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Naval Attack! The Digimon Menace Grows!
Date of Scene: 01 July 2014
Location: Digital World
Synopsis: Dr. Violet Hunter sends a Seadramon to try and claim a battleship. She is stopped by the combined forces of Princess Peach, and Abe no Seimei.
Cast of Characters: 31, 350, 471

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
There are not that many active battleships in the world. The largest navy, that of the United States, only has around four hundred active ships or so. All other navys only have a small fraction of that size. This cause a problem for Dr. Violet Hunter. She is currently after various military technology. She wants to research it for her own uses. For the construction of her own base. And, with so few active ships, she only has so many oppritunities to steal one.

So, the first time will /have/ to count.

The USS Implacable, a Battleship of the United States Naval Forces. It is currently docked at a naval base in Hawaii. It is, as usual, quite a pleasant and warm day. The ship is more or less just on standby right now, inbetween its training exercises and its missions. Some shore leave for the sailors is always good.

A small fishing boat just off the island is the first to see it, and report it in to the mainland. The sailor is laughed at. Probably drunk. But, sadly, they will likely believe reports of monsters a bit more readily in the future. For, something is emerging from the ocean. A large blue seamonster. It has a long blue body with a white belly, and a dragon-like yellow face. Its fans are bared, and it glares towards the shore.

Its first course of action? Opening its mouth, and shooting a burst of ice towards the docks. Freezing them over, and putting a wall of ice up. Most normal soldiers couldn't get past this easily. It turns towards the ship, roaring, looking down at the sailors still aboard it.

Somewhere in the sky, two figures are watching from afar. A red witchlike woman riding on a broomstick. Witchmon. And, with her, Dr. Violet Hunter. Violet's goggles are on due to the wind. At the least, she has a clear view of Seadramon. She smirks.

"Sorry, Witchmon. I promise, next time will be your turn to go out."

Witchmon simply just glares away, a bit annoyed. "I'm so strong, though! You should be using me /constantly/."

"Well, we're looking to capture. Not completely destroy. Seadramon is the best choice for this."

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
Meanwhile, in a Japan somewhere far away... A man was sitting at his home, peering over what appeared to be a strange, wooden half-sphere. It was a fortunetelling device, with two inner parts that made the sphere contort like a Rubik's cube in opposing directions. It turned and moved, showing a number of dots or characters that he had written on it. Click. Then, a radio signal interrupted him. He grumbles irritably, ignoring the signal at first. However, shortly, a small floating fox came his way.


"Past the easternmost star..." He mumbles, eyes squinting as he focuses to read the symbols lined up.

"SEIMEI!" The fox shrieks, lifting up into the air and sitting directly on his shoulder.

He pauses, grabbing his pipe which lay on an endtable, still smoking. He takes a great inhale, "You shouldn't bother your master when he is in thought, Kiku."

She scoffs, hopping back down to the ground. "Did you hear that signal? Maybe you should see what is going on. You could meet someone new!"

Seimei replies sarcastically, begrudgingly getting up from his divination session. "Kiku, I don't think a ship distress call is the best time to have a party."

... But within the next few moments, Seimei finds himself calling his paper shikigami servants, forming them into a makeshift floating craft and making his way into the naval base at Hawaii. He arrives in his typical apparel--a large white robe and black tall hat--armed with his pipe. He was sitting lotus style, calmly floating right on in from a westerly direction on the other side. Thank Custodians for Warpgates. However, Kiku did have something right. There /was/ something intresting going on here...Taking a whiff of his pipe, he muses, whispering to himself, "An angry spirit? But, ah... something isn't right here."

For the time being, he remains atop his paper craft high in the air, taking in the situation before he decides whether or not action would be appropriate. After all, he could be enjoying a nice warm cup of tea and a game right now. He just had to determine whether this was more or less entertaining.

Princess Peach (350) has posed:
Princess Peach happens to be vacationing in Hawaii, taking her chance to get out and see more of the multiverse outside her own world. She was out swimming in the ocean near a private beach when Toad begins to frantically flag her down. Peach quickly swims to shore and rushes up to Toad to find out what is going on, dressed in a two tone pink bikini, her hair tied up in a ponytail. Toad relays the destress call, and Peach decides she can't ignore it, being so close, vacation or not.

Grabbing a towel, she quickly dries herself as best she can and puts on a light pink and sky blue summer dress, slipping her feet into a pair of pink flip-flops, and taking her crown from Toad before placing it atop her head. With that, she's off, quickly hopping onto her personal Yoshi, urging the pink dinosaur toward the Navy Base indicated in the distress call. Before she even gets close to the docks however, she can already see the ice everywhere, though as of yet, she can't see the sea-monster that has caused all this.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The paper aircraft catches the eye of Violet and Witchmon. Hrm. They're just here for observational roles, or Violet would pretty immediately order an attack. Instead, Violet speaks over her radio, communicating specifically with Seadramon, to point out the aerial enemy.

Seadramon opens its mouth, and points it towards the flying enemy. From its mouth, a spear of ice flies out. It isn't all that big of a spear, but it is incredibly sharp. It's aimed more for the paper aircraft, than the person itself. It doesn't sem to be trying all that hard to hit or do damage, though. This is probably more of a warning shot.

The Seadramon has better eyes than Peach, it seems. The military is currently working on regrouping, and trying to figure out how to deal with things. And the Seadramon is trying to keep an eye on them. But, when a woman in a pink and blue dress comes in, casually, riding what looks to be a little dinosaur?

This is probably trouble.

And so, it spits out a spray of water towards Peach. It packs a punch, but it is likely a warning shot as well.

Violet chuckles from her viewpoint in the sky. "At the least, Witchmon, think of it this way. If these guys win, you have the perfect excuse to challenge them to combat later."

Witchmon simply grins, a little bit cruely.

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
Now, since when was a paper aircraft at all suspicious? Sure, a man sitting lotus style on a big floating square of paper seems relatively strange, but if we were to take other things into account--like pink dinosaurs and sea dragons--really, it was small fry compared to that! But alas, it seems Seimei has to take action. As he notices the dragon turning its head toward him, he tsks, "My my... Maybe I didn't think this through entirely." He chuckles playfully, but at once is bringing a palm forward, facing the blast of spearicles headed his way.

He begins chanting quietly, a sound rising above the din of the chaos below, "Mine is the voice of the gods. Ice becomes water in the house of the planet of Mars." And then, he takes a deep inhale through his nose, chest filling with air. With a sudden release of hair, he exhales bullets of flame that meet the onslaught of ice--as if he were playing some arcade shooting game trying to get points for each spear he hit.

But a couple of them slice past, beginning a small scarlet flow on his cheek and neck. He winces, "Kyaaa~ that was close!" As he heaves a breath before he finish building up the flames, rubbing the back of his neck.

Princess Peach (350) has posed:
As Peach gets closer and looks around more, she does spot the sea-monster behind the docked navy battleship. She blinks at it's sheer size, and in her moment of hesitation, she ends up taking a direct hit from it's water blast attack. The blow isn't terribly painful, but it does pack enough force to knock her off her Yoshi, and the pink dinosaur goes running off in a frantic bid to flee as Peach lands sprawled out on her back. She gets up again and frowns a bit as she tries to shake some of the water off. "So glad I went to the trouble to dry off..." She then decides to remove her soaked dress, as it'll only slow and weigh her down.

Continuing toward the docks, once she reaches them, she carefully cuts across the ice and leaps off the edge of the dock, floating over the water to land on the ship. Once aboard, she looks around, trying to think of a way to defend the ship, having sparse options for attacking at a distance. She looks to a life preserver and gets an idea. Grabbing it, she attempts to charge it with her magic, and soon the buoyant ring is glowing pink and sparkling with little hearts. She then throws it as hard as she can at the Seadramon, hoping her aim is true, so that the life ring will bring a magical explosion, and a shower of pink hearts in it's wake.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
As the fireball comes in, Seadramon spits out a burst of water towards Abe no Seimei. It's basically a ball of water, though it scatters a little bit as it impacts the fire. Bits of the fire still strike Seadramon, though the impact is lessened. Sadly, this will also mean the force of the ball of water will be less than it would normally be, but alas, it still works.

The explosion of pink that comes from the inflatable ring is quite a surprise to the Seadramon, and causes it a fair amount of intense pain. It ends up roaring out a little bit in anger. This bit of attack does draw the attention of Witchmon and Violet as well. It's a little bit unusual to be able to turn /anything/ into a weapon. Even Digimon rarely have that sort of power. That is, if any even have such a power.

Violet frowns a little.

"...It is still no end of surprise to me, how much strength some in the Multiverse have."

With Peach becoming a more prime target, though? The Seadramon is going to try and take /her/ out as the main focus. It ducks under the water, swimming underneath the battleship, before appearing on the other side. With a roar, it moves its head forward, jaws open. A row of sharp teeth, moving to bite into the princess.

Princess Peach (350) has posed:
Princess Peach notices that the focus seems to have shifted toward her, and looks a bit worried when the Seadramon dives underwater. Having no idea what would come next or where the monster would reappear, Peach quickly scans the water in every direction as best she can. However, when she hears a splash behind her, she quickly turns around, seeing the monster coming at her with jaws open. She nimbly leaps out of the way of the bite attack and in a flash, a heavy cast-iron frying pan appears in her hands, which she swings at the Seadramon with all her strength. "Sorry, this princess isn't on the menu today."

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
As the sea serpent responds to both Peach and Seimei, the sorcerer can't help but turn his attention to Peach as well. He certainly was not expecting that much power from the woman in pink on land either. Maybe this would turn out to be a more exciting affair than he had planned. However, the man has little time to ponder how much fun could be had here. Because, straight toward him were high pressured water balls heading his wa---

"Oomph!" He falls back from the force, stumbling backwards on his paper craft. Had he not been who he was, he would have fallen right off of his ship. But suddenly, the paper square split into two--with the one half he was hanging onto curling inwards to save him from a most terrible and unfortunate landing. He grunts, finally standing on his diminished craft, his right kimono sleeve torn, revealing reddened skin. "I see." He states firmly, reaching forward and snapping his fingers.

The other uninhabited half of paper square suddenly dissipates--one by one, revealing all of these folded pieces of paper individually flying around. Seimei flicks his hand in a circular motion, and they begin folding more intricately...becoming knives, daggers, butterflies? With super sharp wings! Headed straight for Seadramon!

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The frying pan comes in, striking the Seadramon. It leaves a nice, big dent upon the creature. It roars in anger again, frustated at not being able to get a good hit in upon her.

It is /then/ even more enraged by the fact that it has a number of razor sharp paper butterflies cutting into it. Papercuts are not to be underestimated, especially with the magical reinforcement on these ones.

The Seadramon dives under water, reappearing on the opposite side of the vessel again. This time, it first turns towards Abe no Seimei. A strange attack, though. In its tail, it has picked up a large boulder. And it tosses it, trying to crash it into the mage.

It almost immediately leaps out of the water, trying to land atop the battleship. Its body begins to wrap around it. Hopefully, it can at least /ensnare/ it.

The end of its tail, though? It starts to slam down, trying to hit Peach, and hard at that. Crushing her under its massive tailfin.

Princess Peach (350) has posed:
Princess Peach's eyes go wide as she watches the monster ensnare the ship and she lets out a scream as she sees it's tailfin swiftly come crashing down toward her, having nowhere to run on the now crampt deck of the battleship. Her scream quickly turns to a cry of pain as she is crushed under the tail slap, only to squirm out from under it after much effort. After picking herself up again, she gets a running start in what space she has on the half of the deck before where the Seadramon is wrapped around the whole thing. She then leaps as high as she can and floats toward it's face, before taking hold of her crown and smashing it pointy end down toward the monster's eyes.

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
Seimei sighs as he sees the shikigami hit their mark, but they quickly fall into uselessness and poof into nothing once they touch water. He uses this time to assume a defensive position, with his now half-baked papercraft floating backwards away from the action. However, he does quickly take note of other individuals on the field--including a strange red witch with a claw and some young woman. They haven't done anything, which is altogether worrysome. Those who sit still... are typically puppetmasters. He turns his head away from them for a moment. They would probably serve some purpose later on.

Meanwhile, he's got 99 problems, and a boulder IS one of them.

Reflexively, the sorcerer lifts a palm up, directing his chi in Yang motion, focusing the energy offensive to attempt to cut the rock in two. Unfortunately, his best laid plans fall apart. The boulder comes into contact with his hand, cracking--but not breaking. On the bright side, it slows down the impact. On the other hand...

Even paper can't save him now. Seimei is falling from the paper craft!

He snaps his fingers, gritting his teeth as he falls. The half-square separates into little pieces of paper, falling onto the ocean.

One of them beneath him, turning at once into a strange creature. It appeared as an unexpected burst of bright light. Then, as its aura dimmed, Seimei was laying atop the back of a majestic white tiger. Its stripes were black all around, and its size was formidable, comparable to the Seadramon's. It stood firmly on the water like a messiah. At once, its voice boomed, "Seimei, you idiot."

To which the sorcerer replied candidly with a pained voice, "Ayaaa~, Byakko. Good thing I plan for these sorts of things. What would you do without me?"

The tiger shook his head, "I wouldn't be here, for one. But no time to talk. Hold on tight!" Seimei knew what to do, gripping onto the feline's fur as it leaped toward Seadramon with a frightening speed--lifting up a claw to strike!

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The Seadramon is struck in its left eye, by the crown. The crown cuts across it. Though the eye remains firmly inside the socket still, the creature is still bleeding a fair amount, and wincing its eye. It is, most likely, no longer a usable eye.

The Seadramon screams in pain due to this. It shouts out, "MY EYE!" Yeah, as of yet, it has been silent, but apparently it /can/ speak.

The pain is only made worse as Byakko's claws tear across itts skin, bleeding from them fairly badly. But, still. Wounds on the body heal more easily. Wounds in the eye, less so.

And so, the Seadramon turns its head towards Peach. It's mouth opens, and it speak, announcing its attack.


A massive burst of an elemental breath flies from the Seadramon's mouth, moving to envelop Peach. It is ice in elemental, and incredibly cold and painful. Freezing everything it touches. It will likely damage the ship, but if it /does/ manage to get away with the ship? Hey, it doesn't need to be in /perfect/ condition.

Meanwhile, it's trying to slam its tail towards the tiger, trying to slap at it over and over again. It's having a bit of trouble seeing where it is, so a lot of this is likely just guesswork at figuring out where the white tiger is.

But, even as this is all going on? The Seadramon is trying to do something else. The boat shakes, just barely. It's trying to, slowly, pull the Battleship under the water.

Princess Peach (350) has posed:
Hearing the beast cry in pain, and knowing she has rendered it blind in one eye, Princess Peach actually feels a bit of regret for what she had just done, but she had come here to defend this ship, and that is what she will do. In any case, she isn't left with much time to think about it anyway, as she takes that powerful ice blast at close range. Being hit with blast of ice that felt worse than a trip to the depths of the Arctic Ocean, in a bikini, was enough to almost make Peach faint. It does however, manage to freeze her to the deck of the ship.

After struggling a bit to get free of the ice, she decides that she's really stuck good, and since she can't fight back just now, she takes a moment to heal herself instead. Focusing her magic inward, her body takes on a pink glow as her wounds start to mend.

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
Seimei once again must appreciate this other offworlder. Though, didn't she have a dinosaur? Hmm, curiouser and curiouser. Finally having a chance to sit up properly on Byakko, straddling him near the neck like a steed, he raises up a hand to wave to Peach in camaraderie. Though she didn't know his name, at least she should know their causes were similar. Partially, anyway.

After all, Seimei wasn't here to save the ship really. He was just bored.

As the Seadramon lifted its tail to begin thwacking Seimei-Tiger team, Byakko roared lifting himself up on his hind legs to take the blows directly. He bobbed and weaved to avoid the tail swipes, though two blind reaches slapped him right in the face and across his chest. He hisses in pain, with the last of the hits sending him backwards. He slid on the water's surface backwards away from the commotion.

But now Byakko was ticked off, and he began running forward again with a vengenace... his size, suddenly, lessening.

As Seadramon began trying to crush and bring the ship down, Byakko was now about 1/3 of his size from before--small enough to at least leap on Seadramon and be a nuisance. Which was exactly his plan as he jumped gracefully into the air onto the Digimon's middle. Claws digging into skin as he gripped onto his prey. Dig. Claw lift. Dig.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Peach is healing, but the Seadramon is still most furious at her, rather than at the tiger and Seimei. Even if Seimei is still doing a great amount of damage. With Byakko climbing, and slashing at multiple parts of its body? It is causing a large amount of pain as well.

For Peach, it simply keeps breathing ice towards her. Not as much as his initial blast, but still a painful amount of ice. He is /not/ going to take his eye off of Peach.

His tail, though? It slams around, trying to thrash at the tiger climbing around its body, taking a guess at its location based on where he was hurt. It's mostly blindly guessing, but if it gets some hits in, it will still hurt.

Meanwhile, it's still working on pulling the Battleship underwater. It'll take a bit longer to submerge it still, but it is about halfway down now.

Witchmon sighs, shaking her head a bit, while watching the fight. "Ah, you really should of let me fight instead. It would be over already."

Princess Peach (350) has posed:
Well, it would seem that the Seadramon wasn't done trying to freeze her with it's breath, and at this point Princess Peach is shivering like she's about to go hypothermic, which she probably is. Through chattering teeth, she complains. "Rrreally wissshing I broughtt my wiinterr coatt righht aabout noww..." Deciding she can't just stand here and take the cold any longer, in a flash she summons a golf club to her hands, looks like a sand wedge, and she quickly begins using it to chip away at the ice holding her down.

Soon she is free, and quickly takes cover behind a gun battery. But she's not just going to hide, she plans to get some payback for nearly getting frozen to death. A magical bomb appears in her hand, which she tosses at the Seadramon, only for it to split into several as it falls toward the monster, creating a veritable storm of explosions.

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
Good thing about being small was it was easy to avoid a thrashing tail! Bad thing was that when you were hit, it hurt bad. Seimei grunts as the pain is felt empathetically, the two of them being beat up by the serpent's tail most terribly. One whack caused the tiger to be practically flattened against the Seadramon's body, and the other? Byakko was roaring fiercely as he nearly falls right into the water.

A drowning cat is never pretty! But with furrowed eyebrows in concentrating, Seimei was bringing Byakko up from the water from becoming a capsized kitty with a bit of psychic force.

The tiger murmured, coughing--a sound which is echoed by Seimei--"You're using too much energy, Seimei. Be careful."

When Seimei covered his mouth, he saw stains of blood, and what's more... age spots were already showing up on the back of his hands. He could feel the wrinkles settling in at the sides of his eyes--always the beginning sign of deterioration. "Don't worry, my friend. It's a Tuesday. Cover me."

The tiger nods in understanding, leaping back from the sea serpent and the sinking ship. Seimei then takes one deep breath... and releases a heavy exhale--breathing fire!

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The massively powerful Psych Bomb comes in, exploding against the Seadramon. It's skin is massively seared and burnt up. It cries out in pain at this. Of course, other portions of its body are also burnt apart by the flaming breath from Seimei. The pain is so intense, it can't even keep the grip on the ship anymore. The ship begins to float up again. A bit worse for wear from being half submerged, but not the worst case scenario at least.

There is only /so much/ damage that Seadramon can realistically take before this simply becomes 'not worth it'. And, it seems to have decided that it'd be a lot better to live and fight another day. It's body had already began to loosen it's grip upon the ship. But now, it lets go completely. With its head leading, it begins to dive back into the water, to hide.

...And it isn't coming up. It is working on fleeing, swimming away from the battlefield as quickly as it can.

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
Seimei and Byakko keep their distance, especially because after that attack... Seimei's face has become sallow, his cheeks sinking inwards, skin drying of all its youthful appearance. What had stood there only moments before was a fairly handsome man in perhaps his late 20's. Now, atop that feline--which appeared to be fading itself--was a man with graying, thinning hair who looked to be in his early seventies.

And Seimei wanted to make sure no one could see this. So once the Seadramon made its way to retreat, so did the onmyouji.

He did however make one final mark... Conjuring two pieces of paper, he sent a message fluttering in the wind to the young lady in the air and Princess Peach. In an elegant scrawl it only read:

"Good show." There was a five-pointed star on the back, styled like a pentacle without the circle. That... was it.

Princess Peach (350) has posed:
Princess Peach takes a moment to catch her breath, and rub her hands together, trying to warm up as the monster dives back into the ocean and releases the ship. Soon it seems clear that it isn't coming back. Peach comes out from behind her cover, intending to thank the man who had helped her here, and offer to help heal any injury he has sustained, but before she can do either, he's gone. Suddenly a scroll flutters in front of her and she grabs it, reading it, then blinking a bit as she looks around. "I don't know what is going on, but I must really attract craziness when I'm on vacation..."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
With Seadramon retreating? The two women sitting up atop a broomstick seem to fly away as well. Who knows who they were. Well, at least they didn't interfere on an obvious level, for now.

Violet does sigh, though, as they fly off. "Yes. Next time I will use your power, Witchmon."

And Witchmon simply grins.