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Blurr vs Lockdown
Date of Scene: 26 July 2014
Location: Planetary Plains
Synopsis: Blurr is targeted by the bounty hunter Lockdown
Cast of Characters: Blurr, Lockdown

=======================<* Planetary Plains *>=======================

Thousands upon thousands of miles of farmland and cattle land run up and down the landscape. From the sky, it looks like a patchwork country; lettuce turns one field green, wheat turns another field yellow, beets turn yet another field red, and it goes on and on like that. Look a little closer and you'll see racing lines and stripes everywhere due to crop arrangement.

This is thoroughly rural country. There are some civilized towns because modern farmers have to get their tools and machines fixed somewhere, but they're few and far between. Some communities here have not even heard of electricity, while others have only heard of whiskey and shotguns at best. Even the simplest folk here though have the brains to know that being the ones who feed the world puts them in a position to make unique demands, so it's wise to mind your manners around the locals. And if you're planning to steal crops, it really helps if you can outrun bullets.


Zoom zoom zoom! Blurr is racing through the countryside of the Planetary Plains, knocking down trees, lampposts, and anything else standing near the roads with his sonic booms. As usual, he's got a job to do, and he's on the clock.

He's not called 'Blurr' for no reason, after all, as his body is quite literally a streak of blue and white. What's he got that's so important? Probably a bunch of reports from the recon assignments he'd been on recently. Intel that the 'Bots can't afford to let fall into enemy hands, hence the need for an operative like himself. Even the most heavily encrypted pulswaves can easily be intercepted by a commications expert like Soundwave, if he had been listening at the right time, in the right place. But catching Blurr...

Well, that's a whole other level of hard.

Which is, of course, why you don't try to catch him. The best hunter, the patient hunter, just waits.

And that is what Lockdown is doing. He's crouched atop some sort of grain silo, having climbed his way up there with hook and hand. His silver death's head face is set in a slight scowl, smiling slightly as he spots his target tearing through the countryside. He /is/ fast, but speed and momentum can still be accounted for.

In a second, Lockdown's head seems to boil over itself. With a cacophony of sound and the entropic order of Cybertronian transformation, Lockdown's head and neck becomes a colossal gun barrel - about as long as he is tall!

A green point of light might alight on Blurr then, heralding the first shot from Lockdown's railgun. Hopefully it'll knock him out of his vehicle mode, for just a moment!

The thing about Blurr that made him such a great racer is the fact that not only can he move and accelerate at blazing speeds, but he can think and react accordingly a hundred times faster. See, other racers could only go so fast before their brain modules wouldn't be able to process new information fast enough, and they'd crash. Therefore, Blurr was the best racer Cybertron ever knew.

So if anyone thought he was going too fast to even notice Lockdown sitting there on top of a grain silo, they couldn't be more wrong. Everything happens in just a few fractions of an astrosecond. He spots Lockdown sitting there...


Then a fraction of an astrosecond later the green laser appears, and another fraction of that time increment passes and he's transforming as well so as to the -get- the slag out from under that little light, the high-tech hovercar unfolding into his biped form with that same mechanical cacophony. By the time the process is complete, weapons are out and active, attempting to keep Lockdown occupied with dodging lasers while the speedster searches for cover. It won't take him long, of course, but given the fact that he is not nearly as heavily armored as most Cybertronians, lots of bad things could happen if he actually gets hit.

There's the deep whine of a powerful engine then. While Blurr had been transforming, as had Lockdown, and a black Lamborghini comes tearing across the pristine farmlands. Laser fire scorches along the car's black exterior. The car does, however, slew left and right to try and dodge those lasers - but sacrifices some forward momentum to do so.

But he's still coming, black and sleek. Like some sort of robotic shark.

Gah...Blurr keeps firing, but Lockdown just keeps coming. Blurr could just transform and hightail it out of there and he'd never be able to catch up, but he doesn't want to look like a coward either. Besides he can't afford to let the bounty hunter track him. Therefore he needs to make sure the mech -won't- be getting up from this soon enough to be able to follow him to his destination.

The speedster quickly finds cover in the form of an abandoned grain elevator, and ducks behind it. He keeps shooting, but this time aims some of his shots at a series of lampposts near the road as Lockdown passses them, attempting to knock them down on top of him.

The first lamppost comes down on top of Lockdown, slewing the sports car to one side, kicking up dust and dirt. He's already transforming as the next comes down on top of up, and he rises up in his humanoid form, all black and angular, and casts the lamp post aside like a toothpick. He breaks into a run and leaps.

Right at the grain elevator.

For a moment, nothing seems to happen, and then the black-armored Cybertronian comes bursting through the other side, dust and smoke obscuring him for a moment, obscuring all but his glowing green optics. His right hand shifts into a hook, and a long blade extended from his left forearm, and he swings them both at Blurr, aiming to lock him into a melee!

Blurr sees him coming and dives out of the way. The grain elevator comes crashing to the ground, dust and debris flying everywhere. The speedster is certainly agile, and this time he manages to twist out of the way in time. He strafes to the side, attempting to flank Lockdown, then get behind him and shoot him in the back of his legs. His weapons aren't exactly heavy duty, so they aren't likely to penetrate his chest armor on the first few shots. But if he can cripple him, that would make this a lot easier.

Lockdown's hook hums through the air as it carves through the space that Blurr had been in just moments before, and the following thrust from his wrist-blade finds only air as well. Lockdown growls, both from missing and again from being shot. He drops to one knee as Blurr shoots him in the leg, green energon flowing - but that seems to be a feint, because he abruptly twists to knock the Autobot's legs out from under him!

Blurr grins to himself as Lockdown drops to one knee and energon spills to the ground, but he didn't expect the feint. The Decepticon succeeds in knocking the speedster flat on his face. He scrambles to get back up, and he's certainly fast, but will he be fast -enough-?

Lockdown, still on the ground as well, swings that hook down at Blurr's back, looking to find a nice little gap to slide it into and use it to hold the Autobot there! "So," Lockdown remarks, his voice like dark velvet, "Which side do you serve in this little war?" he asks. He goes to rise, seeming to favour one of his legs.

Blurr grimaces when the hook bores into his back, clenching his jaws together as he can feel his own energon spewing out of his fuel lines. He struggles in vain, but Lockdown has him pinned for now. He notices the limp, though. So it hadn't been a -complete- feint...

"Not yours, slag-licker." he manages to answer.

"Autobot, Decepticon..." Lockdown replies, almost like the words are some sort of private joke to him. "You truly have no idea, do you? Who do you serve, and which other fugitive scum are there with you?" To punctuate his question, Lockdown uses his hook as a way to hurl Blurr against the grain elevator. He limps after him, slowly. "I will not ask again."

Or what remains of the grain elevator, anyway, since Lockdown had kind of jumped right through it just now. It still hurts, though, and more of the structure comes crashing down to the ground. Blurr recovers himself quickly, the hole in his back still burning, but this time he doesn't run. Instead he just stands there with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed. So. -That's- what he wanted. Of course. "Oh, well that's good, because asking me would be pretty fragging useless, which means that you're at least a -few- microns smarter than the rest of your type."

He holds out his arms, as if he were going to hug someone. "Go on, hit me!" he taunts. "See if you can touch me again, huh?"

Lockdown just stares at Blurr. His hook retracts back into his hand, and then his arm from the wrist down is suddenly some sort of energon blaster. Lockdown seems to have no intention of trying to touch Blurr, because he quickly snaps his limb towards Blurr and snaps off a burst of orange fire from his ranged weapon!

What? No one said Lockdown was honorable.

Actually, Blurr didn't just mean touch him with his own body, but more of just touching with -anything- period. The Autobot reaches behind himself and grabs two things from the wreckage of the grain elevator: A large piece of the wall, which he uses shield himself from the blast, and the cables that had been used to pull the lift up the shaft.

The wall proves to be a mediocre shield at best, and shatters upon the second impact, so the speedster is forced to strafe the third blast, though it grazes him in the shoulder. He moves sideways again, this time attempting to flank Lockdown and use the the elevator cabling like a whip at the weakened leg.

The heavy cables lash against Lockdown's leg, drawing sparks where they strike metal, and causing the bounty hunter to grimace. "How cunning," Lockdown snaps, extending his hook once again, "But it shall not be enough!" The next time that cable is whipped against him, Lockdown goes to intercept it with his hook - and uses it to yank Blurr in towards him, wrist-blade ready to carve!

Field operatives have to be cunning. And knowing how to use one's environment to his advantage is part of that. Blurr attempts to strike at him again with the cables, but this time Lockdown catches it with his hook. But instead of letting go of it and running off, he just lets the mech pull him in, possibly taking the wrist blade to the chassis. Or face, or wherever.

"So what's your plan, anyway? You think you can offline me? Think you can interrogate me, make me give you something juicy? Think again!" he shouts defiantly.

Lockdown yanks on the cable, hard, and draws Blurr in towards him. His other arm draws back and then shoots out like a piston, burying his blade deep into Blurr's chassis! "No," Lockdown states, "No plan. Just a contract, and one I intend to fulfill." He goes to twist the blade, smiling without humor. "Your spark chamber will be proof enough."

Energon spurts everywhere as the blade is driven into Blurr's chassis, and even more comes as it is twisted. The speedster cries out in pain, but it doesn't stop him from following through on his plan. He uses the cable to instantly jerk himself the rest of the way forward, pulling back hard on Lockdown's hook.

The bounty hunter likes close quarters? Well, then, Blurr will -give- him close quarters. Out come the blasters again, and he shoves them right up into Lockdown's midsection, the place where most Cybertronians have a gap in their zolanium plating to allow for waist joint movement. High-energy photons at this close a range are going to wreak some serious havoc unless you're Metroplex or a phase-sixer like Overlord.

Lockdown has a few more gaps in his platin than most - after all, it's what makes him so much more maneuverable!

But it's also what allows Blurr to nail him. The blasters finds a gap, and Blurr opens fire. Lockdown snarls, ducking backwards, even as multiple bolts tear through his internal systems. Some punch right through in a burst of fire and sparks, the air thick with the smell of burning circuitry.

Lockdown ducks back, wounds smoking, and launches into a backflip. When he hits the ground, he's just a black Lamborghini again.

A black Lamborghini that has left a grenade in its wake. Lockdown peels out of the ruined grain elevator. Blurr is, perhaps, too much of a thorny target!