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Open Mic Night at the Pleasure Palace, 8-1-14
Date of Scene: 02 August 2014
Location: The Citadel - Pleasure Palace
Synopsis: Psalm and Gaius talk shop and also hiring is done.
Cast of Characters: 181, 522

Psalm (181) has posed:
    And indeed, there is a lovely young lady up on one of the stages at the Palace, a Friday night crowd bustling in to the Palace after shifts and before shifts and generally getting a little roudy as any good establishment like this should be.
    The woman's green and white dress shimmers a bit, despite a lack of bright light. Something magical in the fabric as she settles in on a stool. A gorgeous looking lute rests in her lap as she adjusts the tuning on her instrument. She hums a delicate note, that starts quiet, and then suddenly amplifies to fill the whole room. "Can everyone hear me alright out there?"

    General agreement noises from the crowd, along with a 'we love you Maggie~'
    Psalm courteously blows a kiss in the fan's direction.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Live entertainment was not something the Imperial Legatus got to enjoy often, nor was sound of music which was even rarer at times as he has gotten older. Be it the Garlean Empire had little time for such pleasures in life or be it that his own work kept Gaius a very busy man.

Yet there was some down time still and with the scouts about, he had little he could, beyond for once enjoy a peaceful moment.

With this in mind and the simple fact it was a musical event, to come in his armor would perhaps be seen as informal, even though for his culture, armor was as formal has that of a uniform. So dusting off just that, his old uniform and making sure the cuffs still fit correctly, including making sure the collar was ever so correct. The Legatus made his way to this place called the Pleasure Palace.

The uniform he wore was of that of black trim against blood red cloth. It was fit to form his body and what buttons it may have were that of gold. The boots were leather black and neatly polished. The gloves on his hands were also made of leather but styled in a formal manner.

His hair was properly trimmed in a near military style, kept short with a bit of grey mixed in the coal black with those gold eyes that had a dagger like stare to him, and light tan skin that didn't not see to much sun.

Gaius stood around six foot two and as he walked into the very room the music will be played in, he moved with casual calm steps, that yet moved with precise form. His eyes glanced over all the faces and manner of beings that may be present, before he found himself a seat to sit himself down at and cross one leg over the other with his arms coming to cross over his chest.

Those very eyes locked onto the woman in the green dress who was going to preform tonight.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    The redhead smiles a bit, eyes flicking across the tall fellow in the back as she plucks a string, and murmurs. Her words are soft, but still carry to every ear of the audience, clear as a crystal. "Ah, for the record, this is a magically backed performance, so those who aren't inclinded to be charmed or enchanted for a little while might want to get while the getting is good. Fair warning~"

    And then she quietly, and methodically starts to play. Slowly at first, a baseline put into motion, building softly... thrum tum tum ta...
    She hums a note, stops playing... but the base music keeps carrying in the air. Magic~ Next she layers on a rythmic tapping on the side of her lute for a little percussion.
    The same hum, and then she rolls her neck, sucking a heavy breath through her nose.

    The next moment, there's a heavy wash of energy that quietly blankets the room. Hardly /oppressive/ but very deliberate. Whatever Maggie just did was like turning on the Charm, literally, her Charisma enthralling on stage. The runes of her dress start to light up as well, as she starts to sing. The words are clearly not base muliversal common, but something more exotic. Elven maybe. Whatever they are, they twist and prickle in the air, tingling at ears in an arcane manner.

    The song is a song of love's true nature lost, a boy and a girl torn asunder by a calamity, a great canyon breaking open the woods in which they lived in seperate villages...

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Garlean man only smirks ever so faintly, just at the edge of his lips at her words. He continues to stay where he is sitting and then starts to listen as the instrument plays and the magic takes its work. Including the casting of perhaps a charm or a increase of her own charismatic display.

Though for a people who must fuse technology with magic to even begin to /use/ magic, there is not much knowledge or awareness to such tricks. Instead Gaius enjoys the song of the story told. The words that carry on the music and the melody that fills the air. His gold eyes look upon the dress as it lights up, watching her movements with the music that plays.

Almost lost in it really-- almost.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie's fingers dance along the lute strings, a rising, needing melody taking control of the song now. The backing even changes, as she works and presses into the depths of her music. The girl seems to be the focus of the song, as it tells of her struggles to gain help to cross the chasm. 'it's too far' say some. 'what's the point' say others. 'it's just a boy'.
    Those green eyes open and glow, gazing across the room without focusing on anything.

    They can't save him.
    You can't save him.
    Give up hope, youngling.
    The time of youth is song.

    The bard's alto voice cries out in anguish, feeling the loss of the elfmaid, eyes closing once more. The music dwindles to a lower, heartbeat rythmn.
    But the girl would not stop.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
As the music plays, the Garlean commander drowned out any words that may be spoken by the crowd, his fully attention on her. In one part judge-- in another part enjoying the music itself. Perhaps with such talent he could invite her to play for the Emperor, but in the same turn-- would the emperor truly enjoy such a gem from another place.

At least this is what he weighs in his mind as he listens on and seems a little moved by her words, his brows furrowing ever so slightly as he then brings his hand up to his chin. Romance and love, something he himself had little time for and at his age, it was now of a passing thought to the weight of the responsibilities, yet he too could relate with such things.. for Garlemald has been at war for some time and still the flames of war burn bright.

Memories indeed.. memories brought on by a woman's voice of an enchanting song.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    A SLAP against the side of the Lute jars the song right back to the driving melody. Now the girl is seeking other help, more powerful help.

    To the woods, youngling.
    The Grove of the Anciet lies open.
    She will tell you the Secret.
    She can give you what you seek.

    'don't go.' 'it's a trap.' 'no one has returned.' The townsfolks try to dissuade the girl, but to no avail. She has to persevere, to reach her love lost to the ravages of Gods. The trek is long and twisted, leading to the Ancient's Grove where the woods have been spared the cataclysm that rendered town from town. The Ancient Crone waits. She knew of the coming of the girl, knew even before she opened her mouth what the wish was... and what the price would be.

    They can't save him.
    You can save him.
    Take up hope, youngling.
    The time of the mender is now.

    Another cry, though this time the anguish of what must be sacrificed to the Crone. The music drops back to the heartbeat, the droning thum once more, as a life changes.
    But the girl /could/ not stop.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The music changes pace and Gaius watches on. The beat was made known and he actually closes his eyes, listening to the music, to the beat, to her words. Captivating really, very captivating. When the pace changed again, his once more opened his eyes to gaze upon Songsteel.

Captivated, moved slight. The story was indeed an impressive one and the music along side it powerful. Impressive-- highly-- impressive.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    SLAP. And once against the song is back. This time though, there's an animal quality to the song, a wildness in Psalm's eyes as she drives forward once more. A look crazes across Gaius' face and she locks on to the Elite, singing right at him. Through him.

    Never had the girl felt so strong. So fast. So swift. There was no hisitating as she simply lurches forward and into a gallop across the glades and groves of the forest, moving effortlessly as if the brush and bramble wasn't even there. Such a THRILL to be alive, to be one with the forest like this. To /know/ all that needed to be done.

    To your love, youngling.
    The Way of the Forest is Yours.
    The Secret has been Passed.
    Take back what you seek.

    There's one one to stop her as she makes it to the village of the boy, finds the place... changed. She does not where where he has gone, and does not want to spook the villagers. So she Hunts. She Seeks. Tracks. it was so easy to find her lover, find his scent, his trail, find the Paths he takes, know where he's going to be. And so, she lies in wait for three days and three nights, yearning forever to be with her man.
    The music changes once more. Heartbeat. Thump. Bumpbump. Thump. Bumpbump.

    And then there he is. The girl cries out to the boy, but all that escapes her lips is the cry of the eagle, of the jaguar, of the bear. The boy sees what his love has become, a Keeper of the Forest. No longer an elf, no longer mortal, but a Druid of the Grove. She scares him, frightens him, and he turns to run. And in her haste, her heart breaking, she pounces, shoving him into the dirt, and...

    And she Shares the Secret. In the end... neither was seen again, but their cries live on in the wind and the animal, and the rustle of the trees...


Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Curious thing the song becomes fierce and wild, amusing in one part of Gaius' mind -- as the songstress locks onto him. Curious by the simple fact he was give the title name of Black Wolf. So her wild gaze was met with his own inner ferocity. Those gold eyes normally hidden by a mask that could pierce right through a man, entrapped by her song.

Those mystical words blazed across the cords of magic and her lute. His hand lowered in that moment as their eyes were locked and when the song came to an end, when the words came to the final cord, Gaius rose from his seat and applauded her. Those gloved hands clapping with ease, but true enjoyment for what she had done.

He then started to walk toward her, his hands only clapping a bit more before he at last placed his hands out to the side, as he spoke. His words precise and his eyes still locked onto her. "Marvelous job and splendid singing, miss Songsteel. Your voice seems to be of a greatness that can move the mightiest of mountain.. if not the largest of seas."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Psalm puffs up, and bows as she lets the music die off.

    And then the crowd starts to fade a bit as Gaius wades through the crowd to reach her. She bites her lip, blushing politely. "Well, goodness, such a compliment from someone I didn't know. Such a charming greeting." Maggie holds out her hand, and hops off the stool to approach Gaius. "You must be Mr. Gaius. It is a pleasure."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
As Magatha blushes, Gaius bows his head slightly in more polite greeting as his hands land beside him. "As it should be, Miss Songsteel, for I am not a man whom is easy to please." Once the young woman steps down and extends her hand. The taller man takes it easily his gloved fingers, before his gold eyes meet her blue eyes.

Once done so, he bows down ever so slight to kiss her hand gently in proper respect to the woman. "Tis the pleasure, Miss Songsteel." He speaks with a calm tone and hushed down with her presence being far closer now. Once he stands up fully he allows her hand to easily slide away from his own. "I am glad I could have the honor of come here this evening. It was quiet worth while."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    A snicker, before she pokes a finger in Gaius' face after her hand has been kissed. "Just remember that when I'm in my armor and got a sword and singing my lungs out the point of being a 'proper lady' has passed." Psalm sticks her tongue out, and hops off the stage, shooing at people. "Autographs later! Send a letter to my warforged! They'll get em to me!"
    Red hair tosses a bit as she looks over her shoulder. "What do you drink, ser knight?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius finds a finger poking him in the nose which he twitches ever so slightly at the action. Those eyes cross in that moment before they settle on her once more. He hmphs softly, before he gives a very mild shake of his head. "Even with a sword, a woman can still be a lady-- even if a fierce one she may be."

Gaius then crosses his arms over his chest as he stands there, looking down upon the slightly smaller woman. When she asks him what he drinks he responds with a slight head tilt, "Ale or wine, depending on which you have to offer." He then lowers his arms about then. "Though do tell me, the story you sang-- of the girl becoming that of the wild.. is it an old legend or perhaps a story of one you witnessed personally?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    The redhead snickers a bit, before grumping genially. "Well, that's fine then. Just know that my job has many sides to it." She takes a step on a barstool, and poses. "I am Magatha Songsteel, the Psalm of Denieth, Dragonmarked of Sentinel. Bard by trade, mercenary by profession, leader of man and warforged!" She smiles, and hops back down, pointing at the nearest barmaid. "A nice vintage of white wine, and a very large mead, dear girl!"

    And then she's swaning over towards one of the booths. "Well, it's an ancient song from the elves of my world, something passed down from the Goblins, perhaps even, and twisted a bit. It's a relative retelling of the creation of the Druid orders on Khorvaire."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius keeps up with her easily enough and remains silent as she not only explains her name and full title, but also the origins of the song. Though when she brings up Goblins, he gently rubs the bridge of his nose as a passing thought that runs through his mind.

Once they arrive at one of the booths, he stays standing for a moment, though he will eventually sit down once he gives the area and glance over to see whom is all here. "All terms I fear I am none to familiar with, so do forgive my ignorance." He places up his index finger ever so slightly, "Beyond that of bard and mercenary. These seem to be a universally common word."

Gaius studies her for a moment before he then continues on. "As you know, I am Gaius van Baelsar. Imperial Legatus of the Garlean Empire and commander of my Legion." He shrugs ever so slightly, "Simply a man whom has seen his life time of wars and has many more to see before death becomes him."

Gaius then hrms softly, "So do tell me about Dragonmarked and the Psalm. They sound of great importance."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    "Oh, one of those is easy. Psalm is my 'stage name'. Also the title I have in House Deneith. That's the major house in control of the Dragonmarks of Sentinel." Maggie hops up on a table, and peels one of her legs out from under the dress, right up to her hip. She's got no lack of curves, but she's built like a valkyr, tough and sturdy. That leg is heavily tattoed, two prominent ones though.
    A glossy, shimmering purple dragon's head and sinewey torso winds up and around her thigh and calf and dissapears somewhere above her dressline.
    At her hip is a faintly glowing stylized dragon in roughtly the shape of a shield.
    A little quirk of her lips, and she lets the dress back down. "It marks mortals as chosen of the realm of Eberron. That's my home world. Those called for greatness."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
If Gaius had been a younger man, seeing a woman show some leg probably be a thing to drool over. Though even his homeland, women were equals to men in combat and even sometimes in outfit as well, but with a dress on, some would say there are rules to be followed.

It seemed this young woman, really didn't care about those rules, but if it be true she was a mercenary. It was all quickly falling into place.

"I see. So the chosen are marked." He motions to her leg with his hand easily, before he hrms softly. Keeping some thoughts to himself though his brows do furrow. "In the world I hail from, we have no gods, only those whom believe in false deities as fool they are. But we of the nation of Garlemald are separated from the lands of Eorzea.. the region we are at war with.. bu a simple feature."

"Well, perhaps two." Gaius then unbuttons his cuff of his sleeve to display a black bracer that was hiding under it. It has gold trim on it and areas that almost have a slight glimmer. "On if these is of our technological might in our world. We call it Magitek. It allows us the ability to use magic.. as we has a people are unable to do so." He then buttons the cuff once more.

"The other is a physical attribute." He motions to his forehead. It was a minor thing really. A small detail being a white oval in center of his forehead that could almost be mistake for a decoration of some type. "We are a people with a third eye."

"Those of Eorzea.. do not have such a feature.. and they are beings who can easily tap into magical properties." Gaius then furrows his brows, whatever words he wanted to speak were held back and his facial features soon smooth out once more.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie perks a bit, and then bites her lip. "Gah, no magic, that's gotta be rough from a place that that, but... yeah, compensations can be made real easy~" She shuffles a bit, as the barmaid comes over witth their drinks, and she takes... a rather large swig of her mead. A happy sigh, and she cough. "Hmmmm, good. But yes, a mercenary. That's the function of House Deneith. We are the premire hired help in Khorvaire. If it needs to be defended, killed or just harassed, we're the people to hire, top notch, bar none. And not all of the house have the mark, obviously."

    She does lean up and peer at the third eye though. "Fancy. I got something like that, only he's one of the Abstractum, so not actually /my/ third eye, but a third eye in general."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius thanks the barmaid silently with a nod, before he picks up the wine glass with his hand, cupping the bottom of the glass with his fingers and only moving it around ever so slightly. As Songsteel explains more he falls silent and he listens.

He then takes a small sip of the wine, simply giving it a taste, before he places it back down on the table. "But this then comes into a question I am most curious to ask. Though you be a mercenary for hire by blade, what about your skills as an artist? Those be for hire as well, I presume?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Psalm taps her fingers against the side of her mug and then smiles. "My skills with the song /are/ my skills with the blade, Gaius. They are one and the same, really. My song empowers my blade and my blade empowers my song. Also my blade is the music. Not all mercenaries are heavily armored and bedecked in armor. Some of us carry the flute and the lute and sophistry as our weapon."
    She sips on her mead again, and then leans forward. "Tell me, Gaius, which is more effective? A knife in the ribs, or a careful word placed in the correct ear?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius can only silently be amused by Magatha's words. Though it doesn't show on his face, beyond perhaps in the eyes themselves. He then takes another sip of his wine as she asks him her question. He doesn't answer right away, but the edges of his lip curls up in a smirk.

The mercenary has the Legatus there with a very valid point, one he can not really argue, yet a question was given and an answer would be brought forth.

Once the wine glass settles back on the table, he looks at her in the eyes once more. "Both have their places, but some are far more dangerous with the other." He nods his head. "Your point be made though and well played at that."

The Garlean commander then studies her for a moment as he closes his eyes shortly after in silent thought. He opens his eyes once more. "I am looking for those whom know this realm, as we are still a learning people after the disaster that struck our world to bring it here. If you are available for employment, I would like to offer you a job.. though two fold it may be."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie swings her legs a bit, and sips at her mead. "I like money, and I like favors. I am listening."
    The green eyes flash.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius gives a nod of his head. "I presume then you are familiar with this-- Multiverse, at least enough to get by. You may know where the dangers lie, possible targets, and points of military interest, aye?" Gaius takes another sip of his wine glass waiting to see what her answer is on that.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie nods her head, and swivels a bit to flourish a hand and pull a notepad from thin air, along with a pencil. "I am quite familiar with targets great and small, with political scenarios and those things that could use a proper shove by the proper person."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius gives a nod of his head and smiles ever so slight still. "Good, then I see my senses do not yet fail me." He motions to her. "I need someone with such abilities to aid my troops and my..." He thinks of the proper word to use before he continues, "..Officers. Someone to assist in intelligence detail, but also in perhaps gathering. Though I do have a very good intelligence officer, he is only good as the information he is aware of."

The Garlean commander then places out his hand, "..and we are only as good has our intelligence."

Gaius looks at her once more. "I am willing to pay in a good sum of coin, if you would be willing to play this part, but also play the part of perhaps our own bard.. As my men are weary of this new world and low moral is.. harmful to operations."

"If you also wish to join us in battle, then you may do so. If you desire not, that is fine as well, but that information-- would be the most important." Gaius says as he returns full circle back to the point of the subject. "You will also be given your own quarters aboard my airship to stay while getting my intelligence up to date."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie puffs up, and leans forward. "Tempting. I always do fancy airships. And I have been between proper jobs around here."
    The lady crosses her legs, and purses her lips. "Will your troops be demoaralized having a witch among their number?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Hardly." Gaius states simply and quiet snappily at that. "For one our magitek has proved formidable to that of pure magic, secondly a few of my troops come from nations that Garlemald conquered in the early part of our campaign before our world fell upon this one. They are people of magic."

Gaius takes another sip of his wine glass, before he looks across the table to her. "My men are use to dealing with those whom do not hail from their nation. So long as there is loyalty, there is little point of concern. They trust my judgment, so they will in turn-- trust you."

Gaius then takes one final sip before placing down the wine glass. "Unless you give reason for that trust to be broken, but I doubt we will come to such a path... Nigh.. I hardly even see it taking place, at least not for some time."

Gaius then tilts his head ever so slightly, "So then, miss Songsteel-- shall I set the arrangements for you and shall we then get to speaking of your pay?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Psalm smiles widely at all of that, and then murmurs. "Fine then. As payment, I will accept A Favor, to be called in at a later date. And you ahve my promise, By My Power, that I shall not bring your men harm."
    She holds out a dainty hand.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
'A favor' The young woman says and a slight glint is in Gaius eyes at such a word. A question to what she speaks of. He is use to dealing with mercenaries and adventurers who desire coin as payment, but not ones willing to shake on a simple word of agreement to repay one later by a favor.

His brows furrow in that moment of questioning, as Gaius rests his eyes on her hand, then to her own. He goes to remove his leather glove. Knowing deals made on a shake, should be done on bare hands not interfered by cloth-- at least in his own traditional mind at least.

"Before I agree to this favor, can one ask what the favor may be in advance-- or is this the favor made when the time so strikes true to call upon it for the whim of that moment?" Gaius asks with a raised eye brow. "After all-- a favor can mean many a things and I'd like to know just what you would be seeking in the end."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie holds up her hand then. "The Favor shall be of an equivalent value to the work I provide for you. That said, part of this task will be to explore what exactly it is you offer the Confederacy as well. Though."
    She does bite a lip. "It might end up being one of those fancy armors you ride around in, in the end. But a Favor is my bread and butter in trade. As nice as money is, Truth and Information is so much more valuable, is it not?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"This be true." Gaius says in response giving a nod of his head, "..and whom knows.. you may enjoy staying with us full time, hm?" He then at last places his hand out for the shake on the agreement. "So, as you say."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie completes the shake, and there's a tingle of... awareness. It would seem that a Proper Contract with a Wizard is a thing indeed.

    Maggie's eyes gleam slightly, before she turns back to her mead and downs half of it. Gotta put on appearances to the men. She leans back with a very unladylike burp, and coughs. "Oh goodness, that was getting warm and The Divines know that would have been a tragedy."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius makes no remarks as she brings up 'divines', though he does make something clear as he goes to stand up. "That would be my only request of you while on my airship. Do not speak of gods... trust me on that."

Gaius then places down some coin for his own drink, or tip if it should be used as such. "We will be leaving by morning dawn. Make sure you are ready to go when it comes time." He then looks at his hand for a moment, flexing it a bit, before placing back on his glove. Oh, there was questions, but he will not pry when it came to-- such matters.

"But-- I am sure you will fit in well with my men and women. Till then." He gives a bow of his head and starts to take his leave.