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Revision as of 04:37, 14 July 2014

Ariel's 2nd Birthday
Date of Scene: 13 July 2014
Location: Spring
Synopsis: Ariel has her second birthday party.
Cast of Characters: 2, 38, 134, 135, 168, 189, 219, 231, 253, 325, 357, 395, 438, 455

Ariel (219) has posed:
So today, unlike last year, the party is NOT in the Manse, but in a more open area of a park or something. It's a nice day and all, and Ariel has decided that a COOKOUT is the best way to celebrate this year! Which means there are picnic tables, and a little shelter in case it does rain, and a grill or three with plenty of hot dogs and hamburgers and lots of other, stranger things because not everyone eats meat. Some of the hot dogs are tofu dogs, too.

It's actually not super fancy! The only thing that people might notice is that the problem of flies and wasps is... nonexistent, a low-level Sorcery ward keeping the bugs at bay for the immediate area. You can assume anything reasonable to exist for a picnic party is here.

Ariel (219) has posed:
Ariel herself is actually prancing about in the field with a butterfly, because she likes doing that. The butterfly appears to be playing back, is the odd thing. At least until people arrive, because she has to chime a welcome when needed.

Psyber (253) has posed:
Psyber is here! He's not really doing much of particular note, and is dressed far more casually than he usually is. Jeans, white shirt, short jacket, black and white sneakers. He has shown up with a present, which is of a roughly rectangular dimension and a few inches thick. It's also wrapped in plain brown paper and twine.

Setting that down on a picnic table, he heads over to grab a burger and a beer, giving Ariel a wave, "Happy Birthday!"

Amalthea (395) has posed:
Man so after all that time crisis-proofing the whole manse, the decision was to have the party elsewhere. This is all well and good, because that volcano fortress is now a deathtrap to anyone who isn't a guest, Ariel, and Ellestaria.
That's right, Amalthea's elite trap making skills made her own house into a murderous game of Death Mario for her and her alone, and getting up out of bed this morning might have involved having to dodge fire, hop lava pits, assemble the SILVER MONKEY, and evade Manse-Temple guardians.
Thusly, the elder unicorn is laid out in a patch of grass, venting steam after avoiding horrible death like 15 times in one morning, and helping set up the party.
She never did find that floodgate full of fairies.

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
Ellestaria is here. She is... laying out tacos? Yes, tacos. As in the fruit, from a cooler. She brought a bunch, and is squeezing the disc-like fruits to make a half-disc, then cutting open one side to let the insides ripen and darken, before laying them out. Humming to herself, seh actually looks... really pleased and happy, which is weird for anyone who has seen her a lot.

Lest is also dressed in a half-tee with her stomach bared, and really short shorts, which makes her look more like a teenybopper than an Atlantean scientist. She even has her hair in a ponytail and a pair of stylish, tiny purple sunglasses on, and is wearing sandals.

Hana Umikazeno (357) has posed:
There is one person here who is not actually visiting as a guest. She is, in fact, being paid to be here (though at a very fair rate, of course).

And so, while Hana Umikazeno is smartly dressed in a perfectly-tailored dark grey business suit - completely with slacks rather than a skirt - she stands apart from the crowd, off to one side where she can watch everyone with her hands folded behind her back. Security work is a serious matter, after all.

It's entirely possible she's even got a few men further off in various directions, keeping watch for any nasty surprises from a certain Pure-user, or anyone else.

Rosamarie Alba (438) has posed:
No one's likely to ever consider Rosamarie a party animal, but this one really caught her fancy. A second birthday party... for a child who has notoriously kicked some butt in the multiversal fighting tournament. Besides, robots are kind of cool. And so are horses. As for unicorns, Rosa's a big girl. She's too old to believe in fairy tales. That these unicorns are perfectly real just makes that all the more intriguing.

Rosa's wearing something fairly typical for her. Jeans and a pale blue tee. Her naval windbreaker's tied by its sleeves around her waist, only part of the military designation readable. She jogs towards the park, making a decent pace, looking a little flushed from the activity but not anywhere near spent as she finally comes into view of the party folk.

Pegasus (189) has posed:
A clockwork pegasus is here! In an apron! Peg has already left her gift on the table, and is just putting some finishing touches on a sprawling cake. This year's theme is apparently a 'castle' or something. And not a square, blocky castle, but one of the sprawling european fortresses that meanders all over the table and has elegant peaks and even some fluttering flags.

The flags are not edible, but everything else is.

"Hmmhmm..." Tidy tidy. It's warm out, so she made sure it didn't involve anything that could melt easily. "Hey everyone!"

She's also laid out some small rolls for everyone to munch on in the meantime.

Ariel (219) has posed:
"Thanks for the cake, Aunt Pegasus!" Ariel calls out, waving as well. She'll give a hug later, since she needs to keep greeting! "Hey, Uncle Psyber! You're one of the first arrivals. Thanks for coming. Miss Umikazeno is here providing security, but I don't think Samael will cause trouble. She uh... may have forgotten."

Shrug. Only a TINY bit disappointed there. Speaking of the Oni, she calls out to Hana, "You know if you want something to eat while you're all watching, that's fine too! Tacos are very nutritious!"

Ariel then flops over Amalthea, draping playfully across the elder unicorn while waiting for others to arrive. Rosa's given a pleasant wave as well, "Hi! Still early on, but we can get some games set up or something. You look a little winded, the drinks are over there."

Al Azif (135) has posed:
Al is here. She's pretty relaxed and munching on a taco, stuffing her face despite being a living book. She's also dressed in her summer wear, which is pretty lightweight, and has her normally long and flowing hair done up into two buns. The grimoire doesn't greet people in general, just looks at them curiously, though she gives a lazy wave toward Psyber.

She's sprawled out on a beanbag chair. Which is actually a shoggoth, if you look closely enough. Probably shouldn't do that.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
Amalthea reeeeeaaaches for a taco as Lest passes. They are her lifeblood right now. But then with a soft 'Oof!' she has an Ariel on her. This is all well and good, evidenced by one mithril arm looping around her daughter's middle as she sits up more properly. She should probably be greeting people and not being an 'I was up all night for a week looking for fae' sleepyhead.
"Hey crew, thanks for coming."
Right about now Ariel is getting some fierce cuddling.

Hana Umikazeno (357) has posed:
Hana responds to Ariel with a faint bow. "We're already here under pay, but thank you for the offer." Seems she's a believer in 'not taking the free food for guests when you're on the clock as staff'.

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
Hana's statement gets Lest to look up, and then she smirks. "To anyone who is here, I'm about to attempt a new recipe for stir-fried taco with oregano. Low fat and flavorful~" Yes, she has a damn tilde in her speech, don't ask how. But she is, in fact, dropping a few tacos down into a small wok-like cooking instrument.

Psyber (253) has posed:
Ariel gets another wave, which is then also given to Al Azif a few moments later. And finally Amalthea in response to HER greeting. But after that, Psyber just drops down into the grass where he was standing and half-kneels, idly finishing off a burger before pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket and puts it in his mouth, lighting it and quietly smoking for the moment.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
HOMURA AKEMI is here and may have been for a little while. It is unclear. She is wearing a nice, simple purple dress, has put a gift, and may have brought some food.

UNYIELDING RAMPART also shows up, far less ambiguously. He is wearing a more ceremonial red and gold outfit than his typical black and gold one (cape still included, though, you gotta have a cape), and has brought a small scroll-shaped case as a gift, which he will put on the table with the rest. He almost immediatly flutters towards Ellestaria with a grin. "I have to say, Lady Ellestaria, that look suits you well!"

Hana Umikazeno (357) has posed:
Lest manages to get Hana's attention. The oni stares for several seconds at the offered food. But she remains strong. STRONG.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
"I will take some of that." That would be Amalthea, in regards to her wife's stir fry, one hand ruffling Ariel's hair lightly. "Psyber, Rampart. Taking time out of our busy schedules are we?" She teases lightly.
"Look I will add to the contract to get you to eat my wife's cooking and chill just a little." She notes to Hana.
Satan McDevilLucifer Samael hasn't shown up yet anyway.

Pegasus (189) has posed:
"Oh, hey Rampart, Homura!" Pegasus waves to them as well, then trots right on over and begins to shove baked goods at... everyone. Everyone. "You should have some appetizers before the tacos." It looks like she's used to Nathan right now, who never seems to eat enough, so FOOD is given to all. Including Alba, yes, but Fleet Maidens shouldn't have a problem packing it away.

Hana Umikazeno (357) has posed:
"...if you insist," Hana replies. The corner of her mouth might be quirking with amusement. But she more or less keeps a straight face on her way over to watch Lest cook, and wait for the results.

Rosamarie Alba (438) has posed:
Rosa's not terribly winded, but her run has been no walk in the park. Er, as it were. It's not like she was worried about being late or anything, but she's athletic. Swimming, running, whatever. As long as it isn't a team sport, the young Maiden both enjoys and excels in the activity.

She appreciates Ariel's attentive offer, and it does help to make her feel welcome, rather than an interloper. She offers the birthday girl a little wave and a nod, and heads over to the drinks. She might not be exhausted, but she IS thirsty.

Once Rosa acquires the nearest equivalent to a cold coke that's available, she props lightly against a table, not quite leaning, and looks around. Quite a typical family sort of thing really, if you ignore the gleaming metal and various odd shapes and DEAR GOD did that beanbag chair just move??? Rosa blinks, then looks away, shaking her head. Best to just ignore it, probably. It's not like anything here is going to harm the guests right? She instead allows Lest to catch her attention with mention of tacos. That's got to be at least as interesting as hamburgers if not more so!

Ariel (219) has posed:
Ariel reassures, "I'm sure you know not to overeat, so it should be fine!" She does know that gorging before a battle is probably not the best idea, but a little snack is probably fine. Right? Unless Oni are allergic to tacos.

"Oh, Homura, you made it-" She starts to greet, then she's gone, and Rampart will find his flirting interrupted by a high-impact green unicorn-girl. "HI UNCLE RAMPART!"

Hey, he's a busy man and she doesn't see much of him. So, attempted pounce.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
Flowers turns up slightly late, though she at least has an excuse for it. She's carrying a card with her, with a note on the outside to not open it in front of Amalthea, but she's got a lab coat on over her normal dress, and she's looking just a little bit frazzled.

Still, she'll wave to Ariel and others as she does finally turn up, making her way over vaguely towards the food unless she's intercepted.

Psyber (253) has posed:
"As much as I ever manage to clear up free time, what with all the Nathan-wrangling and Crisis Herding," Psyber says to Amalthea, flicking some ash to the ground from his cigarette before taking a sip of his beer. Most people he knows get nods of greeting, Rampart even gets a faint wave. But Psyber's fairly content to keep his seat on the ground and not wander too much.

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
Nathan got Ariel more books. Guy's kind of a one-trick pony. Well, at least that's an acceptable state around all these horse-based lifeforms. So now he's nibbling on rolls that Pegasus has no-doubt shoved on him without any begrudging (honestly, they're probably some delicious rolls).

He keeps his ususal deadpan monotone. "Psyber, the tilde has escaped." He says, simply, gesturing to Lest. Then, "I am not sure if 'wrangle' is the right word. I like to think that, at most, it might qualify as guarding with an unhealthy dose of use as a bludgeoning tool."

Munch munch munch. Nathan's youngish(???) but he's the kind of young where he's going to try to stay out of the way of whatever games Ariel has set up for her party.

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
"Not quite yet," Ellestaria warns, slicing up some of the tacos into strips so she can properly stir fry them. Sizzle sizzle. It's like veggie stir fry, though she uses very little oil. "We usually didn't cook them back home, so I don't know how it will work out."

To Rampart, Lest gives a quirk of a smile. "What, the informal look? I'm enoying it quite a bit. Besides, it's cheaper."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
"Hello," is Homura's response to Pegasus, more of an idle wave than extended conversation. She is still awkward in such social settings, and would probably prefer to be by Psyber or something, just to be in 'charted land' so to speak. Ah, well, she has to get used to parties sooner or later. The shoggoth are strongly ignored because otherwise she might want to glare at Ariel for a while. Or Al. Who took that decision anyway?

Rampart meanwhile catches Ariel, not skipping a beat. "Why hello there duchess Ariel." He pointedly does not say princess, and it's not a quirk. More on that later, surely. "And how have you been? I heard about the giant robot, the living spellbook of horrors and the magical girl shroud. You're busier than I am!"

Arguably not untrue with how much he dodges his duty.

He of course returns waves and greetings, the player just needs a moment to catch up and eat this chicken. To Amalthea he even says: "Not that busy, really. Never too much for any of you, anyway!" And a thumb up to Ellestaria. He certainly doesn't mind.

Psyber (253) has posed:
"Oh god~!" Psyber shouts with a lilt to his voice, "You let the tilde escape~?" Despite the lilts to his voice, Psyber does sound fairly annoyed with Nathan at this news, immediately beginning to reach into the deepest recesses of his jacket and trying to find where it crawled into.

"Also yes, I very much wrangle you, Nathan~. Without me, you'd probably have turned into an evil overlord or something~." Eventually, Psyber manages to find the squiggle stuck to the back of his shoe. He promptly takes it off and sticks it to the back of Homura's back (hopefully without her noticing) disguised as an encouraging shove, "Go be social."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
Sakura gets such an eye-ing as she hands Ariel something that specifically says to not be opened around her. But the unicorn lets it slide.
For now.
... For now...

Ariel (219) has posed:
"Thanks, Aunt Flowers!" Ariel has settled down after her pounce, and swishing her tail pleasantly she moves around to say hello to others! Sakura gets a hug too, of course, because why not?

And then there's Hall. "Uncle Hall, you came! How's it going in the library?" Just small talk, really. "Mom's fixing some stir-fried tacos if you'd like to try some."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
Flowers seems oblivious to Amalthea's stare, which is a great big lie because there's no way she doesn't notice but she manages to pretend not to as she hugs Ariel back. She'll seem quite cheerful, in any case. "It's been a while since I managed to see you. How's being two treating you?" She asks, very seriously.

She even won't say anything to Hall, though Homura at least gets a greeting wave, possibly to encourage that social thing.

Samael (455) has posed:
In the middle of everything, someone that would be infamously familiar to everyone would appear in the middle of the entire crowd. A girl with a cute hat and a coat materialized suddenly with little to no fanfare, and she streeetched, before beaming at everyone.

"Hello! I nearly forgot to come, I'm so sorry! But there's a thing to be said about being fashionably late, right?" Samael said, before flitting around to no-one in particular. "Oh, right! I have a gift as well!" she said, producing a small black box, tied up with a red ribbon. She placed it with the rest, before returning to Ariel, clapping her hands. "Happy Birthday! It looks like you have a looot of well-wishers!"

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
"I think it is impossible for me to turn into a dark lord. I am far too ineffective and weak. Also, who assigned the tilde to /me/?" Nathan says to Psyber, making baffled noises and plaintive gestures but retaining his ever-present blank expression. He gestures again to Lest. "I was commenting on her mannerisms, not that sort of crisis."

Nathan avoids interaction with Sakura Haruno as well, mostly out of vague fear.

Ariel gets some similar small-talk. "The library is quite well, no major incidents to speak of and I have much help in caring for it." He says. "And that sounds like it could turn out delicious, I am eager to participate in this cullinary science. How have you been, Ariel? I hear you are intensely busy with a lot of matters these days, taking on rather a lot more responsibility than most two year olds take. Goodness, two years already." The scale of time only now seems to really hit Nathan Hall.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
Amalthea is immediately alert as VonDemon DeDeathSatan Luciferzebub Samael just sudden appear.
Amalthea is INSTANTLY at Hana's side.
"We have a turd in the punchbowl. I repeat. We have a turd in the punch bowl." This is whispered like some kind of secret code.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
"What~?" Wait, what. Homura glares at Psyber. No, really, she's fine just hanging back and... eating, and just generally not being in the way. Or for that matter having to converse. Ah man. She waves towards Sakura with a resigned sigh, and then glances towards Samael, not making a big deal out of it. The Pure can behave! It's not some sort of emergency. For her, anyway.

"Amalthea sure looks on edge~." she vainly attempts at Haruno in order to be SOCIAL, but then realizes her pitch is off. She shuffles where Psyber patted her, and then glares at the tilde. "How does this even work~? PSYBER~!"

Unyielding Rampart (of so and so forth a long name goes here) meanwhile has let go of Ariel so she can greet her other uncles, creeping towards Samael. Well now. THAT is a new face, and he doesn't keep up with Abstractum matters, soooo...

Grab hand, kneel, kiss hand.
Stay polite and classy.

"Now there's the face of a fair maiden I haven't seen before."

Ariel (219) has posed:
Ariel just facepalms. Seriously? "That's um... not a very good code," she points out to Amalthea. Oh well.

"Thanks for coming, Samael! We have some games and stuff, and uh... mom is fixing some stir-fried tacos, if you want to try some. We probably have enough."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
Sakura was not experienced with the tilde, though, and misses a step as she hears Homura's voice, turning towards the Puella as though her hair were on fire. As she retreats, Flowers will pursue, reaching out a hand. "No, no, you don't get to run like that. Is this some kind of new symptom?" Homura's medic/occassion expert despair nagger asks, clearly not ready to believe that everything's okay after that.

Psyber (253) has posed:
"Nathan, I firmly believe that i-" Psyber is about to have one of these roundabout arguments where he and Nathan both deny their personal problems for a while and then nothing gets accomplished. But Samael is here. Psyber takes a long moment to look at the Pure and then... shrugs, because Homura is yelling at him.

"Dunno. We found it in a Mayan temple. Or from a biting library. It's hard to remember. Enjoy it!" He grins at her widely, rocking back and forth on his feet cheerily, especially as Haruno starts getting involved.

Rosamarie Alba (438) has posed:
Seeing the gifts, Rosamarie abruptly starts. Blushing slightly, she reaches around and into her jacket, pulling a small wrapped package out of an inside pocket. A book, it seems, like Nathan's. Paperback though.

A bit nonplussed at some of the oddities, and not generally one to socialize loudly, she turns to Pegasus, snacks in hand. "Ah... why are people ... you know?" she asks quietly, gesturing vaguely. "Not going to be any trouble, I hope?"she says, taking a rather large bite of some sort of sausage thing. If there's going to be trouble, she'd better eat something first!

Amalthea (395) has posed:
"Nonsense it is the best code ever." Amalthea counters her daughter. Why? Because she says so.
She is eye-ing Samael now. With her good eye.

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
Oh boy, a new guest. "Well, at least Rampart can provide her with some amusement," Ellestaria points out. She dumps out several strips of some sort of stir-fried fruit(??) onto the serving plate, then places a little flower in the middle for a garnish.

It actually doesn't look that pretty. Or appetizing.

It /smells/ pretty good though! "Well, that needs a little work, but I guess it's ready. It's not like undercooking them will hurt anyway."

Hana Umikazeno (357) has posed:
Hana turns her gaze aside briefly and just... stares, at Amalthea.

There is a softly-murmured, "Well, her presence here certainly reeks, at least," before taking some of the stir-fried taco and turning her gaze to Samael herself. She keeps it there just long enough for Samael to see - long enough to get the message across: 'I am watching you.'

Then she retreats to her previous position near the outskirts of the gathering, murmuring into her radio to consult with her various concealed sentries.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
Homura whines at Sakura. "I'm fine~! It's this stupid-- thing~!"

She glares in Psyber's direction as he explains it is either an old possibly cursed artifact or something he doesn't even remember where he got it. God damnit, Psyber. Well, better test it.

Homura hands it to Flowers. "Here, test~."

Samael (455) has posed:
"Oh, a perfect gentleman! You have such polite guests." Samael said, apparently oblivious to all the stinkeye she was getting. "We havn't been introduced at all, no! I havn't seen you..." she said, before graciously dropping into a curtsey towards Rampart.

Towards the tacos, she leaned forward, taking in the scent of the stir-fried fruits. "This looks interesting...what are they?" she asked, tucking her hands behind her back.

Pegasus (189) has posed:
Pegasus answers Alba first, "Oh, the new girl who showed up is kind of a nemesis thing. But don't worry, if Ariel invited her it should probably be okay." She nods firmly, then hands a scone or something to Rosa. Where does she keep this stuff?

"It really has been two years!" Pegasus chirps that to Nathan, the exact opposite of the stoic librarian in presenting an ever-cheerful face and vague waves to everyone. Even Samael. "It's tacos! It's a native Atlantean fruit or something. They're pretty good but I've never had them cooked."

Yeah she should grab one.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
"Test?~" Flowers asks, before looking at the thing in horror. "What the hells?~" She seems to try running chakra through it, then turns towards Psyber. "This is yours?~" She asks, before in a swift motion throwing it at him.

She's average to below average at throwing random things for a ninja, which puts her as most likely by far the best in the room at it. The tilde is mildly aerodynamic, even! It hopefully is not sharp enough to impale him.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
"I am very polite," Rampart grins at Samael, before standing back up. "Although my queen would probably take offense at this." It is true in his time offscreen the Solar has become much more attached and open about his relationship with Whisper. He still indulges in idle flirting, but the narration assures you it never goes any further. Old habits and all that.

"Unyielding Rampart. Just a blacksmith, really."
'King' is a hobby, and he dresses fancy because it's cool.

He's going to try some of those tacos now, omnomnom.

Psyber (253) has posed:
Psyber gets tagged by the tilde right in the chest, "No way~. I refuse to take responsibility for this thing~." Psyber angry-lilts to Sakura before taking it and then chucking it right at the back of Samael's hat.

Ariel (219) has posed:
Moving right along...

The Tilde wars have begun, and Ariel snatches a fried taco with some curiosity of her own. "Well this is a lot more relaxing than I thought it might be! Just dig in and then we can have some cake in a bit."

At least it should be a unique experience for Samael, which should keep her out of trouble.

Samael (455) has posed:
The tilde is immediatly caught with an arm flying out, and Samael swung it around, spinning it on a finger as she decided to sit on a chair. "Ah~? What's this~?" she said, almost like it was her natural tone of speaking. It was tossed up into the air for a moment as she nodded. "Oh, I see what this is."

She caught it again as it came down, twirling the gigantic tilde on a finger.

"How wonderful~!"

Rosamarie Alba (438) has posed:
"Taco... fruit?" Rosa wonders aloud. A magical item that makes people speak in sing-song, she can accept without blinking. Fried fruit tacos however, that's just bizarre. As is suddenly having a scone thrust at her. That makes her blink in surprise, but she shrugs and starts munching. Food's good, and this is a party. Time to be social...ish.

"So. Tacos, games, and birthday cake." Rosa says, stepping out towards the littlest unicorn. "You should have these birthdays more often." she says to Ariel, voice sounding entirely serious. Perhaps a BIT too serious to be anything other than a good deadpan.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
Flowers will scowl at Psyber, mostly because she doesn't know who Samael is. "You shouldn't go throwing things at other guests unless they're the ones irresponsibly sending around artifacts, you know." That's mildly hypocritical, but just a bit. Either way, she'll look up at the mention of games, though.

"What sort of games is it that we were playing? Noone's falling in the volcano this time, right?"

Ariel (219) has posed:
Ariel replies to Flowers, "Well I thought about volleyball, but I'm pretty sure everyone is sick of that after the Ithaqua incident." She shrugs, "I dunno, I have board games and card games and of course plenty of stuff here. Balls and frisbees."

Oops. She said frisbee. Immediately a GIGANTIC WARDOG bounds onto the scene, knocking over a few chairs as he heads right toward Ariel!

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
A sight not seen by Amalthea and family for sometime: Rhapsody and Ryxinel seem to have heard about a certain someone's birthday and made the effort to come out. Its true that the Mizzets had sent their gift ahead of time, not sure if they would be able to show up, but with Rhapsody insisting, and with her recent rebellious streak (according to Ravnican newspapers). Even though Sidonia isn't seen, it can be safely assumed she is around, somewhere! Rhapsody is actually about to greet everyone when WARDOG. "What the blazes?!"

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
Lest wants EVERYONE to have some tacos! She's carrying the tray around, pressuring like a mother should. "Don't you want to try it? I don't cook often, this is a gift you know! A special occasion! You should all be grateful." Yeah, way to be social, Lest. As the dog comes bounding through, Lest just hoists the tray up out of the way and lets the passing dog spin her about, before she catches the tray again and goes right back to pushing her concoction at people.

Psyber (253) has posed:
"You know, if you told me when I first met you, 'Hey Psyber in three years I'll be nagging you to eat mysterious fruit from a tray at my daughter's birthday party', I would have been really surprised, because that would have been a weird first conversation," Psyber says to Ellestaria in an incredulous tone, taking one of the Tacos off the tray and munching on it to get her off his back on the topic.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
Where did Amalthea go? She seems to have gone quiet and vanished off to somewhere for a bit. Somehow without being noticed.
The truth is, she is in fact not Metal Gear-ing about. She just slid off to grab something and return.
"Psst. Ariel."
First to get her daughter's attention, before lifting an arm to greet Rhapsody and the not-so-small kits anymore. "Don't mind Iyoshi, he's harmless unless you're a threat to Ariel!" ... "Then he'll kill you, huh."
That won't be a problem.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
When it appears that the HUGE DOG is not a problem, seeing as everyone else is treating it as PERFECTLY NORMAL, Rhapsody lets go of the spellblade she almost drew and kinda just.. stays put. Ryxinel is chasing -after- the dog cause holy wow that's a huge dog I gotta see it up close. The Izzet Guildmaster? She just seems nervous. These were all really close friends of her father and she doesn't feel like she knows any of them. Its awkward, for her at least. Fidget. Glance around. Bury face in taco. Yes. That is the right thing to do. *nomf*

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
Nathan eagerly accepts some of the tacos, because FOOD SCIENCE.

"You certainly did, at the time, have the look of someone who would eternally be in a state of academic distancing." Hall says, alongside Psyber's commentary. "I recall our first work together, the distant work in the matters of Pegasus and Amalthea." He shakes his head. "Of course, few here have changed quite as much as Ariel herself." Now time to chow down on TACO FOODS. Let's do some science testing.

Ariel (219) has posed:
"Hi, Guildmaster!" Ariel of course has a greeting for Rhapsody, waving and nimbly hopping up. "AH! Iyoshi, behave! We aren't playing frisbee yet!" The hop lands her atop the dog, where she straddles him and clutches his fur. He slows down, turns around, and pads toward Rhapsody and the others. With a more serious face, "It's nice to finally meet you when things aren't a crisis. Enjoy yourself!" Then she's going to attempt a HUG! While mounted on the dog. This is apparently a normal circumstance.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
Sakura will take some of the stirfried tacos as Lest pushes them upon her, though she is not at all reluctant, having had them before. "You've had much stranger conversations than that." She points out. Though her first meeting with Lest had been also her first witch, so Sakura's own conversation might have been a trump.

Pegasus (189) has posed:
"A lot can happen in three years," Pegasus points out. "I think without Lest, I wouldn't have been shaken enough to end up fighting Amalthea the way I did. And maybe... I wouldn't be here today. I'm just glad Ariel hasn't needed my help that often."

Then she giggles to Ariel, "But hey, if you want to come visit, any time would be great! I'll show you some baking tricks, and tape off a section of Nathan's room for you to sleep."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
It seems that Ryxinel's wish to see the huge dog upclose comes a lot faster. Ariel's greeting is met with a smile and a wave from the Izzet Guildmaster. Once she clears her muzzle of TACO, "Happy Birthday, Ariel! I'm glad I can finally see you under better circumstances! Did our package get here?" Ryxinel glances up from the dog, to see the answer to this question. Why? If it didn't he has a Magewright to go yell at.

Ariel (219) has posed:
"Oh yes," Ariel reassures. "It's over there on the table. I didn't want to make people wait while I open presents when they get here, so I just have them over there so we can enjoy ourselves for the day instead."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
Sly as a cat and sneaky as a fox Amalthea... Places a very small wrapped box on Ariel's head, leaving it to balance in the crook where tiny horn and skull joints.
The box proceeds to turn into a wyld bobble head. This earns a look of complete, abject, unfathomable horror.
She nabs up the bobble head and replaces it with another small box.
She slides away with the bobble head like a bandit.

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
The comments on her attitude actually get a /very mild/ blush from Lest, but that's more than Ellestaria normally shows. She clears her throat, "Circumstances were different, and I had my own reasons for being that way." Stiff and awkward, now, but she's failing to convey the cold distance that she once had. Oh well.

As for Ariel... "I'll admit that if I had sat down to make the 'perfect daughter' it would not have been Ariel. I would have made her a touch less mischevious, less forgiving, more powerful, and so on. There would have been many things I would have changed to make my ideal." She sets the tray down and picks up some of the fried taco. "It would have also been a mistake. I'm glad we let her make herself who she is. Even if I don't quite agree with her all the time."

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
"A family is not meant to agree at all times. After all, if they were all the same, what value would there be in the unconditional love?" Nathan says, briefly. He doesn't comment on her faltering stoicism. "As for your changes, I am sure it could be quite worse. You could be like me, for example, having not changed at all." This is blaatantly wrong.

There's a helpless look to Pegasus though. "I do not understand what it is about my room that makes it such a sought-after living space. I am desperately hopeful that you have not suddenly discovered it with this exploitation." It's an entirely good-natured bit of dryness, though. Then to Ariel, "I am sure you would be quite welcome, in any case."

Psyber (253) has posed:
"Yes, or instead of being like Nathan and not changing at all..." Psyber notes to Ellestaria, "You could instead be like /Nathan/, and constantly change yourself pursuing an unhealthy obsession. Both of which are scary things," Psyber says, taking advantage of prime real estate to take a potshot at Nathan from the wings.

Ariel (219) has posed:
Ariel pets at Iyoshi while the kit examines him. He's a big old dog, and has a number of scars, including one running down his side that leads to a limp when he's not paying attention. "I guess I should open a few of them, now that most everyone has come by..."

But first, she glances at Psyber, "Let's not start that while we're having fun, guys. Don't make me put you in the time out corner! I wonder if I could make an ACTUAL time out corner..."

Psyber (253) has posed:
"Fiiiiiiiiiiine," Says Psyber, crossing his arms and taking out another cigarette, which he places in his mouth and promptly begins to smoke.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
People keep telling her she needs to get out more. She needs ot meet with members of the Union, and talk to others. Noble Six doesn't feel that getting to know people will improve her combat efficiency, but she has conceded and decided to do something unexpected.

Come to a child's birthday party.

Six arrives, shockingly not in full combat kit, but instead on a UNSC issue utility uniform. Baby steps, after all, and she has a box in her hand that is wrapped in what appears to be some sort of digital camoflage cloth. She hangs towards the edge of the party for a few moments, and looks down at the box in her hand. A bit of hesitation on her part, no doubt. She'll charge headlong into a group of Sangheili zealots, but the idea of dealing with a child's birthday party makes her stop in her tracks. She really has weird priorities.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Ryxinel resumes observing the Big Dog while Rhapsody starts to wander a little. Spotting Psyber gets her to blink, consider, then creep in the man's direction. Seems she's a little shy in this huge crowd of folks dad knew but she doesn't. "Um.. Psyber?" She waits a moment to be sure she has his attention, "Ah, this is probably going to sound a little weird but um... did Niv help you make a sword a while back?"

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
Nathan kept quiet while that exchange went on, and didn't actually seem to have anything to say. There's a passive shrug-like gesture as Ariel shuts things down too. "Certainly. I would hate to disrupt your day." A few slight nods.

Ariel (219) has posed:
Oh, another guest! Ariel doesn't recognize N6 out of the armor, so she's not sure WHO it is, but the UNSC uniform she does know as being from an allied force. She'll figure it out soon. A little wave, and she slides off Iyoshi. "Come on by! We have tacos! The fruit kind not the hard-shelled kind. They're good and good for you!"

Psyber (253) has posed:
"Huh? Oh, yeah. That was like 5 or 6 years ago, I think." Psyber says to Rhapsody, rubbing his chin a bit, "I didn't know your father too well beyond that, though, sorry to say." He knows who Rhapsody IS, but he rarely associated with Niv much over the past few years.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
She kind of rubs at her neck a little, "Well, Ryxinel wasn't gonna ask so I'm kinda doing it for him, anyway I can see it or is it gone, now?" Ryxinel, who was STILL observing dog, now turns to glance over. "He's been really curious about all the blades Niv made or assisted with." She pauses a little, then whispers, "Is it really true about what happened between Niv and Richard Stadler?" Yes. she is asking about -that- story.

Psyber (253) has posed:
Psyber quirks an eyebrow, "Yeah, I have it in the vaults below the office. I'll FedEx it to you." Psyber says simply, before he does confirm the story, "Yes, at one point Niv had to pretend to be Rick's pet dragon when they were undercover. We don't talk about it much, even years later."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
Fruit taco? Noble Six isn't entirely sure what a fruit taco is, but she makes her way over, although she seems to be a bit slow as she does, "Ah, thanks. I'll...Be sure to try one." She says, as she looks down at the box again. She's never been to a birthday party before. Is there a protocol for this sort of thing? She seems like she's trying to think if anything she's encountered before would help her with this.

Eventually she just gives up and thrusts the box out towards Ariel, "I understand that gifts are an integral part of these types of events. I hope this is satisfactory."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
A blink, a smirk, then, "Haaaa, Ryxinel swore up and down he heard about it once or twice but Niv didn't care to talk about it. Maybe I'll ask Richard about it too." Ryxinel seems surprised at Psyber's willingness to just ship the weapon over, "I'll be sure to send it back. I imagine it was important."

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
Ellestaria refrains from snickering when Noble Six shows even less of an idea of how to socialize than others. Taking some pity on the supersoldier, she walks over with a plate holding one of the prepared taco fruits. "We'll put it on the table with the others. Here, it's ah... a native fruit of my homeland whose form resembles the mexican taco, and the word is somehow the same. I don't know. It is very nutritious, though. We have fresh and stir-fried, depending on your like."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
Sakura will finally at least speak to Nathan, so those waiting for that can drink. It's not about anything particularly important. "My room's got much better property value these days since the portal to Spring was installed, anyway." And she has the not-portal portions of the room all to herself, which can be a vital difference!

Ariel (219) has posed:
Ariel smiles, "Thank you for the gift, Miss. Just relax and have fun. I think we settled on swapping stories and watching Samael use the tilde as our entertainment. But if you want, you can play fetch with the dog." She gestures to the pony-sized canine wagging his tail nearby. "If you get restless, I mean."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
The super soldier takes one of the fresh tacos, "Thank you." She replies, and then takes a bite out of it. It is pretty good after all. She's surprised that it's as good as it is. She takes another bite, and then looks around at the others who are around. She recognzies many of them, but doubts too many know who she is. She looks back to Ariel, "Ah, right...Just Six is fine, you don't need to call me miss."

She does look over at the massive dog, and then nods back to Ariel, "I will keep that in mind, if the urge strikes me."

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
Sakura gets a blank look. "Yes, you see? There are so many other rooms with much more valuable space and fixtures, and yet, we find ourselves with no demand for them. It is a profoundly baffling thing." He says, with more helpless, confused gestures and his usual stoic expression.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
"Well, I would probably kill anyone who tried to move in and take over part of my room, too. You're simply not defending your territory. Showing weakness isn't a great idea, you know. It'll give people ideas." Sakura offers, as sage advice of sorts.

Pegasus (189) has posed:
Pegasus will hang out with the soldier. "Oh, hello Six! I don't get to chatter with many professional soldiers. Though I guess that's kind of my own fault for retiring..." She shrugs, the wings doing an odd whrr-shift, then she chirps, "I'll go cut the cake now, I guess! It's about that time, unless Ariel wants to wait!"

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"I don't particularly hang out much." Six replies to Pegasus, "I am usually attempting to keep myself busy and that often leads to, well...Not having much time for things like this." She does follow Pegasus when it's time for cake, though. Mostly because while she's not a total stranger to cake, it's not something she gets to have much.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
With Ryxinel probably tossing a frisbee around for BIG DOG by now, Rhapsody has been allowed to wander a little more. She passed the table, saw with her own eyes the blue and red package that was sent out to Ariel, and that done, the dragon guildmaster catches sight of Six. "Six? When did you get here?" she asks as she wanders over, offering a little nod to Pegasus. She hadn't met her just yet..

Ariel (219) has posed:
Yay cake! "It is probably about that time! I guess I should open presents so I can give proper thank-yous..." Ariel sighs, not that opening presents is a chore or anything. It just gets difficult to decide whose to open!

So let's see here...

"AH! Thank you, Uncle Hall, Rosa!" That's when Ariel opens up the books given. This is not really a surprise, because she's a curious little girl, so books are a fascination for her. It's one of the few 'safe' gifts to give her. Then again, she's kind of gushy about most anything, isn't she? "I should get a bookshelf or three..."

Sakura's is set aside for later, as requested~

"Oh my... Homura...!" Ariel seems genuinely surprised by Homura's gift, a radiant ring and what looks like a broken shard of something. It is unclear which she thinks is more valuable.

Rhapsody's comes next, a fine Mizzium dagger and sheath to hold it. She's a pacifist, but that just means the dagger is a great choice for her, because it can be used for things aside from killing... and in a pinch, defense. Pulling it out, she turns it a few times to examine before sheathing again, "Ah, Rhapsody... Guildmaster, it's like a version of mom's for me... thank you."

Psyber's comes next, and though it seems like just a messenger bag, Ariel is oddly excited. "OH! This is just what I wanted! I could really use this! Thank you, Uncle!" This is where it gets clearer why she likes it, as she manages to stuff ALL her gifts so far into it. Whelp.

Amalthea's makes Ariel giggle, as it's some kind of necklace, she drapes it over with a smile, "Always~" Some joke there.

And finally, Rampart's makes her blink, then turn darker green in a blush. "U-Uncle Rampart! Thank you, but... um... are you sure this is wise? I'll do my best, but... I thought Duchess was just a name."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Gifts! When Ariel opens the dagger, Rhapsody just smiles, "You're welcome. Ryxinel forged it and Sidonia thought of the bit down the middle for inscription, the gemmed pommel was my idea. I'm glad you like it, Ariel. I hope it serves you well."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
Homura just gives Ariel a thumb up.

Rampart just grins wide. "Well, you're already princess of the land around the Hundred-Forged Manse, so I figured if you hadn't managed to blow that up you were old and responsible enough to have your own land! Once you give it a name you can put out a call for workers and people to live there. I'll look forward to hearing good things!"

He sliiiides next to her to dramatic whisper, although it's audible to everyone: "But please don't declare war on me or they'll never let me hear the end of throwing land away like that."

Ariel (219) has posed:
And as for the rest! Noble Six's gift is opened with some uncertain trepidation... but when Ariel pulls out a stuffed animal(a fox), she's startled and, a moment later, giggling. "Why thank you, Six! He'll go great standing watch next to my bed!"

And now we get to Samael's. The Black Cartridge isn't TOO much of a surprise, but it makes her fidget a little. "O-oh... I guess this is one of those last resort gifts, huh? Thank you, Samael, I'll keep it with me just in case."

Rampart gets a squinting look. "I'm pretty sure declaring war is one thing I won't do! Maybe I'll set up a fire butterfly refuge..." Uh oh.

Samael (455) has posed:
After having been entertained with the tilde for more time than is healthy, Samael put it down, beaming at Ariel. "Well, it'll always be there when you need it! Sooo, yes! I hope it helps you in the future~!"

Apparently she picked it back up again mid-sentence. That tricky tilde.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"I'm glad you think so." Six replies, as she looks around and then leans down to Ariel, "Don't tell anybody else, but I have a wolf who does the same." Six says to Ariel, in a hushed tone.