Nadia's a tough b... kitty. He still cries out in surprise and possibly horror to see her blown into bits, dropping his hands down over the eyes of the two Twins in a perhaps pointless exercise of censorship. They've seen death before. Many times in fact, just not of friends. She CAN regenerate, of course. He's seen those scars. Having her limbs blown off, even her head, he's seen that happen. "Pull yourself together!" he finally yells out, having decided this CAN'T be as bad as it appears.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
With the explosion of the grenade, Stadler manages, finally, to get to his feet, rifle back up, looking for the target that he expected was blooded and cut up, or else moving so fast that the shrapnal had only a bit of time to do damage. Best case, worst case... not... well... this case. He watches body parts fly everywhere, torso and limbs flying about, eyes scanning the area, and looking just the slightest bit concerned. "Well. Wasn't expecting that to happen." He says. A hand goes to his side, activating the radio receiver at his belt, listening to the ralk from the annoucers. "Not at all." A quick look over to the New-U station that wasn't activating.

A quick flick of the radio to a different band, and some low volume communication. "This is X-Ray 6 Actual. We... may have a problem here."

There's a pause, as he continues to scan the area. "Scineario 6. Yes, I'm as suprised as you are. I don't know how the local authorities are going to handle this, but I don't think I want to find out. Tell me you've got something nearby."

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
"HEY! Grenade guy! UP HERE!"

Ms. Fortune's head is on top of the wall Rick has his back to. How did it get up there...? More importantly, how is it balancing on its neck-stump? And HOW IS IT TALKING?!

Nadia slowly opens her eyes, blinking them once, twice... and then grins broadly. "So~ I guess no one decided to tell you about the Life Gem, huh? Oh, well. They didn't tell me anything about you, so I guess it's fair!"

Suddenly, blood spurts from the ehad's neck stump, and it hovers in the air a bit... before flipping around and diving down to rick, aiming to bonk him on the head.

Meanwhile, Nadia's body is pulling itself together! ... Literally!

Mel (29) has posed:
"...For the duration of the few moments where the absolute worse case scenario seems to have happened, WMAT broadcasting changes to a stall screen with Mr. Satan on it. He's standing amidst a grassy field, two kids on his shoulders, laughing as a cartoon sun smiles down and a cheerful ambience plays. "...We're, uh, experiencing some... mtechnical difficulties folks." Gotta keep those angry parents and PR incidents at bay, after all. She even pulls a Mr. Satan here, laughing suddenly as she sees the camera come back on, "...It's alright, folk! It's... uh..." There's a dismembered head floating there. "It's a trick! Yeah, hahaha, just a bit mid-fight special effects for your enjoyment!" She sweatdrops, privately. "...aaand it's all coming together again! Nadia pulls herself together again and after that awesome looking headbutt there!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler stops in his search, turning around and seeing a ...talking head on top of the wall. "Oh, for fuck's sake." He mutters, before attempting to raise his rifle at the floating head, before it smacks him hard agaist the skull, causing him to fall back again, with a splitting headache and the beggining of a concussion. "God... /damn it./ Fair enough, you autofrankenstien." He says, before turning around again. He doesn't have a few clear head at the moment, but he's hoping a body stiching itself together wouldn't be a target that would be capable of dodging. Too much. That head was moving fast enough that it was just a waste of ammo to attempt to attack it. But it would have to go back to the body eventually.

Stadler repositions to get a good sightline on that reforming body, before switching his weapon to full auto, and emptying the remaining 21 rounds in the magazine toward the body.

Scientific reasoning stated that there had to be an energy limit. No form could keep repairing itself indefinitly without an energy draw. He just had to hope that the undead cat would run out of energy before he ran out of blood, bullets, or both.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:

Nadia's body rushes forward, bullets whizzing by - a few hit and actually make metallic 'ting!' noises as they hit. She does have a few fancy new bulletholes, though! As the body closes in, her head goes flying over it... and then suddenly, claw slashes. Dozens of them! Lightning fast, driving Stadler into the wall. Then, she reaches her arm back, twisting it around... and around... and around some more, lightning fast, before driving a spinning punch into Rick's gut that might as well be a DRILL.

Mel (29) has posed:
"Isn't this... uh... mid-fight spectacle lovely folks! This is a rare, uh... thing here." She goesa quiet again as she attempts to get her groove back. "...Stadler takes shots at the body of his opponent, but she keeps right on trucking! Ms. Fortune proves her agility and resilience once again and closes in fast! She unleashes a combination of lightning fast strikes, how will Stadler deal with this one?!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Why did they have to call out their attack names before coming at him! Stadler would have been more okay with that if the people who did it were morons, instead of ones that made you dread what exactly people had in store for you. And he's not able to move nearly as quickly as he needs to to dodge any of those claw slashes, only able to back up quickly to the wall as his clothing is slashed up, armor hanging by a thread, and of no match to the punch drilling into his stomach.

That was the most interesting thing about these sorts of battles. You really felt like you were going to die in such /interesting ways/.

Rick wasn't interesting in dying just yet, however, despite the best efforts to the contrary. One hand was up futily trying to stop the strikes, while the other reached behind him, and drew another weapon. The M26 was a small shotgun, meant for underbarrel use, but, in a case like this, it was perfect for jamming aganist the body's chest and firing two quick rounds of 12 gauge slugs that would hopefully provide less penetration, and more of a /kick/.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
BOOM! Nadia's body goes flying backwards... just as her ehad zoomes in between her legs (HOW?!) and lunges for Rick, jaws wide. "OMNOMNOMNOM!" Chew, chew, gnaw, gnaw oh god it's zombies all over again

Meanwhile, Nadia's body thuds to the ground, rolls over a few times, then shakily gets to its (her?) feet. She has several brand new holes, now, but Rick probably knows by now they're going to go away soon. She doesn't seem to be slowing down!

Mel (29) has posed:
"Stadler's on the defensive at this point! It looks like he's having a bit of difficulty overcoming the unorthodox nature of his opponent!" Mel sighing can be barely heard, only to those with sensitive ears, buried beneath layers of crowd enthusiasm. "That 12 guage might just give him some breathing room, hopefully! If not, it'll certainly give his opponent a sizeable new hole the way this is shaping up!" Pause. "....aaand it is effective! Ms. Fortune goes flying, but... uh... the rest of her isn't giving up! She's going for a dirty maneuver here, biting! That does not look at all pleasant!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Multiple threats, it seems. Well, at least he dealt with one. BUt on the downside, he was moving from getting clawed to getting bitten, and /that/ was not something he really enjoyed. Clawed by a zombie? That feeling was understood. Getting /bitten/? Now that was something that he'd have to get check out afterward. And it it put him in a position where he didn't have any weapons on him that could deal with a head moving that fast. So.... it meant improvising.

He quickly moves to grab the head that was biting him, possibly leaving it's fangs rending his arm to ribbions down to the bone, before, flipping over, and jamming the head aganist the ground, pressing it into the short grass as his other hand gropes blindly, finding a rock, and attempting to /slam/ it aganist the disembodied head. Once. Twice. Three times. "NO. FUCKING. BITING!"

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
Nadia's head is grabbed!

She's hit with a rock!

The rock breaks before her skull does! How does that even work?! Regardless, she looks rather dizzy, ehr body even stumbling back a little bit before charging back in. She seems to recover just in tiem for her head to dash away again - seems it's propelling itself by SPURTING BLOOD - as her body leaps into the air and tries to rake her foot-claws down the front of Rick's body. She's really not giving him much opportunity to get away fromt hat wall! "Wreck-a your FACE!"

Mel (29) has posed:
"What a match! This is brutal! Stadlers tears the fre-floating head of Ms. Fortune free, doubtlessly with great pains, and proceeds to deal several very violent bludgeoning attacks with a rock! That can't feel too nice!" More whistling, cheerin, another soda bottle clunks against the desk.... bumping the mic this time. "Hey! One more time and I - uh - Ms. Fortune's free! And she replies with yet another painful-looking raking of claws! Ouch!"

It's at this junction that Mel takes a little time out for recognizing WMAT donors, as is standard for these things. "We'd just like to take a moment as well, to remnd you all that the Beifong family, who's successes in trade are quite noteworthy, have been most generous sposors for this and other events! From here to Earth Kingdom, let's give them a big hand!" The crowd's enthusiasm reaches a cresendo at this point!

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler isn't a very subtle man. Nothing makes this clearer than continually smashing a head with a rock until it dies. And the rock /breaks/. "You have to be kidding me-" He manages to say, before the head escapes his grasp, flying off and drenching him in more blood. Just as those leg claws start /cutting/ his own legs up, actually getting a yell in pain. "What about /stay the fuck back/ didn't you understand? Do I need to speak another language!" He yells, hand moving behind him, before the six-chambered Webley is drawn, the modified magnum rounds in the revolver packing a large punch. Just like the shotgun, he thought. Guns did the same things, sadly, otherwise he'd have a bit more variety than attempting to fire large caliber shells into the think that was slowly cutting him into a shreaded mass of blood, skin, and kevlar.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
BOOM! And Nadia is sent hurtling back yet again. her body actually crashing into her head and ending up a tangled mess of limbs for a few seconds, before she pulls herself back together again. She's panting... but also grinning broadly. "Meowch!" she comments, laughing. "Those things pack a punch..."

There's a brief pause, then she leaps in close again. "Do you see me carrying a gun, genius? Why would I stay away?!" She reaches back, -pulling off her tail-, then dives down towards Rick, tail held out like a sword. She drills into him, then flips, slashing downwards... and then, as she lands, slashing up again. "FERAL EDGE!" She called the attack AFTER doing it that time.

Mel (29) has posed:
"Stadler's having a difficult time suppressing his unorthodox opponent! This fight is getting messy, ..." Another *THUNK* of empty soda bottle comes, and Mel's pretty sure there's a college kid behind her somewhere. "...messier than the floor up here! Right here in this arena! Guess who's doing it?!" The mic goes quiet a bit, as someone shuffles over to remind her to stay on cue. For a few moments, nothing but crowd noise is transmitted. "...but Stadler continues to rely on the tried-and-true 'if it's still moving, shoot it again' approach! A man after my own heart!" Yeah, Mel certainly knows what it's like to have an attack arsenal of 'guns, guns, and yes more guns.' "This one packs a punch though! That Magnum throws Ms. Fortune off balance once more, and..." Awkward pause. "...These special effects are great, aren't they folks?" Honestly, she should just stop pretending now, nobody believes that! "Ms. Fortune attacks Stadler with her tail! She literally yanks it right off, and proceeds to assault him with it!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
"That's the point of them." Richard says, as he moves to click the hammer back once more, before his aim is thrown off, the next bullet bouncing off a rock nearby as she manages to pull her tail off and start slashing him with it. "What the hell are you?" Is a question he just has to ask at this point, as she flips around, cutting him with the sword, and leaving him ragged, bloody, almost broken from the constant attacks. He'd lost of lot of blood. "And that's fine. I told you to stay away. I just want you to know-"

He says, this, before, in as quick a motion he can muster, grabbing ahold of anything on her, yanking himself close, and moving to jam the trench spike from his belt into Ms. Fortune's skull. "That I warned you."

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
Nadia is stabbed in the skull. It actually penetrates! Then he head falls off her body. There's a slight pause.

"...My name's Nadia Fortune. But you can call me Ms. Fortune. As for what I am?" She chuckles. "...Remember, remember..."


Nadia's body EXPLODES. Literally, it comes apart with the force of a small bomb. One hand grabs hold of Rick, aiming to pull him in the air as it flies off. A moment later, her bodyparts reconverge on her now-floating head, slam together... and there's another explosion, a fountain of blood forming the face of a grinning cat head.

Mel (29) has posed:
Mel mumbles 'What is she, indeed.' beneath the roaring of the enthusiastic gathered throngs. "Conventional warfare versus sheer Versatility here folks, both combatants are thoroughly hurt by this point - and Stadler's certain at a loss - but both fighters keep on going! What stamina, what fighting ability! This truly is... a spectacle!" Clapping, whistling, even some stomping of feet comes. "Stadler attempts to run his opponent through with..." It's kind of hard to see admittedly, the camera crew in the helicopter are far away. "...some manner of bladed weapon! It hits, and what a gruesom hit is.. but Ms. Fortune..." Mel transmits the sound of a synthetic hand strikng her synthetic face, probably impossible to hear though. What IS she doing? "...Ms. Fortune, uh, ..." Pause. "...that looks like it hurts!" But who??

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Oh, no. /No/. She did not just... shrug off something that kills literally 99 percent of lifeforms on the planet. The rest being inhuman monstrotisites that defied the laws of...


"This is not going to be good." He says just for a moment, before everything happens, very, very quickly. The explosion throws him back toward the wall he's so intimately familar with (he might be considering dating that lower undamaged part of cement after this). He's violently turned away from said wall as he's grabbed and lifted up to the air.

Part of him was still thinking 'the Fifth of Disember' was shoehorned in there. Really, she could have done better-

Then the second explodion of everything coming together, and he's sent rocketing on the fountain of blood toward the ground again, slamming back down, and laying still for just a moment. For a long momet.

Before his hand slowly raises up, pointing up, toward Ms. Fortune.

With a finger that has a grenade pin on it. From the white phosphourous incendiary grenade stuffed into her belt.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
Nadia is grinning... and then she looks at the pin in Rick's hand.

Then she looks down at her belt. "...Damnit."

And then she's promptly incinerated! Although... well, actually, she just sorta crumples into a heap. She's burnt bad, sure! And... apparently unconscious! But even THAT wasn't enough to actually kill her.

What is this thing MADE of?

Mel (29) has posed:
"...the attack by Ms. Fortune batters Stadler around, this could be the end of it all..." Silence, save for background arena noise. "What is going on down there now, I -" Suddenly, the explosion from another grenade goes off... and Ms. Fortune crumples to the ground in a heap. "...Stadler has succeeded! This match is OVER! Winner: Richard Stadler!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
And slowly, RIck manages to get back to his feet. "That... was painful." He says, slowly wobbling up, dripping blood from a dozen different wounds, a few broken bones, and a general exhaustion that came with something that simply /wouldn't/ die. He manages to limp slowly over to the burned target on the ground, looking down on her... it? Before turning around. "God, I hope you're done. My sanity was slipping there for a little bit. Where the hell are the rest of my guns." He mutters to himself. He was getting too old for fights like these.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
"Someone better put the kitty out for the night." Kilik calls, rather dismayed by the outcome of the fight and trying to pass it off. He's a badass Confederate soldier, he's not supposed to be concerned over some weird woman not involved in the great war... or so he figures. Best, perhaps, to sound like a callous jerk making a stupid joke than to show he might actually care. Or at least he makes the joke, not knowing or not caring that it might make him sound like an ass. He'll set the record straight with Nadia later, if necessary.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
Minette, from behind Kilik, whacks him in the back of the head and huffs.