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Latest revision as of 12:16, 8 July 2014

Date of Scene: 06 July 2014
Location: PPDC Earth
Synopsis: Category-4 Kaiju 'Insurrector' launches an attack on Los Angeles. Striker Eureka and Union forces are sent to bring it down - however, Lute has other ideas!
Cast of Characters: 20, 25, 143, 188, 235, 272, 477

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
JULY, 2024

There's been another alert from the Breach. They're getting more frequent now, with less time to relax and repair. Jaegers are dropping and, with them, so is the PPDC's funding. By now, the Wall is almost complete around many of the major cities of the world.

But, until there, there is the grudging acceptance from the powers-that-be that the Jaegers are necessary to defend the world. One of those Jaegers is the Mark V Striker Eureka, deployed to Los Angeles to interecept the newest alert from the Breach - a big, mean Category 4 Kaiju codenamed 'Insurrector'.

The call goes out to the Multiverse, too, because by now the PPDC is facing enough problems that they'll take any help they can get. Like a giant silver knight, Striker Eureka stands in the waters of the North Pacific, just past the Channel Islands. Insurrector should be here any minute, and the Hansen team will be ready to meet it with knife, missile and pure, unbridled Australian machismo.

Lute (188) has posed:
Insert the surfing music from Pokemon here.

Really, Lute doesn't have /much reason at all/ to be here. This is just another random world, and not one he really has any reason to be attached to. So, one might wonder, why the hell is he even here?

Well he hears that there is a giant fricking monster here. And he wants to try and punch it into submission until it listens to him. This is, frankly, likely impossible. But you never know! It's worth a shot. With the translation effect, it might even understand what he is saying.

And so, he is riding in, currently standing atop the back of his Tentacruel. His Tentacruel surfing along the water. Lute's identity is somewhat hard to tell at the moment, though. For, he is wearing a ragged old poncho, with a hood covering his face.

He simply stares at the Kaiju. Glaring at it dramatically. And he lifts a finger, pointing at it.



And then he throws the poncho off. For dramatic reasons. Yes the poncho was entirely purpose and only for style.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
INsurrector. What a name.

Still reeling from her last round of combat and sporting medical gauze around her right arm, Yunomi Stadler was hovering over the right shoulder of Striker Eureka -- the face of the outsider a familiar one to the PPDC. Her red and blue armor was shined up for show, the brassy bits and clips catching the light, her naginta in hand with its shimering halo surrounding the blade's edge.

She shifts her weight slightly in the air, rolling one shoulder.

But she turns to the Jaeger, and gives an affectionate smile as she lowers her goggles.

"Are people taking bets on if I'll be spined this time?" she questions over the local band.

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima makes her way into this...completely unfamiliar area. Again, she wasn't much of one for doing extensive traveling given her appearance and her high chances of getting lost but this place...she was not a fan of. Far, far too much water. Getting the distress signal from before, she made it here in pretty good time, the dragon making use of her wings for sustained flight. It wasn't long before she came across the giant robot waiting in the ocean and she alters her course to land directly on top of it's head. Noting just how much ocean is out here, she trembles a little bit, but she remains quite stable. She shoots a glance over Yunomi and offers her a confident wave.

"Is this the place where the party starts?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Lots and lots of water.
Yeah, there is no way in hell she's getting in /that/. Damn, this makes Tony Stark's pool seems like a little bath tub!
No, there is no way she's stepping into the ocean. So Toph Beifong, master earthbender extraordinaire... is standing on the shore of one of the islands.
There is a displeased frown on her face. Her arms are crossed, and she sticks one foot out, and dips one toe into the water. Ugh, ocean water /reeks/. Just what the hell is she supposed to do if these blasted things are in the water? These things are heavy, so if they walk on the ocean floor nearby then just /maybe/ she ought to notice something with her seismic sense. Maybe the others can pin point something to her. Maybe there's metal she can use... speaking of which, it should be easy to know where that huge Jaeger is due to the sounds it makes. And the fact that it's metal. Either way, she has to do /something/ to help out here.

Haru (143) has posed:
Haru doesn't have a giant robot to fight in. He would probably break one if he tried to pilot it. And he can't fly, either. Well, not in the typical way. He can float rocks, and he can stand on the rocks he can make float. So that's how he's chosen to get here. He looks like he's concentrating pretty hard on keeping that rock in the air.

Seeing Toph down there Haru lowers the rock he's on to the ground with a bit of a thump. It's a big rock, it's hard to make it a soft landing. But at least Toph should know he's there. "Sifu Toph?" He may or may not realize what the problem is.

Tenshi Hinanai (477) has posed:

A gray stone, roughly shaped like an acorn and easily the size of a small car, slams into the beach hard enough to throw up sand in all directions. Zig-zag shide tassles flutter down from the sacred shimenawa rope wrapped around its upper half, the lower bit currently embedded in the beach.

Upon the stone, grinning like this is a perfectly normal method of travel, is the rogue tennyo Tenshi Hinanai. Seated on the stone, braced with her hands, she laughs brightly with those red eyes closed, "Oh man, that was great! I gotta do that more often!" Kicking her feet up, the angel hops off her perch and plants her boots on the sand, "So hey! You're that dirt girl from last time!" Lifting a hand, Tenshi points straight at Toph, "You have earth powers same as me, right? I bet you prefer standing on it, too, right? So--" Raising her arms, the tennyo declares, "Why don't we work together and cause a nice big upthrust earthquake under it?" Gesturing, she adds, "That'll put some dirt under its feet we can all use, right?"

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
It's remarkably calm, all things considered. The waves buffet against Striker Eureka's legs but the titan doesn't even notice it. As the sun begins to set, the Jaeger's silver plating is cast in an orange hue. "No bets in here, Miss Stadler," Herc says from the cockpit. "'sides, we all know the boy'd be angry if y'got injured an- OY! MATE! That thing is not comin' home with you!" Herc suddenly shouts. He must've heard Lute.

Insurrector emerges afer a few more minutes. It is a Kaiju, no mistaking it, all grey-green and scaley. To the onlookers, it's like someone took a big, scaley gorilla and combined it with a crab. It's got a huge, armored back plate, a crab like face and two big pincers above its four other limbs. A long tail snakes back and forth through the water.

The Hansens shout over the comm-link and Striker moves, swinging its arms down and out - a set of twin-pronged blades sweep into view. Time to fight.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
It's easy enough to sense the rock nearing, and realizing that it's moving thanks to bending. So she doesn't look nervous or shocked when Haru arrives, though she still looks mostly annoyed with the problem at hand. "Birdie," she greets him with a slight nod, her attention still on the ocean in front of her, where the enemy will come from. Perhaps Haru will notice it, how Toph doesn't carry herself with as much bravado as she normally does. When teaching and lecturing she acts as if she is the most important person around, which she of course is when it comes to teaching earthbending... but now she seems just... annoyed. Shoulders slumped, lower lip pouty. Then she sighs, muttering under her breath.
"... I can't see in the water. And I'm still learning how to swim."
Oh well, at least Tony isn't here to tell her 'I told you so' over and over.
"I wish Katara was here." Waterbenders would have been really useful in this situation.
When the gray stone /slams/ into the beach next to them though, Toph's eyes widen in surprise, and she turns her head slightly. And then she recognizes Tenshi. At first her gaze hardens, but not because she was called 'dirt girl'. Still, no reason to strike out when the bratty angel hasn't done anything yet. Toph nods her head at the question though. "Yeah, I do." She /is/ the greatest earthbender, after all. And huh. The plan makes sense. It will be easier to manipulate the earth with /three/ earth users here. With a slight smirk on her lips, Toph nods, then turns slightly towards Haru. "Birdie, time for some practical training and evaluation! You keep up with me and Tenshi, and seriously... keep up your tiger stance! We need /solid/ stuff to deal with that Kaiju and to get something for us to work with, got it?!"
Yes, Toph is tough on her lily livers... err, students.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi wrinkles her nose at the the radio, and in lieu of giving in to a paticularly weird request from the radio, she shoots out over the water, the brightness of the naginata leaving a trail behind her. Her goggles give a flash, and begin feeding her information as Pidge leaps to life in her bag, and begins to orbit her head, coming out of his pocket and beeping in time. She careens out to the side of the crab in her usual formation, trying to get an idea on the...

gorilla crab.

And her stomach gurgles. What a time to be reminded of food.

Lute (188) has posed:
As the Kaiju errupts from the ocean, Lute and his Tentacruel are /far/ too close of it for comfort. At least, if he were a /normal and sane/ person, he would be. As the ocean shifts as it bursts out of the water, Lute simply just grins, looking towards it.

"DOWN BOY! BAD KAIJU! BAD! You only try to destroy cities when /I say so/. But if you come with me, we can make that happen sooner! Also I'll feed you whatever you want, and give you a cool little kaiju-house to live in!"

It seems Lute is going for a carrot/stick approach. And for part of the stick, Lute has his Tentacruel /fling/ him into the air, towards the Kaiju's head area. Lute's fist is surrounded in a burst of Ki energy, filling it with power.

And he attempts to punch down it right in the sort of face area. Or really, more of using his fist like a hammer being swung down.

Haru (143) has posed:
Haru looks at the appearing kaiju with a look somewhere between surprise, disgust and confusion. That's...actually kind of cool. But it's a danger, so it's gotta go. He also figures out the reason Toph's not her usual brash self, and frowns. He didn't realize she couldn't 'see' in the water. But he supposes it makes sense.

Though before he can say anything about it the rock slams down near them. Yes, he's standing near Toph now. So he was there the whole time. Who is this Tenshi woman? Looks like Toph knows her and... ack! He immediately pays attention when Toph calls out to him. "Yes, Sifu Toph!" he calls back firmly.

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima blinks as she's completely ignored by both the robot and the one who was up there with her, and upon seeing the robot arm itself, she takes off from it's head, deciding to let the mechanical man handle that on his own. The size of the Crab-rilla easily outweighs any of the local fauna she was aware of, and it's hard to...not just stare at how big it was. She frowns as she hovers in the air, slowly pushing herself back towards land and crossing her arms.

"Alrighty then, fine. Ignore me. Give me a reason to help you again."

She turns around towards the shore, seeming like she might leave, but spotting a small gathering of union folks on the beach causes her to reconsider. She sighs a little bit and makes glides over towards them at a fairly easy going speed, landing behind them by a few feet.

"Let me guess, you guys are here for ugly too huh? Any plans on how to take it down?"

Tenshi Hinanai (477) has posed:
"Alright!" Tenshi raises her hand. From her belt, a bladeless sword hilt suddenly twirls up into her grip and erupts with a blade of orange light, like flames. In her other hand, the tennyo produces a handful of cards. Five are selected, fanned out through her fingers, "So work with me now, you two! I might be a mighty Tennyo commanding immense power over the Earth, but a quake this big is something even I need help with-- SPELL CARD!" The center card in the five she'd chosen suddenly glows orange, same as the sword blade.

The other four cards turn blue, then disappear into the middle card's glowing aura, causing it to intensify, "Heaven and Earth!" That glowing card leaves her hand, floating, while Tenshi grasps her sword with both hands and whirls it around, thrusting the blade into the sand at her feet.

"Land That Oversees The Distant World Below!"

The effect isn't immediately visible, it's also not centralized on Tenshi herself. Pressure is building, however, in the seafloor directly in front of Insurrector. Cracks form, then start to shift against each other. Pressure is building rapidly towards a Blind Upthrust Earthquake in the middle of San Francisco Bay.

Oh the PPDC science team is gonna LOVE this one. The Hansons are probably hearing all about the Sudden Tectonic Instability or whatnot. And it's only gonna get worse with two Earthbenders to pitch in!

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
Giant enemy gorilla crab - that seems about right. As Striker gets ready to cut it into pieces, Insurrector advances with a strange, gorilla-esque loping stride. It hisses, mandibles flaring. If it understands Lute at all, it gives no sign.

Until he punches it right in the face. Insurrector hisses loudly, and its mouth opens up like the goddamn Predator and tries to swallow the little fleshling whole!

Thanks to Tenshi, however, it'll probably miss because suddenly the ground gets very, very unstable. The Kaiju digs its pincer-claws into the ground, keeping its balance but going still. Striker steps back, legs spread, arms out, as the pair of Hansens try to keep themselves in synch so their war machine doesn't dopple over. Luckily, the Mark V is the most responsive Jaeger class in the world! "What t'hell is that?!" Chuck spits, "Fuckin' earthquake?! At a time like this?!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
... man, this bratty angel really likes to think she's in charge, huh? Toph arches an eyebrow, then snorts.
Poor Haru being stuck with two bossy girls and the ability to command earth better than him.
Even as Tenshi gets ready, Toph catches the sound of another voice, blinking and turning her head just a bit towards Karima. "Oh, yeah! We're here to help take it down! And we're going to do it earth style! Considering how big it is, you might want to attack from afar if you can!"
As Tenshi gets started, Toph assumes a wide legged stance. And Haru better well follow suit. Throwing her arms forward, Toph focuses on the earth that she can feel Tenshi working on underneath the water, Toph grits her teeth and begins concentrating. And with the combined might of the two earthbenders and Tenshi's magic, the earth does move. As the earth finally rises above ocean level, Toph calls out. "Go for the pincers, Birdie!" In her own unique bending style, Toph does a repeated motion with her arms, hands going from fists to spread fingers as a dull earthen pillar knocks into the Kaiju, attempting to distract it to give an opening to Striker.

Haru (143) has posed:
Haru nods to Tenshi's words. "Let's go." And as per Toph's instructions, rather than that Crane stance nonsense she's been trying to train him out of instantly relying on, prepares for some Tiger Style Earthbending! Karima's presence gets his attention, he remembers her! Haru nods. "Yeah. We can't let it get to shore. But from what I heard, its blood is poisonous so we can't cut it."

Tenshi and Toph apply their abilities, and Haru follows suit. Toph's mention to go for the claws has him turning, concentrating, and trying to raise 'walls' from the newly-raised ground edgewise in front of the kaiju. Not to stop it, though. Hopefully he's been able to aim between those claws so that when he directs the 'walls' to move apart, it'll move the claws aside.

If all goes well, the kaiju's 'arms' will be open. And the claws will hopefully be blocked from immediate ability to retaliate against a frontal assault.

Lute (188) has posed:
With the sudden earthquake, Lute only /barely/ manages to avoid getting out of the way of the Kaiju. He /does/ have a plan for if he ends up stuck inside of the thing, but still. He wants it as a /pet/, and one that doesn't have a giant hole in its stomach.

Still, the force of punching down on the crab does push Lute up a bit. And, using the momentum, he tries to flip midair, to land atop the head of the GIANT ENEMY CRAB. He pulls out a Pokeball, and recalls Kaelin, his Tentacruel, into it.

He then immediately releases Kaelin, also atop of the head of this beast. He sends a message to the Tentacruel, and its tentacles stretch out, trying to cover the eye of the Kaiju.

Lute, meanwhile, frowns at the thing.

"Bad crab! Bad! You lose vision priveleges until you start listening to me! But, since you seem to be hungry..."

Lute pulls something out of his pocket. A piece of jerky. He tries to toss it into the crab gorilla's mouth.

"Din din time!"

He seems to be pointedly trying to ignore everyone else here. It's not that he thinks they don't /matter/, it's more of, if he can seem unattached to the people trying to kill it, it might listen to him more.

Tenshi Hinanai (477) has posed:
The seabed shakes violently. In the same instant, the sword in Tenshi's hands pulses with orange light. It pulses again, more brightly, and the seabed beneath Insurrector and Striker Eureka shudders again, more violently. The combination of tennyo and two earthbenders causes a third, even more violent tremor. And then, with a burst of power, the Sword of Hisou fires a great pulse of light into the ground at Tenshi's feet.

Immediately, the seabed beneath Kaiju and Jaeger slips. With a titanic rumbling, a column of solid stone and seafloor mud rises up through the water until it breaks the surface. It's surprisingly flat. And kind of octagonal when viewed from above. But definitely big enough to punch the snot out of a Kaiju on top of.

Back on shore, Tenshi yanks the Sword of Hisou from the sand at her feet. The blade disappears and she tucks it into her belt. With another gesture, the Keystone she'd arrived on rips itself free and the girl hops up onto it. Wiping her forehead from the exertion, she glances over her shoulder at the two Benders, "So how were you two planning on getting over there?"

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima flares her wings again as she starts to turn around, listening to the humans gathered on the beach. She seems to consider something for a moment and turns to look down at her thick metal bracers that go up her arm. She offers a small sigh and looks back towards the creature before speaking again.

"Sounds good. If you can find some way to slow it down, do that. I've got an attack in mind that'll mess it up, but I'm probably only going to be able to do this once. Let's hope he doesn't notice."

She then takes a step back from the conentrating earth benders and takes a wide-footed stance of her own. She takes a deep breath and holds her arms at the ready at her sides, fists drawn tight. Her bracers glow with a green heat between the interlocked plates and with a massive *CHA-CHUNK!* noise, each ring pops off from her, the impact of each one hitting the ground sounding like someone is dropping one-hundred pound weights on the ground. There's eight rings in total, so after each one had hit the ground, the dragon goes through a pretty noticeable change.

Black tatoo markings are present on her bare wrists and with no more bracers to keep the chakra contained, the tatoos spread across her scales, simialrly to a snake. They make mostly swooping, curved designs as they spread across her body, eventually sending those marks over her face. Once this was done, rather than remaining black, the tatoos pulsate a somewhat disturbning dark red. The air in her general vicinity heats up considerably. She speaks again in roughly the same voice.

"Remember to hold him still. I won't be able to do this again."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi is hanging back for now, through her naginata's blade is glowing white hot, barring Lute's sudden ejection from the gorillacrab's head.

But she can't tarry too long. She grits her teeth, and goes in. She sails through the air smoothly, turning over to her back as she makes an incoming sweep, up and around, the blade of the naginata shining bright as she attempts to make the first cut at the armjoint of the creature's massive arms, trying to burn through tendon and chiton and insides.

First order of business: Remove the most obvious threat.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
There's a deep 'boom' as the earthbenders clobber Insurrector with the earth itself. Insurrector howls, angered, and stumbles through the ocean waves as the mantle of the planet seems to do its best to kill it. It doesn't even seem to focus on Lute, who is trying to shove food down its throat. It snaps blindly at Tentacruel, but probably can't actually dislodge it. A battle between those two beasts would be a sight!

They're right, though. That maneuver did get the Kaiju to put its claws out, and so Yunomi finds no problem in severing them. The air is filled with smoke and steam as the wounds cauterise and the windows in downtown Los Angeles are surely shaking with the sheer fury of the scream that comes from the kaiju's maw.

But Striker's got an opening. The Jaeger moves in, and plants its fist on the side of Insurrector's head - the Hansens probably clobber Lute's pokemon too. The Jager steps past the Kaiju's head, while it is still flailing about, and pistons its right elbow into the other side of the Kaiju's head. And then one of those big, meaty gorilla arms of the Kaiju comes up and Striker ducks away. For a skyscraper sized robot, it sure is quick!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Reaching up to brush some hair away from her face, Toph frowns a bit. "Slow it down, huh?" They should try to do that, indeed. "We'll do our best then, just be patient for a little bit!" And as Tenshi gets on her rock, Toph follows suit with a firm kick to the ground, making a pillar out of the sand that sends her up and onto the rock. "We'll hitch a ride, you don't want the blind girl steering!" Motioning for Haru, the young earthbender reaches out to hold onto Tenshi with one hand. Just in case. "Come on, don't be a slowpoke there, Birdie."
As for Tenshi? "Take us closer, just make sure we don't get /too/ close to Mister Pinchy there, okay?" He doesn't seem like the cuddly sort! "My student and I can throw some more attacks while you fly us over!"
Heck, she'll even start now by reaching out with her free hand, again doing that repeated earthbending move in order to cause another quake over on the Kaiju's end of the platform. Better slow it down so Striker isn't struck itself!

Lute (188) has posed:
Though Lute and his Tentacruel manage to keep ahold, they are shaken and damaged as the Kaiju keeps getting moved around. Lute just frowns, and look towards the Jaeger.

"HEY DUMBASS! I'm on here too!"

Lute isn't the brightest now, is he?

But, he looks down at the Kaiju. And smiles. And he starts speaking in a sing-songy voice.

"Alright boy, alright. We're going to get you through this. I want to be friends with you, alright? So if you wanna be friends with me, too, go ahead and snap at the giant robot thing with your pincers. If you do it, and be good, I might even let you destroy the city! Who's a good giant crab monster gorilla thing? You are! Yes you are!"

And Lute gives the top of the Kaiju's head a hug, while scritching its head a little bit with his hand.

Haru (143) has posed:
'Get over there'? Haru blinks. He was /just/ about to say he didn't think going over there was a good idea, since he and Toph will die if they get stepped on by that thing. But with Toph agreeing to go over and telling him to get on too, ther'es not really much of a choice. Though at least she seesm to be considering safety when she notes not to get too close. So he nods, and boards as best as he can. This may or may not occur with the assistance of a floating rock.

Karima's suddenly doing...something! His notices this as he's boarding with Toph. Hold it still? He nods. Maybe he can figure out how to do that. As soon as he can, he'll be trying to do something to do just that, hold the kaiju in place. He's trying to maintain that Tiger Stance. Crane is too soft for this and he knows it.

Once he's able to, he brings his hands forward and raises them, but not like bird wings. Like a tiger's claws. He's trying to bring the earth on that pillar up over the kaiju's feet, hoping to at least slow it down.

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima 's wings flare out as much as possible as she crouches down, placing a hadn on the ground. Fire starts to swirl around her feet as it slowly starts to envelop her.

"Dragon Install Release!"

With that, she takes off like a bullet, cracking the earth with the impact of where she was once standing. She rockets overhead, using her hands to project a solid beam of fire to help her wings propel her forward. It doesn't take long for her to reach the embattled monster and once there, she rockets far up above it. Once to a safe altitude she begins to channel...something. She holds her arms up to the sky and after a moment, a ball of flame is created. It grows in size rapidly, quickly outgrowing it's creator in size, and it has no signs of stopping soon. It'd likely register on the robot's heat signature systems with the both the intensity of the flames and the light it was giving off. She's likely got a decent amount of time before she's ready to attack though.

Tenshi Hinanai (477) has posed:
When Toph grabs on to Tenshi, the tennyo recoils, "--Hey! Don't just grab on! I'm a celestial being, for cryin' out loud! Aren't you mortal? Show some respect to someone who's achieved Nirvana, here!"

With three passengers on a one-tennyo keystone, it wobbles unsteadily out over the bay, possibly making an equally unsteady hovering sound. This isn't helped by Tenshi being tired from launching such a powerful spell already, though it's not bad enough yet that she can't conceal it. Once over the keystone-UFO passes over the coast of the makeshift seabed pillar, Tenshi just stops trying to float it entirely.

The keystone (and the Benders on it) drops. The angel floats upward, by contrast, "Head's up! Two earth-controlling humans, dropping off!" She then floats upward in a spiral, relocating her sword to her hand once more but not calling forth the blade. Rather, Tenshi floats up and circles around Striker Eureka at shoulder level, gauging her next move while taking a good look at what's happening with the wounded kaiju Insurrector.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
The claws drop, hissing and steaming, and the smell makes the mage's stomach lurch.

Maybe she'll have the chicken this evening. Yyeeesh.

She comes back up out of her arc, surveying the surroundings. Striker with his one-two punch, the Earthbenders and the heavenly being with their holding the huge thing still, and beginning to pelt and slow the creature down. Everything is going well --

And then fire.

Yunomi feels the heat and hears the roar before she really realizes it, and she careens upwards with a yipe, thinking it's going to be coming her way. Her ears are pinned back, and her tail has acheived full 'poof' status.

"What in the world --" she begins -- but when she realizes it's someone from her own team, she feels rather sheepish.

So she brings her goggles back down... and seels herself for a fiery blast!

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
Whether through simple luck or the fact that Lute actually managed to break through to the Kaiju, the crab-gorilla beast that is Insurrector lunges at Striker Eureka! The Jaeger steps back, ready to intercept the giant's arms. Haru and Toph, at least, slowed the Kaiju down so it wasn't as fast as it otherwise might've been, and as Striker grabs Insurrector's arms in its titanium grip, Karima seems like she's getting a prime shot to hit Insurrector right in its belly!

Striker has a prime shot of its own, too. With a series of raucous shouts over the communications channel, Striker's conn-pod darts forwards and slams right into the Kaiju's face. Once, twice, three times! Teeth and bits of carapace go flying from the repeated impacts but it doesn't seem like either side is going to stop grappling with the other!

Lute (188) has posed:
With the creature listening to it, Lute is more enthusiastic than he had before. He smiles, though. Well, if that worked, time for even /more/ strategy! He continues scritching the things head.

"Hey, Mr. Crabs! There are a lot of enemies here! We should try something a bit safer! Turn around the other way. Then we can get you /really cool weapons/, like make your claws diamond sharp, so you totally can take them on! It'd be awesome! Really really awesome! And then we'll definately manage to destroy the city! I'll get my Confederate allies to help you! I'm sure all of them will love you, and give you lots of delicious treats and stuff, too!"

He continues to scratch, and also sends Kaelin a mental order to take its tentacles off of the eyes, to let it see better again.

This is going so well!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
"Yeah yeah, celestial brat... I achieved metalbending, so that makes us even!" Toph counters with a snort. But she is far more concerned with their safety as the keystone moves, a bit tense as it wobbles over their trip across the treacherous bit of water... man, Tenshi better not crash this thing! And when they reach their destination and the keystone drops, Toph can't help but let out a tiny shriek of surprise, losing her grip on Tenshi and grabbing onto Haru instead with one hand, her eyes wide in horror for a moment. Okay, there's earth down underneath...! She can feel it! Still, she reaches out, pulling her hands up to raise an earthen slide for her and Haru, and the blind girl lands solidly on her feet once they reach the end of it, even reaching out to help steady Haru. "Let's topple it over!" she calls out, then rushes off along the edge of the seabed platform, concentration on her face. With solid earth between her and the damn thing, it's easier to 'see' just how large it is. And it will make it easier to know where to strike. "Its left hind leg!" If they can work on that, then they might help unbalance the thing. Coming to a halt, Toph plants her feet firmly in the ground and throws her arms back before she does a slow and wide movement with both her arms... and raises a large, sturdy wall on each side of the Kaiju's left hind leg. "HELP ME OUT HERE!" Toph calls. It takes a lot of concentration and work to do this with large masses of earth, it's easier done with two earthbenders... and unless she gets some help, the damn Kaiju might break loose too early.

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima continues charging her special attack from far above, the fireball reaching sizes that houses would be significantly worried about. About the time it hits the size of a bus, things start to look a little...uncertain. It's giving off a massive amount of light and the flames are intense, but the surface of the pulsating yellowish orange fireball is rippling and threatening to lose shape. Fortunately, at about that time, two opposite angled rings form around the edges, smoothing it over and containing the fire. She shoves her right hand into the bottom of this massive orb and the energy seems to shrink. She reabsorbs the fire far quicker than she had created it, until soon only the rings were left..and they fit around her hand. At that point, the dragon's tattoos glow to match the intensity of the flames she'd just fanned, and now ith the axis points around her hand and the fire gone...it was time to go to work.

She drops out of the sky and rockets herself down towards the Gorilla-crab, the dragon radiating so much heat that it was causing a visible distortion around her. She rears her powered fist back as she approaches the apex of it's neck, and taking Toph's complaints in full, Karima makes contact, driving her fist directly into what is hopefully the spine of the creature, hoping to shatter it.

When her fist connects, an explosion larger than the ball that she'd created should occur, the light likely engulfing the bay for a few intense seconds before subsiding.

Haru (143) has posed:
"We're not diseased, you know," Haru complains a little at Tenshi's indignation. But he doesn't complain farther. There's more important things to worry about. Namely, falling from the sky. A movement of his hand has a rock from that 'platform' floating up towards him that he hops off of before the Keystone crashes down. He directs the catching rock down to where Toph is, and hops off.

That business with Lute is going to have to wait. They can't just 'hope' Lute can get the thing to go away. So instead he takes a position next to Toph and copies her movement, aiming to do the exact same thing and help unbalance the kaiju.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
That was some fancy pyrotechnics. And Yunomi is very, very happy that it hit the gorilla crab and not her.

IT lights up the bay, and as the fire dissipates, Yunomi comes down, still with a more anxious-than-usual expression on her face as the naginata's blade flares up once again. She banks hard, twisting her body as she turns to try and take some of the attention off Striker -- and some force to Toph's idea.

Yunomi gives a swing of her naginata, a burst of golden sunlight forming a cresecent, and spinning down, heat rippling off it as it passes through the air as she aims for the rear carapace opposite of Toph and the other Earth-shakers.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
It's hard to tell if the creature is listening to Lute, given that it has engaged Striker in one hell of a grappling contest. Neither Kaiju nor Jaeger seem to be able to force the other out of it.

And then everything goes wrong. Toph and Haru manage to topple Insurrector, at around the same time as Karima comes burning in from the sky. All in all, she's only off by a fraction of an inch, but the detonation misses Insurrector's spine, sparing the Kaiju the worst of it. Yunomi manages to draw a deep wound down the Kaiju's hind flank, but the force of the explosion quickly sends both Jaeger and Kaiju off the little rocky battleground and into the water.

With Lute, presumably, still clinging to Insurrector!

For a moment, everything is quiet. Insurrector, it seems, has vanished beneath the waves. There's a terrible thought then: What if it is actually listening to Lute?

Lute (188) has posed:
Thank god Lute can breath under water.

Oh wait. Uh. He can't.

Actually, thank god, Lute isn't /that/ much of an idiot. He knew that the fights here usually happen in the ocean. So he brought a high tech breathing device with him, and shoves it in his mouth as he goes along. It is uncomfortable regardless, and he is keeping a /really/ good hold to make sure he doesn't lose grip. His Tentacruel is helping him stay in place as well.

Lute would brag about this but hey, he can't talk underwater.

Not that he isn't /trying/ anyways, but all that comes out on the radio is a bubble sound.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Feeling the large creature give in as her and Haru's combined efforts unsettle that one leg, Toph can't help but grin. "NICE!" she calls out. And with the other attacks striking mister Pinchy, it seems like it's going to fall over... But Toph didn't think that the Jaeger would follow suit!
Surprise crossing her face, Toph blinks. But the damn large thing is made for being underwater, right? And she can also feel that it's intact. Metal is easy to sense. Either way she begins running ahead, though she seems unwilling to head all the way to the edge. Just in case the Kaiju returns again.
"... you think that that air brain will be okay?" she asks for Haru, some concern on her face. Lute might be acting real stupid at times, but even he doesn't deserve to drown, right?

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi has high confidence in the Hansens. They haven't let her down yet. She flies down, about thirty meters above the water as she gives a low breath out and searches through the waves for the Jaeger, the Kaiju, and the poor Pokemon trainer who she kinda does feel bad for at this point. His heart was (questionably) in the right place.

And she picks up the movement.

And over the local band, you could catch the very u nusual sound of Yunomi uttering cursewords under her breath.

"Insurrector is heading out to sea -- with Lute!"

Haru (143) has posed:
"I hope so," Haru replies, heading over to where Toph is. He's a little more willing to look over the edge, though. Yunomi's announcement over the local band gets a blink. "It's...what?" He's rather shocked, but like Toph he is an earthbender, and can't control the water. And even with his sight intact, if he can't see where the thing is, he can't do much about it...

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima weathering the explosion at point blank is bad enough, but the thing isn't even dead? Once the explosion subsides, she's expelled most of the energy in her fist, but she's still got some basic chakra left. Ignoring the screaming of her muscles for the time being, she pushes off of the Corilla's back, flaring her aching wings again to regain flight.

When the Kaiju makes it's move by trying to go out to sea, she follows suit, attempting to match it's speed. She starts lobbing multiple fireballs into the things back, hoping to slow it down. Unfortunately, with it being underwater, the effectiveness of the attacks is dimished, but they should still be somewhat uncomfortable. Spires of steam would be rising from the sea with each fireball lobbed.

Tenshi Hinanai (477) has posed:
Tenshi gathers her power in preparation for another attack--but then the kaiju and the giant robot both tumble right off the platform she'd worked so hard with Toph and Haru to make!

The tennyo dismisses what she's doing and just leans forward, squinting down at the turbulent waters of the bay with a frown.

"Well, I hope they kill it, 'cuz I can't hit it if I can't see it." ... "Well, I can just shoot tons of bullets and lasers everywhere..." This seems to be a solution the angel is legitimately considering, though she shrugs it away and descends until she's closer to ground level.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
Slowly, Striker Eureka begins to rise. Even a responsive Jaeger still has a done of metal to move and, sometimes, you have to move it carefully. "Sensors're fried," Herc reports. But then news comes in that the Kaiju is retreating - with Lute in tow - and there's silence for a moment, and then shouting from both pilots.

Karima pursues, dropping fireballs down into the ocean, but Insurrector's backplate is all thick bone so any that hit don't cause it much of an issue - and it just dives deeper in response.

Lute has a Kaiju. God help everyone.

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima growls as it starts to go underwater to avoid her fire attacks. She starts to slow down, unable to keep up with the kaiju any further, her body's screams of pain finally being heard and more unfortunately, felt. The desire to go on chasing it into the ocean is still there, despite her hatred of the watery area. The dragon roars in frustration, angrily summoning the last of what she could do from her position. She opens her mouth and shoots a thick pillar of flame directly towards the reteating Kaiju's back, this one being a bit more intense than the fireballs but still diminished by the water's presence. She shudders violently as she tries her best to slow the thing down.

-THIS- one she was going to feel later.

Lute (188) has posed:
Lute, meanwhile, is guiding the Kaiju back to his own personal island. Yes, all Confederate Elites get one, and they're fairly big, so hey. Where /better/ to keep a giant Kaiju?

Oh, I'm sorry. His name is Mr. Crabs.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi's taken off, but those fireballs don't look company-friendly. She hangs back, grits her teeth, and turns. She lets her naginata cease its illumination, and floats back towards the rising Jaeger. She doesn't look up to its COn Pod.

Instead, she calls down to the EArthbenders and Tenshi.

"You should drop this plateau back into the bay; you wouldn't want to mess up the currents too badly. This ocean's already fucked up enough." she calls down.

Tenshi Hinanai (477) has posed:
"What if I don't?" Tenshi shouts up at Yunomi. The orange blade of the Sword of Hisou ignites and she swings it up, resting it across her shoulders in the shape of an enormous nodachi. The girl grins, eyes hidden by the brim of her hat, "Think about this--The humans should be thanking me for giving them so much more land to build their silly little houses on!" The tennyo laughs, then, and whirls in place. With a gesture, her abandoned Keystone floats back up from where she'd discarded it and then she floats over to intercept, until she's simply standing on it. The Sword of Hisou's shape changes to that of a normal katana as she lowers it, placing the blade between her feet and resting both hands on the hilt.

"If you want it gone, humans have lots of ways to break stone. But honestly, I did them a favor. As the saying goes, do not look the gift horse in the mouth."