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Ghost Town
Date of Scene: 30 July 2014
Location: The Deep Valley
Synopsis: In the forgotten lands a scouting party sent by Gaius goes to investigate a ghost town and comes to run across the most unlikely of things...
Cast of Characters: 62, 513, 522

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Hydaelyn has fallen to this massive place known as the Multiverse. An agreement was signed with the Confederate forces that the Garlean Empire will assist them in their own conflicts but until they are needed or called on-- they are free to do as they need. After all, no world, even their world that has fallen to this place-- stops for no man.

As such reports may have come in for those who could see or had the technology to peer, that an unknown massive vessel was moving across the sky. Further reports would show that something left from this vessel and though it still is in the skies, it seems to keep to high altitudes.

It is what has landed that is the-- question.

For in this desolate place, with steam rising from cracks in the ground, old buildings lying in ruin, and old cars forgotten, several people walk across these broken streets. They look human, though one or two of them are much taller then the rest. They carry swords and lances and one of them as a type of device in his hand that is giving off some kind of-- reading.

The armor they wear is a mix of black metal and red cloth. Most of them half helmets that cover over their eyes, but their face is exposed, and tend to have either leather gloves to metal gauntlets. Behind them though is what is the impressive part. Two massive like machines walk behind them. Their a long in structure with several turret houses, 'wing' like stabilizers along the side, and reverse joint legs that they walk on with rotating massive gear that sometimes hisses out a blue-like flame.

As they walk one of them glances back at the two taller ones, "Make sure you keep the Juggernauts away from the edge, hm?" He says with a British-like accent. "I'd rather not spend more time then we must personally having to setup explosives to get rid of it."

He then looks away, "Let alone report to the Lord van Baelsar we lost one of the Juggernauts because of bad foot work."

One of the taller ones who appears to be in the back rolls her eyes. Her body is much 'longer' then those ahead and by her helm design, she seems to have pointed ears. "Really. I do believe we know what we are doing."

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise is here. She's hiding, however, settled into the lee of a building. She's watching the band down the street, her sniper scope trained on the one that looks like the leader. She's observing trigger discipline though, her right index resting on the guard, rather than settled against the trigger itself... no need to make this awkward by braining one, after all.

    A small insect-like drone hovers down from a perch, and transmits her voice as she speaks. "Who are you? State your business here." she asks, her tone even with the backing of a Belgian accent, IE Confused over if its french, dutch or german.

Finna (513) has posed:
    With the earth warm and sometimes steaming, smoking, and shifting, Finna has decided to investigate. Strange it may be, but as this area unnerves the crap out of her - even as she curiously hunts for the fabled 'molten red rivers' of volcanic lands, unaware of the true nature of this place as of yet - she has taken on a ferocious form indeed.

    A great four-legged beast with rippling muscles, sleek appearance, and a stallion's size pads down the desolate roads, sticking strangely to the sidewalks. It seems far too furry for this area - perhaps adapted to arctic climates - but pays the heat no mind for now as it sniffs along the ground periodically... and, rounding one bend, spots a bunch of armored individuals.

    The Great Terror that is Finna freezes, maw opening a little as an expression of 'eh wut?'

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The mechanic drone flies in the front of the one that has the mechanic device, who quickly brings up the device to the mechanical being, "...it isn't..."

The one who was speaking two the two in the back, with a sword at his hip waves at the younger male to not continue. Interesting the one with the device, doesn't seem to have any weapons to note, but something is funky up with his gloves though...

The man with the sword peers at the device, giving it a critical eye when it 'speaks', "I could ask the same of you, but our business here is not of your concern." he then attempts to reach up with his leather gloved hand and actually /catch/ the device.

It is actually the Juggernauts that come to a halt that causes the two tall ones to peer up and suddenly follow the gun ports, including one of them places his hand to his ear, "Um, sir.. the pilots see a.. creature dead-ahead."

The other soldier who had been quiet up to this point, another female by the looks over it whom also carries a sword but also that of a shield, pulls her sword out of its scabbard and tsks softly, "Just mangy animal." and with a 'click' from the sword, it actually opens fire with several shots. Those shots actually carry bullets and they do go wide-- seeming to more like attempt to scare.. whatever type of creature that is away. "We're the damn Garlean Empire. Stop being cowards!"

The one who is reached for the flying device, snaps his head around to look at the woman, "And you opened fire without my permission, Lusia. We don't know what is out here and you could get us killed being so cavalier. This is no longer /just/ our world."

Though if he did not catch the device earlier, he will attempt again, unless it has flown off or-- does something aggressive.

Finna (513) has posed:
    With a deep yowl, the creature abouut faces BACK around the corner it just came from. Its movements are decisively feline, yet it really doesn't seem like a cat.

    Cats just aren't that big, and their faces are not that monstrous.

    The creature is gone, but on the other hand: now the explorers don't know where it is, or what it's going to do.

    As for what that is... well. Finna starts trotting down the alleys until she finds a new hiding place - now much, MUCH closer. one would not expect such a large creature to be able to stalk anything in an environment like this, but really? All it has to do is hide behind an old, burned-out bus.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    The drone flits out of reach, then flits further as shots are fired. "Cease fire immediately." comes the voice again. Elise herself shifts into a ready firing position as the drone flits out of view before angling back to the sniper... it dropped something though, a small device that continues to transmits her voice. "It is my concern, my organization recently entered this area and any unknown forces are being stopped and questioned. State your business, in as far as you can without exposing any secrets you want kept, and you will be free to continue."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The strange feline goes ignored for now as it is out of there range of notice really and honestly when you come from a world where some creatures get mingled together like a raptor with a wyvern, or some kind of daddy-long leg--scorpion--upside down-- thing... and ugly feline is just added to the list of odd exotic animals.

Though when the drone speaks the same words as the 'leader' had spoken, it gets a look, though his eyes look down at the device. The one with the hand-held scanner then speaks up, "Sir, it may be wise. That machina didn't work on any form of ceruleum.. and.."

The 'leader' placed up his hand again to quiet the young possible tech, while his eyes then started to scan around the area. Listening to the wind, the steam venting, and the sound of the Juggernauts own mechanical parts moving as they stood there.

"Why should I fear a talking piece of equipment? Why don't you show yourself and we can maybe then divulge your curious ways-- or we will just go back to scouting over this area-- because I do not fear simple talking-- things." He then goes to kick the device (if able) away from himself and off the edge, before motioning the signal to send the Juggernauts forward.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise tchs as the speaker is knocked clear. "Shen is going to kill me... nothing for it." she stands, pulling her helmet visor down over her face, and steps out of her hiding spot. The long rifle is held ready, a big .50caliber thing that could probably pop a join of a Juggernaut with a good shot. "I am Elza Lengar." she states, stepping forwards with her weapon held across her body. She's wearing a leather jacket over a black t-shirt with combat trousers and heavy boots... definitely not a local... or definitely /is/ a local, it's hard to tell with the Multiverse.

    Any other weapons and equipment aren't readily visible, save that drone resting on her right shoulder.

Finna (513) has posed:
    For now, the beast stays in hiding. It does however, raise its head over the hood of the car it's hiding behind to get a better look! Perhaps now even 'Elza' can spot the creature... if others don't first.

    Still, at least it hasn't attacked anyone!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The 'leader' of the group steps up about then as the woman comes out from her hiding place. He motions for the Juggernauts to come to a halt and for Lusia to place down her Gunblade, though she seem to keep it at ready.

He then moved out in front of the group, dead center really. "Elza Lengar. I am Leon Aradael, leader of this scout patrol." He then gives her a polite bow to show he means no harm. "We were sent to this area to scout the location and report back our findings to our commander. I take it you understand such business?"

The younger one of the group looks at her weapon and blinks his eyes a few times, "..that is a really impressive weapon..."

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise nods. "I understand that yes. Perhaps our two units could assist each other... I was sent ahead of a small group to scout out this area for... materials... shall we say, that might be useful to my organization." she offers, keeping her weapon lowered, but a careful eye on Lusia.

    There's something off about those eyes, a strange glow just behind the irises. "If not, we can at least keep out of each others way. I can share our radio frequency for the duration of our operations, if you're willing to do the same." she offers, then glances at the younger member. "AS-50 custom, replaced the semi-auto feed with a bolt action and upped the caliber to penetrate armour better."

Finna (513) has posed:
    The great beast grunts very quietly, surely a noise that will be lost in the background wind and clink-clank of old junk. Apparently, Finna has found something INTERESTING... the question is, what?

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The younger one takes note of that information and nods, "We have something like that as well-- but I fear I am not allowed to give off such details." It was obvious on his face he /really/ wanted to share. As for Leon he gives a faint nod. "Then if we are here for the same purpose, then we should not get into one anothers way. Luckily for you, we are nearly done with our scouting."

Leon then shifts his stance, he doesn't catch the oddity in her eyes, but Lusia does who grits her teeth slightly just /wanting/ a reason to start a fight here and now with the oddly clothed stranger. Though one of the taller ones with a lance, more correctly the female catches the grunt. Her eyes peer in that direction before she then breaks from the group.

This in turn catches Lusia's attention....

The tall elven like woman places her hand back to go for her gunlance, but has yet to really do so a she tries to investigate just what /made/ that sound, while tapping her radio to signal to Leon they-- may have something.

Leon furrows his brows as he looks away from Elise Leroy, though he keeps her in his peripheral vision. "I take it-- you are not alone out here?"

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise is up like a shot, that long rifle swinging into position. "Not one of mine... that almost sounded like a Muton." She shoulders her weapon, not using the scope at that distance. "Got something... looks like an animal behind that vehicle carcass."

    Elise then asides to her drone. "Fleige." The little dragonfly-like drone flits into the air, and hovers over where Finna is, using its sensors to scan her... maybe attempting to match biological clues to currently known Alien species.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Perhaps fortunately - or unfortunately - the Great Terror is exactly as it appears. If Elise has been keeping the records up to date with Multiversal sources, such as those compended by world documenters, there might be a match.

    'Great Terror.' World of origin: Creation. A beast of the frigid north, purely carnivorous and highly aggressive. Known for preying on wooly mammoths and entire villages of people. Extremely strong and tenacious, capable of bowling over a young mammoth with its tackle and shrugging off an entire hunting party's efforts to put it down.

    If she has NOT been keeping up to date with such things, then all the scanners are gonna get is that it is a great beast of mostly muscle, tooth, and claw, beyond the scope and scale of virtually any living apex predator in Earth history save a few creatures like the Tyrannosaurus Rex or Great White Shark. It is a one-creature wolf pack.

    And why the HELL is it here?

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Mutton?" Leon asks as he then readies his own gunblade, while Lusia moves the other way. He then looks back at the younger member and the other taller man, "Stay there with the Juggernauts."

Leon's voice drops down to be a bit more quieter, "The only mutton I know of is lamb." He then pauses, "..and what does.. Fliege.. mean?"

As the elf-like woman moves in closer her lance comes in hand, though she seems more ready to use it for close range combat then for long. Lusia was moving over to join the elf, "That thing again.." she mutters. "It is stubborn as those idiots who worship those false gods."

This gets Lusia a momentary look from the female like-elf, though it was very subtle.

Leon then speaks over his comm to the other two moving in. "Be-careful-- try to not harm it. We may be able to take it back for research of some of the wildlife of this massive new world."

Lusia then mutters under her breath, "..or gift a fur rug for his Emperor.."

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise remains where she is, but she's murmuring softly to herself. She's aiming down at Finna, looking over the information being displayed on her visor HUD. "Not an X-Ray... cross-referen--- sheisten..." she racks the bolt on her rifle, slamming a Reaper Round into the chamber. "Stay clear! That thing could tear open one of your mechs like tinfoil."

Finna (513) has posed:

    The beast LEAPS up atop the ruined vehicle's roof, half-caving it from the sheer weight and impact, only to unleash a bone-jarring, teeth-rattling, pants-wetting, primal roar. It echoes down the street, it shakes loose dust and touches every nerve in a living creature, made of very edible meat. The lizard mind will not be pleased.

    But then the beast just LEAPS, straight atop one of the Juggernauts, and then... uses it as a springboard to vault into an abandoned building on the other side of the street, crashing right through what's left of some glass panes and NOT giving a crap about any of the shards.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Leon hears what the woman has to say and goes to repeat that back to his own, but by then the massive feline has moved and that roar causes them all to actually slightly get down. When it leaps for the Juggernaut, it nearly knocks it over, the Magitek machine having to quickly ride itself before attempting to turn around, with the gun ports going to face for the direction that it ran into.

Yet Leon yells as soon has he can, "Do not fire! I repeat! Do not fire!"

Thankfully, the Juggernauts do not, but they are indeed /aimed/ to do just that.

Leon shakes his head slightly before snarling his teeth a bit. "Tch. At least its now gone.. hopefully.. but this area is probably not going to be safe with it stalking around." Leon twirls his sword before shealthing it once more. He then looks over to Elise Leroy, "I do not know what that was, but you seem too know."

He looks at her dead on. "So if you could explain?"

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise tracks the beasts leap, but can't get a shot on it, so slings her rifle over her shoulder, letting it rest on the strap, beside the large warhammer. She then pulls out her Datapad, and pulls up the drones' info view. She turns to show it to Leon. "Crossreferenced a database we acquired... that thing comes from one of the Multiverse worlds known as Creation..." all the information in the database scrolls across the screen, listing average weight, height, fur colours and hunting grounds. "It pays to know what you're getting into, especially in my line of work."

Finna (513) has posed:
    How she didn't get shot at, Finna can only guess at bewilderedly. At least the roar seemed to have bought enough time to manage her quick escape. Not as though she dfancied a run-in with people she had no real business with!

    But now she's interested in these soldiers, and that one with the strange technology. So her flesh shifts and shrinks in a strangely unsettling, rippling fashion, exchanging a predator's heavy body for a bird's light bones, fur for feathers... soon, a red-tailed hawk flies out a different window with a shriek - perhaps it was startled by the Great Terror?! ... maybe.

    Most things would be.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Leon reads over the information, but his brows furrow behind his helm. He gives a gentle shake of his head, before he focuses again. "Sorry.. some of us.. have not gotten use to the transition.." He then crosses his arms over his chest. "..But I see... Its out of its environment then." He looks toward where the beast has gone. "Curious."

Leon then looks over to Lusia. "Lusia. Take back our team to the ship. I am going to remain here with Elise Lengar for a bit longer."

Lusia seems stunned by this. "A-are you sure... sir? What should I tell the Legatus?"

Leon then looks away. "The truth." Before he then turns to look to Elise, "Shall we go after it?"

As Lusia starts to give orders for everyone to head back, the younger member comes over, he gives the data-pad a look over from where he stands before he speaks up, "Sir." He then takes something from one of his pouches before he hands it to Leon. It looks like an attachment of some kind... "Take this with you. It has been augmented to be able to cast a sleep spell. If-- what I heard is right and its not from here. Maybe.."

Leon raises a brow and takes the augmented piece, before attaching it to his lower armor guard. It keeps on and then the lines on it glow for a moment. "I understand. Thanks."

The youngest member gives a nod, before he starts to head off after the others.

Leon then hears the shriek, which catches his attention and he looks toward the bird itself. "..where we come from, we have some dangerous creatures of our own.. though some also have.. an ability for magic."

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise nods. "We should at least find if it's nesting somewhere or is simply lost... I'm acquainted with a group that tames large beasts to act as mounts, huge wolves the size of a rhinoceros." The shrill cry of a bird draws Elise's attention, a different weapon being drawn this time. A fairly standard pistol, .45caliber... it's a big, blocky, stocky thing, far too large for the woman's hands. She tracks it for a moment, but then lets it go, holstering her weapon inside her jacket, where it came from. "Magic? I've been on the receiving end of my fair share so far... dangerous, unpredicable stuff, Give me a good firearm, at least you /know/ that will kill something."

Finna (513) has posed:
    No reason to shoot the bird, it's probably more scared of the strange people down below than they are of it! ... right?

    The bird stays WARILY away from the building it just vacated and seems to be paying those on the ground no mind whatsoever. ... Though Finna is using its keen, rodent-huntin eyes to get a VERY good look at all of that gear. and the displays.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Leon allows for Elza Lengar to lead, as he tests the new magitek augmentation to his armor as it sparks a bit of a light before it fades. "Aye, it is dangerous at that. We-- being our people, have been dealing with it for some time. We created our technology to give us the ability to not only use it ourselves-- but-- to fight those who wield it."

"As they have proven when we have faced them, that some of their spells can stop our bullets cold.. but not a shot from a magitek blaster.. or even a cannon at that." Leon does grin slightly, "But I do agree, a weapon either it be sword or such as that you used is-- something that I know wont backfire.. and if it does.. it be by my own folly of not proper maintenance."

The other troops have left, or are leaving at least. They seem to be heading back to a much smaller airship then the one they left-- where-ever it may be. As for Leon's own gear its is fairly simple. The shield /seems/ like a normal shield and the sword has a barrel on it for bullets. The only thing to note about the armor was the little indents and edges where things seem to be attached or could be attached at.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elza puts the Pad away, tucking it into an armoured little 'pocket' in her jacket. The rounded shell of a grenade peeks out for a moment before she lets the fabric fall back into place. "It seems we have a similar philosophy. Perhaps my organization could work with your... Empire, did you say?" she offers, before pulling that hammer off her back, stalking towards the building that the Great Terror fled into.

Finna (513) has posed:
    This hasn't gone quite as Finna had hoped, but she's making the most of it. Filing away knowledge of an empire from afar in the same situation as the Haslanti, and these strange weapons and gadgets... perhaps she should swipe one of them!

    Circling about, she gives the much smaller group a good peer for anything relatively loose and interesting...

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Leon continues to walk with Elza and when she asks him the question, he looks at her for a moment before he glances off to the side. "I sadly can not answer such." He then looks back over to her, before his eyes scan the area once more. "Only the Legatus can make that choice. I am just one of the lower ranks." He admits. "Though.. that may change one day."

Leon then pauses for a moment as he looks at one of the old ruined vehicle. He kicks the old rubber tire gently with his metal armored boot. "I wonder what conspired here." He admits softly. "..I wonder if it was like what nearly happened to all of us.." He then looks back to Elza, "..As for the Empire-- it is known as the Garlean Empire. We were.. still are.. at war with the citizens of Eorzea.. a region ruled by Three city-states. Three city-states the are ruled by false gods and mad kings." He sounds very honest by those words. Believing in them honestly and truthfully.

Leon though continues to ignore the circling bird. Its just a /bird/ after all. Either of them could easily pop it out of the skies he figures.


Back at the airship which is made of a white colored metal and red armor plating. Something that looks like it belongs in a sci-fi setting more then that of a fantasy really. The group that with Leon stands there speaking to another group that has formed in. Amongst them is a man in dark armor from head to toe and 'horns' that are at the side of his helm.

A menacing figure compared to those who surround him. He gives a gentle nod and his gaze seems to go to where the group had come from....

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elza shrugs a little. "I witheld some information. My organization is known as XCOM. eXtraterrestrial COMbat unit. My world is being invaded by a vast force of extraterrestrials... aliens from across space." she returns. "They abduct civilians and terrorize our cities... but we don't know what they actually want. With their technology, they could have overwhelmed us with little effort..." she continues walking towards where the building where the Great Terror escaped to, pistol held ready, and a second weapon being drawn from a different holster. It's pure white, and crackles subtly with electrical power.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Something about the figure that just made an appearance on the distant airship unsettles the bird... though for anyone on the ground, who knows what that is. Finna screeches and pulls away towards a rooftop... nothing big going on here for now.

    But she uses the opportunity to get another good look at the two speaking below and any interesting things that might e worth nabbing...

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Leon continues to follow Elza easily and listens to her side of the story. Including the name of the ones she works for and what they are trying to deal with. It was something he could report back to his commander on. Surly the Legatus would be interested in such!

"I see, Xcom. Interesting name for such an organization, though fitting for what you deal with." The imperial soldier admits. "Though I admit, we do know what space is, but-- I never realized such things could come from its vastness. Yet you dealing with the troubles from space, sounds much like the troubles we deal with called Prmals that-- come from a more internal source fed by beings we call Beast Men."

Leon then goes to continue but he hear the ring in his com, his hand reaches up to tap the side of the helm. When he hears the voice, his foot quickly comes to a stop. "Yes M'lord?"

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elza peeks into the building, looking around for anything that might indicate a nest or the creature itself. "Looks clear from here." she offers, then glances back. "If you need to go, don't let me stop you, I wouldn't want you getting in trouble with your superiors." she says to Leon, turning and offering a salute. "I can offer a sub-frequency my organization uses for field operations with Multiversal Assets. It is keylocked so only authorized personnel can access it... however my organization accepts help from all sources. We only ask that if you do assist us, you leave the factional squabbling at the door."

Finna (513) has posed:
    The hawk teeters on the building's edge, talons gripping tightly as it spreads its wings. having gone pretty unnoticed for quite a while, it has a great opportunity indeed!

    It cants left, leans right, tests the wind... and then... LEAP.

    So, well, it doesn't have the best opportunity for a high-speed dive, but it DOES have some tremendous speed. Showing an UNCANNY amount of aerial maueverability even for a bird of prey, the creature swoops in like a lightning bolt, talons outstretched to try and grasp the Arc Thrower right around its trigger grip and haul off with it. If she has to nip or lightly scratch up Elise to shake her loose, she'll try!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Leon watches Elza as he handles the call on his end, the words are kept quiet and to himself, though when he brings his hand down he gives her a nod. "I am sorry for leaving you here alone. Do becareful and I'll inform M'lord of what you have to offer. Perhaps-- he would be willing to come here and speak with you personally so such things can be arranged."

Leon then steps away, "But it is his choice, as he speaks for the Emperor while out here." Then the soldier makes his way back to the group unaware that soon a bird decides to get the jump on poor Elza...

..or maybe its poor bird!