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Knights of the Dinner Table
Date of Scene: 04 December 2011
Location: Fuyuki City
Synopsis: With Arturia Pendragon -- Saber of the Fourth Holy Grail War -- and Lancelot -- Saber of the Seventh Holy Grail War -- newly reunited and reconciled, Saber brings her old friend back home for dinner to introduce her to her current Master, Tohsaka Sakura. The scene is a pleasant one until quite the unexpected happens...
Cast of Characters: 346

Saber has posed:
Only minutes after she had been reunited with her old friend, Saber had insisted that Lancelot join her for dinner at the Tohsaka manor to meet her Master, the girl who had almost single-handedly restored the King of Knights to her previous disposition. Yet, she had still maintained some decorum and reserve, believing that she had an obligation to act as a guiding figure of sorts, even fussing over Sakura when she believed the young woman was doing something dangerous. The cold mask that she had carefully maintained when she had first arrived in the multi-verse was, for the most part, gone. By contrast, what had finally brought her full-circle to the noble knight who had accompanied Irisviel von Einzbern throughout the duration of the Fourth Holy Grail War seemed to happen in the blink of an eye.

The icy mien Saber normally wore had completely dissipated, and the faint smile that she had previously only worn in the presence of her closest friends -- Irisviel, Agrias, and Sakura -- seemed to be permanently affixed to her face as she returned to what had become a permanent home. It might have been a strange sight to any onlookers; the tiny blonde cheerfully hooking her arm around that of the taller knight, all but dragging him back with her. And what would have been even stranger to anyone who had known the King of Knights for any length of time was that the normally reticent swordswoman was chatting amiably -- even if she was quiet and spoke less than the average person. For the Once and Future King of Britain, she might as well been talking the ears off of Lancelot du Lac.

"It was likewise most fortunate that my Master is a skilled cook," Saber carried on. "Even the finest inns cannot compare to a home-cooked meal skilfully-prepared. It is also most fortunate that my Master's sister is quite discerning when it comes to her selection of tea. Though I accepted a contract because of their noble spirit, I must admit that I am grateful that unpleasant meals are all but a memory."

Lancelot has posed:
"I see. I am glad to hear you are in the service of such a suiting Master." Lancelot says, his armor having vanished to reveal a dapper suit of royal purple that he wears as he's dragged along by Saber, "And she cooks? Interesting. I admit I believed my Magus to be a cannibal at first when she said she ate a lot of Raw men (Ramen). I discovered it was a pasta dish, but it was rather jarring at first." He admits to his King. With his straight and stoic look on his face, only people like Saber would realize that he was always like that, and that this is one of the best moments of his afterlife.

"I see from our fight that your sword skill have not been rusting without my presence around to keep you honed, My King." Arondight was long-since banished, and the shattered sword Saber had cut through was left in the dockyard where they had fought. His footsteps were erratic as she pulled him along while chatted back. Despite being nearly a full head and shoulders taller, Saber was very obviously the one in a position of power here, the knight being kind of half-bent over to accommodate her arm-dragging.

Ever-alert, he looks around carefully as she leads him, trying to keep his bearings as well as watch out for anyone who might attack himself or his king. With a slight upturning of the corners of his mouth, he also notes, "Are you sure your Master will be okay with my visiting? It would be extremely unvalorous of me to show up unannounced..."

Tohsaka Sakura has posed:
God smiles upon you, Saber. Within the mansion, the younger of the Tohsaka sisters busies herself in the usual manner. It's been strangely quiet, with Rin and Shirou spending time at the Emiya house (or other less Earthbound locations), yet the house itself hasn't been entirely empty. Their resident of late, Nathan Shepard, was away, leaving Sakura in the rare position of being home alone.

This is not something that the Spellcaster minds; she has spent much of the afternoon preparing a rather significant dinner - Sakura is quite familiar with the King of Appetites, and decided that she wanted to take the free time to experiment a little. Besides, western foods can be interesting to make, and getting just the right blend for a homemade ham glaze was interesting.

The way the welsh cook fish, as well...it's so fatty, it seems, but the smell alone...aah, p-perhaps it's alright, just to sample a little after all, n-no one would notice-

Before she can get further into a secret plot against her calorie counting, the shimmer of magecraft as Saber crosses the wardings to the house get a squeak from the girl. It was as if the Servant could tell the moment food was ready, and that there was a danger to it before it had been served! For a moment she looks down at the bacon-wrapped fish fillet, judging just how much time she had left for a bite, before the wards set off a true alarm.

Saber was not alone, and her companion was highly powerful indeed.

There's a crack from the glass pot lid as it hits the floor and shatters, shards scattering across the kitchen tile as Sakura panics for just an instant. It takes her no longer to realize that her friend isn't in battle; there's no real demand on her own prana supply, and that...there's no hostile intent. Just...one broken lid at her feet, and she steps carefully to meet them at the door first.

Saber has posed:
For her part, one of Saber's deepest Wishes had been granted. While she still prayed to save her kingdom somehow, selfishly she wished to reconcile with her knights... but especially the one who had died by her hand and in her arms at the end of the Holy Grail War. She had lost her chance then, and had resolved that the only way she could save him was to win the Grail. That chance was gone, and though she had sought other ways, she had started to question whether or not she should, lest she affect some change that would only exacerbate the disaster. But if so, she could never truly save her old friend.

And yet, by the grace of God, he had been saved, and even returned to her. If she had indeed saved Lancelot, perhaps not everything she had done was a waste. Perhaps there was some way she could save her people.

But for the moment, she was simply a happy, perhaps overeager friend. "Ah. Ramen. Yes, I have had such a dish frequently. Both my Master and her sister are fond of Chinese cuisine, and prepare it often... although ramen is a Japanese interpretation if I understand correctly."

In answer to the taller knight's next train of thought, Saber planted one hand firmly on her hip, with a smile that could almost be described as cocky. "Oh? Well... I have not been idle since I arrived in this strange collection of worlds. And it would appear that you have not, as well... it must have been difficult to hide your skills."

There were times when her kingly way of doing things might have caused some problems. Usually this was not an issue with her standard reserve, but today her regular defences were down. "I am sure it will be all right. They are accustomed to my coming and going, and if I am under no threat they will know that you are my guest." In fact, she resolved to eat less this time to make up for the difference. That is just how light-hearted the King of Knights was today.

Only, unbeknownst to her, Saber had spoken too soon. Instead, she greeted her Master with perhaps the brightest smile Sakura had ever seen on her -- muted by the standards of most, but blindingly bright by Saber's. "I have returned, Sakura. I would like to introduce you to Saber... however, I knew him in life as Sir Lancelot du Lac."

In any other circumstance, Saber would have committed a great blunder. But the knight trusted Sakura completely... and they were no longer combatants in the Holy Grail War. Nevertheless, the petite king was still holding on to his arm as if he might disappear into motes of prana once more... and part of her was still afraid that he would.

Lancelot has posed:
"It has been more difficult to attempt to adopt the sword style of another than to stifle my skill, however, you are correct. I have had quite a challenge, since Catherine has also been playing conservative since the fall of our Archer." He smiles at the blonde girl, not at all upset that she is keeping such a grip on him. He was glad to be offering his best friend and king some measure of comfort, and she used to be glued to his side in life, anyway, albeit less so.

And then Sakura appears.

Lancelot manages to escape Saber's grip briefly at the arrival of Saber's Magus. And he promptly vanishes! No, but more seriously, he approaches Sakura with the poise and grace of a knight who has met royalty, a knight that has felled the hearts of many a princess and maiden. With a smooth motion, he takes her hand and drops to a knee, gently kissing the back of Sakura's hand, "Milady, it is an honor to meet someone whom my King speaks so highly of. I am Lancelot of the Lake, and any whom has the allegiance of my King can consider my humble knighthood at their service as well."

The man in the purple suit slowly stands up, dusting off his knee and then smiles as he looks at the plum-haired girl, "It would be an honor if you allowed me entrance to your residence."

Tohsaka Sakura has posed:
At the door, the lavender-haired Japanese can't help but blink in surprise. She knew that the King of England's brow had lightened some, over the two years they'd had together, but the stoic, dignified mien of the Servant had virtually disappeared, replaced with a lightness of heart echoed in no small way by her own. For the same reasons?

Sakura, relying on two decades of being Japanese, drops into a formal bow as she looks at the much taller Lancelot. "Ah, s-sir, it's...a pleasure to meet you, ah...M-Mr. du Lac?" Privately, she can't help but be impressed at the tall man's size, and yet...there's a familiarity about his look that she can't quite place. It's just a little...strange, somehow.

There's a slight cringe from the Master as the Saber-class Servant approaches. She can feel the wards crying out, announcing his presence; the various sweeping fields of magecraft sensing his powerful presence like a camera being thrown into the sun. But he stops, and in a genteel greeting causes a furious blush on her face. For a moment Sakura's speechless, before the scent from the kitchen gives her the chance to break the tableau.

"Welcome home, Saber...ah, I've just finished dinner, but it'll be all right if we were to eat early. I wasn't expecting you for a little bit, yet..." In Hostess Mode, the plum-eyed woman steps aside and gestures to the others. "Please, if you'll come inside, I'll get things served. Ah, th-though, I'll need to ask you to wait in the dining room, there, ah..." Glance down. "There was a minor accident, a-and there's a little bit of broken glass, so..."

Sakura can't help but smile seeing the blonde's hand around the gentleman's arm. It's so reminiscent, and that smile...surely the reason must be...

"Ah, th-then, this person, Saber...ah, this is your boyfriend, then...?"

Saber has posed:
"I am most glad to hear it," Saber replied, the slight smirk still on her face. "If your Master will permit it, I should very much like to match blades with you again, though in a friendlier manner." Of course, she means sparring. She had gotten a little spoiled with Agrias, she had to admit, but she couldn't help it. A good match was every bit as much of a pleasure as a good meal.

But let him go she did when he stepped forward; it was a rather silly thing to be afraid of, and she mentally chided herself. Instead, she shook her head with a slight smile. "Do forgive me, Master. I neglected to warn you of a far more dangerous power of Sir Lancelot's. He is, as I believe the term is, a 'lady-killer'."

After all, if he could tease her, she could certainly tease him... just as they did in Britain so many years ago.

And the wafting scent of dinner was all the welcome the suit-clad king needed. However, she did frown slightly at the result of her unexpected guest. "I am sorry, Sakura. It was a rather sudden thing... in my haste I neglected to properly inform you. It is my duty to atone for that mistake."

As experienced as she was in matters of state and war, there remained one area the Once and Future King was truly in the dark about. "Though he is hardly a boy, Sir Lancelot is my First Knight and closest friend," Saber replied with a wide smile. "He alone knew the secret of my sex, and was by my side for many years during my reign."

Lancelot has posed:
A slight smile crosses Lancelot's lips at the words from Saber as he bows at the waist, hooking an arm under himself as he jests, "Indeed, they used to say the only foe my smile could not slay..." And then he plants a head on top of the blonde knight's head and ruffles slightly, "Was the might of a dragon itself." He removes the gloved hand and then places it at his side again.

"I'm sure my Master would not object to a bit of crossed blades to keep my skills up. She does quite frequently tell me to make sure I remain the strongest Servant in the war." He folds his hands in front of himself and nods his head solemnly when Saber explains the nature of their relationship. Even as tall as he is, a modern term like 'boyfriend' is lost on him.

"If something dangerous has occurred in the kitchen," he begins, listening to Sakura carefully, "Do you need any aid in cleaning up?" He inquires, "I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself while trying to play host to myself and My King." He asks to Sakura in a serious tone.

Tohsaka Sakura has posed:
At Saber - Arturia's - request, Sakura simply nods. "Ah, th-that, ah..." Ahem. "I was just a little startled, really...please, there wasn't any offense intended. Thank you, th-though..." There really isn't much else she could say for such a thing.

"Eh? Ah, n-no, it's not an issue, really...and, w-well, I don't mind," she added with a smile, "if it's a little early, since it's just been finished. Ah, though, it isn't as if it'd be cold..." Nothing like a little carefully applied magecraft; simple enough even if it's not an element she's directly attuned to. "There really isn't anything to atone for...s-so, ah, shall we?"

Closest friend? "Ah, I see...then, it isn't quite like that, it seems..." Aah, that's even cuter. The thought of her friend, innocent and enjoying every moment of it, and smiling like that...there's a warmth in Sakura's heart that she can't help. And as the other man denies it as well, well...

...ah, playing matchmaker like that wouldn't be so bad! Would it?

To Lancelot, she shakes her head softly, letting the ribbon at her temple shift. "No, that won't be necessary...ah, I'll just need a moment, though. Please seat yourselves, and..." With a bow, the Master ducks into the kitchen - grateful for once for wearing sandals around the house. Even if it's a bit strange, she doesn't have to worry while cleaning up - and it takes mere seconds.

Returning to the dining room, the young woman begins to unload a small tray of pots. "Ah...I didn't expect that there'd be a guest, however, but I think..." Oh dear. She can't remember Rider's situation, but...it's not something she can really broach. "Perhaps it'd be all right, s-so...ah, I'll get the plates."

The two of them will find themselves quite served to, as Sakura just can't not be a hostess in such a case. And especially with a friend of Saber's...she's more than happy to cater to her friend and King.

Saber has posed:
Only the Knight of the Lake could get away with ruffling the hair of the King of Knights, and their teasing might have seemed on some level like that between brothers. For her part, Saber merely sighed softly as if in resignation. Her height -- or lack thereof -- may have allowed her certain advantages in battle, but it had certain disadvantages.

By contrast, she was quite happy at the potential for more spars -- and with her finest knight, no less. "That will be no difficulty for the First Knight of Camelot," she boasted lightly, with a hint of her old pride in her knights. But then, as Berserker during the Forth War he had easily dispatched even the rain of swords from Archer, the King of Heroes himself. Even mad, his skill was unparalleled... and Saber was certainly proud of him.

"Like that?" Saber tilted her head slightly, the faintest expression of bewilderment crossing her girlish face. But even as she started to protest at the young magus' insistence that she attend to the accident herself, Sakura had promptly retreated into the kitchen, leaving her Servant to sigh slightly in exasperation.

"There are times when I worry that she will overwork herself," she commented softly to her companion, almost like a doting mother.

But once the younger Tohsaka had settled into the comfortable role of playing hostess, Saber graced her with a smile that might have been one of indulgence. "I will take only a portion of my usual meal," she reassured her Master. "I do not wish to be a burden, particularly when you have taken so much trouble to prepare a fine meal."

Lancelot has posed:
"I hope so, but I remain ever-vigilant." He says to Saber with a smile that touches the corners of his lips, "Your Master seems like a lovely young lady, but she could stand to act as regal as her appearance would present that she should." He comments, basically translating to 'Sakura should act like a baroness or at least be less shy'. He follows the King of Knights into the mansion and sits himself down at the table.

"If my presence is disruptive to the proper proportions of food, feel free to not worry about feeding me. When I was a knight, I became quite accustomed to not eating over long journeys." He says jovially, a happiness in his tone that might distract people from the most amazing phenomenon in the Nasuverse: A Saber-class Servant just refused food.

However, from his seat at the table, Lancelot looks over towards Saber carefully. She CLAIMED she'd been keeping up on her combat skills, and she certainly showed her normal amount of prowess when they fought. But was she still honed? Still on guard? While her back is turned to him, talking to Sakura about her own amazing wanting of a smaller portion, Lancelot picks up a butter knife from the table.

And then he attacks! It's hardly with any amount of lethality, and he's wearing a playful grin but that butter knife IS now a Noble Phantasm! And where he's striking is the back of Saber's right bicep. His movements are fast and agile without his platemail and he's able to snake around the table and get into fighting range before human reflexes could register. He shouts, "Rogue in the castle!"

But will Saber know what's going on?

Tohsaka Sakura has posed:
She rather expected Saber would argue, but well...it was her own clumsiness that caused the problem, and she wasn't going to allow Saber to attend to domestic duties while she was with a friend and ally. One who could make Arturia Pendragon smile as much as Lancelot du Lac could, well, that simply won't do.

Fortunately it takes but a moment, and dinner - or perhaps lunch - is served. The ham, glazed and well cooked; the bacon-wrapped fish, sizzling still. A salad and some vegetables come next, most especially Saber's favorite rice. It's certainly a lot more than three people would normally eat, but well...

She doesn't hear the first part of what he says, though she might well disagree - baroness, hardly; after all regal was Saber's duty. Being a Baroness, well, Rin can do that...and, even if her sister and Shirou both could do quite well in the kitchen, the youngest of the family was often one to insist on the domestic duty.

In it, she finds, there's a comfort.

The second part of his statement she does hear, but it's so outlandish that in typical Japanese style she simply pretends he never said such a thing, and sets out plates and dinnerware for the trio. And when the other Saber-class practices his moment of assassination, there's a memory of Saber's that surfaces.

"Knights to the keep!" It's something she blurts out, turning crimson immediately realizing it - and realizing how relaxed she is around such...a simple, domestic scene. But the typical callback of the game is one she'd learned from Saber's very rare shared memories; one of feasting and gaiety from a time so long ago.

Cue an immediate retreat into the kitchen. A-after all, ah, th-there should...be something to drink, as well, r-right?

Saber has posed:
It was a point she had admittedly been working on, slowly trying to build the confidence of her Master and friend. Rin had been working simultaneously, teaching her the finer points of Magecraft and how to control her abilities. Yet, some part of Arturia suspected that Sakura would always have at least a hint of shyness to her, due to a past that she was only vaguely aware of -- one that unbeknownst to them all, Lancelot's previous Master fought to prevent. Perhaps somewhere, Kariya Matou might be smiling down on his former Servant and his beloved godchild. "She has been through much... her reserve is as much the result of her environment as mine is from my own," she explained. "Still, we have been trying."

The violet-haired knight's refusal of food earned him the slight raise of an eyebrow; it was certainly suspicious. And that suspicion was confirmed the moment he seized a butter knife, invoked Knight of Honour, and 'attacked'... and she recognised the game immediately.

On instinct, she seized the closest utensil to her hand -- a fork -- and parried with a lighting-quick downward motion. She might have lacked his skill of turning any object in her hands into a Noble Phantasm, she was still a Saber just as he was, and any object in her hands could be wielded as a weapon.

A grin spread across the usually stoic, girlish face, tinted only slightly with nostalgia. Yet, just as she was about to yell the counter-phrase in the game that the two of them dared only play in each others' presence lest her Kingly Mask be compromised, something happened that she would have never expected: Sakura shouted the phrase for her.

A split second of naked surprise crossed her face and the sea-green eyes widened in astonishment before the next great disruption in the natural order of things occurred. It was a phenomenon heretofore unknown to the cosmos, that even Akasha itself held no imprint of it. A sound unlike any other, that would cause all and sundry to cease and gape as their minds would be unable to comprehend the impossibility.

Even as she counterattacked with a strike at Lancelot's opposing hand... Saber laughed.

A light laugh, to be sure, faint. But it was, with no possible doubt, a laugh.

Lancelot has posed:
Parried! In the olden days, this game would occur with a dull dagger, but the butter knife served just as well. As he lunges for the arm, Saber connects with the split-second parry using the fork to trap the blade and turn it aside. A clever move on her part and one he did not predict. As her hand lashes out towards his in a counterstrike, he turns the palm up and catches her hand perfectly.

But... much like Saber... Lancelot has a look of raw surprise on his face when Sakura is the one to call out the counter phrase that set the game afoot. He tilts his head to the side, even as his hand wraps around Arturia's, turn the parry on his part into a gentle clasping of her hand as she begins to laugh. And then... he laughs as well. It's a hearty kind of chuckle that well-suits his size. The kind of chuckle you hear from a general that sets the troops at ease.

It's the kind of laugh he hasn't felt in centuries. He exhales heavily and then says to Arturia, "Ah ha! So THAT'S your secret, Arturia. She pretends to be demure, but has the heart of a knight! I should have expected such a cunning tactic from you." He releases her hand and throws an arm around her shoulders, pulling the tiny blonde into a half-hug as he says, "Well played! I suppose we have yet another stalemate on our hands."

He looks over at Sakura and gives her a happy and joyfilled clap on her shoulder (careful not to spill anything she's carry or, you know, hurt the girl), "A finer magus for my King could not be found. Truly, today has been amazing, to have been reunited with an old friend and to have made a fine new one. I do not know what more I could have asked for."

Tohsaka Sakura has posed:
The details of the game, the mock-battle between the two Saber-class Servants is too quick for Sakura to follow. But...well, it gives her a moment to catch her breath and get her face under control, resetting it back to a suitable color. Really, to say such a thing and be quite so forward!

Shrinking like the petals of the flower she's named for, she smiles a little nervously at the praise. "Ah, th-thank you...I think, ah..." Glasses are set out, and a bottle is produced. Nothing alcoholic, simply a fruit juice, but one that stays at the table. They'll likely need it.

But she can't help but blush further, at the praise from the tall chevalier. Still...if he was able to make Saber smile, and even laugh - a sound she'd not heard outside of an ironic, dark response, and one that's surprisingly lighthearted.

Is this who King Arthur was, when she was so loved? Is this the king that led a people into history and into legend, and became a guiding principle that still lights the hope of mankind today? Marveling quietly in the corner, the magus can only wonder...and smile to herself, one deep within, that her friend has found a happiness.

Lancelot, the young magus decides as she settles in to eat, despite his existence as a Servant is more than welcome in her home.