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Latest revision as of 18:59, 10 July 2014

Hello This Is Human Resources
Date of Scene: 10 July 2014
Location: An office rooftop
Synopsis: Lu-Mey welcomes Vi'Sharra to the Confederacy and scouts a potential HR candidate.
Cast of Characters: 234, 487

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
As it JUST so happens, Lu-Mey had some left over intern in that closet. So mostly after showing off her favorite napping spot on Starless' desk, it's not so much a tour through the office, though it's kind of late so there's not much that's interesting to see.
SO here we have a clandestine... Lunch meeting on the roof.
Lunch in the fact that there's a fancy goblet of fresh blood fit for a vampire... And well...
Something less mentionable for Lu-May. Seriously, don't ask what that is; if it were on TV there would be a censor mosiac covering it.
Nevertheless, the dusky skinned oni is settled on top of an exposed roof vent like a bench, lightly kicking one foot and snacking daintily on her meal. "Now then~. An assassin you say? I'm all a-tingle, tell me more~."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
Vi'Sharra is lounging against the side of another roof vent, "You have an interesting set of offices... Though..." She shrugs, "I'm surprised to see that you close so early of a night..." She glances at the 'intern internal' that Lu-Mey is snacking on, "You can find some of the best prey at night."

She closes her eyes and shivers slightly, "It's the most rewarding when they know something is following them, something they can't see, can't smell, can't hear, and can't escape... And then to drop in just as they've finally given up all hope and realized they're going to die..." She chuckles darkly, before opening her eyes to gaze at you again.

"What's there to tell? You stalk your prey," Her lips pull back to reveal her fangs, "You learn it's habbits, you exploit them, and then if you're lucky, they're capable of putting up a fight when you kill them."

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
"Ara ara~." Intrigued she is. The dusky-skinned dancer regards her lunch partner briefly with scarlet eyes as she licks the tip of a finger clean. Not particularly the best of table manners, but this is something of a very informal meeting. "Oho... Well it's not like most of our fun happens at the office. Aside from the occasional office party. But Starless says I'm not allowed to bust out of cakes anymore."
Regardless of what incident may have caused that, Lu-Mey sucks lightly on her teeth in a tiny 'tsk~!', "Ah but you enjoy -that- kind of thing?" Mused in regards to Vi'Sharra's personal taste in the hunt. "Honestly I think that's the kind of thing that thrives when we go out on little trips out of the office. If you catch my drift."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
She gestures briefly with her left hand, conjuring the goblet to her fingertips before she sips at the crimson liquid inside and smiles. "Of course I do." She shrugs, "It's the kind of thing that I thrive on. Every contract has a different clause, a different way that the person has to die, perhaps they're guarded. Perhaps they have to be poisoned. Perhaps nailed to the wall by a spear."

She sips at her blood before continuing, "Maybe they're a CEO, Maybe an adventurer, Perhaps a politician, Perhaps a crime-lord that strayed too far from his docks." She chuckles, "There's just so much variety to it all, and if you're feeling reaallly creative you can have so much fun killing that CEO with his prized car, that Adventurer with his sword, that politician with a voting booth, or even giving that crime lord his own set of cement shoes..."

She grins even more widely, "Or perhaps it's that kind of contract. The one where you go through the front door in a shower of splinters, rip their security force apart with your bear hands, destroy their house staff, and leave them miraculously untouched thorughout the whole ordeal... Killing not them, but their desire to do a certain thing."

She purrs softly, "Surely you enjoy those kinds of contracts too?" A curious brow is arched in Lu-Mey's direction... ...As she ignores her Oni-Friends table manners.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
Scarlet eyes follow the goblet as it takes the path to the vampire's hand, and Lu finishes her... Meal. Probably for the best as she starts cleaning her hands off with some wet-naps procured from an inner fold of her dress. "Creativity's a plus! Ooh I think Starless might like you." Inasmuch as Starless can 'like' anyone, but she doesn't extrapolate on that.
"Me? Oh I'm a little different! Most of the others prefer the subtle touch, and that's all well and good, but there are just some times when they need someone holding a very loud sign that screams 'look at me!' so they can go un-bothered while doing their dirty work."
She points to herself.
"That's me~."
A little roll of her shoulder and a rather large centipede slithers out from her clothes, skittering along the length of her arm and apparently demanding pettings. Which she gives it; stroking it like one would a pet snake. "Don't get me wrong though; in a pinch I can put on a good act with the rest of them. But!" Ah there's a but. "This little meeting isn't about me, is it? Oh do regale me with some of your best stories~?"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
Vi'Sharra smiles slightly, "So you like to go through the front door, wade through the gunfire and then crush them from the front while your friends take the goal?" She smiles softly, her eyes looking far more golden then brown for a few seconds, before she opens her eyes and blinks in surprise at your giant centipede.

After a moment she shrugs. Still better then a poodle. "That's rather unique. I've never seen a centipede actually be ... affectionate." She shrugs and twiches her left hand, conjuring the goblet back to the table before she speaks again.

"...So long ago, but I think you'd like it... It was the last of the end of the Age of Mastery. Myself, the first Lich Lord, three were-clan leaders, and their armies had driven the last of the Lords of Mastery to ground..." She blinks and then opens her left hand, and an illusion appears above it, slowly taking up about a third of the roof... ...Showing a ruined landscape, a giant castle that might have been grand... ...At some point. Before two battling armies, and a host of spell casters had outright shattered and melted large parts of it.

A Lord and a whole group of minor spellcasters are floating above the seiging army, and just raining destruction down the place, while several groups of magi are shielding the inner keep.

"Thradrakus," Her voice is soft, "Would have been perfectly happy reducing the keep to a molten pile of ruin but..." She points to the Lich, "He would have had to stop the assault long enough to prepare a major spell." She chuckles, "He and the rest of the armies, had to keep the last Lord of Mastery distracted, else the bastard would have enough time to concentrate and prepare another way to escape."

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
It quickly becomes evident that the soft coo-like chittering is coming from Lu-Mey's throat, and not the centipede's as she feeds it the very last bits of her snack. "The things I share with these worms... Is everything." She explains simply, apparently not minding in the least as it crawls all over her like a horrifying boa. But then she leans back, crossing one leg over the other to get comfortable and listen, idly tracing her tongue along a fang of her own in a thoughtful manner as the illusion spreads and Vi'Sharra begins to tell the tale of old.
"Oh and here I am without popcorn." She does lament before piping down and shutting up aside from an enthralled: "Rivetting~."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
Her eyebrow raises curiously at the first statement, before she grins at the last statement, briefly showing her fangs, "Yes... Well." Her eyes shine with amusement, "You should come prepared for these kinds of things."

Her eyes shift back to the illusion, "While Thradrakus was busy, we had to come up with a plan... ...And we did."

The illusion shows a massive army streaming the gaps in the castle walls, battling people who move in strange, unnatural jerky motions, while the massive spell battle above continues... ...And then in the background, a certain vampire can be fading from shadow to shadow, teleporting forward, past the front line, infiltrating into the keep before she comes to a halt in an abandoned room. "The three clan leaders knew they couldn't kill the Last Lord, because he would see them coming, and be prepared, that he would attempt to wrest their minds from them... ...But they knew they could do exactly the thing that you specialize in-" The figure in the illusion gestures, and a large werewolf appears, wreathed and haloed in fire... ...Then goes crashing off into the castle keep, leaving a trail of burning destruction in it's path. A second gesture causes another were-wolf, wreathed in frost to emerge, and a third gesture causes a final werewolf, covered in arcing bolts of energy to emerge ...and the pair go crashing after the first through the castle, leaving a massive trail of shattered doors, tables and bodies in their wake. "-And they did it so well..."

Burning, frozen, and crackling bodies of a number of mages, undead, and people moving in those same jerky motions are scattered across the rooftop, while a man in crimson robes rains spells down on the were-wolf trio, and the shield around the castle starts to flicker.

"-That I could get in right behind him and--"

Vi'Sharra literally emerges from a shallow shadow, and grabs the mage by his face, forcing his neck back, and tears his throat open mid-spell. "--Well." Her fangs glitter as she smiles widely, the illusion version of herself tossing the body into a spot between the three werewolves, before the four of them fall on the body ripping it apart as the shield surrounding the keep falls... ...And an angry Lich-Lord rises over the keep walls with a group of spellcasters, and sweeps the battlement clean. "Lets just say... They never found anything larger then a fingernail of the last Lord of Mastery."

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
Some popcorn WOULD be good for this right about now, and Lu-Mey is regretting not getting some ready, when she knew she was going to be asking for a resume. But the last thing she had expected was such a display of the past. Her eyes dart from scene to scene; the werewolves throwing themselves at the castle in concert, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake. She steeples her fingers, drumming the tips together thoughtfully at the shadowy figure flitting through the darkness, stalking... Making the kill.
Rather gruesome actually; but that never did much to bother Lu-Mey's appetite.
But with the illusory Lord slain and, literally, thrown to the wolves, when the story comes to a conclusion she is clapping. Quick, excited, loud, complete with a shrill tittering giggle. "Bravo! Oh bravo! I expected some interesting company, but not entertainment, too!" Clearly she enjoyed that. "My my... I think... Why I do just think you'll fit right in. I'll put a good word in for you with Starless if you'd like~."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
Vi'Sharra laughs softly, "That sounds like fun." She closes her left hand and the illusion vanishes. "The Multiverse has so much more potential then home did..." Her eyes shine golden for a few moments, "Please do put in a word with her, I'd love to be able to go hunting with some friends again. In fact-" *Fade to Black?*