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Battle of Time and Dreams
Date of Scene: 01 August 2014
Location: A Quiet World
Synopsis: Mizuki faces off against Faruja. Time vs. Time! Faith vs. Heresy! All of this brought to you from the temporal pinnacle of Mizuki's home.
Thanks to: To Faruja, for being an awesome opponent.
Cast of Characters: 152, 183

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    If you're here, then you know that Mizuki has a flair for the dramatic. So where do you think she would choose to fight Faruja, a fellow user of the not-quite element of 'time' for a duel? If your guess was 'the top of her freaking clock tower', then you, sir or madame, would be correct.

    After leading the pious nezumi up a flight of stairs concealed behind one of the massive portraits that line the wall, Faruja would find himself... at one of the most heretical locations in the entire Multiverse, probably. That grating feeling of strangeness and, quite possibly, disconnection from his lord Faram that was there during his initial visit is there still, and the sky still looks as though it's been broken into several different pieces. Callia and palora are here, too, standing at the top right and top left of the impromptu arena respectively, hands folded neatly behind their backs and eyes alert.

    After some monologue rich in verbosity and cryptic good humor, Mizuki walks to the eastern side of the field. In her backdrop is the beautiful yet intimidating amber sky of twilight, and behind Faruja is the blue, beautiful sky of 'normalcy'. No doubt another attempt at symbolism on her part, choosing to begin there. Summoning forth her sword, she grips its hilt firmly with her left hand and rests the other portion of the blade in her right, holding horizontally as her form emits a few pulses of bright white-yellow light. These rays at least appear to call forth a number of metallic nodes that spike into the temporal pinnacle, joining themselves together with lines of black lightning. With an exhale, she lowers her sword and assumes a fighting stance, but not before a few more words.

    "This, my friend," She uses her free hand to gesture around herself, "is my arena of choice for meaningful battles. I suppose you can see why, yes? But I would like to say also that, in the interest of fairness and because I know we both wish to hone our unique skills, I've stolen from us both the power to conjure attacks and objects with our minds. This effect will lift as soon as one of us collapses, but until then, this barrier will remain in place. Fear it not -- it will only hurt you if you make contact with it~.

    She doesn't move to strike just yet; she wants to make sure he's got all that first.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja's always felt /strange/ in this place. But atop this tower? Even the presence of the three, whom he quite likes, isn't enough to keep him polite about his feelings.

"...Lord in heaven, what Heresy hath begotten this place!? I aught see it cleansed." Spits the rat, crossing his chest. Oh yes. /This/ has gotten his fur on end.

Deep breath. The rat already has his own blade drawn from his cane, Blaze Gun in the other as they form a cross.

"Agreed. 'Tis the honorable thing. A most curious spell indeed. For now, however, let us do this properly."

Faruja bows. "Lady Mizuki, I, Temple Wizard Faruja Senra of the Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glabados, do hereby accept thine challenge to dueling before the All-Seeing Eyes of Almight God. May He keep us both safe during this most holy and righteous contest of arms. Amen!"

"En garde, M'Lady!"

With that warning, space twists around Faruja in a flash of blue, putting him not inches away from the woman. Rather than start off spectacularly, he instead chooses to test her physical defenses; a light cut towards the cheek with his blade. The rat moves competently, but he's hardly a grandmaster, favoring light cuts and fencer-like strikes with his light sword.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki watches Faruja closely. Her expression is the same as always, which may serve to cement that feeling of unease. But instead of moving, speaking, or doing much of anything as he accepts her challenge with a wordy ramble of his own, she just... watches. Those red orbs of her follow him as would the eyes of one of those paintings mounted on the walls of a haunted house, and even as he zips forward in that flash of blue, she doesn't budge an inch.

    But still, somehow, she is nowhere to be found when he arrives at the end of his teleport. No, she's... behind him! Suddenly, the nezumi would feel an almost literal blanket of time radiation fall upon his head, and then quite possibly... a jab at his right side. The rapier thrusts forward, as blades of that make are wont to do, and regardless of the result, Mizuki would literally twirl backward and get back into a fitting position. When he's had ample time to turn around, she would address him again.

    "A teleport, I presume?" She smiles. "I should think I would have seen you had you tried to make that spatial jump with something temporal in nature." After a brief pause, she continues. "But you had asked what 'heresy' had befallen my home? Well. It is, of course, the ultimate heresy; it is what mortals were never meant to have, that which the Tower of Babel was meant to reach. So of course it feels wrong -- it is a haven of a different place, time, and kind... and it exists nowhere outside of your mind."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Blinking, the rat can't help but smile. Not bad. Not bad at all. Faruja peers behind him just in time to avoid an utter skewering, twisting aside on his good leg as armor and body alike are scored! There's a small line of red along his side.

"A true Time Mage, M'Lady, commands the forces of time and space alike. Both art equally important, and indeed, one and the same."

Faruja visibly shivers as Mizuki explains. "A playground of the mind, to lose ones' self in imagination rather than the grounded forces of other worlds." A shake of the head. This place can be pleasant. At the end of the day, it's a massive trap for the pious.

Yet somehow fitting for the young lady.

Speaking of time, Faruja decides to test his time prowess against an equal. It's a simple spell, hardly more than a gesture and a few words for the rat. For now, he simply attempts to slow time around the young woman, that old primordial force starting to grow sluggish as Faruja's will flows through his mana. A clockface appears, the spell trying to draw Mizuki into it's slowing arms.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki visibly winces as she sees the clock come into being before her, the coy smile that so often dominates her countenance waning for a moment or two. "Well played, Faruja." She waves a hand in front of her twice quickly - but not quite so quickly as she expects - to observe the damage dealt by Faruja's spell. Afterwards, she grimaces a little. "To feel the weight of time like this is quite dangerous, for one who does not understand the concept of mortality." Suddenly, her wings emerge from her back and she takes to the sky, hovering a few feet above the ground.

    "But alas, something that can be mitigated with imagination." Her smile returns. "Mind over matter in all things! The loss of moments is as nothing before the limitless expanse of cause and effect that is infinity, my friend!" She throws out one of her stasis fields - though probably less stasis and more speed, in this case - and flies through it, aiming herself as a bullet toward Faruja. This time, the attack is aimed at his shoulder, though Faruja's slow regains its effectiveness on the young lady just in time for it to weaken the impact.

Faruja (152) has posed:
There's an incline of his head to the woman. "'Tis an enlightening thing, the knowledge that all but the Lord Himself might perish. Every moment, mine dear, nay longer how many ye may possess is precious and aught be remembered. Particularly those spent with friends." He smiles here warmly, despite the adrenaline and pain of a fight. Then again, the warlike rat may well only like the girl more for fighting with him.

Wings! "...Remind me to come up with some apt angelic metaphOOMPH!" The slow spell might keep him from becoming a half-broke rat, but it /does/ sure hurt! Out of a Templaric instinct to Catch Falling Maidens, the rat ends up getting caught right in the stomach. Fortunately, plate mail too softens the blow, and the denting 'thwump' of flesh on metal as the soaring Mizuki slams into him can easily be heard.

"Now, now! Urgh...such heavy thoughts oft lead ones wings to fail spectacularly."

Wiggling in Mizuki's bullet-streaking-grasp, the rat tries to plant his good leg's foot upon the back of her head with a bit of teleportation magic, and /lots/ of wiggling. Then, he very simply stands up with all of his weight.

"Oh Lord in heaven, may the Sinner weap with the weight of their crimes. Gravity."

Mizuki would find powerful compressing balls of black gravity growing atop her wings, trying to force them and her into the ground! Nevermind that the rat's meager weight seems to increase right upon the tips of his clawed toes with every passing second, as if the rat seems to crash poor Mizuki face-first into the top of the tower!

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    As she rushes past Faruja, she's content enough to smile too. "Ahaha. I, too, have sought some dramatic metaphor or thing to say when sprouting my wings. It's a lovely, regal display, and it needs something equally lovely to complement..." She blinks, feeling a significant weight on her back. "... it?" She tilts her head just in time to catch a glimpse of the rat priest... before she hears the final words of his incantation for gravity. Immediately, she takes a nosedive, falling fast toward the ground. Not only was she completely unprepared for this, but she was also pretty high in the sky... which makes it all the more painful when her face collides with the imagination brick of her beloved home. Thankfully, though, blood and teeth don't go flying, but rather a whimsical flourish of cerulean sparks.

    "V-Very... f-fitting, don't you think?" She somehow musters the strength to giggle a little, even with her jaw under the pressure of the nezumi's claws. "That you would use that spell on me, here?" She doesn't stay down though -- even if she's under the effects of slow, that still doesn't keep her from going somewhere else, where she can extricate herself from this rather ungraceful (and painful) position that she's found herself in. Suddenly, the footing beneath Faruja would give way, possibly tripping him up. There's... nothing there. In fact, Mizuki is nowhere to be seen! At least, not for the next several seconds. And yet, Father Senra doesn't feel any trace of time radiation this time... aside from what remains from his own attacks.

    Still, though, it's not long before he feels another painful jab, aimed at his left side.

    How did she get behind him this time? None know but the lady herself, whose hair looks quite a fright.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Whee! For a couple of seconds, Faruja rides poor Mizuki like a surf board, watching the whimsical sparks fly by as he slides across the brick. His ears fold back. Alright, so he feels a /little/ bad about that one. Consider it punishment for Heresy.

Pride goeth before the fall, or in this case, the trip! Squeaking aloud, the rat tumbles over several times, tail over head. "I...I do pride mineself in ironic and apt punishments for crimes! A bit of theater makes sure ye art remembered, and others less willing to repeat the offender's actions!"

Oh Faram, he's so glad he skipped lunch today. Shank! Another stab in the side has him bleeding more, the rat crying out in pain. His sword goes flying.

A quick float spell has him drifting to the brick, the male landing with a small thud on his feet. He flails his arms bit, finally finding balance before raising his Blaze Gun!

He pulls the trigger, and white cleansing flame bursts from the end in a long, hot stream.

"What /was/ that Mizuki?" He questions even as he only three-fourths heartedly tries to burn her.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    "I pride myself in ironies and poetic punishments as well, but not for quite the same reasons!" She's barely had the chance to finish speaking before the nezumi whirls around and fires a shot from the blaze gun. The hit connects, hitting her near the left side of her collarbone, the rest of the shot flying over her shoulder. Still, it does a number on her clothes and hair, singing both fairly badly. She grits her teeth and emits a low 'Nnngh...' sound, but it's not long before her smile returns.

    "As for what that was," She smiles, reaching a hand into one of her chameleon pockets, "that was a power I have as a sort of birthright. Seeing as I don't truly exist and that I am sustained by the simple belief that I am alive, I can temporarily fade out of existence. That is what that was." She lowers her gaze slightly. "Though I might ask you the same. What in Creation's lofty heavens was that device? A fire gun? Do tell."

    It's not long before Faruja would feel another fairly considerable shift in the local temporum, though, and he would soon see several bullets whizzing past. They're fired in a circle around him, seemingly out of nowhere; obviously a mimic of one of Homura's old standbys. On the other side of the field, the lady twirls her pistol in her hand and blows it off casually before hiding it again in her pocket and readying her sword.

    "Truly, guns are becoming more and more fascinating to me as time goes on. It seems so elegant, carving patterns in to space... and then watching your art take form once you've stepped back into the normal continuity."

Faruja (152) has posed:
So close! Mizuki proves very agile, the rat grinning. It's rare to have such a closely aligned, yet so very /different/ Time Mage. He'd rather not burn her /too/ badly, after all.

"Curious! Explains why I couldst nay track ye by mine senses. Ye didst not exist. Art ye...entirely sure 'tis nay risk of simply being unable to return?" There's honest concern here. Just fading away would be, from someone so flamboyant, boring and sad. Faruja just couldn't see it happening.

He raises the weapon slightly, less to fire, and more to show it off. Like his armor, it's engraved heavily, and should she be able to sense it; feels relatively old. At least six centuries or more, far beyond Ivalice's existance as a nation.

"A magical gun of flame. An ancient relic unearthed beneath Goug Machine City. By creating a small flame, the crystal amplifies it one thousand fold to produce yonder cleansing fire. The technology to create it, unfortunately, is lost to us."

Bullets! They come so fast, faruja can't even summon up his magic. Instead, he leaps back, peppered with iron and metal. Thud! Bleeding, and trying to not think of the damage of flying bullet bits inside of his armor. Ow.

"Nay doubt. They also art very powerful when impacting within plate armor."

Faruja pauses, and ponders. "If I may? I intend to attempt an experiment. 'Tis...a touch invasive, however, ye seem far more durable than most. Methinks ye shall survive. A moment please..."

Slowly, the rat stands up, and begins casting. It's a simple haste spell...but strangely, directed at Mizuki.

Unlike most, this spell doesn't seem to blanket time about her. No, this reaches deep into her being, seeking out her heart or whatever may pass for it. The swirling clockface's magic would imprint upon whatever organ, or concept might reside within, speeding up the pulse of blood, adrenaline, and most worrying, blood pressure...in a normal person. Who knows what sort of damage it might cause Mizuki!

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki laughs lightly to the rat, brandishing her sword again as he speaks and gently brushing her bangs out of her eyes. "There is no certainty in anything, my friend," She bows her head slightly and lays the palm of her right hand out flat, "and that is the way I prefer for things to be. Cycles and predictability are much, -much- more horrifying to me than the risk of disappearing." Raising her head again though, she adds, "Though I will promise that I am reasonably sure of the technique's safety."

    Her eyes widen and brighten slightly and her head bobs as Faruja explains the origin of his weapon, but she doesn't have much time to comment on or admire it before he... makes a rather intriguing request. With an arch of her eyebrow, she nods again. "Certainly. Is that not what this little duel is for? Experimentation~?" She smiles softly, waiting. When the effects actually do set in, though...

    ... oh, he can tell alright.

    The lady maintains her composure to the last, even as her eyes practically bulge out of her head from the pressure gathering behind them, but she endures. Her face flushes, and she slumps down on to her knee, dropping her sword with a clatter. When the spell has finally worn away, it takes her some time to get her bearings, breathing heavily and keeping a hand positioned over her chest.

    "Ha... h-ha..." She takes a deep breath and exhales, slowly getting to her feet. "W-Well... th-that was... quite something..." She looks to him now, meeting his gaze with a renewed, warm smile. And then... she claps for him after a good swish of her hair. "Bravo~! Quite the creative use of a spell, that was. If I'm right, you used that to dangerously alter my biology, yes? Ingenious~!" She seems to have completely recovered now... or at least she's making it look that way. Then, picking her sword back up off of the ground, she adds, "But it is my turn now."

    Holding up her right hand, a small, monochrome ball begins to form. It grows and it grows... until, finally, she tosses it at Faruja. The world around him is dyed a peculiar shade of blacks and whites, akin to a photo negative of reality, really, but he doesn't... seem to feel anything at all. No, but it may serve to keep him distracted as Mizuki rushes over to him, sword drawn. As soon as she gets into that black-white sphere, everything is a blur. Suddenly, there's another (light) jab aimed at his torso, but then... the lady herself becomes a whirlwind. She begins to spin around like a top, moving around the nezumi like a 'human' tornado. Mizuki tries for a series of slashes at his back, and maybe a few more at his arms. In the blink of an eye, though, the attack is finished, and the sphere collapses... as Mizuki lands somewhere behind Faruja yet again.

    "I said once that I prefer my fighting to be seen as dancing." She turns to face him, still smiling. "I was being literal."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja watches carefully, taking out a notepad an jotting down several things as he observes. "Quite! Increasing one's heart rate hath several debilitating effects; increases blood pressure leading to loss of movement, potential bursting of heart valves, dangerous stressing to the heart itself...It requires finesse, however, and many art oft too quick for such. First battle where I hath used it, rather than merely theorized. Mmm. Needs refinement." Clearly the rat's a bit of a perfectionist.

Damn his curiousity! Faruja spends a moment too long trying to puzzle out Mizuki's technique before he's jabbed by a whirlwind-dancing lady! It's beautiful, though hard to appreciate given all the pain. He collapses to a knee.

"S...so I see. Curious technique. Some sort of natural reality warping ability, similar to thine fading?"

The rat warps space, now standing at the edges of the barrier. Pointing at Mizuki, he incants. Right in front of him, space warps, and for a moment one can see the yawning expanse of space...right before gravity sucks a small comet out, sending it careening in a fiery atmospheric re-entry arc towards Mizuki!

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki rests her chin on her fist, patiently nodding and processing Faruja's words as he describes what he's learned about the... 'heart haste' technique, if she could hazard an attempt at giving it a name. Afterwards, though, she smiles. "Regarding what you said about 'finesse'..." She nods. "Yes, quite. Spells that directly impact the more sensitive regions of one's body are usually best saved for fights with those you have no qualms killing as well, but of course, I am delighted that you felt content to try it here, with me." She gives a small bow... before noticing the distortions in the space above her home.

    And the second she sees what emerges from the rips and tears, her eyes bulge once more.

    "Brilliance of the night --!" Another of her colorful exclamations is cut off as she just barely manages to sink out of time... in time to dodge the cataclysmic mass of fire and stone. However, she knows that she won't be able to get all of the way out of range before her time here expires, so this gives her little more than time to think. But that time is precious, and it allows her to hatch a salvage plan. Suddenly reappearing several paces to the left, she thrusts her sword -directly at the meteor-.

    And the whole blasted thing explodes.

    Naturally, there's a good amount of recoil for such a risky response -- bits of fire streak past her cheeks and blacken them, still more hitting her in the torso, and other areas of consequence. One even batters the joint of her left arm, her sword arm, but good... but thankfully, this wasn't for naught. A concentrated ball of the meteor flies back at Faruja, passing through another of her 'speed up circles' as it goes along. It may not have the mass of its 'parent rock', but it has all of the speed. Also, there's the matter of the other flakes of fire that likely burst forth when her sword made contact.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki rests her chin on her fist, patiently nodding and processing Faruja's words as he describes what he's learned about the... 'heart haste' technique, if she could hazard an attempt at giving it a name. Afterwards, though, she smiles. "Regarding what you said about 'finesse'..." She nods. "Yes, quite. Spells that directly impact the more sensitive regions of one's body are usually best saved for fights with those you have no qualms killing as well, but of course, I am delighted that you felt content to try it here, with me." She gives a small bow... before noticing the distortions in the space above her home.

    And the second she sees what emerges from the rips and tears, her eyes bulge once more.

    "Brilliance of the night --!" Another of her colorful exclamations is cut off as she just barely manages to sink out of time... in time to dodge the cataclysmic mass of fire and stone. However, she knows that she won't be able to get all of the way out of range before her time here expires, so this gives her little more than time to think. But that time is precious, and it allows her to hatch a salvage plan. Suddenly reappearing several paces to the left, she thrusts her sword -directly at the meteor-.

    And the whole blasted thing explodes.

    Naturally, there's a good amount of recoil for such a risky response -- bits of fire streak past her cheeks and blacken them, still more hitting her in the torso, and other areas of consequence. One even batters the joint of her left arm, her sword arm, but good... but thankfully, this wasn't for naught. A concentrated ball of the meteor flies back at Faruja, passing through another of her 'speed up circles' as it goes along. It may not have the mass of its 'parent rock', but it has all of the speed. Also, there's the matter of the other flakes of fire that likely burst forth when her sword made contact.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"Please! Ye art hardly mine normal opponents. I feel quite safe in doing so; ye hath proven durable, and remarkably difficult to slay. An excellent test subject." Explains the rat, grinning excitedly. Perfect, this one, really~.

Faruja whistles as the meteor explodes, not bothering to hide his surprise and even /glee/! What a strike1 Faruja laughs!

"Lord in Heaven, remind me to hath ye tutor me with the blade! Well do...SQUEAK!" Oh Faram those hurt! Faruja's slammed by a mini-comet-ball, right in the chest, sending him bouncing into and then off of the barrier, before he's pelted with many fiery bits of rock. He'll be picking those out of his body for a while! Thudding like so much rock to the brick, he doesn't move for a good three seconds.

"Urgh...well done." Is he giving up?

He, once more, crawls to his feet with the legendary stubborness and bullheaded-faith of a Temple Knight.

Faruja concentrates, and a single mote of dark light emerges into his hand. He blows on it as bits of rock still flail around, the rat dodging and rather gracefully one-legged-hopping away. It crackles, and then explodes just beneath Mizuki's feet! A small gravity well opens up, trying to draw her into it! Yet, she'd find it won't entirely do so, instead spinning her around not unlike a washing machine should it directly suck her in! No, he's not trying to slay her, after all.

The remains of the shattered meteor, however, are all drawn towards it inexorably, and with quite the fury, almost as if it's trying to entomb her in rock!

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki giggles. "Me? Durable~?" She hides her mouth with a sleeve. "My my, and here I had grown accustomed to being called a 'gentle flower' and othersuch. I suppose I shall take the compliment, though! And it really is much appreciated, especially considering the source~." Amid the hailing fires and the clattering rocks, she gives... what just might be the most cinematic curtsey Faruja has ever seen. If nothing else, man, the girl has style.

    "Tutor -you-? Oh, Faruja, you do flatter me~." Even -she- is surprised by the effect the meteoric impact has on the pious nezumi, though; her eyes go a bit wide as he falls to the ground and, for a number of seconds, doesn't so much as move. She's even more impressed when he actually manages to peel himself off of the ground, though, and she readies her sword once again.

    Now I'll make one thing clear - she may still look regal, but her wings are... singed. Asymmetrical, considering all of the missing feathers. Her hair is quite the same, really, and if Faruja were to pay attention... he would notice a change in her breathing. Breathing may be a formality for her - she doesn't actually need oxygen, after all - but it's still every bit as expressive as it might be for a normal person. It's quickened, labored; more than enough to hint at the exhaustion she is fighting so hard to hide. Even so, though, that won't keep her from fighting on.

    Grin~. Faruja just might have met his match in the stubborn department.

    She holds her sword vertically to her chest - a very traditional stance to hold with a blade of her make, of course, and just as regal as everything else about her - but she doesn't have a chance to actually lunge at her opponent before her foot sinks into the vortex opening beneath her. She looks down just in time for her other foot to raise off the ground as well as she begins to spiral out of control. "Wh-What in...? What manner of madness...??" She blinks, coming to her senses just in time to see the leftovers from before coming at her. "... ah." She's encased by stone as the ratmage intends, dirtying her dress and doing quite a number on her proverbial bones. Imaginary or not, though, the pain is as real as it gets, and she takes some time to get her bearings.

    She struggles like this for some time, her squirming making her look akin to some sort of disturbing stone golem. But it isn't to last. Mizuki retracts her wings... before pulling them out again, knocking several stones into orbit. In that time frame, a small, monochrome orb floats out from the encasement... sneaking to the gravity well beneath her. And when it gets to it, it grows and grows and grows, encasing the entire spatial abberation inside of it before...

    ... it collapses. Fast.

    Faruja would remember this from when they were fighting that dark mage at the temple to free the spirit. She's inverting what she did there in attempt to collapse the gravity well! With the hiss and crack of all sorts of reality-breaking energy, Mizuki is at least able to shake off the stones, rising into the sky... so that she can come back down at Faruja in one of her classical aerial dives. She aims straight for his stomach again.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja can't help but return the curtsey with a bow. It's hardly theatric, this time, as most of his magic is committed to trying to Banish the poor woman like last night's laundry. Faruja himself shows far more damage; body bleeding and armor damaged. Whoever his armorsmith is, they probably don't get paid nearly enough. Trying to nto bleed /too/ much on Mizuki's Tower of Heresy, he's quick to duck as bits of rock once more go flying off of the young Lady.

And then her powers once more cause gravity itself to annihilate, and cancel out. Faruja claps, grinning. "Ahhh, anti-gravity! My, my, I never thought it truly existed! /Curious/! Ye aught provide me a sample some time!"

And then the offending dark-angel flies again! Faruja remembers his lessons with Toph well. Putting his wounded leg forward, an obvious weakness, he makes as if to offer a kick to her face! Instead, it's a feint, as a hand slaps aside the blade with the claws. The diverted blade scratches his armor, and the rat ducks aside to let her pass. Ever the Knight, he refuses to attack from behind!

Space bent, he ends up right in front of the woman. "I /am/ curious what thine barrier does. Let us see! GRAVITY 2!" Faruja lets loose with a sudden burst of gravity that will send her flying into the barrier, trying to bounce her off of it like a rubber ball! Should she do so? The rat will again teleport, dragging her around and slinging her even faster to the other side of the barrier! Over and over he teleports and bounces Mizuki, like she's the ball in a pinball machine. Hopefully one of the Maid's is keeping points here!

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki's collision with the wall is met with a small zap each time, and the areas of her dress that make contact with it... erode, leaving several small areas of skin exposed. By the time she's finally flung free from that wicked pinball chain, she's sprawled on the ground, motionless.

    This lasts for several minutes before she starts laughing, followed by a series of... coughs. 'How undignified!' is what she would probably say.

    "... n-not... anti-gravity..." She shambles to her feet, panting heavily. "Pure time magic. Time is just another dimension of space, so I was using its sheer, brute force to collapse it on top of your spell." She smirks again, finally, wiping her face and folding her hands behind her back. "A crude application of it, I'll admit, but effectual." Now, though, she begins to pace forward toward him, slowly. Somewhere along the line, probably in a brief timestop for sheer intimidation value, she grabbed her gun again. Now, she's rising into the sky.

    "My authorial sense is telling me that this shall be the final exchange, my friend," A streak of crimson falls from her forehead, "so I shall try to make this count." Suddenly, Faruja would be surrounded by... easily the most unholy force he has yet to encounter in this plane. A circle of cloudy darkness rises around him, bleeding like a sphere... raven black chains tightening themselves around his legs. His view of the outside world would suddenly become clouded, and his mind would be completely filled with a creeping sense of dread. Not unlike a concentrated version of what he felt back in Baert Manor, in fact.

    Little would he know, though, that this is simulated. Its effects feel real, but what this really is... is a nightmare.

    And as soon as she has Faruja where he wants him, Mizuki gets to work. Compressing a speed circle around her form to mimic the effects of Faruja's haste, she moves with mind breaking quickness. She stops time in two places to send strings of bullets at Faruja, and arcs upwards in the sky. Gripping her sword tightly, she rises high above him, using the moon as her spotlight.

    And then she falls, aimed directly at his back.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"Strike me with all ye hath, mine dear." he offers, wishing he had an extra cloak for the woman! Someone's clearly feeling extra-chivalrous today!

The chains and darkness devour him. Baert, with the Lucavi gathered around him, watch as the rat bleeds on the floor. The world seems to flutter, and far away, the Cancer stone gleams hungrily.

Above him, a shadowy figure, far too real to be a mere nightmare, stalks forward. Strangely, should Mizuki sense it, this may feel...odd. There's something about that's no mere dream magic. Something hungers for the young Burmecian.

"AWAY! AWAY WITH YE, FOUL BEAST!" Screams the rat, and magic flares. He pushes away whatever is trying to toy with his mind, even as the nightmare begins to fade.

The wounds from the attack seem to be almost infected. Whatever that was, it was evil.

The bullets barely even register as they strike, biting flesh. the sword pins him from behind, and he falls to the ground.

"....Ye really aught be more careful with such magicks."

Faruja's first move is less than subtle; a hard, plate-mail covered elbow to the face to try to unpin himself. Rolling over, the rat points at Mizuki.

"Quite, mine dear. Well fought. Stop." Faruja, ever eager to try out new uses for spells, aims for the woman's limbs. Should the spell hit? She'd feel time stolen from her extremities, causing metaphorical blood-stoppage at shoulders and waist, like the worst kinds of blood clots.

What diabolical plan does the rat have now? Why, an old favorite from Ivalice, and the most feared attack known to Knights of his world!

Actions <-

Fundaments <-

Throw Stone <-

Chuck! A loose meteor stone gets thrown at poor Mizuki, right in the face. Hard.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    After the rock hits Mizuki's face, a crimson dot opens up on her other cheek. Letting her head fall slack a little, she frowns slightly. "... apologies, Faruja." She heaves a sigh, limbs still caught in the stop trap. "I will concede that much. Those abilities of mine that draw upon nightmares are as volatile as my world itself, and the incarnations they take can vary dramatically - and dangerously - from person to person. I had quite forgotten your religious affiliation, and by extension, any dark forces that might've reached out to stalk you." Summoning forth a countering speed sphere for each limb stuck in stop, she falls from her place with a small stumble to the right. "F-Forgive me."

    Even after her apology, though, she doesn't stop. She hasn't made clear her intentions just yet -- is she going to surrender? Is she going to fight on? Is she going to fall down? As well adjusted as he may be now to her vague and ominous behaviors, even he probably hasn't the foggiest idea. At least, until she assumes the rapier stance again, the metal of her blade gleaning in the moonlight. A smirk slowly reappears on her face as, for the last time, she brushes the hair out of her eyes.

    "No gimmicks this time. No guns, no magic, no augmentations. Whatever happens, I want this final blow to be one that embodies the 'honor' to which you feel so inclined."

    Once she has finished, she runs forward with several clicks of her shoes, and attempts to deliver a clean jab to the rat's torso, far away from anything vital.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja slowly manages a smile. "...hah, come now! I forgive ye, mine dear. Ye couldst hardly hath known. What plagues me shall be the one devoured, hardly the other way around." Growls the rat.

A knightly end to a wonderful battle! Faruja uses a burst of gravity to retrieve his cane. settling into a stance not too different from Mizuki's own, the rat waits for her to come. His single eye narrows.

Her blade comes for him, a streaking point of silver light. Watching her angle of attack, he flicks his own blade, deftly parrying the strike! His own blade then makes a simple cut from shoulder to shoulder, barely aiming away from anything vital! Moving past the woman, he turns back, and smiles. He gasps, pain and exhaustion in his eye.

"I salute thee, Mizuki." From the way he wobbles, he can barely stand.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki is entirely still as the blade is parried, just as much shock and horror in her eyes as there surely is excitement as she's swiftly stabbed in each shoulder. After that, her eyes close and her sword fades into nothing, and the barrier suddenly drops. She falls backwards, but thankfully, Callia is there to catch her. And she isn't entirely unconscious yet, at least; she uses what little energy she has left to address Faruja one last time.

    Folding her hands at her waist, she smiles to him. "... truly amazing..." Her words are soft and abundantly obvious hints at her exhaustion. "... I will remember this. Thank you." And with that, her arms fall slack, and Callia gently lays her against the surface of the roof so that she may speak on level with the Father Senra.

    First, though, she curtsies. "Thank you so very much, on behalf of myself and the mistress. I am sure she had an excellent time dueling with you." Another, small bow of her head. "I trust you can make your own way home, but if not, there are always spare rooms available here. Either way, though..." Her smile radiates warmth.

    "... I pray you have a lovely remainder of your evening, Mister Senra."