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WMAT A2 Blackout vs. Aurora
Date of Scene: 14 July 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Diablo Desert
Synopsis: The shinki Aurora vs. Blackout (OOC: Juno Eclipse) in the WMAT's Bracket B, Round II!
Cast of Characters: 127, 232, 428, 462

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Welcome to the Diablo Desert. It's hot. It's dry. And it's full of sand.

The mystery Confederate pilot known as Blackout is already here, arms folded over her chest, leaning against a rock formation to wring what little shade she can out of it. She's wearing her mercenary outfit today -- a white tunic-like shirt tucked into dark leggings, a blaster holstered at each hip, a vibroblade scabbarded at her right. Over that she wears a long-sleeved leather jacket with reinforced plates sewn into the shoulders, which is probably hellishly hot in this climate, but it /does/ protect from sunburn!

She's also not wearing a hat. She'll probably regret that sooner or later. Her pale blonde hair is drawn back into a simple horsetail, and her eyes are a crisp shade of blue, currently drooped to half-mast because it is ridiculously hot. At least the sun's on its way down, painting the desert in hues of red-gold.

While she waits, she's got one of her blasters out of its holster, twirling it restlessly with a forefinger through the trigger guard.

...She really hates deserts, but that's what the random draw gave her.

"Going to kill that bloody bastard later," she mutters to herself, squeezing her eyes shut against the heat. Until her opponent arrives, she can just imagine all the different ways she can ram a shard of glass into Galen's smug face.

Aurora (462) has posed:
Dry, sand, hot, bright. Aurora sticks out like a sore thumb in this area. The purple clad Shinki streaks across the sky, the dot of her being visible as she approaches the rough battle area where her opponent is supposed to be. She shakes her head a bit, this Juno person scares her slightly. "Mmm, Master can't even see me fight, well I hope to record some good battle data for her then!"

The Arnval Mark two comes into better view, a good thirty feet away from Juno, hovering in the hot air. A bow is given towards Juno, the Shinki's hands flash a bit as twin, red bladed swords appear into her hands. "I wish you luck and I hope this is a great fight between both of us, unlike that fight with the Waitress of Innsmouth."

Kirikou (127) has posed:
Kirikou peers out from the shade of the commentator's booth, apparently not at all bothered by the fierce heat. That might have something to do with the pitcher of ice water before him... then again Kirikou's usually pretty cool.

As the time counts down to the start of the match, he waits. Finally the time arrives. "Ladies and gentlemen, fight fans of all shapes and sizes. This is Kirikou Rung coming to you live from the Diablo Desert, where we've got two fierce competitors about to bring their own kind of heat! In this second round of Bracket A, two combat veterans take to the field. They need no introduction, but some of you aren't here so I'll do it anyway! The first combatant is Blackout. A proud pilot who has left the cockpit and entered the fighting pit. Her first opponent was Zeno, an elite Shinki sniper. Well, once again Blackout's facing a Shinki. A Confederate, owned by Ariah, this shinki's first opponent was the Martial Maid, the Waitress of Innsmouth. The fight was little challenge to Aurora, the Flying Purple Angel. She's surely come to this fight looking for a fighter who can test her metal! And I think she's found it in the form of Blackout, a proven anti-Shinki fighter!"

Taking a sip, he pauses a bit before continuing. "What, people still haven't showed up? Well get down here for the hottest fight of the evening! Or tune in to frequency 900.3 to catch my play-by-play. Either way this is a fight you don't wanna miss!"

D (232) has posed:
One figure stands out among the throng huddled beneath the region's shade in one excited mass. He is calm, tall, and draped in black from head to toe in what must be a sweltering uniform for these parts. He doesn't seem to much mind; he is as serene as he is pale. That's D, of course, looking swag as hell.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Oh, looks like her opponent is already here. Blackout tilts her head to cock an eye up from the shadows, but she doesn't bother pushing off from the rock she's leaning against. The shade is nice, thank you very much, and she doesn't particularly want to deal with stepping out into the last bit of sun. Actually, sunset is almost worse. It goes from directional heat to heat mercilessly radiating out from everything.

Yup. She really hates deserts.

Catching the blaster deftly, Blackout doesn't bother to holster it, instead keeping it in hand as she gives her opponent the fish-eye.

Oh, lovely. More tiny little stabby blades. The last time she had to deal with a tiny little stabby blade, Zeno applied tiny little stabbings to her left eye. And then in her last match, Zeno applied tiny little stabbings to one of her hands. It was exceedingly unpleasant.

She's starting to become a bit soured on the whole shinki thing. While she doesn't mind droids, they're starting to make her uncomfortable /almost/ on the same level as PROXY. Almost. At least PROXY is kind of a bro, and she's somewhat convinced he's not going to snap and try to kill her one of these days 'to keep her on her toes.'

Okay, maybe not. She still sleeps with a blaster under her pillow.

Sighing, Blackout pushes herself off the rock, flipping the blaster in her grip and unholstering the other with a flourish. Might as well put on a show for the audience, right?

"Right, then. Good luck."

The pilot studies Aurora for a few seconds.

And with a shrug, she raises her blaster and tries to plug the shinki. Right in the face.

Aurora (462) has posed:
Aurora nods at her opponents response, her first real battle against someone of a human size and human physiology and that wasn't her Master's training dummies. So why is she looking slightly nervous?

This is Aurora's first real fight.

Aurora watches the twirling blaster, studying the movements and watching it be raised up against her. Another flash of light has small red bladed bits attach to her jetpack while the jetpack's thrusters kick in, sending her flying towards the pilot.. then the blaster shot. She raises her swords up in a blocking motion, the shot connecting home and sending the Shinki backflipping in mid air from the shot's power. Seems ranged might be best for this fight.

Another kick of her thrusters and she rights herself from spinning. The tips of those red bladed bits upon her jetpack glow purple before loosing small streams of lasers towards the pilot, Aurora flying around to spread out the laser blasts and to avoid another shot herself.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
Kirikou knows these two are both Confederates. He'd heard them discussing their upcoming match on the radio recently. That's a secret though, at least for 'Blackout'. Still, the insider track has given him a bit of info. He's using it to help these two in their fight, that's all. Just to add a bit of hype, and hopefully get them both to enjoy their fight that much more. Hype is good after all.

"The fighters are squaring off, eyeing each other warily. They're not much for talking, these two, just a simple 'Good luck' from Blackout. I guess they're going to let their weapons do the talking. Oh WOW, that's a good opening argument from Blackout as she shoots her tiny opponent. Aurora takes the shot on her blade, though it's enough to send the tiny warrior flipping through the air!"

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Blue eyes squint a little when the blaster bolt is neatly deflected by the swords, though it seems that the inertia causes the shinki to spin out of control. That's definitely something to keep in mind, and something of a bright side to fighting these tiny opponents. If she plays her cards right, she can literally keep them reeling.

Flexing her fingers to tighten her gloves over her hands, she kicks off from the rock and jogs sidelong into the setting sun, eyeing the shinki -- and when fired on, she dives out of the way, turning it into a headlong roll. It's clear she didn't get away cleanly when she bounces back to her feet, though, one angry red score sliced through her cheek, and two more crisped neatly through the sleeve of her leather jacket. (So much for that reinforced plating.)

Hissing, she dabs the wounds gingerly to test how bad the burns are, and then in a smooth motion, she holsters her blaster and reaches for something in her pocket--

--and withdraws what looks like...

...is that a rock?

Yes, that is a rock. It is also flying straight for Aurora at terminal velocity!

Kirikou (127) has posed:
"Guess I know why she's the flying purple angel! Aurora fires lasers at Blackout, peppering her. Blackout's sizzling with rage, or possibly lasers. Oh, and she brings out the weapon that defeated Zeno! That's right, she's chucking rocks!" Kilik cries excitedly. The Twins seem to be cheering too, though they're cheering for the Shinki. Always ones to cheer on the underdog... or at least the small and fierce fighters over their bigger menacing opponents!

Aurora (462) has posed:
Aurora keeps up the pressure her lasers give, firing shot after shot after shot from each of the small attack bits, she blinks in curiosity at the holstering of the weapon and a draw of something else. "Is that..." her swords come back up as the rock comes flying towards her, crashing into those blades once morre and sending her flying backwards from the impact. Marks from the rock scar her paint job and scratch up her housing, a shake of her head and she sighs.

Another flash of her jet and off she goes towards Juno, her blades at the ready, trying to get herself close enough to jam them into her shoulder. Can't move the arm, can't fire a blaster at her now! "I'll have medical prepare for you, ma'am!"

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Score! Looks like Blackout's still got a good throwing arm. Probably comes from throwing random junk at Galen when he's working her last nerve. (Which is usually pretty often.)

Oh, look, more tiny blades. The pilot mutters venomously under her breath, even as she turns to present her shoulder to her target, mostly for the sake of protecting her face and head. She grits her teeth as the blades bite into her shoulder, snicking past the protective reinforcement on her jacket's sleeves. Fortunately, those do take a lot of the sting out of the blow.

And no sooner has the shinki found purchase in that jacket than Blackout reacts without thinking, by doing the first thing that comes to mind.

Which is mostly 'backhand the shinki away with a fist.'

Kirikou (127) has posed:
Good thing Aurora's got both lasers and that sword! While keeping up her shots, she manages to block the thrown rock. It's probably heavier than her though, and she goes flying! It's not going to phase the little Shinki though. Actually, I think she's enjoying herself now as she charges in on the attack. Blackout takes the attack with her shoulder. There's armor there, looks like, but there's blood there too now.

Aurora (462) has posed:
Those were the same tiny blades she's had since she appeared and now the fist comes at her and sends her flying once more with her sowrds ripping out of that jacket. She grumbles a bit, the Tempesta annoyed at this. "Are you just going to throw random objects at me and punch?"

The light flashes around Aurora and out comes her rifle, a high energy beam rifle to be specific. Short bursts of purple lasers fling out from the rifle's muzzle, aiming for the blaster and Juno's hips. "Then allow me to disarm you."

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Hmm. Although the idea to incorporate weights into her gloves crosses her mind, Blackout puts it aside for later. Right now she's concentrating on keeping the shinki out of her face. That her opponent is annoyed at her fighting draws a snort.

She doesn't seem to care to give a response to Aurora's grumbling. Instead, she's watching her opponent, even as the shinki produces a tiny rifle.

Oh, hell, no.

Even as the shinki fires, Blackout spins away with surprising grace.

"Fine. Suit yourself."

And then she pulls out her blaster, and attempts to slam the butt of it right into the side of the shinki's head. Or whatever she can reach, really. She's not real picky.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
Kirikou says, "Blackout dashes Aurora away with her fist. This seems to upset the little warrior, who opens fire with a beam rifle! Blackout spins away from the attack, making it narrowly miss her weapon. She strikes at the flying angel! It seems to graze but... sparks? What... did something just burn out? Looks like Aurora's letting off smoke now. Could it be that the desert heat, combined with Blackout's physical attacks, are too much for the Flying Purple Angel?"

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Drawing back from her abrupt pistol whip, Juno cocks her head when it seems that the blow caused some kind of mechanical difficulty. Droids are delicate things, especially something so small -- they're highly complex precision machinery, and getting bashed around is a pretty quick way to put them out of commission.

Frowning, she slips her blaster back into its holster, leaning a little closer to eye the shinki, before turning and signalling to the commentators' booth. "Hey. I think she needs some help. I'm no droid expert, but you might want to get somebody down here."

She'll watch for a few minutes, just to make sure the shinki doesn't get back up. That's definitely a thing that's happened to her before. For now she just folds her arms, though, waiting to hear the verdict.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
Kirikou says, "Looks like that's it for Aurora. The combination of Blackout and the desert heat proved too much for her. With Aurora unable to continue, Blackout advances to the third round of Bracket A! Everyone, a round of applause for our competitors!"