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The Curious Case Of Missing Garleans
Date of Scene: 11 August 2014
Location: The Deep Valley
Synopsis: Vi'Sharra goes forth to aid the Garleans in locating their missing people and looking into a possible coming problem.
Cast of Characters: 487, 522

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
A group of Garlean scouts went missing about nine days ago and reports have come of the activity to try and find these, though the people who spot such activity have-- no idea what is going on and either run off in fear of it being an invasion force.. or.. because they come when the Amalj'aa; A black lizard-men race; are on the hunt.

Sadly about seven days ago, the search for these missing soldiers had to be called off and now it rests in the hands of someone from outside of the Garlean Military to look for the answers with a very strict time-limit to do so. Four days. That is all Vi'Sharra has. Four days to find out anything to what happened to these men.

The last recalled information before the trail went cold was to that of the location with the ruins of old mines. Which one of the soldiers found was curious in his own scouting, cause his group-- that was the first place they did their scouting at. However thanks to a curious run in, they didn't have a chance to really give a good sweep of the area.

In some ways-- the one in charge of the group.. seem to blame himself and did wish Vi'Sharra the best of luck on her endevers-- if she was indeed willing to go look. It was-- the only puzzle piece of information Gaius could get up for her aid-- and it have to be the one that would hopefully point her in the right direction.

The question now was-- how was she going to go about this search and just what awaited her in the bowls of this place of burning ground, building of ruins, and craggy mountains...

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    A soaring dire eagle circles the desert, giant, majestic, and high in the distance. It's also smoking slightly from under it's feathers, and searching the desert with it's golden eyes. . o O (...Tails on the backs of their heads.)

    Occasionally she makes a loud screeching noise, and divebombs something ... that an eagle would normally divebomb, and then perches over on a rock, watching the surrounding areas, and hunting for tracks. Really, It's a pretty good method of active searching, especially with the keen eyesight, and the absolute lack of scent that deserts tend to have after 7 or 8 days have passed. Other then hot.

    Hot is a scent then deserts always have. Occasionally cactus. And ... Goddamn it's hot. And the sun is bright. Ugh.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The ruins of the forgotten place is empty. There is little sign of activity or even movement, well-- until something /does/ move, which happens to be three hulking Lizard-men moving across the old, dusty roadway with wooden crates on their shoulders. Their head-tail swaying slightly as they walk and their own bulky tail almost dragging behind them.

Then three more soon follow, two which have bows, and another with a lance and along side him some poor soul in a hooded robe.. though he seems to have a binding around his hand. If one has good enough hearing talk of being a trader can be heard and that he has done nothing wrong...

..maybe one of the normal citizens of the Multiverse? Or perhaps someone being moved to this camp from Eorzea itself. Its hard to say.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Well now. Dinner is served. The question being... What should be done about that particular dinner.

    There are a lot of options, and if she were some mindless hero, she'd probably charge to the rescue of that merchant... ...But she's not, and they're taking him somewhere.

    She wants to know where, which is why she takes to the air again after taking a few more bites of the large reptile that happened to be... ...Present when her ire at the heat and the sun, and the heat came to a short head earlier. Besides. There are more fun things to hunt now.

    The question being of course, does she have fun now, or fun later.

    She circles the Amal'Ja lazily for a bit before she clicks her raptorian beak and makes a decision. A delicious decision. One that results in a huge eagle just screaming down of the sky and making an open taloned snatch at one of the Amal'Ja's headtails... ...With every bit of intent to remove it, and take back up into the air afterwords. In fact, her actual idea is to hit it while going so fast, that they can't even see what took it off.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Amalj'aa are minding their own business. Though one of them snarls its sharp teeth as it speaks with a rumbling tone, "Silent, infedale. You will soon be saved by the one true lord.. as this rest of this land.."

Though this words are suddenly stopped as one of the Amalj'aa in the lead with a crate on its shoulder suddenly roars in pain, as the thick scaled head-tail was ripped right off by the dire eagle. Blood ran down the black scaled back and the crate he held shattered to the ground.

Red crystal like stones scattering across the ground. The Amalj'aa quickly following to his knees in pain, as the two archers quickly run over to him. The one holding the chain to the man snarls, before motioning to one of the crate holders, "Put down the crate!" He hisses, "And get the Shaman along with the one of the scaleless!"

And so one of them does so and quickly makes a lumbering run for the entrance toward a massive bolder, at which he starts to move out of the way, while roaring past it the given instructions.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Elsewhere in the ruins, the dire-eagle rockets back up into the air regretfully dropping the headtail, and circles back around to gaze at the party, the crystals and ... Oh my. A newly opened secret door.

    Well. This rather puts paid to the idea of an airstrike, but at the same time... ...This makes things a great deal more personal. And personal, personal is very much fun.

    A strange lavendar fire briefly circles around the Dire-Eagle so high in the sky, and a magically sensitive person might feel something in the sand and rocks below the entrance... ...A really really sensitive person might realize that there's conjuring involved, and an entire colony of fleshboring, toxic insects are just waiting for a medical team to come out and ... Well. Try to help their injured comrade.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Amalj'aa at the entrance can feel the moving magic, though faint it may be. He sniffs the air, before suddenly seeing the strange bugs. He hisses out and attempts to use his tail to knock them aside-- not the smartest idea as he is quickly brought down by the insects.

Soon a fireball comes blasting out from the cavern entrance, followed by another and another, as the Amalj'aa magic users try to push back the insects so the healer may get to the other. Though as the fire-balls blast, there soon comes out a human like figure. He leaps over the toxic creatures and there is--- something a normal citizens would not have in his hand.

Though the man's clothing has been changed to something more tribal, the weapon was not-- far from it--- it was one of the Gunblade's. The man took aim for the dire eagle with it and then opened fire. There was also a strange glow also in his eyes...

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    The Dire-Eagle doesn't really falter with surprise when the gunfire starts, because even though she's surprised, she moving at one hell of a clip in the air, and probably at least a mile away... ...Unfortionately it's definitely going to make spellcasting harder.

    Which is why she comes screaming back through the area, and dive bombs for the back of the gunblade, attempting to wrench it from the ex-soldiers hands before visibly coming to roost in a spot a good thirty or fourty seconds of 'running distance' away from the rest of the Amalj'aa.

    Is she trying to lure them into the ruins after her? Oh yes. Yes. She is. And she abandons the dire eagle form for something more suitable shortly after she lands ... Her own.

    Meanwhile the swarms of insects ... Well. A number of them catch fire. A number of them burn. A largish number of them really, since they were actually intended to ambush the healers as they came out. ...But that also means a significant number of them didn't, and they try to swarm the Amalj'aa on the outside.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Amalj'aa are trying to keep up as they fire their arrows-- but arrows were less effective then the man with a gunsword who-- has decided to actually give chase, being followed by one of the mages that got by.

Sadly for the others, they were not so lucky and in the chaos-- the merchant manages to escape and makes a run for it-- even with his hands tied.

The Gunsword soldier scans the area. His steps were careful, apparently his training not leaving him, as he sneers out, "Come here-- birdy birdy..."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra is waiting. Though... ...It's not just Vi'Sharra that's waiting. ...It's a pair of werewolves, and a large wolf that's waiting with her, all of which have been heavily imbued with the element of fire through her conjuration abilities.

    When he and the shaman round the bend, she almost purrs out the next words, "Why hello there soldierboy!" Golden brown eyes in the stare directly at his as she speaks while laying on the charm effect, "Why, I know you don't want to resist what comes next, my firey friends here just want to make certain that you're comfortable and don't end up harmed in what's to come..." One of the blazing werewolves steps forward and she smiles, "Strip him, and make him 'comfortable'."

    The same golden brown eyes shift back to the Amalj'aa, "It's such a pleasure to eat you and your people." She gestures towards the entrance, "Kill any of the lizard men. Lure the others outside." With that, the other blazing werewolf, and the blazing wolf take off towards the entrance. Vi'Sharra on the other hand, lunges forward, grabs for the Amalj'aa's head, attempts to wrest it to the side and ... With absolutely no finesse what-so-ever just starts chowing down, attempting to drain him dry as fast as possible.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The charm seems to take hold for a moment, he doesn't seem to overly fight back, even as the Amalj'aa roars at him to act-- at least until he is silenced by sudden vampire draining him of all his blood and crashing down to the ground with her.

Vi'Sharra would find her fangs had found a weak point in the heavy black scales, including that even the 'mage' side of the Amalj'aa are very muscular and have little fat on them. Very healthy breed of race, very healthy-- very active..

Though as the Amalj'aa people have little ways to defend themselves as they get torn apart, some call out to Ifrit to save them, the soldier who hasn't fought back yet, starts to furrow his brows as he at last speaks. Those eyes glowing with red fire, "..Ifrit will come for all of you-- and he will cleanse this world in his fire.. for all will eventually come to serve him.. or die by his blazing glory."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra holds up the body of the Amalj'aa mage for a moment before she contemptously tosses him aside and turns to gaze at the ex-soldier. Golden brown eyes gaze a long moment before she smiles and runs her tongue across her fangs, "I have drank the blood of dragons, drank the blood of those who claimed to serve the god of magic, and slain those who were the avatars of gods." She steps forward and lets her fingertips lightly graze his cheek, "I have personally lived through, and brought the downfalls of Eras, and if your Eikon is so powerful as you claim..."

    She turns to gaze at the bloodsoaked ground, and the screams coming from the cave, "The he would have already brought his followers succor. Perhaps... It is just that he is busy..." She turns to gaze at him, crossing her arms, "But if he is so distracted, then he will find that he turns his gaze to cleansing the world, that all of his followers have been forced to pass on without him, and like all creatures... He will be destitute and alone, without his worshippers to grant him the power he requires to exist on this plane."

    She makes a soft hungry, "And when he is so weakened, we will come for him. We the immortals of the Multiverse, will drink of his 'divine' blood, and shatter his 'divine' flesh, as many times as neccesary." She gestures to the side, reaching into her cabinet of poisons at home, and pulling out a sleeping poison through the arts of conjuration, "...And it will all be, because you his servants, have failed him utterly." With that she steps up to the ex-soldier, forces open his mouth and pours a dose inside, "Think on this as you sleep."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The soldier sneers at her, as her words about break the very charm she has placed upon him. "He knows of our deeds! He knows that we call to him! But it is a test! For he will come! He will come with his divine fire and you who dare try to taste of it will burn from it!"

The Soldier then attempts to fight back, but when he forced to drink the sleeping potion he soon falls down to his knees and stares up at sky, toward the sun. "...my lord Ifrit.. I know.. you will come.. for.." Before he can even finish, fall goes to fall over in his sleeping state.

Though something Vi'Sharra may notice is that the red crystals start to dissipate, turning into wisps of light and flying off quickly to the distance. Away from the camp and toward another distant location.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    "A test." She reaches into her tunic, and pulls out the locator that was ... properly appropriated through paperwork earlier, switches it on and drops it on the man. "...Then both you, and your Eikon failed." She glances at the blazing werewolf, "Keep him safe, the password, is Thradrakis." A pause, then a sigh, "Nevermind just keep him safe."

    With that she launches skywards as a dire eagle once more. Trying to follow the path of the crystals with her eyes.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The crystals energy can be seen moving past this point and heading back toward the sea itself. Mostly in the direction the Castrum at which the Dreadnaught sits under going repairs, but the trajectory is slightly off, just a touch south really.

Thankfully it means this place is no summoning grounds for the Eikon, but it doesn't explain why the crystals left.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
Vi'Sharra circles the area a bit more, trying to see if any more delicious... I mean Delectable... I mean Desirable... I mean... Okay. Well the last one fits. Disirable targets show up, because if they do... ...Then it might give another target to go hunter after ... later.

    Finally however, she just sighs, lands and scoops up the ex soldier. "Return my summons. Your duty is done, and services have been well rendered."