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Revision as of 16:31, 5 August 2014

Date of Scene: 04 August 2014
Location: Dreadnaught Airship
Synopsis: It is amazing what can spring from Boredom.
Cast of Characters: 487, 522

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Dreadnaught airship was high into the air. People were moving to-n-fro, getting things done. Moving crates, doing maintenance work, and checking over the Magitek Armors themselves, including even the drones that were on board.

Some were running laps, while others were just taking a casual stroll. Though it was the main hanger for all sorts of things, many other hangers lined the ship which were all busy in there own ways.

Sometimes though, we all the insanity of the merging of worlds, missing troops, and having to save a confederate allied agent from fatal destruction, no one has had really the chance to make sure the ship was as secure has it /should/ be, and with the likes of Nero and some other of the Tribunes missing due to being needed elsewhere for the moment...

There only the lower officers making sure things got done and sometimes-- they just slacked off. Lazy bums.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Perhaps about an hour and a half an hour ago, a huge eagle came in and landed on one of the outer support struts. Someplace irritating to get to. Someplace a fifteen foot wingspan eagle could sit and be gawked at for a bit by the crew, be generally harmless and then eventually come to be ignored... ...And as soon as it starts to be ignored it shifts slightly, and then sort of disappears.

    A little later there's one more imperial auxillary technician wandering across the airship while holding a PDA. "...Hmmm. Well. This is larger then expected."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The female tech goes largely ignored, as there is bigger things to worry about and really-- there is a ton of people, more the a normal Legion should have. Normally a legion runs from 12 to 20 people, but it seems for man known as the "Black Wolf" some exceptions to the rule has been made.

It wasn't long till some of the Juggernauts were coming back in for a landing from the entry points and once they landed, hatches were being closed. Though the woman may find herself being stopped by one of the officers. "You there."

The officer was in solid armor, head to toe. Though he had his full plate helm tucked under his arm. He looked to be like an elf really, just very long features such as the arms and legs. Dark blue in skin color at that. "Come with me. They need assistance in repairs to one of the Vanguards."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    "Sir?" She pauses to look up at him as he says 'You there.' Then nods, "Yes sir." She follows after him quietly for a moment before asking, "If you don't mind my asking sir?" She blinks up at him while they walk, "What actually managed to hurt a Vanguard?"

    A moment later and she pockets the PDA, a mild unassuming smile on her face, as she does her best to appear ... harmless. Besides, she's heard them talk about Vanguards before. They sound interesting, or at least somewhat shiny.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"An electrical current." The officer replies. "When we sent the two down to assist his Lord on rescueing that baf--" there was a pause, "..that allie of the Confederacy... One of the Vanguards sacrificed itself so the other could tear apart the door. Lot of good that did by the end. Nigh.. did no good what so ever given we had to actually prime the cannons and lay waste to the front of the facility.."

As they started to head toward the Vanguard there was several crews working on different sections of it. The magitek machine was stripped down all the way the base, which unlike most machines, lacked any form of wires like one would expect. Also a great deal of the parts that had been gathered were charred to bits, and the base frame was having to be reworked.

The Officer crosses the arms over his chest. "As you know with the aether being all out of sorts, it makes repairing the Vanguards difficult. If we lose to many, we are going to have to start relying on sub-par equipment."

At a closer inspection of what was going on, it was easy to see it was also more then electrical that claimed the Vanguard, but a sheer explosion as well....

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra, or rather the technician nods, "If the Confederacy is going to be breaking our things, then does that mean we're going to be getting more parts from them?" She frowns as she looks at the damage, "Odd parts, or worse, huge supply lines are going to cause maintenence problems for everyone." She steps over to the other technicians, and examines the vanguard for a moment, before stepping over to whatever tools are provided ... So that she can begin removing the damaged armor.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The officer leads her too it then and heads off to see what he can do to gather a few more people, though he did not answer her question. Was the confederacy helping? What kind of agreements did the Garlean Empire have with them? It seems to be information that none would speak on. Perhaps simply because it wasn't their place to know.

The parts were easy to find and removing the damaged plates easy enough when one could see where they hooked up too. A few of the techs spoke about the missing men on a scouting party and what little was found of them. Including the continued talk about was the Legatus really going to just give up the search as rumored or if something else was in the plan.

Including a few refusing to believe that Gaius would simply give up on his own men.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra frowns slightly, before she shrugs and goes back to stripping out the various parts that seem to require them the most, the armor goes into one pile, and then the other parts seem to be going into their own, in order of 'damaged horribly', 'damaged somewhat' and 'possibly repairable'.

However. A dedicated mechanic could see that she's sticking mostly to the 'mechanical' parts... ...An observant mechanic could see that she's handling the light and heavy parts with equal ease.

    If anything she's almost giving them a chance to spot her. Or not. She hasn't exactly been ... suspicious. Yet. Just quiet and concerned about her job. And the parts that go with it.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
There was a few mechanics were watching her work, but they didn't say anything. After all, one could learn many skills and apply those skills; and right now-- the more hands the better. Though as she worked a figure soon started to make his way into the very main hanger.

It wasn't to far along that, that the key words to attention were brought to everyone's ears. "Legatus Approaches!"

The crew that was working with our disguised mechanic soon place down what they are doing to give a proper bow to the dark armored figure as he moves toward them. One of the officers along side him as they walked. His steps were ever as precise, his air was that of being calm and collective, and little emotion was given away of his condition that he was slightly facing with after having to deal with a fire-ball (long story).

Gaius Van Baelsar looks over the wreck that remains of the Vanguard, including the repairs being done. Those voidless eyes seeming to give no indication as to where he was truly looking as he stared at them all. Though he slowly canted his head as he looked directly at Vi'Sharra. At which he just-- stared at her.

Though the officer was speaking during this moment of study, "My lord, we hope to have the Vanguard fully operational in two days. We can try to be quicker on it, but with limited parts and having to prefabricate what we were able to salvage, it may give us an antiquated model."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Golden brown eyes narrow slightly, at the words Legatus Approaches. Then with a slight sigh she continues working until she realizes that he's ... sort of staring. A few conversational gambits are considered, and then immediately tossed away before she straightens up, and salutes. Imperial style. A slight grin tugs at the corner of one of her lips, almost imperceptable.

    She's very obviously giving him the chance to take it wherever he wants to. If he wants to out her in front of his men, and possibly risk ... more odd rumors. That's fine. If he'd like to keep it quiet and perhaps speak to her about her work, that's fine too.

    Either way she gazes at him respectfully, waiting for him to make the first move.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius breaks his glance away from the female mechanic before he looks back at the officer. "Two days is fine, but no later." He then looks back to the female mechanic. "I believe they have everything in order here and by your uniform, you are designated to another area." Gaius then goes to move away. "And I do believe you have work to be done in such a field. Now come with me."

Gaius then lifts up his dark gloved hand and motions for her to follow with his index and middle finger together in a slight 'come on' motion over his shoulder.

The officer can only stand there and cant his head slightly, before he looks at the rest. "Alright. Back to work."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    The smile at the corner of her mouth threatens briefly to break out before she salutes again, "Yes Sir." And with that, she follows him silently. Or at least until the others are out of earshot, "Lord Van Baelsar. It's a pleasure to meet you again."

    A pause and a slight grin, "Though It seems I may have less to warn you about with the possibility of Multiversal infiltration then I expected."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"It is my job as the.. commander.. of this legion to know my men. To know their faces and though there is many, it be wrong of me to not look upon their faces and remember them well. For it is I, by the end of the battle, whom must write the letters to their families if they shall fall." Gaius explains as he continues to walk on through his airship, giving a nod to those who quickly salute him before they go back to work.

"Sadly it would seem my officers are not so willing to learn and with my Tribunes busy as they are, it is hard for me to always catch their errors." Gaius then continues before he comes to a halt in his steps to turn and look upon Vi'sharra. "Tell me. Why do you bring your presence upon my ship and how did you ever come aboard while we fly here in the skies? Surely to not only test our ability to find hidden intruders."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods slightly, "...I see." She shakes her head slightly, "That part, has never been my job within the Guild. Though..." A pause, then a shrug, "You take much on yourself it seems. To know all of your men in a time of war, is an incredible accomplishment." A shrug, "And you are correct..."

    She grins widely, and in good humor, briefly showing her fangs. "I didn't come here to test your security, or particularly warn you about anything." A pause, "I came," another pause, "Because I was bored, and you interested me. Also, because Empires such as your own, tend to provide those with my skillsets, a reasonable amount of employment." She pauses for a moment to look out the window.

    "As to how I arrived here, I flew. Being able to shapeshift has it's advantages, even if today was deplorably sunny."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius listens to what Vi'sharra has to say. He remains quiet the entire time before his own gaze follows to the window. He then lowers his head slightly before he moves to start to walk again. "I see." He starts out as he begins to walk once more. "...and your name is Vi'sharra correct? That uniform you acquired-- pray ell how you came about procuring it after you.. flew in here by your shapeshifting magics.. or is that too part of your abilities?"

Gaius then walks up the main door and places his hand right where the card reader is, though he posses no card that can be seen, there was a glow from his gauntlet to his hand, before there was a soft chime and the door then opens to the long corridor ahead. "As I rather you be seen as a guest whilst on my Airship... then that of a simple worker. After all, an ally of the Confederacy is-- also an ally of the Garlean Empire."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    She chuckles, "It is indeed." She runs her hands briefly over her uniform, before it changes appearance, "Topographical changes, are quite simple, though alteration isn't really my favored form of magic." She considers for a moment as she follows him, "Uninvited, and unobtrusive visitors, can see different things then guests do." There's a slight grin as she shrugs, "But I shall come as a guest then if it suits you."

    Another pause, "Lord Van Baelsar, I believe I'm going to be uncomfortably direct. Does your world have vampires?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius watches as her outfit changes, only for a briefest of moments, but continues onward, at least until Vi'sharra decides to be rather direct and she regains his full attention, including the halting of his steps. "Vampires?" he asks back before going very silent. "If there be such a race, we have yet to become aware of them."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    There's a pause before she nods, "I see. Some worlds don't have our kind." After another moment she simply shrugs, "Alright then. Some six millenia, or so ago I caught the attention of master vampire, he performed a ritual, and that changed me into a vampire." She smiles slightly, "We're ageless, but not immortal. Powerful both physically and magically, but not gods. If you have to deal with the prospect of catching one of us..."

    She pulls her lips back in a wide smile. "Look for the fangs or the bite marks. In exchange for our power, sunlight is uncomfortable, and we have to drink a certain amount of blood for nourishment."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Imperial Legatus listens to what Vi'sharra has to share about her kind, including what is almost seeming like a crude need of something to survive-- blood. Blood.. for power..


Gaius states at her for a long moment even after her explanation. It is hard to determine what he is thinking thanks to that full-face helmet he wears and lack of eyes to see. "Curious race, yours is." He says with a continued calm demeanor. "I suppose then when we get into the other line of business as to what you have to offer as services, it can not be shared over a glass of wine?"

Gaius though is not leading her to his quarters, far from it, but to that of the meeting room. It was private place to talk still and one to keep things professional. "Or do I assume incorrectly? If so, then my apologies."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smiles again, after all, she hasn't been called a monster yet. "It would be my pleasure to share a glass with you Lord Gaius." She chuckles softly, "Just because we drink blood, doesn't mean that we can't partake of other things." With that she follows him into the meeting room.

    "Would you prefer to speak to me about what I offer, or what the Guild can offer first?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius offers her a seat at the table. The room is nicely lit and there is a massive window which displays the outside world, but it is kept dim in order to assist in keeping the room cooled. The furniture is that of something like cherry wood with black metal finishings.

The Imperial Legatus gives a nod to Vi'sharra as she explains she can indeed drink wine and goes to pour her a glass of red wine, which he then too pours himself a glass. "Let us speak of your guild first-- then we shall move onto you. I do believe that be the best order to take this conversation."

He rests her glass down in front of her, before he then goes to sit down as well. At last, he removes his helm from his head. There was a hiss a mechanisms released and a minor flicker of blue glow that only lasted for a moment.

With the Helmet removed he rests it beside him with ginger care, before resting both of his hands on the table. His face was not one of youth, but that of a man in his mid-ages, though a bit of wear-n-tear on his face from the years of conflict. His gold eyes did not aid against his title of being called the "Black Wolf" as predator look they had in them and his coal black hair was kept short and back, with a bit of gray peppered in it. "Start where you desire, ma'am."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smiles and rests herself in the chair, "The Guild is the name we use for the true ruling body of our world, and the worlds surrounding it." She chuckles softly, "It was founded originally because we, the greater supernaturals of the world were tired of certain destructive events repeating themselves and wiping almost everything out."

    She frowns slightly, "In most situations we have a large amount of indirect control over the various actions of the people across all of the worlds, through the direct appication of power to their government." Then she gazes at you with a slight smile, "Our technology is ... somewhat similar to yours, similar enough that we could provide raw materials... Or perhaps even technicians, though I fear the Multiverse isn't every ... kind to those who cross technologies too far beyond their borders."

    She shrugs, "In short, we can trade in favors, cash, raw materials, for just about anything you need." She focuses her eyes on yours and sips at the wine again, "But that would best accomplished through another liason. I myself, am an enforcer, a hunter and an assassin. I prefer work that goes along those same guidelines," She grins slightly with a hint of amusement, "Should you find yourself in a position to provide it."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
As Vi'sharra explains the guild and her own services, Gaius gently picks up the wine glass of his own in his hand and gently rotates it. Moving the fluid within ever so slightly. He then takes a sip of the red wine, before placing the glass gently back on the table.

"I will keep such offer in mind that your Guild can provide us." Gaius says with a nod of his head, "As for your services alone though," He leans back in the chair looking upon Vi'sharra in that moment. "I would see it unwise as to hire one whom is offering their services in a field that we have none who really qualify for and though I be a man of honor," Gaius then goes to lift up his wine glass once more. "Sometimes things must be done discreetly in silence." He then takes another sip of the wine glass, before he lowers it down once more.

"Yet, I am going by your word alone, so do understand that if I hire you as one of my.. agents.. that you would be kept an eye on while here on the Airship, at least until such time that your actions may speak of you and thus trust formed." Gaius cants his head ever slightly to the side. "But on pay, I am willing to pay well-- and once proven trusting.. I will increase such, but if you prove to be unjust.." Gaius then places out his hands slightly. "..but let us hope no road may turn to that."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra sips at her wine and smiles slightly, "It's wise not to trust the gem merchant when you don't have a gem smith." She chuckles, "In those kinds of situations we make a trial of things in our world. A wilding as it were." She shrugs, "However, I fear that I must correct you slightly. Not all of my kills are meant to be stealthy or discreet. Sometimes it's something as simple as hunting down a rogue dragon that no one else in the region has the resources or people to spare to deal with."

    She leans back in the chair slightly and sips once more at the wine, "Is that what you want me to be then? An agent? Or a contractor? I warn you, I will not violate any of my oaths to the Guild unless someone has broken our compact, and already brought death down on themselves."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"You will not need fear that your Guild's oaths may come in jeopardy under me. As I am not a man who cares much for senseless destruction wrought by war. After all, what good is a land or her people, when none remains. I think that, would not your Guild's views and my own agree?" Gaius asks with a slight cant of his head once more before he reaches for his wine glass.

"But perhaps I spoke in haste, for it has been a long two days." He inhales deeply as he closes his eyes in that moment before opening them once more. "What are the oaths of your Guild, so I may be sure to not dishonor this code."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods, "That's precisely the purpose of the Guild. A certain force in our world..." She raises her left hand palm upward, and illusion forms in the air, showing a massive dragon moving on what appears to be a fleet outside of a planet, an epic battle takes place ... but the fleet is destroyed, and as the dragon makes planetfall...

    ...It's scales rain down from the sky wiping out some third of the planet. She closes her left hand, and frowns, "That is ... the force that's caused the end of every Era of Civilization save one, with usually..." She pauses for a moment grinding her teeth, "About a seventy five percent worldwise casualty rate. I'm absolutely /sick/ of watching everything of value be lost again and again..."

    She pauses for a moment, flexes her right hand, looks at her wine, and then visibly forces herself to relax, before taking another sip of the wine. "...Forgive me. I managed to push one of my own buttons." She sighs, "The oaths of the guild involve not working against the guild, not doing anything knowingly in favor of the Primal Dragon, and working make certain that certain pressures are released before they become a world spanning war. It also involves the surpression of certain mind destructive and coercive early age relics ... for much the same reason."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius observes the image presented to him. Those gold eyes stare at the very image as his brows furrow. There was then a sharp grit of his own teeth as his eyes then cast away from the Image. He reaches up to pinch the bridge of his nose gently, trying to cast aside his own memories of the events that his former equal brought upon Eorzea.

A mistake that he was now having to clean up after and make correct. To not only fix his own failure, but now the failure of a madman now dead.

He remains silent as Vi'sharra continues. Reaching for the bottle of wine to refill his own glass. Though once he places the bottle back down, he makes sure it is between them in some ways if she desires for her glass to be refilled as well. Yet he does not drink the red liquid right away. Instead he remains continual silent.

Even once she is done, his eyes are still fixated on the red liquid in his glass. Then with a deep inhale, he forces his eyes to break away from the glass and Gaius' own eyes go to meet hers. "I will make sure then, that such oaths do not become cross, though it would seem your Guild's oaths and a great deal of my own beliefs co-inside, but.. I will let actions speak for me."

Gaius' finger taps the wine glass ever gently before he at last picks back up the glass and takes another sip from it. Having to remind himself somewhere in this that he was not drinking ale or anything like. But a finer drinker that required proper etiquette. Much like he must continue to preform.

"An extra blade as a hunter will be something I also will not turn down. You sound as if one who can bring many assets to bear." Gaius gives a gentle nod. "If you be willing to aid our cause, I will see to it we in equal will aid yours." Gaius then looks at her once more. "I will work out a written form of the contract and the starting salary pay, at which we can then discuss further on. For now, I will see about getting you a guest room established, at which if you desire to remain, then the room will be yours for as long has you stay part."

Gaius then goes to take another sip from the wine glass. "..and I will have one of the officers bring you a card with the proper access."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra gazes at the winebottle for a long moment, silently, before she picks it up and fills her own glass, sipping at it once more. "Thank you." She takes another sip of the wine before she continues again, "I would appreciate that, and..." She smiles slightly looking at Gaius' eyes for a long moment, "And I appreciate your view point as well." She smiles slightly, "Thank you. I think I will remain here today... So..."