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Latest revision as of 04:58, 29 June 2014

Violet and Jonothan Digital World Meeting
Date of Scene: 28 June 2014
Location: Digital World
Synopsis: Dr. Violet Hunter and Jonothon Starsmore meet in the Digimon MMO, to discuss the Digimon Emperor.
Cast of Characters: 27, 471

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet is, in general, not a huge fan of the MMO. But she is still on it, somewhat regularly, for bugtesting purposes. Well, amongst other purposes now. Knowing that other humans in her world have been encountering Digimon, she has been wandering the MMO idly on occasion. Keeping an ear to the ground for information, as it were.

And so, she finds herself wandering one of the areas of the Digital World. The Pastoral Village, a more or less self explainatory location. It is a rather popular place for some players to visit, and so there are a lot of people she can listen out for.

Right now, she is sitting on a bench near the central square of the village. In front of her, there is a bit of a fountain, with a statue of a Seadramon in the middle as part of it. In front of her, her current Digimon Partner in the MMO is curled up, resting. An Airdramon, cuddled in front of her.

She just rests, still in the little kid avatar. Listening to the conversation as people walk by. Mostly drivel, at least so far.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
A real Digimon World... wasn't what that lady he'd met wanted to know about? Well, he definitely found one! Just one problem. He didn't know how to find her in person. And he wasn't about to broadcast over the broadband that he had blown up a factory in a town and 'hey I'm going to be here, come meet me'. Because the one responsible for the problems there might hear, and the nice lady who wanted to know about it might get hit with an airstrike with another of those... shrimpmon or whatever.

Soon Violet's avatar might see someone reasonably familiar. Actually he's horribly familiar, because he made his avatar to look like pretty much every other male human being ever. It's so horribly /plain/! Anyway, if the avatar's not familiar, the voice might be, that thick Cockney accent. "Oi!" He raises a hand, waves, and starts heading in Violet's direction

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet blinks a little as she sees the avatar. Ah, one of the people from the other day. She smiles, and waves a little bit. A very dainty wave of sorts.

"Oh, hello, there. You're one of the people I met the other day, I believe? It's quite a pleasure to see you again."

She is more excited than she lets on. Why? Well, it's likely a Multiversal Elite. If anyone else were to encounter Digimon or Digital Worlds, it would likely be one of them. And she needs as much information as possible.

"So, have you been enjoying the game?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods. "That's right," he confirms, to being one of the people she met. And also, "I 'ave, yeah." His Palmon's plodding along placidly behind him, looking very much like the video game construct that it is. "Nice ter have all me parts back in place."


But he doesn't bother with that. He instead asks, "Yer know that thing yer wanted us ter let yer know about if we found? Well, I think I found it." He doesn't say exactly what, because he wants her to decide if she wants God and everybody to know about it.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Dr. Hunter is not as surprised about the potential missing parts as one might think. When you design virtual reality of that scale, you have to plan for people with irregular body types. Things missing, disabilities, and whatnot.

Besides, she almost immediately has something else to think about that is far more important. Her eyes narrow, just only barely. It's not something most people would notice.

"So. What have you found? This is incredibly important. I need as many details as possible."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"I found a place where the Digimon are under sonebody's control," Jono replies. "They 'ad these black rings around 'em." He grips the wrist of his left hand with his right securely, to indicate something around that area. "An' they was bein' made ter work in a factory."

Here he pauses, and looks around. "...Yer sure it's okay ter talk about it here?" he inquires.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet considers. In her excitement, she didn't think through all the way. But, she remains calm, regardless. Yes, they probably should move. But...

She whispers, "...Mm. We should perhaps move. Though it is likely people will think this is part of an expansion or something if they were casually listening in. But..."

"Sudo Teleport."

This seems to be a special GM/admin command, for almost immediately, Jonothon and Dr. Hunter are teleported into a different location. It is a mostly blank room. Some monitors on the wall, a few laboratory chairs. Nothing more than that. Violet seats herself in one of the chairs, smiling.

"So. Digimon, under control of someone, against their will? A human, or a Digimon, or what? What was he using them for? What was the /factory/ for?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
And suddenly they're somewhere else! Jono looks around. "...Whoa." Blink. He looks back to Violet and nods. "Then yer'd be required ter make that as an expansion, and I wouldn't want ter rope yer into somethin' like that." But, questions!

Jono thinks a moment, and starts answering. "I didn't see the one who was controllin' 'em. But one 'a the one who wasn't controlled said somethin' about an Emperor. The fact'ry... that was... what did 'e say?" Think, think, think. "'E said if the fact'ry wasn't shut down, the Emperor would have a fully operational, armored... Shrimpmon. Or wait. Brimpmon, that was it."

Jono also adds, "The word 'DigiDestined' came up, too. But nobody could really explain what it meant."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
...Shrimpmon? That is not something that Violet has heard of. --Oh wait, Blimpmon/Brimpmon. That at least is familiar. But she has yet to hear the term 'DigiDestined'. Though, it's easy enough to make a guess at what that means. Someone who has a destiny related to Digimon or the Digital World, or something similar.

"So, was this taking place within the Digital World itself, then? And someone is fashioning himself an Emperor of Digimon? This is... Something I feared. That people would use Digimon for selfish purposes. Are the black rings you mentioned how he controls them, or simply how he marks which ones are under his control? Were there people fighting to stop him?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods. "Sounds about right," he confirms. "There was a big fight, though I ended up sneakin' inter the fact'ry while the others was fightin' 'im outside. That Digimon Emperor, I mean. The rings were controllin' 'em. The Brimpmon 'ad one in 'is engine, and the Guardromon in the fact'ry had 'em on their arms. They don't jus' work on Digimon, though. I 'eard one 'a the others that went, their giant wolf... 'orse... thing got ringed an' it went after 'is own rider. Clawed the bloke's eye out."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
This all raises so many questions for Violet. A Digimon Emperor. Someone who is able to /force/ armies of Digimon to listen to him. This actually sounds incredibly appealing to Violet, at least in ways. Sure, she prefers to appeal to the heart and mind first. But if it would help her own goals... Perhaps it is something that could be useful. Someone more controlling would be a good ally of the Confederacy, as well...

But, she needs more information. Let's see...

"...Was the Emperor a member of the Union, or Confederacy? Do you know that? ...Though I must admit, I'm curious at your own alliegence as well."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"I donno," Jono notes, "'E left when somebody hit the Brimpmon's tail and it hit a tower, so I didn't get ter ask 'im any questions." He raises a hand to scratch gently at the side of his head in thought (chin-rubbing and lip-tapping aren't things he can do in the real world either, so he's gotten out of the habit). "Y'know... I think that tower 'ad somethin' ter do with the rings, too, 'cause when it went down, the Guardromons who were shootin' at me stopped," he observes. "I was tryin' ter get them rings off one at a time, but I couldn't get but one of the three. Then suddenly they stopped and started apologizin' Bloody lucky for me, it was point blank."

As for his own allegiance? "I'm not with either 'a the factions," he assures her. "I'm no hero. But I'm no villain either. Just a bloke tryin' ter get by, y'know?"

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Hrm. Towers that allow the rings to work. That does dull the danger a little bit, but still. Making attacks on such a force would be quite difficult. Still, at the least, if she comes to blows with him, she has a plan. Tinkermon evolves, take out the tower, and turn the Digimon against their former master.

She pauses, considering. She is likely mulling things over in her head, at least a bit.

"...Well. Thank you for this information. If this man becomes a problem in the future, though, well. I do not want people using Digimon to cause people harm without reason. If he makes himself a threat, would you be willing to help me deal with him?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods. "I wasn't too pleased with 'im either. 'E forced those Digimon ter fight us when they didn't want ter," he notes. "If I 'adn't been missin' most 'a me insides those Guardromon probably would've killed me, poor blokes. They was sorry enough about it once they woke up, though, so I'm not mad."

As for helping her? Jono offers, "If I can, yeah. I donno much about Digimon other than what I can find about this." He gestures to the office, though he means the MMO in general. "Not sure whether that'll make itself a problem or not."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet has to handle this delicately. She has not fully come out as a Confederate. That will come soon, but. She still wants to make some potential allies in her war.

"...Well. I would assume real Digimon are much like the virtual ones, within this game. So simply play the game, and you can learn some about their strengths and weaknesses." And this is true, at least to a point. One can only learn so much if they're not dealing with the real things.

"But... There is one last thing I should mention. Something I've heard rumors about, that may be more of a threat than just someone using Digimon for self agrandizing reasons... There are rumors in my world of something more dangerous. I've only heard bits and pieces of it. And don't let others know. I do not want their to be global panic. There is rumor of something known as the 'Dark Ocean'. Similar to a Digital World, but much more dangerous. Filled with beings that just... do not comprehend reality as we do. A place that entirely means ill will to humans."

"If the Dark Ocean turns out to be real, will you help deal with that problem as well? If it is true, it could be complete danger to all of humanity. Perhaps to other regions of the Multiverse, even."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
So the game can teach him more about the real Digimon? That makes sense, if it's a Digital World. Maybe the game was based off the real ones, after all. That would be handy, wouldn't it? Teaching and gaming at the same time! More seriously, if he can learn something important about actual Digimon, it's legitimately worth the investment to get into the game.

Then, talk of the Dark Ocean. He thinks about this. "A realm of malicious digital everythin's?" he asks. "That sounds like it'd be a BIG problem, yeh. An' not jus' for your world. Yeh, I'll help yer. Donno how much I can help, but if that's really what's goin' on, it don't need ter see the light 'a day in any world."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet nods. Smiling.

"Thank you. I know that believing in such rumors can be quite hard. I am unsure if it even exists or not. But... If it does exist? It must be stopped. At all costs."

At the least, Violet has an ally for now. Hopefully, once she is revealed to be trying to take over the world? Perhaps he will understand why, and side with her. Unlikely. But, one can hope.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono gives a light scoffing laugh. He points out, with a slightly teasing tone of voice, "When that incident 'appened, I was fightin' alongside an eight-foot bloke on a wolf the size 'o a rhino, a bloke whose motorcycle was alive, a bloke who could change inter animals, a dragon-lady-- literally-- an' a little robot girl an' 'er robot dog. Compered ter that, 'world full of malicious digital somethin's' is pretty tame."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet smiles. "Well. Your confidence sounds well founded at least. If it exists, I am sure your help in defeating it would be incredibly useful."

She let's out a (faked) sigh of relief. "Well. Hopefully, the future will lead to more pleasant things, and hopefully these fears are unfounded. But, thank you for all of your help, nonetheless."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods. "Not a problem," he returns. "Oh, do yer want me ter keep in touch about this Digital World?" he inquires. Presumably the game has menus and a friends list, right? If so, open, send request!

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet immediately accepts the request, and smiles.

"Yes, please. The more information, the better. Knowledge is a sort of power in its own way, isn't it?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"Yeh," Jono agrees. "I'll let yer know if I find out anythin' else." Oblivious Brit is oblivious! "I might be able ter go back to that city an' ask around, too."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet smiles, and nods. "Yes, check around. See what you can find. For now, I must speak with the people in charge of the MMO. They care a lot about this situation too. Granted, most just for reasons of not wanting to hurt the brand, but still."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods. "Right then, I'll do that. If yer find somethin' out and need 'elp with it, let me know," he offers in return.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet smiles, "Thank you for your help. Now, have some fun with the game again."

And with that, Violet does a hand motion. Jono would find himself back where he was before. Though, Violet is not with him.