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Latest revision as of 00:05, 8 July 2014

Street Hustle
Date of Scene: 05 July 2014
Location: Afterus - City of Home - City Center
Synopsis: Kotone's just checking out the city of Afterus when she runs into a street merchant from her world and shortly after? Allyn a shape shifter.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 307

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
So Afterus, it was a strange and interesing place Kotone had found what she wasn't expecting was a street vendor who seemed to be from her world hakwing all sort of out of date items but to anothere world? It might be cutting edge or beyond what they could do. It would be hard to tell with this world she doesn't know it by the young cyborg seems to be watching him haggle with the locals as he tries to sell them various things, some of which to her amusement get passed over he didn't think about the fact not many worlds are as wired up as their own.

"You might want to check where your selling. I think we're the only two here with a cyberbrain."

The man shoots her a look it's not angry but annoyed, it may be its because the girl has a point, he goes on however to the next customer!

Allyn (307) has posed:
The large wolf that comes padding through the shopping area, wouldn't normally be seen in a place like this, but he's decided a little more exploring of worlds is something that he should do, especially if he wants to get over the fear of new things that he seems to have. That might also mean meeting new people he has never seen before and that too would maybe be a good thing. Allyn has taken to wandering about in his larger dire wolf form, instead of his normal one, because of all the trouble he has been in the thick of lately. He sniffs around here and there in the shopping area, glancing around and looking at the things that are strange to him, his ears perking and swiveling as he listens to people talk.

The wolf gives some people a 'look' when they call him a dog, but he doesn't growl at them and if anyone pats him, he allows them too, even if it is just a little bit humiliating. He stops when he comes across Katone and the man talking and sits down, ears swiveling to better listen to their conversation as he looks at the stuff that is for sale. "What are these things?" he asks curiously.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks to see a large wolf she pauses, is this someone's pet? She's not sure what to think as she's sizing the huge beast up, it doesn't seem to be looking rfor trouble. That gets Kotone's notice, she's not smell human at all, like platics, metal and the like would be the strongest and whatever else was in the enviorment.

"Computers, memory storage units, all sorts of software and hardware! I even have collectable sand a few books all from the distant nation of Japan!"

Kotone smirks a bit and looks to the wolf.

"He's just a peddler hawking hardware...still I didn't umm expect a talking wolf umm hello there!"

Well if it's aware it's not really a active threat, right?

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn tilts his head at Kotone and blinks as she mentions software and hardware, he doesn't know what that is. "Collectable sand?" his ears perk at that, "What is it good for?" he ponders, not really sure what collectable sand is good for." He looks a bit amused as she says that she wasn't exppecting a talking wolf. "I have run across a lot of people who have said similiar things. There are other talking creatures around, as far as I know, if it really all that strange that a wolf would talk?" he swishes his tail and would grin if wovles could do that. Hello to you as well." No, he's no threat, at least as long as no one else is being threatening.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
The Man shrugs a little bit.

"Some of the trolls are into it, they like getting stand from different worlds or hard to get ones."

HE doesn't know why but if there's money to be made, right? Kotone meanwhile looks at the wolfe for a moment.

"Where we're from they only exist in stories really. Yes given the wolves on our world are not self aware. I'm Kotone."

The merchant meanwhile is peddling with some passing Trolls who do seem to be haggling over the price of several jars of sand.

"So what brings you here?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn seems to nod to Kotone, "Ah yeah most wolves in my home do not speak either, though they are quite self aware." he seems amused again. "Most animals are self aware, it's just that most do not know that, because they cannot speak to them. I can speak to most naturally occuring animals and some of them are quite the conversationalists. Unless you are talking to a chipmunk, they can be rather hard to understand because they communicate their thoughts and feeling really quickly."

He gives a couple chuffs which could be chuckling and then ponders for a few moments. Well, where are his manners he supposes? He shimmers and shifts forms, since sometimes talking to a wolf can be rather uncomfortable for people or even beings that aren't really human. His human form replacing the wolf, he gives a bow, "A pleasure to meet you Kotone, I am Allyn."

He smiles and then shrugs some at the question, "I am just exploring really, I like to see new places and really need to get over that kind of fear. I am just used to having to hide because back home such people as me are usually killed because anything not understood is considered magic."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks at the Wolf for a moment and shakes her head.

"Maybe on your world. It's not logical to assume everyone's like your own. It's just something I learned in my limited experiance here."

She pauses she stares, no she's not seeing thing as Allyn takes on a human form. Okay she's just going to take that at face value.

"Magic was a myth until the unification I found. Then some people would consider what's common place on my world, to be magic."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods and ponders Kotone's words, "You are correct, it isn't a good idea to assume everyone is like those on my world." he chuckles some, "I am coming to learn that, slowly."

He shrugs some, "It is still hard when you've been on the run and in hiding for six or seven years though, but it is nice to not have to worry that I will be hunted down and killed for being what I am. I do not think that any sentient being would choose to live in fear." he peers at Kotone for a few moments, "I do not know a lot of things, so I suppose.." he just shrugs, not sure what he supposes, "Ah well, it's not too important."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I don't have any experiance with that I admit. Some say admitting to not knowing is the first step to wisdom."

She blows one strand of hair out of her eyes and she looks at him back for a moment.

"Is there something wrong?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn shakes his head and smiles some, "No, nothing is really wrong. Just ever since I apperared in these strange places, I've felt.." he ponders how best to explain it, "Backwoods? compared to most of the people I have met? Maybe even a little inferior?" he shrugs. People seem to have a lot of interesting abilities and weapons, but where I come from we never had anything other than swords, or farmed and things like that."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I can get how that goes, I'm from a pretty backwoods myself. Not that you could tell by looking at me now. Man there'd be people who'd give their left arm for what you could do. It's funny how that goes isn't it? People want what they don't have or can't have. Sounds like your world is just different from mine. You had magic that likely filled a lot of what technology does on mine."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn ponders and nods with a bit of a smiels, "I suppose that you have a point. We all want something we don't have from time to time." he chuckles, "Though I have never thought of it that way, but it has been a little overwhelming." he shrugs, "I've met some decent people though, so I guess that is a good thing, right?"

He then glances over the goods for a few more moments and then back to Kotone, "Maybe one day I will even come to understand what this technology stuff is and what it all means. Not someting I should be afraid of, right?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "To be fair the very basic idea of using tool is technology, it's a matter of how much a culture or person knows and can use. Really I find. a sword and the means to make it is technolgy after all. I tend to work with a lot I'm a mechanic and then some really."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn ponders those words and he nods to Kotone, "You are right, I think." he raises an eyebrow though at her other words, "A mechanic? I am not sure, but that sounds interesting." he glances around for a few moments and then sighs a little, "I think I should go find somewhere to rest for a little while though. Perhaps we can meet up again sometime? I'd like to speak more, as I think we are a lot alike."