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Latest revision as of 02:09, 19 July 2014

Date of Scene: 18 July 2014
Location: Spring
Synopsis: Jinx and Anivia go fishing and have a nice chat about being Champs.
Cast of Characters: 39, 61

Jinx (39) has posed:
So, it's not far from a hearby settlement which has had its marina spraypanted in a garish blaze orange Zaun sigil, where Miss Jinx now has a boat from said marina. She's dressed in a swimsuit that is somehow more conservative than her usual outfit, a sleek one piece outfit in bright pink and blue stripes.

She's currently dangling her legs off the back of the boat, and it would appear Fishbones is not far away. She's waiting.
That's... nice?

Anivia (61) has posed:
It wasn't hard to find Jinx, not for Anivia. The Cryophoenix always had a knack for finding people when she needed to... but Jinx doesn't exactly hide herself from the occasional bird's eye. All Anivia needed to do was follow the spray paint, and from her vantage point high overhead, trailing just under the clouds, Anivia's was quick to notice Jinx's "borrowed" boat floating just outside of the recently decorated city.

Anivia's arrival was made known by a sudden gust of cold wind from above, the Cryophoenix flapping her great frozen wings several times a she descends towards the boat. With an immortal's grace, she touches down gently on the edge of the boat, barely rocking the vessel in the water as the Cryophoenix quickly folds her wings and turns her bright red eyes down towards Jinx.

With a friendly avian chirp, and a small dip of her beak, Anivia seems to 'smile' (think Disney), "Dynamite fishing? I should have known." She chuckles, "It's been quite some time Jinx."

Jinx (39) has posed:
The skinny girl smiles a bit, leaning all the way back to looks upside down at the big bird and wave a little bit. "Heyyyyyyy~" A happy smile, though. "Even if you picked the WRONG SIDE." A huffa puffa. "Shoulda known you'd go for the Goody people over there."

She does kip up though, and casually toss a pair of flame chompers from a bag over into the water. "And it HAS, I've been like hearing that you've been around but then you're gone and you never write and GOSH."

Anivia (61) has posed:
Anivia hops onto the deck of the boat, her frozen talons clicking on the deck of the boat as her dinosaur-like-legs begin to strut around the bow of the ship. She blinks as he head darts back and forth, after all with forward facing eyes Anivia has to turn her head to see everything... she's always envied human's peripheral vision. After a few silent seconds of looking around the ship, the Cryophoenix opens a wing and dips her beak down to readjust a few crystal feathers.

As Anivia was going through her usual bird-mannerisms, she hears Jinx huff and puff as she throws her Flame Chompers into the water. With a small chuckle, Anivia takes a few steps closer to Jinx, resting on the deck of the ship nearby her. "I serve more of a guide and advisor to the Union when I can. A Phoenix's place is not in a war, I try to stay out of such things." She says as she looks gently down at Jinx, like a mother hen does to one of her chicks. "I try to do what's best for all, not just one side or another. There are many dangers out there, more than just the Confederacy and the Union."

Anivia blinks as she looks down into the water, slightly peaking her head over the deck to look down at the explosive traps. "Forgive me for not making contact with you sooner Jinx, I haven't had much time to myself these last few months... how have you been fitting in here? It's nothing like Runeterra."

Jinx (39) has posed:
BOOOM. The water concusses... but no fish. Jinx frowns. Dammit.

The question gets her to perk up though. "OH MAN! It's awesome! No more staying cooped up in the stupid institute, they let me out to rob things again and freakin' be me, the Feds are a fun bunch of people to be around, it's all pretty great really. THERE'S SO MUCH out here it's amazing!"
This time she hops up on the deck, and fires a pair of rockets into the water.

Anivia (61) has posed:
Anivia swiftly pulls her head back just as the traps go off and a splash of water shoots onto the deck. The Cryophoenix gives her feathers a quick shake, shaking out a few loose water droplets and ice crystals from the water that froze on contact. "Are you sure there are fish in these parts?" the Cryophoenix asks, before she winces and ducks her head as Jinx fires her rocket launcher into the sea.

No kill quite like Overkill... Anivia supposes.

Clearing her throat, Anivia follows Jinx... mostly watching in curiosity to see if the hothead Champion's fishing tactics work.

"I could believe that, you're not meant to be cooped up in one place. You're rather bird-like in that manner. Also you're right... there is a lot out there. The Multiverse is seemingly infinite. I find myself feeling quite... what's the word... young? Invigorated? I haven't seen so many new things in... eons."

Jinx (39) has posed:
"That's because you're OLD, Nivs." Jinx grins and twirls a bit on her bare foot. "I'm just... I dunno it's very... ah." She bites her lip.

Something sad crosses her face for the briefest of instants. "I just don't like being trapped is all." Then it's all smiles again, as she listens to more explosions. A quick look... and still no fish. She grumbles, and mutters. "I know there's fish, it's water, there's fish in the water, isn't there? I mean... that's how water works!" She grumbles, moving over to the tackle box she brought, which smells faintly of food instead of tackle.

Anivia (61) has posed:
Anivia responds with a quick chuckle, "Yes child, I am very, very old. Keep that in mind if ever you need advice." the Phoenix says with a small wink.

When the brief moment of sadness passes across Jinx's face, it didn't escape Anivia's attention; as few things rarely do. The Cryophoenix gives a small and soft chirp, then brushes her head against Jinx's shoulder, much like a cat showing affection... only coming from a very large bird.

"My kind has a saying, in your tongue it roughly translates to death before the cage. There is nothing more tragic than a caged bird. You'd make a great Phoenix, in another life. Though I doubt you'd be a Cryophoenix like myself. I'd say Fire but... perhaps Lightning is more your element?" Anivia mutters, musing about Phoenix things... she rarely thinks on human terms.

The next series of explosions snaps Anivia out of her train of though, the phoenix flapping her wings and sending a few frozen feathers flying... "Well, Jinx... we're just very close to the pier and Fish aren't going to be around a human pier. We'd have to go farther out into the sea, but there's no telling what kind of creatures live in these waters. This isn't Runeterra, nor my home world, so I don't quite know these waters."

Jinx (39) has posed:
Is that color in Jinx's cheeks at the nuzzle? Maybe, who knows, maybe Niv is just really col and that's all. But the Cannon half-flinches at that, but doesn't pull away, just... surprised? Yeah, surprised. She takes a breath though. "What, don't t-they have like... explosion birds or something? I'd be that, or maybe a CRIME bird Yeah."
The comment about 'wrong place for fish' gets Jinx's eyes to light up though, and she smiles. "THAT'S WHY I BROUGHT THIS!" She reaches into the tackle box and pulls out a large chunk of mushed meat. Hamburger and chicken bits, it would seem. "The guy who lives next door gave me this to like... I dunno, make soup. I'mma chum for fish!"

She hurls it out into the water, and shoots a rocket at the mass of meat, splashing the water and not the boat with meat,thankfully.

Anivia (61) has posed:
"Actually my dear, both the Fire and the Lightning Phoenixes can crea-what are you doing with that giant hunk of meat?" It's not hard to get Anivia to start a lecture, however it's quite difficult to make her stop and stare wide-eyed and beak dropped.

Anivia could only watch as Jinx hurls the giant bloody ball of minced hamburger meat into the water... and instantly fire a rocket at it.

"Jinx, you have to give time for the bait to sit bef-" Anivia couldn't finish her sentence as what can only be described a giant razor-fanged shark unlike any on Earth or Runeterra emerges from the water, chomping down on the ball of meat just as the rocket hurls into the water.

"Well..." Anivia remarks as she stares at the smoke cloud and shark bits rain into the water. "That just happened..."

Jinx (39) has posed:
"Ah... dangit." Jinx stares as the massive fish-thing gobbles up her bait, and sighs. "And... I was gonna like... get the little fish to come out and get the big fish and POO." She sighs and flops down on one of the deck benches on the boat, head in her hands. "This is all your fault, Fishbones." The deep voice, as the Rocket Launcher sits idle on the side of the bench. "...I dunno Jinx it was a silly plan to start with." "NO ONE ASKED YOU."

She grumps, and looks over at Anivia. "Hn. S-sorry."

Anivia (61) has posed:
Anivia shakes her head and smirks down at Jinx, "No need to apologize, my metabolism works slow, I won't feel hungry for a few more weeks so I won't weep for lost food. If anything I'll take the memory of shooting at a shark with a rocket launcher as tribute enough."

The Phoenix takes a curious glance at Mr Fishbones... blinking as she eyes up the giant gun before turning back at Jinx. "Jinx, just in case we end up on opposite sides of the battlefield one day, though I hope that never happens... you're alright. You're not like most other Confederates. I know I cannot stop you from destroying and having fun. No one can, it is your nature. Just try not to do anything... too evil while you're working for the Confederates. I do not wish to fight you anymore, the days of the Summoner's Arenas are behind us. Now we fight purely by choice."

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx puffs up a bit at that, until the end of the statement, and then holds up her wrist, where a large hex-tech bangle rests. "Says you, I'm still bound to the Insitute if by the barest of chains. Still gotta fight when called on, still... gotta abide by the Summoner's Code and all that. Don't want to piss off the Tribunal of Elders." A gruff, huffly look as she pokes at the tattos down her lean right leg. "Stupid."

Anivia (61) has posed:
Anivia blinks as she tilts her head down closer to the bangle, prodding the magical artifact with the tip of her beak before letting out a small coo of understanding. "So I see... the Summoners were not so eager to let you leave. I didn't know, forgive me." she says and sighs, "I also promised to return now and again and to continue to help with the mending of Runeterra's fragile magical balance. So I to still serve the arenas, but mostly by choice. The Summoners didn't wish me to leave, but... the Multiverse changed everything. It's bigger than Runeterra. It seems my destiny is to longer serve as guardian to a single world..."

With a small sigh, Anivia closes her eyes. "Do you know how long they intend to keep you in service? Is it some sort of punishment for your... 'fun'?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx grumbles as the phoenix nudges her leash, and smiles. "Well, it also holds my fancy tech while I'm not using it, so it's not all bad. A ~gilded cage~." She flops over on her back and looks up at Niv.

"I really ought to be like... fighting you or something, shouldn't I? I... we're on the different sides. Just."

She lifts a hand, weakly, and drops it. "Effort."

Anivia (61) has posed:
Anivia chuckles again as she shakes her head, "Like I said, I try to stay out of such affairs. I may help out the Union more than the Confederate, but that's because they're more willing to listen and less... well, renegade." she smirks, "I suppose I should thank you for not shooting me while I've been out here. It's been... fun, actually. I don't get to use that word very often anymore."

With a long stretch and a flap of her wings, the phoenix looks back up towards the skies. "I should get going, I have a lot to get back to." she pauses and looks back down at Jinx.

"Good luck out there Jinx. Try not to make too much of a mess... and do let me know if you ever want to talk again."

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx just smiles up at Anivia, and goes spread eagle on the deck. "I'mma just get some sun then. And... fun. Yeah." She sticks her tongue out and looks very relaxed.

"I'll shoot at you next time~ <3" Yeah, the hearty noise is audible.

Anivia (61) has posed:
"Just like old times then. Take care young one." Anivia quips, then with a sudden flurry of frozen wings flapping in the air, the Phoenix lifts off once more.