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Phase Rock. Fayt Ravus vs. Witchmon
Date of Scene: 07 July 2014
Location: TARGET: Phase Rock (PR)
Synopsis: Fayt Ravus makes an attack on Phase Rock, while Witchmon and Violet Hunter defend.
Cast of Characters: 319, 471

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt was on a bit of a roll right now. business was doing well thinsk to all that work with the WMAT, and his little experent with proto-abstractum last night, while it didn't quite go as planned, was a major success. he figures with things going so well, why not try his luck at a target zone? Hopefully everyone's still fairly distracted by the WMAT... hopefully.

with that in mind, Fayt flys towards the island that houses phase rock with a pair of what looks like blue and green wings attached to some sort of harness. His new protoabstractum goggles tightened down over his eyes as he heads towards his target. "Hmm..."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Unfortunately for Fayt, there is already a Confederate present. Violet had a /minor/ run in earlier today. A little bit of blows were exchanged between Digimon, albeit nothing major. Mostly a lot of posturing on both sides. Still, it left her with a lot to think about, and plan out.

In fact, that is part of what brings her to Phase Rock. Her future plans. She needs a power source for a fortress she is working on, and is looking to Phase Rock for an example of a Multiversal energy source. She stands by Phase Rock, taking notes on a sheet of paper. Her labcoat flows back a bit, in the wind. Flying near her is what seems to be a blonde fairy.

But, the various signals around the base report an unknown person flying in towards the island. Violet sighs, looking up. She wasn't planning on having a fight right now, but... Hrm. Alas, she supposes she shall have to.

"...Tinkermon, I know I don't have to ask. But. Are you ready for battle."

The Digimon, Tinkermon, gives a wicked smile as the only response.

And so, they approach the edge of the island that Fayt is approaching. Violet puts on her own goggles. Hey, good to keep things out of the eyes, even if these aren't super fancy goggles. Tinkermon is looking /incredibly/ excited.

Violet speaks. May as well go full out here.

"Tinkermon. Evolve."

Violet holds out a small device. It looks much like a virtual pet. The screen on it emits a massive amount of light. And, Tinkermon is surrounded in a burst of light and computer data.

"Tinkermon... Evolve to... Witchmon!"

And, instead of a little fairy, the red dressed witch is now floating in the battlefield, sitting atop the seat of her broom.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt catches a glimps off the light as Tinerkmon evolves and immeidatly frowns. Guess not everyone's distracted.

Wobbling in the air for a moment as Fayt pulls his staff off of his back Fayt lets out a sigh as he transmits over local radio. "This is Fayt, form the Union, please withdraw your non-elite forces from the area. Repeat, please withdraw non-elite forces from the area..." He's not gettting away with any suprises here, might as well try to do this the proper way then. Besdies, Fayt's not very keen on having any sort of bodycount attached ot his name.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The nonelites are preparing to evacuate, just in case. They'll leave in full if the battle is lost, most likely.

Violet, on the other hand? She simply looks skywards, and gives Witchmon an order.

"Do not let him step foot on the island. Take him out before he even lands."

Witchmon simply nods, and bursts into the sky while on her broom. She is coming in fast, looking like she is going to try and ram him.

But, she stops at the last minute. Instead, something comes from behind. A small black cat looking thing. It looks mostly like a normal sized black cat, except the back half of it sort of turns into a wispy form. The familiar comes in, trying to slash at Fayt, before taking a seat on Witchmon's back.

Witchmon chuckles, "Just leave now. Phase Rock is ours, you see."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt awkwardly drifts to a halt as he see witchmon speeding towards him. "GAH!" Defensivly, he snaps his staff up in front of him. Unfortunatly, he didn't expect the familiar, and lets out a pained yelp as he gets a scratch along his arm.

Righ, ok, gotta fight then. Fayt's not exactly the best at it, but it'sa bit too late to call things off now. "Sorry, but I didn't come out here to go back again." His staff starts to twist about in his grip as he points it at Witchmon. "Force bolt."

A small glowing bolt of energy flies from Fayt's staff at Witchmon, it's a simple kinetic projectile, nothing that fancy. A hit from this thing would be a lot like getting punched though.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The kinetic energy strikes Witchmon. She is pushed back a bit, and is forced to grab ahold of the broom to remain within the air. She still smiles, despite the pain. She just /loves/ combat. And she thinks she can take this guy. He's being /way/ too polite, saying sorry and whatnot. Politeness = WUSS.

"Well, then, guess I just gotta /kick your ass/."

She lifts one of her hands. Her hands are /unusually/ large, and sharpen to a pointy claw. It's probably a bit obvious, from the transformation, and the hands, that she isn't actually /human/.


In her hand, a ball of flowing wind forms. She rather casually throws it, overhand, aiming towards Fayt. The powerful ball would hurt when it hits. But in addition, hit or not? There is a sudden burst in the wind in the area, aimed entirely at Fayt.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt, it should be known, is not a dedicated flier, He CAN fly, thanks to his wing scarf, and he's at least good enough to be fight and stay airborn at the same time, but he can't do much in the way of fancy flying.

Which is why the gale sends him screaming away several feet away form the island, ending with him floating upside down. "..." Spinning himself upright. Fayt doesn't waste time and immediatly takes aim, staff twisting about to get a bead on Witchmon, "Cold bolt."

This time, it's a bolt of what seems to be a blue mist, What ever it is, it's cold, VERY cold, enough to leave an ice patch wheverever it eventually ends up.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The bolt of cold hits Witchmon on her left side. Much of that part of the body? Completely frozen over with a layer of frosty white ice. It causes a decent amount of cold damage, but it is also going to make it harder for Witchmon to use part of her body, at least until it melts a bit.

Witchmon remains a bit angry, though at least, he is in the ocean now. He doesn't seem water based, so it should be equally hard for Fayt to /swim/ around and whatnot. Witchmon glares down, though, and speaks.

"So. Please. Tell me your name. I, the Great Witchmon, /truly/ like to know the name of whoever I am beating the crap out of!"

She flies down, moving towards the water. She skims along it, the back of her broom creating a trail in the water. As she does so, though, some of the water lifts up into the air behind her.


And, the stream of water swerves, to try and slam straight into Fayt.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt is obviously not all that great a dodging, and unfortunatly doesn't know any defensive spells, so when the water heads towards him, he dives.

Suprisingly this kind of works, the worst of the stream shoots past overhead, though the tail end manages to rather roughly yank him airborn again. "GAH!"

Looking just a tad confused for a moment as his wings struggle to steady himself, Fayt once again takes aim at Witchmon. "I said already, I'm Fayt. Also: Shock bolt."

He must not be too big on banter, at least not yet, as the pale mage fires a small bolt of electricty at Witchmon. apparnently Fayt eitehr doesn't have any really big spells, or he's not pulling out the big guns yet.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Witchmon sighs, "Well /obviously/ I wasn't listening earlier. I thought this would be over and done with faster and that you weren't worth my time."

And then the electricity strikes. Witchmon screeches in a bit of pain. And then her face turns even more rage-y.


Her nonfrozen hand? It reaches in, trying to grab ahold of Fayt. If successful? Well, Violet's orders were 'don't let him set foot on the island'.

There was nothing about trying to drag him across the island's stone surface to try and tear him apart, followed by trying to toss him back into the ocean again.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt reflexivly snaps his staff up defensivly as Witchmon shoots towards him. Which unfortunatly is a REALLY bad idea as the mage gets pulled away by the leg, with a suprisied yelp Fayt's dragged across the island, leaving a decently sized trench behind him that inclues more than a few worring red streaks. he doesn't however, quite get tossed into the ocean as his wings stop him at the last second. Or well, he ends up flying upsdie down right above the surface, with his head in the water. "..."

Pulling up again and turning himself back upright Fayt is a bito fa mess right now, though his goggles at least protected his eyes from that. taking a moment to shake his head clear, Fayt once again spins around ot take aim with his staff, which seems to twist itself into a cone at one end, as a spark starts to form inside it. "Got a problem with electricty? Good, I know what to use now. Ball lightening."

Fayt's apparently brekaingo tu hte big guns now, because this time, instead ofa simpel bolt, it'sa huge sphere of electricty headed towards witchmon, one that on impack would blow open in a large shower of sparks.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The electricity tears at Witchmon, giving her electrical burns in several places. She winces in pain, though somehow, despite that, she is giving Fayt a dumbfounded look.

"Not really, I'm just mad that you KEEP HITTING ME."

Yeah, honestly, she doesn't really have any elemental weaknesses. She's just... Not an overly defensive Digimon.

Still, even as the electricity barrage is coming in, she flies forward. Though Fayt isn't upside down, well? Witchmon is herself. She's trying to throw Fayt off and disorient him. But, as she flies in at this incredibly high speed upside down, she brings up a foot, aiming to kick Fayt right in the face.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt takes a boot to the head, sending him spinnig end over end away from the island. "MF!" Shaking his head clear, Fayt staress at Witchmon, he looks annoied, though the effect is somewhat ruined by the bruises and footprint shaped red mark on his face.

One again the mage takes aim at witchmon. "Very well, if it's not the element but simply being hit, I can work with that too. Forcebolt." Another small bolt of energy heads towards witchmon, but Fayt's not done yet. "split." The forcbolt suddenly divides itself, now there's a dozen of them headed Witchmon's way.

Tcuriosuly though, something else happens, as soon as fayt says 'split' there's a weird electric buzz as multicolored electricy starts ot dance around Fays head, not a lot, jsut enough to be noticable, odd.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The vast array of magical energy fly in. Witchmon attempts to weave and swerve out of the path, though to no avail. Most of the bursts strike. Once she is finally out of the barrage, she is worse for wear.

She continues to move, though. She's trying to keep moving fater and faster. Don't stay still, don't be an easy target. At the least, her side is finally defrosting. And so, as she continues trying to circle around Fayt, she lifts both of her hands up.

She speaks, fiercely.


In her right hand, a ball of water. In her left, a ball of wind. She throws them towards Fayt, causing massive explosions of elemental magic to explode around him.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt agian, isn't much of a flier, so getting into position to fire the spells is pretty easy, there's a pained yell as Fayt disappears under the explosions. When the smoke clears, Fayt's looking a little worse for wear, most of his body is all bruised up. his clothing is horrid mess, almost rags at tihs point, his wings are roughed up but fortuatly still holding together, he's stil lairborn for now.

"Ugh, damnit, comeon, don't wanna lose again..." Taking a moment to shakes his head clear, Fayt turns araound to aim at Witchmon. "Firebolt. Split." with another weird buzz and more of that electricy showing up around his head, Fayt fores off a small swarm of tiny bolts of fire.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The flames catch Witchmon on fire. Yeah, that is rather unpleasant all around. And it causes a lot of pain. The flame remains on her for a bit, until she manages to dive into the water, to extinguish them. She only spends a second under there, because, well. It's not so much of a weakness, once again? But just as Fayt had problems with flying in the water, so would Witchmon. Flight is not Swimming.

As she bursts out, though, she moves in, high speed, at Fayt. Is she going to fake Fayt out again?

Nah. Instead, she is simply trying to crash head first, full speed, straight into Fayt. For real this time!

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt looks down just in time for witchmon to impact. "AWK!" Fayt's wings snap foward, the mage going slightly bugeyed as he takes a noggin to the gut. There's a weird gasping osund as the air is knocked out of him and he folds over on himself.

Now being pushed along by witchmon, Fayt tries to pull in some much needed air while also trying to aim his staff right at her face. "Force... wave..."

Fayt's staff suddenly fires off a shockwave, wtih qucikly fans out to cover the area in front of Fayt. hopefully forcing Witchmon to back off for a moment.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The burst of force comes in, and Witchmon is pushed back. She's breathing heavily. This... This is not going well. She's struggling to keep up straight, and barely able to keep track of what is going on at the moment.

Violet looks at the battle. And sighs. Fayt is proving stronger than she thought.

Witchmon, though? She isn't going to give up. She will /not/ give up. And so, she begins to chant. Magic flows around her, and flows into the ocean water itself.

The ocean begins to rise up, almost looking like a /gigantic/ maw made out of seawater. It begins to spread a bit more, with Fayt in the center.


And then the giant mouth closes down on Fayt, hopefully crushing him in seawater

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt isn't much of fly-Actually you know what? Screw it, RUN!!!!

As soon as he sees the giant maw, Fayt bolts, wings flapping as fast as he can manage.

He doesn't make it.

At least he doesn't get cought exactly in the center, but he still disappears under water for several seconds. When he comes up, he's slightly plaer than normal and gasping for air. Fayt's honestly not doing much better right now, but jsut like witchmon, he REALLY doesn't want to back away from this, He aims his staff up at Witchmon. "Cold Bolt. Split." and with one more weird buzzing sound and more electricty showing up arind his head, Fayt sends a small swarm of those boltso f freezing blue mist after witchmon.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
As the cold bolt comes in, Witchmon is more prepared this time. It's when it is down to the wire that she shines the /most/. Though the freezing bursts of mist make some impact with her, she manages to fly out of the path of most.

This time, she is wordless as she uses her attack. She is running out of energy. She is wondering, though... The weird buzzing, the electricity? Is Fayt running out of magic? Overloading himself? Or is he a... robot?

...No that's stupid. Well. Maybe not? She doesn't know.


She holds her hands forward, and a massive burst of wind flies forward, trying to cut at Fayt. As said, Witchmon says nothing. She simply is breathing heavily, trying to keep herself afloat.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt doesn't even react much, there's a small whimper as the wind cuts Fayt open, his eyes roll back...

Fayt's not floating motionless on his back, the water around him slowly turning red, ew...

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Witchmon reverts to her fairy form, Tinkermon, and flies back to Violet. And she crashes on her master's head, laying down, tired.

Violet chuckles a bit. "Well done... Though, I suppose we should call someone to pick him up."

Tinkermon groaaaans, "Oh, just let him sink."

After a bit, the Confederate Elites actually work to fish Fayt out of the water, and provide basic medical treatment, at Violet's orders.

They then dump him through a warp gate, not really caring where he'll land.