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Revision as of 17:55, 11 August 2014

WMAT C5 Procyana vs. Cameron Baum
Date of Scene: 10 August 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Diablo Desert
Synopsis: WMAT Third Place Bout - C Bracket.
Cast of Characters: 24, 43, 365

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Where's the commentator? There's supposed to be a commentator here, isn't there? Of course there is.

With a blur of color, Rainbow Dash drops out of the sky and into the commentator's box. She immediately snatches up a microphone from some confused tournament official, and quickly flies back out of the box.

"HEY WMAT fans, it's the awesomely cool Rainbow Dash here! Just 'cause the tournament is almost over, doesn't mean the action's getting any colder. Nope, this stuff is totally heating up! Uh, seriously. I mean look at this Diablo Desert place we're in, it's nothing but sand and hot! But what's even hotter is the fight that's about to start! It's the C bracket third place fight, with spy versus robot! Procayana, the racoon with some awesome moves, going up against Cameron, the freaky strong bot! If you're down here or listening in (On 900.3), I want to hear you CHEER! If you're not making my ears ring, it's not loud enough!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
Whoever decided where the third place match-up was going to be faught either realized she's got an edge when she's got environment to work with... or just didn't want to obscure what's probably going to be a -lot- of firepower being thrown around, considering the competators involved.

Either is fine with her. No scenery means that she doesn't have to worry about holding back herself. And it's probably gonna -take- everything she can pack for this fight.

"Ugh, good thing I didn't wear the longcoat to try and look more badass," Procyana grumbles mostly to herself as she hops off her hoverbike and lets it zip away from the fight on auto-pilot. While waiting for her opponent she flicks open one bracer and taps the controls inside, adjusting the electronics in her suit to deal with the desert environment.

John Connor (24) has posed:
     It's hot.

     Cameron knows this. She feels heat. It's not so, bad, really - some of the ambient heat is channelled into secondary power sources, ready to be utilised in her action circuits. She doesn't need to sweat, either, yet she does. It helps her disguise - all Procyana might see is the unassuming form of a young woman in a t-shirt and jeans. What makes her less unassuming is the heavy shotgun she holds in one hand, just casually, like it's nothing at all to be concerned about.

     Over at the viewing area, John, Sarah and Derek sit, each nursing a drink of some sort. Some part of John is excited to see Cameron in action again, but another part of him is worried - she always comes back rather beaten up. How long can she keep this up for?

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash soars above the two opponants as they gather. She loops around, a bit of a wide birth.

"We got Procyana riding up in some crazy awesome bike thing. Where can I get one of those? It looks seriously sweet! And here's Cameron too! Check out that gun she's got! That thing's huge! I thought this place was hot before, but this action's going to be roasting!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
At the sound of someone else's footsteps on the desert sand Procyana turns her attention that way, and a faint whistle escapes her lips. "Nice lookin' gun... Hope it's up to snuff," he expression breaks into a small but confident smirk. "You're going to need it." Losing that last match doesn't seem to have dampened her spirits any.

"Just be sure to make this good, eh? We -are- fighting for third, after all!" Both hands drop to her sides to grab the handles of her blasters and pull them from the holsters. Twirling them in her hands once as Procyana raises one arm up in front of herself as she turns aside to Cameron and swings her other arm across the first, bracing it a fancy stance as she snaps off a quick shot at the girl(?).

John Connor (24) has posed:
     The shot strikes home, burns a hole in Cameron's shirt, through the living tissue and the hyperalloy chassis beneath. Cameron looks down at the smoking wound, then up to Procyana. In one quick, smooth movement she raises the shotgun and blasts away at Procyana - boom!

     "It is," Cameron states, matter of fact as always.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow loops around the area again, only to land on top of the commentator's box. "Okay, gun twirling? Totally. Cool. Proc gets a shot on Cameron, but it doesn't look like it really does much. But WHOA, Cameron's gun is loud! It's louder than the cheering I'm hearing!"

Dash peers over her shoulders at the audience. "That's a hint, by the way."

Procyana (365) has posed:
That may of been a little disappointing for a start off, but Procyana rolls with it. As her opponent raises the shotgun she takes a step forward, and then plants that foot to kick off with the other and pivot into a spin. There's multiple dull *thd thd thd* as the shotgun spray hits her back, but the light armor layerings woven into her jacket absorbs most of the damage it would of done. Most of it.

The step and spin also brings her close enough that she can continue the turn into a kick, which she aims at knocking the shotgun's aim aside for a moment rather than at her opponent. That comes when she follows up by flipping one blaster around to grip it by the body instead, and aim the end of her turning by cracking the butt of the handle across the girl's face!

John Connor (24) has posed:
     Even with Cameron's steel grip, the shotgun goes wide before she can fire again. This is probably a good thing - at close range, that would certainly hurt! The butt of Procyana's blaster finds Cameron's face. It's a blow that might crack the skull or break the jaw of someone - but Cameron weathers it. Her head turns with the blow, jerked to one side, and then turns back to Procyana. Her face is already blossoming with an angry red bruise.

     Not waiting for even a second, Cameron goes to punch Procyana in the throat.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Forget shooting at each other, these girls are breaking out the punches! WHAM, Procyana introduces Cameron's face to her gun!" Rainbow Dash mimes kicking someone in the face with a forehoof. "But BLAM, Cameron comes in swinging, going for Procyana's throat!" She swings out with her other forehoof.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Sometimes you just gotta use a gun for more than shooting people. They can be effective blunt instruments. Especially if they're almost small handcannons like Procyana's blasters.

But then she gets struck back in return, staggering backwards from the blow to her neck. "Oof. Hit harder than I thought," she admits as she steadies herself, and gives her neck a little kink.

"Or maybe you just need to chill a little." She turns to point the other blaster at Cameron, this one on the opposite setting. It fires, but it's more like the shot is blasting the heat OUT of its target in a painful manner than shooting her WITH the energy.

John Connor (24) has posed:
     Cameron is already moving. As Procyana raises her other blaster, Cameron neatly moves to sidestep it, kicking up a little bit of sand, anticipating where her opponent might aim - and is rewarded by the shot going straight past her. The ambient temperature drops there. Who knows what might've happened had it connected!

     Not giving Procyana the chance to fire that weapon again, Cameron raises one leg and lashes it again Procyana's middle, going to kick her in the gut! There's no witty quip, threat or rejoinder, just a heavy boot.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"I'm not sure what Procyana just shot at Cameron, buuut I'm going to call it a freeze ray." Rainbow Dash perches just on the very edge of the commentator's box. "Cause that just sounds cool. Wish she'd use it on the rest of this desert. But Cameron's fast, dodging the ray! And look out, I know a good kick when I see one! Procyana's pretty fast though. Not as fast as me, but enough to dodge THAT kick!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
Okay, whoever this lady is, she's got some good reflexes. Procyana will give her that might. Doesn't mean she's going to let up just because.

Cameron comes in for a kick, but there's a razzle of almost digital looking distortion across Procyana's form, and she must of managed to step out of the way as her reactive optical camoflague activated because the boot connects with nothing but empty space.

Fortunately for both the fight and the viewers other than the evasive maneuver Procyana isn't one to keep under stealth for long. Just long enough to move, a similar visual distortion rendering her visible again. Behind Cameron, with one blaster pointed at the back of her head. "Surprise."

And then having learned the hard way how people have a knack of evading shots to the head around here, quickly drops her aim down to go for the body and THEN fires.

John Connor (24) has posed:
     It takes Cameron a few moments to cycle through her variety of sensors. Her head tilts left, then right, as she activates each one. Infra-red, low-light, electromagnetic, whatever. By that time, however, Procyana has stepped around her and shot her in the back.

     The bolt burns deep. Smoke curls out of the wound, the air thick with the air of burnt flesh and cotton. And there, in the small of her back, past the shirt and skin, Procyana might catch glimpse of the scorched chrome endoskeleton beneath - the closest thing Cameron has to a true self.

     Cameron whirls on Procyana, ludicrously fast, and goes to pick up the raccoon-esque figure. She hefts, lifts, and /hurls/ Procyana againast one of the giant mushroom-esque outcroppings. "Surprise," she replies, but she's probably not talking about the throw as she goes to make her way over to her opponent.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Whoa, Procyana is faster than I thought! How'd she get around Cameron so fast?!" Does Rainbow Dash almost sound jealous? Eeeeh, not really. "Talk about one nasty surprise! Cameron's got one of her own though; looks like she's going for some sort of shot-put record for throwing a racoon!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
... Wait, this girl is a cyborg?! How did she not notice -that- sooner! That little glimps of detail beneath the facade confirms it though.

Unfortunately it's also just enough lapse in her attention to other things for Cameron to turn around, grab her, and fling Procyana across the arena. Not a whole lot grows in this desert, so it's by sheer coincidence that there happens to be giant mushrooms close enough for her to crash into.

Being what this world is, one hit is enough for said mushrooms to topple over and explode. Thankfully just into spores, but still, it's quite a display.

"Yeah, I'll admit. Surprise there." Procyana is quick to get back on her feet though, and shake off the residue from the mushroom collapse. Heh. Now she knows she doesn't have to hold back anything save not being lethal, though.

Which is why she.. holsters her blasters? Oh, it's so she can pull out -her- shotgun from her inventory. A futuristic one, with glowing chambers composing part of the barrels. Smirks a bit.

"Let's see how you like my version."

She turns and holds it out one-handed to open fire. It's just as loud as any other shotgun, expect instead of buckshot this one belches out a scatterblast of energy that, while certainly hot and burning, isn't technically quite fire. Regardless of what various sci-fis try to tell you.

John Connor (24) has posed:
     Cameron moves forward, indomitable and unbowed. She gives Procyana's shotgun a once-over and then continues to advance, not even breaking stride.

     Because of this, Procyana nails her with a direct shot. The blast of plasma strikes Cameron right in the chest, burning through cloth and searing its way through flesh. It continues to burn through to Cameron's chestplate, little orange licks of fire lingering on bits of exposed flesh around her upper torso.

     It's been a while since she had encountered plasma weaponry. She hadn't anticipated it, here, in this desert, in the tournament. It's not a mistake she will make again.

     Ducking to the side, smoke rising from somewhere in her chest, Cameron weaves left and then right. And then she leaps forward, slamming all of her weight and strength into Procyana's form, hoping to knock her down!

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash scoffs, "What the hay? Why is Procyana trying to make things HOTTER out here?!" She shrugs, grinning, "At least it looks cool as Procy totally gets Cameron right in the chest." A wince. "But Cameron's tackle has GOT to hurt! I think I heard something break down there!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
That left a mark! ... but the girl keeps coming despite the obvious results of the plasma burst. "Oi! Gonna be a tough bugger are you?" And then the advance turns into a charge, that plows into Procyana with enough force to slam her down into the ground with the robot, cyborg, or whatever Cameron really is on top of her.

For a normal person, having a Terminator crash into them like that and then hit the ground hard, would probably of broken several bones. Possibly their back. Or worse.

Needless to say it's likely only by the virtue of her own augmentations that Procyana survives it with only getting roughed up hard. That sound Rainbow Dash heard was more than likely some of the electronic components in her jacket getting smashed from the impact with the ground. Which isn't any more pleasant since it weakens the effectiveness of her defenses.

This is a bad position to be in, and Procyana knows it. Needing to get out of it quickly, she snaps a quick kick upwards with one leg to plant her boot in Cameron's chin to try and disorient her. Followed by kicking both feet into her chest to push her back, and push off from that to flip herself back onto her feet.

Somewhere in that backflip Procyana's quick skills pulls her blasters back out, because when she lands she brings them both up in front of her and cracks off two quick shots in rapid succession to round off the maneuver.

John Connor (24) has posed:
     It's a bad position for Procyana, sure, but it's an advantageous one for Cameron. On top of her, the Terminator tries to land further blow on her - but Procyana is strong and intelligent. The quick blow to her head disrupts Cameron's central processor for a moment, sending a burst of junk data through her subroutines, and then Procyana kicks her back. In the sand, sprawled as she is, Cameron can't do anything to evade the shots fired from Procyana's weapons. They bite deep, finding vulnerable points in her endoskeleton. There's the acrid stench of a little electrical fire, before Cameron shunts power away from that section of her torso. Even under the fusilade, however, Cameron rises. Her brown eyes are set on Procyana all the while, keeping her target in view.

     Advancing, Cameron feints with her left and then pistons her right foot - with all of her hydraulic power - against Procyana's knee! Ouch!

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash is on the edge of her seat! Or, well, on the edge of the commentator's booth roof, forehooves barely staying on the edge. "Procyana's grabbed! How's she going to get out of this one?! Whoa, she totally puts her feet into it, pushing off of Cameron's chest! She gets out of there, and she comes out shooting! But Cameron's not having any of that, she's following right after the spy! And check out the kicking action she's got!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
There's a saying in this line of work about how someone that takes too long to think is likely to be lying on the ground dead before they can finish thinking. One of the reasons enforcers are usually trained to react first, and consider the options afterwards later. Sometimes, as some of her previous matches prove, it's an effective methodology.

Other times, effective method isn't always the best method. This is one of those times where Procyana's hardwired reflexes are -so- quick that they react before she really even has a chance to consider it. She ducks the feinted attack, only to get a robotic kick to the knee. This time there IS something audible cracking, though if it's the actual joint or some other technogribble is hard to tell as the raccoon woman drops to that knee on the ground. By the way she's gritting her teeth, regardless of what it -hurt-.

"Bloody hell!" she cusses, and likely remembering this is a televised fight the only thing keeping her from swearing worse. Something audibly clicks and grinds, and then she gets the injured leg up underneath herself and stands again, tail taking a few extra sways to recenter her balance. Looks like her cybernetics managed to partially compensate for the injury at least.

With a hiss she turns her gaze back towards Cameron. She thought the plasma shotgun was a surprise? Let's see how she likes this, as Procyana pulls one of the devices off her belt, clicks it to activate, and throws it towards Cameron. Grenade!

That doesn't detonate with flames or explosions like your typical one, instead bursting mid-air to bombard Cameron in globs of highly reactive acid!

John Connor (24) has posed:
     Cameron can figure out what that is - a grenade! She moves. About one moment before detonation, Cameron deflects it with her right hand. The explosive detonates, of course, but much of the acid vanishes into the sand, instead of splattering all over her. Some of it finds its mark, along her right arm, and it sizzles there, burning through the synthetic flesh. The limb underneath is skeletal, silver, with hydraulics instead of tendons. Cameron takes a moment to flex her hand and the limb responds - it hadn't burnt down to the endoskeleton.

     Terminators don't feel malice. Violence is just business. Procayana has stumbled to her feet, insisting on fighting, thanks to some sort of assistance from her suit, or some sort of enhancement. Either way, it doesn't matter. Cameron steps to the side and repeats the maneuver, aiming to take out her other knee!

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Whoa, that's no baseball!" Dash flares her wings and takes off from the commentator's box. "That thing's crazy! Procyana's thrown this crazy thing that's burning everything, but Cameron's no dummy, she's out of there! Looks like she's going for the knees! Better hope Procyana's got wings to keep her speed!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
The same could be said for Procyana's job. Violence was just the means of getting it done, most of the time. Come to think of it, there wasn't really a lot of difference between 'Enforcer' and 'Terminator'.

But nope, trying the same trick twice isn't going to win you this fight. For as cocky and brash as she may act, Procyana is paying attention to what her opponent does. The kick at her other leg is deflected when she moves so it hits the side of her armored boots instead, leaving a large dent in the side but sparing her from being disadvantaged farther. Though one wonders if she might of been able to just outright dodge of it hadn't been for the first kneebreaker.

But it looks like she's going to need to get a bit more tricky herself. "Let's crank things up a little, eh?" Energy from the projector in her glove crackles as Procyana raises her arm and points it at Cameron, aiming the energy tether that shoots from it for the damaged portion of Cameron's chest.

And then releasing a rather sizable discharge of electricty hopefully into those already damaged and exposed internals.

John Connor (24) has posed:
     Cameron doesn't feel surprise, per se, but she does evaluate old strategies based on new data. It's the closest thing she has to surprise. So, as energy begins crackling around that glove, Cameron finds herself doing a fair bit of evaluating.

     About two seconds later, move she get out of the way, there's a uncontrolled surge of power through her internal systems.

     Much of it gets shunted away into capacitors immediately, trying to prevent the electrical charge from frying anything delicate. Terminators are built tough but they do run on an electrical system - put too much energy through it and something's going to give. Cameron's limbs and neck jerk spasmodically, junk data cascading through her programming at an incredible rate. Even so, if she doesn't do something, she's going to burn out. Literally.

     Cameron processes. It's difficult but slowly she begins to purge away the random bytes of information, getting her right arm behind herself. She finds something, brings it around, and levels it at Procyana's head.

     It's a Desert Eagle. .45 calibre. Big, mean, and able to put a hole in most people.

     As Cameron squeezes the trigger, she can appreciate how appropriate the name of the weapon is. On some level, at least.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Yeah, I don't even know what Procyana is doing anymore." At least Dash is honest. "And I don't care; it's still awesome looking. She's got Cameron by some sort of glowing rope thing! Whoa, and it's lighting up like someone tried to lick a lightning bolt!"

Rainbow's eyes grow wide as she soars over head, getting a good look at the fight. "That's one big gun Cameron's got though! Big and LOUD! Uuuh, thiiings aren't looking too good for Procyana now..."

Procyana (365) has posed:
It's pretty clear that Procyana intended to outright fry the robotic systems right then and there if she could by overloading them. It's worked on robots before. Granted, those weren't Terminators. Cameron is clearly built of sterner stuff, as she manages to push aside enough of the corruption to reach for a new weapon and bring it to bear.

A Desert Eagle. Those things are -ancient- where, or should I say -when-, she comes from. But Procyana is enough of a gun afficinado to reconize the classic heavy, high powered firearm.

Enough to know to dismiss the electrocution attack so she can get her head out of the way! The high powered slug still slams into her shoulder with enough force to practically throw the spycoon away from the lady that fired it at her. Doesn't matter what time frame you're from, you've got to respect a gun like that.

".. Ow. That was definately an ow. A classic ow." Well other than sounding hurt that didn't do anything to Procyana's smart tongue. On the other hand, as she sits up it's visible that the entire shoulder and upper sleeve of her jacket is gone. Her augmented systems are already stifling off the bleeding, but there's a lot of nasty red globbed and streaked down her shoulder, even as the biotech is stabilizing the wound. But all it's going to do is keep her from bleeding to death, or her arm falling off.

"Well, you've got something old... so how about somthing new..." Procyana gets up onto one knee, planting the other foot in the sand to stabilize herself. That's all the farther she needs to go at the moment, as she accesses her nanotech inventory and in a flicker of energy patterns a -very big- rifle materializes in her hands. Even as she lifts it up to brace the stock against her good shoulder it's already charging, an audible thrum in the air and crackling energy cascading around the barrel. It's like someone made a particle accelerator somewhat portable and shoved it into an anti-material weapon hosing. If she's going to go out with a bang, it's going to be as big and bad of a bang as she can make it!

Despite hurting that cocky smirk returns to her lips. "Been waiting to try this out on someone that can probably take it." Then she pulls the trigger, an beam of hyper-concentrated, hyper-accelerated energy roars out of the weapon towards the Terminator.

John Connor (24) has posed:
     Cameron has no idea what she's looking at. And that's a bad thing. It's a very big bad thing, too. When energy begins cascading around the barrel, Cameron hesistates, calculating probability. By the time she is moving again, reaching out to swat the barrel aside, it's too late.

     Cameron is hit, and even she is launched through the air. She lands in a cloud of sand and dust, unmoving. It seems like she could take the blast, but it doesn't seem like she's getting up. It must've done incredible damage, even to her hyperalloy chassis. In the stands, John groans. "No, no, no..." Even Sarah Connor shares some of her son's displeasure. Derek, on the other hand, seems unconcerned. She's only metal, after all.

     And then she moves. She gets her knees under her, then her hands, and rises to a standing position. She looks different now, with much of her living tissue blown away or grinded away through impact with the sand. Half her face is missing, revealing silver metal and one red optic burns in her eye socket. She advances, movements halting, systems clicking and whirring and whining in protest. She finds her pistol, where it had fallen in the explosion, and picks it up. She fires, each shot steady, each shot precise, as she advances.

     She only has one directive here. To win.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Now THAT is a ray gun! Don't ask me to tell you what kind of ray gun Procyana yanked out, but it's a big one." That is Rainbow dash's story and she's sticking with it. "And Cameron tanks that thing right in the face! She goes flying and..." Dash winces, then stares at the Cameron that gets back up. "Whooaaa... Uh, she doesn't look happy. Actually she looks more metal than anything else. I don't think she's going to quit firing that gun!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
Procyana lowers the smoking barrel of The Atomsmasher as Cameron lands several meters away from where she had been standing when she fired the weapon. That had to leave a mark ... and yet, Procyana doesn't celebrate just yet as she dismisses the super-weapon back into storage. After everything else she's dished out to even do damage to that woman, she's not enterly certain that one did do it.

Her instinct proves to be right on as, be it slowly and jerky, Cameron diligently gets back to her feet and retrieves her heavy pistol. Brow nitting into a faint scowl of determination Procyana does the same, hands lowering to grab both of her blasters despite one being injured as badly as it is. Though maybe that's why she only raises one gun as she starts to walk towards the advancing Terminator as Cameron starts firing again and again.

From Procyana's point of view perception almost seems to distort, though really it's her tactical implants running overtime to hone in on the shots being made. Her thermal blaster retorts in turn, firing again and again with precision.

Not at Cameron, but at her shots! Energy flashes mid-air where two meet, and the clatter of smoking bullets across the sands as in a astonishing display of her gunkata skills Procyana shoots several of the large calibre rounds right out of the air! A few manage to push through, but are dislodged from their course just enough to only skim her shoulders and sides, making her wince. But her augmented adrenaline is running redline now, pushing her just enough for a little longer...

At the end Procyana stops, turns, and raises the other, wounded arm. As it comes up it becomes clear that she wasn't keeping it down because of the injury, but because she was conserving that gun's energy to let it charge up, if the large swirl of red and orange krackle around the barrel is any indication.


And the swirling charge of superheated thermal energy fires from the disruptor.

John Connor (24) has posed:
     Well, that's new.

     Cameron has never seen someone shoot her bullets out of the air. Some get through, but many don't. Most don't. Eventually, Cameron gives up shooting. She needs to conserve her ammo, especially now. She goes to aim towards Procyana's legs, when that blaster fire slams into her.

     The thing is, metal is fairly heat-resistant. Some of the older model Terminators weren't. They melted easily. SkyNet knew this was a design flaw - and so incorporated coltan alloys into some of the newer models. Models like Cameron. The heat washes over her and while it melts along some of her chassis, it doesn't fuse it. She is slower, sluggish, but she's still in the fight. She might be able to shoot down her bullets, so, Cameron does the next best thing.

     She hurls her pistol at Procyana.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Why the hay is Procyana just standing there!?" Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes, groaning, "Move already! Or... just shoot back at her, that's good too. Procyana's just shooting Cameron's bullets out of the air! Uh, I guess Cameron ran out of ammo or something, because she just threw her gun at Procyana instead. That's got to sting!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
There is some sort of twisted.. is this what counts as irony? That someone is pulling 'discard gun' on her instead of the other way around? It's certainly a role reversal, at least.

Procyana's eyes widen a bit, and she drops one blaster to catch the Desert Eagle slung at her. You don't just throw away a gun like that! Though between it's mass and the strength of the thrower even doing that violently snaps her arm back, and that was probably audible in the stands. ".. okay.." she manages to hiss between clenched teeth. "... that was a bad idea.." After which she drops the heavy pistol in the sand, wincing as she pulls the arm back to her side. "... very bad idea."

She's almost literally on her last legs here, but there's still enough oomph in her for one last go. Still a trick or two she can pull. The hard energy projector hums faintly to life, manifesting first a glowing blade, and then with a flick it multiplies into several. Clearly shooting guns aren't the only projectiles Procyana can use, as she throws the circular blades at Cameron.

That upon impact discharge their energy in a way similar to exploding. One wouldn't be all that bad, but Procyana managed to throw several before her arm started to hurt too much to keep going.

John Connor (24) has posed:
     Cameron doesn't tilt her head this time, doesn't even look at the new blades. She advances quickly - well, as quick as she is able as one of her legs doesn't seem so responsive - as Procyana hurls the blades at her. They detonate on impact, throwing up sparks and knocking Cameron around. One finds the little point between arm and central chassis, and that limb goes limp, leaking thick red hydraulic fluid as something important gets cut. On her HUD, Cameron's statistical probability of winning this fight drops. She's damaged, slow, and somewhat unarmed. At the last possible second, just as she enters Procyana's personal space, Cameron draws her good arm up and back, and goes to plant the mother of all haymakers on her opponent's jaw!

Procyana (365) has posed:
After that Procyana slumps visibly. Even her rarely still tail slouches noticable, her breathing heavy and ragged as the last rush of adrenaline and who knows what else her augmented systems put through her body starts to run out. At some point in the fight her hair had become unfastened and she simply hadn't noticed it now hanging ragged and loose.

Yet as her opponent manages to approach her she manages to force herself upright. No, after everything else she was not going to take this faultering. She'll face it head on, until the end.

Thankfully it -is- the end this time, because there isn't much more she could take! The fist collides with her face, and with a reeling stagger it's more than she can starve off any longer, toppling over onto the hot sands.

John Connor (24) has posed:
     And Cameron, for her part, stands there for just a few moments to ensure that all those watching know that she was the victor. And then she slumps her knees. Time to conserve power and run some diagnostics. She watches Procyana, performing a cursory scan to make sure that her opponent isn't dying. John told her not to kill anyone. That would be bad.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Not dead, but that was quite literally a knockout punch

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Just how many tricks does Procyana have up her sleeve anyway? Her blades slice and dice, but Cameron just keeps on coming! WHAM, she puts her fist right into Procyana and the spy is down! Is she getting up? Come on, get up!" Rainbow Dash pauses for one intense moment.

... Nope, Procyana's not getting up! That's it, Cameron has beaten Procyana!" Dash dives out of the air, looping around the two combatants. "Talk about one hay of a fight; Procyana pulled out trick after awesome trick, but Cameron just didn't let up, she just kept like some sort of mega train!" She flits around behind Cameron, lifting hooves above her head. "Totally worth taking the third place spot in the C bracket!

"Whew, and I'm boiling here." Dash wipes her brow, "I've been the radical Rainbow Dash for the WMAT, and now I'm going to go dive into a pool of ice or something before I melt." And then tosses the microphone somewhere over her shoulder for some poor tournament official to find later.