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A Cyborg and Reploid Walk Into A Cafe
Date of Scene: 12 August 2014
Location: Southern Urbania
Synopsis: Ferham meets Clokwerk, and they discuss their worlds, each other, and jobs.
Cast of Characters: 516, 539

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
Food. /Real/ food. Sitting at an outdoor cafe in Southern Urbania, Miss Clokwerk has to visibly compose herself as she looks over the massive sub sandwich she's about to devour. The pretty sights of the city, the passers by, the well-appointed outdoor seating...it's all nothing compared to real bread, meat, and cheese.

It lasts all of a minute as she devours the sandwich with all of the subtlety of a ravenous, starving dog. Several of the nearby patrons visibly back away as she eats, clearly afraid they'll lose digits.

Ferham (516) has posed:
Seeing as this place seemed to have had experience with her kind Ferham didn't see the need for any sort of disguise or laying low this time, instead she landed somewhere discreetly and walked to her destination, which apparently happened to be a restaurant in Urbania. Sure she'd get a few stares and catcalls, those she could deal with. She finds who she's looking for apparently chowing down on some of the local cuisine in the outdoor seating portion of a cafe, eyes widening a little as she noticed the exposed DNI jacks the femme had on the side of her head, where the hair had been partially shaved.

     "You're... Miss Clokwerk I presume?" she gave a little wave as she strode up to her table, moving to find a chair to set herself down in.

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
Luckily, Ferham approaches just as the sandwich is devoured by the rabid animal that is one Miss Clokwerk. She looks up, and actually has the good grace to blush for a half second. Then, she's grinning, finding a convenient toothpick. Pickpickpick.

"Hoiiiiiii!" Calls out Clokwerk, crossing her legs and canting her head. It only shows off her interfaces all the more clearly.

"Didn't know I'd get a reputation out here this fast! Heh, so who the frag're you, huh?" Leaning in a touch, Clokwerk squints an eye, peering over Ferham.

"...Better question, /what/ are you? That's no chrome I've ever seen. And you're not trying to rip my head off, so you're not a cyberzombie."

After a moment, she comes to a decision, and laughs. "Ahh, whatever! Sit down! What can I do ya for?" In her lap, there's a tablet-like device. Beneath the table, she makes a few discrete swipes. Ferham might feel something trying to wirelessly connect, prodding at her digitally in a far-too-curious manner.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham click-clacks along with an apparent addition of a pair of 5" heels to those red titanium boots of hers, giving her a grace she hadn't exhibited before to others. She gives a small wave before showing her confed credentials to the other girl via a small hologram emitted from the gem-like lens at her throat, before aside one of the chairs.

     "I'd heard you recently joined, and are experienced with advanced technology, so I decided to come meet you in person," she smiled giving a bow of her head, those heeled boots of hers adding even more height to the Reploid lady's already significant six feet or so. "I'm a Reploid, better known as android, gynoid for female models such as myself, whatever you'd like to call me as," she blinked a little in surprise before shaking her head. "No, no, not a zombie, though I'm aware I tend to cause men around me to act like one," she winked.

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
The elf looks Ferham up and down, peering at those heels. Someone knows how to make a fashion statement! There's a bit of envy in the woman's gaze for a moment. Oh, why can't she be that pretty?

The punk look does suit her better, however. Her clockwork symbol appears over the credentials, being scanned by her cyberdeck, before she gives a nod. "Yeesh, you Feddie types are /nice/! I thought a bunch of world-conquerers would be jerks. Then again, Horizon." Shrug.

"Nice to meetcha anyway! Huh! Androids, where I'm from, are all science fiction! Heh, or maybe some crazy Corp's pet project in some secret lab! But you don't see one just walking around! You sure /seem/ alive. Then again, I guess I'm not too far off." She shows off her metallic hands briefly.

A laugh, loud, and just under obnoxious in tone.

"Ahhh, /men/! They can be reeeal pigs. You know how had it is to find a guy who can appreciate a /fine/ lady such as myself?" A wink of her own, as she teases. This is no 'lady', clearly!

"Maybe we girls should stick together! Sit down! Order something, on the house! So what do /you/ do?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I'm more or less an operative for the MRD at the moment, though I take part in stealth and rescue missions so far," Ferham did take a seat finally, thankfully she wasn't nearly heavy enough to cause a problem for the chair supporting her. "For example, I took part in the raid on the prison the other evening, though this is all sensitive information, you understand," she was keeping her voice low for a reason.

     One of her long legs crossed over the other as she daintily made herself comfortable, one of those heeled boots bobbing as she folded it over the other, leaning back. "So I take it you're familiar with computers, cybernetics, neural uplinks, that sort of thing?" she hadn't just gotten the idea from the DNI jacks or whatever they were in Clokwerk's head, she'd likely browsed her profile before coming to introduce herself.

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
The elf gives a pair of nods. She waves a hand. "I get it, I get it! Secret, your eyes only, all of that drek! Sneaky type, eh? You ever need a distraction, I'm your gal~."

Peeking at the chair, and finally assured that it won't collapse, Clokwerk smiles.

"/Familiar/!? Chum, I'm the wizzest hacker in this whole damn Multiverse!" She boasts proudly, thumping her exposed misrift. It gives a dull 'clank'.

Then, she points to her own implants. "Well, I'm no cyberdoc, but I can keem mine running in the field. I've got a guy who specializes in...well, a lot of things, but that's his main thrust! I'm a lot better at putting together drones, vehicles, and computers. Modifying them, jacking in like any good rigger, that sort of thing!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Drek...? Huh, seems to be a term for excrement in German," Ferham blinked a little, obviously slang was something she was just beginning to tackle, but thankfully she came with a decent bit of translation software. Indeed, Fer wasn't nearly heavy enough to tax the poor copper wire chair or whatever she happened to be sitting her butt in at the moment, thank the lightweight titanium of her armor. She would however be tilting her head this way and that and giving Clokwerk some odd looks as she spoke her sort of... cyberpunk dialect there.

     "Main thrust... I assume you're not talking about a girlfriend, and more about his profession, yes?" Fer isn't smirking there, she's genuinely having difficulty at times figuring out what Clokwerk is saying. "Ahh, so you're a technician with some knowledge of software and hacking, then?" she seems to have hit upon understanding just what Missy did.

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
"Got it in one, chum~. We're a vulgar lot, us mercenary types~!"

Really, Clokwerk cant help but admire Ferham, and not just for her pleasing shape. Those materials seem light, and probably strong too. She can't help but wonder if they're easily worked! A thought strikes her, but Ferham speaks before she gets it out.

"Heh, ol' Zackie? Haaaah, him, a girlfriend!? He /wishes/! Day he gets a girl in bed is the day I hang up driving."

"Nah, he's a wiz cyberdoc. Keeps me running, and I'm not exactly easy on equipment. Saved my life more than once. I give him a lot of drek, and he's a numbskull, but he's like a brother to me." The sudden squint all but screams, 'no stealing my not-bro.'

"Yup~. I fix, make, /and/ break when the time comes for it. See, I've got this lovely little device in my pretty little head. Hook me up to a car with the right receivers, a drone on wireless mode, frag, I bet if ya put a control device in a tank, I might be able to do it. We riggers don't just drive, chum. Any idiot can do /that/. We become the vehicle. Feel it with our minds. Our bodies are the vehicle, and we move it with thought and precision." There's more than a little pride here.

"Lends riiiight in to fixing 'em up, when you know a vehicle so well. Say, uh, if it's not too rude, but, who made you? Not some Corporation? Oh, and, don't go flaunting yourself out in my home planet, track? You'd be a real tempting target for...well, anybody. Surprised I haven't gotten any snatching offers ye...oh. /There/ we go. Rejected~. Try again, azzie scum~." She taps her cyberdeck a few times, declining a job.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Chum... I take it that's not exactly a word for bait that's used in fishing large marine life, either, friends then?" Ferham was clearly having a time with the slang that Clok used. "Oh, I'm sorry if I insinuated anything improper then," Fer bowed her head a little, closing her eyes. "So you are also partially cybernetic yourself, is this a fact? Partial conversion cyborg?" she blinked at the look she got from Clokwerk next, trying to figure out exactly what it meant. Somehow it seemed as if she was trying to warn her about something...

     "Ah, so you have a direct neural interface? That's handy, I wasn't aware organics could easily install such a thing," apparently Ferham was going to have to learn quite a bit more about Clokwerk's toys. "So you can directly pilot and control a vehicle like that? Interesting... I'm sure that'd have applications to personal or power armor technology as well."

     "As for me? I was part of a project on a place called Giga City in my version of Earth, there was a rare metal that served as a conduit of energy that was part of a meteorite that crashed there, and the island was constructed to mine it. The history is rather complicated, but the short version is there was a rebellion of my kind there, and some deaths," she shook her head, apparently human enough to display on her face that she didn't really want to talk about it further.

     "What do you mean by snatching offers?" she blinked, clearly not knowing what she means.

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
Reeeach! Cue an arm around Ferham's shoulders. A metallic hand squeezes.

"Yeeesh, what? Gonna need a lingsoft just to talk? That's it~. Ferry, no clue where you came from, but they /really/ should've educated you in interacting with we fleshy sorts. At least you pick things up quick!"

Reaching up, she ruffles the reploid's head as though she had hair. Friendly, this one!

"Uhhh-huh! Wasn't exactly /easy/. Ten percent die in the operation. Unless you've got a really good Corporate doc to install it, anyway. Me? I've got two. One's to connect with computers, the other's for vehicles. Heh. Gives me splitting headaches sometimes, though. But ol' Zackie keeps me plenty of, uh.../solutions/ to the problem, track?" Grin!

"Eh? Power armor?" Her head tilts, curiousity in her gaze.

She rubs her head, frowning a moment, looking vaguely guilty. And awkward. "Yeeesh. Uh. Sorry." Woops. 5r
She latches onto the change in conversation suspiciously quickly. "Oh! Well, my fixer...the one who gives me jobs...tossed me one to meet up with an Aztechnology guy. They're all into blood magic, experiments on children...think of the worst horror story, and the Azzies are /it/. Want me to grab someone like you. A reploid. Heh. They move quick, that's for sure. Frag 'em, you're too well designed to get tossed and chopped up in their labs." Wink!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well, that wasn't a direct concern where I was from, at least not to make me entirely fluent in all human's dialects and slang languages, the humans had one language where I came from," Ferham shrugged, perhaps even showing a little hint of embarrassment there. She nodded to the explanation of the cybernetics operation however, that vague ten percent seemed to be a bit worrying to her more sensibilities.

     "Err, well have you heard of mechanical or robotic armor that the user can pilot? think mobile infantry but with more full body capabilities," apparently Fer was referencing the equipment soldiers in more modern tech levels were using to augment their strength so they were able to tote around more and more equipment as infantry, replacing the direct need for tanks. It extended all the way to the mobile suit technology of the gundams, as a direct ancestor.

     "As for my own background, don't worry about it, I'm more interested in your... special skills," there was however a mischievous smile there from Fer, as she leaned back against her chair. "So you have active requests for seizure of robots and those like me, huh? I hope I don't have to watch my back too much around you," she gave the rigger a wink there.

     "I value a good working relationship and a measure of trust, which is why I chose to come see you directly, because if I ever need your... services or aid, I'd like for there to be a relationship such as that," she smiled.

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
"...Huh. How'd they manage that? Where I'm from, humans, elves, orks, and everything else are too busy trying to sell, buy, backstab, or profit from each other to show that much unity." Indeed, Clokwerk boggles at the thought. One can almost see her implants and brain overheating fro the concept alone.

"Ferry. Ferry, chum, pal, omae. YOU GOTTA GET ME ONE OF THOSE!" The laughs she gives, followed by a tight hug, has the elven rigger actually doing a jig after she lets go.

"Just /think/ of all the destruction a rigger could do in that! OH, /maaan/! I LOVE YOU MULTIVERSE!" Hopefully no one's trying to sleep.

"Just the one so far. But I"m not working for the Azzies. Dont you worry! You're too interesting for me to snatch. And probably not worth the medical bills versus the pay. Jobs like this /always/ mean you get stiffed by the Johnson in the end. Or geeked, if it's an Azzie."

Reeeach! A friendly pat. "Ferry, I work for nuyen. Give me cash, and you've got /NO/ problems. I don't shoot employers~. Besides, you Feddies busted me out of the meat locker. So I owe you all one."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "The population was more... homogenized I suppose you could say? We were able to understand humans by default, we didn't have to learn their language," Ferham shook her head. "It was part of why we were made, we were... sort of slaves, or second class citizens would be a better term," she shook her head. She does however seem quite taken back by the sudden hug by the rigger, and not without just a hint of danger might run through her electrical nervous system, though she seemed to calm qucikly enough.

     "F-Ferry? that's.. an interesting nick name," she offered a little grin after that, giving a light hug back to the rather affectionate and spirited one Clokwerk gave. Hugs... she would have to look into the exact etiquette for this gesture. She nodded. "Power armor is definitely something many humans employ in the multiverse, it's true."

     "I'd be hopeful you weren't willing to 'snatch' me or anything like that, at least while we're on the same team," there is a little blink given and a sudden grin to Clokwerk when she's patted like that though, looking surprised at first but not altogether upset or intimidated by it. "That's good, hopefully as long as our mutual working relationship stands we won't have any problems with eachother," she nodded.

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
For a woman who's so greedy, she can't help but feel a touch of indignation. It reminds her of that one Bunraku shop she got hired to take out. People shouldn't just be servants and dolls. They should have some measure of freedom.

"...Good to know the world's still not all roses." Deadpans the woman.

"It suits you! Light, and quick!" Nod! Ferry is perfect. And you can probably transfer a /lot/ of Bliss in compartmetns if she has a cyberleg enhancement somewhere.

"We'll be the best of pals~." Grin. Oh yes, the woman likes the reploid already.

Blink. Blink. She looks down, flicking at her cyberdeck. A grin comes to her. "Saaaaay...." Starts off the Runner with a grin. Oh drek.

"Speaking of which, how'd you like to earn some nuyen? Got a job that's going to need someone sneaky like you. Split the pay, fifty-fifty~."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "It's not, no, which is why I try to remain careful," Ferham at least understood phrases and figures of speech like that, thankfully. She was still coming to grips with the slang that Clokwerk used in some ways, however. Crossing her arms over her front, she seems to be surprised at the offer of some kind of job and thinks it over for a moment, her green eyes glancing at the sky above.

     "Well, tell me what I would have to do?" Ferham does seem interested, if in a hear her out sort of way. "We should also likely discuss it somewhere less... public, if you'd care to?" Ferham nodded her head off to the distance, perhaps to indicate she'd want to go over the details in a place that was less out in the open than the places that Clokwerk perhaps usually preferred to talk about such things. Whoops!

     The heels of the winged woman's boots clicked as she turned and began to lead Clokwerk to some shadier spot to discuss... business.