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Latest revision as of 02:00, 20 July 2014

A Cat in the library!
Date of Scene: 19 July 2014
Location: Njorun Station - Infinite Library
Synopsis: Felicia runs into Fayt in the Njorun Station Library! Literally!
Cast of Characters: 319, 480

Felicia (480) has posed:
Well, this could definitely be called a library big enough to get lost in. And one might, if they weren't careful, she'd heard of the interesting space twisting properties of it before. The catwoman thought it was an excellent way to whittle a few hours away in, or maybe just take a nap... ontop of one of the shelves, albeit in (actual) cat form, maybe. Right now however she was just coming here after what was basically supper for her, and snooping around a bit. Well, more like just curious, maybe there was an interesting book here after all.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Meanwhile in the aisle below, something small, scrawny and pale, with equally pale blue hair is looking over the books. It's Fayt, the Union's elite trader/mage is probably down here to studay again, and possibly get away from the office for a little bit, things have been kind of crazy there with the WMAT in full swing.

Felicia (480) has posed:
Felicia is coming around one of the library's many book cases when she nearly runs right into the short and lanky Fayt! Thankfully she's quicker and lighter on her feet than most, so she's able to stop herself before she runs him right over, though they might collide head on a little. "Oof, oh hey, sorry about that!" she blinked and gasped, likely getting a bit more full contact with him than he might have liked. "I didn't see ya there, my bad! I'm Felicia, who're you?" it's likely in an organization this size that she could have been in it and simply never met this one, after all.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:

Fayt almost jumps as Felicia suddenly pops up seemingly out of nowhere, The pale trader/mage stumbling black a step. Then she bumps into him, causing the the little guy to trip up over his own feet and simply topple over.


Fayt is now sprawled out on his back, staring up at the cealing and looking just a bit dazed. "Ow... er, h-hi?"

Felicia (480) has posed:
"Woah, are you alright there? Huh?" Felicia blinked and stepped over to the poor frail looking boy as he went down on his back. OH SHI--she must be thinking, I'VE KILLED HIM! "EEE--are you alright??" Suddenly the blue haired boy would get a rather large expanse of blue hair in his vision as Felicia crouched down and was standing over him, face to face. She reached down with white-furred hands and shook the boy's shoulders. "How many fingers am I holding up?" she put up two, which might have looked like a peace sign, each finger tipped with a long nail colored a deep magenta.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt snaps out of his confusion as he finds himself being shaken. "Huh? W-w-what? I'm ok, I'm ok..." He blinks at the hand a few times. "Um... two?" He sounds more than a bit confused at the moment, though given everything that just happened, who could blame him?

Felicia (480) has posed:
"C'mon, squeak to me--oh, there you are, you ok?" Felicia had been down ontop of Fayt at this point, looking rather concerned, and she was close enough that the small blue haired boy could see those pronounced canine teeth of her's, she wasn't human. That is if the long white ears and tail (though he might not be able to see that from where he was, admittedly) hadn't already clued him in. She wasn't just wearing a suit or cosplaying either, these were real things!

Standing up, she would try to lift Fayt with one arm at his shoulder, if he was the weight of a normal person for his size and shape, he'd be lifted easily. With one hand. "There we are, good as new, eh?" she'd be trying to dust him off too in the process.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
"Um... y-yes? I'm ok..." The little mage lets out a suprised squeak as he's suddenly lifted up. "Sorry about that." He starts to fidgit a bit as he's dusted off, looking just a tad embaressed. Or possibly scared? might be a bit hard to tell as Fayt's still recovering from the shock of the last few moments. "I don't think we've met before? I'm Fayt, nice to meet you?

Felicia (480) has posed:
Thankfully, those furry hands are handy for brushing off any dust, and Felicia makes sure to get any of the dust off his back too, walking around him. Straightening her huge plume of 80s hair back, she sighs and nods a little, not looking satisfied so much as relieved. "There we go, sorry there, I thought I smushed ya," she grinned a little sheepishly, moving back to his front. "Lt. Felicia at your service, been here for a while," she offered him one of those fur-clad hands, which might feel exceptionally strong.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt actutally trys to turn his head around to follow Felicia as she moves around him. "huh?" Once she standing in front of him again, Fayt nods slowly. "A Lieutenant? Me too. I'm a bit of a mage, though I mostly work for the Union as a Trader."

Fayt would take he offered hand and shake it, though Fayt has a mage's strength (read: none) so Felicia's unlikely to feel anything.

Hopefully she's careful not to break his hand in return.

Felicia (480) has posed:
The Catwoman does however take great care in being gentle with Fayt's hand nad gives the mage a firm shake, her tail curling about around behind her. "Oh yeah? always good to have more of those around," not that Felicia was too experienced hanging around mages, thankfully this isn't the Rubyspears Cartoon! Her hand however would at least feel pleasantly fuzzy, like her hands were covered in suede. Retracting her hand she gives him a smile, her arms at her sides.

"Well glad to meetcha, hope I didn't break anything there!"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt shakes his head. "I'm fine, don't worry about it." Taking his hand back. the mage lets out a quick sigh. "Anway, sorry if I interrupted something, we're you looking for something here?" Fayt seems to be recovering somewhat now. Carefully watching Felicia as he asks his question.

Felicia (480) has posed:
"Mmm, not really, I was just having a little look around, really, I guess I was afraid of getting lost so I kept doubling back, just to make sure, which was why I was coming around the corner there," Felicia pointed a red clawed hand at the edge of the book case. "Hey, no need to stare mister Rav, I'm just a catwoman! I don't eat people really! Or have a whip, see?" she held out her hands to him to show him they were empty.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt nods. "I see. It is pretty easy to get lost in here. I think they actually have some staff here on stadnby just to look for and resuce lost people... and just Fayt is fine?"

The comment about a whip gets a confused look from Fayt, as he tilts his head form side to side for a moment. "?" Apparently the little guy doesn't get it. He does however drop his head for a moment. "Erm, sorry."

Felicia (480) has posed:
"They need some huskies with those little kegs around their neck, or somethin!" Felicia nods with seriousness, looking around at the place. It was like it was miles upon miles of expanding shelves with that 'book' smell as far as the eye could see! Noticing Fayt's look however she shakes her head and tries to reassure him. "No no, it's a joke, see? I just know the ears and tails and claws and stuff make people nervous, is all," she grinned again, which probably only helped to flash those sharp incisor teef of hers again. SEE? NO CHUNKS OF HUMAN FLESH HERE!

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
picking his head back up. Fayt tilts his head to the side. "You know... I think I saw one in here once" he doesn't sound like he's joking, at all.

At her explination, Fayt frowns. "ah, d-don't worry, i'm not scared. I've been in the multiverse for several years, and I work as a trader so i'm sued to worknig with all sorts of people."

Felicia (480) has posed:
"Well there ya go!" Felicia nodded a bit, though now closing that big mouf of hers, her smile almost seeming like a pleased cat's face. (Just think of :3 and there you go.) "Aaaaanyway, I suppose I better get going for the moment, I already lollygagged around here enough, you stay safe alright?" she almost might have wanted to say something else, but thought better of it.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt nods, slowly. "Alright, It was nice meeting you. Feel free to let me know if you ever need anything. It's... what I do." That said, Fayt would move aside so Felicia could get past if she wanted.

Felicia (480) has posed:
With a hop and a skip Felicia is off, though she gives Fayt a wave as she goes, with one hand, as well as that long white tail of hers! "Sayonara, and all that, see you later Mistah Ravus," and she's off.