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It's Raining Bread
Date of Scene: 11 August 2014
Location: Digital World
Synopsis: Blurr goes looking for a fallen probe and runs into Phascomon. It rains bread. Kotone takes a loaf home.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, Blurr, 540

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     A strong breeze blows through the forest, sending leaves flying off the trees. As they fall, they vanish, and the bare patches where the leaves used to be generate new leaves. The various fruits that fall don't have the same luck, as they splat when they hit the ground. A tiny, red-clawed black hand reaches out for one of the giant red orb fruits. "Almost...got it...almost...nyah!" It swipes at the fruit, knocking it down and splattering it on the forest floor. "Gh...of course."

Blurr has posed:
    Suddenly, a whole lot more fruit are falling off of the tree and landing on the ground below, because the tree is -moving-. Or at least, someone is moving the tree. There's a low groan as the trunk is bent downward, and the branches nearly touch the fruit-splattered ground.

    Who's doing that? Someone who's as tall as this particular fruit tree itself. That being Blurr, who is searching for a fallen probe. He doesn't notice that there's someone in the tree that's about to break in half with all the force he's pushing against it.

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "Uh...hi there...friend? Hopefully?" A voice from the tree tries to get Blurr's attention gently. "I'm kinda using this tree at the moment...could you please not snap it in half with me up here?" It then pauses for a few seconds. "Or...maybe you could hand me one of those fruits? I'm a bit hungry at the moment. But if you are eating them, that's fine...I can wait."

Blurr has posed:
    "SlaggingprotohatcherofPrimus!" Blurr exclaims, startled by the voice. He jumps back and abruptly lets go of the tree, which snaps back up to its original position like a piece of rubber...

    Which means, if anyone was in the tree, if they weren't holding on tight, they might be sent flying.

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     unfortunately for the creature in the tree, it wasn't holding on tightly. It is launched into the distance, managing to slow itself down with teeny tiny wings that shouldn't have enough power to do so. Thus, it hits the ground much more softly, only getting a bit scraped and bruised instead of hurt badly. "Ow...what was that for?" The creature decides to stay lying down for a bit, not having sensed any ill intent from Blurr, or danger from the surrounding area.

Blurr has posed:
    Upon seeing the...odd creature with tiny wings go flying, Blurr quickly rushes after it, hoping to catch it and keep it from getting injured too badly. He looks worried when it doesn't get up, instead remains lying on the ground. "I--sorry! I didn't know you were in the tree, and you startled me. You okay?" he asks, quickly starting a scan to see if he'd suffered any internal injuries.

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "...I'm fine...I'm fine. I'm just gonna...lie here a bit." Strangely, Blurr's scan for internal injuries reveals that it doesn't seem to be an organic life form.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr completes the scan, and it seems he's fine. Phew. Hmm, but he isn't an organic, eh? Then why was he interested in eating the fruit earlier? "Oh, good. Uh, you wanted some of that fruit earlier, so I got you some." He holds out a pretty large pile of them, hopefully most of them aren't crushed. "You native to this place?

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "Thanks..." The strange clawed, winged koala looks up. "That's really awesome of you to get me some of those fruits." He then thinks for a moment. "Native to this place...no, not really. My forest was destroyed. I'm hanging out in this one. I'm Phascomon. What's your name?"

Blurr has posed:
    "Blurr," The speedster nods. "Nice to meet you, Phascomon." He crouches down as far as he comfortably can so he can get a better look at the strange creature. "Oh, what planet are you from, then?" he asks, thinking he'd meant that he wasn't native to this particular planet. Because that's what the Autobot was thinking he'd asked the question.

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "Nice to meet you, Blurmon," Phascomon replies, holding out a clawed hand. He then tilts his head. "...planet...? What do you mean, Blurmon? I'm from this one, same as you. Why do you a-...you ARE from this Digital World, right? ...you aren't, are you? Are you here to try to take over, or are you here to take a vacation?"

Blurr has posed:
    "Uh, it's Blurr, not Blurmon." Blurr corrects, finding that strange. "And I mean planet as in...planet?" he's not sure what else it could mean. "I thought you said you weren't native to this place."

    He laughs when Phascomon suggests he's trying to take over the place. "Neither, I was actually just looking for something of mine. I guess I can't blame you for thinking that though...my kind sort of have a bad reputation."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has been exploring again and got her self more than a bit lost in the digital world. She has no idea she was in a digital world to begin with. she'd come by a warp gate. So the young cyborg was making her way through the woods trying to get an idea for the place. It was pretty so she didn't mind wandering for a bit she'd find her way sooner or later.

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "I'm not native to this forest. I'm native to another forest that was destroyed. This forest isn't the whole world..." He then shrugs. "You lost something? That's too bad. Hope you find it. And by your kind, you mean offworlders? I really don't know much about what's going on."

Blurr has posed:
    "Ohhhh so that's what you meant." Blurr nods. "Yeah. One of our probes went down somewhere here, I think." he glances around, and checks a holographic map that seems to come out of his hand. Something else on it seems to pique his interest, though. Something familiar. "Well what do we know?" he chuckles and opens a commlink on a local frequency to Kotone. <<Hey what are you doing here?>> he asks, somewhat playfully.

    "Actually I meant my kind as in my species. That is, Cybertronians."

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "Wait...Cybertronians..." Phascomon looks deep in thought. "Cyber...tron...ians...are you from a Cyber World similar to our Digital World? I mean, you look like you fit right in here, Blurr. Except for the name...you don't have -mon at the end of your name. Or are you just unusual that way?" As he is talking, his paw wanders the ground, trying to grab one of the fruits. Digital or not, he's STARVING!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
<< Exploring, you? I need to not be up to my arms in geese or getting studdied by a doctot who I swear makes me feeling she should get me dinner and a movie first.>>

She looks for a moment as she comes upon the digimon and Blurr.

"Hello... there and wait digital world...?"

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "Yes, the Digital World. I am a Digital Monster. Digimon for short. Why did you come here if you didn't know where here is? That seems like a not-good idea..."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr looks confused. "What do you mean 'Cyber World'? I mean I just know the planet I'm from is Cybertron. And it doesn't look anything like this, so I'm assuming the answer's no." He glances over at Kotone as she arrives. "'Up to my arms in geese'?" The Autobot is even more confused, now. "What's that supposed to mean?" He hasn't ever heard of that saying.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I was exploriong and I know where the gate is I used to get here. So I'm fine I happen to like to explore. As for that Blurr I'm a mechanic and vechile designer by trade."

She nods to the digimon and smiles a little bit at them.

"It's an expression refering to my profession which is sometimes called a greese monkey. Have you seen the inside of your typiocal human produced vechile engine?"

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     Phascomon slowly stands up and offers his hand for a shake. "Ah, exploring. Sounds like you are having fun. Not something I would do for fun but...eh." He shrugs, and tilts his head. "Who are you, and are you Cybertronian as well?"

Blurr has posed:
    "'Grease monkey..." Blurr repeats the phrase. "Weird." He watches the odd little 'digimon' as Phascomon called himself for a moment, then asks, "So what -would- you do for fun, then?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "No I'm Kotone and I'm Human. Well what would you do for fun if I might ask?" She has to wonder what does Phascomon do for fun, but she figures she might get an answer in a moment. "Well to be fair we're two different forms of life blurr. I would be quite foolish to assume your people thought the same way as mine."

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     Phascomon looks at Kotone, then Blurr, then Kotone, then Blurr...back and forth, back and forth...then thinks. "Hmm..." he thinks aloud, "...no...pieces too small for big guy....same problem with that...couldn't..."
     Giving up with a pained look of defeat on his face, the koala digimon sighs and shakes his head. "I don't suppose either of you would like to play a board game or a card game, would you? I suppose cards COULD work, if the data is adjusted...but sounds like too much work."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr watches Phascomon and his strange muttering. Huh, this guy is rather interesting, isn't he? "Depends on what kind of board or card game it is." He'd played a sort of board game with Drift one time, a while back.

    ...and then the guy gets buried in some kind of organic food matter? "What the slag? Where did -that- come from? This place is -weird-..."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I don't mind either if you got something in mind. Just so long as it does not involve motorcycles." She seems to be in a bit of a playful mood from the looks of her. "Wait ... where did ... all that ... bread come from..."

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "...bread. Okay. Um...guys...I think i'm just gonna...take a nap with this bread now...sorry..." Phascomon's muffled voice sounds kind of funny besides just being distorted from being buried. "I'm...hungry and tired, and this...this works. Thank you, whoever uploaded this bread for me..."

Blurr has posed:
    "....okay." Blurr chuckles and turns to leave. He does still have that probe to find, after all. "It was...nice meeting you, Phascomon." He glances at Kotone, with a 'ummm yeah he's weeeeird' look on his face.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I bnest get going, I don't think I ever sene it rain bread before."

She grabs a loaf and trots off with it whistling as she goes.