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WMAT C1 Testarossa Fate vs A-ko Magami!
Date of Scene: 29 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Yunzabit Heights
Synopsis: It's a clash of speed versus brute force in yet another WMAT match this year, held in the Yunzabit Heights!
Cast of Characters: 131, 401, 434
Tinyplot: WMAT

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
"HEELLLOOOO MULTIVERSE! Right on the heels of one fight, we have another! This is your host, KIYOKO SAITO, better known as SAILOR SALVATION(we'll skip the full title just this once), commentating for another battle between two of the most dangerous beings in the multiverse: little girls! That's right, the schoolgirl A-KO MAGAMI is facing a challenger in the form of the Confederate version of the teeny tiny FATE TESTAROSSA! Tune in to 900.7 for coverage of this one!"

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
The Yunzabit Heights.

Cold. Desolate. Biting winds and so very far from civilization. The only way to watch a fight from here is from the hoverplanes above, capturing the fight in full HD glory and transmitting to viewscreens at the stadium and televisions all over the Multiverse.

And today's fight is one that Fate has prepared for.

She's seen Nanoha's match here. Studied the terrain a bit during that fight. And thus, the tiny blonde sets herself atop a high plateau perch, Device in hand as she looks down over the frigid permafrost wastes below, waiting for her opponent.

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
To some, wearing a traditional sailor-style school uniform with maryjane shoes and knee-high socks might make one seem cold. But A-ko Magami is stronger than she looks. In fact, she's done things like hold up a falling steel girder with one hand, knock over a mecha with a slight kick of her foot, and other things like that. So Testarossa might think she's got an easy match coming up against her, but A-ko's more than likely to prove that she can hold her worth.

Ignoring the blowing winds and the extreme cold passing by her, A-ko simply enters the arena and cracks her knuckles a few times. When she spots Testarossa Fate, she narrows her eyes a little as she recognizes her as a Confederate. "I can't believe I'll be facing an enemy in this match," A-ko comments to herself, "But oh well, such is life I suppose." She points at Testarossa and says, "I'm here, now let's get this on!"

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Metal gauntlet-clad fingers curl around the haft of her Device and... Fate doesn't move. Cold, scarlet, eyes glance down at the schoolgirl as she... Stands there, cape and long blonde twintails flowing dramatically in the frigid winds. Utterly silent. Almost tauntingly so, from her perch on high.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko claps her hands. "Here we go, folks! Fate is standing atop a tall spire and looking stoic and badass like... well, like the Dark Magical Girl she is! This should be pretty amazing, with Fate's speed against A-ko's strength, right? Let's see how it goes! A-ko is mumbling to herself and looks a bit annoyed that she's facing a Confederate, but hey, Fate is one of the nice ones, right?"

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
"All right, if that's how you want it, then I will come to you!" A-ko clenches her fists and then takes a few running steps, and then leaps with great agility upwards, attempting to land where Fate is. "I hope you're ready for a beatdown, because I'm tougher than I look!" A-ko comments as she attempts to jab at Fate to show that, even with a weak attack, she still packs a punch.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
How threatening.

Yet in the face of A-ko's belligerent bravado, Fate still says nothing as the redhead takes that mighty running leap to get at her. And with a grunt, the small blonde is twisting aside, lips curling downards as that fist connects with her lightly armored Barrier Jacket, twisting away to roll with the blow and lessen it, before swirling around in a flourish of speed and black-gold.

Her right hand is held up and extended, a ball of glowing yellow electrical energy...

[THUNDER BULLET.] her axe-staff announces as it explodes from her gauntlet with intent to shoot A-ko back, point blank.

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
The thunder bullet strikes A-ko straight in the stomach, causing her to double over and stagger backwards... a little. She brushes it off literally, ignoring the fact her school uniform is slightly burned and ripped (it's been done many times, just look at what happens when B-ko interrupts something!) Shaking her head and scowling, A-ko says, "So it looks like you've got quite a few powers up your sleeve. Well, I hope you know how to use 'em well!" With that, A-ko this time attempts to deliver a swift palm strike at Fate's stomach.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
And we're off! A-ko has decided that waiting is for chumps, so she's jumped right up to where Fate is standing and throwing a punch! That punch sends Fate tumbling, but the magical girl isn't without her own tricks. A quick little move jolts A-ko with what looks like a tiny ball of lightning! That's gotta sting!

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Already this up close the fight immediately fast and furious. A lightning fast melee that puts Fate in a position... Where she knows what to do.

As A-ko's palm comes striking out, yet again the slim blonde moves. The instant it connects she rolls herself away. Though the super strength of her opponent doesn't make it a pleasant experience, she opts to not take the full brunt of it. A nother spin flares that cloak out in a dazzling display as she pulls a twirling leap to meet height with the schoolgirl. And use every ounce of her momentum to try and slam A-ko across the face with the butt-end of her staff.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
"A-ko follows up with a jab to the stomach against her tinier foe, but Fate rolls with it and retaliates with a smack of that axe-Device toward A-ko. It looks like this Magical Girl is one who likes to get up close and personal, and it's getting to be a brawl instead of flashy lights!"

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
The butt of the staff strikes A-ko and she snaps her head to the side as she's hit... barely. "You call THAT a slap?" A-ko shakes her head. "I'll show YOU a slap!" She then adds while attempting to slap Fate across the face with her bare hand.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Fate eats that palm to the face, and she eats it hard. The full on connect resounds with an echoing smack before A-ko's inhuman strength, and Fate's sheer light weight means she gets summarily LAUNCHED almost a clean mile before flipping herself upright to a stop, clutching the angry red handprint forming on her cheek.

And then scarlet eyes narrow.


It's only an instant. A blink of an eye before she's back in A-ko's face, Device raised.


Axe becomes scythe with a SNACKT-FSHHH of the blade snapping back and erupting into the form of a scythe blade made of pure electrical energy. Which she intends to bring down at A-ko in a vicious diagonal slash.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko Saito slurps loudly on a soda. "OW! A-ko just hauls up and SMACKS Fate with a slap! It looks like it stings, too, because Fate's thrown um... a couple kilometers? Or something. Looks like it's gonna be a long-range fi- NO! Oh wow I forgot how fast the Fates are, because she's RIGHT BACK in A-ko's face with an energy scythe!" Kiyoko proceeds to make lightsaber noises with her mouth. "VRRROOOOW! KSH!"

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
SLASH! That scythe comes down at A-ko, cutting into her arms as she attempts to block it. Even with super-powerful strength and things like that, she's not totally invulnerable. A-ko finds that she's got a cut on her arm from that, and it's proof that she's really made Fate mad. Then again, this isn't about making new friends, especially when you're taking on an opponent from a rival faction.

"All right, that's it!" A-ko says as her scowl truly deepens. "Now I'm REALLY MAD!" She brings up her foot and attempts to drive it into Fate's stomach.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
But Fate is just too fast. As soon as A-ko kicks out, she's already vaulting over the superpowered schoolgirl in a flurry of motion that's difficult to track. Just a flaring billow of red cape and gold hair before the speedster blonde tries to get in behind her foe and try to plant her hand on her back and unleash a sudden and violent surge of searing voltaic energy.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko Saito says, "Fate's slice is fast and deadly as always, opening up a cut on A-ko's arm that looks pretty deep! A-ko tries to counter with a kick but... Fate's moving so fast I can't even really follow her! Sorry, she's just that quick! She's following up with a burst of lightning toward A-ko's back!"

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
A-ko almost chuckles as she gets tazed in the back. "What are you trying to do, tickle me?" She asks as the voltage seems to feel like little more than a slight tingling. "Come on, you need to do better than that!" A-ko attempts to spin around and shoulder check Fate to show her what she means by that.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
That speed should be illegal. Fate should be racking up like so many tickets, especially at her age as she blinks out of sight and practically re-appears everal paces away. It's like two drag-lines just appear in the permafrost to show the path of her retreat.


Finally she speaks, as Bardiche shifts out of scythe form and into a more spear-like configuration.


A call that suddenly lances a bolt of angry purple lightning for A-ko like a spear.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko blinks, leaning forward. "OW! That could have hurt! A-ko just shrugs it off, and spins around to try to BODYSLAM the much smaller Fate Testarossa! This could have been bad, but Fate is a slippery little girl and already zipping out of the way. Now Fate is retaliating with some... purple lightning? What's a Thunder Pulse? I've never seen THAT one!"

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
The lightning comes down and strikes A-ko directly, causing her to get quite a shock! She finds herself a bit charred and a bit more tingly than before. She finds herself seeing stars for a few moments also. But once she shakes off those stars, she doesn't say anything. She rushes at Fate and attempts to deliver a swift uppercut!

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Fate's cheek is already sporting quite a bruise. But when A-ko clears the distance after taking the shock, her immediate reaction is to lurch aside. It's a rough jink sidewards that gets her chin out of the direct path, but the passing slide of knuckles up her cheek still draws a sharp gasp of pain from the blonde.

This close she does what comes first reaction. Try to batter A-ko back away. The butt of her Device rams forward, an attempt to bluntly punch the redhead with it before a followup swipe of the razor-edge glaive head, crackling with electrical charge.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko Saito says, "Fate's lightning blasts into A-ko and gives her a heck of a jolt! This girl is pretty tough, but even she looks dizzy from that! She tries to rush in and give an uppercut, and that could be pretty bad... Fate barely manages to get hit hard, but comes away with a bruise for her trouble. She's going back on the offensive with her Device though, electrified head swiping and stabbing at A-ko to keep her busy and hopefully knock her over!"

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
A-ko gets hit not once, but twice. She does go down, albeit only for a few moments. During that time, she feels her head and is shocked to find it coming away with some red on it... and that isn't her hair either! It's blood, and when A-ko sees her own blood, she really sees red. She immediately jumps up and attempts to deliver a swift hook to Fate's stomach, while yelling out in anger.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Whelp, looks like Fate stirred up the hornet. Scarlet eyes widen as A-ko gets enraged and starts to really go gunning for her. Up comes Bardiche, and with a low ping of [DEFENSER!] erects a wall of bright yellow light in front of her. But the autodefense isn't strong enough to weather off that blow, and the swing smashes clean through it, shattering the spell like glass as Fate is forced to jink away and clutch her gut where fist leaves a blunted impact.

She coughs briefly from the blow before stomping a foot before Bardiche snaps back into scythe mode again and she takes a swipe. Disconnecting the electric blade from the Device and launching it like a boomerang.


Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko Saito says, "Things are heating up here! A-ko is bleeding now, and that seems to have pissed her off right bad! She's throwing some real whalloping punches, shattering right through Fate's shield! Looks like it blunted it though, which is something! A-ko's looking pretty bloodied and wearing down Fate, though, so Fate responds with an electric lightning boomerang attack! Man... I want one of those..."

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
This ain't the land down under, but A-ko finds herself hit by the boomerang all the same. It hits her right in the side, and it causes a yelp of pain from her. "You have no end to your tricks, do you?" A-ko asks as she stares at Testarossa again. "I have plenty myself! Like THIS!" She then attempts a two-footed sliding tackle.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
"Kh!" Fate has a lot of tricks, but a flat out tackle is a little hard to dodge if it connects. The slide-kcik throws her off balance, and with a topple and grunt of pain, she lets herself fall off the ledge and freefall. Because...


There's another trick right there as she goes out of sight for a second- but floats herself back up. And the Arc Saber 'boomerang' suddenly erupts with a concussive, explosive, force.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko Saito says, "A-ko is really feeling the heat! And the tingles, probably! She counters by leaping and TACKLING Fate, who goes down pretty hard! They're both falling now... but OW! It looks like Fate has another trick up her sleeve... er... Device. She doesn't wear sleeves. Actually the schoolgirl is wearing a lot more. Anyway, she makes her boomerang come back and EXPLODE!"

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
A-ko finds herself down on the ground and in a bit of pain... or rather, she's in pain from the exploding boomerangs. Granted she does manage to block them with her arms, but they still hurt like hell. Even then, A-ko gets up and dusts herself off a little, before glaring at Testarossa. "So you want to play in the air. Why don't you come back down to my level?!" Without waiting for a response, A-ko attempts to leap into the air, grab Fate, and throw her to the ground.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Swoosh. The air is where Fate excels, and it shows when A-ko makes that leap and catches nothing but empty air when Fate swerves out the way. ... And then jinks, veering to follow the redhead as Bardiche ignites his scythe again. This time her intent is to hook it around A-ko's belly and give a heaving SPIN to launch -her- back groundwards.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko Saito says, "What a display of agility from both girls! A-ko leaps, and Fate just dances out of the way! Looks like A-ko's getting a bit desperate here, but Fate's having trouble landing a solid hit too! Boy can that A-ko jump... I didn't think anyone could take on a flying opponent like this!"

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
A-ko is caught and thrown. The scythe is what hurts the most, since her belly is left uncovered by the school uniform, not that it would protect her much. But she still manages to right herself and land on her feet, skidding slightly. She's starting to show some signs of being worn out, with all the cuts and burns on her body. Yet she still keeps herself steady on two feet, which is rather interesting given how uncomfortable those school shoes must be. "OK, I admit I messed up there, but I'm still not done!" This time, A-ko leaps again but attempts a flying side kick... while one hand remains on her skirt in case she has a wardrobe malfunction!

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Fate is fast, she has that going for her. But every blow to land hits like a truck, and the side-kick connects solidly to the small blonde's ribs, taking her breath away for a beat.

Which might be why those claw-tipped gauntlets reach to try and grab ahold of A-ko again. The sudden and violent discharge to follow is more than enough to drop a grown man. Even for a superhero, it probably won't be pleasant if she gets that grasp on her.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko Saito says, "A-ko's having some real trouble connecting, and tries a flying kick! It doesn't hit too solidly, but even a glancing blow is enough to knock Fate's breath away, A-ko is so strong! I can hear the impacts all the way over here! A-ko's really hurting from that energy scythe though, and could be in trouble, because Fate's now using electrified gauntlets!"

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
The gauntlets touch A-ko, but they're more like a static electric shock than anything. But when you're low on stamina, you tend to hurt more. Which is why A-ko is finding herself gasping for air after that one, despite the fact it was merely a flesh wound. A-ko looks up at her opponent and stares at her for a moment, then she attempts to send forth a blast of sparkling energy at Fate in hopes of knocking her down for real.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
The sudden blast of energy erupts outards. And once again, this looks like something that Fate's delicate build might have difficulty soaking.

Up comes her hand, forming a circular shield out of a runic sigil of gold light in hopes of buffeting the impact. And for a beat it looks like it might hold, cracking visibly like glass as it tries to withstand the shock. But it breaks, another shatter and it slams her solidly in the chest, a blow that sends Fate spiralling out of the sky and landing on the ground in a small thump. It takes her a few seconds to rise, panting and raising her Device.


The revolver cylinder attached to Bardiche's neck spits two shells into place, charging the battleax with a powerful surge and payload of mana as the tiny blond grits her teeth and whispers...

"Arcus... Cultas... Aegeas..."


The resultant, roiling, sheer wave of golden light that erupts from the Device lances out in three pillar-sized beams, streaking in a trident of light in vicious, scorching retaliation.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko Saito says, "That shocking grip was... WOW! A-ko just shrugged it off and then it's a RETURN TO SENDER ATTACK! I didn't know A-ko could throw magical blasts! But there it is, a SUPER A-KO SPARKLING ULTIMATE BURSTER ATTACK! And it shatters right through Fate's shield, slamming into her and sending her tumbling! FATE HAS BEEN SHOT DOWN! Oh... it looks like she's not out yet though! I... I just heard cartridges load, and there comes a Plasma Smasher! Fate's not playing around either!"

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
The beams strike A-ko and knock her down even harder than before. When she pushes herself up, it's obvious she's having trouble. She's struggling to breathe and her legs look a little wobbly. But A-ko knows she's in this fight to the end. "I may not win, but I'm not going down easily either!" She attempts to rush at Fate and deliver an elbow strike.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
It's getting to that breathless point where the fight is hitting crescendo. As A-ko pulls herself back up to make violent reprisal, this time Fate meets her with Bardiche directly. The jarring superpowered impact rattles the chilg, making her grit her teeth and a nasty crack form down the length of her Device's shaft, but it soaks the blow.

"S-sorry Bardiche." She whispers softly, as her Axe stiocally takes the punishment without a word of dismay nor reproach, doing all he can to provide his small master with the victory she so desires. It is to A-ko that she replies next.

"... Stay down."

Up comes her hand, palm out, fingers spread as she aims for the other girl's stomach.


And unloads a dark purple bolt of piercing energy.

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
She would stay down, if she was out of stamina, but she's not quite there yet. Instead, A-ko is getting up once again. She's glaring daggers at Testarossa Fate. "You're not as great as you think you are, with your powers and all that. The truth is, without them you'd be a lot better!" It appears A-ko's really lost it this time as she attempts to grab Testarossa and slam her to the ground.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko Saito says, "Oh WOW! A-ko goes for the elbow strike and... Fate blocks it with Bardiche! That looks like it stung though, so she responds with a pretty harsh bullet of plasma, which slams right into A-ko! Looks like A-ko isn't a fan of magic, though!"

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Better without her powers? Not all that?

Something in what A-ko says... Upsets Fate.

No, it rouses a quiet fury within her. A chill, frost flickers across scarlet eyes, but before she can even reply she's grasped. Lifted bodily and thrown down with all that force. It's stunning, leaving the lightly armored blonde gasping and in a crumpled heap of her cape. Before tremblind fingers grasp Bardiche's cracked haft. There are no words. Better without her powers?

Skill and speed that Linith had built within her through tender nurturing, dilligent training, and encouraging words.
The natural strength of the Testarossa bloodline, cloned into her very blood and enhanced through Precia's hard work.
And the sheer power of her unwavering resolve that a young girl who had never known magic before, from an unadministered world had taught her with friendship.

And A-ko has the gall to tell her that the magic instilled in her over years of hardship, that have only finally come to an end, is worthless?

A hiss of breath and Fate is back up on her feet, battered, bruised, and a bit on the bloody side as the sky darkens above, thunder and lightning dancing amid the clouds. Ka-chunk! Ka-CHUNK


Bardiche is now a much bigger, nastier, scythe of golden light. Which she swings, with silent intent to cut A-ko down.

It won't kill her. But it sure won't feel nice either.

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
Even with what little strength she has remaining, A-ko somehow manages to avoid the incoming attack from Fate. She avoids it, but clutches her side gasping for air afterwards. "I can't believe this is still going on," A-ko comments to herself. "But I might as well do what I can!" She struggles to keep herself going as she attempts to locate Fate, and then attempt to trick her with a feint before going in with an actual punch.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko Saito says, "So A-ko seems to think Fate would be better without her powers! This seems to prompt a huge scythe of doom! That's not good. Especially since it looks like Fate was rattled because A-ko just grabbed her and SLAMMED HER IN THE GROUND! That had to hurt, Fate doesn't look well-armored in that!"

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Fate hasn't gone anywhere. She's right there directly in front of A-ko, and very easy to locate. It's not so much that the feint tricks her as she tries to sidestep the actual punch and still eats it in the face. This staggers her, a hobbling lurch that sends her wobbling for several steps, before using her own lurching momentum to arch that scythe clean around.
If at first you do not succeed...

A-ko Magami (434) has posed:
A-ko's caught once again, and this time, it's over. She drops to one knee, looks up and clenches her fist at her opponent. "Next time we meet, there will be no rules to save you!" She weakly sputters out, before her other leg gives out, and she falls flat on her face. The crowd might have mixed reactions, but odds are C-ko's in the stands bawling her eyes out at the defeat of her friend.

Kiyoko Saito (131) has posed:
Kiyoko gasps, "A-ko manages to duck the scythe, but is hurting pretty badly! She still manages to sock a good punch right on Fate, who is looking dizzy and out of it by now... but she manages to swing that scythe back around and... that's it! A-ko gets slashed hard and falls right over after promising a rematch!"

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Flump. Fate falls right to her knees in her permafrost, panting and bruised. Bardiche cuts off power to the beam blade scythe and snaps his axe-head back into position, opening twin prongs to vent a hissssssssh of steam and bleed off all the accumulated heat.