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Latest revision as of 23:01, 13 July 2014

Champion's Reunion
Date of Scene: 13 July 2014
Location: Papaya Island - Tournament Grounds
Synopsis: Jinx and Ahri have a Reunion before the Cannon's fight against Corvo
Cast of Characters: 39, 491

Jinx (39) has posed:
The place? Backstage in the arenas proper, as Miss Jinx of Zaun... perhaps a little uncharicaristicly, is pacing back and forth in one of the training and green rooms. She's already taken the steps to spraypaint a massive JINX WUS HERE on one of the walls, and appears to have disassembled and reassembled Fishbones at least once, judging from the spare parts on a table around the rocket launcher.

The young lady is starting to wear a hole in the carpet. Well, figuratively.

Ahri (491) has posed:
All the spray paint usually made it easy to track the mischief maker of Piltover down. At least it wasn't going to be all about Fathands and ... what did she call Caitlyn anyway? Didn't matter. With Ahri recently getting permission to wander the Multiverse, (And work for the Union but she wasn't really allowed to talk about that yet. blah,) what better thing to do than head out, track down another champion that was in a HUGE TOURNAMENT, and see what's going on? Well, nervousness was going on. "Jinx, you forgot parts, again.." a blink and THEN she knocks on the door. "Oops~ Forgot again."

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx... uh, well, there's a whole range of reactions really.

She spins in place, drawing her Zapper, and levelling it at Ahri, snarling. "KNOCK FIRST PEOPLE ARE being nervous... in here..." That's accompanied by a look of rage, annoyance, recognition, wonder and finally elation. A little gasp, and she stammers. "OMG OMG AHRI!" A little girly squeak and the skiny girl nearly hugtackles the foxlady, cheering happily. "YOU MADE IT! HOLY CRAP! W-When did they let you out of the fuckin' Insitute?"

Ahri (491) has posed:
It's actually amusing to watch all the reactions. She'd probably try to figure out what all of it was, but that was for later. When Jinx rushes forward, Ahri braces, oufs, then just laughs and gives the troublemaker a hug, "Couple days ago, gates are kinda weird," she points out. "I heard there was a certain gunweilder was in this huge tournament and I figured there's only one person that could be. Deal's about the same as yours, from what I heard. Still can get 'summoned' from time to time but I can do what I want out in the multiverse. . . Its really big." Duh.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx lets out a happy squeak, and then punches Ahri in the arm, huffa puffa. "JERK! You coulda... I dunno like called me or mailed me or something!"
Another hug, before she scampers back, and then twirls. "Oh my god, right? It's like... a hundred thousand Valorans! We don't have to be fuckin' cooped up anymore! It's AMAZING!" She bounces happily on the balls of her feet and then lets out a gasp. "Wait did they let you out on your own? Holy crap, I didn't think... you know, with uh... your... condition..."
Jinx... is not blushing. Definately not.

Ahri (491) has posed:
The punch gets a wince out of the fox, "Hey! You try sending a message to someone when you don't know where they are, ok!" Its all with a smile though. "Yes. Huge is the word for this place. Though there's been a few rumblings over at the institute since you left. They're worred Noxus will start fighting outside Valoran somehow. Just rumors though." She pauses at the mention of her 'condition'. "Um.. yeah well, ah. Its ... like ..." a sigh. "I know." she obviously doesn't care to admit to it. "I'll figure it out."

Jinx (39) has posed:
"Pffff, Noxus and Demacia got WAAAAAY too much baggage to start that shit. besides, it's not like the Insitute or the Union or the Feds wouldn't put a stop to it. Maybe, I dunno." Jinx is working a finger in her ear nervously, as she huffs, and flops backwards onto the carpet, braids akimbo.
"I mean, it's not like /I/ car about politics, right? Tch." Red eyes stare up at Ahri, and Jinx smiles wide. "Ready to watch me perforate a ninja?"

Ahri (491) has posed:
"Well, I dunno. I keep out of their messes except when they decide to come cry at the institue to have us solve their issues for them. Eh! I'd rather be out and about. It would have bee nice to get in on this tournament! Its fine, though." A ninja? "Wait, really? Did Shen or Akali get out too..?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
"Pfff no I should be solucky. No it's some... roboman ninja man named Corvo. Works with a shadowy buncha assholes calling themselves assassins or something. Bunch do-godder vigilantes or some shit. Like Fake Cops." Spit. Jinx wiggles her arms and legs in the carpet, and sighs. "That's really I know about him though, so I'm expecting... well, as much as possible I suppose." Those red eyes go wide. "Same plan as ever."

Ahri (491) has posed:
"Shoot until they stop moving?" What other plan could their possibly be, anyway? The fox takes a look around, spots a chair, takes a seat, and seems to just become one with the chair. "Glad I found you, though. I was getting really tired of walking around, and walking in on folks that weren't you. That's awkward.." she shrugs. Awkward for the people she's walking in on. Ahri didn't really seem to mind one way or another. "Oh, have you seen Anivia around? I heard she ws out too but anyone I asked either hadn't heard of her or hadn't seen her in a long time."

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx sighs, and fiddles with a braid. "I mean, I heard her once on the radio but she hasn't shown up since. I might have scared bird brain off, or something, I dunno." She sighs. EMOTIONS ARE HARD OKAY?
The Cannon rolls over on her belly and kicks her legs a bit, looking at the Fox. "What about you, I haven't heard much from home lately other than the matches I've been in."

Ahri (491) has posed:
Emotions are hard AND confusing. At least for Ahri. "Valoran? Same stuff, mostly, except what I mentioned about Noxus. There's been a couple new people inducted into the institue. There's this really big guy named Braum? Uses a shield for a weapon. Really burly sort of guy from the same place as Ashe." Yeah she wasn't goign to try and say .. or spell.. that northern place. THE LETTER J DOES NOT BELONG THERE. "Though there's been some talk about some -huge- spell they're gonna cast on the Rift. Not sure when, though."

Jinx (39) has posed:
"Man I hope so that place is a fuckin' dump." Jinx pouts a bit and plants her face into the carpet, mumbling something for a moment or two.
Then she comes up for air. "Well, least there's more cold people. Maybe he can make the King chill the hell out."
A hopeful grin.

Ahri (491) has posed:
"That's the only BIG thing I know about. Other then that, its still a lot of the same stuff. Dispute comes up, they cry, we fight, repeat forever. A certain someone has been wondering where you went. Been waiting for the first excuse she can get to come out and punch you in the face." Can't imagine who THAT would be. "Summoners didn't seem like they were ready to let her come do that, though."

Jinx (39) has posed:
"...Fathands." Jinx lets out a breath and grumbles. "With my luck she'd like... join the UNION COPS and then it'd be all 'oh she's a menace she's a terror, fuckin' bash her head in'" Jinx slumps to the carpet and rolls her face a bit. "ffdshfffmmggglhlffds."

Ahri (491) has posed:
Yeaaah. Not telling Jinx who she joined up with for a -long- time. Stupid last chancers. Why'd she have to go into their anyway. Boooo. Jerks. Jinx's antics gets the fox to smile though, puts her mind right off all that dumb stuff. "You'll be alright, Jinx. Focus on the fight! You have a ninja to put a bunch of holes in, you know?" she motions at the table, "And you left out parts." she thinks. She could be wrong! "Seriously, I bet ALL the guns are ready to make swiss of something. Right?" Gotta try and cheer the girl up before the fight, right?

Jinx (39) has posed:
The Cannon grumbles at that and makes grabby hands, catching a tip of a tail and just holding at it. "I got more, by the way. Scary lady from space gave me a bigass flamethrower. Named him HOTFOOT." She turns her head over at a gaudy neon green and orange number over on the table. Fingers curl in tail, and Jinx mubmles. "Soft."

Ahri (491) has posed:
Another grin from Ahri, "Everyone says that," she muses, her voice a lot softer than the rest of their conversation. A glance is given the flamethrower Hotfoot, huh? "Fire eh? I approve," she muses before glancing back at Jinx. There wasn't any real attempt to pull the tail back. Rather a few more drift over. "Don't go falling asleep before your fight, ok?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
"Not sleepin, just..." Jinx grumbles, and scoots forward, flopping her head in the tails. "Just nice to... you know. Have someone who's not a big jerk around from home." The red eyes soften slightly, and she grumbles. "Not that I'm lonely or anything."
hands fluff up her bangs. Nope, not lonely.

Ahri (491) has posed:
That earns the Cannon a couple more tails, "I suppose that would be really nice," she muses, mostly just watching Jinx get cozy. Not a hint of irritation or anger, nothing of the sort. One of the nicer sides of gaining humanity was something like this. Appreciation was just.. pleasant. "Of course not," she plays along but could relate. She didn't exactly have CLOSE friends in the institute, but no rivals either. It was a weird place to be sometimes. "I expect you to light someone on fire for me. It'd be nice if a summoner could come out and ignite someone but I swear, those old folks never leave the Institute."

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx smiles at that last one, and whispers. "I got a Flash when I needed it in my last fight. Just... poof, at the right time. I think they're still keeping an eye on us, at least when we're in fights." Red eyes go wide as she covers a face in a tail. "So that's nice, at least. They're not abanodoning us, you know."
A pout. "Not like I need those guys, but it's nice to know we're not... you know. Not cut off."

Ahri (491) has posed:
That surprises the fox, "Wait, really?" She had just assumed that they wouldn't be hearing from the summoners out in the Multiverse. It was nice to know she was wrong, "Imagine that. I figured they wouldn't bother with the Multiverse and keep their eyes on Valoran. How many of us are there, over a hundred? I lost count..."

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx smiles. "Only three of us out here right now, right?" A little puff of air as she blows into tail fluff and grumbles. "Maybe more soon, who knows who else they'll let off their leash." She puffs and huffs a bit. "Besides, if we're not... taken care of, they'll lose their precious pawns, right?"
A frown.

Ahri (491) has posed:
No frown, but a sigh, "Mmhmm," Pawn? Eh. Ahri -needed- the League for the way her life was set. Granted, being out in the Multiverse made things easier on one hand, harder on the other. "Well I'll take being taken care of," she finally responds. "I'm sure some others will get their passes eventually."

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx lets out a breath, and grumbles.

She holds onto those tails. "You're gonna be up in the stands, right?"

Ahri (491) has posed:
"Of course! I wouldn't miss your fight for anything, Jinx. We're both from the League, right? Why not cheer you on?" Smile.