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1 v 1 on the Murderbridge - Ahri V. Jinx!
Date of Scene: 28 July 2014
Location: Winter
Synopsis: Jinx and Ahri turn to a duel on the Howling Abyss to show off what each can do to a Multiversal public!
Cast of Characters: 39, 85, 95, 179, 491

Jinx (39) has posed:

    The abyss itself is a long, rickey looking old stone bridge, covered in glazed ice and moss with little puffy critters running around aimlessly on it. On either side, there are similar looking large, floating crystals sort of hovering over a central point. A series of large statues with menacing looking crystals glowing on top stand sentinel between the two points.

    And there are, oddly enough, stands and places to watch out here, to the south of the bridge. Just far enough out of range for stray magical blasts, munitions, and unadulterated science to reach the watching crowds.

    A disembodied female voice, neutral inflection, drones sonorously. "Greetings, Summoners and Fans, to this exhibition match on the Howling Abyss. As is tradition in Valoran, you are about to watch a small version of the vital arena combat that keeps the nations of our world from falling into terrible unending war."

    Spotlights hit the two Nexuses, and... it's apparently time for the two stars to make their entrances.

    Jinx, for her part, emerges from a swirling blue halo of light over on the Purple side of the Abyss, immediately checking all her gear, and chatting up the old man at what appears to be a vendor's station.

Ahri (491) has posed:
    Meanwhile on the other end of the Abyss, Ahri slips out into the freezing cold of the Abyss. While she had been complaining about the venue over the radio from time to time, seeing her here, and now, she doesn't seem phased by it.

    A glance is given the ghostly shopkeeper nearby, who mentions something unsavory about yordles, some gold is exchanged, and then Ahri starts out toward the middle of the bridge, beyond the first turret but behind the second. Waiting for the battle to officially start, the vixen slips something out of a pocket, kneels down, and then tosses it toward one of the bushes. As if it were the best thing in the world, one of the tiny white puff-ball like creatures runs out, scoops up the treat, and dashes back to the push.

That done, Ahri stands back and holds out a hand. The gem resting against her neck glows, pulls free of her necklace, and swirls with enough energy to make it appear to be the size of a volley ball. A bright blue ball of constantly swirling energy. Interesting, isn't it? "Lets get on with it, then.."

Kari-Shaba (179) has posed:
Kari-Shaba doesn't really know anything about Jinx, but all she cares about is that she's fighting a kitsune that is one of the good guys. "Kick her tails! KICK HER TAILS!" And then flops back down in her chair when her fox-spirits return from concessions. Immeadiately she swipes one for herself and noms on it. Mmm, tofudog. The pink-haired chibi vixen sits on her shoulder, while the green haired fox remains floating overhead with a drink nearly as big as he is.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    The female voice continues. "This Special Match is set for First Blood or 100 Minions Killed, whichever comes first. Thirty Seconds until minions spawn."

    Jinx happily finishes her exchange with the old man, and then trots her skinny self out into the brushy area near the middle of the field. "Aw, really, the freaking duel rules? I thought we were going to go for nexuses." She slams Fishbones against the ground, and pulls a cocking lever on the side of the rocket launcher, loading the sharky weapons for battle.

    "MINIONS HAVE SPAWNED." And from either side come a slow, seemingly unending line of minature cloaked little dudes, carrying magical wands and hammers and shields and looking generally mindless.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    Naturally, something like this would draw the attention of the Confederacy's nogitsune. Ahri isn't among the Confederacy's ranks, and as far as Kagenashi is concerned, that makes her a potential enemy. Best to find out what this woman's capabilities are /before/ they confront each other out in the world. Or maybe they'll end up working together; who knows?

    Either way, the masked woman in red silently takes a seat in the stands, crossing one leg over the other and letting her hands fold in her lap. She hasn't come armed, for once, either. Neither her katanas in their bladed sheaths nor Nageki itself are anywhere to be seen.

    Munashi hops up onto her lap and curls up, silver eyes watching the field as the battle begins. Kagenashi's head tilts slightly in curiosity as the minions arrive; strange, is this more like some sort of war simulation than a direct duel?

Sagat (95) has posed:
Wherever the spectators' stands are for this event, Sagat is somewhere in them. He doesn't need fancy refreshments, no deluxe collectors' drinks or gourmet snacks necessary; he's fine with a bag of unsalted, unbuttered popcorn.

He is, however, watching both champions as attentively as he can. He's very curious about this 'League' they're from ... and he probably counts as 'legendary' in his own world (*definitely* in Thailand; beyond is subject to debate), if that counts for anything with regards to their League. Any chance to test his skills is a good one as far as Sagat is concerned.

Notably, he's not cheering for either side.

Ahri (491) has posed:
    An ear flicks at the announcer. "Fastest 30 seconds I've ever been through," Ahri muses as the minions reach the second turret. Seems she's happy to let them roam a bit beyond the turret before following after them at a walk, the orb still hovering over one hand as she watches, and waits, for Jinx. Dueling rules? This is the first time she's even heard of this set of rules. You can win from just knocking around minions? Well this may end up ... boring? Well Jinx would probably think that's boring, right?

Well, at least she spotted Jinx. Bushes eh? Ok. Still behind some of her own minions, Ahri's orb seems to glow a bit brighter before she sidearms it toward the bush. Facechecking is for chumps!

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Ah crap! Jinx was busy in those bushes!
    A poro walks out with a biscuit in its mouth just as that glowing orb smacks into and past Jinx in a smooth, even motion, passing right through her skinny body either way. Blue hair flutters a bit as she staggers out, raising up Pow Pow and... smiling. "AH! Sneaky! Let's see how this goes though! I don't INTEND TO LOSE!" Oh dear. And that minigun starts whiring up, bullets raking across Ahri's side of the field, and... Oh dear. Jinx seems to be attempting to clear Ahri's defensive screen, as she moves among her own troops for a defense of her own.
    Red eyes go wide, and Jinx just giggles happily, looking straight at Ahri.

Ahri (491) has posed:
    Whoops. Was she feeding the poros? Aw! Ahri will have to poke her about that later. For now, however, Ahri makes a pulling motion with her arm and the Spirit Orb comes racing back to her, missing Jinx but rushing through Jinx's minions. Just as the orb returns the fox spins. For just a moment 3 small balls of fire appear around her, and then a moment later they rush off into the minions... if that's enough to clear the wave, Jinx may end up seeing one of the foxfires heading her way. All the while, Ahri is falling back for reinforcements! More minions are required! She'll just hang under the turret for a second. "Feelin risky, Jinx?!" she even makes a 'come on' motion. She doubts the gungirl is going to fall for it.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx... sort of forgot how violent Ahri got. She manages to dive out of the way of the Spirit Orb this time, letting her wave of minions fall to the Kumiho, but just keeps moving in. Yes, that means eating a foxfire to the gut. A blistering welt of red splashes across her abs as she swaps out for Fishbones. "You KNOW I can hit you from here, PUFFBRAINS."
    And she sets her feet, takes ai- wait no no no aiming here. It's just a series of rockets that go screaming across the turf, blasting into tower and fox as need be. It's all good.

Kari-Shaba (179) has posed:
Kari-Shaba thrusts both her arms over her head and cheers when Jinx goes straight for large amounts of collateral damage. Smacking both of her sidekicks with her arms unintentionally and sending them toppling to the ground behind her. "WHOOOOOO! BURN THEM ALL!"

Ahri (491) has posed:
    Eep. Rockets. Fishbones is a serious problem, one that Ahri is very familiar with. When the rockets come streaking toward the turret, Ahri scrambles behind the structure. It doesn't help her dodge the explosions that land to its sides, charring her, but she does have a chance to think. Instead of coming around the turret, Ahri would suddenly appear from near the top of it. The orb glows again before it's sent flying toward Jinx again, thing is, its a bit different. It goes out, it goes down, it goes left and right... its all over the place! Seems this fox has a LOT of control over that sphere.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx is more than taken aback by that, really, and skitters back and away from- Wait no, she's not realyl the 'skittering' person when it comes to her fights. She stumbles backwards a bit, before turning to run...

    And then runs smack into the Orb as it moves back in her direction. It swats once, twice through her body, the girl going a little pale each time it passes through, a wisp of mist dragging itself out of the Cannon. A slow, gasping breath as Jinx turns in place again, plants her feet once more, and lets a few more minoons crowd up around her for defense. Pow Pow is lifted again, and the blue-nette calls out. "CLEVER GIRL! Too bad you can't DODGE ME!" This time she hauls off a full salvo of bullets right at Ahri, a bullet hose emptying out as she weaves between her own minions, trying to judge that Orb...

Ahri (491) has posed:
So many bullets. It felt like hundreds of them any time Ahri had to come to blows with Jinx before. Today? It still felt like hundreds, if not thousands, while in the moment of it. The fox leaps down from her perch, landing in front of it. Bad idea. Bullets catch Ahri repeatedly even with a new wave of Minions rushing up to help. She has the mental fortitude to yank the spirit orb back before diving behind the turret yet again. While there she quickly devours a biscuty looking thing. It seems to slow down a lot of the bleeding the bullets caused! Probably a good thing. Still behind the turret, a new set of foxfires appear around her, but this time it's something new. The trio of flames rush into the Spirit Orb, setting it red, and on fire, before the Kumiho lunges out from behind the turret again. With a yell of effort, the sphere is thrown once again, a trail of fire in its wake. "I came up with something new! Maybe it can warm you up a bit!"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx's eyes go wide as Ahri plays with foxfire and lights her freaking orb on fire. RUDE! What's more rude is the lashing, searing heat that comes along with the sphere this time, in addition to the latent numbing of the soul-weapon. The Cannon manages to survive most of that, stumping back past the brushy spots at the center of the Bridge.
    Bits and pieces of the structure crumble and fall off into the spiraling depths of the canyon as Jinx tries to catch her breath, a blast of green mist splashing herself and her barely surviving minion wave. That done, she smiles, eyes going wide once more. "Hnnnn, missed this, puffbrains." She stamps her feet, yanks at her waist and raises up her hefty looking stunblaster. She lances off a shot at Ahri, aiming to jolt her still long enough to open up with a trio of rockets from Fishbones. "PLENTY WARM! Heating up NICELY."

Ahri (491) has posed:
Oh hi Zap. Forgot about you GHGHGHGHH. And rockets? Ahri's getting tagteamed by two of Jinx's guns! Not good. At least one of the rockets misses her, but the rest actually impact pretty square. The vixen is sent flying back landing behind the turret with a WHUD, skidding a few feet. "Ow..." More minions wander by. Ahri devours ANOTHER biscuit, and then she climbs onto her feet, wobbling a step before finding her balance. "Good!" she calls, still in high spirits as she wanders to the side of her turret. Keeps going, is she really walking straight toward-*FLASH* Gone. Wait how is she gone? Its an arena! THE FIGHT ISN'T OVER YET!

"HI!" is yelled from the bushes as Ahri's orb comes racing out, flanked by a trio of foxfires! Did she flash INTO the bushes? Yes. Yes she did.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx hops happily as Ahri goes sprawling across the arena floor, Charging forward and peppering off a few more shots at the tower for good measure as slow, measured energy blasts are launched in return at her minions.

    She notices Ahri getting up and is just about to fire...

    When the Fox totally ambushes her from the scrub and lays into the Cannon with a blistering full combo. Jinx crumples a bit, head hanging low as she tries to come back up and around from that hit... "Hnnnggg, jeez, Ahri that really hurt... Not a Bit." The slumped shoulders snap around as Jinx does a full windmill throw, hurling a bevy of her chompy grenades into the bush in Ahri's general direction, and opening up once more with Pow Pow. "COME ON! WE'RE TOTALLY NOT DONE HERE!"
    Says the girl who's blistered and pale and looking rather ragged.

Ahri (491) has posed:
Chompers! AUGH! For a moment she has a flashback, thinking about some awful rat and how he said he'd gnaw his own leg off if this happened again. It did. He didn't do it. Probably a good thing. Ahri, however, has no thoughts of gnawing at her leg. What she -does- have though is her Spirit Orb, and its not just blue right now, its glowing a really bright green. That's a bad thing. When Ahri comes racing out of the brush, its with her Spirit Orb racing out ahead of her. It actually seems to be pulling her along! A pair of those fireballs go racing off toward Jinx, Ahri plants a foot for a breif moment then she dashes off again! A couple more fire balls, foot touches the ground, SPIN, 3 more fire balls, and then she rushes off again, straight toward Jinx, looking like she may bring that Orb down over her head like a hammer! IT'S STILL GREEN! "MORE DAMNIT!"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    And Jinx is remembering why oh god why would you do this you silly girl you should have Morgana or Leona or that Asshole Thresh or somebody here she's dancing on your face you silly thing.

    She barely has time to react as the Spirit Rush is on, pelted mercilessly with fire blasts, soul sucking shards of energy lashing out at her like so many turrets and blasts of blazing heat she can't even keep up.

    Red eyes are all the way wide now, as she levels Fisbones, screams... something wordless in rage, and launches a rocket the size of a car at Ahri's approaching form.

Ahri (491) has posed:
    Ahri does NOT have the chance to bring the hammber, or orb, down. The rocket sends her nearly straight up into the air. She hangs at the top of her flight for a moment, and its in that moment that her eyes just narrow into the thinnest of lines. More foxfires! They surge into the orb like earlier, but rather than set her weapon on fire, the orb grows! It actually wraps around Ahri, seemingly setting her whole form on fire before she comes straight down, on a FOURTH Spirit rush, like a meteor! "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

    Yes. She does get quite violent, doesn't she?

Jinx (39) has posed:
    And then there's a sudden awful silence in the middle of the arena as the gunfire completely stops, and Jinx's extremely limp body can be seen skidding across the stone floor, halfway out of the crater that Ahri just put into the bridge.

        FIRST BLOOD!

    And then the Purple Nexus crystal explodes.

    Jinx is /not/ moving.

Ahri (491) has posed:
    Smoke. Fire. Blood. Ahri's the one with the win. She slowly rises from her impact point, orb still swirling a brilliant green as she stalks forward toward Jinx's fallen form. Rather than help her up, she actually kneels down, grabs the girl by the neck, and takes a pose like she may just smash the orb into Jinx ANYWAY. The way the energies in the orb start to spin faster and faster, it certainly seems like the -orb- wants to be smashed into the Cannon. Then there's an earflick. Hesitation. A shake of her head. All the green energy suddenly rushes off into Ahri's form. She blinks again, glances down, glances back at the crater, and then her ears just drop against her head. A moment later she's off the bridge like a -shot-. No telling where she went..

Kari-Shaba (179) has posed:
So tense. So tense! Kari-Shaba grabs Kitt around the neck and shakes the fox-spirit repeatedly from the intensity of the final rounds of the battle. Come on, come on, come o--

-- Damn. Damn!

There's a crash on the floor as Kari drops Kitt, and turns to Zune. "Did you get a program?"

"Of course dearie." The pink-haired vixen pulls out a souvenier pamphlet. "Are you going to get her autograph?"

Kari-Shaba snatchs the program, crumpling it partially as she pulls it open. Stares down at the names.

Not a kitsune... But kumiho was close enough as far as she was concerned. It was another magical fox. Another rival. And she doesn't like rivals...

Then crunches it shut again. "In her own blood maybe," she mutters darkly. Followed by a FWOOM as the program goes up in a sudden blaze of purple flames in her hand. The kitsune blinks. ".. Dammit!"

Kitt holds up a second one from the floor. "Use mine."

Sagat (95) has posed:
"It was a well-fought battle on both their parts," Sagat rumbles at Kari-Shaba. "Use an ink pen, let her keep what blood she's got left."

The Muay Thai fighter rises to his feet. "Besides. I'm looking forward to fighting her myself sometime."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx... definaitely doesn't notice a single thing about that exchange, as the Blue and Purple minions sort of beat on each other around her corpse for a few more moments...

    And then she's vanishing in a pale white mist, and reappearing over at the shards of the Purple Nexus, staggering and gasping. A moment to press her hands to her neck, and then look around at the remainds of the Nexus... And then kicks at the dead shards of crystal. "Dammit."

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    Kagenashi has maintained an appearance of absolute calm throughout the entire match, but behind that mask she has been ceaselessly observing and considering. That Spirit Orb in particular is a worrisome trait; she will have to remember it in the future, if she runs into Ahri personally. Perhaps that is the source of the gumiho's power, like Kagenashi's own star orb.

    The nogitsune's head tilts in vulpine curiosity at the conclusion of the fight. Green energy, a vicious streak...interesting. Perhaps the girl is closer to a nogitsune than a kitsune, at least those from Kagenashi's own world.

    Maybe she'll have to prod at that sometime.

    A glance is given over to Kari when the kitsune reacts with such energy, but Kagenashi doesn't remark on it. "I believe we all are," she remarks serenely to Sagat before Munashi leaps off her lap and she rises to stand. "For now, however, I believe the day is done. An excellent exhibition, was it not?"

    With that, the nogitsune turns and strides out of the area, slipping off with her shadow following close behind. She got what she came here for, and that's more than enough for her.

Kari-Shaba (179) has posed:
Kari-Shaba just growls under her breath at the scolding from the towering eyepatched form. But instead of a retort she just twirls around in a flurry of tails to grab her two kudagitsunes and disappears in a *KRAK-BLORP* of purple sparks.