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After The Fact
Date of Scene: 09 August 2014
Location: Dreadnought Airship <DA>
Synopsis: Vi'Sharra and Gaius have a talk after his injury obtained by Noble Six. Including Vi'Sharra given permission to go on a mission.
Cast of Characters: 487, 522

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
That battle with Noble Six was a long one, an exhausting one, and he had been injured-- you just don't get Gaius to /stop/ working. Instead he is in his office, at least that is where anyone looking for him will find him-- filling out papers, looking over a few notes, and trying to find what he can on this-- Noble Six.

For once though, those who do go to see him will meet the man actually /not/ in his armor, but out of it-- given that it needed heavy repairs. He was actually in his proper military uniform.. well.. for the most part. The jacket part of it was resting on the back of his chair.

The outfit itself was form fitting, yet not so much so it was seen as 'tight'. The colors were that of black and red, common colors of the Garlean Empire, and his eyes were heavily focused on the Magitek screen before him, as his hand worked on writing on a piece of scroll paper.

What was not see was the bandage around his left arm and the one around his right bicep where he had the massive burn cut.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    And it's at that point that Vi'Sharra steps out of one of the nearby shadows, with a slight frown on her face. Literally out of the shadows we mean. Like she wasn't there before, and is now.

    If you listen closely you can probably hear causality screaming somewhere. "Lord Van Baelsar." There's a slight hint of approval, respect and exasperation in her voice, "You are a rather tough human and you remind me a lot of some of my friends who fought in the Age of Mastery." She crosses her arms, "The difference is however, that if you fail to recover due to not taking time off properly..." She frowns, "Your people will falter, because you are their driving force, the soul of your Legion."

    She gestures, and in lavendar fire, a tray full of food appears in her hands. "Forgive me for being so blunt, but you should take a moment to recover before you go about bleeding on your paperwork."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius suddenly sense a presence in the air and this causes him to raise up his head ever so slightly from his paperwork. Then it was confirmed that presence was indeed not his imagination but one of the hire'd arms he had accepted into the fold.. for now.

Gaius doesn't even look at her, instead he only simply pinches the bridge of his nose lightly, before then setting down his writing pen. "To also show a sign of weakness, is to allow those around me to realize the frailty of their own commander.. at which.. could bring about questioning of ability."

"I am not frail, nor am I unaware that my health plays an important part to the campaign at hand.. yet I do not need--" Then she conjures food and hands it out to him. He just stares at it with those gold eyes, then looks at her, back at the food. "...Why--" He then looks at her directly, "Are you even attempting to assist me in such manner?"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra sets the tray lightly on his desk, avoiding the paperwork, "I think it would be safe to say, I've seen no weakness from you Lord Baelsar. Nor would any out there, if you took a moment before continuing." She arches an eyebrow, "And perhaps ate something while chatting with an ally instead of doing yet more work."

    There's a pause after he speaks the next set of words, and she frowns for a moment, "I have many reasons to do so."

    Golden brown eyes focus on his, "I could easily say that maximizing your effectiveness maximizes mine." Her lips twich slightly, in a grin that almost escapes to the rest of her face, "I could also say that the fact that you're bleeding, is not neccesarily the most wise thing to do, around an apex predator that feeds on blood." She continues, "I could also say that you remind me of some of my friends of millennia long past whom I still remember with fond nostalgia. I could just as easily state that you're quite obviously worthy of my respect, and I would like to take the time to get to know you a bit more and of course," She asks, sounding matter of fact, "Wouldn't this be an excellent time for us to speak farther?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius looks directly at her gold brown eyes with his own gold eyes. He clenches his jaw a bit before he then glances off to the side. Then very casually he leans back in his chair. His eyes only meet the wall for a moment as he contemplates over her words, then with a very soft nod of his head he speaks, "...Very well. Out of respect to one whom offers me food and only desires that of conversation. We shall speak."

The Imperial Legatus then reaches over to close to magitek monitor before moving the paper work a bit further aside, before he then motions to a chair for her to sit in. "..and I do not concern myself as to you being a predator whom feeds on blood.. as many would say we of the Garlean Empire are predators whom feed upon the weak and defenseless.."

Gaius then looks at her once more. "...Though we have conquered over nations whom are indeed savage in comparison to ourselves.. we as predators know when to only bare our fangs in order to let our dominance to be shown.. for not all things have to be preyed upon. I see it the same way with, Miss Vi'sharra. A predator you may be, but even you know that not all things must be fed upon.. or you would have already done so-- and perhaps-- long before I ever hired your services."

Gaius then frowns a bit at that before he shakes his head. "But... that is a cold conversation.. and not one I should speak so bluntly on. So then, with that unpleasantry out of the way, let us get to proper-- hospitality."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smiles, "Thank you for humoring me." She chuckles and walks over to the chair, seating herself in it gracefully, "You don't particularly, or rather, the Empire, from what I've seen of your people doesn't really reflect them being scavengers." She reaches up and taps her temple for a moment, while fishing for words, "Scavengers, wait for something to die and then pick it clean, leaving nothing of value."

    She chuckles, "And while I could see you taking advantage of helplessness tactically, you and the other Imperials also seem wise enough to understand that expanding into a wasteland is ... a rather pointless prospect." She smiles a little wider, "Besides, You feel more like a builder to me, as does the empire."

    She leans back in her chair, "How to explain... First you have the conquerers that establish an empire, then you have the builders and constructors that come along and create what lasts within the empire, setting the foundation for it to become great... ...And finally the administrators who, simply maintain, and fine-tune the efforts of the Empire in question."

    She tilts her head and gazes at you curiously for a moment, "If that makes sense?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius peers over the food in question, discerning just what has been placed before him. The Black Wolf then peers up at Vi'Sharra as she goes through her own explanation, seeing the Empire as Builders, and then break it all down into sections.

He then starts to pick at the food, looking at where to start. It seems even a meal is a tactical operation, but he does get to that eating part soon enough. Once she finishes explaining, he finishes what he has placed in his mouth before he speaks. "Aye, I do follow. Though that of Eorzea would see us as ruthless conquerors. That we have no love to protect the people or give onto them. The rebels of Ala Mhigo have made the people believe that we are ruthless and uncaring-- forget to mention that of their homeland, their leaders surrendered to us peacefully and with no blood shed amongst other side... until they started their rebellion cause of terrorist acts."

There was a clench in his jaw away, including a furrow in his brow. He went back to eating with that said. Though something of that was causing him to tense for a moment, before he shoved it aside in his mind and finished eating. "..but mistakes happen and now we must correct those mistakes in dew time. Make things right. So you comparing us to a builder is, aye, correct form of view."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra makes a gesture to the side, "Conquerer is a matter of viewpoint and position." She gestures out at the airship. Or rather makes a gesture that encompasses the airship. "This strikes me as something that's made by a group of civilized people. In fact, from what I've heard from your people here and there, you're coming over to spread your culture, and your civilization."

    She chuckles, "And believe me, I've looked around a bit. The fact that you have running water places you many years ahead of some of your neighbors. The fact that you have airships, a meritocracy, centralized nodes of travel networks, and-" A pause, "-Well. I could go on. I remember the barbarism in the Second Age of Chaos in my world." She shrugs, "You're not just taking over, you're bringing them up to your level." A pause, "Well. Trying to. In return they seem to be randomly flailing in your direction and hoping they'll hit something vital at some point."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
While Vi'Sharra speaks, Gaius eats. It was-- surprisingly good food. He partly wondered if she cooked it-- or-- somehow.. had some kind of magic cooking conjurer ability. Yet, it would be rude to ask a woman about her cooking. ..At least.. for the moment.

Once she gets to the part about flailing, the corner of his lip nearly quirks into a smirk, but it doesn't remain long. "One could say that, aye. They are a lost people whom believe in false gods, false prophecies, and strayed far from their own, nigh, from everything that be sensible. My hope is that we can save them from their own-selves and be rid of.." He pauses then and leans back in his chair for a moment.

Gaius looks at her for a long moment. His jaw clenches a few times, before inhales deeply then lets out a long exhale. "..The people of Eorzea may yet... one day.. come to accept the reality of their errors, but until such time, we can only continue to watch them wallow in their filth like rotten children, and shake our heads in disgust."

Gaius then rolls the fork for a moment in his hand, as he lowers his head a bit. 'Van Darnus-- you bastard-- your stench still lingers on the land and I can't even be rid of you nor those false primal beasts.' Was his own thoughts as he gritted his teeth for a moment. "..just that one day may never come soon enough..." Gaius then looks at her once again, "..But either way. The troubles of Eorzea will be handled in good time. We have placed our power behind that of the Confederacy and so long as the Confederacy has need of us within their ranks, then we will serve them as honorably as we can, whilst staying true to the Emperor."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    "False gods?" She laughs softly, "It's kind of irritating isn't it? Thradrakus, the longest 'living' sentient being on our world doesn't call himself a god, and yet..." She gestures out, this time indicating the multiverse, then rolls her eyes, "'I'm a god because I'm a minor elite'." She snorts. "Idiots."

    She grins, "You want them to be empowered. You want them to toss aside their crutches and learn to walk." She pauses for a long moment, and taps her temple thinking, "To be honest, there were once beings claiming to be gods in our world once. Or rather... That's what people called them." She shrugs, "Long before my time, all I really know is that something happened, they vanished and the world devolved into an Age of Chaos."

    The last part makes her smile, "The Confederacy is good to it's allies. That's ... one of the things that the Guild noticed early on. There seems to be a minor degree of infighting but, the members are given a great deal of free reign in the own worlds and territories, provided they aren't creating some kind of a hideous reign of terror and bloodshed." She shrugs, "So. You believe in the Empire and the Emperor."

    She grins slightly, "Forgive my impertinence and excessive directness, but why? I've already told you why I'm personally invested in our government, but... What does the Empire stand for other then technological excellence, and civilization in world that doesn't really have it anywhere else?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius returns to his eating of foods. He listens to Vi'Sharra once more, though he finds his own thoughts wondering off at time. Not that she does not interest him in the form of the conversation, but cause simply the wounds are still fresh from what one of the other Legatus did.

Wounds still fresh and maybe te pain in his shoulder was-- starting to get to him a little.

"I'd rather have someone be direct, then one whom simply wants to walk amongst the forests to enjoy the view." He says rather flatly. "So your directness is appreciated, miss Vi'Sharra." He gives a mild nod of his head.

When she asks about the Empire, he goes to answer, however he is interrupted by then his own personal comm-- which is still hook around his ear. He shrugs his good shoulder gently before he says, "One moment.." and then goes to place up his hand to activate the comm. "..'Tis best be important.. I am in a meeting."

There was a long pause as he furrowed his brows, "...Thank you for the report.. tell them they have another day, but that is all." He then taps the comm once more and then rubs the bridge of his nose. His face is that of disgust and perhaps a even greater form of higher frustration.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smiles, "Please call me Vi'Sharra, or just Sharra, if you like." A pause, then a thoughtful expression for a few moments as he responds in that fashion, before she smiles slightly, "Well... I suppose, I may as well guess what that's about." She shrugs, and gazes at him measuringly for a moment, to see if any responses to her earlier questions are forthcoming before she continues, "So. Would this be about your missing people? I was actually on my way to offer you my services before..."

    She grins, "A certain savory aroma caught my nose." Her expression becomes more serious as she continues, "I would be more then happy to look into it, and see if I couldn't find your missing people."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Imperial Legatus continues to seem to avoid answering the previous question that Vi'Sharra asked of him. "..Sharra it is then." He says simply before leaning back in his chair and goes to cross the arms over his chest, but his shoulder reminds him-- that isn't a wise idea; which he grimaces a bit at.

"I see that such information does not escape you, and aye, if you can lend your services in finding what has taken place. I'd be grateful. I can not continue to have a portion of my men power continue such hunts when there are other matters that must be attended too-- as much has I dislike to seemingly turn my back on them."

"..Though when joining the Garlean military, they all knew the risk they play." Gaius hrms softly before shaking his head. "Sadly though, if you go to search, I can not lend you any resources, beyond maybe a Vanguard. I can have it set to recognize your presence and thus follow the orders you give onto it."

Gaius then rubs his chin in thought as he speaks far more softly, but the calm remains in his voice, "..but what concerns me is that /they/ have been sighted there.. is it possible that..." His brows furrow a bit, as he then sneers a bit. "..tch.."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra glances briefly at his shoulder as he tries to cross his arms then the looks back at his face. Oh she knows he avoided the questions but... There will be time to bring the questions back around to him later. Perhaps.

    "They sign up to serve with the Empire, to show that they're adult enough to stand for what they believe and do it beside the empire's heroes. To see strange new lands, and see the truth of the world. Not to vanish far from home, without even the dignity of a marked grave." She crosses her arms, "I understand that much."

    There's a pause when he mentions the vanguard, and she thinks for a few moments before shaking her head, "That would be excessive and perhaps too obvious." She grins, "Besides, I think I would prefer the location of a recently abandoned temporary camp, and a few bits of broken technology. Perhaps a technician sent to scavenge a few parts that got left behind, or a someone sent to recover a peice of magitech forgotten?"

    The last part of his statement makes her pause, "Sighted where, and it's possible what?" She raises an eyebrow at him, "It seems you already have an idea of what may be going on."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"If that is what you wish, then very well." Gaius states with a soft nod. "I can send with you a few tools.. and the proper uniform to fit such a role." Gaius's voice doesn't sound overly thrilled on the fact he be possibly sending her alone, but as he stated, and he knows, he can't place any more of his own to continue the search.

War waits for no man and war does not give a great deal of time to search for those missing.

When Vi'Sharra asks of him what he meant by his soft rumblings, he then shakes his head lightly, before he reaches over across what little food remains. Turns on the magitek monitor and then brings up some information.

The race he pulls up is that of a black lizard-men like race, tall and bulky. Heft of muscle really and shorty muzzles. "These are the beast men whom been sighted in that area. They are from the region of Eorzea over seen by the city-state Ul'Dah. They are worshipers of the Eikon, Ifirt.. a beast that feeds on that of the aether.. and turns those of weak will into his mindless servants." There was a deep frown that crosses his face and a sneer almost present on his lips.

"If these primitives are walking far beyond their borders..." Gaius doesn't even finish that sentence, but the look on his face tells of not good things to come.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smiles slightly, "A vanguard would make me look... Important. Critical to some task or another. I want to be extraneous. Unassuming." She chuckles softly, "I get the feeling that looking important would draw the wrong kind of attention to me, something of the local city states and an army of interference." Her lips pull back in a hungry grin, "Whereas if I look the easy victim... Well."

    She chuckles, "They're more likely to try and grab me, especially if I look like I've pulled up something that might be useful to them in my 'salvaging mission'." There's a pause, then a frown, "First: What's an Eikon? Second: How corruptive is it's influence? If your people have been captured and turned..." She lets her voice trail off for a moment before she continues, "In our world, there are artifacts of the ancient ages, they are sentient and have fallen to madness in their isolation and interments... ...And they drive those who study them to suicidal madness against the standing orders. ...When one is corrupted... They are unsalvagable."

    She narrows her eyes slightly, "Is it the same here?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius continues to sit back in slight silence. He nods his head softly, not arguing with the point and as he said, he would provide her with the tools she need to look the part she wanted to do. It would be little trouble honestly.

"The Eikons are... creatures of the Aether. The Aether is what flows through our world.. and is what forms the crystals.. and it is this aether-- these crystals-- that we create our fuel called Cereleum." Gaius explains the best he can. "These creatures are powerful and those whom summon them, see them as gods. The ones we are currently aware of is that of Ifrit, Garuda... and Bahamut."

"Bahamut was the one whom was.. awoken upon Eorzea and nearly destroyed the region-- it is also the being whom sent us here." Gaius says this with furrowed brows and his voice seeming withdrawn, as if holding back something. He also thought perhaps he had explained this before, but he was unsure of it.

"If not for the summoning of Bahamut, the war could possible be over." Gaius then says firmly, "..but it would seem it is not meant to be so. Now we have more problems on our hands then I can count and possible if-- this Eikon is outside the borders of its normal territory.. then it could be trouble for the whole multiverse."

"You see, the team that was sent there had a device with them.. that device was recording Aether flow. If it detected aether flow, it would record how much and how far the stream went. Though this recording was not requested by the Emperor. It was chosen by myself to do so, as my concerns on how our world coming here may impact that flow." Gaius then shakes his head gently. "..as if the flow is impacted negatively.. it would halt our entire way of life."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra considers for a moment, "Is there a reason you can't capture one and drain it?" She pauses, "Well... If it takes the weak willed..." She frowns, "It's a self perpetuating cycle isn't it? Drop this Eikon into a city slum, take the undesirables, the sick and weak, promise them something if they worship it--" She snorts, "--It wouldn't even have to deliver, just wait until their religion made them mush headed and take over their minds."

    She's silent for a moment, "I don't know if such detectors would work for your people." She glances at him for a moment, "The more powerful you are, the more your presence distorts the Multiverse. A powerful mage, will drag a magical field with them wherever they go, allowing them access to their powers even on worlds where their powers exist not." She frowns, "If the aether is native to your world... And your world only however... ... I don't know if they'll get anything from conscripting outsiders." She shrugs, then looks at you directly, "Ask one of your worlds higher level mages, or aether shapers."

    She stands and stretches, looking troubled for a moment, "So... Are there any signs when one of the Eikons is summoned, other then trouble, and ruin?" She chuckes, "If I'm going to walking into a situation where I have to do more then destroy some possible cultists, abductors, or rebels..."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"That is-- the problem with the Eikons." Gaius says with a deep frown on his face. "They can not be destroyed. Only sent back to wince they came.. only for them to be summoned yet again." He grits his teeth when he remembers the data and his eyes peer over to a piece of the paper work, more like a blue print structural design of-- something.

His hand only for a moment exposes a small piece of it, before he picks up the whole pile and goes to straighten it. Shoving the thought out of his mind entirely. "They are a problem for all and if they can seek home beyond, nigh, in any location within the Multiverse, then they soon become a problem for all."

"'Tis my hope, it does take place and 'tis my hope that perhaps something here within the Multiverse may be able to place an end to them.. permanently. Until such time however.. we must be cautious." Gaius then files the paperwork away. He then pulls out a file, though the data is also on the magitek system-- he still likes to keep hard records.

Gaius then hands Vi'Sharra the file, "In this file contains information that we know of about the Eikon Ifrit. If he be the one whom is awake.. if they even think of awakening him.. you will find what we know there. The information was.. gathered by another Legatus.. before events.. well.. took him from us." Gaius doesn't sound overly upset by this, even anything there was sound of relief in his voice-- but combined with a hint of frustration as well.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra's mental eyebrows raise at that tone of voice, before she files it under the catagory of 'Ask Later'. "So to deal with them in any long term fashion, you'd have to wipe out the belief in them... To prevent them from being resummoned. Even then..." She shakes her head ruefully, "There's always some fool out there that there's willing to sacrifice their soul for power, or who can be duped into becoming a pawn."

    She sighs and accepts the file flipping through it bit, "Hmm... Not exactly much of a looker is he?" A pause, flip. Flip. Flip. "Not very intelligent either. If anything he's rather... ...Short sighted." Flip. Flip. Flip. "

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    "Aspect bound it seems as well. All of the negatives and positives of fire." She looks up at you, "I believe I can deal with this if I come across it." She chuckles softly for a moment, "Yes... Start with wiping out his servants, so he doesn't have anything to feed on, then either lead him into a trap letting his own temper and internal fires dig him in deeper, or simply create a situation where I can use something to overwhelm him."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius gives a slight nod. "Aye.. sadly there are many whom seek power... and such power will always guide their hand to such devices." He then rubs the bridge of his nose once more, as a mild grimace plays over his face which he tries to hide in that moment.

The Legatus then goes to stand up from his chair as he goes to rest his hand on his shoulder as he looks out toward the large window looking out over the Castrum in the distance. A massive facility with large fortress metallic black walls and spot-lights that scan for any movement along its borders. "You strike down one group.. and eventually.. another will always come to follow. 'Tis the way of things.. a stench hidden in the very fabric of the cloth that needs to be cleansed.. but by what means of it.. I have yet to find."

Gaius then looks to Vi'Sharra, "We will be arriving at the Castrum before tomorrow's light. We will be here for about three to four days under going repairs to the Dreadnaught. You have until the fifth day to see what you can find, for on that day, the Dreadnaught takes her leave again." He tilts his head, "...understood?"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods, "I'm afraid that's one that... Even we haven't learned to really cure the others of, even if we are..." She chuckles, "A bit older then the rest of you." Her eyes narrow slightly, "I'll have the forms for what I need in for ... Requsition by tonight, and I'll start searching the countryside where your people have vanished by early tomorrow."

    She smiles slightly, "Depending on how observant they are of the air, It may not be neccesary to even set up an ambush..." Her smile turns into a grin, "Even Imperials don't notice large eagles." She raises her left hand, and the illusion of where she landed earlier appears, along with the image of the large bird. "I understand. There's a time limit, and we're all subject to the requirements of time and tide." She gazes at him for a moment and nods. "I'll try to recover your men, but if your Eikon is there? What do you want me to do about it?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius goes to place his hands behind his back as he goes to look out the window as she speaks. His steps move him over to it, staring over the land and calm air washes over him as he gazes out. For a moment he closes his eyes as she asks what he would have her do with them.

His hand tightens a bit, before it relaxes. He then opens his eyes gently and looks at Vi'Sharra by her reflection in the window. Those gold eyes stare at her for a long moment, his words are calm and collective, "If they have summoned Ifrit. You are to not engage and leave the area at once. If you find the missing troops.. evaluate their status... if they can be brought back.. do so...if not.. Then kill all but one.."

Gaius then turns to face her, "..I at least want one of them remained breathing and in a cell." He tilts his head ever so slightly, "Any further questions?"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra considers for a moment, then her eyes gleam in amused fashion. "If I'm forced to retreat, I'll do so in such a fashion that it causes their hidden camp to be..." She grins, "Or, I can leave behind a targeting beacon, so that your men can feel avenged and your airship can purge your beastmen in a ball of fire."

    She considers for a moment, "No other questions." A pause, "Just a mild warning. If you see a group of fuzzy wolf men, imbued with elemental power ... creating a distraction on the ground, then they're my summons. Please don't shoot them. It makes them cranky."