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Latest revision as of 04:57, 13 July 2014

The Factory: Lute vs. Yunomi
Date of Scene: 12 July 2014
Location: TARGET: The Factory (TF)
Synopsis: Lute uses Mr. Crabs to attack The Factory, and Yunomi heads out to stop him.
Cast of Characters: 188, 272

Lute (188) has posed:
The Union has been controlling the Factory. For a /long time/. It's honestly sad. Almost a month without the Confederacy having touched it! So, it really makes Lute feel it is one of the best places to unleash his new 'toy'. The only thing he is sad about is the lack of a good body of water for it to burst out of. It's located in the Volcanic Plains, after all. Not the most comfortable of places.

Good thing Kaiju are good with a lot of environments.

It is a rather cloudy day. Cloudy, perhaps the wrong term. Most of it is volcanic ash from the plains. A loud noise can be heard in the distance, though. A stomping noise. A shadow of a figure can be seen through through the volcanic ash. But it is too late. It stomps in, and starts to work on /demolishing/ the Union forces here.

Though Mr. Crabs has multiple legs, the main two it uses are large gorilla like legs. With its size, it can do a fair amount of damage with its legs alone. It stomps down on structures, crushing the temporary structures the Union has set up in this place. It spits out massive amounts of bubbles, which seem to be acidic. They erode anything they touch. The people are /fleeing/ rapidly. And Lute... really isn't caring if any of them get killed. He isn't trying to kill them. But he's not trying /not/ to.

And yes. Lute is standing atop Mr. Crabs. Smiling, looking down. He is looking outright /estatic/.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi had been going to the factory to see about the latest shipment of 'specialized joy-bringing equipment' she had comissioned the facory to make on its civillian side. She had been inspecting the latest Danger Tanuki doll when the ground had rumbled.
"Earthquake?" She questions, and then the rumble started again. Alarms went off, and the Union forces scambled to defense. Pidge errupts from her bag, and the business-suit clad Y. T. Ryan gives a frown, and excuses herself from her business associates -- and goes out a window.

They look to one another... and decide that it's best /not/ to discuss it.

Meanwhile, Yunomi Stadler changes, her ears pinned back, tail streaming behind her, her movement in a fla sh of red and and azure leather and buckles. IT had been a hellish week.

And Lute showing up with his giant gorilla crab didn't make things better. She wastes no time in summoining the naginata, its blade flashing brilliant white in the ashy sky as she arcs upwards.

"Lute. If you don't want your new pet in Maryland Crab Cakes, I would /back off/." she calls down. w

Lute (188) has posed:
Lute looks at Yunomi. And smiles. Yeah, she was one of the main people who was /opposing/ this idea, the most vocally. She was actually being somewhat nice. She just didn't want him to get hurt. But. She underestimated him. As most people do.

"Yeah, you know me. You've known me for ages. When was the last time I just kind of /stood down/? Besides, you're just in the way of Mr. Crabs."

And almost immediately, Mr. Crabs moves in. Its right pincer moves in, attempting to clamp down on Yunomi. It packs a /ton/ of force. Though, even though it is a lot faster than something of its size /should/ be? It's still a bit slower than the other Kaiju. Still fast enough to hopefully catch Yunomi, though.

"Good Mr. Crabs, right! That's a good pincer attack!"

It's worth noting, though, none of Lute's Pokemon are out. Who knows why, though.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi feints. SHe's fought Kaiju before, and she knows that for all their strength and raw power -- they're not too fast. Yunomi moves out of the way, and she lowers her goggles. "Pidge. Reload the battle data from the last kaiju fight. Get some weaknesses." she commands, and the little orb in her pack sends information to her goggles, the magical HUD lighting up as she soars beneath the huge creature.

"I've known you for ages. I've also known you to be smart. Lute, this is dangerous, not just for you but for all the forces below. This fight will poison the land around us!" she warns the trainer, her body twisting in air.

She turns, bringing up her arm to create a prism shield against the deadly blood of the beast and tries to slice through the bottom shell of the huge beast, holding her grip steady as the cauterizing blade smokes and leaves heat-distortion in its wake.

What she wouldn't give to have someone in her ear now. But all she can hear is the pounding of her heart.

Lute (188) has posed:
As the naginata comes in, the cauterizing blade cuts through it. Lute winces a bit. Yeah, he doesn't feel as much linkshock from Mr. Crabs. But it still is a bit painful to watch. As the blade goes through Mr. Crabs's claw, a fair amount of the wound is cauterized. But, some Kaiju Blue still comes out. Not enough to necessarily hit Yunomi, but enough to cause her worry.

Lute focuses. Kneeling down. This is a bit tougher than he thought, but still. He's just getting used to it right now. A lot more focus will be needed for now, but it should be easier in the future.

But, he has an idea. The thing should at least understand some English. It did before. So, just like with a poorly linked Pokemon, shouting the attack can help.

"Come on, she's tiny! Just shouldercheck her."

Mr. Crabs lets out a bit of a roar, and does so. it stomps forward, trying to hit the side of its body into Yunomi. Unlike usual, though, it is using multiple legs. Walking sideways. Crabwalking.

Lute smiles, "Good job, boy! Good job!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi is counting on it being tougher to control the big creature than it is to boss around a pokemon.

Yunomi exhales, and she braces herself, bringing a snap-shield in front of her as she's shoulder-checked. She gives a soft yell, tumbling backwards as she's checked into the air. She exhales as she gathers herself, and begins her second attack.

This one is aimed at the controller, trying to hit both crabs and Lute. Red mana gathers around her arm, tracing its way along her until it gathers at her palm, and when she brings her arm up, lightning leaps, cracking into the air. The roar of it splits across the factory, lighting up the ashy sky.

Lute (188) has posed:
The electricity strikes into both Lute, and his crab. Lute actually does somewhat okay with the lightning. How many times has he fought Pikachu, after all? Mr. Crabs does less well with it. At the least, Kaiju don't really have elemental weaknesses like Pokemon. Or that'd be bad.

Mr. Crabs isn't quite happy about this, though. Lute is able to send this message relatively easily, because both are having the same idea, right now.

Mr. Crabs starts /rapidly/ spitting out bubbles. They are kind of cute and tiny. Or at least, relative to the size of a Kaiju. As the bubbles fly in, though, they're obviously /not/ harmless. Not at all. In fact, they are /incredibly/ acidic.

"Good job, Mr. Crabs! Good boy! Show that meany who wanted you dead who is boss! Seriously. What kind of person would want to hurt such an innocent and sweet creature?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Acid bubbles! Yunomi brings her shield up, but it's too late. The acid strikes her skina dn the leather of her armor, and begins to melt both. The leather og her gauntlet she sheds -- it falls down to the ground and clatters. The burns on her skin remain though, festering slightly before they ebb away. THe chemical burns blister. It hurts. And it's a distraction, and some of the skin begins to bleed from the damage.

Yunomi wouldn't let them down, though. She had to redeem herself. .. for herself.

And she concentrates, her body twists and she launches herself forward with an angry cry, her prismatic shield rising up to fend off a second blow of bubbles, and brings her naginata up, and she tries to land ont he Kaiju's head...

And goes to sing the naginata down into it, trying to find its primary brain!

Lute (188) has posed:
The Naginata comes in, down towards the brain. Thankfully for the Kaiju, its skull is one of the thickest amongst Kaiju. It's actually a more defense oriented kaiju than most. Still, a skull/shell cut into deeply isn't that good of a thing for anyone. It roars in pain.

Lute frowns, patting its head. "Don't worry, don't worry! Dr. Benson will figure out how to heal you up! I'm sure we can figure something out!"

Mr. Crabs calms down. It is walking back, trying to get out of Yunomi's path. It seems to be breathing a bit heavily as it stumbles back. Its tophat and monocle are slightly askew.

Oh, did I forget to mention, it's wearing a hat and a monocle?

Lute, though, smiles. "Bubble sac number two!"

And, the crab Kaiju begins to spit out more bubbles. Except, if these impact the chemicals from the first, the chemicals that still linger on Yunomi? Well. The two mixing will cause a decent sized explosion.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi has arguments in her ear, and she gives a low grow in her throat, facing off at the head. Narrowing her eyes, she exhales, and she runs up the head of the ape-crab. She digs that hot naginata blade in deeper, and then she reaches up, and she turns its element.

THe sunlight-bright naginata bleeds into an angry reddish orange, from the butt of the weapon down the shaft, and then kissing the hilt, it snaps down the blade. THe heat around the weapon intensifies, Yunomi's goggles turning from cool blue to a violent purple, crackling with energy as the heat kicks up below the surface.

This is one of the most violent things that she's ever had to do, she realizes with some degree of sadness... but she's seen what Kaiju can do.

She has no desire to show others a repeat of what happened when Tresspasser came to the city unaware.

she owed that much to everyone, trying to boil the kaiju's skull.

Lute (188) has posed:
Instead of the skull? This time, the claw is struck. It lifts up, taking the impact. It doesn't do much to block it, though. Instead, it cuts deep into the claw. The wound is perfectly cauterized. It roars out, angered at the pain. It stumbles back. This time, a bit more pointedly. This time, a bit more /fearful/ seeming.

For unfeeling monsters, it sure seems to be displaying a decent amount of emotion.

Lute, though, is actually getting rather pissed at this. And so, he leaps up onto the Kaiju's claw. He stands on it, glaring angrily at Yunomi, before leaping off of it. He bursts through the air, towards Yunomi.


And Lute attempts to punch Yunomi, straight in the face, with a highly powered punch. A punch enhanced by the power of his Ki.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:

Yunomi has never seen a Kaiju express fear. She's never felt a kaiju move beneath her, and she exhales a moment. She feels sorry for the creature beneath them. It rips at her heart enough that she almost... almost considers pulling the blade out.

But it doesn't last.

Mostly because Lute Ki-punches her in the face so hard that she feels her jaw crack, she sees the twin stars visible between the spires of Nivix and Thirix.

And a crack appears in one of her goggles lenses.

Yunomi goes stumbling backwards, splayed out and in pain as she tries to gather herself again. She was on top of a Kaiju. She had to defend the Factory.

And her opponant wasn't really the one wearing the fancy hat and monacle.

Yunomi wipes the thin trail of blood against her not acid-burned hand, and she pushes herself up, She grabs out her naginata from the kaiju's head.

"You wanna save your crab?" she questions.

And she teleports, behind Lute, and swings the butt of her weapon to try and crack against the back of Lute's head.

"Let's /Dance/."

Lute (188) has posed:
The weapon strikes Lute on the back of his head. Thankfully, his skull is also very thick, though the force of it still takes him by surprise. At the very least, he has gotten her to look away from Mr. Crabs, for now. But, he is now going to have an epic melee battle on the top of the head of a gigantic 40 meter tall crab.

This is basically everything he had hoped for from Mr. Crabs, and more.

He turns around almost immediately, reaching for the but of the Naganita that just struck him. He isn't planning to use her own weapon against her. At least, not per se. Instead, he uses it to swing himself down, sliding across the head of Mr. Crabs. Aiming for a kick, straight up at Yunomi.

"Fine, I'll just kick your ass the old fashioned way!"

Mr. Crabs, meanwhile, is moving around, wrecking general havock just by his /presence/ here.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
KLONG. That was a pretty fair hit.

Yunomi wasn't satisfied with just hitting him once though. And as Lute slides down, Yunomi moves herself, bringing the butt down against the crab, and then when Lute kicks upwards, she lets it hit, using his kick to launch into the air.

And whens he comes back down, it's to bring the butt of the naginata against the fonrt of Lute's head this time. Not that it will improve his ruggish, rogueish good looks mind you.

BUt it will make Yunomi feel better about herself.

Lute (188) has posed:
The strike hits him in the front of the head. Lute stumbles backwards. Lute himself is strong. Really strong. But in a one on one fight, he isn't enough for Yunomi. He's a monster trainer, after all. She'll probably overwhelm him, eventually.

But. Despite the danger, Mr. Crabs lifts up its left, still mostly functioning claw. It moves it in, trying to /crush/ Yunomi. The force of this beast is amazing. Kaiju are designed to be able to deal as much damage as possible, and Mr. Crabs definately reflects this.

Lute, meanwhile gets up. Muttering. Most of the time, in Elite fights, they don't go right for the kill. But Yunomi started the battle with efforts to do so. Lute is going to have to get a bit desperate to make sure Mr. Crabs doesn't die.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi hears the lurching of chiton. She feels the grounds shift beneath her, and she looks up as Crabs goes to bring his claw down on her!

She's not about to stand there and take that! ... so she moves. She slides down the carapace of the beast, grazing herself along some rough spots with acid-burned skin. She gives a hiss, shuddering, but now she's down on the creature's shoulder... or what passes for a shoulder. She raises her naginata again, and this time means to give the creature something to think about. She tries to sever it, along the joint in the chitin, her naginata turning a brilliant red again before she sinks it down!

Lute (188) has posed:
The cut goes in deep, but once again, it is not enough. The Kaiju roars out again. Its arm, at least, goes a bit limp. It can move, somewhat, but it is hard to do. Lute can hear the cries of the beast. Not just the audible ones. The definite worry is transmitted to his brain.

At which point, Lute moves in, dashing to Yunomi. He pulls something out. He tends to keep some weapons hidden on his body, at most times. And, just as Yunomi is cutting into the Kaiju, Lute shall cut into Yunomi.

He brings up the kunai. And, with his powerful strength. With a massive amount of rage. He is trying his damndest to cut off Yunomi's left arm.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi's tail interferes, feeling Lute brushing against the tips before she turns, her teeth bared and her arm rising up, deflecting much of the blow, the shockwave traveling down her arm and to her shoulder. The kunai flashes, and she can feel the rage radiating off Lute. ANd she feels sorry for him. And Crabs... but there isn't anything she can do.

She has to do what's right... and sometimes it means having to do the cruel thing.

"Your interfearnce brought this on him! You didn't know anything about them, Logan Triste!"

She edges herself a bare inch away before she tries to grab at Lute's shirt, plant into his instep, and try to back-shoulder roll the trainer off the shoulder of the kaiju!

And she takes off, flying for the creature's head!

Lute (188) has posed:
Lute falls off the Kaiju, tossed aside by Yunomi. As he is grabbed and thrown, though? Something about him. Something in his eyes change completely.

He shifts his body. It takes a lot of work, and focus, but he at least manages to get his pet Kaiju to move a leg up. Lute crashes into the leg. Though it is painful, he at least is still /on/ the creature. He grabs ahold of the leg, and sends another mental message to the Kaiju.

Mr. Crabs ducks down, fast. Yunomi is planning to fly for the head of Mr. Crabs. And Lute knows this. Mr. Crabs crabwalks to the side, and strafes, to face Yunomi head on.

It starts to unleash the bubbles from its mouth. Both types, at once, converging only once they leave its mouth. Explosion after explosion, trying to blast away at Yunomi. Trying to prevent her approach to the head.

Lute, meanwhile, has climbed atop of Mr. Crabs, once again. And he glares at Yunomi.

"What do /you/ even know about the creature? You only know it as a destroyer. You know little of those that sent it. You know little of what you are even /fighting/. You try to destroy something, a creature, that might give us so much information on /halting/ the attack from the enemy the Jaeger face."

Yeah. Lute isn't his goofy normal self right now. His entire personality has shifted. He simply stares at the explosions, while dusting himself off a little bit.

"Tell me. Have you any clue what even /sent/ the Kaiju here?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
A barage of bubbles! While there may be no unhappy way to say the word, these are angry bubbles. Yunomi brings her shield up again, spreading it as far as it will go, curling up behind it, but explosions and acid burn her back, cause her tail to singe and go dull. Her ears pin back in pain, everything on her holding out, waiting for a stop... but then he says something. Something that Goofy, Dangerous-Stupid Lute might not have said.

They were sent.

Something was sending these kaiju out.

So, no. Yunomi doesn't go for Crab's head.

Instead, she goes for Lute.

Her cracked goggles light up with mystic power coursing through them as her arms glow a scorching red. She's entirely ready to fry him where he stands. Crabs be damned.

ANd she unleashes a torrent of lightning.

Because she's afraid of what that information would mean for the PPDC.

... and what it would mean for her help there.

Lute (188) has posed:
The lightning strikes Lute. His body is pushed back. But his face? It doesn't even flinch. This is not the normal goofy Lute. This is the cold, calculated, and unphasable Lute. He stares straight at Yunomi. Yeah. His goal is somewhat accomplished. Make her focus on him. And not the monster of death.

Though he does not have the same attachment to the Kaiju? He still sees the /massive potential/ it grants him.

A potential he is currently going to take full advantage of.

The giant crab moves forward, under Yunomi, once again. It turns around, and faces Yunomi. It is going to put everything it has into this last attack. It, and Lute, are reaching their limit.

It leaps. Its claws, though having difficulty moving around, can still close. So, it is trying to move them to close at Yunomi. This isn't even the true goal of the attack, though. It is trying to close off escape routes from Yunomi. She can't escape from under its front, due to the claws. And, its other legs are moving to try and cut off the other routes as well.

It's trying to crush Yunomi, under its massive weight. This beast weighs a similar amount to a Jaeger.

This is going to be unpleasant.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
"What are you talking about. /Who/ sends the Kaiju?" she questions, her voice is qually cold, a very different person than what the Confederacy may know as Yunomi. This was someone who was ready to risk... life. Limb.


She was reaching for Lute. To shake the information out of him, like a scolded kitten. Her gloved, bloody hand reaches down for him -- and then Lute drops away. Yunomi turns, and in a flash of lightning from the clouds above, briefly her eyes are illuminated through the glass of her cracked goggles. The eyes of the tanuki go wide as the titanic form of the Ape-crab rise up like an angry god, and begin to crash down with the awesome fury of an ocean universes away.

And Yunomi begins to utter something quiet. A prayer, a whimper as the shadow looms over her. The only word anything might make out would be a single name.

The world moves in slow motion, and she turns. /Flees/ the falling Kaiju as the earth rumbles beneath him. Debris is broken into ashy particles as he collapses, and Yunomi goes for the most likely spot that she could survive -- a tiny crevass, hitting hard in the dirt, and scrambling down, curling her body up to fit into the hole as the monster descends.

And for a moment, there's only ash. There's only dust rising up around the leviathan from the depths of the Pacific Ocean, darkness covering the area.

And then, very small, a light. Rising up from the cracks beneath the creature, between its body and the earth it had collapsed upon.

And then Yunomi isn't below. Her goggles are looped around one arm, acting as a turniquite to stop the blood from leaking out quite so quickly. Her breastplate is gone, shredded and acidified, leaving her in just a blue sleeveless shirt.

"I'm sorry." she whispers quietly, and she begins to cast, green mana weaving its way around her arms as she brings them up, turning her head away from the sight of the fallen beast, and its trainer. The grounds below ripple, and then break as saplings quickly start risig uip, an angry tide of green and thorns.

"I'm so, so sorry."

And when her magic strikes the ground proper, there's an angry, organic roar; as if the ground were opening up a maw. The green leaps to life, reaching, curling, digging in, the vines going from fingers and exploding into ropes and steel cables overgrown with hairy tendrils that seek to get between any crack in the chiton -- or any fleshy material on Lute, and begin to hum -- a hymn of the power lines.

Yunomi is trying to use her manavines to electrify and hold down the monster -- and the kaiju.

Lute (188) has posed:
The Kaiju is enwrapped with the vines. Lute, similarly, is harmed by them. The both of them begin to shake with the electrified power. The Kaiju roars out in pain. Lute, less so. But, he is obviously forcing himself to hold back from screaming. His body filled with pain, contorting, as he looks up, trying to stand against it.

But. He can't. There is only so much he can do.

The Kaiju, finally, collapses onto the ground.

Which is a /massive/ sign that something is up. Kaiju do not collapse on death. They /explode/. Terribly so. Kaiju Blue all over the place. Only a skeleton left.

Lute's vision is going out. But, he isn't the only one atop the Kaiju. He has released something else. Temporarily, he is /not/ focusing on the Kaiju. Letting it simply do what it can to fake dead, as per his last order to it. Instead, he is focusing his link entirely upon something else.

A Pokemon that he has just released. A Gardevoir.

He speaks. He is trying to get this to work in every way possible. Will it work? Mr. Crabs is an ally, and willing. So, by all means, it /should./

"Savant," Lute speaks. The name of his Gardevoir. "Teleport."

And, it takes a moment. But, with a massive flash of light? Lute, along with Mr. Crabs, and the Gardevoir?

They vanish, into thin air.

Lute collapses. Mr. Crabs is worse off than him, though. But at the least. For now? They both live.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi stood alone in the wreckage, barely holding herself up. She was shaking, uncontrollably. Bloodloss and pain was taking its toll on her, and whens he finally did fall to her knee, and then her side, it wasn't because of the acid burns, the bloodloss, or tapping out her mana.

It was because she had come to a clonclusion over why the voice in her ear was missing.

And that was a worse pain than all the burns and scars combined.