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How To Make A Doctor Regret Everything
Date of Scene: 03 August 2014
Location: The Great Ruin
Synopsis: The Confederacy puts a stop to Dr. Jacob Jaymingson's illegal operations and acquire a new assassin.
Cast of Characters: 22, 157, 234, 336, 368, 519
Tinyplot: WMAT

Veno (519) has posed:
    The Great Ruin(s), an area native to the Multiverse, a massive patchwork of ruins from other worlds. For countless miles there are ruins; castles, fortresses, cities, ancient and futuristic, all ravaged by time, overcome by vegetation, half-burried in grassy plains and wastelands. It's not the kind of place you expect to find a laboratory in, which might be the reason it was placed here.

    Amidst old Roman ruins, white marble worn away by the years, is a large white door leading underground. The door is styled after a complex puzzle, as if it required all manners of keys and talismans to be placed onto it to be opened. None of them even exist, a Confederate ID opens it, but the false puzzle leads throw adventurers off trying to open it, and it's strong enough one can't just brute force their way through.

    But the door is not even closed now. There's a personal shuttle, the kind of small starship you might ask for if you were moving the contents of a small house to a new location, or just had to shuttle a couple dozen people around. It's being loaded with sensitive equipment from inside wherever the door leads. There's a few armed guards; one looks like a cybernetic Ork, big, green, Orky, another looks like a cybernetic Drow, and the other two are just badly disfigured cybernetic humans. The actual cargo loading is being handled by lifter robots of various shapes and sizes.

    There's plenty of room and cover to gather and hide! Disabling the guards silently might make the trek inside easier, but nothing wrong with going loud.

Bliss (157) has posed:
So Bliss is here, sneaking toward the ruins! At least, that's the idea. "Sooo... let's see... cybered up means they might actually have heat vision and stuff, so..." She concentrates a moment, and the small fairy shimmers and vanishes, her invisibility cloaking her visually, auditory, and even her heat signature. The only indication something is happening is that a faint 'pop' of displaced air occurs where she was before, and where she reappears... well, sort of. She'll reappear when she attempts to strike the Drow, reaching out with that mechanical arm of hers.

Just touching is enough to start the process. A YANK of something inside the Drow, and a thrumming arch of bluish energy flowing into Bliss. Elves should be mostly ageless, but this one will immediately start to wither and age at a rapid rate unless someone stops her.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
A set of steampunkish looking ruins over is where another dropship comes down to land, apparently not caring if the hidden laboratory notices it or not. This was a point past caring about things. Especially when the passover revealed that materials were already being moved from the target site. The dropship settles with a hiss of pneumatic cushioning, and its unloading ramp drops down.

Tesla Armadia herself walks down it first, even as her power armor is manifesting around her, helmet sealing over her utterly frigid gaze last. To one side and slightly behind her, Lunessa has a completely different, almost cheerful looking toothy grin as she lifts and cocks her assault rifle in preperation. On the other side, the hulking armored ceratopsian form of Shardcore lumbers down, weapon systems already warming up. The trio march to the edge where those ruins border the romanesque ones, then Tesla stops and holds up one arm. "Shardcore..." The warmachine turns his head just enough to look down to her. And Tesla lowers her arm, pointing towards the shuttle.


The next and only warning the workers get that someone is approaching is the scream of a high velocity fragmentation slug fired from Shardcore's shoulder cannon slamming into the side of the shuttle. Guards that turn to return fire are aptly met with Lunessa's gauss rifle and blasts of kinetic energy from the technopath's gauntlets.

Sometimes there was time for stealth, subtefuge and tactics.

And sometimes you just had to show someone how big of a screwup they made with extreme prejudice.

Guess what mood Major Armadia is. Go ahead, guess.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    It's kind of ironic. Experiments on children is something that Medusa is only far too familiar with, but then again... do the others really need to know that? While the Confederacy is aware of the state of her child, it's not like they imagine her to be a saint. But then again, it's not like she has done anything against the rules of the Confederacy while in their service.

    Honestly, this doesn't upset her... but it can be useful. Perhaps there will be data gathered from this. Scientific results. And why not make sure that the research doesn't go to waste, hmm?

    The witch arrives, keeping herself mostly hidden as she makes her way through the ruins around the entrance to their intended destination. Quite the place to keep a lab, huh? Not too bad. With her Soul Protect gone, she might be noticeable to the enemy forces... but by then it will most likely be way too late. And with Tesla's ship arriving, it's clear that there is little point in staying hidden.

    "Vector Plate!"

    As the snake witch arrives and yells out the magic command, black arrows appear underneath the remaining guards, intending to knock them into one another to hopefully stun them briefly and make it easier for a slender figure clad in a black jump suit to leap forward, sending a round house kick into the face of one of them. And as she turns with the kick, so does the Tail Snake behind her, moving to slice across the neck of the other guard.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    "Helloooooooooo~. Excuuuuse meeeeeeee!"
    From the surrounding and apparently utterly lost comes a slender figure in red silks. A dusky skinned and veiled dancer who seems so utterly and completely out of place here, and she is so very all alone. "I'm looooost! You wouldn't happen to know the way to Albequerque from here would you?" Lu-Mey croons, pointing at a rumpled map in one hand as she brazenly approaches, walking right up to the biggest of the lot. She will outright just plain ignore any hostility or warnings to get the fuck out, proceeding to get in people's faces and point emphatically at her map until...
    Bliss appears and makes her strike.
    Like a flash of lightning a jagged and monstrous blade of dark bone bursts from her forearm, as she touches it to the ork's chest.
    It's one of Xu the Mad's old breeds. Designed to inflict maximum trauma and tissue damage, as well as pierce armor like butter, and as quick as it snaps out to wreak havoc on internal organs and machinations, it withdraws back into her arm.

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    Starless Night is here... supposedly. In actuality, she's nowhere to be seen... not that many even know what she looks like. Who /is/ here is a young blonde woman, hair in aponytail, wearing a pair of glasses and a labcoat. She's carrying a clipboard.

    She also has her head in her free hand, sighing heavily at how things were handled. "Mn, right. Live and learn I suppose." With a disgusted snort she just... walks toward the door, figuring the mooks are taken care of.

Veno (519) has posed:
    Bliss digs in, and the Drow immediatly starts withering. Oddly, his cybernetics do as well. As he ages, his mechanical parts start rusting and falling apart, as if they were subject to the same equivalent strain of hundreds of years just vanishing in an instant. As what's left of his husk hits the ground, most of his cybernetics have deteriorated into small chunks of rust and broken circuitry.

    Shardcore opens fire on the shuttle. It's a transport model, not armored, not armed. It goes up in a fireball, destroying most of its contents and knocking the two human guards off their feet outright.

    With them downed, it's trivial for Medusa to knock them into one another; she kicks one in the face, while the other has his neck sliced open. Both dead; the latter is obvious, the former has his skull caved in, the delicate cybernetics have been smashed into his brain.

    The Ork levels a massive rocket launcher slash machine gun at Lu-Mey, shouting: "DEM'S SUM HARDY SPEAKY WORDS, I'S JUST GONNA KILL YA, THEN YOU'S NOT GON'BE LOST 'NYMORE!" Before he can put his extremely well-worded threat to execution, he is brutally slain by Lu-Mey's dark blade, which on its own might not have been enough due to Orky constitution... but the cybernetics make that more complicated, and all that damage pays off.

    The way in is clear! Miraculously, no loud alarms.
    But if Jacob didn't expect company, now he does for sure.

    Starless Night heads inside first, finding a long hallway, with a ceiling about ten meters up. A map of the area, provided by the traitor (whatever happened to him is still entirely up to you), locates the main testing chambers two rooms straight ahead. To the right there's the barracks, and to the left the supply warehouses. Each area looks like it has extremely thick and heavy blastdoors, the kind you put in a prison you plan to lock unruly monsters in, but for whatever reason they're not being slammed shut to bar access right now.

    It's oddly quiet, really.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Landing in a crouch, Medusa gives a single glance to the dead guards. Around her, things explode, more guards die... and she approves. This is far better than being stuck doing lab work, and well... visits to other places can be educational in itself.

    For now she follows after Starless Night, looking around curiously. "Hmmm. Should we spread out or stick together, miss Tesla~?" she wonders out loud as she glances over her shoulder behind her to Tesla. She /is/ the commanding officer here, after all. The blast doors... could become a problem.

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    Strolling right down the corridor, Starless pauses at the wide open area and then glances over her shoulder. When Medusa asks Tesla, she shakes her head and declares mildly, "This is most likely a trap. We should clear out both rooms. Supplies area first, and preserve what is in there if possible."

    After a moment of consideration, she states, "Bliss, why don't you go in first? I believe you should be safest if this is a trap, considering your abilities."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
As far as Tesla was concerned, this was past the time for stealth. This guy had to know they were coming for him, and that his little operation was going to suffer for what he has done. To the credit of her little band, they were just outright shooting down whatever guards got in the way, and not making them suffer.

That was probably being saved for Dr. Jaymingson.

The lack of alarms, of more guards screaming out to meet them, was unsettling. But not unfamiliar to her, making her frown. "He's probably waiting to turn loose more of his creations on us." She agress with Starless Night. And prehaps to the surprise of some doesn't object to someone else being the officer in charge. "We should stay together, and be on your guard."

When Bliss is sent forward to look for traps, she motions to her lieutenants to stay back and wait. Lunessa turns her attention in the other direction while Bliss is sent to check the supply room, but she's not going anywhere. She's just making sure no one comes from that direction to try and sneak up on them.

Bliss (157) has posed:
"AYE AYE, LIEUTENANT!" Bliss snaps a salute and... doesn't actually shout that. It's at normal volume, she's just much more chipper and pleasant than she was before. A nice meal of several hundred years' worth of life force really hits the spot!

A moment later she vanishes, going invisible again to slink into the open door and sniff out any life forces or traps. Not that she's a super spy sort, but she can check for ambushes well enough. She'll only signal that it's okay to move in if she doesn't see anyone... or at least tell the others if there's someone waiting.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    "Ahem hem." Oh that would be Lu-Mey, casually stepping over the fallen ork and fussing with her dress as she strides in right after Starless. "Hmmm..."
    A quick glance around and she hangs back when the Kugutsu orders Bliss to investigate one of the chambers, but scarlet eyes find something of interest.
    Kicking off her sandals, the dusky-skinned Oni presses her hands to the wall. Then her feet. Then she starts scaling it, as deft and agile as a spider, skittering up the wall and ceiling in an unnerving fashion before she gets to what interests her. That talonfang slithers out of her arm again and she uses it to quickly slash open a vent grille before clambering inside.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    A trap? You don't say. The witch looks amused, but she nods as the other lieutenant takes charge. "Agreed. There could be valuable information of all sorts here."

    My, isn't Bliss enthusiastic? It is enough to make Medusa's smile widen slightly, and she herself keeps back by the doors leading into the supplies area along with the others. Patience is the key, though it should be clear from just looking at Medusa that she is coiled and ready to spring into action should something happen. Serpentine eyes stare forward into the supplies area, watching for movement, waiting for /something/ to happen.

Veno (519) has posed:
    The supply area is, as expected, a very large room filled with crates, spare parts, unplugged and inactive equipment, and even a few cryogenic pods, though they're also inactive. It's obviously a good haul worth taking rather than destroying if it can be helped. Many crates appear to be identified as biohazards. One of them is open, and seems to contain dozens and dozens of colored vials with tags on them. Judging by the names, they all seem to be poisonous chemicals. The oddest vial by far has a yellow and black liquid inside-- striped like a bee or wasp, and no matter how much you shake it, the damn liquid stays striped and the colors don't mix. It's tagged as initrobeedril.

    Doesn't seem to be anyone keeping watch on the supplies. There's a body though. Looks like a quartermaster, from his Confederate unicorm. He took his own plasma pistol to his head. Smart guy.

    Lu-Mey hops into the vents!
    They're vents.
    They go on for a while, and seem to connect to many rooms not on the map at all. The rooms look like they were dug in with teleporters-- they have no way in, or out. They all contain cybernetic beasts of various natures and sizes. The vents also go over the supply area, the barracks, and the main laboratory, but don't seem to connect to the main chamber that also doubles as Jacob's office, further in.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    The only thing anyone will hear is an ominous skitter from up above. Lu mostly ignores the one-way entry seeming rooms, though she eyes some of the creatures within with a vague clinical curiosity, she slinks along the crawlspaces and vents, peeking down into grills. She passes the supply room, Bliss has that covered, so she makes her way towards the labs.
    "Hmmmm hmmm. Cute, cute, weird, to metal, not enough metal..." She muses to herself in passing various beasts, before stealthily peeking to see who or what's in the main lab.

Veno (519) has posed:
    The main laboratory seems to consist in a massive rectangular room. Each side is lined with large cryogenic pods, most active, monitoring consoles, assorted equipment, tables full of paperwork, partial cybernetics undergoing repair and disassembly, and all manners of tools and toys meant to help in the process. A fight broke out between the staff and most of them are dead, having apparently shot at one another with pistols they had under their labcoats. They must have disagreed on whether they should surrender, fight, or betray Jacob, knowing exactly what they were in for. The few that are still alive are trying to round up all the important-looking paperwork in their pockets.

    There's a large gate leading to the final chamber (and presumably Jacob's office) at the end of this room. It is closed, but the actual blast doors aren't down yet here either.

Bliss (157) has posed:
Nobody is here! Well, nobody living. Bliss checks the quartermaster's pulse, then shrugs. That's kind of just for show, with her... touching him can determine if he's alive, barring some feign death abilities.

She'll take the beedrill and pop out to the others, again, handing it over with her mechanical arm. "I found this, might be useful. People are always picking up random things and finding uses for them in my world." The fairy turns and lazily flutters further down, unless Starless has something else for her to do.

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    Starless, still dressed in that labcoat and looking like a typical scientist, will take a quick peek in the barracks. "The rest of you, go on ahead. Carefully and quietly. We don't want to destroy what they have here, but if anyone does not immediately surrender, kill them."

    The woman steps into the barracks area then, just strolling in carrying her clipboard as if she belonged there, though she has a severe frown on her face and a swift gait. She's trying to project the 'angry and hurried due to the EXPLOSION OUTSIDE' look.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
While they are waiting for Bliss to investigate, Tesla takes a few moments to wrest with her own inner demons. She has her personal reasons to be really ticked off at this sort of scientist, but at the same time, she realizes those reasons are compromising her approach to this matter. Too many similarities to some of what she put up with growing up, and with the scientists around her before she took over GEAR for herself. All the same she shoves it down, and resumes the cold, practical fury she's been using for much of the night.

When Bliss does report in she's back to being cold and logical, for the most part. At least to keeping her issues in check until later. "Lunessa, take guard. Call in an investigation team to have this thoroughly investigated and cataloged. I want to know what can be reclaimed, and what needs to be destroyed." The cyber-wolf nods, and marches to the supply room to do as ordered.

Tesla turns back to the others. "Stay with me, Shardcore. If he DOES turn loose any abominations..." She doesn't like all this lack of traps and alarms, and it shows. When Starless gives her command and then slips off to the barracks, she turns and marchs off as indicated with the saurian warmachine following after her.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    So nobody else is here? Medusa narrows her eyes when Bliss returns with the strange potion, curiousity there... but then Starless gives the orders, and Medusa nods. "As you wish~" she responds, then nods at Bliss before she turns and heads on down the corridor leading further into the lab as Starless heads into the barracks. The main testing chambers ought to be interesting either way, and the witch can't help but wonder just how interesting they might turn out to be.

    "If he does turn loose any abominations, we will handle them of course," she says calmly, though with a strangely cheery tone to her voice. And once they reach the doors, Medusa presses herself up against the side of it, one hand resting on the door release. "If you cover me, I don't mind going first," she says to the others. She is agile, but if Bliss wants to go first... well, she won't mind. What matters is that they get this entire matter sorted out. The Confederacy have to set an example, after all.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Spotting the scientists below, the Oni's lips part into a monster leer of excitement.
    Quiet as a mouse, Lu-Mey tugs the vent grill open, slowly and carefully as to not make a sound nor disturb the ceiling and draw attention... Until she slides the partition aside and is left with a perfect view of the workers below.
    One fingernail extends to the length and sharpness of a knife and she uses it to start cutting her own stomach open...
    No one will notice the gigantic black centipede descending from the vent until it's too late. A sudden -screeeeech- and it coils about the closest scientist's neck, YANKING him up into the vent. And within SECONDS it's raining blood, a flood of liquid crimson spraying down into the room below as a pair of legs are dropped from a different grill, and a mangled and destroyed torso crashes in from another, before Lu-Mey herself drops down, soaked from head to toe in gore.
    "Hi! I'm with Human Resources. I have a few questions about your work ethic at this facility!"

Veno (519) has posed:
    In the BARRACKS, Starless Night and Tesla Armadia find a mix of armed, cybernetic soldiers, just sort of standing there-- as if braindead, unfocused, just waiting for orders, and of scientists, in labcoats and Confederate uniforms. They're all scrambling to pack everything they can get their hands on into briefcases, bags of holding, their pockets, wherever it fits. They don't seem to recognize either of the people coming in-- it's not that they aren't well-known Elites, it's that these people, data could reveal right now, or later, have been isolated here for years. Completely off the records without a lot of scrubbing, just like Jacob.

    "Oh, good, two more pairs of arms! Come on," one of the scientists urges them. "Help us pack everything so we can activate the teleporters already. We can't lose all this research but getting caught wouldn't be any good, they're going to crucify us or worse. We'll be out of this sector of the Multiverse before sunset."

    In the laboratory itself, Lu-Mey produces a giant insect, and it drags a poor man into the vents with her. And then comes out, in multiple pieces. Between that, Medusa and Bliss coming in, and the overall situation...

    The three men still alive whimper.

    "Don't kill us!" "We'll do anything you say!" "We don't like Jacob anyway!" "He's a jerk and kind of creepy!"

    The intercoms turn on. Jacob's voice-- presumably, anyway-- starts speaking. "I am NOT creepy. More importantly, welcome. Yaddy yadda obvious trap speech. Beasts. Toodles."

    The blast doors leading to his office-- and back to the hallway-- slam down. Four cybernetic Displacer Beasts suddenly teleport into the lab-- black, lion-like creatures with tendrils coming out of their backs. Some of the tentacles have been replaced by cannons too. One of them manages to reach a scientist and bludgeon him with one of its tentacles.

    The scientist gets half-teleported into the wall. It's not a telefrag! It looks like it replaced the matter of the wall to put the guy there instead. But now he's screaming and kind of stuck there.

Bliss (157) has posed:
"Bleh, animals," Bliss makes a face, then just... sort of casually lifts her mechanical arm. Her magic is mostly nature magic, so flinging lightning bolts is out of her ability, but she's fully juiced up with a fresh meal and not really caring about sparing the lives of these creatures. So when the tendril wraps around the fairy, she replies with...

A small gun port popping out of her clockwork arm, with a whining charge. The Displacer might be able to squeeze her or snap a bone, but the fairy just starts giggling either way as she lets loose a series of bright and shining moonfire bolts, a rapid-fire spray to cover any 'displacement' issues with her own solution: 'saturation fire.'

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Well, you can't fault Lu-Mey for her methods! Overall Medusa looks rather pleased at the display, smiling in what might be a bright manner as she peers up at the vent and at the mess in overall. The three remaining men get a raised eyebrow as Medusa studies them. "I hardly see why we need more than one of you alive. If any of you are willing to give us information that we can't get otherwise," she shrugs, narrowing her eyes as she steps forward through the door. But before she can say more, the intercom interrupts her and she turns her head towards the sound of the voice. They should have known.

    "At least it's kind of him to not waste our time~?" she says with a shrug, only to smirk slightly as the breasts are teleported into the lab. The screaming of the scientist is ignored, and Medusa leers as she brings her arm back. "Let us handle these so we can find the one pulling their strings...!" Then she throws both arms forward aimed at one of the beasts. "Vector Arrow!" Tentacles, meet vector snakes. Wriggling black arrows pour of Medusa's back and around her, shooting forward at one of the Displacer beasts, aimed to kill.

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    Starless Night pushes her glasses up. "Well, if you insist on my help... then I suppose I can leave one of you alive." Huh? Well, she doesn't want them to order the guards into action, so she flicks her wrist out and sprays webbing on the face of one of the scientists before stepping in, arms reaching for the others.

    The arms, of course, erupt into vicious, barbed spires from the Talonfangs she carries, trying for a quick kill on both of them to 'clear out' the Barracks. "Mmmhmm. Sounds like it's a bit of a mess back there."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Cold and efficiently Tesla steps up to one of the scientists asking for help.. though she also prevents him from rushing out the doors. One hand reachs out to take the closed briefcase he just finished stuffing whatever he could into. "You are correct."

Her other arm points at his midsection, the bolters deploying from her vambrace to fire directly into his midsection. "On both accounts."

She opens the case just enough to glance inside, and then shuts it again. Every bit of information gather was of use, regardless if it was more evidence against the rogue scientist, or something that can later be .. repurposed. Then grunts softly at the radio. "Shardcore. Go to the others. Sounds like they may need help getting out of the room." The hulking machine turns and matchs towards the lab where everyone else went. Though once he gets there, there's the whole blast doors to deal with. Oh well, he'll just use his head.

No, literally. Being modeled after a triceratops, he starts slamming his horned metal head into the doors.

Like it was nothing Telsa goes about picking up other stuff the scientists were trying to pack up.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Oh good, they're complying.
    Lu-Mey immediately loses interest in the men.
    Jacobs hower, is not complying.
    The sudden teleportation of the Displacer beasts into the room means...
    Whoop, Lu's sliding behind someone else rather than risk getting up close and personal. She shows little by way of care in regards to the man teleported into the wall. The teams coming to handle this debacle after they leave can handle him. Or just leave him to rot.
    No skin off her teeth as she produces a fancy fan and snaps it open. She flutters it at her face briefly before gossamer stands of silver-blue light-like threading seem to appear from nowhere and coil around a heavy desk in a lazy manner. Like thread flowing underwater. Except a YANKING motion snaps the sha taut and lifts the desk, flinging it with frightening force. Probably not enough to kill one of the beasts, but usher it into Bliss' line of fire? Might just do that.
    She then proceeds to start grooming herself.
    This involves licking blood off her hands and wrists.

Veno (519) has posed:
    Bliss' suppressive fire pelts and shreds one of the Displacer Beasts. It is full of delicious life energy if she wants it, but may cause random teleportation side-effects for a while.

    Medusa's arrow puts a clean hole through another one. It falls to the ground and bleeds an awful black ichor all over. The scientists-- the two that aren't screaming and in the wall, look at one another. One pulls a gun out and pops the other in the head. "There! Now it's just me and the other idiot, I'll tell you anything you want to know!"

    Lu-Mey causes the death of another one-- the damage she inflicts with her blow, on its own, is actually enough to shred tentacles off, but it's Bliss' fire that finishes the job.

    The final Displacer Beast glares at everyone.
    It teleports off.

    The intercoms come on again.

    "Sigh. Alright, alright. You folks come in, I'll meet you."

    The blast doors lift up again.

    The main chamber ahead is relatively small. There's a lot of cybernetic equipment all over the place, and twenty statis pods. There's children inside, age 9-11 or so. All dead, with varying levels of cybernetics. The pods have dated inscribed on them, indicating he's killed two every year for the last ten years, roughly. Must not be having a lot of luck with his attempts at doing whatever he's trying to do.

    Jacob Jaymingson is at his desk, calm. He's in his mid-30's, black hair going towards grey. Pistol on the table, standard revolver. One bullet in the cylinder. He stands up slowly.

    "Well then. How may I help you?"

Veno (519) has posed:
    Starless Night goes on a rampage; these guys aren't soldiers, or even enhanced. They're nerds, scientists, doctors. The cybernetic soldiers... don't seem to start a fight. The brains are dying too quickly to even give the orders, and their panic isn't helping. Some beg, others attempt in vain to pull pistols out.

    The issue is made that much worse when Tesla puts a hole in one. There's plenty of evidence here. Data on cybernetics which seem to only take proper hold in younger test subjects. Hundreds and hundreds of pages talking about the virtues of making cybernetics that are for all intents and purposes alive just like the body they're attached to. Brain experiments too, to modify the body to better adapt and control complex cybernetics. Plus some stuff about infusing knowledge directly into the brain, but that's not really a new theory. Being able to program stuff into people seems to have been pulled from another branch of R&D altogether and isn't really linked to the experiments.

    Lots of prototypes for various limbs to see too, but nothing really amazing.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
When the blast doors open Shardcore takes a step back. Then marchs in to catch up with the others. His sensors sweep over the remains of the cybernetic displacer beasts, but they are not alive and thus not targets. He just follows Tesla's orders to join the others and assist them without another process, coming to stop behind them in the open doors. His scanners briefly sweep the pods, but otherwise he just stands there, a weapon waiting to be deployed. And probably taking up most of the doorway.

After looking over some of the stuff Tesla gives a disgusted snort. Most of it, while interesting, was not of a caliber to justify what this man has been doing. She already designed 'biomechanics' that make living cybertronic constructs, that's how she created Lunessa. "Disgusting," she growls. At the information, not at Starless's removal of witnesses. That's entirely expected.

"I think its time to have words with the Doctor directly, if he's not already dead." Tesla turns and walks out to make her way to where the others are.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Quick as greased lightning, Lu wheels around on the scientist, the fan in her hand flashing with a metal glint as she heaves her arm in a violent slash. The result will sever his hand from his wrist, after he offs his colleague. And then a series of sickly red worms squirm from her palm as she cups it to the severed stump, which seals the wound.
    "Please. Stop that. Leave the killing to us professionals." She croons, and floods his system with a paralytic.
    Now when the blast doors open... She pauses. Scarlet eyes flit from pod to pod and the children within, one hand tracing over a tube. Steadily her expression flutters, a visible and slow transition from her normal exuberant and jovial visage to one that is darker and tinged with a visible and murderous fury.
    Her voice is utterly glacial despite the forced cheer behind it.
    "You... Can sit and wait."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    As the intercom sounds again, Medusa lowers her arms slightly. That seemed far too easy, didn't it? Or perhaps this man doesn't have much more defense than this? Either way this requires some careful stepping ahead. Come into my nest, said the spider...

    Handling spiders can be such a pain.

    Not so strange, it appears that the static pods catch Medusa's interest, and she makes her slowly into the room along with the others, not without several glances at the pods themselves to study their contents and the alterations done there. Somebody has clearly kept themselves busy. Though her yellow eyes do settle on pistol, studying it before she turns her attention towards the good doctor Jacob himself. And the pistol there. "I believe you may give us an explanation, Sir~" Medusa suggests with a smile. Then her eyes narrow slightly as she raises her hand. "Vector Plate."

    A small black arrow pointed in Medusa's direction appears on the desk underneath the pistol, throwing it towards the witch who catches it with her right hand, then lowers her right hand again. "Will you come quietly, or will we have to make you?" she wonders, staring at him even as the grin on her face widens.

Bliss (157) has posed:
Bliss rubs her side, following the others in, and then she peers at the dead children with a blink and... a frown. Bliss doesn't really get that look very often, but anyone who has worked with her before knows very well that 'children' are something she doesn't ever feed from. Even Elite children. So it's unsurprising she'd look like that.

She'll poof invisible very briefly, to try to snag the revolver away before she chirps, "Well, I guess they want you alive so they can torture you lots! It's your lucky day! Can't I have just a nibble?"

Veno (519) has posed:
    Taking his gun is pretty trivial.
    Medusa gains a revolver with one bullet!
    She should ensure a situation where she gets locked in a room with only her gun, Hitler, and someone else she hates, occurs, for maximum yield.

    He smiles, but makes no hostile gestures.

    "I don't think I'll be following you out, but that's because I have an ace up my sleeve. You want answers? Sure. I've been working on making fully biological cybernetics. Success has been mixed. I've only had one person survive the process in a decade, and despite my best attempts, can't replicate the results. Would you like to meet her?" She grins. "Veno. If you'd be so kind as to kill the intruders so we can be on our way out?"

    From the shadows behind Jacob, a young teenage girl surfaces. She doesn't seem to have any cybernetics; black hair, brilliant purple eyes. Shorts, a jacket. Clawed gauntlets, talon-ended metallic boots. She stays in the darkness, and then... plunges a knife in Jacob's back. He locks in place like a statue, unable to move anything but his eyes anymore.

    "If I take orders from a traitor... I'll be a traitor too, you know?" She shuffles uncomfortably into the light... and then drops her other dagger in what looks like a shyness attack. "A-Ah, wait, no, don't look at me like that! L-Look at him, not me! S-Stop paying attention to me!" She attempts using Jacob as cover. It is not very effective in hiding her.

    Looks like capturing him alive won't be a problem though.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Oooh an ace up his sleeve. ... One that betrays him.
    It's almost poetic in a way as Lu-Mey observes that blade slide into Jacob's back and paralyze him for easy capture.
    Now. Despite being told not to look at her, the Oni is focused squarely on Veno.
    And then just like that Lu-Mey is UPON THE GIRL, hugging her arm to her chest.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    It's cute when they think they are really given a choice in the matter.

    Playing slightly with the gun, the snake witch listens to Jacob's prattle with a slightly amused look on her face, still smiling. "Biological cybernetics, you say? And I would hardly call it a success unless you can replicate the result. And you call yourself a /scientist/~?" she chuckles, disdain in her voice. My, people use that title all over the place nowadays, don't they?

    The arrival of Veno is a curious thing, nearly as curious as how the girl stabs her 'maker', for a lack of a better word, in the back. Unlike Lu-Mey, Medusa isn't about to rush over to the girl, instead she stands still, sighing as she places her hands, complete with the pistol, on her hips. "I do not think that is your decision to make... that belongs to the leader of this mission, I believe." Sorry Veno, but everybody here now is paying attention to you, it seems. Though Medusa does walk over towards Jacob, her free hand moving, all while the tattoos on her arm shimmers, shifting down her arm and then turning into a stylized snake familiar that slides through the air, all before it opens its maw to grab onto Jacob.

    "If this place has been secured, then we might as well get what we came here for and return, hmmm~?"

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia catchs up with the others and steps past Shardcore's guard just in time to see Jacob's success stab him in the back, literally.

That is the first thing tonight that brings a smirk back to her expression. "Tch. Figures the creation would be smarter than the creator." She then walks up to the desk and turns to sit on the edge of it, deactivating her helmet and adjusting her glasses into place with one hand while pulling out her datapad with the other. Not like Jacob can do anything other than stare. "The support for your operations has been ... revoked." Clicks screen. "As per Confederate stipulations, all your assets are to be confinscated, now property of the Confederacy, to be repurposed or liquidated as deemed necessary. All units unfit for continued use shall be destroyed, dismantled, or deconstructed as terminology is appropriate to make sure the mistakes of your disregard for the very few regulations we put upon experimentation is not repeated."

Tesla clicks off the datapad, hops back to her feet, and starts to walk out of the room. Gives a dismissive wave without looking back. "Oh, and your life is forfiet. But that isn't my department to be concerned with." After that Tesla just walks out. "Come, Shardcore. We've got analysis and archival to do."

Veno (519) has posed:
    If Jacob has any reactions to this he's unable to vocalize them. He is still alive and completely stable, though, so there won't be any accidents on the way back 'home'. Might want to take the knife out of his back though, that's still bleeding right now.

    Veno, well, Lu-Mey makes her seem even more uncomfortable. She rapidly looks at everyone else present with a quiet 'help me' expression. She can't even make words come out anymore.

    As a sidenote, the initrobeedril Bliss picked up is a chemical poison that converts biological matter into bees. Have fun with that.