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WMAT C2 Testarossa Fate vs. The Black Reaper
Date of Scene: 13 July 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Spinach Wastes
Synopsis: The grudge match of grudge matches, Fate Testarossa of the Confederacy dukes it against the Black Reaper.
Cast of Characters: 118, 275, 381, 401
Tinyplot: WMAT

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
It's a cloudy day in the Spinach Wastes. Overcast skies set the tone for encounter to come as lightning dances in the skies and thunder cracks audibly.

Standing atop one of the plateaus present is a small figure in black. Fate Testarossa, awaits her foe as the black axe-like Device in her hand suddenly intones: [SONIC FORM.]

The revolver cylinder around Bardiche's 'neck' gives itself a spin, racking and loading three cartridges with a ka-chunk-ka-chunk-ka-CHUNK.

The result peels away a fair portion of the girl's Barrier Jacket, already streamlining itself for enhanced speed and mobility for the fight to come.

Hei (118) has posed:
On a plateau across from Fate Testarossa, is perhaps a familiar combatant to her, if she remembers him. The Black Reaper's smiling white mask with the lightning bolt is present, along with his bulletproof trenchcoat and gloves. The Black Reaper definitely remembers her, however. One of the first 'strange things' he did in the Multiverse was battle her, after all.

"May the best combatant win.". The Black Reaper's voice emanates from under his mask, calm and collected. His hand reaches inside his coat, but he does nothing. Seems like he'll allow her to move first.

Alexandra Knox (275) has posed:
Lex has gotten herself a good spot to watch, with lots of cameras. "Welcome to another World Martial Arts Tournament Bracket C match, it's the second round, and we have the Black Reaper up against Fate..." She pauses, and on the cameras looks a bit confused, "Against Fate Testarossa, an alternate version of his first round opponent. Can he do it again or will he find himself with a shocking turnaround? Whichever one will be the victor, I know one thing for sure, it must have been destiny. Follow us at home on WMAT channel 6, frequency 900.6 that is nine zero zero point six."

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Even with the distance of the two plateaus spanning between them, Fate's expression remains as chilled as ice. Scarlet eyes narrow slightly at the sight of that mask, however.


It would seem she remembers him, fingers curling around the shaft of her staff. And then it begins.

Blink and you'll miss it.

There's nary a sound, and even less of a warning as the tiny blonde is just no longer on her perch.. And then she's in the Reaper's face in under a heartbeat in a display of off the charts speed, sweeping around to try and get behind him in a blurred blitz of black and gold.


It's not exactly much of a morning as she opens fire, intending to catch him from behind, palm out and firing off a crackling base-ball sized sphere of pure voltaic energy.

Hei (118) has posed:
The Black Reaper flinches as Fate moves, giving her plenty of time to get behind him and fire the shot into his back. He falls onto his knees from the electrifying pain..before rapidly rotating and tossing his concealed hand out, a grappling hook on a wire flying out in an attempt to wrap itself around her neck.

A blue light surrounding Hei's body, electricity surges through the wire, his eyes red beneath that mask. Things are just getting started.

Alexandra Knox (275) has posed:
Lex jumps up at the speed of those movements, "In the blink of an eye, Fate has already attacked the Black Reaper from behind with a shocking speed. The Black Reaper can't respond fast enough, but Fate will have to watch out for those wires. It's looking like it'll be a just as electrifying match as the Black Reaper's last one!"

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
This time, Fate remembers that cord and hook. Jinking aside in the nick of time, it whings off her shoulder with bruising force, drawing a grunt from the girl. But then she's a whizzing blur again, sliding aside in a blitz that ends with a twirl. Twin golden pigtails spiralling with the motion, she uses her very momentum to propel the swing to follow.

It's a simple tactic, bringing up the butt of her Device to try and crack it across that grinning mask. She pulls no punches, swinging right into the flow of a fast and furious paced melee assault.

Hei (118) has posed:
Hei's expecting speed trickery now. He rapidly pulls his blade back, and ducks his head to the side when Fate tries to smash into his mask. She still succeeds, shattering a part of the upper right corner of the mask, the tiny fragments slicing alongside him, but it's not much, and he moves to dodge the rest of her hits.

"Let's try something new, shall we?". Hei moves around her, before suddenly sliding on the ground. Blade in hand, he tosses it in an attempt to impale it in her leg, an electrical surge moving through his body through the wire, as he attempts to leap onto his feet and smash her with a fist, aiming for her side. He's also pulling no punches, going in for a combo this early!

Alexandra Knox (275) has posed:
Lex queues up high speed camera action shots in the lower corner of the screen, trying to give people the ability to watch the details while keeping the fight live on the center screen. "Fate knows what these wires mean, which means she isn't forced into a shocking surprise. She swings her weapon at the Black Reaper, but he knows his opponent is fast and does not wait to react. His mask takes some damage, but he's already throwing knives and punches!"

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:

That's the sound of that knife slicing along the girl's leg. It's not a direct impalement, but with how light she's made her armor for the occasion, the resultant cut is a nasty one regardless, causing the child to flinch before the Reaper gives a more proper reprisal, fist connecting solidly to her chest in a winding impact that lurches her backwards.

But Fate recovers, ignoring the trail of blood beginning to creep down her leg and bruise forming beneath the skintight fit of her bodysuit.


A snack-HISHH of the Device's axe-head snapping up and suddenly coming to life with a larger crescent of yellow electric energy sounds off as she takes a vicious swipe, swinging the blade in a menacing arc that cuts the air so quickly it causes a miniature sonic boom of its own.

Hei (118) has posed:
Bad timing and movement puts the blade directly at Hei's face, almost completely obliterating his mask and slashing him across the cheek, blood starting to pour. A sharp fragment of the blade falls, but Hei catches it, staring at Fate.

And then, he's rushing. With his knife in one hand, and the mask fragment in the other, he attempts to stab her in both sides, ignoring his own wound. His eyes very noticably turn red, along with the blue energy around him, as he begins to surge electricity through the metal knife. After his attack, he's sliding backwards in an attempt to cover distance.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Scarlet eyes meet scarlet in that instant, and Fate is the one to flinch this time. The flash of that knife in action draws a small gasp of pain as knife and the shard of that mask are both put to use in piercing her armor and the fragile body beneath. Yet she grits her teeth.

She allows him to put that distance between them, taking a moment to suck in a ragged breath before she one-hands her scythe...


And swings it at the air.

The result is another KRUMP of swinging so fast that the sound barrier chokes, the golden blade of crescent light detaching from the Device with a crackling buzz and launching at Hei like a boomerang.

Hei (118) has posed:
Distance is exactly what Hei needed. When the electical boomerang flies forward, Hei rapidly drops to the ground, it soaring straight over his head and back, before he leaps back onto his feet. Tossing his mask shard to the ground, he swings his blade in his hand.

"Might want to invest in a quieter weapon. It announces when to move.". Hei paces around..before suddenly tossing his blade up! Moving rapidly, he attempts to close in on Fate with one hand, aimed to grasp her face, as he pulls the blade with the other an attempt to boost the momentum, electricity surging through him through both arms as he attempts to stab her in the side with the blade.

"But you're not bad. I'm honored to fight you."

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Though she manages to avoid the sudden latch onto her face, Fate is put on the defensive now. Weaving amid swipes and stabs and earning greivous cuts and gashes for her efforts. The small blonde is still yet silent, clenching her jaw to stifle the soft breaths of pain and try to shut the feelings out entirely.

There's no response at first. But those scarlet eyes glance up, hardened with a stubborn intensity as she twists, turning the worst stab into a long and nasty gash that just proves how light her armoring is.

[BEHIND YOU.] Bardiche suddenly intones in that deep mechanical voice. Before Fate leaps away.

It's not from behind that the attack comes, but suddenly from a side. Boomerangs DO curve back and return to sender after all, and when it's in range the crescent beam suddenly explodes, erupting with the violent force of an electrical bomb.

It is only AFTER the explosion that Bardiche waits just a few seconds... Then...


Hei (118) has posed:
As Bardice shouts out the first time, Hei turns partially to the side. And then, he's smashed in the other one. The explosive force sends him skidding across the ground, grunting as he struggles to lift himself back up. Bardiche's trolling makes him laugh. "Fast learner.".

Hei finishes lifting himself up..before suddenly dashing to Fate, outstretched hand aiming for her neck. If he succeeds in grabbing her, he attempts to lift her from the ground, and then his entire body surges with powerful volts of electricity in an attempt to fry her! He doesn't care that she's a child, it's a battle, after all! Besides, children are the most dangerous thing in the Multiverse.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
It's not so much as a shout as it is a low, deep announcement of that smooth voice. Still, the Device works in perfect concert with his wielder. Fast Learner?

"Speed is my strength."

Indeed, the blazing fast blur of her body might present an obstacle in a fight. But then Hei has her. The sudden "Ghrk!" of breath as that hand clenching around her throat, and she can only brace as her body surges with electricity. Crackling in visible arcs along arms and legs, setting her aglow from the energy release, which she does her best to... Absorb. Minimalizing the damage by soaking it into her body, she hangs for a beat, held with feet dangling... Scarlet eyes open again. And she reaches to make for placing her own gauntlet on Hei's wrist.

And unload every ounce of shocking force right back, then doubling it with her own magic, before trying to kick off his chest and break away once again.

Hei (118) has posed:
The gauntlet is able to snag Hei's wrist, but as the electricity begins to surge, Hei quickly uses his own strength to break away, a small grunt as what got into him courses over. "I wonder if our pairing..was fate.".


Charging again, this time it's Hei's /leg/ going in for a strike, one flying for her side! After that one has swung, he's jumping to kick with the other on the other side, before landing on both feet and attempting to gather more distance!

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Bam! Bam bam! Blows strike that small body solidly, and Fate lurches, jerking with each impact as they catch her mid breath-catching. Which leaves her open for the combination of swings in the first place, putting the girl into a tumble in the dust, rolling back and landing on her knees and hand, skidding a slight distance.


Somewhere in the audience, a red-haired wolf-girl is raging. "OH COME ON THAT WAS SO LAME!" Arf howls, shaking her fists.

But Fate pays her own Familiar attention right now.


[YES SIR.] The Device replies faithfully.

With a ka-chunk-ka-chunk-ka-CHUNK the revolver cylinder spins three times again before snapping open and letting the six depleted cartridges slide free and tink-tink-tink to the ground as Fate rams a speedloader home and reloads it.

But what comes next is a transformation of her weapon. With the axe-like head sliding back and splitting into two, the haft of the staff shortens as Bardiche forms a massive sword hilt and crossguard with no blade. With an eruption of bright gold the sword forms, humming with a crackle as it manifests into a colossal blade of pure electric light.


And in her hands it's still as light as the scythe it was before. It would seem she has learned new tricks considering how she HEAVES the blade in a vicious horizontal arc.

"... That was terrible..."

Hei (118) has posed:
Hei is apparently getting some karma right now, as the strike smashes into him, the electricity surging through him and kncoking him onto his knees. But he's not done yet. No. The battle's just gotten good to him.

"I know.". He wipes a bit of blood off his cheek, before surging electricity through himself..and dashing at her, attempting to smash his leg into her neck with as much force as he can get, planting onto his hands in attempt to assist with it, before landing back on his feet.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:

As soon as Hei comes in flying a barrier forms. A forward dome of gold manifesting in front of the girl, when that boot comes against it, the auto-protective shield spell seems to hold for just a fraction of a second. Before it cracks. And shatters like sugar glass.

But with Fate's speed, a fraction of a second is more than enough time as the shield ablates. Twisting to evade, the blow misses her neck, but that electrified kick connects solidly to her shoulder, earning a small yelp as she throws herself in a sideward tumble, landing on her feet this time. That's going to leave more than a bruise, her shoulder will be sore for days after this, but she raises her massive sword. And then lunges forward. It's a feint though. She swings. And checks her swing at the last second, suddenly lurching BACKWARDS at neck breaking swing.

[NIGHT BLAZE.] Bardiche announces.

Which might explain the purple magical sigil forming in the air over Hei. If he does not move, the wave of punishing mana that comes down in a pillary of angry purple, wreathed in electric gold, just might engulf him.

Hei (118) has posed:
As the sigil appears, Hei is quickly moving out of the way, narrowly dodging all harm. And then he's cracking his knuckles. "How well can you handle pain?". This actually seems rather polite, in a way.

And then, dash! Hei's moving in with his left fist, electricity surging once more, to aim for her left rib. But this isn't one of his regular hits. He's aiming for the most painful and damaging location of her ribcage, attempting to use electricity to maximize damage, and putting in as much force as he can into the swing. "Don't howl in pain.".

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Vesta is in a cheerleader outfit, jumping up and down and waving pompoms. "GO FATE! YOU CAN DO IT!" Shake shake, shake shake. The busty catgirl(why are all Familiars busty?) dances around without any real idea of how to cheerlead.

Nanoha facepalms, but she calls out, "You can do it, Fate!"

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
Through that light armor the dull crack of a rib sounds off with a sick pop. There's no howling, not from Fate, but Arf in the stands, right next to Vesta and Nanoha by the way, is sounding like she does not appreciate the battering her Master is taking. Indeed the impact is solid and merciless, leaving the child gasping, clutching her chest and staggering. The impact surges her body, and too busy reeling from the pain she can't brace for the flood of high voltage that sears every muscle and nerve.

With the wind soundly knocked out of her, she crumples to her knees, one pigtail coming undone as her eyes glaze and head swims with pain. "U-ugh..." A few sputtering coughs and she seems content to stay there for a bit. Until dizzy scarlet eyes scan the spectators. One voice reaching her over the rest.

And Fate Testarossa pushes to her feet. She is of the Testarossa bloodline. She's stronger than this. ... And Nanoha is watching.


A ragged breath and she hoists the massive sword in her hand, causing Bardiche to intone chillingly in that deep voice...


The skies darken. Lightning jumps from cloud to cloud as she hisses for a breath, channelling all of her energy into the spell that gives the air a palpable twinge of static, the smell of ozone suddenly and instantly permeating a wide distance.

The clouds drag over the field, darkening the wastes to an almost nigh-blackness as... Stars begin to fill the sky. Specks of golden light at first, rapidly forming into larger spheres. Hundreds... Hundreds... Hundreds of twinkling golden lights forming in a phalanx array behind her. And then they spread, suddenly encircling the whole battlefield. Hundreds turn to THOUSANDS, forming a circle all around the two combatants and waiting for the order.

Fate lowers her sword, like a general on the battlefield... And with a soft, almost inaudible voice she whispers but a single, ice cold, word.


Unleashing the storm in a torrent of those blazing gold bullets all streaking with intent to come down on The Black Reaper.

Hei (118) has posed:
As Fate does her powerful attack, Hei just grins. He knows he most likely can't dodge this, and why bother? He steps backwards one step, and is torrented upon with electrical bullets. He doesn't howl either, just a loud grunt, but inside his body, he is surging completely with pain, falling to one knee.

"Guess..It's the final hour..".

Leaping onto his feet, Heirunsforward, before surging his entire body with powerful electricity. Leaping upwards, he aims a single foot for her face, no thought on how much damage he might do, only that he does it.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
With the spell at an end, the skies still remain dark. But Fate is left panting, sweaty and breathless. Bardiche pops open twin pronged ports to vent steam in an angry HISSSSSSSSSSSSS.


He's already in the air coming at her.

There's not much of a sound after that, just the soft thump of Fate taking a boot to the head and crumpling to the grass below in an undignified spill, out cold.


Hei (118) has posed:
Hei stumbles back to his feet..before dropping to his knees, deciding to just sit there for the time being. "That was the most fun I've had in quite a while.".