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Latest revision as of 02:37, 12 July 2014

Monster Hunting...
Date of Scene: 11 July 2014
Location: Strait of the Americas
Synopsis: Dimentio and O'Chunks go hunting for a monster at a..
Thanks to: Thank you Beelzebumon and Sakura Kasugano for taking part in my first GMed scene!
Cast of Characters: 132, 374, 472

Dimentio (472) has posed:
It's taken some digging, but they've finally found a lead. Count Bleck's goals require a beautiful princess, and a powerful beast..and they have found the latter. Dimentio had been looking into all leads, but after how much work he's done with it, he decided to /very wisely/ let O'Chunks, Super Chunky Warrior General take up the search. And he found something. Monsters for sale, at apparently very good prices! Perhaps the one they're looking for is being sold here, and any lead is a good one!

Which leads Dimentio and O'Chunks to a small town in the Straits of America, overlooking a..car dealership. A giant purple gorilla rests ontop of the building, holding a sign labeled "MONSTER SALE", and several inflatable men dance around as fans blow on them. Yes, this will do very nice indeed. Dimentio, Dimensional Jester, cloaks and floats over above the Car Dealership..for O'Chunks to begin!

"O'CHUUUNKS!", the massive, bald, red-bearded warrior cried in his very distinctive Scottish accent, as he leaped forward, right onto a car that was just about to be sold, wrecking it with his massive girth. "Ay, laddies, tell O'Chunks where all teh monsters are, and I'll let yeh live!". At this time, the man who was just about to get a really sweet deal on an old car is running off, whilst the dealer runs inside, presumably to call for help.

It is at this point O'Chunks spots the giant purple gorilla. "Ah, there yeh are! Yeh comin' with us, we need ta get yeh hitched!"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
Unbeknownst to anyone there, Dealer, Customer, or Invader alike, the Demon Lord of Gluttony has decided to take a break from his hectic schedule of Asskickings, and is lounging on the framework on the backside of the sign the giant gorilla is holding whilest wearing a pair of shades, a hawaiian shirt, and a bottle of beer in hand.

Why? Because.

All that relaxing though gets spoiled as something comes crashing down in the lot out front, startling Beelzebumon enough that he let's go of his bottle. He makes a frantic grab for the booze as it drops, but the sudden reflex unbalances him, and he is forced to abandon the beer in favor of grabbing the framework to avoid plunging headfirst into the concrete roof below.

With a forlorn look on his face, Beelzebumon is forced to watch the bottle shatter below as he drags himself back onto the girder, then lets out a sigh as he stands up and peers over the top of the MONSTER SALE sign.

"Excuse me, whatnow? No one here is getting hitched. Not unless you count the marriage between my boot and your ass in about two minutes."

Dimentio (472) has posed:
Suddenly, DEMON LORD. O'Chunks falls on his back, further damaging the car, before leaping back onto his feet to shout at Beelzebumon. "GRAH-GOOGLY! WHERE DID YEH COME FRUHM? Neh matter, I'ahm takin' teh monster from yeh feh Count Bleck! So give up or get down!"

O'Chunks leaps from the car..before digging his fingers into the pavement, and literally ripping out a chunk of it, to take as his weapon. Meanwhile, Dimentio observes observingly, waiting to see what happens next.

Sakura Kasugano (374) has posed:
Let it be known, Sakura Kasugano has been to many places in her short time traveling the world (and more recently, the multiverse) in search of the fight. But no place baffled her quite as much as the American South. Just....so terribly weird sometime. And this incident seemed to be no different, considering what she sees upon arriving to the coordinates the distress signal indicated.

Looking on dumbstruck, seeing a scottish(...ish?) brute guy digging into the concrete ready to fight someone over....a car? And talking about Monsters? It left her scratching her chin in complete bafflement. "What's going on here, exactly?

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
With an exasperated sigh, the Demon Lord crouches slightly before vaulting over the sign and down to the pavement below, whilest still wearing his shades and hawaiian shirt.

After getting up from his landing, Beelzebumon puts his hand in his pocket and twists his head to the side with a loud cracking sound.

"Before we begin, can I ask you a question? What in bloody hell are you babbling about? Cause I don't see any monsters around here."


"Well, besides me."

Dimentio (472) has posed:
"Ey? Yeh must be blind, laddie, cus' yeh was just next teh one!". O'Chunks stares at the gorilla..before tossing the pavement at Beelzebumon. He doesn't have very good aim, but he's throwing it with..quite a bit of force. "Yeh want to fight, a fight yeh'll get!".

Meanwhile, Sakura looks awfully lonely with Beelzebumon and O'Chunks about to throw down. Dimentio decides to fix this! Suddenly, the space infront of Sakura seems much less empty, as a floating jester appears, uncloaking himself! "Why, another person here to watch the show?~ By all means, go ahead, but it'd be best if you don't interrupt! They are about to battle like two sumo wrestlers over the last piece of sushi, and then we will escape with the giant monster!". Dimentio points one of his disembodied hands at the purple gorilla, before floating higher. Best plan ever. It's hard to tell if he even knows it's not really a monster or not.

Sakura Kasugano (374) has posed:
Looking up to the Purple Inflatable Gorilla that seems to be the center of the entire incident, Sakura simply looks even more...baffled. "Why do they..."

However, when the space in front of her warps, she leaps back in surprise, immediattely on guard, especially when the weird...jester in front of her warps fully into view. "...I...what?" she asks, stumbling over the strange metaphor he uses before looking up to the 'monster', following those weird disembodied hands. "Why are you....are you really attacking a car shop for that?"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
"What?" Beelzebumon replies with as he arches his head back and stares at the giant purple gorilla... before letting out a loud pfffft and breaking out into laughter, "Oh god, you gotta be kidding m--"

And POW, concrete right to the face!

As the paved material shatters across his head, Beelzebumon crashes to the ground and lays still for a moment... before sitting up abruptedly and shaking the stars out of his eyes, "Hey now! I call shennanigans on that last hit! No fair distracting me with laughter just so you can get in a cheap shot like that!"

Beelzebumon rolls onto his back and coils up like a spring before vaulting up onto his feet, before stomping his foot down, with enough force that one of the hubcaps from the destroyed car bounces up into the air, only to be snatched up by the Demon Lord and hurled like a frisbee right at O'Chucks' head.

Dimentio (472) has posed:
"Distractions? What are yeh gabbin' on about? Yeh can't trick O'Chunks! That monster will fulfill teh prophecy!". Okay, O'Chunks seems /pretty serious/, but this is temporary interrupted when he is sent flying by a hubcap to the neck, smashing into one car, which rolls back into another. "GRAH! HOW MUCH YEH EATIN'? Or are yeh like meh, stocked up with girth and extra CHUNKY!". O'Chunks shakes himself off, leaping up, and charging fist first at Beelzebumon.

"Well, truth be told, we are trying to capture a beast for a very important ritual, and my associate over there told me of a 'Monster Sale'. It seems to have been a bust, but why ruin his fun?~. I forgot to introduce myself, Dimentio, Master of Dimensions!~. Charmed.". Dimentio bows in midair, extending a hand as he does so, before teleporting to the side of Sakura. "Now, who do you think will win? I'm not sure, but I am on the edge of my feet!~".

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
"Aaaaah fuck, seriously? A dumb prophesy?" Beelzebumon replies with as he braces himself, "I seriously HATE--"

His hand snaps up to intercept Chunky's outstretched fist, "--CRYPTIC--"

Then he starts to roll back, planting his feet into Chunky's gut as he does so, "--BULLSHIT--

Then using the momentum of his fall and Chunky's charge to lift him off the ground and send him sailing through the air, "PROPHESIES!"

Then he quickly flips himself back onto his feet and dusts himself off.

"I mean seriously, just once I wanna see a prophet come out and just straight up say what's going to happen instead of leaving vague hints and pretentious riddles."

Sakura Kasugano (374) has posed:
Sakura Kasugano stares rather blankly at Dimention, then back up to the gorilla, then back to the jester. "So you...know that's not a real monster, but you're still letting him do it?" she says with af frown. When Dimentio disappears, she holds out a hand. "Wait!" she shouts...before jumping again when she sees him reappear at her side. "Don't you know the amount of damage this will cause around here?"

Dimentio (472) has posed:
O'Chunks can't put up against a Demon Lord. And that is why he starts to sail..and sails..and sails..before he smashes it into a car at the far end of the lot. "Grah..googly.". And he's out.

Dimentio floats up, his forever grin straigh at Sakura. "Why not?~ Nothing here is of importance to me. If he destroys the whole place, doesn't harm us!~". Dimentio sees Beelzebumon take out O'Chunks, firing an energy shot into the air like a firework, perhaps to get his attention. "Well then, I must be off. But before I go...". His right hand points at the Gorilla..and fires off three energy shots, hoping to burst the damn thing. And then, he teleports off, teleports to O'Chunks, and prepares to hopefully warp back home if nothing goes wrong.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
"Well, that was a fun distraction," Beelzebumon states with a shrug, "Now I need a beer, especially after my last one ended up all over the ground... le sigh."

He starts to walk off when three energy bolts go sailing over his head towards the purple gorilla, and leans back to watch. He doesn't even try to stop them.

"Huh... sucks to be whoever owns this place."

Sakura Kasugano (374) has posed:
"WAIT!!" comes the shout from Sakura as Dimentio floats up, trying to leap after him before he gets too far above her. However, the bolt of energy that bursts the inflatible gorilla and the teleport that takes both him and O'Chunks away happens too fast before she can do anything, dropping her down onto an empty lot, with the wreckage from before she arrived here already here and...not much she can really do about it. "....what was that really about?" she says, still baffled.