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Trouble in Harajuku
Date of Scene: 07 August 2014
Location: Temporary Tokyo
Synopsis: Black Tailmon gets into some hijinx, causing a small riot in one of the countless instances of Harajuku, Tokyo. Gawain, Kotone, and ... a sentai cosplayer show up to stop it. :P
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 526, Sir Gawain, Ziggy Grover

Black Tailmon (526) has posed:
Tokyo City, Harajuku District, Shibuya - It's afternoon, in Tokyo, and the sun hangs suspended from high above - radiating its warmth upon the packed streets of the Harajuku district. This district, in particular, is well known for its predisposition toward high fashion and theatricality, and nowhere else is this more apparent than amongst the youth culture that dwells here. Dressed in clothing that ranges from the eye-catching and colorful to the gaudy and bizarre, the youth of this district in particular stand out amongst the tightly packed throngs of common Japanese citizens - perhaps exercising one of the only blatant forms of rebellion they have in what is otherwise a highly conservative society.

This district is also well known for its retail chains, restaurants, and the consumer opportunities they present.

But today, here is another kind of rebellion which readily becomes apparent...

The sound of glass shattering breaks dull and rhythmic sound of orderly chaos that is the business here. Women scream, children run, and people begin to experience panic as a group of hoodlum Japanese kids come running down the streets... unloading bricks into nearby stores and shoving people around. Several of them are men, many of them shirtless - some wearing denim or leather vests - with piercings and tattoos galore. One of them flicks open a lighter, waving it furiously at people in a taunting fashion, before chasing them away.

Black Tailmon (526) has posed:
Bystanders, who don't run immediately, begin to dig out their phones and snap pictures and record video of the scene taking place. They begin to upload it to social media websites and others places as well. No doubt, the news will pick up on it soon...

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa had come to an alternate version of Tokyo it was father back in the timeline, so to speak. It likely wouldn't go the way her world did but old fiction and such. Collectables, model kits? It's freaking heaven after all it's stuff she couldn't find easily back home but that's not to be today her amazing day of shopping and relazing just goes down the drain.

She Looks as evrthing is going nuts now she looks to the crowd and narrows her eyes, she also checks her connection to see if there's any survalence systems or other means she might contact the Tokyo Police, however one of the bricks get launched and was about to hit her. Her hadn moves up and she catches it with a grunt, that might get ... some attention.

"That's ... not nice."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Somewhere else:

"How many more tests do I have to do, K?" Ziggy Grover asked, as he tugs on his suit once again.

"At the least, until you can teleport without leaving behind the suit," Dr. K replies icly, her attention devoted to the computer monitors she has before her. "Try it again, Ranger Series Operator Green."

"It's ZIGGY! Z-I-G-G-Y!" the lanky man replies again, before sighing, tapping his rev morpher attached to his wrist. A flourish, a pose, and...


And then the Green Ranger flexes. "Okay, let's get this show on the road, doc. Where to?"

"The other end of the lab will do, Ranger Green."

"Well... here goes!" A flash... and...

A Green Ranger materializes, somewhere in the air above Tokyo. "Wha... AAAAGHGH!" There is a flailing of limbs in mid-air and then down goes the Green Ranger, apparently into the vicinity of the hoodlums.

"Oooo, somehow, K, I don't think we're in Corinth anymore..."

Sir Gawain has posed:
Did the interwebs cry HAVOC? Never fear, a dude..in a suit is here! On..a motorcycle?

Sir Gawain actually..looks nothing like most people would think of Sir Gawain from legend, short blonde hair, a black and gold suit, and he's riding a freaking motorcycle! The knight is actually riding his white motorcycle fairly skilled, as he drives through the street towards the panic, shouting loudly as he rushes forward on the bike. "Hoodlums! Stop where you are, before I am forced to stop you!". Followed by leaping off the bike and staring with a firm expression at the people causing the havok. And then he glances to the man in green armor. "Ah, another knight? Well then, allow us to break this up peacefully!"

Black Tailmon (526) has posed:
One of the hoodlums, a Japanese female, wearing a red and black striped shirt with black bra worn on the outside, and a leather skirt, waves her finger accusingly in Kotone's direction before spouting crude Japanese, <"...Of course it ain't, what are you... stupid?">. The girl's hair is, obviously, bleached blonde with white streaks, pulled up in lolita ponytails on either side of her head. A chain piercing leads from her right nostil, all the way across to her ear. <"You best get out of here, if you know what's good for you!">

A male walks by her, grabbing a baseball bat from a nearby busted shopping window, before menacing Kotone too. There's a brief, near instantaneous, glow of violet to his eyes that quickly fades away as evidence of malevolent intentions creeps into his features in the form of a sneer.

The falling of someone dressed like a FRIGGIN' green Sentai Ranger, from the sky, gets the crowd of bangers to spread out. They take turns looking at him, and the newly arriving Gawain, in turn. The one with the baseball bat just runs over toward a nearby mailbox, smashing the glass door in on it before kicking the metal container (to little effect) for good measure!

...Then, the police arrive... on bicycles no less. Two fairly average men wearing blue and black uniform with bullet proof vests over the top. <"..Hey! Break this up! You are under arrest!...">, one of them shouts before pulling a night stick...


...only to be clocked from behind, suddenly, by the other one and knocked to the ground. Stepping over his partner, in short order, he advances on the three...

...as a black, fluffy, tail swiftly disappears into an alleyway behind him...

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks t the woman with the dyed blonde hair and she replies back in japanese.

<Is that what you think?>

She's not armed today but as always she's go the nanovest on from her work with XCOM. Then comes someone from super sentai falling out of the sky she's about to say more as the cops show up but it looks like she's going to end up with the Green Ranger landing on her. There's this moment of wait what before the iumpact bt thankfully the cops are here and someone else is arriving from the looks of it. She is however now on the ground possibly still under the Green Ranger.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"What...?" The Green Ranger holds his head, trying to center himself. "Where am I? Dr. K?" Behind the visor, Ziggy's eyes shift towards the motorcycle. That he was wearing black and gold only causes a bit of a pause. And then the crowd of bangers surrounding him even start smashing mailboxes, causing Ranger Green to scramble to his feet quickly, arms waving in dismay. "Wait, wait, I'm not even supposed to be here! I was supposed to be back in K's lab, you know, doing the whole 'getting to know you' thing. You know, I talk, she glares... that's the whole dynamic going, you know? I think I'm starting to get her to crack a bit and..." Tilting his head, Ranger Green gestures with his hands, back and forth between himself and the one with the baseball bat. "I don't suppose you care about any of that. So uh... I'm guessing... you all look like you're Japanese, and I'm pretty sure we didn't have a Japanese population this big... well we did, but we usually see them only when we're fighting these grinders, for SOME reason... oh, this is going to be one of -those- fights, is it? I mean, we've got someone who's a knight and... WHOA!" Ducking underneath the bat, Green Ranger scoots backward quickly, and ducks behind the Japanese woman with the black bra... "Is that lace you're wearing? I like it! The chain... it's a nice touch" and a wave of the hand at the knight. "Come in, water's fine!"

Sir Gawain has posed:
As the police men come forth, Sir Gawain smiles. Someone will help ou- oh, the cop knocked his partner out, and that smile turned into a frown. As the cop came forward the nighstick, swinging at them, the knight moved forward, taking the swing straight to the chest..without flinching, before reaching a hand up in an attempt to stop the nightstick. The cop might notice Gawain is /immensely/ strong, probably more than an average person by tons.

"What do you think you are doing? You are a trusted law enforcement officer of this fair city, yet you assault your own brother-in-arms and come after me and several civilians? Do you have no shame, no pride in the crest you wear?", Gawain says gesturing to the badge. And then, with one hand, he attempts to grab the nightstick again, and just /toss it/ as far away as possible, because obviously this guy doesn't deserve weapons. And then his eyes glance, looking to see if anything else is going amiss as he deals with the rogue cop.

Black Tailmon (526) has posed:
The Japanese cop with nightstick growls, lowly, as Gawain grabs at the weapon he swung. Despite his best efforts, it is yanked from his grip and discarded somewhere in the backdrop. It lands, with a clatter, atop a vehicle roof... before rolling off onto the concrete. The action forces him to step back, but...

The grunt who attacked the news stand earlier lunges forward shortly after... swinging that baseball bat toward Gawain with an unintelligible roar!

The Japanese female's heavily painted eyes narrow as Ziggy makes comment about her. Rather than attack, however, she comes after him with a verbal retort, <"...What're you supposed to be, weirdo? That shit ain't in fashion for anybody except maybe basement dwelling Otaku!">. As she fires off the nasty verbal retort, two more of the male bangers attempt to sneak up behind him and get him in a hold!

Somewhere above, a shadow moves across the edge of a store rooftop... before bounding down onto a street lamp and stopping there to shrink. If one looks closely... it is apparently not a shadow at all! It is a black cat... with some very huge ears and eyes glowing subtly violet. Its tail whips, erratically, at the mid-day air as it stares... but it seems content not to do too much yet...

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is now getting up for a moment she looks at Zioggy for a moment shaking her head as she rises up from where she ghot landed on.

"...your in Tokyo."

She shake he head a bit as she tries to right her seld and then comes Sir Gawain and she kinda stares for a moment. She look to see the Knight and then looks to the officer.

"...this...what the?"

She backs off a bit, clearly trying to think things over here. She eyes the thrown night stick, she wants to go afgter it but the guy's sneaking up on then dude in green. Kotone is not military grade but she's stronger than an unagumented human is, which is what he's going to find out as she attempt to clobber him.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Ranger Green, I can hear you." Dr. K's voice could freeze liquid nitrogen, even as far away as she was.

"Can't talk, I've got a number to pick up. Hey, you're pretty cute. Here, hold still, we're playing ring around a rosy..." Ranger Green sing-songs, as he ducks underneath a swing and then pulls Kotone up quickly, using her as a center to run around in a half-circle and jump up for a kick to someone's face, before letting go.

"Excuse me?"

"Not you, I was just talking to one of the natives... who says I'm in Tokyo."

"If you're quite done with your poor attempts of a mimicry of a peacock in heat, I have news on your whereabouts. It appears you slipped through a crack and ended up in another city, in another universe."

"Not listening, busy ducking!"

"An infinite tapestry of multiple universes woven out of patches of an infinite number of worlds."

"You know, fighting -cops- here... or people dressed up as law enforcement officers... hey, you -really- shouldn't be wearing the badge, it sort of, you know, dishonors the uniform if you're behaving like this..." Ranger Green calls out as he hops onto the back of the rogue cop, and tries holding him still for the Knight

"I could leave you there," Dr. K says flatly, somehow managing to sound saccharine at the same time.

"I'm all ears," Ranger Green replies, hands to his ears... just before he gets yoinked off and into a hold. "Whoa, whoa, what? Hey, I got nothin' against basement dwelling otaku. I do have problems with being, well, hit! Not the face! NOT THE FACE!"

"Ranger Green, you're wearing a visor," Dr. K replies calmly.

"Oh. Well, bring it on! ... wait, you didn't have to take me literally! Uh... hey pillow girl, you hit, I duck?" The last sentence was a bit of a plea for help from Kotone.

Sir Gawain has posed:
Sir Gawain looks towards the cop with a stern 'you've been bad' face, as suddenly a guy with a bat comes towards Gawain's side, about to thwack into his skull.

And then, things suddenly turn Matrix as Gawain swivels his head quickly back, narrowly dodging the bat, before sidestepping and moving his own hand straight at the bat. If he's able to get a grip on it, he proceeds to..lightly take it away, and drop it to the ground. Looking towards the hoodlum, he speaks clearly. "What is the meaning of all this violence? Speak up, or I shall hold no mercy to an opponent."

Black Tailmon (526) has posed:
Kotone's efforts to break up the hold the bangers have on Ziggy is successful, her brutal strike connecting with one of the punks and sending him sprawling on the ground in short order. He goes skidding across the asphalt so hard, he eventually winds up INSIDE the broken shop window! Despite it being nearly two feet off the ground.

The other punk backs off, fear setting in a bit. ... Or, he begins to. But then, he stops in his tracks... trembling... as if he can barely control himself. ... The invisible struggle finally sees him just plain pass-out.

The baseball bat swinging banger whiffs, eyes going wide as Gawain casually dodges and then snatches his weapon from his hands with force that is strong enough to actually -break- the bat handle in two.

The bat hits the asphalt in two pieces with a loud clunk.

Suddenly, the banger runs... and when he does... literally all of the trouble makers do.

All, execpt the girl... who gets knocked to the ground by a terrified and fleeing punk.

A quiet yawn comes from above, and the black cat rises before -steeeeeeeeetching- out across the light post in a full body stretch. It the turns in a circle, drops onto its haunches, and stares down at what's left of the chaotic scene below...

"Well... that was boring. I guess my power isn't quite what I thought it was!", the voice is velvet smooth, deep, feminine and it...

...It's coming from that cat up there.

"...You lot are no fun at all!" Her amber eyes fix on Gawain, though, and she purrs... tailling flicking in a lazy rhyhm behind her... "...I can forgive -you- I suppose. You're pretty attractive, for a human.."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa pauses for a moment as he asks her to hold still, Kotone holds still almost deathy so and she's not sure just Sjhe stands there as the guy in green uses heras a pole she also stammers


The compliment combiend with the chaos of the fight has got an off but reflex response she also may have over done that hit and she fears what she might have done. She halts however and looks aup at hte voice as it calls out to them. She narrows her eyes a little bit as she tries to get a feel for her.

"...Your behind this?!"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Oh yeah, lady's got a -punch-," Ranger Green hoots.

There is an exasperated harumph. "Focus, Ranger Series Operator Green," Dr. K says. "If you're going to come back, you're going to need some sort of energy source."

"Sort of in the middle of a fight here," Ranger Green responds.

"Your breathing is slowing down, and aside from a high concentration of body odor, I see no indicating that you're currently in combat."

"... Hey, I've got to cool down, right? I mean, if I don't, I'll have hallucinations. Like the talking cat that's flirting with the Black and Gold Knight." Ranger Green's head cants upwards, then at Sir Gawain. "You're hearing this too, are you?"

"Multiverse, Ranger Series Operator Green. There's bound to be talking cats. What, you never read the Cat in the Hat?"

"... aren't you a little old for that now?"

"... Keep communications open, while I work on a way to bring you back."

Ranger Green nods, before sauntering up to Sir Gawain. "So, um... I don't mean to interrupt." Hands waves towards the ground then upwards. "But you're aware that you're -totally- different species, right?"

Sir Gawain has posed:
Sir Gawain stares at the cat with a mix of bewilderment and suspicion, as he steps back. "Reveal your identity and..species, feline, and I will do the same. Sir Gawain, Knight of the Round Table and Heroic Spirit, Saber-Class.". Normally he'd take flattery well, but she../IS/ a cat.

And then Gawain turns to Ranger Green. "I am completely aware of my status. Are you new to the Multiverse, Green Knight who I am not aware of the name of?". He also nods his head to Kotone in acknowledgement as well.

Black Tailmon (526) has posed:
"...behind?" The amber-eyed cat responds to Kotone, baring fangs a bit as she... smiles? Clearly not a normal cat here. Her ears fold, but slightly, against her head as her thin, vine-like, tail whips from one side to the other... tossing its fleshy, violet, forked tip about like a ship upon a stormy sea. "...I am never -behind- anything, or anyone!" She turns her nose up slightly, eyes closing, "...I just reached -deep- within the recesses of their minds, pulling free the restrained chaos -within- from the grasp of impotent morality!"


After a silence, she turns her eyes back upon Gawain, ... and ... Ziggy. "...Oh? Did you figure that out -all- by yourself?" She asks, her tone mocking, smooth like swiftly melting butter as she crouches again. "You poor, special, dear. ... This explains your aesthetic sense, clearly." Her left ear cants, picking up the sound of foot steps as the fallen girl from earlier attempts to flee. But she does nothing.

"I am Black Tailmon, and I am what is referred to as a 'Digimon'. A being of digital origin, hailing from..." She pauses, snarls, eyes narrowing as she seethes through her teeth. "...It makes my teeth itch."

Then her eyes pop open again, and she looks around... "...Anyway! Yes, you are a fine specimen of a man. ... Or Heroic Spirit, whatever that is." She sits up again, assuming an almost proud posture with her chest stuck out... tufts of ebony hair fuzzy like lint protruding from her sternum. "...The word 'heroism' crawls through my mind like an inchworm... tickling the worst parts of it. I don't know -which- parts... but I hate them!"

"...Anyway, I'm rather bored now. ... Ta! ~" She shouts, before leaping from the lamp post and onto a nearby ledge... content to leave... unless someone stops her for some reason...

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks at the cat for a moment, she was always more of a dog person. As the thing admits to having something akin to psi powers? Lovely, then again the thought to just drag Black Tailmon to XCOM and let the Doctor work her methods of questioning it, does pop into her head for a moment. No that's not such a good idea. The moment it says it's digital? Kotone shifts her cyberbrain into autistic mode. Ya she's not going to chance it for a moment.

She will keep this thing in mind as a threat to worry about but she's not in a spot to ... really fight something like this right now.

"Every story you ever knew, every legend you ever heard, every myth you know of? Is true somewhere out there in all likely hood."

Sir Gawain gets a look over for a moment, now getting a chance ot think him over. She also gets everyone here has been under that things mental infulence. Also she's learned a lesson today, cats really /are/ evil.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Whoa. Talk about wading in the muck," Ranger Green replies, twitching and shuddering for dramatic effect, as the cat walks away. Not about to go after a -cat-, especially one that seems like it liked dirty minds. He hesitates, before tapping his helmet. "Hey, this helmet protects me from mind stuff, right?"

"I wouldn't worry, Ranger Series Operator Green. My studies shows your brainwaves are too low an ekg to be affected," Dr. K radios.

"Oh good... HEY!" Ranger Green twitches, shaking a fist at ... the voice.

Gradually he glances back at the others. "I'm just, uh, clearing up the situation. It's not like I'm talking to the voices in my head. Just one self-styled 'mentor'" Air quotes in the air with his fingers. "Sooo, um... yeah, I guess, I am new to the Multiverse, right. I'm Ranger Green. The name's Zig--" he begins to offer a hand to the others.

There's a hiss in his helmet. "Don't -just- announce who you are. You're -not- in Corinth anymore!"

"... zag, ZigZag. Uh, yeah, you know, let's just go with Ranger Green."

Sir Gawain has posed:
As Black Tailmon speaks, and every sentence that seems like flirting to Gawain, he seems to..retch. He does /not/ pursue her after she leaves, especially after inquiring on the Union chatter. "Apparently she is..rather dangerous, I would not approach her.".

Sir Gawain turns to Ranger Green. "Well met, Sir ZigZag. Ah, you are a ranger? Well met, 'Ranger Green', as you wish to be called. Is this your first encounter of the Multiverse? I can bring you to a safe location so that you can rest and learn more, if you would like, the Union is very hospitable to those new to the Multiverse, as I have found.".

Sir Gawain then turns to Kotone Yamakawa. "And the offer extends to you as well, Lady...?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa tries to put it out of her mind and she's alreayd booted up her connections again to send a call for some help with the rioters and the police officers. There's not much he can do for a moment she looks over at the Green ranger and then to Sir Gawain smiling a little bit.

"Kotone Yamakawa, I'm not new but a chance to rest would be nice. I'd need to get my hand checked after catching that brick."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Well, first... uh, encounter, you could say that," Ranger Green responds, hands motioning as though weighing stuff in his hand. Like, maybe what he said, or maybe what he thinks in the other hand... not that it matters, as he tilts his head.

"Go, Green," Dr. K sighs.

"Okay, so, this Union, it's very hospitable, is it?" Ranger Green asks eagerly, falling in step next to Sir Gawain. "And you're accepting really strong people like her? I'd love to see what sort of place you're running. You know, where I'm from, we only have seven rangers... seven and a half if you count Dr. K..."

K: "Floor cleaning duty for that, Green."

"..." Looking up at Sir Gawain, the Ranger slumps his head, as though looking pleadingly. "You don't mind if I stay a few days, do you?"

Sir Gawain has posed:
"Very. You may both come with me towards the nearest warpgate? I believe my steed can seat three..". Gawain turns to the motorcycle, and then back to them. "Ha! You could most likely stay longer, I have myself! Shall we?". He's..not awaiting an answer, leaping onto Gringolet(TM) and starting up the engine. This should be a fun trip.