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Latest revision as of 22:24, 16 August 2014

Talk with Giant-kin
Date of Scene: 13 August 2014
Location: The Secret World <TSW>
Synopsis: Inga talks to a Big Friendly Giant.
Cast of Characters: Blurr, Inga

Inga has posed:
Kingsmouth. Truly, this place is under one very serious curse. Even knowing she can go elsewhere via Agartha, Inga continues to return, trying to solve the mystery of the fog and help the people that remain.

Now and then she ventures out from the Fire Station where she has set up shop, a fence of bones inscribed with runes surrounding it. It keeps all the nasties at bay. Or...in the Bay.

Inga has ventured out now, wandering, trying to trigger the visions that might give her more clues. Having gone down toward the water, she has encountered a draugr.

A gurgling roar sounds, followed by thumping footsteps. There is Inga, trying to back away, staff in one hand and a long knife in the other. She chants some incantation, a shimmering crimson barrier surrounding her like a bubble that helps keep the draug from crushing her with its far superior size and strength. The chanting goes on, reaching a fevered pitch, the words hissing from her lips as she reaches up to open a wound on her opposite arm and then fling the blood outward, the liquid drawing together on itself to form a spike that then impales the draug.

Inga is panting, still backing away. That draug isn't getting back up, but a few of the turned townies have spotted her and begin to wail as they through themselves toward her. "Odin's bloody eye socket!" she curses.

Blurr has posed:
    At that moment, something appears in the sky. Not the blue light like the one she'd seen before, but something that starts out as a small grey fleck in the distance, then quickly seems to grow larger and larger as it approaches. Finally, the hull of this thing roars just overhead, descending slowly until it's just barely hovering above the ground. It then directs its onboard weapons at the hordes of undead rushing toward the woman.

    Yep, it's gonna be the lasers again. Hopefully Inga's at least sort of used to them by now? Well at any rate at leaest they're on -her- side, not the other way around.

Inga has posed:
Used to lasers? That is probably never going to happen.

She is however, at least somewhat less terrified!

Eyes widen as Blurr appears, shooting down the hoard that is rushing toward her. They are certainly slowed in their approach--an re-dying.

One breaks through to Inga, and she whirls her staff to smack it in the head before using her blood once more as a weapon, this time it flies out and burns the zombie like acid, a shriek sounding as it falls down. "Tch..." she says, looking up toward Blurr. She recognizes him, at least. "Ahh...greetings..."

Blurr has posed:
    Once that wave's been more or less dealt with, the door to the cockpit slides open and Blurr steps out of the craft. Oh, he remembers that lady. The one who was uh...from ancient Earth or something. Well at least this time she seems to not be about to pass out from shock.

    "You know that's pretty cool." he comments, referring to the acidic blood thing. "Were you just born like that?"

Inga has posed:
Inga leans on her staff a bit, blinking toward Blurr. "Cool? Its more hot than cold..." she says, an eyebrow raising. She shrugs then, shaking her head. "No, I was not. It is an effect of The Bees, apparently," she replies.

"Did you come to enjoy the lovely town of Kingsmout?" she asks, sarcasm plain.

Blurr has posed:
    "Uh..." Blurr laughs a little. "I meant 'cool' as in good or awesome. It's just a saying."

    "Well I wouldn't exactly call this place 'enjoyable' but I was just going to check up on things. And possibly deploy a surveillance probe or two, if possible. You guys ever figure out where those mutant things were coming from?" He asks, starting to scan the area. "So who or what exactly are these 'bees', again?"

Inga has posed:
Inga thinks for a moment, then nods. "Cool, good. I see," she replies.

She blinks then, sarcasm apparently lost.

This is going to be a long night.

"Yes, I was being sarcastic. No, we have not figured it out. I was moving through the town, hoping my visions would be triggered. Unfortunately, taking on all the things that want to eat me alone is rather difficult," she answers, frowning gently.

"The bees? They are...they are messengers of the gods. They chose me, and others, to be given certain...powers, assumably to be able to deal with whatever is happeing here," she says, gesturing around at the bleak scenery.

"Now if you will forgive me a question...what are /you/?" she asks, keeping her tone polite.

Blurr has posed:
    "I'm thinking it's underwater somewhere." Blurr muses, looking out over the ocean. At her mention of having to fight off things that want to eat her alone, he chuckles. "Well, it's a good thing I got here when I did then, right?"

    As if to emphasize this, there's a low hum and the photon blasters emerge from compartments on his arms. He doesn't take any offense to her question of what he is. It's better than what he used to get, anyway, before the unification. "I'm Cybertronian." he answers.

Inga has posed:
Inga frown, looking out over the fog covered waters. "Perhaps, but I don't know how we'd ever hope to get down there," she says.

"Cyber...tronian...?" she asks, the word sounding incredibly foreign on her tongue. "Staren says you are from an another...world. But I do not really understand how you...well. Is that some sort of armor you wear?" she asks, struggling with this concept, plainly.

Blurr has posed:
    "Hm, yeah, you're right, if you didn't have a submarine or something, that might be difficult. I could go down there, but scanning the entire ocean kil by kil would be kind of pointless and a waste of time. Which," Blurr pauses, then brings out a datapad, punching in a few commands. "Is what the probes are for." A compartment on the top of the craft slides open, and a cylindrical device emerges. "If we monitor, say, a 500-kil radius around this island for a couple of stellar cycles, we might be able to pick up on abnormal readings and track them to their source."

    He nods at her comment about what Staren said. "Staren?" he doesn't recognize the name, though he's seen the guy before. "Well whoever he is, he's right, yeah I am from another planet, a planet called Cybertron. Thus, 'Cybertronian'. I do have armor, yes. Though not as much as most. Gotta be light to be fast." he grins.

Inga has posed:
Inga does not really understand that that /is/ Blurr's body. All the talk of submarines and probes? That completely loses her.

Inga shakes her head helplessly. "I do not understand most of what you just said--oh, that thing, is that like these 'radios'?" she inquires.

Blurr has posed:
    "Umm..." Blurr searches for the best way to explain this. "Well, kind of, and kind of not. It's a 'radio' as in it doesn't use radio waves. It uh...it's like having several extra pairs of eyes that can not only see the way we do but for a much farther distance, but also see energy fluctuations, and also stay open all the time."

    He keys in a couple more commands, and the device launches itself into the air. "Hm. Or maybe we should keep them underwater. Well how about both." There's a mechanical noise and another one moves into the appropriate launch position.

Inga has posed:
Inga's expression is one of confusion, then concentration...then understanding. "Ah! You have the second sight! Another spae...person," she exclaims.

Then something shoots up into the air, and she steps back. It appears she was mistaken. "Oh...oh I see. You have...ah...familiars?" she says. She is /really/ trying here. "You can see through their eyes?"

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr chuckles and nods. "Yeah, yeah, kind of!" Thre are some more mechanical noises, and the second probe is also launched, but this one dives into the water instead of remaining airborne. "I can see what they're seeing if I look at the datastream, so yeah, kind of like...'familiars'." Whatever that meant.

Inga has posed:
Somehow, they are managing to communicate with each other! It's a miracle.

Inga smiles, pleased. "Excellent! That is quite useful," she says, craning her head up to speak to him. That is going to get tiring quickly. "I had a familiar...I miss her terrible. A cat," she explains.

"Er...I would invite you into my little..." she's struggling here to find a word for. Home certainly isn't it. "--Outpost? But I am afraid you will not fit. Are all of your race giants?" she asks.

Just then another zombie comes running out from behind a car, arms out, mouth dripping ichor, screaming unintelligably. Inga frowns, then stabs out with her knife, catching the zombie right in the throat. "Do not interrupt my conversation!" she yells at the thing.

Blurr has posed:
    "Sure is." Blurr nods. "I use them all the time." Another probe moves into place, ready for launch. "They're kind of necessary, in my line of work." Again, the probe flies up, and then dives down into the ocean. He looks confused at the mention of a cat. "A ...cat?" He thinks, trying to remember what that was. Oh, right furry mammals. "You could see through the cat's eyes? How does -that- work?"

    At her question, the Autobot looks pensive for a moment. "Well, that's a good question. You know how some humans are tall and some are short? We're like that too. Most of us are about my size, but there are some who are smaller, like the same size as you, and some are huge. Like the size of an entire city, or a ship. Like Metroplex."

Inga has posed:
"Magic," she informs him. "It is secret. A rare talent," she says with some pride.

"The size of a city? By the gods..." she says, wide-eyed. "Like the giants, like the giant Ymir who's flesh and blood and bone formed the world," she adds, thinking this over. "Do all wear armor as you do? Are there..well certainly their must be women among you? Children?"

Blurr has posed:
    "In other words, we don't know." Blurr nods, smiling a litte, because 'magic' to him is just science that hasn't yet been explained. "Huh, reminds me of branched sparks..." he mutters absently, watching the first readings as they manifested on the datastream, then explains, "Manufacturing defect, where the same spark got split into two different bodies, kind of. They'd see through each others opti--er, eyes. Feel what the other person was feeling, and such."

    He nods at her comparison of Metroplex to this 'Ymir'. "Yeah, kind of like that. Metroplex is a base, ship, and city all in one." At her final questions, he pauses and looks pensive again. Oh, how to explain this? "Well, uuuhmmmm...." he rubs the back of his neck. "To the first question, yes, almost all of us are supposed to have armor, we wouldn't last long without it, given the circumstances. There might have been people who didn't have any before the war, I mean I never -saw- or heard that I remember anyway but even if so they probably got wiped out either during the Clampdown or shortly after the war broke out. Women and children, not really. Well there are 'women', sort of, or at least what humans would equate with female-looking. Children for sure we don't have and never did. You see, humans and other organics have to develop inside of a biological parent, and then be born into the world as a juvenile, right? That's not how it works for us. We just got shoved into a body and went right to work at whatever job we were assigned to."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr notices Inga's craning neck, and tries to crouch down as far as he can comfortably go, so that she doesn't have to strain so much. "Heh, sorry about that, is that better?"

Inga has posed:
Inga blinks, her expression obviously one of confusion. "I...do not understand," she replies softly.

She will just let this pass however. She is beginning to recognize a lost cause when she sees one, and there is no chance of her understanding about this...manufacturing.

Then, further confusion and considerable surprise. "That is..." she isn't sure what to say. Organics? "What does this mean? Organic? Shoved into a body? Your soul, it is placed into a body already full grown by your gods?"

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr sits down, his body shaking the ground a bit when he does. That way he can look her in the eyes more easily. "Organic means carbon-based. Which is basically what everything on Earth is. Carbon is like...the building blocks of life and pretty much everything on Earth. Cybertron is based on metals, instead of carbon. And yeah, we are placed into bodies that are already fully 'grown' I guess. Though we don't really 'grow' the way you do, so that wouldn't really be the right word. We can get new bodies, but there's no life cycle like humans have, really."

Inga has posed:
Inga smiles, bowing her head a little in thanks for him sitting down. It makes it a bit easier to look at him while she's speaking to him.

The rest, she's obviously struggling with. "I...see..." she does not. "Carbon. I have never heard this word," but she will assume that means 'flesh and blood'. "Very interesting. Well, this has been informative. Thank you for answering my questions--and not getting terribly frustrated with me while you did so," she adds, smiling wryly. "It has been a pleasure speaking with you Giant-kin. I'm sure I will think of more probing questions to ask you in the future...but I'm rather hungry, and think I will head--well, back to...my outpost." Home, she keeps wanting to say home. It isn't home.

Blurr has posed:
    "It's Blurr." The speedster chuckles. "Carbon is what you're made of. You and other animals and plants native to your planet, just remember that." He stands up. "Well I'll be sure to let you know if anything pops up on the scanners." he says, indicating the datapad. "Hopefully this will get us one step closer to finding out where these things and coming from, and thus to putting a stop to it once and for all."