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Revision as of 05:39, 9 July 2014

So you want to use the scenesys! Good! That's fantastic. It's a wonderful way to keep everything logged and it makes everyone's life a lot more fun because we now have open access to logs to read in case someone takes a emergency vacation in the middle of a major TP!

So, there are four things to the scenesys: Scheduling a scene, starting a scene, posting a scene, and not-always coming up but important other parts of using it.

Notably: A 'pose' is defined as anything done, while active in a scene, the scene itself being active as well, and having more than 10 'words' in it. If your pose does not follow these guidelines, then it will not be caught by the scenesys!

Scheduling a Scene

There is a very important trio of things to remember when scheduling a scene:

  • First and foremorst, the scenesys presumes the servers timezone. The server is on CDT - Central Time.
  • Secondly, whenever you schedule a scene, it is always scheduled in 24 hour, or military format.
  • Last but not least, is that everything is required- whether it be the title or the description.

Basic Scene Schedule

+scene/schedule/add Month/Day Time Title=Description
Example: +scene/schedule/add 07/13 20:00 Mother's Rosario=Asuna takes a group of people on an adventure in Alfheim Online. This schedules a scene at 20:00 CDT (8 PM CDT, 9 PM EST), on July 13th.

Scheduling A Scene With A Location

1) Move to the room the scene will be in
2) +scene/schedule/add/here Month/Day Time Title=Description
Example: +scene/schedule/add/here 07/13 20:00 Mother's Rosario=Asuna takes a group of people on an adventure in Alfheim Online. So, if I scheduled this while standing in WMAT Arena - Diablo Desert, it would schedule a scene at 20:00 CDT (8 PM CDT, 9 PM EST), on July 13th, to be held in the WMAT Arena - Diablo Desert.

When you run these two commands, it will come up with a Scenesys Message that states where you can find it on the schedule, and what the scene number is. You will need the scene number to reschedule or delete the scene.

Rescheduling A Scene

+scene/schedule/reschedule ID=Month Day Time
Example: +scene/schedule/reschedule 97=July 14 19:00 - This reschedules the scene example above for July 14th at 19:00 CDT, so 7 PM CDT/9 PM EST.

Deleting A Scene

+scene/schedule/del ID
Example: +scene/schedule/del 97 - When you run this command, it will pop up going 'Schedule ID <ID> has been removed from the system.'

Starting a Scene

Starting a scene requires nothing more than this command: +scene/create. You do not have to do anything more at this moment, and it's best to keep things simple.

Posting A Scene

First and foremost, make sure everyone is done posing. Then do the following:
1) +finish
2) Take note of the scene ID. This will have been announced at scene creation and in the headers. Alternatively, yo can check +scene/mine/finished for the ID number.
3) +scene/title ID=title - IE: +scene/title 97=Mother's Rosario
4) +scene/desc ID=desc - IE: +scene/desc 97=Asuna and a group of others has an adventure in Alfheim Online!
5) Go to the wiki. Make sure you are logged in.
6) Go to http://multiversemush.com/scene/
7) Find the title of your scene. Click that.
8) Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the log. Click 'Submit Log To Wiki'.
9) When it loads on the next page, hit save!

Other Things

Pausing A Scene

To pause a scene, type in this command: +scene/config ID/scene_state=1. This moves the scene from Active (0) to Paused (1).

Continuing A Paused Scene

To continue a paused scene, simply +scene/activate ID then pose. This will automatically cause the scenesys to reset the scene from Paused to Active.

How Do I Join a Scene?

While in the room the scene is in, +scene/join.

How Do I Leave a Scene That's Still Going That I Was Participating In?

+scene/deactivate - This will automatically remove you from your current scene, but still retain all of your poses. Useful if you have to leave early or if there's a room split or something of the like.

How Do I Rejoin A Scene That I Had To Deactivate?

+scene/activate ID
Example: +scene/activate 97 - This will automatically re-add you to the scene that you specified and start recording your poses again.

How Do I Leave a Scene That I Did Not Participate In Or Accidentally Joined?

While you still have the scene active, just type in +scene/leave and it automatically remove you from the scene.

Help! I made a huge error in my last pose!

This is easy! +scene/undo

This will tell the system to ignore your last pose, basically removing it from the log. You can then re-pose which the system will capture for the log.


1) What if I don't have a wiki account and I'm the scene creator?!

Get one. You'll need it soon anyways with the way our idle stuff is going to work! Until then, see if someone else in the scene has one and is willing to post it after you do the title and desc. If no one is, poke around and see if someone is willing to post it for you.

2) Do I really have to give it a desc and title?

Desc... technically, no. You can skip that. However, it's really good to give people a quick overview of what the scene was. Title? Yes. Otherwise it'll pop up with the error message: 'Create roleplaying log: no target page specified'.

3) What if the scene creator disappears/has an emergency without setting the title and desc?

There's not a lot we can do there. I think staff might be able to set things, but in those cases, typically, since it's not like the scene disappears, just poke them to finish it. The scenesys will automatically note the date of the log so it'll autopopulate properly on everyone's wiki pages.

4) Any other advice?

Yes. Check Homura's amazing FAQ page right over here.