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The Kinslayer
Date of Scene: 13 July 2014
Location: Void - Space Ways
Synopsis: A distress call goes out over the broadband about a ship being attacked near the Space Ways. This attacker must either be very brave or very foolish.
Cast of Characters: 132, 143, 325, 368, 490

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
This planet off of the Space Ways has been deemed uninhabited and is nameless. Well not really, it's called something along the lines of Planet-C1872 or something along those lines. There isn't much to it. A small, rocky world. The thing that stands out about this world is the burning wreck on the surface of it. A medium sized transport cruiser bearing the markings of the Grayscale faction has crash landed. Not far from it, a sleek black ship with red markings has landed, and the owner of that ship has made his way into the crashed vessel.

Inside of the vessel, there are several bodies, humans and other aliens, but the ones that stand out are the dragons. They seem to be particular, because while others may have died from the impact or from what appears to be a slashing weapon, the dragons have a particular wound, as if two spikes were driven into their bodies. It isn't pretty, but close inspection would show it to be a post-mortem wound.

Deeper inside of the ship, the sound of weapons fire can be heard. The fight is still going.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
Beelzebumon has a certain knack for showing up in the darnest places. Most of the time, this is just coincidence, but this time his reasons for being here is less of the nature of 'just happened to be in the neighborhood'.

No, he's here precisely because an interesting tidbit of information that caught his eye.

Namely the name of Kinslayer.

As he pulls up to the smouldering wreck, the Demon Lord lets out an appreciative whistle as he looks at the damage, then dismounts Behemoth as he pulls out his precious Berenjena Shotguns, "Man, whoever did this doesn't mess around, does he? Now then, let's find out who or what this 'Kinslayer' is, and how he, she, or it managed to earn such a fascinating title..."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
The distress signal of a wrecked ship was one thing, but to hear there were -dragons- on a -spaceship- was enough to catch the attention of a certain leader of a whole BUNCH of scientists and inventors. Rhapsody's arrival at the barren rock is via Observersphere, a round sort of craft the Izzet make. Thankfully, Sidonia set some kind of breathing enchant on the Guildmaster before she left. So. Hopefully outerspace won't be -that- big of a problem..

Haru (143) has posed:
No, Haru really has no idea what's going on. Just that someone needs help. That's really all he needs to know. If there are no warpgates in the area, he might have had to get Union transportation here. Hopefully the planet's hospitable enough so he won't die instantly when he sets foot on the surface. But if not, the Union surely has spacesuits that aren't completely impossible to fight in. Being a normal human can be so annoying sometimes.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
For someone to attack a transport near this busy portion of the Void transit lines, either it had to be carrying something of extreme importance or value, or the person is extremely powerful and brave.
Either was worthy of being investigated.

Space briefly contorts over the small, diminiutively named and unbothered with planetoid, allowing a larger craft to pull itself out of hyperspace travel and back into the normal realms of the void. It's engines shimmer as they power down to allow the ship to settle into orbit. On the comand deck Tesla Armadia watchs the preliminary scans come up on the screen, pinpointing the location of the wreck on one, and the accompanying smaller ship on a side monitor. Hmm. Interesting. Not any ship makes she reconizes off the top of her head, though. Thoughtfully she thumbs the comm control. "Send down an investigation squad."
Standing behind her chair, Lunessa lets out a disgruntled snarl. "Why do the psychotic little munchkins get to go down first?"
"Because," Tesla replied evenly as she steepled her fingers together, "we don't know for sure who these people or this 'Kinslayer' are... And they are much more expendable."

From the mastermind's ship a smaller one disengages and drops down to the surface, instead of landing skids multiple drill-tipped pylons deploy to anchor it into the ground firmly. Once settled into place the hatch hisses open and drops down into a ramp. Out of which march several guard drones, and a bunch of what look like a Goblin, an Ork and a Lombax somehow had a pack of bastard babies together. Not to mention most of them are sporting kibble-decorated guns that are easily as large or larger than they are. One sports some actual body armor, and by the way he yowls semi-incoherently like a cat on the alley fence and the rest scatter around him to march towards the ruined ship, he must be the one in charge.

Universe, say hello to the Gremlynx... and kiss any hopes of this day not ending up in explosions goodbye.

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
The sound of weapons fire inside of the ship intensifies for a few brief moments, and then just as suddenly stops. It seems someone, or something, has won the pitched battle that was going on inside of that portion of the wreck. The arriving parties will be able to enter the wreck from numerous points of entry, blown out hatches, hull breaches, or they could always just blast their way in through a non-damaged bulkhead, if they were so inclined.

Inside of the ship proper, there are more bodies. There are also several people who are wounded but not killed. The only ones who seem to have a 100% casualty rate are the dragon crewmembers, all of them with that same two-pronged wound. Several of the wounded crewmen have established a triage point in the cargo hold of the ship, which is exposed to the outside world. Thankfully there is breathable air on this planet for all of those who need that sort of thing.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
Three shots ring out, piercing through an unopened air hatch on the crashed ship, before the hatch us suddenly launched through the hall and impacts the other side of the corridor as light spills into the darkened interior... and standing amidst that light is Beelzebumon, his leg extending in the aftermath of the kick he used to bust open the door.

Sure, he could have gained entrance via one of the many gaping holes in the ship, but that isn't as juch fun.

Slowly, he pulls his leg back in and steps inside, with shotguns pointed down both ends of the hall, ready to blow any lurkers away if need be.

When none emerge, he slowly raises his guns up and starts to confidently march down the hall towards where he last heard gunfire.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
One thing the Observersphere had was sensors. No weapons, but LOTS of sensors. It was built to observe, after all. Reports of gunfire from inisde the ship prompts Rhapsody to start heading down. The fact a few others are on approach is a bit concerning but for now, she can hope that there will be some cooperation, right? ... yeah probably not.. Oh well. Time to head inside! The sphere is parked, a double check of Sidonia's enchant, and then Rhapsody heads toward the ship from a different direction then some of the others.. "Knock Knock..." not that anyone can probably hear her.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
There's plenty of holes in the side of the ship.

That doesn't stop one of the Gremlynx from using a rediculously large lazer-chainsaw to cut -another- one in the hull. Because all those holes may be nice but they're not made by THEM and that's extremely important. At least as far as they're concerned.

Once the entrance is made the little furballs march right in with their guns and drones, pretty much ignoring anyone that is already dead or nearly dead. The armed ones and the drones start spreading into the nearby corridor in search of the source of the shooting, because someone other than them are the ones shooting and that's not proper! At least let them get their share of destruction in!

The guy (if you can call one of them that) with the lazer-chainsaw starts cutting out a computer terminal to find out what sort of tech level these people actually have.

The armored leader is the last to march in, and actually pauses over one of the wounded humans as he grasps for him. "Please.. Kinslayer... had no chance.. just a transport, you.. help..."

The armored Gremlynx leans closer, even if it's just to look mean because he's short enough to not really need to lean over, and actually managed some garbled, chattery accented standard speech. "Tch. Look at you. Such terrible shape. This Kinslayer, very good at brutality is he." Then takes out an overcharged defibulator looking device and slugs the guy with it like it was a pair of brass knuckles instead of a medical tool. The crewman thuds over with a bleeding, broken temple as the armored hairball hops off him and waddles over to inspect one of the dragonic corpses instead. "Much lethality, much more interesting!"

Haru (143) has posed:
It's through one of the already-made holes in the ship that Haru makes his entry to the ship, following the sound of the fighting. Until it stops. Haru's not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing though. But there's something that will catch his attention almost immediately. Wounded. Before he goes any farther into the ship, he's going to stop and tend to them.

He hears the gunshots from Beelzebumon's entering of the ship nearby, and looks up, preparing to defend the wounded. He blinks as he sees the Demon Lord Digimon. But he doesn't seem interested in hurting the wounded, so... If he sees Rhapsody he'll look up at her and nod in greeting, with a smile. He may not be aware of Tesla's machines yet, since he's coming in behind the troupe.

He can't do too much for the wounded except try to stop bleeding and call for evacuation of those who are still alive. But he's going to do what he can before he heads farther into the craft as well.

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
Beelzebumon doesn't encounter anyone at first, but is closer to the origin point of the weapons fire than the others thanks to his explosive entrance. It seems to have been coming from what would most likely be the bridge of the ship. That would definitely be an excellent point to check and see just who or what is causing all of that ruckus.

Actually someone can hear Rhapsody's call. There's two humans not far from her point of entry, that had been hiding not far from her, in some sort of storage closet. One of them glances out of there, and upon seeing her, points some kind of rifle at her, "D-don't move!" It seems the female is wearing some kind of uniform, and looks to be bruised up from the crash, but not too badly hurt overall.

The Gremlynx are moving towards the bridge as well, though are on the opposite side of the ship from the Demonic Digimon. The crewman who takes the blow to the head finds himself thrust rapidly back to unconciousness. If he survives or not is probably of no consequence to the furball, as their march deeper into the ship continues.

The wonded that Haru comes across are in varying states of injury. Some are attempting to care for the others, others look like they are on their last breath. It seems the majority of the crew on this ship were not combat trained, and those that were are the ones who have been dispatched. The uniforms between the military personel and the ship crew differ. Haru finds several non-combat draconic crewmembers who have been killed, however, suffering the same fate as the soldiers.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Hearing voices, Rhapsody pauses. When she turns and finds herself at the business end of a rifle she just raises both hands, "I'm not here to hurt anyone, I got a distress call. I work for the Union. What happened here?" Silently she curses her difficulty with casting spells. She'd prove it if she could just DRAW some mana out here. Guh.

Haru (143) has posed:
Oh good, there are still people that are capable of helping him. Haru starts helping these people help the rest of the crew. They must have medical supplies on board this thing, right? He also assures them that help will be there soon, since he's called the people he works with. Mind, the old Chinese-style attire with not a single technological thing on his person that can be seen apart from his radio might not lend much confidence to the possibility of 'the people he works with' to help them.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
"Gotta say, whoever this Kinslayer is, he's very methodical with his carnage," Beelzebumon says, before pausing before a huge dragon, now deceased.

"Odd. What's with the holes? Too neat to be battle wounds. God damnit, don't tell me it's a fucking vampire."

With a rough kick, Beelzebumon launches the corpse out of his way and continues on, "And me without my garlic. Ah well, if it is a vamp, I'll just have to make sure to break that strawtooth's mouth before he gets a chance to sink his fangs in..."

As Beelzebumon reaches the door to the bridge, he puts his shotguns away, then spits on his hands and rubs them together, before thrusting his fingers into the seem of the closed door. Then with tremendous force, he tears it open and thrusts his head through the gap he made.


Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
The armored gremlynx, apparently named Biojack as noted on the faction communications, yells something and one of the drones which is basically a giant mechanical hand on an anti-grav device grabs the dragonic corpse and hauls it back to their ship. Master wants to examine it later. Biojack probably just wants to rip out it's remaining innards and experiment on them, but that's for funsy hobby time later. Right now he's marching off to catch up the rest of the lead group.

Whom have found their way to the bridge. And the heavy emergency doors locked shut to it. "Haaa, stupid humans. They lock murderer inside with them!" Several of the other gremlynx prattle at him, but he just shoves them aside. Looks up at door. Looks down again. Then backs up. "Bring the can openers!"

Which contrary to the term, is some sort of weird device brought out and clamped onto the door, and all the little furballs scatter as it starts to crackle. Metal creaks and groans, then is rended from the framework as the device starts to -compact it inward-. Like the thing was powered by some sort of minatural singularity.

Sure enough with a final hideous renching of metal it all crunches together into a tiny, extremely dense metal ball that falls out of the doorframe. And threw the deck, it's so heavy. And threw the planetary crust beneath the ship, likely going several meters down before finally stopping.

Biojack steps in with a bunch of the armored gremlynx, but pays more attention to looking down at the hole first. "Note make. Gravity door opener too heavy to pick up afterwards. Waste of metal, need more work!"

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
The guildmaster can see the human woman waver a bit as the hands go up. She lowers the rifle and then realizes that she's here to help. She doesn't know which dragon clan is the Union, but she supposes it doesn't matter, "The Kinslayer happened. He...He somehow knocked us out of hyperspace. We're not even sure how. Forced the ship down onto this planet and began systematically killing everybody that he can. He's a monster. You should get away while you can...He never leaves any dragons alive..But if you're really here to help, my friend's leg is broken. Can you help me get him out of here?" She asks, motioning to the other person inside of the storage room.

There is a medical bay that Haru can find suplies in, if he is inclined to assist the injured further. One of them, who looks to be the highest ranking member in the cargo bay, moves towards him, "I don't know who you are, but thank you." The man says, "I don't know if you can, but the captain was on the bridge. The Kinslayer will be after him. If you can help him, you have to. We can tend to the wounded until your evacuation ship arrives. Please, hurry."

It's not a vampire. Well not technically anyway. As the doors to the bridge are wrenched open, Beelzebumon finds himself looking at a scene of even more devestation. The bridge didn't fare well during the crash landing, and the insuing firefight didn't help much. Lights flicker and spark, consoles display an endless stream of damage report data nearby. Up at the front of the bridge near the nav station, there stands the Kinslayer himself. The large, purple hued dragon is holding a smaller gray colored one by the throat, holding him up into the air. There are other wounded crewmen and soldiers scattered around the bridge. Some dead, some not, but all of them have been disabled by this predator.

One of his earfins twitches when the door is wrenched open, and he turns his head towards it. There's no way that anyone left would have had the strength to do that. What the dragon sees surprises him. He's not sure what it is? A type of dragon he's never seen before? Couldn't be. He clenches his hand around the gray dragon's throat a bit tighter, to make sure he doesn't think about trying anything, and his glowing red eyes narrow, "What are you?"

His attention is yet again grabbed when the door on the other side of the bridge begins to collapse in upon itself. He raises a brow. That technology looks like his own. Though his was never that precise, it was also never intended to breach a door, but to destroy a Grayscale capital ship. The creatures that enter soon afterwards are nothing he has ever seen before, either. This requires his full attention. He throws the captain against one of the consoles, and turns to face the Gremlynx and Beelzebumon, the purple dragon glancing back and forth between the group of creatures and the large demon, "I demand to know who you are and why you are intruding on my hunt."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
A wince is given the pair of humans, "Help is coming, just stay safe, okay? I'll make sure someone comes to help you," she tells them before hearing the comotion on the bridge. Lots of comotion. Just how many people showed up anyway? With a shh motion, Rhapsody takes off for the bridge without -any- clue what she was about to get herself into.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
In response the Gremlynx all raise their guns.... and then topple over as Biojack slaps one upside the head with his own weapon and they fall onto each other like dominoes. "Ideeots! Master say HOLD, not KILL EVERYTHING!" Long pause. ".... yet."

Master? Who could be in charge of these lunatics that they actually listen to.

The trail of bodies and psychotic minions isn't hard to follow after landfall, and it's only a few minutes before Tesla Armadia herself steps through the opened door. And over the toppled minions, who just squeak almost like chewtoys when she steps on them. She takes a look around almost casually, noting the destruction to the ship, the crew. "No wonder they're all worked up, there's barely anything here left to destroy." Then to the purple dragonoid. "Kinslayer, I presume? While only a short time, your... reputation," a vage wave at the destruction around them, "leaves quite a calling card."

Haru (143) has posed:
Haru is indeed inclined to help them further. He'll get who he can to the medbay. When the crewman thanks him, Haru nods. He's about to say something, but then the crewman alerts him that their captain is probably in a lot of danger and asks him to help. "I'll try," Haru replies. "Where's the bridge?"

Assuming the crewman points it out, he'll try to grab a medkit and head in the direction of the bridge at a run. He'll get there just as the captain is thrown against the console. That, then becomes his first priority, and he tries to make his way over the presumably wounded captain. If he managed to obtain a medkit in the medbay, tending to him should be easier.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
"Aaaaaah fuck, /really/?" Beelzebumon says as he turns his head towards the large purple dragon, then takes a moment to finish ripping the door out and throwing the twisted metal off to the side. Then he dramatically gestures towards Kinslayer, "A vampire /dragon/? Where the fuck do you even come up with this shit?"

Beelzebumon lets his arms and head droop for a moment, before taking in a deep breath and straightening up.

"Sorry if I interupted your meal Strawtooth, but to answer your question, you caused /quite/ a commotion, and see, that tends to attract attention... and you see, I haven't had my fix yet, so I'm reeeeeaaaaaally looking forward to punching something, and well, you seem to have left this wonderful trail of carnage in your wake that seems to scream aloud that you're the biggest, baddest mofo on this twisted wreck."

The demon lord twists his head to one side with a loud crack, then cracks his knuckles one by one.

"You might wanna finish your meal while you can, because there's a good possibility that you won't be eating for a week."

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
Rhapsody and Haru both find themselves on the bridge as the captain is thrown against the console. The Kinslayer stands defiant as he looks between the two new arrivals, though Rhapsody takes his attention almost immediately, leaving Haru time to tend to the captain, for the moment. The large purple dragon's eyes narrow as he looks at the Guildmaster. He's never seen a dragon like her before...But it's no matter. She is one, and will have to suffer the same fate as all the others.

Tesla's arrival is enough to at least momentarilly pull his attention from the Guildleader, as he turns towards her. She seems to know his moniker, and reputation, though this level of destruction is a standard MO for his attacks, despite the short amount of time they have been going on in his universe, "I am. If this is an attempt to stop my crusade, I assure you, it will meet with failure like all the other attempts have."

It seems, however, that Beelzebumon wants to fight. Terek turns his attention to the demon lord as he begins to threaten and posture. The dragon growls and his left hand drops behind his back. He pulls out a gunmetal grey rod, but the device soon folds outwards into what can only be described as a very large battle axe. The edges of the blades ignite in red plasma fire, and he levels the weapon with one hand at the demonic digimon, "If you wish to stop me, then make your move. I don't know if the Syphon will work on you, but I am very curious to find out now."

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
"Nice axe, but I personally prefer the ones that you can shred on," Beelzebumon says with a shrug, then grins a big, toothy grin as he flicks his foot up, launching the Berenjena Shotgun holstered on his leg up into the air, only to snatch it out of the air, "Now then, show me a good time, tall, dark, and vampiric! AAAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

And then with a maniacal gleem in his eye, the Demon Lord of Gluttony rushes forward and launches himself into the air with a forward flip, before unleashing a quick triple kick as he comes into melee range.

With the third kick though, he doesn't simply lash out, instead choosing to plant his foot firmly as he coils up, only to backflip off and unleash a blast of his shotgun as he sails away.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"Now who said anything about -stopping-," Tesla replies as she folds her arms. Though the arrival of the Guildmaster does draw her attention as well for a moment. "Well, look who's a long way from home. Starting to meddle in affairs outside of your domain like a real politican finally?" She uncrosses her arms again, once they're clear the charging lines in her gauntlets clearly visible.

Not to mention the minion horde behind her has gotten back on their feet and their weapons drawn again.

Though in the end Tesla just gives the dragon lady a dismissive wave. "You and your friend just best go back to saving what little survivors there are like the sappy sorts you Union folk tend to be." And there the Demon Lord goes on the offensive without wasting any more time with words. "This is going to be way over your heads." She pauses to look down as one of the Gremlynx tugs on her tail. "What?" The furball points in the direction of the rest of the ship with his gun, several of his colleagues ducking the barrel's point in case it goes off, and chatters loudly at her. "Hmm. I suppose it would be a shame to not salvage the remains of the wreck, no need to let whatever they were carrying go to waste... they're not going to need it anymore." Most of them are already dead or dying, anyways.

Haru (143) has posed:
Blast it. The captain needs help, and being this close to a fight isn't going to make this any easier. Presuming there's an easy way to access the outside here, Haru stands and shifts into a stance. Calling to the rock outside with chi and kata, he tries to form a shield between where he and the captain are and where that fight's starting. Is there any way to get the captain out?

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Setting eyes on the OTHER dragon in the room just gathers up Rhapsody's curiousity. The glare she gets for just stepping into the room put her on edge, though. One hand slowly pushes her coat back, showing one of her spellblades. She's ready to defend herself if she needs to, bucko. Looks like Beel is going to get between them though. . . for now.

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
And so the fight begins as Beelzebumon launches at him. The dragon moves the axe to defend against the kicks, blocking two of them, and thinking he's made the demon retreat when he kicks off, only to fire that blast of buckshot down at the Kinslayer. The pellets strike home and tear into his armor and scales, but he's made of sterner stuff and will be more than capable of surviving a shotgun blast. He is pushed back by the force of it, though. He soon responds with a roar as he rushes at the attacking Digimon. That huge axe carving a path through the air, and if he does it right, though the demon's chest as well.

At the moment his focus is on defending himself so he can confirm his final kill. This will give the others free reign to do as they please. Haru is able to construct a stone wall between the captain and the insuing battle, and the hole that he pulled the rock through could probably be big enough to get the captain out through it. He may want to seek aid from the other dragon. The one on his side, that is.

Speaking of, Rhapsody will find herself not the target of Terek's ire, for the moment, as he is still in the midst of combat. This leaves her free to aid Haru and the injured dragon.

Tesla's desire to strip the ship for parts will be more than capable of being done, none of the survivors would be capable of stopping her and the crew of Gremlynx she brought with her. They'd better work fast, though, because the battle between the Demonic Digimon and the Kinslayer might destroy a lot of the valuable equipment that remains intact, for the moment.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
"WHOA GEEZ!" yelps the Demon Lord as he suddenly throws himself back as the axe carves through the air, passing within a hair's breath of taking the nose off of his face as he manages to limbo under the blade.

Quickly he rolls back onto his feet from his vulnerable position and grins, rubbing his upper lip with a finger as he dances away.

"Not one for banter, are ya? That's alright! I got enough sass for the both of us!"

Then Beelzebumon stomps on the end of one of the door segments he ripped away earlier, flipping it like a coin into the hair before grabbing it in one hand and flinging it towards Terek.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
A long glare is leveled toward Kari before Rhapsody's attention slips toward the ship's captain. Let the big boys fight, there are other folks on this ship that need help. "Help him, I'll... keep an eye on everyone else," Rhapsody's quick to suggest to Haru. It wasn't as though Rhapsody was going to be much help medically.. Maybe Haru could do something?

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla instructs her little hoodlums to get to work, and other than a vanguard to her presence most of them take their drones and scurry off to rip whatever they can find apart. Spare parts, if nothing else. No reason to leave perfectly good, if low grade, salvage lying around. Fortunately to the survivors they pay little interest to the organic and wounded as long as none of them try to get the way.

Then she turns her attention back to the fight breaking out. And a wall of rock being raised from outside to shield the ship's captain. "Tch. Trying to make off with his hard earned meal? Shame on you." She points a clenched gauntlet towards the stone wall and unleashes a blast of kinetic energy at it.

Though really she doesn't care if they make off with the captain or not. Just that an attempt to interfer with the loss of his meal will look good to this destructively capable new person.

Haru (143) has posed:
Haru nods to Rhapsody. "I need to get him out of here." He can't really help the captain much either, all he can do is earthbend. No healing abilities or anything like that. Suddenly he wall cracks and the pieces come flying back at him and the captain. Quickly Haru throws his hands forward in front of him, and the pieces stop before they can hit the captain. Another step forward and he flings some of the pieces of the rock back in the direction the kinetic force came from.

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
"You want banter? Hrmph. I am used to people running scared from me. You are different." The Kinslayer replies, as he watches Beelzebumon move back to the torn off door, and watching it flip up into the air. The strength on display is very impressive, but the dragon has no time to allow himself to be defeated. Not while the Grayscale captain is getting away. The axe is turned in his hand, and he thrusts it upwards, splitting the door in half with the plasma edge of the axe. But he's not done yet, as he narrows his eyes at Beelzebumon, "Enough! You are ruining everything!" He roars, a bright purple glow appearing in his throat, before he opens his mouth, and there is what can only be described as a crack of thunder as he launches an explosive ball of plasma at the Digimon.

The captain wakes back up with a start as Tesla fires her blast into the wall and the rocks almost hit him. He struggles back up to his feet, and begins to look for an exit. He seems to be the one who sent out the initial distress call, and his panic has not subsided at all. He starts to break for one of the holes in the hull, trying to get away from Terek however he can. He doesn't even know where he will go, but anywhere is better than here for him at this point.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
The ball of supercharged plasma catches Beelzebumon full on, blasting him back and across the bridge. In the middle of the out of control flight though, he orients himself with his feet back and braces as he slams boots first into the wlal with enough force to leave an impact crater, before springing off the wall.
"Ruining everything is sort of what I do!"

As he sails through the air in the /opposite/ direction now, he snatches the second of his Berenjena Shotguns from it's holster and begins to spin, firing slug after slug seemingly at random at the walls and causing bullets to ricochet every which way in a chaotic fashion... before all four rounds converge on Terek's position.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Well, crap. Rock is suppose to scatter when busted, not fly back at you. Tesla barely has a chance to raise her arm in front of her face to shield it from the stone shards.

"WAAAAAGH!" Some of the Gremlynx that stayed with her are not as lucky, one in particular getting a shard in his eye and starting to run around in a panic. And firing off his gun at random, putting even more holes in the bridge infrastructure.

Until Biojack finally shoots -him- instead, the furball hitting the deck with a whump. That he just nuked one of his own doesn't seem to phase him at all as Biojack walks over and kicks the eye-gorged gremlynx onto the back, then crouchs down to check something. Then stands back and looks to the others. "We gonna need new Timmy!"

Every other one of the furballs in the room back waaaaaay up from their leader. Guess no one wants that name.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
When the captain takes off, Rhapsody starts to backpedal in the same direction, and then she takes off after him. The 'Kinslayer' is a problem, and TESLA is a problem, but nope, she'd rather protect at least the captain so she can figure out WHAT THE HELL is going on and get a report to the Union about this guy.

Haru (143) has posed:
Well, that's kind of good that there are more holes being punched. Now Haru can see more earth! And when he can see it, he can bend it. And bend it he does, into a shield against that random firing. And positioning himself in front of the place that Rhapsody has started to retreat in will hopefully allow them to benefit at least a little from his shield as well.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
While everything else is going on, shooting and more wailing can be heard from farther in what remains of the ship. Sounds like the evacuation arrived, and unlike the ship's original crew, these are actual soldiers.

Needless to say, most of the screaming is the Gremlynx finding this out first hand.

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
The dragon watches his successful blast of the demon, only to see him turn around and redirect that energy back towards Terek. He braces his feet into the ground, expecting a physical attack, only to have the shots converge on him simultaniously, blasting into his chestplate and knocking him off of his feet. That sort of marksmanship should be impossible. It was all so chaotic and random, or so he would think. He wants to learn more, but there is a far more pressing matter of killing his target.

While the battle between Tesla and the Union continues, the dragon picks himself back up. A quick scan of the bridge reveals that his prey has escaped. A major setback, to be sure. He rises back to his feet and the axe folds up and vanishes behind his back, only for him to emerge with a small silver box in his hand. This unfolds into a rifle-like configuration, which he aims at the digimon. Instead of firing a simple beam, however, it fires a massive scatter of beams, intent on hitting Beelzebumon and any direction he might try to evade to.

But with his prey gone, and that strange female dragon as well, there's not much left for him here. He will fall back and regroup. Perhaps he will accompany the one who wanted to assist him, as she seemed interested in his crusade.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
No sooner does Beelzebumon land from his aerial display of bullshit gunmanship than he leaps back one more, this time to avoid the blast from the energy weapon. Several of the beams he deflects with two swift kicks of his feet, but there are just too many to fully dodge, so he gets blasted back into the outer hull of the bridge with a heavy thud.

"Oof... okay, no more mister nice gu--"


Then there is a sudden shriek of metal as the portion of the wall he's embedded in gives way, along with part of the bridge, seperating from the rest of the wreck, "Oh you FUCKEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeer...!"

And with that, Beelzebumon and the broken part of the bridge drops away from the rest of the vessel and crash to the ground below.

Somewhere far below, Beelzebumon's voice can be heard echoing, "Ow fuck that hurt!"

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia sighs a bit at the gunfire going on, as what minions that can survive run back to her ship with whater junk they managed to scrap off the ship's remains. Fortunately scuppering the ship wasn't the primary reason to come out here and bother with it in the first place. "This ship isn't going to last much longer. I'd highly suggest a tactical withdrawl to continue your hunt another day."

Just to add insult to the Demon Lord's injury, several of the Gremlynx exit the ship by jumping out of the hole his collision made and running down the pile of rubble back to Tesla's dropship.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." goes Beelzebumon as several Gremlynx jump on his back.

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
With the battle over, and the ship starting to give way, as well as the approaching reinforcements, Terek looks to Tesla at her suggestion that he withdraw. He nods his head, "A good suggestion. Perhaps we should withdraw. Do you have a ship? I can meet you on it and we can discuss your desire to help me."

For now, the captain is free to escape with Haru and Rhapsody, as well as any surviving crew members. Terek will finish that one off someday.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia pulls out an ID datacard and flicks it to the dragonic warrior. "Docking access to the carrier in orbit. We can discuss more once we're out of this hotbed location." She glances off in the direction where there's still sporatic bursts of gunfire. "Don't concern yourself with them, they're... expendable." She can just clone more off the prime specimen, after all.

She turns and heads out of the wreckage to return to her own ship.