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Latest revision as of 20:17, 19 July 2014

Cat-Crash Landing
Date of Scene: 06 July 2014
Location: Ivalice
Synopsis: After a sortie in a Zaku, Felicia crash lands it (like a boss) into Ivalice and meets Faruja!
Cast of Characters: 152, 480

Faruja (152) has posed:
The unseasonably cold weather in Mullonde seems to have finally passed, leaving the island city and its grand walls with a cool sea breeze that makes the heat of the area pleasant. The city's walls are high, and with the help of off-worlders, is now neatly encrusted (in somewhat hidden spots) with very, very large guns that seem as though they could have come from Earth's world war two. They just happen to be plated with gold, as seems to be a running theme with the Church.

Faruja Senra is not on those walls today. No, the Inquisitor is sitting on the balcony of his two story home in the residential district of Mullonde. It's small for what a man of his rank usually possesses, but it's located conveniently near one of the best bars in the whole of the city, as well as a bevy of small theaters. There's tea in the rat's hand as he peers at the early-morning sun, his robes gently fluttering in the light breeze.

"Ahh, Lord be praised! A peaceful bloody day for once. May it remain so."

Felicia (480) has posed:
Meanwhile, in space. A pair of craft sorties and commits to a short battle, unbeknownst to the poor creatures on the land down below. A pair of humanoid mecha blast eachother, one breaking up while another takes some heavy damage. Inside the pilot is cursing as as the natural pull of gravity begins to draw the damaged Zaku toward the terrestrial land below.

There would be something like a whistling noise down below to Faru, which would steadily gain in volume and pitch until... "WAHHHH!" there came the noise of a woman's voice more or less shouting as most of the body and carriage of a flaming red humanoid mecha came crashing down in the street right in front of Faruja's house, landing with a crash and a crunch!

Felicia lands in a roll and begins to shake herself off, a small portion of her tail having caught fire as she bailed out on the way down. "Waaaaaughhh!" she is running around, her boots and jumpsuit still smoking from the crash, as well as parts of her huge shock of blue hair.

Faruja (152) has posed:
One of these days, Faruja will learn to not tempt fate. The ominous descent of that flaming mecha is met with slowly dawning horror. It's heading towards Mullonde. And there's no way the gun crews can get to their places in time! It's up to one Time Mage to try to prevent the worst of it.

Namely, through a very swift Slow spell. Felicia might find the damage less than might otherwise have been as time itself seems to slow around her crashing vehicle just before it impacts the ground!

That won't help the fire though. One moment, the rat is on the balcony, the next he is a few feet away. With several words, a blue-skinned, scantily clad woman appears. "M'Lady! HOLD STILL!" Commands the rat with as much authority and volume he can muster (tiny rat is loud). The reason becomes obvious as, with a haughty look and snap of her fingers, Felicia's hair would soon be coated in a light dusting of ice.

Felicia (480) has posed:
Perhaps almost humorously, the sound of Felicia's cries seem to slow down and deepen as the slow spell effects the area around here, making her 'wuaaaugh' drawn out and sounding as if it's coming from someone with a muuuch deeper voice!

"Whaaaat isssss gooooiiing oooon?!" Felicia found she was moving a heck of a lot slower than normally, trying to put her tail out in the middle of running about. She blinked and looked toward the sudden sight of Shiva and seemed to be taken back by surprise. "Aieeek!" and almost trying to hold her arms up in a defensive position as she was suddenly dusted in what felt like snow or cold water.

She stood there, not exactly 'frozen' in place, but something close to it. "What... the heck," she looked around and then to her mecha, realizing what had happened. "Oh darn, I hope that didn't hurt anyone..." she looked back to the ice lady and Faruja, blinking a little as her eyes refocus and she notices... oh hey, she's either hallucinating or they /definitely/ need bigger mouse traps around here!

"Uhm... hi! I'm Lt. Felicia, Union forces," she grins a bit sheepishly and tries to muster more of a authoritative voice herself as she gives her rank and name.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja turns to inspect the damage now that it seems the cat-like woman is alright! There's hardly a strange look from the rat, at least, regarding her feline bits! No, her downed mecha gets an extremely wary glance...as does the scarr of dashed road, bushes, front yard, and bashed-in front door of Faruja Senra's house.

Faruja looks right back to Felicia. "The damage, M'Lady, is merely cosmetic. Ye art lucky, however, mine servants were not here and that I was upon the balcony in time to stop ye." Comes the rat, looking severely at her with his single eye. Glaring for a good thirty seconds, he softens.

"Ye art unharmed? Nay broken bones? Burns?" There's concern here, particularly when she mentions her affiliation. Faruja stands up straighter, limp-walking towards her as he leans upon his cane.

"Truly? That would explain thine magitech device." A hand flicks to the wreckage. Tapping his right ear, he mutters as he gets a cleanup crew to work. It'll take quite a few good time mages to get /that/ hauled away.

"Well met, Lieutenant Felicia of the Union Armed Forces. Allow me to properly introduce myself. Mine name is Inquisitor Faruja Senra of the Most Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glabados, Ordained Priest and Temple Wizard. I am currently the acting diplomat in charge of relations between the Union and the Holy Church." A bow, and then a crossing of his chest. He lets it all sink in.

Smile. "Lord's blessings upon thee this day, my dear. Now. While I understand that accidents happen, in order to ensure there art not any.../incidents/...I must ask why ye were sent plummeting into the holiest city in all of Ivalice, and right into mine front yard." A brow rises. At least, likely, she won't have to deal with upset locals with the Inquisitor here.

Felicia (480) has posed:
Felicia is at once inspecting the wreckage and peering around at it, to make sure he hadn't indeed hurt anyone in the crash. "Jeez, sorry about that, I was fighting some enemy ships up there and I think I overestimated what the little Zaku could do," Fel idly kicked one of the half-disintigrated legs, like she was kicking the rim of a busted old car. "I'll call someone to head over and lift this thing out, and..." she got distracted for a moment, instead surprised the rat man was actually asking her if she was okay.

"Wha? oh no, I'm totally alright, actually, I got lucky," she paused and listened to his introduction, silent for a moment. Jeez, and she thought /she/ knew some holy roller types! She did feel pretty bad, about crashing and all it looked like, especially when she noticed the mouse man's limp. "I don't think it would happen again, I got in trouble up there, there was a battle, I kinda got shot down," Felicia managed a sheepish grin. She was a good pilot, not the BEST pilot of course, and she definitely hadn't been able to master some of the bigger, badder mecha, but she was learning still. "Evil-lice, eh? interesting name for a place," obviously she hadn't heard of it before, at least before now.

Faruja (152) has posed:
No bodies, luckily! It's early, and most people are in their homes! By now, there /is/ a few local guards already setting up to guard the area while Union and Ivalician forces work out snags of command. Faruja, thankfully, has smartly passed it off to a knightly fellow far better at this sort of thing than he. This leaves Faruja free to work with the poor downed lieutenant!

There's a bit of relief in the rat's eye.

"Good, good. Err. Apologies for the ice." Felicia has such nice hair too, even if the style's a bit odd! With a little shove of gravity magic, the rat's doorway is clear. After clearing aside some broken wood and bits of doorframe, the rat nods.

"Care for some tea and breakfast?"

Finally, the rat just laughs. "How unfortunate! Always assume thine opponent is superior to thee, Lt. Felicia. At worst, ye art right, at best, ye overestimate their capabilities." Offers the rat before leading her on in. He'll eventually stop at a sitting room, done in plush reds. The carpet is thick enough to fall asleep on, nevermind the couches. The fireplace lays dorment, but tea is set upon the table with cups for four. So too is there fresh strawberry scones!

"/Do/ tell thine commander to at least notify us when ye art doing heavenward operations, hmm?" Clearly, the rat isn't happy about that bit, but he'll save the rest of the grilling for whoever ordered the mission.

Faruja pours Felicia tea first, like a proper gentlerat.

"Please, sit at thine leisure. 'Tis an old, misfortune-laden country, but 'tis home all the same. Thank ye for defending against those whom wouldst use our..." he hunts for a word, "...Lack of advanced technology against us." Indeed, a full scale invasion from space farers would be difficult on Ivalice's people!

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja offers a larger smile now as he settles in himself. "Where art ye from, Lieutenant?"

Felicia (480) has posed:
"I realize it might take a while to get out of here too, well, think I might take you up on that offer for something to drink, maybe--come to think of it I am kinda hungry..." well, Felicia was a werecat, she was hungry /a lot/, truth be told. She looked up at her poofy hair and ran her gloved hands through it, stripping those off in short order to better groom herself. There really /was/ some frost in her hair! "Yeah, I will do that now, actually," Felicia took a smartphone like device from a slip container at her waist and was already dialing in an SOS to the Union's satellite com network--if she was near any way out here, that is. She didn't think Ivalice had 4G.

"Me? I'm from America, union-aligned and all that, one of them anyway," she didn't bring up her heritage or the fact she was a Darkstalker at present, as she stepped over the threshold of his house, there'd probably be time for that later. She would settle in near the mouse man, peering about. Wow, rustic place was rustic. It did have a sort of homey earthy feel to it, however. "So, you're a kinda priest, then? My mom was a sister, actually," she nodded with a bright smile.

Faruja (152) has posed:
The tea is rather delicious, if one likes that sort of thing; flavored with actual raspberries. The rat was feeling fruity this morning.

A small nod, and the rat politely turns away to let her take her call. While there's certainly no technology that allows it, the call would still go through; Union techs have installed magitech around the planet just in case of such things happening. They piggyback well from more technological means such as Felicia's, and the more widely used linkshells the planet possesses.

Two ears perk. Faruja looks even more interested now. "/Truly/!" 'Was'. Faruja's good cheer dials down quickly.

"Know that the Church's arms art ever open to those whom need its councel, and the love of God." He crosses his chest, nodding. Perhaps a toast to her (presumably) deceased Mother.

"Quite! Since age fifteen in fact. And the title I find most satisfying." The rat smiles back, almost as bright. Indeed, he takes pride and joy in his priestly calling.

"Though 'tis rare I attend to such duties. War looms in Ivalice, and skills martial and diplomatic alike art needed. Nevermind the...ahem..." He impersonates one Addelade Flowers. Badly.

"Head church cop." Grin.

"As mine friend is so fond of saying."

Felicia (480) has posed:
Her call finished, Felicia is free to enjoy the tea and otherwise feed her face. "Okay I notified my superiors and a team should be out here to get that out of the street," the catwoman nodded her head to the doorway, and to the Zaku outside. Noticing the mouse man was suddenly elated but then seemed to be disappointed by the fact that her mom was a thing of the past, Felicia nodded softly. "It's... a long story, she wasn't my mother by birth but she took me in, and raised me, but yes she was a nun," Felicia took the opportunity to sip some of that tea, slrrrp. Her left brow raised a bit there, surprised by the taste. "You make a very nice cup of tea, Mr. Senra," there is a smile and nod there.

"I was raised in a church background, myself, though I think the time period I come from is a bit different from yours," she nodded lightly, sitting back. "Head church cop, huh? I guess that's a good way of putting it, anyway," she said with a little smile and bright eyes. "Sorry to hear there is going to be war here though, "Martial skills, huh? bit of a martial artist myself, among other things. Been working with the Union a long time, having to go stop those guys who're trying to 'reclaim' whatever it is they think is theirs," her look grew a bit colder at that, darn union vs confed fighting.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja gives a swift nod, glad to see the matter taken care of!

"My condolences. A wonderful woman, no doubt. Such kindness is depressingly rare."

Onto happier subjects, that rat crosses his leg. It takes a little doing with some help from his tail.

"We have an excellent tea shop not some blocks down! I consider myself something of a conniseur." States the rat proudly. Siiip.

He does raise a brow. That is one hungry kitty.

"Nay doubt, if ye fly such a weapon."

Faruja shakes his head. "War-torn is an apt way to describe Ivalice. We art still reeling from a fifty-year long war, anarchists and deserters abound. The twin lions of Ivalice compete for the vacant throne, and now Archadia seeks the whole of Ivalice itself."

The confederacy. Faruja chuckles. "Luckily, /that/ plague hath not fell upon our doorstep. Ivalice is upon the edge of collapse, between war, civil war, and a thousand tiny insurrections and strifes that play out every day." Seems the rat has little love for the Confederacy, at least as a whole.

Felicia (480) has posed:
"I see, I should have to check this shop out," Felicia is perhaps thinking the mouse man is a connoisseur of fine cheese, as well! Of course, the cat woman is quick to realize she is eating and drinking a bit fast, which she bows her head in apology. "Yeah, it's pretty much a weapon too, it flies, goes into space, is equipped with weaponry of all sorts," she shrugs. It was a fact of life they had to use these things. She frowned a little. So the bastiches were getting uppity even around here.

"Really? they Confed?" the catwoman raised a brow at the mouse man, watching him cross his legs with some difficulty, she had noticed the limp from before. What kind of world did we live in when even the MICE needed crutches?? Jeez! She however listened to the rest of what Faruja had to say, quietly. "Oh, I see, so it's not related to that, huh? Hmm..." Well, at least the union wasn't Starfleet, there was no bit about not interfering with undeveloped peoples... not that Felicia was going to make a comment like that!

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja, in fact, loves cheese. He even once fought a duel over a cheese-related insult, to both mousekind and his favored food.

The rat whistles. "Dangerous. Mayhaps one day Ivalice shall hath its own defenses. Archadia, nay doubt, already looks to the heavens in its lust."

The words are all but spat out.

A shake of the head. "Hardly. The Archadians art entirely home grown in the realm of 'Conquering Imperialist Bastards'. Ivalice's political situation is complex, and the Confederacy or the Union attempting too much of a claim would cause all involved to become...agitated at worst, and even more fractious at best. Though no doubt they art being courted, much as Ivalice with the Union, both sides art neutral. In theory. The truth is, I hath personally involved the Union in several investigations into corruption. Mine office, at least, is on thoroughly friendly terms." Officially, at least, Church, Ivalice, and Archadia are neutral in the greater war. That sure hasn't stopped the Church from offering up Faruja who's helped the Union whole heartedly.

"I pray thine world is less complicated."

Felicia (480) has posed:
"Well, sorry to hear your world is in such turmoil at the moment, your land, really," Felicia rubbed her head, smoothing some of that long blue hair back against her scalp and sighed, peering over at the mouse man. "Well, least this is one fight we can afford to stay out of, still, gotta admit, this place is really nice, I would hate to see it get attacked, and all that," Felicia dangled her feet a bit as she sat back in the chair. "So many places with fighting," she almost sounded weary of it.

"My world can be pretty complicated on it's own, really, we've got our own share of problems," war... war never changes. "Anyway, you've been a very gracious host and very understanding of my crash landing there, and I have to thank you for putting my hair out," she held up her hair again, though aside from a little damp, it didn't seem burned at all, as if the hair had already shed and regrown itself. "I should probably head out and go wait for the pickup though, they should be here soon," she got up from her seat, and walked over to give the mouse man a fuzzy handed shake. "Maybe we could meet up again sometime, eh?" she smiled.

Faruja (152) has posed:
The rat gives a small smile. "All things shall pass as the Lord wills it. There art those whom shall defend our lands with our lives. And we hath friends whom shall assist us." Here, the rat motions to her Union bits on her uniform. There's plenty the Union can do unofficially.

Standing, the rat bows. "Any time. Though doth not make a habit of it, hmm? Next time, simply call." He hands the catlady his linkshell number.

"Absolutely. Ye art good company my dear. Go with God! I shall show ye the bars next time!"