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Infiltration Away
Date of Scene: 03 August 2014
Location: Great Ocean - Northern Loop
Synopsis: Garen infiltrates a covert Union facility. He almost gets blown up, but Gaius comes to his rescue.
Cast of Characters: Blurr, 522, 530

Garen (530) has posed:
    Facility 69851, a covert information center that was supposed to be hidden within the city structure of the resort city, Kaladon. Yet today, alarm bells were going off. Somehow, it appeared that the confederacy had found the site. But rather then launch a full on assault, they elected for a more subtle approach. They sent in someone skilled in infiltration, manipulation, and seduction. They sent in Cipher Nine.
    His mission started well enough. He slipped by security with a well placed bluff, and with a few well placed bribes. But as he sat down to start copying files, he got spotted. Rather then get taken alive, he did another of his specialties, Taking down enemies. Fists and pistol butts met head and faces as he put the guards down, killing the one on the radio.
    "Not the slack-minded fools I expected." He says to himself. Even with alarms going off, he had a job to do. He went right back to hacking and downloading, not really worrying about his extraction at the moment.

Blurr has posed:
    When a covert operation gets compromised, what do you do? Do you send a full-scale assault in after the infiltrator? Nah. Actually, you send in -another- infiltrator after him. Someone else who's good at the same thing. Fight fire with fire, so to speak. Someone who can get there -fast-, before the perpetrator could get away.

    Thus, Blurr is speeding down the streets of Kaladon toward the location of Facility 69851, the structure flashing red on his HUD. Within seconds, he's arrived, and gotten it into range of his holoform projector. Scanning the building, he picks up a lifeform inside, and also that there is definitely an unauthorized person in their systems...

    Inside, Garen may be surprised to see what appears to be a teen-aged boy who suddenly seems to materialize out of thin air. "Hi." he says simply.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Dreadnaught was in the area. Though the commander of the airship only heard the comm signal, one may as well move into position encase assistance would be required. As such the Dreadnaught stayed high in the sky, only waiting for the outcome of events that may or may not come.

They would be so fortunate if nothing was to come of this, but the commander of this fine vessel, Imperial Legatus Gaius Van Baelsar, would stand ready with some of his finest men for drop if need be...

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen turned around, and in the same motion drew his pistol. Aiming it at the boy, he narrows his red eyes. He speaks, his voice stern. (and also camoflauged) "Who are you? More importantly, what are you doing in here?" He asks, eyes quickly darting towards his download, which red at 80. He quickly began running over scenario's in his mind. He simply walked over and began quickly typing on another computer, one that was clearly for security. "Get out of here, kid. Before you get hurt." He states, all but giving an order.

Blurr has posed:
    "Oh, I saw you break in here, and I was wondering if you had any kind of escape plan in place. Especially since, you know they're going to be after you as soon as you're out in the open, right? I mean do you have -any- kind of backup, or extraction plan, or anything like that? Because you know -they're- going to have backup, right?" the boy asks. "Or maybe you've got some kind of teleportation arrangement in place, perhaps a portable orbital bounce module, or something. And if not then don't you think you might need some kind of getaway ride, assuming you make it to the road without getting shot full of holes?" For a teen, he seems to know a -lot- about these kinds of operations.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen narrowed his eyes at the boy again, that light smirk emerging on his features. "You had me, up until you asked all the questions." He says, drawing his pistol again. "Let's drop the charade and get to the heart of the matter. Your clearly union, and here to stop me." He says, hitting the enter key hard. "Of course, that would have been easier to do with clear images of me. Images I just scrubbed from the security footage." He says. His download made a noise, and read 100 percent. "Now, we can do this easily or hard. Easy, you step out of my way. Hard, I shoot you in the face."

Blurr has posed:
    Despite the fact that Garen has a gun pointed at the kid's face and he doesn't appear to be armed, he doesn't appear to be at all disconcerted, either. He just holds his hands in the air defensively. "Hey, hey who ever said anything about Union? I was just wondering, you know? Because I didn't see any escape vehicles or backup coming. Are your people really gonna leave you high and dry?

Blurr has posed:
    Despite the fact that Garen has a gun pointed at the kid's face and he doesn't appear to be armed, he doesn't appear to be at all disconcerted, either. He just holds his hands in the air defensively. "Hey, hey who ever said anything about Union? I was just wondering, you know? Because I didn't see any escape vehicles or backup coming. Are your people really gonna leave you high and dry? Honestly I'm just trying to look out for you, because I know that sometimes -they- don't."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius flexed his gloved hand as he then stepped on the smaller airship. The hanger of the Dreadnaught opened and as it did so, the smaller airship then made haste toward the ground. As it moved in closer, Gaius looked over at his troops on board. The helmet he wore hide all of his features. The armor dark black, that seem to take the light away, with trims of gold. The cloth like material that was exposed was that of blood red in color. His voice deep and calm, with a slight reverb created by the helment itself. "Keep some distance, but keep the cannons ready."

"Are you sure you want to go alone, my lord?" One of the soldiers asked with some concern in his voice.

Gaius only stared at the Imperial soldier before he then looked away. There was no response given, only a simply flicker of blue light as Gaius form vanished from the airship and soon landed on the ground in a slight crouch as the dark light shimmered around him in that moment of wisps of light. Light he soon walked away from as he reached for the sword on his backside and easily brought it forth.

He soon then rolled the chamber of the blade. It seemed the melee weapon was not only designed to be that of a blade, but also that of a gun as well. A gun he was ready to fire if what came out was far more then a man being chased-- as he must admit. He had not seen the one calling for assistance, but the voice gave enough evidence that he may be able to place two and two together. That and such a mission would surely not be one where a simple man would not be running out of a building alone.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen looks at the boy again, and quietly moves over to undo the drive he put into the computer. "Classified information." He replies simply. As he turns to start to leave, he asks a simple question. "What is your name?" He asks, his suspiscion still very high.

Blurr has posed:
    "Oh I don't really have a name, but they called me infiltration unit B2-544. You know this kind of thing is THE kind of thing that I was made for, and I've been waiting forever to get deployed but I think they forgot about me because I never got any commands." The kid tilts his head to side a little, his face still expressionless. "But! You know, I bet they've got all kinds of encryption on that data, you might have downloaded it but cracking it's going to be another story altogether. I could help you, I could at -least- break through the tier 1 protocols on the way and they'd never suspect because they -made- me! Oh, and I'm -fast-."

    He points toward a small window with a view of the street, and sure enough sitting on the curb is the perfect getaway ride. A sleek blue hover speeder that looks like it can travel faster than the speed of sound, because well---it -can-. "So what do you say you let me do what I was made for and get you out of here before the Union can even so much as blink in your direction?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius moves to the boundaries of the area and his boots come to a halt. His sword tip remained pointed to the ground as his index finger just rested along the side of the trigger. Those seemingly void-less eyes look toward the facility.

Waiting for a sign of movement, struggle, or any form of activity. It was a simple waiting game really...

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen smirks and shakes his head. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm not the one hacking it. I have people to do that. By the way....let your superiors know that their information was taken by Cipher Nine." He says, turning to start running. He darts for the door, making sure that his allies won't shoot him.

Blurr has posed:
    "Why should I tell them? They won't care, they never listen to me..." The teen sighs disappointedly. "Fine, but the offer still stands if you -do- end up needing me! I'll be in the garage in the basement, for easier access." he says as Garen leaves the room.

    Slag it, this wasn't working. Okay time for Plan B. The hover racer's engines fire up and it moves into the garage as he'd said, parking against a wall near the elevator. It's not a difficult task for him to jack into an open socket near the security pad. This -is- a covert union facility, after all, and he is a union operative. This is home turf. Thus there are measures in place in the case of an emergency, allowing him to jack into the system and control it himself. Thus, as soon as Garen exits the room he had been in previously, the door slams shut behind him, and the one on the far end of the hallway leading toward the exits also starts to slide shut. The place is going into full lockdown. Certainly that was expected, though.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius cants his head ever so slightly when he suddenly notices doors closing that were open. That was--- not a good sign. He then taps the side of his helmet as he starts to walk toward the door. "Send me down two Vanguards."
>>"At once, my lord!"<<

Gaius then switches frequencies as he goes to contact the agent within. He was not sure how effective the Vanguards would be once those doors closed, but he would soon find out as he knew fully well without those Magitek machinas-- there was no way he could keep it open under his own power.

As he continues to walk on, behind him soon land down to far larger machines. The strange optical areas flash red with light. They remind one of knights, only less humanoid in some ways. Their arms were massive lances and Gaius points forward toward the closing door. "Vanguards. Destroy the blockade."

The machines then walk, before they jog, and then go into a full run. Moving right past Gaius at full speed, kicking up dust in their wake and moving his kama ever so slightly. Their lances ready to penetrate the very doors if not start to spear it apart if that is what must be done.

Curiously, these Magitek machines lacked any pilot and there metal was far stronger then what one would expect from a world of a 'fantasy'.

Garen (530) has posed:
    The walls were strong, but were slowly giving way. "Hrm..." Garen thinks a moment, and walks back towards Blur. His face looks quite perterbed. "The door. Open it." He says, teeth gritting. "I know that you are trying to stop me. You have already failed. Besides.....I would hate to have to attack an infiltrator as good as you."

Blurr has posed:
    The outer blast doors start to cave under the Vanguards' assault, though they will find that there are still quite a few to go before they'll reach Garen within. This place isn't Metroplex, though. Because if it were, those Vanguards would be toast. But it isn't, so all Blurr can do is keep sealing every door he can possibly find and stall to buy himself enough time to figure out what to do with this guy. He reroutes power from the elevator, causing it to shut down, and uses it to send a high-voltage current through the doors the Vanguards are attempting to tear down. If they touch it, or touch it with anything conductive, they are going to be in for a real shock. It probably won't take them out, but maybe it'll paralyze them for a bit.

    Hmm. Should he drop the facade? He doesn't seem to be falling for it. Or maybe he would, if he just kept it up. Nah. This is pointless. He's already got backup. The holomatter appears in the hallway again. "Oh, well thanks! Sure, I'll open the door, just put down that disk you've got all that data on, and don't pick it back up."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
One of the Vanguards go to slam into the door and the electrical current slams into it. It causes the aetheric powered machine to stagger backwards, but it soon rejoins the other, which makes the same mistake as the other and-- well-- gets the same result.

The second time the Vanguards go at it, only one of them strikes and attempts to act as a grounding point-- which isn't good for the drone in the long run, but it seems the other attempts to take this chance to see if it can tear down the door with zero impact from the electrical current.

As for Gaius himself he stands and observes. His eyes within the helmet looking over the facility for any openings beyond the door. Such as windows or weak structural points. He hate to ask the Dreadnaught further out to actually take aim to create and opening-- as that could injure the Confederate agent inside.

However, for now, he will let the two Vanguard's do their jobs as the drones they are and wait to see what the results may yield.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen shakes his head. "I can't do that, and you know it. So here's my proposal. Open the door, and I let you live." He says, in his hand his blaster. He was aiming at the holoprojections head and his face showed he was serious.

Blurr has posed:
    The current keeps passing through the blast doors on an endless circuit as the Vanguards keep attempting to tear it down, and each time they touch it with their weapons, it knocks them back. However, the second time it would appear that someone or something had an inkling of an idea, as one of the Vanguards tries to take the brunt of the shock. And no, it certainly isn't good for the drone...it won't last too long under that kind of punishment, though the door is giving away quite surely. A few more strikes and they'll have breached the outer doors. The rest shouldn't be as heavily armored.

    As Gaius searches for an opening, he might catch sight of a smaller side door closing. If he can get over there fast enough, he may be able to thrust himself inside without getting crushed.

    Meanwhile, Garen has his gun pointed at the projection, and it just laughs. "You think I'm that easy to kill? Haha...pal, I hate to break it to you but you're hardly in a position to bargain. You know this place has a self-destruct mechanism too, I just noticed. So yeah, surrender the data now, and I -might- just let you get out of here alive." Whether there is or isn't really a self-destruct to arm is another question altogether, but is Garen willing to find out?

Garen (530) has posed:
    "Oh really? Engage it. I'm prepared to die for the Empire. Are you prepared to die for your faction?" Garen counters. Again, his eyes hint he wasn't bluffing about this either. At this moment, Blurr may notice another person working their way into the system. "Oh, I forgot to mention. My hacking installed a temporary back door for my handler to get inside, if I needed the help."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Vanguard continues to hold the current. The Magitek armor was an oddity of science really. They were not machines solely of wires or circuits, but one of aetheric currents and gears. Yet in the realm of science and magic, this type of punishment wasn't good.

As the other Vanguard goes to do a final strike, the one acting as an electrical hold at last is thrown back hard and its form surging before it explodes due to the fuel source it runs out giving way. It was one heck of an explosion too. A massive blue fire ball really the explodes armor in all directions. Including a pierce of shrapnel lodging itself into the other Vanguard that-- refuses to give up.

As fro Gaius he spots the open and lowers his head slightly. With a hard push off he races toward the opening. His strides were precise where they made impact at and his bounds were making use of his long legs in combination of the magitek augments fused in the armor itself.

With a quick shove, his form suddenly vanished in blue light and then reformed in that same blue light passed that very closing door. His hand still resting on his weapon as he starts to navigate inward to locate the Chiss. As this was taking to long for his liking.

Though rest assured, he was not going alone, because his own men were now on there way down by his last signal and were moving in to assist the Vanguard, including bring two more in. Once they got inside, they would start to triangulate where Gaius would be a merge on that very spot.

They would get this Confederate member out, one way or another-- even if its means some very lethal explosions have to take place.

Blurr has posed:
    "Oh, well okay." The holoform grins. And...well it seems he really -wasn't- bluffing, either. A loud, harsh sound begins to reverberate throughout the facility, and red lights flash. Anyone and everyone inside the building or within the blast radius outside has a grand total of fifteen seconds to either get the hell out of said blast radius, or find cover that'll be strong enough to keep them from getting blown to bits. "Am I ready to die for my faction? Good question, but irrelevant. See I'm a getaway ride like I said. So getting out of here in time is no problem for me!" He's already scanned the databases and determined which files had been accessed by an unauthorized entity, thus he is done here. So what if the man gets away with intel...it'll be nothing more than outdated intel, now.

    "Anyway I'm done now, so you have fun with that explosion, okay?" With that, Blurr opens the garage doors and pulls out of the system, zooming off at supersonic speed.

    Now Gaius and Garen have about 10 seconds to get the slag out of there...

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
>>"My lord--"<<

>>"I am aware."<<

Gaius remarked back as one of his men spoke over his private comm. The alarm was set and an explosion no doubt was about to happen with that mild shake. He quickly sheathed his weapon and continued to move into the facility to locate the one they were here to 'save'. He reached over and adjusted part of his armor on his bracer, giving it a mild flick and as he did so a field appeared around his hand for a moment before it flickered away.

As Gaius walked, he spoke over his comm. >>"I will need an opening. Move everyone back from the entry point and have the Dreadnaught fire its main cannon onto the location."<<

>>"But my lord, if we do that there is a chance that it could do far exceeding structural damage."<<

>>"If they desire to detonate the area, the structural damage be little of concern by that point."<<

>>"Yes My lord!"<<

Gaius at last spots the blue alien and motions over to him. "You there. Let us hope what you have found is worth the trouble of this wretched place. Now come to my side and when I tell you to get down, do so. When I tell you to run-- run."

On the surface, high in the skies. The Dreadnaught was already locked on with its main cannon, a bright glow gleamed from the cannon and with a massive explosion from the air and heavy hot beam of energy went to slam down on the entrance to blast it apart. Though by the time it fires-- it is possible that the very detonation set to explode may too be also getting ready to go off-- leaving very little time for this rapidly thought out plan.

A plan that Gaius was not sure would work on his end.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen cursed under his breath as he spots the self-destruct countdown. "Keeper, we have a situation." Over the com, Keeper responded. "I'm well aware, agent. I've got you a limited window. We are attempting to stall the self-destruct sequence long enough for you to get clear. I'd suggest moving...now. Your ally is in this area." He says, marking the spot by opening the doors there. Garen hauls ass towards Gaius, and once in sight, drops his accent to his normal one. "We had best move, now. If you have a quick means of exit, I would use it."

Blurr has posed:
    Garen's other ally besides Gaius is able to buy them a few more precious seconds. A good thing for the two of them, because he hadn't been there they both would have been at ground zero and incinerated. Ten seconds really isn't very long. There is a red HUD in the hallway on their way out, and as they come up on it, it informs them that they have ...


    There's a sound from the facility's interior, and from their position near the perimeter it sounds kind of faint, but there's no mistaking it. The explosion has been set off. Hot gases blast into walls, supplies, and equipment, blowing them off their supports and sending them flying outward. Gaius and Garen had been run, better yet do something even -faster- if possible, because a fiery inferno is coming up behind them--and fast.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen runs as fast as his legs will take him. Once more he calls into the radio. "Keeper! We could due with a bit more time!" Keeper is quiet for a moment, before responding. "Understood, Agent. We will attempt to close doors behind you to slow the explosion's path." As they run, he didn't know exactly where his ally was going to take him, but it sure as heck beat being in the middle of an explosion.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius can hear the explosion from the cannon just as then the explosion of the facility goes off. He quickly leads the way with easy steps in that heavy armor, not even seeming to be bothered by its weight as he runs.

Even if the doors do bye them some time, being if they do actually close in time. It is the matter of getting out as the explosive force, as he knows how such facilities go-- will continue to stalk their every step.

Gaius then spots the opening with his people there. The Imperial troops waiting to quickly scramble them away from the explosions and to safety. However such time is fleeting and such time for the agent with him would need to be bought.

The Garlean commander then goes to shove the agent with his hand and if he makes impact, though it be a gentle nudge, it may hasten his steps by the sheer augmented force behind it. "Go. Now." Gaius words came to run and his voice ever calm, though urgency was behind them.

Once closer he spun himself around and then slammed his fist into the ground, a blue ring of energy blasted forward from him and then constructed up a 'shield' of some kind to redirect the flames away and into the very walls. Yet the shield itself would not remain, for the protective wall of created aether energy slowly started to give way, as it cracks and starts to break.

Gaius' own boots planted in a knelt position was starting to slide back as he grunted from the force. He could hear the roof above him creak from the heat and the area around him only becoming a smoldering pit...

As for the Chiss once he was out, he be met by several of the Garlean Troops who would quickly escort him straight to the hovering troop airship, that had its ramp only just a touch off the ground. Oddly his men didn't seem to concerned about Gaius-- though there was a few who kept looking back, proving that they were indeed.

It be somewhere in this did the protective barrier that Gaius had conjured from his Magitek would at last give. The very augment itself actually shattering from the sheer drain speed and though he shoved off as it gave way. The Legatus was quickly lost in the flames that came through the open maw of the building.

Blurr has posed:
    Gaius' barrier is effective in absorbing most of the explosion, preventing it from incinerating them all. Given the sheer scope of it, had it not been for that, they surely would have been dead.

    But what of Gaius? Is he... dead? The flames seem to have washed over him once the shield had cracked and given way, though they didn't go nearly as far as they would have if he hadn't used it. Indeed, the facility they had just been in is now nothing more than a blackened spot on the ground, with a few pieces of flaming debris lying about.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The flames have died away and two of the men go to check the area where the flames had seemingly consumed their Legatus. It is then that some of the burnt rubble stirs and soon Gaius shoves some of it off him. His armor dented a bit, one of the horns broken off and a bit of his armor charred from the flames.

Yet there he rose and there he stood looking at the two men that came to assist him. Though unlike his normal self, when he went to take a step, he nearly stumbled and if not for his men, he would have fallen over.

The Imperial Legatus of the fourteenth legion was indeed a beast of the Garlean Empire, but in the end, Gaius was still a man and a man can only take so much before the body desires to just give. That little stunt was a reminder of this very thing. Yet it was worth it all, if the Chiss Agent was indeed alright and the information, old it may be, was still intact.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen looks over the ship, and the singed form of Gaius. "I owe you for your timely assistance. I would have been a bit worse off without." He says, offering his hand to the Imperial Legatus.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Once Gaius arrives to the location that Garen stands at, he accepts the hand shake and holds his composure. However bad off he was in the armor was hard to determine. "You are an ally of the Confederacy. To ignore such, would be a of a great folly."

Once they do get inside, Gaius instructs the pilot to head to the nearest Confederate facility in the area, that they would head back to the Dreadnaught once Garen was dropped off and was back in safe territory.

This-- was an interesting venture.