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Latest revision as of 04:34, 12 August 2014

A Bad Door-Closing
Date of Scene: 12 August 2014
Location: Ark-32
Synopsis: Phascomon gets trapped on Blurr's ship. Blurr refuses to give him a ride back home.
Cast of Characters: Blurr, 540

Blurr has posed:
    It wouldn't have been long, once Blurr had left that strange 'digimon' thing to slumber under the pile of food, that he finally found the fallen probe he was looking for. So now he's just prepping his ship for takeoff back to the Ark-32 so that the device could be repaired and whatever information it had recorded could be retrieved.

    Maintenance drones are outside checking the engines and bays for anything suspicious or dangerous, and getting rid of any debris on the outside that could potentially hamper its liftoff. After all, there's a lot of trees and vegetation and stuff here. The cargo bay doors are open, and inside we find that Blurr's taken a few of the loaves of bread that had fallen out of the sky. Why? He doesn't eat that kind of food, does he? Probably for the nerds back at orbital command. They'll certainly want to know how the stuff just ...well, -fell- out of the sky, as if they'd materialized out of nothing. So yeah there's a few loaves of that pumpernickel stuff, some rye, sandwich bread, and a few dozen bagels.

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     ...and a Phascomon. can't leave the planet with out your freshly-baked Phascomon! ...
...Okay, yeah. Phascomon is definitely not supposed to be there. But with all that food, how could he resist? He just had to check it out. Sure he already ate a lot of it back where it was originally, but he noticed some of it going missing, and he wasn't about to let food disappear without a trace - unless it is in his stomach.

Blurr has posed:
    Unfortunately, Phascomon's lifesign is too small for the ship or the drones to detect, so Blurr, who's in the cockpit has no idea he's there. The drones just keep going about their business, cleaning and replacing rusty circuitry, etc.

    And suddenly, the cargo bay doors seal shut, effectively trapping Phasco inside. Yes, he's free now to eat up all of Blurr's samples, but he's also stuck on board this ship, which is probably going to be taking off for Ark-32 in the Centralus system at any moment, now.

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "Uh-oh...I...don't think that was a good door-closing. I think it was a bad door-closing." Phascomon slowly gets up, croissant in hand. He looks around, seeing if anyone or anything is around to help. Not seeing any signs of assistance, he flops back down. "Ehh...now what...? Just go back to sleep? Yeah. Just go back to sleep."

Blurr has posed:
    No, it definitely wasn't a good door-closing, and going back to sleep was definitely -not- a good move. A few kliks after he flops down and falls back asleep, the drones get busy and start clearing away crates, supplies, and the whatever's left of the bread. They don't clear him away though, because they don't know he's there. The bread samples had been entered in the inventory, and the drones make note of the fact that several pieces are missing but it isn't exactly a major concern, so it isn't pushed to any priority lists.

    Finally, they retreat into storage compartments along the sides of the walls that open briefly then slide shut to conceal them inside. And now, the room starts to -transform-. Well they aren't sometimes referred to as Transformers for no reason. The walls seem to expand and move outward, and the floor splits apart beneath the sleeping digimon, appearing to fold into itself and retract into the walls. It seems what's happening is the cargo bay is simply collapsing into the engine rooms, giving the reactors more room to circulate the hot gases given off by the propulsion systems. So yes, now Phascomon is finds himself in the engine room, the reactors at the center of it glowing brightly. And now they're glowing even more brightly as there is an enormous roar. The ship is taking off. It's awfully hot in there...

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "Phew...its hot in...oh." He wakes up in the engine room, data-sweat pouring off of him. "This...can't be good. Yeahh..." Phascomon begins digging into a wall and trying to climb out, his claws giving him some purchase and also preventing his hands from pain if the walls end up superheating. However, its not exactly helping him beat the heat...
     As he climbs, he yells out for help. "Hey, Cyber-dude? Can ya hear me? I seem to be caught in some kind of engine room! Little help, please?"

Blurr has posed:
    Up, up and away the ship goes. It breaks through the stratosphere and streaks off into space, which can be seen from a tiny little window on the side of the room. Thank Primus for inertial dampening. And of course it's needed in here otherwise the propulsion systems would be flattened. The G-forces still push against him at least a little, though.

    Suddenly, the quantum drive engages and the stars outside aren't just little white dots any more but more like streaks of light against the black void of space.

    Unfortunately, though, yelling isn't going to get Blurr's attention because the internal comm systems aren't on. There's a single door facing the front of the ship, though. Maybe he can get it open?

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     Phascomon makes his way to the door. He knocks on it a few times. "Uh...you there? Hello? Trick-or-Treat?" Not about to wait, he tries to wedge his claws in the door and pry it open. "Nyrh....door please...?"

Blurr has posed:
    Phascomon's claws touch something in the door, perhaps he accidentally severed a cable or unknowingly disabled some security feature, because an alarm suddenly screeches, and the room transforms again, the floors reemerging from the walls and pushing the digimon back to the cargo bay that reforms around him.

    Well, now he's not in danger of dying from radiation any more, but...there's another little thing. The drones come out of their storage compartments again, except now they have guns out instead of their maintenance tools. And they're pointed at him. "Alert: Unidentified intruder detected. Commencing containment measures....Addressing intruder: Halt. Identify yourself." The machines demand. Thanks to the translation effect, Phascomon can understand them, just as he can understand Blurr.

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "Well...that should get someone's attention." Phascomon seems pretty calm about the whole 'alarm going off and room transforming' situation. "Now to just sit back and..."

     "....get guns pointed at you. Wonderful." NOW Phascomon seems concerned. He starts to get into a combat position, but then thinks better of it and puts his hands above his head. "Okay...okay...I'm Phascomon. I was supposed to play a board game with Blurr, but then bread rained down from the sky, and then I followed the bread in here, and then I got locked in. Now, if you will kindly open the doors so I can go home..."

Blurr has posed:
    And indeed, it finally does get Blurr's attention, as an alert appears on the HUD in the cockpit. "What the slag?" He flips on the internal comm system to see who the frag is down there, and groans when he sees it's that weird Phasocomon guy he met earlier.

    A holographic videopane suddenly emerges from a projector in the wall near the door, showing Blurr in front of the communications array in the cockpit. He doesn't looking too happy. "The frag are you doing in there??" he demands, dismissing the drones. They return to their respective compartments. "Ugh..." he mutters, and the door finally slides open.

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     As the drones move away from Phascomon, his arms slowly drop. "Well, hi Blurr. Well...we were supposed to play a board game, but then it rained bread. I was eating the bread, but some of it went missing, so I went to look for it and found it in here." He looks suspiciously at the holo-Blurr. "Do you happen to know how it got in here? I'm starting to wonder if perhaps someone decided to take some of it."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr just...facepalms. He came in here because of the -food-?! "Good -Primus-..." he mutters, shaking his head. "I took some of it because I was curious about how it appeared to just kind of materialize out of nothing well I mean I figured some of my friends would be as soon as they read my report and I didn't think you'd miss it because I mean you were asleep by the time I came by so I figured you were done eating anyway and so that was completely stupid you could have -died- in there, you know that?!"

    He was certainly a motormouth. Is it even possible for anyone to talk any faster than that? Well if you didn't have to breathe, you'd probably have an easier time talking that much without ever pausing.

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "You could have asked to take some of my food. Its very rude to take something without someone's permission. You know that, right? Then again, Cybertron might be a planet without manners. If that's the case, then I'm sorry. Although in that case, you wouldn't know what 'I'm sorry' is. Also...dying? Eh..." Phascomon shrugs. "I almost die all the time. The Digital World is dangerous. This wasn't much different."

Blurr has posed:
    "It doesn't matter whether you almost die all the time or not, just because it happens a lot doesn't mean you should just make it happen even -more- I mean unless just don't care about whether you live or die!" Blurr is pretty much throwing a fit right now. "Of -course- we have manners I just assumed you were done already because you were asleep, and well it wasn't like sitting in your hab suite or anything, it just kind of fell out of the sky so forgive me if I didn't realize that on your planet just because something happens to fall on you that makes it yours!"

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     Phascomon waits for awhile while Blurr rants. After he stops for a second, Phascomon jokes, "Apology accepted. You still want to play that board game?"

Blurr has posed:
    "And apparently -you- don't have -sarcasm- on your planet." Blurr mutters, clearly irritated. He might have said 'forgive me' but he is in no way sorry or apologetic. Which Phascomon probably already knows that, but the speedster is -so- beyond taking a joke right now.

    The ship lurches a little as it reaches its jump destination and begins to dock with the Ark-32. "And no, I'm -not- taking you back home."

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "Yeah, sarcasm is comPLETEly foreign to me. I've never even HEARD of saying something you mean the opposite of. How does that even WORK?" Phascomon chuckles, until he hears he is not going home. He frowns. "Then...uh...where are you taking me?"

Blurr has posed:
    The larger Autobot war cruiser looms into view, and the smaller craft moves into the docking bay. Blurr just grumbles inwardly, growing more and more annoyed with this guy by the astrosecond. "Well you know that's a good question, but it really isn't my problem since you know -you- got yourself into this mess and not me so it's only fair that -you- get yourself -out- of it."

    The ship decelerates quickly, and finally comes to a complete stop as it is maglocked in place. The cargo bay doors open, and the digimon will find himself in a large hangar bay. And by large, it's -huge-.

    Blurr is standing outside the doors, with his arms folded. He points to row of escape pod modules in the wall of the docking area. "Any of those will get you to the nearest habitable planet. You're on your own after that." He turns to leave.

Phascomon (540) has posed:
     "So...you steal my food, and when I get locked into your ship looking for it, and then almost incinerated and almost shot, you strand me here...heheh, I'm kidding, thanks for not launching me into deep space or whatever. So...I'm gonna see what I can do here. Thanks!"