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Latest revision as of 19:56, 16 July 2014

Bar Banter
Date of Scene: 14 July 2014
Location: Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse
Synopsis: So a Borg, a smuggler, and a cyborg walk into a bar...
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 222, 273

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
The door to the Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse opens, and in steps...Regina of Borg. She blinks in slight confusion, then looks back at the door before around at her surroundings. "I see. So, this must be the place about which I was informed." Intrigued, the Borg Queen starts to walk around the bar room, running a hand lightly over fixtures and the backs of chairs. She moves at a leisurely pace, her natural curiousity keeping her occupied for now. There are few other patrons at the moment, but there is a band playing some classic jazz.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
It's probably just as much by chance as anything else that the Firefly-class transport ship ends up heading in on a docking trajectory towards the Bar and Grill, and the station on which it's situated. The ship, by now visible from some of the restauraunt's port windows, is an oddly shaped sort of transport spaceship; the aft section seems disporportionately large, and the fore section of the ship curves upwards in a manner that makes it looks rather much like the insect from which the ship's class gets its name.

"Keep a weather eye out, will ya, Wash? Don't be needin' to be getting nearly rammed like last time..." says a voice belonging to the ship's captain, standing near the front of the cockpit while another, readheaded, man works the pilot's controls.

"Bar and Grill Station, this is Firefly Transport Serenity. Coming in on final approach..." says the pilot into an older-looking communicator, as the ship coasts on in to a (surprisingly) smooth docking with one of the station's ports.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa loved eating, really it was one way to keep herself sane and remind herself she was not just a brain suck in a constructed body. SO here she was perched up at the bar already, a platter of chicken wings before her with a side of fries. She nibbles at it, taking her time to enjoy it as sh goes and does not spot Mal or the borg queen just yet. Though as ever her wifi signals give away her nature.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
Regina has encountered Kotone before, back in Fall, so when she sees the cyborg again, she smirks lightly. "You know, eating is a weakness of the human body. Why do you insist on eating when I am sure you could be upgraded to go without ingesting nutrition. My drones never eat or drink or...make use of waste disposal facilities."

The Serenity probably gets back a slightly surprised, "Uh...docking cleared. Use docking ring one." The docking ring is clear and ready...as are all the other docking rings. Seems the Serenity is the only ship that is even out here.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
Serenity docks without any further hitch; it's not the first time that the station's operators would have encountered the Firefly-class transport before; last time the ship and crew were here was a couple of months ago. The ship's docking engines turn off as the ship's redheaded pilot begins going through the powering-down sequence.

"Alright, people, we'll be here for the night," says the ship's captain, making his way down into the ship's main bay from the fore passageway leading from the cockpit.

"And Jayne? No fights this time."

There's a disappointed sort of sound from the weightlifting bench set up near the rear of the ship's main bay as the captain heads out through the docking port, and makes his way into the station proper.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks over at Regina for a moment, taking her in. From her world's views on cyberware the queen's parts were ... off. She goes back to her meal there's all types in the multiverse right?

"I choose to do so and still have some need."

She makes the call to remain polite however, right? She takes another wing devours it before going to scan the bar again.

"These prosetics were by medical need, not a desire to let technology consume me."

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
Regina tsks softly at Kotone's response. "Technology has not consumed me. I chose it. I control it. It is to me like a boon, bringing me closer to perfection." she says before she takes a seat by Kotone. "What was your name again?" Regina asks as she regards those wings for a moment, then looks to Kotone. "I am Regina of Borg, Queen of the Borg Collective. Oh, and by the way, have you given any thought to allowing us a sample of your technology?"

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
Serenity's captain comes on into the Bar and Grill's main room, and makes a beeline over for the bar, occupying a stool there. Flagging down the bartender, the captain leans forward and flashes his means of payment.

"Bartender? I'll have whatever that glowing stuff is you served up last time... Atomic Cocktail, or whatever the like.." he says, and shortly thereafter, the glowing, fizzy drink is brought out and set before the man. He takes it, and glances over in the direction of Kotone and the Borg queen. Odd pairing, that.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks at Regina of borg.

"Meditech sells their hardware on the public market. I'll give you the details."

A sale ref is one she knows the danger but what's to stop them form taking it by force, right?

She looks at the man for a moment before speaking up.

"Hey, and ...I think that thing might actually be radioactive...."

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
Regina hmms, a thought...or plot...obviously going through her head. "I see. Meditech." she says, then looks over when Kotone talks to Malcolm. "Another weakness of human bodies. Radiation poisoning." she says, but seems lightly amused that Mal is just going to drink it. Not to mention the alcohol content, which is also technically poisonous to humans. My, what silly creatures humans are, Regina thinks to herself. She waits and watches, wondering if the human will suffer any immediate effects.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
The ship's captain arches a brow as Kotone turns over in his direction, then glances down at the glowing green liquid in the glass. Honestly, it's not -too- difficult to believe that, considering who first showed the drink to him.

"Would believe that, honestly..." Mal replies, flashing one of those quick, roguish grins that he's known for before raising the glass to his lips and taking a long drink from the liquid.

"Damn tasty, though..." he says, wiping his mouth and setting the now half-empty glass back on the bar. His gaze flicks over in Regina's direction briefly, and gives a sort of surprised expression at her words.

"Got all kinds of weaknesses, you see," he replies. "Fortunately, places such as this establishment carry a goodly stock of remedy for most of em.." he adds, with a pointed nod back at the bar's shelves of booze.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is concerned abotu where it may go but if the Borg chose to go by force for it? It would be a hell of a lot worse right? She goes back to her food.

"We have ways to deal with radioactive materials."

She looks over ot the Captain for a moment grining a little bit.

"I was a joke, I admit well if you enjoy it. It's the people who hide hteir vices are the ones you got to worry about."

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
Regina seems further amused by the captain's take on the situation. "I find it unlikely that any of these 'remedies' actually hold any sort of recuperative properties." she says, looking at the indicated shelves of booze. "It is more likely that they serve as both a combustible fuel and a way to numb one's neural pathways."

Kotone's comment makes Regina chuckle softly. "And those that are open about their vices are often considered scoundrels."

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
Regina's later words produce another one of those roguish sorts of grins from the captain. "Been called that before," he says, raising his glass over towards the woman and finishing off another third of its contents.

"And that's spoken like a true and fine non-alcoholic," Mal says, back to Regina's reply, giving a close-mouthed smile.

"Much less fun that way," he notes.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa shrugs a bit.

"True, but you don't got to worry about what they hide. There's some pretty sick people out there after all. Heh I can't get drunk anymore sadly. Wish I could but I can't."

She chomps down on some friens now and she thinks for a moment.

"Look there is a near constant for humanity, if we can find a way to fermant something to make booze, we will."

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
Regina hmms. "The Borg are not overly concerned with fun. We have much more important things to do. Scientific advancements to make." she says to Malcolm before listening to Kotone. "I wonder why it is that humans and other such lifeforms feel the need to dull their senses and muddle their thoughts with alcohol? It is a rather curious." she says before considering a moment. "I am sure with the right programming you could experience a drunk-like state." she adds.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
Mal gives one of those eyebrow-raised, eyes-wide sort of expression as he listens to Regina's reply. You can almost see the thought process in the Captain's brain as he shakes his head, snaps out of it, and turns back around to finish the rest of his drink, like that's the best sort of reply he can come up with. The ship's captain slides the glass back along the bar towards the bartender, and wipes his mouth on his sleeve.

"Reckon you'd be a hell of a drunk.." Mal says, giving one of those grins to the Borg Queen. "Folk like you usually are."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Some might say your technology has consumed your people and you serve it, rather than it serving you." She contiunes with her meal for a moment.

"Maybe ask some of your drones they might remeber why they once enjoyed it. Maybe, but but that leads into digital narcotics too."

she looks to Mal and seems amised at this.

"So what's your story?"

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
"Those that would say such a thing about the Borg would be described as ignorant." Regina says in response to Kotone's first comment. Then, to the second, Regina hmms. "I do have many drones." There is a momentary pause where Regina goes completely still. Her head twitches lightly, then she smirks. "Many of my drones who were drunk at one time simply thought it was fun. They could give me no concrete reasons, just that it was more fun being drunk. Others indicated that it was traditional at certain events."

To Malcolm, she shakes her head. "I would never become drunk, whatever the means. But, I will not stop you from stealthily assassinating your brain cells in the name of 'fun'."

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
"Or not so stealthily, as it so happens.." Mal replies, lifting his refilled glass over at Regina and giving another rakish sort of grin at the woman.

Setting the glass back down upon the bar, he turns back to Kotone, and wipes his hand on his pant leg before offering it over to the younger of the two. "Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of Serenity," he greets, pairing that to another quick grin.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I see."

She looks to the Captain after getting the borg queen's reply.

"A ship captain humm what sor? Air? Space? Land?"

She has to ask as there's all sorts of ships out here in the multiverse.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
Regina chuckles softly at Mal's reply. "Yes. Some assassinate their brain cells quite openly." she agrees as the captain downs another glass. She stands as Kotone speaks. "I believe I have wasted enough time here, despite how intriguing it has been. I will leave you two to enjoy your ingestion of sustainence and poisons." she says before she moves toward the exit.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
"Quite a charmer, she is..." the Captain remarks, watching the Borg Queen make her way for the exit of the bar's main area. He takes another sip from his glass, resting it on the bar.

"She's a transport ship. Firefly class. Ain't the fastest, or the fanciest, but she gets the job done. Keeps flying. And keeps her a home for us, too," the captain replies, grabbing his drink and walking towards one of the Grill's port windows. He points a finger at the glass, in the direction of the docked ship.

"That's her, there," he says.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa relaxes now as she watches the BNorg leave. "Sounds like it be something people from my world would knife eachother for, our ability in space is .... pretty low end on the multiversal scale."

She take s look at the ship and her eyes go wide.

"looks like a scrapper..and I'd love to get a look under it's hood..."

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
The captain takes another sip of his glowing, fizzy drink. "She's done well, by us. Our home. Bought and paid for," he says.

"Kaylee, our mechanic, she's got a good head on her shoulders. Keeps her flying. We ain't always affording for the nicest parts out there, and she's usually got something on her mind that needs replacing, or me buying a new one of, but we make do. Keep her in the air. Gotta fly to find jobs, and gotta have jobs to fly."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "I wonder how the computer systems are."

She nods after a moment.

"Never mess with a chief engineers or a mechanica's vessel. It's their baby, you know? That much seems universal, You got any questions for me?"

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
The ship's captain gives a shake of his head, and polishes off his second glass before sliding the empty mug back over to the bartender. No refill this time for the spaceman.

"Probably a sight slower than you might be thinking.." he replies, before standing up.

"Afraid I don't have much more time for talking," says the captain. "Ought to be helping to unload some of the supplies we were bringing out this way. Running low on fuel, and we're needing that payment to fix that situation we've got," he explains, dipping his head politely.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Really? heh that's suprising given your people are at the point someone other than large companies or governmetns have the ability to operate a ship. Funny how it goes, either way take care Captain."

Kotone turns to her meal and hoots up a net connection, to contact XCOM about the borg.