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WMAT CF T. Nanoha vs. Material-S
Date of Scene: 12 August 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Yunzabit Heights
Synopsis: WMAT Bracket C finals match between Takamachi Nanoha and Material-S. Commentary by Yuri Stinson!
Cast of Characters: 37, 94, 106, 177, 381

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    The cold lands of Yunzabit Heights! Yuri Stinson is perched on a nearby cliff, wearing his usual outfit and holding a mic in his hands, "Ladies and gentlemen. Yuri Stinson here, coming to you live from Yunzabit Heights for the WMAT Bracket C Final Match."

    "These cold canyons are about to heat up as the Twin Tiny Terrors of Nanoha Takamachi and Seikou Starks meet. It's a battle of two incredibly similar combatants, which is the most dangerous kind of match to be up against in these high-tension finals. Victory will be determined not in their similarities, but in their differences. They may know some of the moves of the other, but that could prove lethal if a miscalculation is made on false information."

    "We are moments from the match being underway and you can cut the tension in the air with a knife. Or a large laser."

Serori (37) has posed:
    Serori's hanging out in one of the tournament's remote viewing areas located south of the Yunzabit Heights. Of course she is! It may be cold as balls out here, but there are Confederates in the WMAT goddamn finals, so she's going to show her support as loud and clear as she can. If there's a Nanoha hat, she's wearing it. If there's a Seikou t-shirt, she's wearing that, too.

    Also, she's eating corn dogs, which are pretty much her favorite fair food, no matter what that snooty elf has to say about them.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    Seikou didn't actually expect to make it even to the finals again. Competition was stiff this year as well, and while she was confident in her abilities, she was experienced to know that her opponents were nothing to dismiss either. Now she's kind of wondering what to spend her winnings on, since she's guaranteed second place. Maybe a /really big/ cat castle for Snowball MCMXIII...

    Whatever. The dark-clad mirror image of Nanoha lands lightly on one of the plataeus within the fighting zone, Luciferion at the ready. The weapon gleams in the light, and her dress flutters about her against the windy heights. As usual, she was stoic-looking and very quiet... but just for a moment, a twitch of a smile touches her lips.

    "Takamachi Nanoha. I have yet to really fight in a tournament-style with any version of you. I look forward to you showing me how different you are from the others. And..." She pauses, letting any noise die down before finishing, "I wish you good luck."

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
    Unlike Seikou, Nanoha is nervous and fingering her own Device. They may look the same age, but Seikou has several years of experience in Multiversal fighting on her! Her only real hope is the knowledge that apparently her version of events is wildly different from how things went in others... and maybe her style of fighting can throw off her opponent. Even getting this far she's attributing to luck more than skill.

    Nanoha lands on another small platform across from Seikou, and scratches her head. "Eheheh... I'll try, but you'd better do your best, too! It's okay if you beat me, so long as I know you were going all out. And I have a few things I'd like to try!" She gently lifts off the ground, pink ankle-wings shimmering.

    "Good luck, Seikou!"

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    "What great sports! They're meeting eachother peacefully and wishing eachother luck. True sportsgirlship here today." Yuri says into his microphone. The Exalt hardly minds the adverse weather, having charms to accomodate for it. He's walking around pretty comfortably, "Let's see who takes the opening move and starts the light show."

Material-S (177) has posed:
    'BLAST HEAD,' Luciferion pings, the tip of the staff reconfiguring into that spearlike head. Seikou also rises, though her ankle-wings are a bright fiery orange instead of the brilliant pink of her counterpart.

    "Thank you. Prepare yourself, Takamachi Nanoha." Seikou's outstretched hand opens up the match with a very simple attack: a trio of bright spheres, orange in color, which burst into flame as the launch out and blast toward the other young mage. "Let us see if you, too, have earned the title of White Devil."

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
    Well this is off to a great start.

    <PROTECTION> Raising Heart calls out, forming a pink barrier that... helps not at all against the trio of blasts which punch right through, slamming into Nanoha to cause a smoky impact that definitely hit.

    It looks like she's trying for the surprise maneuvers though! Because she emerges from the cloud at high speed, moving toward Seikou with scorched and tattered sleeve on her Barrier Jacket. A short burst of movement launches her toward the Material at high speed, where Raising Heart snaps around for a quick thrust toward the girl's midriff.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    "It will be Seikou Starks opening up with a triple-shot of blazing spheres, streaking right in towards Nanoha. A basic attack, but you can't ignore fundamentals." Yuri says firmly, watching the fight, "Nanoha puts of a shield, but it only slightly slows down those hits and she looks rather pained for it. She wants to counterattack with a surprise swing of her staff towards her opponent's solar plexus. Can Seikou even get winded?"

Material-S (177) has posed:
    Well, Nanoha wanted to surprise Seikou. This works. Seikou, unlike most iterations of Nanoha, is /plenty/ skilled in hand to hand combat. Nanoha, meanwhile, is a mid-range fighter in all iterations, including this one. Even though Seikou is the Material of Wisdom, it defies all logic that Nanoha should /voluntarily/ engage her in close combat.

    "What...?" She's too startled to properly react, in fact. A last minute jerk to the side prevents it from being /too/ bad, but Nanoha still lands a solid blow right to Seikou's stomach, nailing her hard enough to send her tumbling back with a wide-eyed, confused expression that's pretty rare on the girl.

    'PYRO SHOOTER,' Luciferion pings. The Device hasn't forgotten they're fighting! And the blue-tipped staff's announcement, launchign that flaring burst of mana outward, starts Seikou back into action. She rights herself scant inches from the ground, skidding off the edge to end up in open air again, and whips her fingers up and to the side to guide the shot in from another angle.

    "Are you certain this is how you wish to fight, Takamachi?"

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
    <ROUND SHIELD> comes the reply from Raising Heart. Nanoha expected a counterattack, and she has a barrier ready! An attack from an angle, though, she's not quite as prepared for, and she tries to whip the barrier around to block the pyro shooter with only partial success. It blasts on the edge, clipping it, but that sends her careening to the side to smack hard into a rocky surface with a short 'AH!' of stunning pain!

    <FLASH MOVE> Raising Heart chimes, Nanoha still shaking her head and knocking the dust free from her pigtails. When she kicks off the rocky pillar, it results in a streak of pink that moves at a blurred pace.

    "No, I'm going to fight like this!" Nanoha yells out from directly above Seikou. Raising Heart is aimed downward, the ruby gem bursting with pink light suddenly.

    <ACCEL BULLET> It's a new spell! A weaker, easier to cast version of Divine Bullet pulses out of the tip and rains down a barrage of high-density pink blasts at Seikou.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    "Oh, see, this is what we were talking about! Nanoha comes in close and it hits Seikou cleanly. She's not down, but it does look painful. She rights herself and gets back into the fight. She questions the actions of Nanoha and then starts sending those orbs in from strange angles. She's probing the defense for weaknesses and trying to land a good hit," Yuri notes, shifting in his footing as he calls the plays, "Another partial block from Nanoha and it looks quite nasty to see that move hit her. She's back into the game, though, and she answers Seikou's questioning of her methods with a pretty impressive raining down of shots onto the field. Better hope Seikou's been playing her shmups."

Material-S (177) has posed:
    A shimmering orange barrier leaps into existence. Seikou was not suprised by the sudden burst of speed... she'd seen that sort of move from Nanoha before. Hell, she had it in her own library, just like she had all of Nanoha's attacks! Or... all of /a/ Nanoha's attack's. This one is a bit different, as proved by the Accel... Bullet?

    What's /that/?

    The barrier is too slow, and several of the bullets slam right into Seikou's barrier jacket, blasting her with magical energy and sending her careening into the plateau behind her, an explosion of dirt and dust rising from it. Only she hits rather harder than before, since several impacts hit her at once. Not only is her bracer cracked and her Barrier Jacket smoking and torn, but the cracks are crawling up the rocky surface, causing it to start to crumble. Because this is DBZ.

    "I... see..." Seikou realizes with a cough. So Nanoha really /wasn't/ holding back. "Lu<span style="color:iferion..."

    corange">'BLAST FIRE BURST MODE,'</span> the Device pings loudly, sending out a sudden eruption of flame in a quick but large fireball streaking toward Nanoha. It also blasts apart the crumbling mesa, letting Seikou shoot into the sky and hover up high, facing her opponent with new respect.

Serori (37) has posed:
    Serori lets out a shout. It's not really a cheer so much as a 'this is exciting, and I am excited' kind of noise. "NANOHAAA! SEIKOOOU! Those girls are really incredible...!" Some guy next to her gets smacked by her corn dog as she waves it around.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
    Nanoha is really throwing everything she has into this... partly because she's seen Seikou fight. "Ah... sorry!" She still holds out her hand to summon up a pink shield of her own though, expecting a counterattack.

    The fireball explodes and shatters her shield though. She is trying to conserve energy, and didn't expect quite that power behind it. A hurtling, flaming little girl is sent tumbling downward, trailing smoke, with a little "AH!"

    <LOAD CARTRIDGE> Raising Heart chimes, the clattering *CHUNK* of the cartridge system sounding out. The burst of mana jolts Nanoha out of her dizzied stun and lets her pour on a burst of speed, avoiding the ground and shooting around one of the rocky plateaus, doing a wide hook around it.


    "SHOOT!" Nanoha calls out as she whips around the edge, her jacket now torn and ragged all along her top and exposing the snug black leotard beneath. The armored chestplate is cracked from that blast, but still in place at least... just scorched. And Raising Heart is sending a massive blast of its own right toward Seikou... from the side.

Nanoha Takamachi (94) has posed:
    Nanoha Takamachi, The Evil One, of the Union is here in the stands watching the fight.
    She has just been smacked by a corn dog.
    Slowwwwwly she turns.
    The smile she gives to Serori is glacial.
    What're you gonna do, huh?

    What're you gonna do.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    "Well this is a heck of a match. These two tiny titans, these snack-sized sluggers are throwing half-pint haymakers of attacks back and forth. Forget escalation, these two are taking the express elevator up to the top floor of their attacks. Seikou takes a mighty hit, but she wants to come out firing with a move of her own." Yuri notes, bouncing up and down while watching the fight from a safe distance using Charms, "And Nanoha takes the hit. Boy she looks unpleasantly injured at the moment, but definitely got grit. She's flanking around and dropping a monster attack! That is gonna hurt if it hits."

Material-S (177) has posed:
    Nanoha isn't the only one with a good barrier. 'ROUND SHIELD,' Luciferion pings, and Seikou's barrier is... more effective. But the angle means that she gets clipped in such a way that she's spun around, tumbling aside and taking several heartbeats to right herself with her Device swinging about. She's looking pretty determined now... not like she wasn't before, but there's some real jerky desperation in her moves.

    "You fight more... pragmatically than the other one," she mutters. It's true. The other one has more experience, but this one had a different start on magic, and is far more... brutal, in a way. It helps make her unpredictable and makes up for the lack of raw power.

    'BLAST FIRE BURST MODE,' Luciferion repeats. The same attack? No, this one fires off several streaks of orange, the short bursts of bright light blazing into flames as they shower the area about Nanoha. This probably blows up a plateau even if they hit Nanoha.

Serori (37) has posed:
    After Serori realizes she's made an EMBARASSING FAUX PAS by striking the Evil Nanoha with a flung corn dog, she eases up on her flailing around and tries to sit down quietly for awhile. But then GOOD Nanoha does that thing with the Divine Buster, and Seikou comes back all fiery and blazing, and Serori's throwing popcorn everywhere as she jumps up with the rest of the crowd to roooar her support!

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
    So much for little things like 'the landscape' now. "KYAH!" Nanoha's barrier is a little too weak, but at least she manages to dodge some of the blasts. The explosions rip into the pillar of rock behind her... and then she joins them as several of the blasts slam into her barrier, making her vanish into a massive dust cloud beneath a crumbling mesa.

    As the dust starts to clear though, two things join the tumbling rubble that is settling. They're cartridge shells. Spent ones.

    Coughing, Nanoha bursts from the side, her Barrier Jacket dirtied and tattered, with a swelling bruise on one side of her face. The little redhead jerks to one side and starts zigzagging about, as if making for cover.

    That's when the Divine Bullet she poured most of her mana into rips out from the rubble too, trying to take advantage of Seikou hopefully paying attention to Nanoha and get in a free strike.

    Nanoha murmurs under her breath, "Thanks, Vesta..."

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    "A partial hit that still looks nasty. Seikou is trying to dial in and download her opponent with this one. I hope we don't a fraud detection moving into the second half of this match, so Nanoha better step up her game," The Exalt, "Seikou blasts back with a shot that puts Nanoha into the dirt. Nanoha looks stunned, but fires back with another blast into her opponent."

Material-S (177) has posed:
    It almost works and could have been bad for Seikou. It's still bad just not nearly as bad as it could be. She starts after Nanoha, but as she streaks toward the little mage, she realizes: when does Nanoha run like that if she doesn't have something planned? "LUCIFERION!"

    'PANZERHINDERNIS KOMPLETT,' Luciferion pings abruptly. Seikou stops in midair, crossing her arms as she summons up a polygonal shield around her entire body, like an orange gemstone surrounding her in thick, crystallized mana. One of her cartridge shells spins out from the Device, showing how much mana she's pouring into the shield.

    Divine Bullet is still really strong, though. It strikes one side and SHATTERS the barrier. There's enough magic in the barrier to blunt most of the attack, but some gets through and sends Seikou tumbling head over heels, righting herself with a shaky breath. Yeah, she's going to have to keep on her toes.

    Another catridge loads as she eyes Nanoha's flight, levels her Device, and murmurs, "No, I think not."

    'TORNADO STRIKE,' Luciferion announces, and with a short swing Seikou sends her next attack roaring down, a spiral of orange mana and ripping wind tearing through the rocky landscape to try sweeping Nanoha away.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
    What the heck was that?! Nanoha looks up just in time to see... SOMETHING busting through her cover as if it weren't there at all. "H-huh?" Raising Heart starts to chime with a protection spell, but it's too late. With a resounding roar, the tornado tears right into Nanoha, shredding much of her jacket down to the black leotard and sending her crashing through a mountainside again, this time with it collapsing into an enormous cloud of debris and dust that billows upward in a puff of 'smoke' that spreads out across the arena.

    The dust hasn't even settled when Nanoha is coughing. Favoring one leg, the silhouette of the girl is in there, using some of the rubble to brace herself. A pink light is shining through the dust though... she's already started to summon up her next attack...

    And faintly, through the dust and crumbling sound of rocks settling, she can be heard singing in a soft, lilting and pretty voice. "Stars, gather, and become the light which pierces everything. Tear through everything in a blaze of light..."

    Sparkles of pink shimmer in the air, swirling down toward the center of the dust cloud. <STARLIGHT BREAKER>

    The blinding beam of pink that leaps out from the dust cloud is immense and swift, to say the least. But...

Material-S (177) has posed:
    Pant pant. Seikou put a lot of power into the block and the attack! Steam hisses from Luciferion as she watches the mountain crumble under the blast, breathing a heavy sigh.

    Then the pink sparkles and the /singing/ start. Seikou has seen Nanoha use this before, so she knows what's up. Her eyes widen, and she grips Luciferion again. "Gather, Star of morning. Become the flame that incinerates all!"

    Seikou doesn't sing it, but the effect is the same. An orange ring around her Device's head, a flare of brilliant orange wings spreading outward, and numerous motes of orange light that start to speed toward the sapphire globe that is Luciferion's <span style="color:ore.

    corange">'LUCIFERION BREAKER,'</span> pings the Material's Device, sending out a wave of orange, flaming mana toward the incoming bombardment from the young White Devil.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    The orange beam clashes with the pink with a thunderous EXPLOSION that shatters the two pillars on either side from the shockwave! Seikou glares as she braces, holding her position... the beams struggling for one second. Two seconds. A cartridge loads, then another, but then...

    'OVERLOAD, EJECTION FORCED,' Luciferion pings, the flanges of the Device opening up to vent steam again. The orange beam falters, and Seikou's eyes go wide a moment before the weakened but still VERY STRONG blast wave overwhelms her, sending her tearing through another pillar. This time it's Seikou who ends up with her jacket torn away in tatters, battered and bruised and staggering to her feet.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    "Seikou is coming in with a huge tornado attack, trying to sweep her opponent right into second place! And it's a HUGE hit. But that tiny little girl is gonna grit her teeth, get back up, and drop a world of hurt into this arena." Yuri flexes himself and runs along the cliffs, watching this move as he jumps easily from ledge to ledge, trying to stay close to the action, "Wait. What's happening down in that crater. It looks like there's energy ga-"

    Yuri cuts off as he's forced to shield his face with his arm, winds whipping up dirt and debris from the force of Nanoha's move. He coughs and tries to shout into the mic in his hands over the roaring winds, "Such power! Such force! She doesn't want to counterattack, she wants to use a meaty wakeup super move and end the entire match with a single blow. But wait, what's Seikou doing? She's charging up her own move and this looks like it will be tita-"

    The release of energy causes Yuri Stinson's mic to short out, but he's still calling the match, "The beams meet in the center and they're fighting for dominance. They're pushing back against eachother in sheer and raw force." He tries to look up at it and squints, "What an incredible show of force from these two. It's... It's BREAKING. TAKAMACHI NANOHA HAS WON THE CLASH OF BEAMS... BREAKERS... WHAT THE FUCK EVER. Seikou looks utterly ragged from taking that attack. What an insane showing here in the final match."

Serori (37) has posed:
    The amount of awesome which just occurred leaves the audience dumbstruck for a long moment. The light generated as the two beams clash is enough to make even Serori squint at the screens. There's a passing static as the two beams war for dominance...and then a BURST and a FREAKING LOUD CHEER whenever it's Good Nanoha who breaks through! Serori is torn between lots of yelling, and lots of wondering how Seikou'll come back from /that/.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
    She may be new and more than a little naive, but she knows a few things. One thing she has figured out is that Seikou, for all her stoicism, is a lot like her. And that means that if she managed to stay conscious through that, she's going to be up and coming after her soon!

    Nanoha's flight wobbles a little as she lifts up to land on one pile of rubble, overlooking the impact site. Her ankle wings are sputtering in and out, fading a little... the Starlight Breaker saps ambient mana, and that apparently included her flight spell. "Ah... just a little more, Raising Heart. Um... we'd better use <span class=" bold_bg_m fg_n ++ artridges."

    chm"><YES, MY MASTER,</span> Raising Heart chimes. Nanoha slots another magazine into the still-hissing Device, which loads a cartridge with a slam of the slide forward. Lowering it like a cannon, a shimmering reticle appears, cutting through the smoke and dust to highlight Seikou's form.

    "Ah, sorry about this, but you did say to go all out," she mumbles apologetically, blushing brightly.

    <DIVINE BUSTER EXTENSION> Raising Heart chimes the attack name and sends out another wide beam of mana, cutting through the smoke.

    Belatedly, "Wait, she doesn't know any illusion spells, does she?"

Material-S (177) has posed:
    Seikou doesn't have illusions, but the moment Luciferion pings that a mana signature is building, the Material is on the move. "Persistent," she whispers hoarsely. She jets into the air, leaving a puff of displaced dust and smoke, and lights up a barrier... just in time to have it shatter under the empowered attack that blasts her, forcing her back and tearing away one entire side of her dark Barrier Jacket. It's already in tatters, much like her counterpart's, but now her leg and arm are fully exposed and showing deep bruises and welts.

    She really has to finish this qui<span style="color:k.

    corange"><AIR DASH,></span> Luciferion pings, sending Seikou blurring in an orange contrail across the sky that places her... right above Nanoha. Very very close, in fact, with the Device swung down in a short, vicious arc. <BLAST SABER>

    A blade of flaming orange mana erupts from the Device, cleaving downward toward the rubble and the girl atop it in one powerful stroke.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    "And they're right back at it after such a colossal clash," Yuri says, idly reaching up with his free hand and brushing aside a rockslide jarred loose by the explosion from their prior attacks, a flair of red essence surrounding him as he does so, "What incredible durability from two small girls. You can really see the power that got them to the finals."

    He dusts his hands off, "Nanoha comes in with a huge Buster again, wanting to keep the pressure on as she goes all out. And Seikou takes another big hit for it, but darn sure wants to keep swinging for the fences. She's going into melee and swinging in with a huge sword strike out of nowhere. That loooooooked nasty."

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
    Uh oh. Nanoha is still trying to come about, and lifting Raising Heart in a parry that... doesn't work too well. "AH!" Her voice cries out in shock as Raising Heart's haft is cleaved in half with ease, and the impact of the fiery blade slams into her chestpiece and shatters it as well! Needless to say Nanoha is knocked back while the blade cleaves into the rubble as well, the girl tumbling downward with a wheeze from bruised ribs and a broken Device.

    Clutching her side with the arm holding the now-useless half of Raising Heart, she pants a few times before darting in again. Melee? With Seikou? "Ah... h-how are you still going?" She marvels at the Material's endurance, but she /does/ look pretty hurt, so... Nanoha must have something planned! "Raising Heart... let's go!"

    <ALL RIGHT> Raising Heart pings. The shattered lower half vanishes, the condensed mana disintegrating into motes that suddenly gather into Nanoha's off hand. The hand she's plunging forward in an explosion of that condensed mana, like a condensed reactor purge. <STARLIGHT IMPACT>

Material-S (177) has posed:
    Starlight WHAT? Seikou is rapidly learning that this Nanoha has a whole new set of tricks entirely different from the ones she's known before. Fighting AGAINST the TSAB must have required completely different tactics. Seikou doesn't have a lot of time to contemplate that though, because the blast shatters her chestplate and shreds her jacket, leaving her in just the dark undersuit as well. Oh, it also slams her back against a large rock, which splits down the middle as she slumps down.

    Now, despite being a construct, Seikou is breathing raggedly, and one of her arms looks pretty much crippled. One eye is swollen shut, too. The attacks might be nonlethal, but get knocked around enough and stuff like this can happen! "You... had to get creative, I see," she mumbles very softly. Her good hand lifts up, Luciferion in the injured one... and that good hand collects a sudden surge of orange energy.

    'TORNADO IMPACT,' Luciferion pings, just as a concussive blast erupts from the hand.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
    And she's STILL not dow- okay, she's DOWN but not OUT. Nanoha sways unsteadily on her feet, gripping the remnant of Raising Heart and hoping Seikou doesn't have the strength for another atta-

    Oh, she's talking. "Eheh... I guess?" Nanoha smiles, but she knows she's beat when she sees the energy gathering. "Ah... it was a good match..."

    The blast smacks into her and sends her flying, flipping in midair, and then landing with a loud whump on the rocky dirt. She doesn't move or twitch, but sighting with binoculars or the like will see her chest still rising and falling.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    "Seikou is once more slammed down by a huge beam from Nanoha. And she looks dreadful from it. This girl is on her last legs and definitely aching, but she's not calling it quits quite yet. She raises her good arm and tries to blast back," Yuri watches closely, "This is down to the wire and has truly been anyone's fight. Both competitors are heavily damaged and..."

    "Yes. Nanoha is down for the count. Seikou wins by a margin of victory, truly proving that as long as you still have 1 HP, you can pull the victory. Figuratively speaking, of course. Seikou Starks stands as the Bracket C Victor, and Nanoha Takamachi takes a well-earned second place and a nap."