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In The Shadow
Date of Scene: 13 August 2014
Location: Dreadnought Airship <DA>
Synopsis: Vi'Sharra is bored and apparently Gaius is entertainment in the form of information and possible further work.
Cast of Characters: 487, 522

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Thanks to Vi'Sharra's efforts, they have gained one of the five men, however-- he was of little use to any of them and the interrogation team had been trying to get information out of him-- information that wasn't being overly fruitful.

So the Black Wolf sat in his den among his territory or in more common terms, he sat in his quarters within the airship. He was at his desk that he had in his quarters. One hand was holding the side of his face, the other was resting next to a shot glass, with a bottle of some type of hard liquor beside it. Those gold eyes glued to the monitor before him, watching a footage over and over again.

Along side it, some notes up as well and including some footage from the failed interrogation. The notes themselves were titled "ECHO". A term he had become familiar with during his time in Eorzea under Nael Van Darnus.

The quarters itself was rather open. There was a kitchenette area, private bathroom, a bedroom, and then his private little office area away from his main office-- which also acted as a library of different books, scrolls, and other little items. The rooms all matched in color, which was nothing of note-worthy, and the most impressive thing was in the main living area, which was that of a weapon rack. Which held many different types of weapons-- including far as Garleans were considered, some antiques as well.

Gaius himself was in more basic of clothing-- for once. He actually was wearing a pair of pants and style of tunic-type shirt. He was also lacking any magitek items he normally may carry on him-- and yes-- was barefoot. Cause this is his airship and his quarters.. he is allowed to do this.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra finds herself walking the hallways boredly... ...It's... An obscenely nice day outside. Bright. Sunshiny. Beautiful. Sunshiny. Bleah. Stupid daystar. That and then there's the fact that she's ... Between jobs at the moment. Which of course means that she needs to find something to do. ...Or she's just going to continue being bored.

    With this particular line of logic explained, it's really no actual surprise that she finds herself outside of Gaius' quarters. And it's there she pauses for a few moments, before she reaches up and knocks on the door.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Those gold eyes slowly look away from the screen and up toward the door he can see across from his office space. He stares at the door as if it has offended him by someone on the other side knocking-- he also knows most of his crew is still on leave.

So whomever it is, should know it best be /important/. He then lowers his hand down. Powers down the screen, hits back the shot he has, before he at last inhales deeply as he leans back in his chair. Trying to decide if he should really answer it-- or-- yell-- or-- pretend he isn't here.

He then looks over at the bottle, the now empty shot glass, before he decides-- he will actually /answer/ the door and give whomever is behind it his entire disdainful glare for interrupting him in such manner. His troops know better, they know this is not the time.

When the door slides open, Gaius is standing there ready to 'bark', but he spots Vi'Sharra instead of one of his men. He grits his teeth, before he sighs, then rubs the bridge of his nose gently. "...I was not expecting your presence, Vi'Sharra..." then with a deep inhale, he speaks again seeming to compose himself. "..What can I do for you?"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    An eyebrow is raised slightly at the less then happy greeting before she gives him a smile, "Well. I must confess that I find myself at a bit of a standstill." She shrugs, "I've ran out of a certain amount of constructive things to do, and an enforced lack of of activity is wearying." Her golden brown eyes gleam slightly, "And I don't cope as well as I used to with boredom, and since I'm not really asking you to entertain me..." (Yes she is.) She grins, "I thought I might repay your politeness on the second time we met in kind..."

    With that she produces a bottle of wine, and offers it to Gaius, "And perhaps we could once again share words, and mayhaps... ...I could help you yet again with something that seems to be bothering you."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius raises a brow of his own as his face remains rather stoic over the situation brought before him. He hrms softly and then takes a step back, before he moves over to the side about when she finishes and places his arm out for her to enter. "When a lady offers wine, it would be improper to not accept the offer of her kindness."

Once she walks by, he clenches his jaw ever so slightly and doesn't seem to respond to the 'assisting' part. If anything he seems to be attempting to ignore it really, but he tries to put on a slight smile-- at least at the faintest. "Also if you desire more work-- I am sure I could arrange something.. and I also apologize for the improper attire.. was not expecting a guest to come and greet me with her presence."

"But you seem to have the most astute timing in all manners. I do wonder if that is part of your gifts that you deem able." Gaius says as he goes to get the wine glasses and places them on the counter. "..but improper I am being and you are indeed finer company then some Legatus back in my homeland."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smiles slightly, "I think I would never find your manners lacking, Lord Van Baelsar." With that she steps inside his quarters, and chuckles, "Indeed, it would be most improper to refuse a vintage so aged, and properly chilled." She gestures offhandedly at his remark about his attire, "You have no reason to apologize, after all, it is I whom am imposing on your time, and in your own territory."

    She grins at him, before remarking dryly, "It would be unreasonable for you to not relax somewhat in your own room." Her eyes travel the area, for a moment before she follows him into the kitchenette and places the bottle on the counter, "I should be the one asking your apologies for imposing on you such in my boredom."

    She chuckles softly before offering him the bottle, it's only proper that he open it after all, "You'll find that I'm often searching for something new to do, or something new to learn; Which is I fear the curse of immortality, either you learn more, and do more..." She gestures to the side, "Or you stagnate, and find yourself in a mindless rut that's almost impossible to extract yourself from, and the first new surprise you find..." She grimaces, "Well. I'm sure you seen what happens when something grows old and brittle." A shrug.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius doesn't really remark to much on imposing of his time. Actually the Black Wolf remains very quiet about it as he finds the cork opener to pull the cork out of the wine bottle. He does however glance over her to as she explains her boredom and how seems this is an immortal curse among her people.

He then takes the cork out as she goes to say something about frailty and he actually furrows his brows at the last part, yet-- his silence remains. He then starts to pore the wine into the glasses as he at last breaks his own silence. "I am sure when one has a chance to spend an eternity to see all they wish to see, one would become bored, nigh, perhaps tired of the same mistakes repeated by those whom can not see past their own noses at what lies in wait ahead."

The Legatus then goes to hand Vi'Sharra her glass, "But then this does beg the question... beyond you seeing a likeness in our ways to your own guild.. what do you honestly see in me that seems to entertain your undying form?"

"As you not only stalked me within the halls, but followed me my airship.. and then brought me food to my office.. now wine..."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra actually looks rather tired for a moment at his first statement, before she responds, "People... Fall into patterns. All kinds of people. Monsters. Heroes. Villians. The standard citizenry. The person just trying to get along..." She's silent for a moment before she continues, "They create patterns for themselves, and for me, I happen to like those patterns." She closes her eyes, "Some of them are unwise, some of them are depressingly dreary and so like as to all of those around them, that you wonder if they're not all the same person... But some of them..."

    She opens one eye and gazes at you with it, "Some of them are the kinds of patterns that interest you for what they are. Perhaps that person has the power to change the shape of a world. The shape of it's reality for the better. Perhaps they have the ability to destroy it..." Her other eye opens, "You are the first type... ...And things will come to pass around you that you will have the ability to shape, that will change the course of this world."

    She smiles at him softly for a moment, "Your manner back in R&D attracted me, there was something purposeful and dignfied about it that... Many of our allies often lack." She smiles a bit more amusedly, purposefully taking a step back from the absolute frankness of her last answer, "Which, I'm sure you've observed over the radio by now."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius picks up his own wine glass as Vi'Sharra goes to explain her view on things, including why she has interest in him. Which was curious in itself really. That she would see him as one who can shape things around him. He almost wanted to snort a laugh at it in disbelief really.

After all, he does what he does for the Emperor and if his Radiance desires a mountain to be moved-- it shall be so.

Gaius then takes a sip from the wine, for a moment just taking in its flavor and seeing if he should let it take in air a bit more before taking another drink from the glass. "Hm. They can be boisterous and highly nonprofessional, but if that is what the command of the Confederacy is alright with, I have no room to argue. They do as they do, as I will do as I do. 'Tis that simple really and be fortunate only for them that my rank best suit that of a Centurion amongst them."

The Black Wolf then shakes his head lightly, "But whom am I to argue about my station when we crossed our weapons with their own. It is by their will that we be part of there military-- by the agreements established that we aid with our military might.. So far, it has been in both parties interest..."

Gaius then slightly cuts himself a touch short, not going further into his dangerous thoughts, as he decides to take another sip from the wine glass.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra is quiet for a long moment as she takes in his body language, before she responds, "I see a man in the position of bringing light or farther ruin to a continent. I see the man who's the representative of the empire in this realm." She blinks slowly, "I see a man that's chosen the constructive paths through a number of lesser conquests. I see a man who has the ability to tie the Empire and the Confederacy together with bonds of loyalty. I see a man who's chose to take two impressively effective tools and use them properly, though he had no warning that either were coming his way. I could go on..."

    She smiles slightly and sips at her wine, "You have been thrown into the mess of Eorza. Then you were thrown into the mess of the Multiverse, and you have made not just tactical decisions, but the proper ones, as far as I can see. You are the sharp end of the policy shaping stick, Lord Van Baelsar... You have not faltered." Her eyes affix on his, and her body language is absolutely not present, "Can you truly say that you're unimportant? That your actions will not shape the Empire, or the fate of this world?"

    She takes a sip of her wine, and then once again takes a step back from the intensity of her statements, visibly taking on a more leisurely relaxed sort of position. "Hmmph. Some of them bicker worse then old married couples, and have not the grace to be old, married, or properly behind closed doors when they do so."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius listens to her words and he-- almost pauses in his sip from the wine glass again. His own gold eyes lock onto her's. They stare at her for a long moment as she goes through her listings of what she sees.

His brows furrow for a moment, as he then goes to place down his glass of wine. His eyes only slightly gazing away as the weigh of her words sink in to the cracks of what had been dented by the actions before the worlds joined. Dented by a force he could not stop, but only watch in dire disdain for what was to come-- and no matter how much he attempted to bite the chains-- to tear at them-- it still came.

The mighty wolf-- failed to stop the elusive raven..and even though the raven died-- the wolf's muzzle still remained tied to where he could not howl.. or so in his mind's eye and perhaps slightly evident as he lowers his head ever so slightly and his hand slides away from the base of the glass.

Though her subject goes to lighter things, Gaius remains on the heavier point. "..I can not argue nor even scuff at your words, Vi'Sharrah." Gaius then looks to her, his posture one of calm and collective. His words he speaks comes carefully though. Evaluating them himself as they pass across his lips. "For they are true. I have not faltered and by every turn that has been of trail, nigh, a destructive barrier-- we have broken it and pushed on. Because in my loyalty for his radiance, for my Emperor, I dare not fail him again."

In that moment Gaius' eyes get a bit of intensity to them. A predator's gaze meeting that of another predator. "I am a proud man, a stubborn man. Words I do not admit to easily to all whom I speak with. But bluntness begot bluntness.. and truth begot truth." Gaius then narrows his eyes ever slightly, "..If my actions shape the world, then it will be so for the future of the people. If I am to be important, then I will be important to those whom deem me so, for I am the sword-- and shield of that I serve.. and so long as they continue to keep me sharp and polished-- I will continue to act of them in my best."

Gaius then pauses for a moment before he then goes to step up to her, to look her even further in the eyes. A wolf staring down a predator of unknown, but a wolf looking them down never-the-less. "But I will not let mistakes of another take place ever again and if those actions spread to this entire unknown world and alters it-- then so be it.." His eyes narrow fiercely, "..but what I do in the end, I do not for myself-- but for the Emperor.. and should the Emperor fall with no heir-- then I /will/ make sure that Garlemald stands strong until a proper man be found."

Gaius's hand by that point is in a fist, before he then forces his hand to loosen and goes to step around her. "So your words be true, but all of this came at a price far deeper then any of us were willing to pay. It came from an act of sin and stench of corruption that not only coats the lands, but my hands as well."

"..so until such is cleansed... and I can end the Eikons so history not repeat itself.." Gaius doesn't continue, but he does place his hand over his face, with his eyes closed.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra gazes at him quietly, before she nods and smiles slightly, "There is no better way to shape the world then for the future of it's people." She gazes at her glass for a moment before picking it up and sipping at it, "And so you know why I was attracted to you after I had a chance to see you more clearly."

    She swirls her glass for a moment before speaking again, "Tell me where, and I will shape the battlefield to your advantage. If you require powerful peices to be moved, or disposed of, if you require relics to be sought, and things to be hunted to try and show others the advantage of Imperial rule... Then I will help you do so." She smiles slightly, "As I said in the begining, you remind me of some of my oldest friends, and I intend to help you, as I did they when they were alive and I think... ...That if the Eikons had any wisdom at all, they would know to fear what you represent." She smiles, "A future. Without them."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius was about to perhaps simply walk by, mostly to calm his own internal burning fire of a cesspool of annoyance, aggravation, and sheer displeasure for the way things have played out. After all, Vi'Sharra did not know the bloody history leading to the events-- not in full-- only the small fragments that he had laid out before; Yet he also knows she is an intelligent woman.
She may see past those fragments and placed them together in her silence-- at which begs the question, he must answer only to himself. How long until you explain to this possible growing ally that truth of what fully conspired?

Gaius closed his eyes as Vi'Sharra confirmed that she would remain a close ally and confirmed her own interests in him. She was showing faith, the faith he had come to know from his own men, and the faith that the Emperor once held in him-- and perhaps in some ways-- still did so, given he was never stripped of his rank and when all had come undone, was given full reign to handle the matter.

He stood there in long silence, his jaw clenching a bit, before he opens his eyes and looks up toward the ceiling in deep thought of what to say. "I am-- grateful for your confidence in me, given how little you have come to know of our world and what one sided view you have learned of Eorzea."

The Legatus then goes to face her, "In that-- I think you should go see Eorzea with your own eyes and not simply by my words or by that which we have written. For though there is great enemies we may face out in the Multiverse, the people of Eorzea is whom we face more closer to home of the Empire. For all of Hydaelyn is what his Radiance desires to rule over.. for that it we may bring all of the lands from sea to sea, into the Empire and bring it forth into the light-- instead of the darkness it desires to scurry amongst."

Gaius then looks away from her as he starts to make his way toward his office. "Because if you are truly going to aid us in this war-- place your full support behind the Empire; If I understand your words correctly," The Legatus then turns to face her, motioning his hand into his private studies/office, "Then you should come to light fully of what conspired to bring us to what we all have come to call-- the Calamity of Eorzea."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra's eyebrows raise slightly before she nods, "That is logical certainly. Having me see the whole of the picture so that none of the little details have a chance to derail me..." She sips at her wine and considers for a moment before grinning at him slightly, "I wonder who you would reccomend as a tour guide?"

    She pauses as he considers, before she nods, "Ah the oft avoided subject that no one, not even the locals seems to understand." She sips at her wine and looks you in the eyes, "I'm rather interested in what happened there, if only because no one really seems to be interested in talking about it."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius waits for her to walk over to his study space, before he moves to sit down in his chair. He then reaches into a drawer-- unlocking it-- and then pulling it open. Then he starts to go through a few papers and even a few leather bound books. "As for your tour guide, I fear I'd have none, beyond the fact you may desire to speak with intel on some details about the culture.. or.. possibly just be honest and state you are a local of the multiverse."

Gaius peers up, "..I heard deals are in order for the Eorzean alliance trying to make allies with the Union." Then looks back down as he rummages. "Also many of these details do not leave this place. Though the man, Nael Van Daruns was at fault. I shall not ruin a man's name by the actions which may not been of his own making."

The Legatus then rests some items on the table. "Though you can look over them if you wish, but I can also explain very simply."

Those gold eyes look at her with a very stern look before he goes to speak, "Legatus Nael Van Darnus betrayed us all by lieing to not only our Emperor--but to all over us. The house he was born under was our greatest house at archiving the known scripted language and some technology of that of the Allagan Empire. It was through this knowledge did he not only gain the favor required to take charge of the Eorzean assault from me, in my moment of failure-- but also speak of the way to cleanse the land of all Beast Men and Primals alike.."

"What he wanted to do.. was genocide.. but hidden under the blanket of what he wanted all to believe... and foolishly.. they all did so.. beyond I."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra raises an eyebrow at the remark about the tourguide while she considers something, "Both options would have their benefits. So would having a local along to play tourguide. Or a small group of them that could be... co-opted..." She reaches up to tap on her temple contemplatively. "I wouldn't be all that surprised that they would be trying to grab ahold of the skirts of the Union." She snorts, "...Mmmm... Many on both sides are powers, in and of their own rights... It would be foolish not to."

    She considers for a long moment, "Malign his... ...For something that you're not certain he--" She glances at the door, her eyes following the path through the airship... down to the dungeon. "You think he was..?" Another pause as Gaius continues, "But that wouldn't make any sense, why would they want to destroy a portion of their own world, their ... home for lack of a better term?" Her eyes narrow, "...Hmm."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius goes to stand up as she starts to talk and perhaps Vi'sharra starts to realize the same he did as well. A troubling truth and one that has bitten at his heels for some time once he realized the truth himself-- but-- proof...

The Legatus then rested his hands on his desk as he shook his head. "Nael Van Darnus-- was.. being manipulated by his own greed.. and his own desire.. and was taken in by the very beast which was trapped within Dalamud. For the Allagan Empire had the means to entrap and control the tainted primals-- and they sent one, perhaps the most powerful, to form that of the second moon."

Gaius frowns as he looks up to her. "Van Darnus reinstated the Project Meteor.. and started to pull that very prison down-- a prison that had been festering with that taint for eons..and with that taint unleashed.. you have seen one part of the result.. and once you step into Eorzea.. you will see the other side as well."

He shakes his head faintly. "Though the people managed to survive.. the land has been rotten to the near core, nigh, to ever fabric of its being. The City-states cling to their tattered alliance in hopes to rattle their blades at us to keep us away-- while we ourselves are attempting to re-establish our own, as with Van Darnus' death.. much had to be reshuffled quickly."

"..and I.. only had my instincts of the problem.. instincts and wit enough to try and ask for outside aid to halt the plan.. but that too.. failed." Gaius' hand claws for a moment across his desk as his hand balls into a fist. "If not for the laws and for my own esteem... I should have skewered the pig.. but.. without proof.. it all would been for not."

His gold eyes go to meet her once more. "So perhaps now you see our blight we face and understand the history. To those of the Eorzeans, we are all the same.. and Nael Van Darnus' actions now have painted us all in the same color of his fowl blood... blood tempered by a Primal.. and it is that reason.. I can not ignore the threat of the primals, nor ignore what they have done to my men."

"If I can find the answer.. solve the riddle.. I can end it all with a single swipe of a blade--" Gaius then motions with his hand that had been in a fist, which opens as he strikes it across the air. "-- and the Garlean Empire can then lay claim to Eorzea.. and we can end this petty foolishness."

Gaius then shakes his head softly once more as he goes to look at his hand, "..and though I have found a weapon that perhaps can do this very thing.. I dare not use it.. not until I have no other means left... and even then.."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra sits down in the chair and is silent for a long moment. Several long moments. "So... ...He was guided to set the horror in the moon free... ...After it took over a part of him." She closes her eyes, "This is ... subtle. I think..." She opens her eyes and gazes at him for a moment, "I think If one of them is capable of being subtle, and exercising power to reach a long term goal, you have a bigger problem then you think. Mayhaps even another puppetmaster in the background somewhere." She shakes her head, "I'll agree you couldn't act. It would have created a bigger chaotic incident and just as easily have turned the local imperial forces in on each other..." She sighs, "Which means it would have escaped it's prison anyway, just perhaps in another fashion."

    She straightens in the chair, "We..." She frowns, "So. The contininent was grieviously harmed, all three city states, all of the local powers weakened, and the Imperial power base weakened, with all sides left reeling. All sides left hating each other worse, with less of a chance of reconciliation, yes?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Legatus stands there with his arms crossed as Vi'Sharra goes over it all. He remains silent for the most part, before he gives a nod of his head, "Aye." He says very simply and falls back into silence. Perhaps feeling in this moment, he will let her do the speaking. For he did as he wished to do, explain the situation to her in earnest. Now-- he wanted to see what she would do with such information.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    She narrows her eyes slightly, "So, none of the other Eikons have shown this kind of cunning or long term strategy I take it?" She gestures to the side, "'An Empire that has not known defeat, brought low by the beastmen, barbarians and their false gods.' It makes for really really bad PR and a much worse morale situation." She crosses her arms, "To make matters worse, they've not moved in a visible fashion against either side..." She raises an eyebrow, "Unless the Eikons have become more active since?"

    She shakes her head, "Someone has a plan here, and whether or not it's to cleanse Eorza by fire, plauge, dragon, Eikon, or Ideal... ...I fear that you and the Empire have been caught in the middle somewhere. I suppose the real question is, what is the Dragon planning, or is it just trying to sow chaos everywhere and break every power so that it can take over?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Black Wolf remains silent as Vi'Sharra brings up points and perhaps even points he wondered over as well. Sadly these things he has no answer for and he can only gently shrug his shoulder with a slight form of frustration on his features.

His gold eyes then look toward his own desk and the paperwork he pulled out. He furrows his brow at his own silent thoughts, before he looks to Vi'Sharra once more. "From Nael Van Darnus' own reports.. he only recorded that of Ifrit and Garuda. Both whom desired to be worshiped as gods alike and both who had a cruel streak."

He then walks away from his desk as his arms cross over his chest. "Bahamut-- I do not know if it even has a plan. I think Eorzeas fate was nigh for the time it had been possibly sealed away. For no matter the brood, if you been locked away for several eons.. I am sure even you or I have quiet the temper to display."

"Not that I give the beast any doubt it wasn't planned out.. but given that since we arrived here-- the eikon had not be seen..." Gaius then looks to her once more, "..we can only hope after its assault, that the beast now lays dormant somewhere and that when it shows its face once more-- we are ready to chain it into the depths of some font of magma."

Gaius then walks up to her as his arms lowered, "So now you know some of the truth of the situation and the events that have come forth from this travesty. The rest-- you will have learn by seeing Eorzea with your own eyes."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra shakes her head slightly, "So we need to learn of all of the players and what their goals are... Where they are, and how they intend to get there." She nods, "So it would have been both cranky, and possibly insane. Most likely starving, if they eat anything." She considers for a moment then takes a sip of her wine, "Do you have enough penetration to know if it was hunting worshippers? That would most likely be the best way to figure out where it is."

    A pause, "Where do you reccomend that I visit first? If I recall there are at least five powers in the area, three alliances, and a number of satelite locations..."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Legatus shakes his head faintly. "I fear I do not. Given that well-- Ha, Eorzeans and the Garlean Empire do not speak beyond them tossing rocks at us." Which he gives a very minor smirk, but a sadden look in his eyes as his thought trail over to such a man who thought tossing a stone at him be a good idea.

"But as a suggestion to what city? Hmm." Gaius strokes his chin for a moment in thought. "From our reports within Eorzea... the Black Shroud, with the city-state of Gridania was hit the hardest.. the people there are in far worse shape then the other three.. but the people are skittish of outsiders.. and perhaps even more so given the state of their.. ever.. so.. sacred.. of forests."

Gaius then looks to Vi'Sharra with his gold eyes, "Limsa Lominsa still stands proudly, but most of her sailing fleet has been.. compromised by the attack-- including a traitors ironworks that resides there.. as such they have lost their own.. antiquated.. airships."

Gaius starts to pace a touch as he continues through the list, "..and then there is Ul'dah within the deserts of Thalana. The home also of the Amalj'aa-- the lizards you faced who seem to be working to resummon Ifrit. Ul'dah continues to stand strong-- with minor structural damage.. but they are being slowly flooded by the populace of Eorzea, as they are the center hub of all Trade."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra considers for a long moment, "I think then that it would be a good idea to put some kind of set of intelligence assets in place." She frowns, "Does the empire have listening devices that could be placed here and there as well as some sort of trasmitters and recievers?" After a moment she shrugs, "Well. If you don't then we do..." She considers for a few moments, "Perhaps some kind of clandestine aid package? No..."

    She reaches up to tap at her temple while thinking. "You've got to deal with two major issues, the first is turning around their opinion of the Garleans, "I suppose then that the best place would be to go to would be Ul'Dah. I believe you mentioned they excessively like credits?" She narrows her eyes, "That would be a good door to go through first I think, perhaps build some kind of a reputation there, and then use it to enter Limsa Lominsa, and create a reputation there, and finally to Gridania. Where... Even if they do not approve me, they will see me as a known factor."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Black Wolf smirks very faintly at the suggestion of transmitters, "We would, however our own devices are that of magitek-- and we already had in the past where they attempted to gain our technology in not only to overhear our conversations, but in hopes that they in turn could backward engineer to find means to silence our communicative abilities."

Gaius shakes his head softly, "Nay, we can not use transmitters for this very reason, as the traitor amongst them would quickly find it, dismantle it, and re-purpose it." Gaius looks at her. "I knew him well-- and in many ways.. still do."

He then goes to head back toward the kitchenette to actually pour himself another glass of wine. "Aye, they do enjoy their coin-- Gil.. they call it. If you have a deep pocket and willing to.. pay the right price.. one can obtain anything within Ul'dah."

Gaius then looks at the glass of wine for a moment. "..after all.. no country-man, not matter how loyal, is always willing to do something for the right price." He looks over to Vi'Sharra, "Even more so when times are desperate." he then takes a sip from his wine glass.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra frowns slightly, "I'm not certain we're at the point where I should bring in anyone that's Guild for ... various reasons yet." A long pause, "Your Eikons have abilities that concern us greatly." She sips her wine, "...The Age of our world that I was born in, was called the Age of Blood." She pauses, "Mostly because it was the Age of the Vampire. ...It ended when some fools found an early age relic that taught them Mastery Magic." She sighs, "It allowed their leaders to take over less powerful beings then themselves, and painted giant targets on the backs of anyone more powerful then they or those who happened to be immune."

    She sips at her wine and then continues, "They took over key elements of the government, military, and pretty much everything of import to began a reign of terror, destroying those they couldn't control..." There's a long pause, "We, the powerful and the survivors, banded together and killed them, destroyed the relic and removed anyone who had the ability to use the magic from the genepool but... It took three hundred years, and with their fall came the Second Age of Chaos."

    She sips her wine, "Your Eikons with their ability to brainwash others so... Completely are worrying for that reason." A sigh, "If any of them had the brains to use it properly, they could dominate your entire world. It would not be very hard to convince those in power in my world to give you and yours all of the assistance you need, at a very discounted price, to prevent that particular hydra from rearing it's head again."

    She closes her eyes and considers for a moment, "What do you think? A merchant then? A tourist? A connesuir? Mayhaps an adventurer of sorts combined with one of the others. Seek out new life across the Multiverse, kill it, and then sell it to the highest bidder?" A pause, "No. That would create enemies perhaps... Hm... A craftsman, with the occasional desire to search out perfect components. Yes. That would give me an excuse to be asking about everything, and be anywhere I care to travel, because of 'rumors'."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius takes another sip of his glass of wine as Vi'Sharra explains some of her own tainted history. He closes his eyes for a moment before he just walks over toward the sofa near the weapons wrack and actually sits down, kicking his feet up across the foot rest and his other arm resting on the back of the sofa.

The Imperial Legatus remains very quiet during all this as she talks. Sipping his wine, staring at nothing really particular, and just listening. Weighing it all. "Be-careful going in as a merchant and a trader, the market may be flooded and thus finding your spot could be troublesome." He then looks over toward her, at least what he can see of her from where he now sits.

"You do not look of the people of Eorzea and unless your.. abilities.. allow you to blend in.. it may be better to go perhaps.. a more honest route? Tell them you are.. one looking to assist and come to aid from the alliances own new allies. Mayhaps they would believe that.. mayhaps-- not." Gaius hrms as he shakes his head. "But if you do go as a crafter, best be ready to also prove your worth.. as you will compete with many others no doubt."

Gaius then takes another sip from the wine, before he closes his eyes again. "...that second sheet of paper on my desk.. the one under the folder that I pulled out-- you will find information regarding Ul'dah that our intel had been able to gather before the attack done by Bahamut. It may be slightly out of date, but should get you by at least..."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra takes another sip at her wine, then regards the empty glass dubiously for a long moment, before she pours herself some more. "Mmph... I do have quite a large collection of materials, that can be disposed of... And the Guild can provide more easily." A pause, "How is your world situated on enchanted materials? Which is to say items empowered with magic to be more effective?"

    She tilts her head, "I am a master Vampire, changing my appearance in minor ways is easy. But I think... Looking exotic and different would be more in my favor." A chuckle, "Though outright stating that I'm searching for alliances and such at the same time, would be a good idea... It might give me a better chance to learn more about some of hte inner circles that you ... probably don't have much information on." She closes her eyes and considers for a moment, before picking up the folder and skimming the page in question, "Mmm... Yes. This will definitely be somewhat useful, hmm..."

    She tilts her head slightly, "And do you have any particular peices of information that you're looking for in the city of Ul'Dan?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
One would think with 3 shots and 2 wine glasses, Gaius should be getting to the point of drunkdum, however-- he was not, because he had been doing such drinking for some time. Though the fact he is sitting on the sofa in such a relax manner may be stating in very silence that he knows-- he is hitting that point-- where this really /should/ be his last glass.

..yet that small twinge of his mind is going: '..are you seriously going to be out drank by a woman?' -- and then has to slap one self mentally for even thinking it. He is to old for that /anyways/.

The Imperial Legatus with random silly thoughts wrestled away, takes another sip of his wine. Only a twinge of a smirk plays on his lips at another passing thought before he mildly shakes his head, before looking over to her, "Empowered by magic?" He raises a brow, before his finger ever so gentle taps the glass in thought. "...in Eorzea.." he then takes a sip from the wine glass. "..magically empowered items are sought after, as only those of mastering the art of what they call.. Materia.. can do so. Perhaps you could market yourself as such a crafter."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra sips at her wine and nods, "I... Well. Lets be blunt, I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I prefer to take my time and the best materials to make the absolutely perfect product." She sighs, "I suppose I'll have to partially overcome that particular urge..." Then after a moment she shrugs and grins, "Well. At the very least, I have a good reason for my wealth as far as they're concerned." A pause, "And if neccesary..." A pause, "Mmm... Yes. We can use that weaken Eorza later, if they're all concerned about their profit." She chuckles, "Well... Buing their resources from them until they're unable to sustain themselves can wait until a later date. For now however... I think we have all we need in place, yes?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"It would seem so." Gaius admits with a soft nod as he finishes his own glass of wine. "As for finding out anything for me, I will let you decide what you believe be best for us to have on file. Consider that my own test onto you."

The Imperial Legatus then moves to slide his feet back down on the ground before reaching over to set the wine glass down on the table along side him. "I do thank you for the wine, Vi'Sharra, it was most excellent, but I do believe our business is done here, hm?"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra chuckles softly, "As you will Lord Van Baelsar. It seems that wilding tests, are a part of every culture." She grins, "Our business is indeed done..." She tilts her head, "And I do thank you for relieving my curse of inactivity... ...If you'd like, we could chat for a bit? I'm sure you have questions about myself and my own world-cluster?" She smiles slightly, "Or if you'd prefer, since I'm told that I'm quite exhausting at times, I could simply leave you back to your own remunerations and relaxing."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius quirks an eye brow at the question and grins ever so slightly, though it doesn't stay there long. "So then I take it you are one whom enjoys the conversation with a sort whom has many years of harboring sins and stained hands." Though he stares at her for a moment before he actually has to make sure he doesn't laugh at his own irony, "..though.. what little room to be said, given I am sure we are both not that far apart from the equal parts.. if not one the greater.. but who honestly measures such things, beyond ones own self."

Gaius then looks at the empty glass he has rested beside him, then back over to her. "You can here to be entertained from your boredom and I suppose I have done this-- and for myself to say that I am not curious further about you-- would be a lie onto itself. I am indeed very curious about you, yet I would hate for you to be take such time for idle chatter when you probably should make ready for your mission."

The Black Wolf then quirks an eye brow, "Unless you to say you have more tricks up your wrists to handle such timely details."

He then snorts ever so faintly. "..but it has been a long day.. and I do not think my head is ever has clear as it should be for such proper company. So mayhaps best, that such conversations be held for another time.. unless I speak out of place and say something quiet out of my character."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smile slightly, "Would that all were as knowledgeable about themselves as you are where the drink is concerned..." She pauses, "We... All have a great deal of blood on our hands. It is only the vaugries of time and tide that can tell us whether or not such blood was justified, and even then... Certanties are hard to come by."

    She shakes her head, "And while I would like to stay and discuss more with you, and speak about our various curiousities, I fear were I to do so, you might feel you had dishonored yourself or me in some fashion." She smiles and reaches out to take her wineglass, draining it, before setting it back on the table. "And I would not wish to do that to you. I think I like you too much, Lord Van Baelsar."

    She smiles and reaches over to lightly squeeze his good shoulder. "I shall get to know you farther when you are more yourself and you shall do the same for me... For now, it seems that duty calls." And with that, she stands and leaves the room closing the door gently behind her.