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The Rookery: Fassad vs Terek
Date of Scene: 16 July 2014
Location: TARGET: The Rookery (TR)
Synopsis: Terek Kinslayer is hunting for prey, but does not expect his hunt to be interrupted by the Hero of Arcadia.
Cast of Characters: 248, 490

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
The Rookery is a source for the controlling faction to have a nearly endless supply of dragons, of every type you can imagine. In particular, one dragon is stalking the fields and valleys, looking for others. This dragon, however, is a predator. His goal is to hunt, and kill, several of the weaker dragons, to feed his untold lust for the destruction of his own species, or those like it.

Terek Kinslayer, though a new arrival in the Multiverse, has already shown that he is capable of standing toe to toe with a known Multiversal threat. For now, he is somewhat blended in with the other dragons in the Rookery. A veritable wolf in sheep's clothing, waiting for the opritune moment to strike.

Fassad (248) has posed:
The deep valley which hides the Rookery is honestly not an easy place to assault, especially for a man whose main method of travel is 'horseback'. But, as Fassad leaves his horse on the edge of the valley, he looks down.

And then he proceeds to set up a video camera he has borrowed. So that he can record this EPIC FEAT.

He pulls out what seems to be some sort of wooden board. This is something he saw on TV, once! He rides it down, like a snowboard into the valley.

Honestly it is a /lot harder/ than it looked like on TV, and he is struggling to manage. In fact, once he gets near the bottom, he just basically outright leaps off, and stumbles a bit, sliding on his feet the rest of the way.

Perhaps it was simply special effects?

Either way, the white dressed swordsman fixes his cape, and dusts himself off. He... really does not like the dust, after all. But he smiles, looking around. He sees... Only dragons?

He ponders to himself, aloud. His sword has yet to be drawn.

"...I had thought this place was controlled by the Confederacy. Did they grow so complacent as to not place any guards?"

He looks around, not noticing Terek. All dragons look alike to him.

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
Hmm? What is that? The dragon looks across at the figure sliding down the hill deeper into the valley. He snorts a bit, "Fool. Everywhere I go someone interrupts my hunt.." He rises up from where he had been and flares his wings, leaping off of the hill and gliding down to land right in front of Fassad with a hefty thud. He rises to his feet, glowing red eyes peering at the blond human, "Who are you, and why have you come to my hunting grounds? Leave at once, and I will not hurt you."

The dragon folds his wings around himself like a cloak, and awaits an answer. Hopefully the human's answer will be satisfactory and Terek will not have to hurt him. He doesn't like hurting humans.

Fassad (248) has posed:
Fassad looks at Terek. Huh. If not for the speech, he would of assumed this was simply a juvenile dragon. Well, the more one experiences the Multiverse, the more surprises one encounters! But, alas. Now, his assumption is that Terek is basically yet another vile Confederate.

And so, Fassad draws his blade. He speaks, in a rather noble fashion. A rather haughty, and 'I think you're so much less than me' fashion.

"Ah, vile dragon! One who would hunt his own kind, it seems. No wonder such a dark and villainous being as you would throw his lot in with the Confederacy! And Dragons can be such a noble species! You stand nowhere near the noblest of them, though!"

He makes a dramatic flourish with his blade.

"And so, I shall slay you, vile dragon!"

Fassad then smiles. And his teeth glow. Partially due to magic. Partially due to how /shiny/ they are.

And then he swings his blade. From it, a ray of light bursts out, trying to stab into Terek. Fassad still smiles as he does this, though he does say something else.

"Tell me your name, vile beast, so that Prince Fassad of Arcadia might add your name to my list of vanquished foes!"

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
Terek seems...Confused, at first. The posturing by the human is somewhat odd. Then again he is used to most people cowering in fear of him. This thought is broken up, however, then the blade is slashed towards him and the light stabs out, penetrating his armor and making him stumble back by a step. His look of confusion instantly transfers into a look of anger.

"You wish to know who I am, human? I am Terek Kinslayer. I am the apex predator of my world. And now, I am the apex predator of your's."

Those wings that he had wrapped around him flare open, and he launches himself at Fassad.

As he rushes forward, he pushes off with his right leg, to take to the air. More of a pounce than an attempt to take flight, however. He flies forward with the intent of striking at the knight with one of those razor claws on his hands.

Fassad (248) has posed:
Terek Kinslayer. That name sticks to Fassad's mind. It is one of those names that /really/ sounds great, impressive, and likely to make a good footnote on his resume.

During this consideration, though, Terek is vile enough to come in for the attack! How dare he, attack while the hero is thinking and pondering! TRULY UNFAIR.

He attempts to parry with his sword, but is too late. The claws cut into him. Luckily, due to his chainmail armor hidden under his white princely clothes, it is more blunt, rather than cutting.

"Kinslayer the Foul, you shall fall here and today! The warriors who fight for justice always win!"

The sad thing is, Fassad basically believes most of what he is saying, and yes, he does have that big of an ego.

He brings his blade down at the claw. That is one fo the flaws with natural weapons: It gives you a nice easy target to aim for. Though, even as he is bringing his blade around with his right hand, he reaches to his side with his left hand. He pulls something out: A miraculous looking shield, with a surface like a polished mirror. Yes, he is preparing for the classic sword and shield combat style!


Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
The problem with natural weapons is they're often made of sterner stuff, which is why they can be used as weapons in the first place. The sword strikes home, and make him withdraw his claw quickly, but he shifts his weight back in order to be able to stand and fight.

"What is it with the heroes of this world and their rampant desire for witty banter while attempting to kill one another?" He asks, only somewhat rhetorically. He really would like to know.

Prepping himself to strike again, he spies his reflection in the shield. Hrm. An interesting device to be sure. He is unsure if it is simply for show or if the mirrored surface actually holds osme kind of purpose. He'll worry about it when it comes to it, however, as he moves in again, this time shifting his weight around to swing his hefty tail, hopefully under the knight's defense and take out his legs.

Fassad (248) has posed:
Fassad, of course, has an answer ready.

"The words you are hearing are simply the words of JUSTICE, held in the hearts of all great heroes!"

And then in comes the leg sweep. Though his legs are impacted, Fassad leaps a little. It gets him out of the path of the brunt of the attack. And though Fassad is avoiding the attack, he is already planning his next course of action!

While leaping, he brings the sword down, aiming it towards Terek's head. At the same time, he is pushing forward with the shield. If timed right, the shield bash and sword slash shall strike, in unison, for massive damage!

"And besides, if any questions should be asked, it would be why a villain such as yourself would stoop to hunting his own kind! Is it just for a sick sport?"

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
"My reasoning for hunting dragons is relatively simple. I need to do so to survive." The dragon replies, though all this talking might be distracting him from defense, as he gets bashed by the shield, stumbling back and opening himself up for the slash as well. The dragon growls loudly in response, and holds himself back for a moment, before he decides to unleash a much more powerful attack.

He pulls something off of his lower back, a small silver box. That box, however, soon unfolds into a rifle-like configuration. He raises it up to his shoulder and fires at the knight with the weapon, a single beam of red energy lancing from the weapon.

Fassad (248) has posed:
The laser blast comes in. It honestly surprises Fassad. If anything, he would expect a dragon to use a breath attack. Fassad's annoyance is palpable, especially considering the burn wound on him, andthe damage to his clothing.

"Ah, so not only do you hunt your own kind, you use such an unruly weapon as a laser gun! If you should hunt, you should do so wtih a much more civilized weapon! Like a sword, or perhaps even... MAGIC!"

And with that, Fassad moves into a magical attack! His shield begins to glow with a radiant light! He moves to bash it in, the Light magic increasing the force of the shield significantly!

But, there is another reason he used his shield. He is now trying his best to hide behind it. If things work out, maybe he'll manage to send one of those laser blasts back to sender.

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
The dragon lets out a roar as the shield bash comes in towards him again, and he shifts. He blocks the incoming shield, for a brief moment, with his right arm, as he rolls past Fassad, trying to get around onto his side, and once he has him in a more comprimising position, strike.

Those claws come to bear again, this time slashing downwards at the knight's back, attempting to slash through that chainmail he has under his outfit, and hopefully get to the soft flesh within.

Fassad (248) has posed:
Sadly, Fassad's chainmail is a bit tough. Still, even Chainmail can't prevent some attacks. As the claws come in, the chainmail is forced into Fassad's skin. It hurts him, quite a bit. He winces, stumbling forward. Yeah, that hurt fairly badly.

And suddenly, he shouts something out.


And something wakes up in his pocket. A Shinki, leaping out of the pocket, flying skywards. It isn't in its armor at first, though suddenly the armor appears on her. It is an Olbern, a white armored Shinki with somewhat of an angelic look. In its right hand is a sword.

She spots Terek, blinking.

"HEY! LISTEN! There is this dragon thing behind you!"

"Yes, I am aware, Serafina!"

Serafina begins to get it, and suddenly flies in, trying to make an attack at Terek with its rapier blade, trying to stab into him.

During this time, Fassad is turning around, trying to ready himself.

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
Well he does get stabbed, though he manages to back off from the assault and only take a grazing stab to his armor. His eyes glow as he peers at the shinki, and then back at Fassad, "Ah hah, another one of those small robots. Fascinating. They are far more common than I thought.." But back to the job at hand.

Deciding to step things up a bit, the dragon takes a step back, and taps something on the side of his rifle. The weapon converts into a different shape, the front opening up as he fires again, this time sending out a wide spray of multiple beams, intent on hitting both Fassad and his shinki with laser fire.

Fassad (248) has posed:
Both Fassad and Serafina are struck by the wide fire. Fassad attempts to lift his shield, though with how wide of an area is hit, it only does so much. At the least, some of the laser blasts fly /back/ towards Terek. That alone should, hopefully, cause him some damage.

But, he smirks a bit. And makes a little nod. That is Serafina's cue.

Luckily, despite her /also/ being blasted by lasers, she still manages to see the cue. She is struggling to keep up and stabilize her flight, at least for a moment. But, seeing the nod, she knows what to do.

She dashes down, to Fassad's belt. His belt has some pouches on it. But on one side, there is some sort of leather bag. She reaches into it, pulls something out, and tosses it towards Terek.


Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
Oh, now the man wants to break out the explosives. The bomb goes off after the dragon was already reeling from the reflected laser blasts, and takes him off of his feet, sending him crashing to the ground. He grunts and picks himself up, a bit slowly at first, and glares at Fassad. While it seems he's managed to get the man to stop talking about justice and honor and his other beliefs, now he has focused on actually fighting.

Terek makes a mental note to keep them talking longer next time, as he turns his head towards Fassad. The dragon's throat has begun to glow bright purple, and the reason for it becomes aparent a few moments later as his mouth opens and with a thundercrack, the ball of burning purple plasma is launched from his mouth towards his opponent.

Fassad (248) has posed:
Fassad is /never/ done talking about justice and honor.

And sadly, it seems that he was simply saving up for a /really big speech/ about it.

The plasma ball... A breath attack, at last! Fassad lifts up his shield! Though some of the blast still stikes his body, the majority of it is struck into the shield. This is perfect!

"Foul villain, you fight without honor! You and your lot are doomed to fall! Always, throughout history, the contemptible beings such as yourself fall! You heinous abomination, you shall fall now! All deeds you do are reprehensible! So fall, you abhorration! Fall, and let your hate be extinguished by the might of the MIRROR SHIELD!"

And, the ball of Plasma bounces back.

This would basically be the worst possible time for Fassad to screw up and miss, wouldn't it, especially after a speech like that, huh?

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
There's not a lot the dragon can do about that. He knew there was something to worry about with that shield, but he wasn't expecting that. By the time he realizes what's happening, it's too late, and the ball of plasma has bounced back and exploded in his face. It sends him flying, the force behind it more than he had anticipated.

The smoldering dragon rolls to a stop on the ground nearby, and coughs loudly. That hurt like hell, "You are a very skilled combatant.." He says, as he pushes himself to his feet, "It will...Be a shame to kill you..But I cannot abide the Union's insolence.." His right hand vanishes behind his back, and when it emerges, it holds a gunmetal grey staff...Which unfolds into a massive battle axe after a moment. The edges of the axe glow with red plasma, as the dragon roars out in defiance, and dives at the knight, swinging the axe in an arc.

Fassad (248) has posed:
The axe comes in. Fassad attempts to parry it with the shield, but is too slow. Terek, too skilled. The blade hits his shoulder, and cuts deep. He luckily moves enough out of the way to prevent his arm being lopped off cleanly.

"An axe... Hrm. At least, finally, you use a melee weapon! A more honorable weapon! So, have at thee!"

And then Serafina circles around and tosses another bomb at Terek's back. She was actually working on this while Terek was preparing the axe and Fassad was speaking.

Yes Fassad /is/ truly honorable, honorable enough to help flank Terek so his Shinki can take some honor! And he isn't a hypocrit at all. Really!

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
Yes, a melee weapon. And one he prides himself on having built. Unfortunately he's so focused on Fassad and the shinki is a bit on the small side, so he misses her as she vanishes behind him with the bomb. It goes off and throws the dragon forward. He has been taken off of his feet way more than he cares for in this battle thus far.

Another growl as he picks himself up. Holes have been formed in his wings, and blood is running out from inside of his armor. His scales have decidedly been penetrated by that bomb. He moves forward again, however, roaring out as he swings the axe once again, trying to come down with an overhead swing this time.

Fassad (248) has posed:
The swing hits Fassad dead center, right on the chest. The blade cuts through his chainmail, and leaves a nasty cut in the middle of his chest. The range the axe gives is quite a thing to deal with. But, it is something Fassad is now trying to plan for.

Fassad stumbles back, briefly. He smirks, smiling at Terek.

"...Well. It seems you no longer have anything to say for yourself. Obviously, you are realizing that I hold RIGHTEOUS CHARISMATIC FURY!"

And then, Fassad steps in. The axe is long. It takes more room to swing. As long as he keeps his shield up, he should be able to fight more efficiently at a /significantly/ close range.

He aims, this time, for an arm. Trying to stab at it. His own left arm, his shield arm, has taken damage at the shoulder. This inconveniences him, of course. Which is why he is hoping to put a similar handicap on his foe.

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
With things not going the way he had hoped, the dragon is rapidly running out of options. None of his attacks have worked thus far, even the mighty Dragonfury was not able to take his opponent down. And he is still talking. The arm takes the stab full on, and he drops the axe to the ground, where it thuds and shuts off.

"I admire your resiliance.." Terek says, "You do your people proud. But this was never up to you."

Since Fassad is so close to him, he decides to make a bit of distance between them. He hauls back, using the energy he can muster, to kick at the knight's chest. Assuming he gets enough distance between them, he will follow it up with another plasma blast, hoping that Fassad won't be able to reflect it while flying through the air.

Fassad (248) has posed:
One of the best parts of using the legendary Mirror Shield? It can save Fassad some energy, at times. He fights strong enemies, after all. /Incredibly/ strong enemies. And so, often, he can take an enemy out with their own power.

He outright drops his sword, at least briefly. Though it is a fine blade, and in fact made as a reproduction of the Master Sword (albeit a mundane version)? He needs full use of his arms for this.

He also needs that arm free, briefly, to toss Serafina a small camera. What?

Though the kick strikes, the plasma blast does not. The shield catches the impact. And, it sends the force directly back, straight at Terek. In fact, it might come back to hit him /stronger/ than it left. The Mirror Shield is, truly, quite an impressive artifact.

Serafina, of course, is trying to take an epic photo of this dramatic reversal! Another photo for Fassad's Journal of Heroic Deeds!

Terek Kinslayer (490) has posed:
The mirror shield is in fact quite a powerful device. Terek wants one for himself...He will have to construct something which has the same effect, without the need for magical artifacts. Though that is for some day in the future. For now, he is instead laying in a heap after the smoke clears from where the blast of plasma impacted. Enough of this...

He taps something on his left wrist, and the sound of engines whirling to life nearby can be heard. The Predator rises from where it had been parked, and flies overhead of the dragon, lowering it's ramp.

"The day is your's, human. I will return to claim what is mine, however. Mark my words!"

He then takes hold of the ramp and the ship begins to take off, as he hauls himself up inside of it.

Fassad (248) has posed:
And, Terek begins to take off. Fassad simply smiles. His teeth, /glowing/ with light. The entire battlefield is illuminated.

"Know this! Should you return: The Rookery is /guarded/ against the likes of you! I shall not hold my blade back so much next time!"

Once Terek and his ship is out of sight, though? Fassad is going to collapse to his knees due to the blood loss. Yeah, he is going to need some patching up, himself.