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Latest revision as of 03:02, 12 August 2014

Dinner on the Pier
Date of Scene: 11 August 2014
Location: Boston-666
Synopsis: Psyber and Mordred chat and eat sandwiches in Boston.
Cast of Characters: 12, 253

Psyber (253) has posed:
    It's not a buffet by any means. And it's certainly not the finest dining in all of Boston. Instead of either of those two things, when Mordred comes out to respond to Psyber's invites, she'd find him sitting on a bench at the edge of the pier with a plastic shopping bag containing two sandwiches wrapped in Butcher Paper, along with a couple bags of Doritos and two cans of Coke.

    It's a pretty nice view. There aren't too many people and the sun is just starting to set over the harbor.

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "Huh. Never fancied you one for the view," comes Mordred's voice from behind, as she slowly materializes rather than walk in. She's got her red and gold outfit, the one-piece regal outfit, but she's got a heavy white and blue cloak on, which would probably look a lot better over a suit of white or silver armor.

    The food lures her without fail, as she gravitates almost naturally towards the bag of chips rather than the healthier sandwich. She helps herself, evidently not quite up to politeness standards just yet.

    "Whatcha want?"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "I dunno, to see how you were doing, mostly. I mean, outside of the Round Table escapades, since you seem to have resolved those well enough for now. How are you doing controlling the Shajem?" He looks over at her, reaching down to grab a sandwich and unwrap it. Both sandwiches are basic coldcut subs, nothing too fancy. Very delicious, though.

    "I show most of my concern for Elliana and her mental state, but I still worry about what's best for you. We may have met under weird and violent circumstances, but eh." He's bad at outright saying he cares, but he's halfway admitting it. He takes a bite of sandwich and chews it.

    He remarks as a sidenote, "You'd look cuter in a dress, you know." He teases.

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "You'd look cuter with a sword in your back," Mordred retorts, with a tone that suggests she is only half (but admittedly, half is still half) serious.

    "It's fine. Really, once I got past the puking fire and accidently animating things which immediatly tried killing me thing, it got fine. Haven't really tried to bore into it yet for power, haven't needed it. So, you know, who knows what'll happen when I try. Not in a hurry to find out. I hope it lets me be so angry at things they burst into flames though, that'll be cathartic."

    Munch munch doritos.

    "So you feeling good about crunching one of history's biggest grudges yet or not?"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Mixed feelings on it. It means I have to deal with the Round Table still freaking out every time you give them a gift," Psyber says wryly, figuring Mordred may know that giving a gift would cause a ruckus and did so as a polite joke, "And please, no swords in my back. You'd ruin the coat." Psyber dusts at his shoulders.

    "More seriously, yeah. I'm glad I helped you and Arturia get what you both wanted. That's kind of my job as a problem solver," And as a Guardian Angel. He takes another bite of the sandwich and looks out over the water, "What about you? This is a real turning point for you, isn't it?"

    "I'm glad, truthfully. I like helping get people what they want," A sentiment Psyber mentally appends with 'even if I can't ever get that for myself'. Still, he gives Mordred a cheerful smile.

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "I know, that's hilarious, isn't it? I mean, it wasn't entirely a joke, I was trying to be nice. I stumbled on a world where there's giant boars, tasted one myself, and dragged one back to their keep since father mentioned food shortage in the nearby village. Well, also, to make Bedivere freak out a bit. But not maliciously!" Mordred answers, giving a light shrug.

    "Eh. It's... different, I guess. It'll take a while to get used to, and... I don't really like seeing father mope and sulk about how she wasn't worthy and still isn't. I don't know how long I'll be able to tolerate that. It's insulting. Makes me feel like I spent my entire life looking up to someone who curls up and cries when nobody's looking. The way father talks you'd think Caliburn was an incompetent sword at choosing kings. You fuck with artifacts all the time, right? What're the odds a legendary extremely powerful sword whose entire purview is picking kings could fuck up? Come on, it's not hard. Sword wouldn't have picked just anybody."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Boy that question is a doozy." Psyber says to Mordred, folding his hands behind his head, "I work with artifacts a lot, but the thing everyone seems to forget is that they choose humans as their weilders. Or more accurately, mortals. And no one they pick is going to be perfect. Everyone has their scars, their flaws, their shortcomings." He looks over at her.

    He gives her a chuckle, "I'm also not the best guy to judge if someone's a sadsack. I'm a man with a soul-deep scar on his back who spends MOST of his time trying to save people that really don't want his help." He stick his tongue out at her, "I'm not the best judge of 'are you worthy of legend'."

    "Lord knows Saber needs to get over her shit, though. So feel free to keep stopping her from sadsacking."

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "Oh, come on, you know what I meant. Not that father is perfect, but that if the sword picked her, it wasn't a fluke. Well, whatever. If she wants to sadsack I can't be there to slap her everytime. Hopefully she gets that shit under control before I start getting pissy again. I want to look up to her again, you know? All that greatness she inspired, but she's so stubborn about it being flukes and lies."

    Mordred chomps a handful of chips in.

    "Blah blah blah now you're being a sadsack too. You want to go on a tangent about how my master's your biggest failure to date while at it? I mean, I'm here, you might as well start getting melodramatic while you're at it."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Nah. Ell's not a failure. I'm actually really proud of her. That girl has changed so much over the past two or three years. I just wish I knew how to help her more," He says, before reaching over and socking Mordred square in the shoulder, "And don't make fun of me. I rarely wax melancholy, let me savor the moments, jerkass."

    "So does this mean I can trust you to keep your word. Knight's honor and shit? Or would you still shank me in the back for convenience sake?" He inquires, before taking another bite of his sandwich. He looks over to Mordred and adds, "By the way, you totally owe me one for the Father-Son bonding experience. I'm banking that and calling it in some day."

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "Uuuuh, I'm gonna go with 'If my master or someone like Dracula tells me to stab you you'd better be stabproof on that particular day, but otherwise I'm not gonna go out of my way to maim you more than the situation demands'." Mordred answers truthfully, not minding the light blow at all.

    "Ditto for most other situations. Y'might not see eye to eye with the Confederacy but they're my allies, and in some cases my friends. So, I mean, if I get told to do shit, I do it, and that's probably gonna take priority over knightly oaths t'some degree?"

    She shrugs.

    "Pretty sure unless it's a life or death situation I can tell 'em to fuck off and let me do things my way too, so. We'll see. I ain't planning to break my word though. That'd make me unworthy and that's counterproductive."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Well yes, that makes sense," Psyber states to Mordred, kicking back on the bench a bit and shrugging, "You have fair right to stab me, though I doubt Elliana would let you kill me at this juncture. Maybe, though. Who knows. That girl plays chess on a whole other level."

    "Anyway, I was mostly thinking of future plans. Wanted to call you out here, see how stable you were." He shrugs a bit and then asks, "Hey you ever considered learning to box? I bet you'd be great at it. We should do a lesson sometime," It is an incredibly jarring segue trying to get them off the topic of 'You might owe me a favor, also lets discuss factional allegiance'.

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "Punching people in the face for entertainment? Yeah, I bet. Sure would be a way to let the stress out. Pretty sure somewhere along the line the fact I can punch through a wall in this state might be considered an unfair advantage though," she says with a grin, before considering the subject of Elliana again.

    "Yeah well don't ask me. I know nothing about what she's really up to, so that should tell you everything you need to know. Also, I'm perfectly stable and always have been. I'unno what would make you think otherwise."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "I dunno, the fits of rage. The time you almost broke me in half for joking about being your father. The frequent and gratuitous stabbing. Those are the kind of things the average observer may consider a sign of instability." Psyber says to Mordred in a tone that means he's poking fun at the girl.

    "I'm just trying to figure out if I can trust you enough, yet. Don't worry about me being weird. And your strength might make you overpowered in the human league, but you could probably participate in the Supernatural circuit and do fairly well with some training."

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "Well the average observer is a dumbshit," Mordred smoothly replies, allowing it to roll off her shoulders since she's evidently in a decent mood for a change. "As for trust, I'unno. I'm still the Servant whose legend is all about betrayal. I bet somewhere that's a cautionary tale against trustin' me."

    Wrathborn certainly found that out the hard way.
    Then again he had it coming, and it wasn't all her doing.

    "We'll see for the boxing. Sounds like effort."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Sure, no big." Psyber says to Mordred regarding the boxing, giving a shrug of his shoulders before he pops his own knuckles.

    "That may be your legend, but it's up to YOU to determine if that's who you are." Psyber adds as a vague secondary note, shrugging a bit, "Anyway, I'll let you get back to whatever you do with your evenings. I just wanted to grab a bite with you and check in."