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Trouble On The Rise
Date of Scene: 17 August 2014
Location: Thanalan Desert, Eorzea
Synopsis: The Ala Mhigan Resistance has called out for help from the outsiders of their world. For their youths have gone missing and they fear for the worst. For here in this land, there are far greater things to fear then the warmth of the hot sun.
Cast of Characters: 27, 307, 393, 471, 487, 513, 522

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
In the world of Hydaelyn there has been many troubles that started to brew with the coming of the seventh umbra era. The wind of change was brewing and none of it was good. None could stop the fate that was coming and though many tried to alter the path, the end result was undeniable.

With Project Meteor underway, the Garlean Empire brought down the moon of Dalamud and unleashed the monster within. They unleashed the being known as Bahamut-- a Eikon-- a Primal. A beast that unleashed its fury upon all in its wake and brought the mighty world of Hydaelyn into the multiverse under its powerful blow.

That is the story many would tell you, if you spoke with those of Eorzea, but that is the tale for another time-- for this tale goes into the land of Thanalan, within the region of Eorzea itself. The mighty desert, though pounded and changed by the events of the seventh umbra era, still is a desert never-the-less.

The gold sands roam over the rocky landscape, sparse vegetation designed to handle the extreme heat lines along the ground. Few waterfalls from mighty crags cascade down into small lakes and feed streams that though scarce, give life to this land.

Not far from one such stream and waterfall is a group that has settled camp. It is this group that has called upon aid from those wishing to aid, be they Union, Confederacy, or neither. They say they will pay in good coin for the assistance and from what information that can be gathered ahead of time, they know that the three city-states of Eorzea, with their ever 'mighty' alliance is to busy cleaning their wounds to even give them a glance-- given they have ignored their pleads thus far.

This group is known as the Ala Mhigan Resistance. Tall men and women with muscular forms. They have dark tans, strong features, and the highest must start around six foot five for the men -- with the shortest woman being around five foot eight.

The leader of this camp, stands at the entrance waiting for those to arrive, as he made sure some of his scouts kept a look out for such groups, to at least aid them in getting here. Including the password that must be said to such scouts-- as given the Ala Mhigan Resistance wanted to make sure that none who came were those of the retched Garlean Empire.

The leader was perhaps in his late forties, maybe early fifties. His armor was mostly leather with some metal, but not much. The armor along his chest was more of a harness style and the pants he wore, though leather, had breathing ridges along the side to allow heat to escape. His face was a man who had been through much, with even a few scars here and there. His salt-n-peppered hair was pulled back into a pony tail and a massive lance with a few leather strips at the head, was strapped to his backside.

His eyes were sharp though, sharp and a hint of caution. These were troubling times and they as a people did not like outsiders of any sort-- but they needed the help.. they needed to find their missing youths...

The camp itself was also not much to look at. Tents placed up with cloth and leather, with sticks and some lumber. Something that could be easily put up and taken down-- but yet kept functional to survive the harsh winds when they came or down-pouring rains. There was even a nice size camp fire in the center of the camp, which was used for not only keeping them warm at night but also for cooking; and boiling of the streams water.

Thionette (393) has posed:
Someone mentioned potentially sizable rewards? ... Okay, and people in possible trouble, too. That's usually a bad thing. But really, let's keep our priorities straight here. She's got an image to maintain, after all. Bounty first, adventure second, helping people out.. somewhere on the list. It's position changes often. Or so Thionette claims.

Let's just say there is little doubt which temptation it is that drew the attention of the mephetit pirate swaggering her way into camp.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Deserts were horrible places to travel particularly when you wear all-black. Which is exactly what Jono's wearing. Black shirt, black pants, black ankle boots, and a black longcoat. On top of that, everything between his waist and just under his nose is wrapped up with black cloth. He REALLY doesn't look like he's dressed for desert travel. But not requiring sustenance and not being bothered by temperature extremes has its benefits. Like, being able to cover up like a mummy and not die from heatstroke.

Honestly, when he heard the trouble he was more interested in finding missing people. But the thought of getting paid doesn't hurt, right? They don't take US dollars-- or British pounds-- everywhere in the Multiverse, after all. And exchange rates must be INSANE, if there even are any ways to exchange it.

Jono is approaching on foot, a black speck with a coat caught by desert breezes. God only knows how long he's been walking to get there. At least he's not too late, from the looks of it. Once he's close enough, he raises a hand to wave, to get the attention of whoever might be on the lookout for people approaching.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Violet is somewhat unfamiliar with this world. She knows that the Centurions sent by Gaius came from this world, but she does not know much else, otherwise. Why, then, is she coming here today? For one, the profit alone is enough to draw her in. She is trying to build up her army, and the more money available for such a cause, the better. The second reason, and perhaps the more important: Action draws in allies. Helping here might get her some favors she could expend later.

     She walks into the camp, wearing a bit more area-appropriate garb. She is the type who likes to blend in with the world she is approaching. Her labcoat has been switched out wiht a nice white tunic, a grey coat over it, a black skirt, and high boots. Goggles are still on her head, but they have been replaced with something that looks more like they might of come from this era. She looks much akin to a scholar. Her face is partially covered by a light purple scarf.

     Following her closely is her Digimon. Tinkermon, a floating fairy Digimon. Her style fits in quite well with this sort of area. She hovers close to Violet, somewhat circling her head on occasion.

     In Violet's right arm, she carries a laptop. It's somewhat disguised to look like a leather-bound book, though. She's just thankful that, /somehow or other/, she manages to get internet reception out here.

     Violet walks with an air of superiority as she approaches the leader of the camp. Her head held high. She knows it is good to make a good first impression, and is trying to give off an impression of being /incredibly/ important.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra has her own reasons for being here, and while the idea of more money is nice... ...Well. It's not just the Ala Mighan's that are missing people. And thus, it's with a slightly tired and irritated sigh that the vampiress trudges her way through the desert sunlight.

    In fact it's been irritating enough lately that if it were possible she'd be zipping between the shadows of the cacti. ...The problem with that is of course, hugging a cactus is bad. So instead, it's a slightly sunburned looking vampire that walks up to one of their sentries, and gives the password. Then with another slight sigh she moves over to the leader, and tries to find the nearest spot of shade in the resistance camp.

Allyn (307) has posed:
The large wolf follows the escort tot he camp, well he didn't really have anything better to do today anyway. He doesn't care too much about the paypment, besides, what does an animal need with money anyway? He's here to help out. He glances around for a few moments and gives a quick soft growl when he notices someone else is here. Ah well, can't be helped he supposes.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
As Thionette arrives toward the camp, some of those around the edges make motions for their swords, but the leader who stood in wait, only simply rose up his hand, which caused the group to settle down. Though a few kept a watchful eye.

The Leader of the Ala Mhigan Resistance took the note of the strange form of Thionette, where she was like a Miqo'te, but yet far from it. Though not a beast men of their region and perhaps, like a miqo'te, not a savage either. With this in mind, though he gives her a slight critical eye, he does give her a nod in welcome.

The Leader then takes notice of Jonothon Starsmore as he starts to arrive as well. Taking not of the outsiders clothing and any weapons that may be seen-- or perhaps trying to determine what he may carry if unseen. He gives a motion for Jonothon to make his way over, letting the man known he has been seen as he turns slightly to the side giving a whistle to one of his men.

The young adult male gives a nod to the leader, as he goes into the camp to maybe go get something, though what was-- hard to say right now...

As Dr. Hunter starts to move in, the leader takes notice of her. He has not seen such an outfit, nor such a creature that moves along side her. Though like with Jonothon and Thionette-- these are outsiders from their world. He knows they could come in all walks, shapes, and sizes. It was very curious to him how much variety there was-- if not somewhat alarming.

The Leader of Ala Mhigan Resistance gives a nod to Dr. Hunter in the same respect he has done the others. Which soon his eyes drift over to Vi'Sharra who-- didn't seem all to well in the sunlight. He almost rubs his chin at this, wondering silently if they may be able to give her something. Probably someone from a more shady area, like the Black Shroud region. Though he also takes notice of the canine following in behind and tags it being 'Sunburned woman's pet'.

About then the young man who left returned with a bucket of water. He places it down and hooks some cups on the edges of it. Though he does take a chance to look at the group and stares at the skunk woman for a long moment, before he then looks to the wolf. He grins, and from his satchel at his hip, pulls out a bowl, scoops water in it, and then rests it on the ground for the wolf to drink from.

The Ala Mhigan leader stands there for a bit longer, before he motions to the barrel of water. "Please drink some water. I am sure your journey has been long. My name is Rayner Warlash. I am the leader of this camp, so it is an honor to meet you all and thank you for coming to our summons."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Violet honestly came prepared enough with her own water. This is a desert. She knows that getting water in such a place is /incredibly/ hard at times. Water in a desert can also sell for incredible amounts as well, especially when hardships are about. She doesn't want to deprive the world natives of any, though, so she politely declines.

     "Thank you for the offer of water. I am alright on that front, at the moment. I came prepared with my own supply."

     She vaguely motions to a waterskin.

     Tinkermon, on the other hand, is /really annoyed/ at Violet for this. Because Tinkermon wanted to splash some on her pits, because /dear god she is sweaty and she smells/. She settles on Violet's shoulder anyways.

     Tinkermon, obviously a bit annoyed, speaks up.

     "So what's this job you got for the lot of us, anyways? Seriously, I just wanna get to busting of heads, or whatever we're going to be doing."

     Tinkermon does not have the tact that Violet has.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jonothon looks completely unarmed, are no visible swords, guns, or any such weapons on his person. Which may be kind of stupid, but is true nonetheless. That with his unusual appearance, must indeed mean he's an outsider. Because a native would probably know better!

As for the others? Jono gives Thionette a look, blinks, and offers a pleasant wave. Vi'Sharra gets the same, since he doesn't know her, a polite wave. Allyn he knows, so he nods in greeting. Dr. Hunter gets the same greeting. "H'lo," he offers politely to them both.

He quiets as Rayner speaks. He too actually refuses the water, raising a hand in polite refusal. "Thank yer, but I'm good." No mouth would make for a messy drinking experience! Speaking of his lack of mouth... one would think his speech would be muffled seeing as how it's covered. But it's not.

And if one listens close, one will realize that his voice isn't heard with the ears. But it's somehow heard and understood nonetheless. Curious.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Thump, thump, thump.

    A man who might ALMOST be seven feet tall, nearly bare chested save for the straps holding up his great trousers and the enormous sword strapped to his back - one nearly as long as he is tall. The man is not entirely shaven, but hasn't let his beard grow TOO much, and one has to wonder if he used a razor or that sword, for the shave job is haphazard. But his jaw is strong, stalwart, and sturdy, his gait is certain.

    The man's muscles have muscles, and his scars have scars. He wears no armor, for apparently nothing that has struck him has succeeded in felling the man who, by all accounts, was not born, but carved from the heart of a mountain. ERIK BLACKBURN approaches, a little bit late, with an ENTIRE roasted chicken raised like a drumstick, and he's munching on it.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn eyes the bowl of water for a few moments, well, he is a wolf after all and that is probably the best way to drink the water, since there doesn't seem to be any available in any other form. He pads over to the bowl of water and starts to lap rather noisly from it. Perhaps he should have come in a form more suited to a desert, lots of fur is hot!

IUt doesn't take too long before he has lapped up all the water though and then he peers up at the young man that had produced it, wondering what the reaction will be, but betting on surprise, "Thank you for the water, it was quite good." the wolf tells the young man.

Thionette (393) has posed:
The way Hunter walks in all nose high and self-important like she already owns the place just gets a roll of the eyes from Thionette. But as much as she would love to tell the doctor to get the stick out of her rear, for the sake of not turning this into a multifactional mess right away she keeps that delightful little thought to herself.

Instead she shifts her attention back to the man in charge, dipping her head in a nod and polite tip of her hat in return to his nods. She pays the young fellow gawking at her no mind save a half-smirk and a wink as she fetchs herself a cup of water. It would be impolite -- like a certain fairy-critter -- to disregard the offering of what is probably a limited resource.

And people say pirates have no manners.

"Ye got a wee bit of trouble and yer offerin' money for straightenin' it out mate, yer gonna get all sorts showing up." Sssp. Hey even if not actually thirsty the water is refreshing. And less dehydrating than her typical hooch. That's very important right now.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    The others that happen to be nearby Vi'Sharra get an acknowledging nod, save for Thionette, after all a pirate in the desert? ...Then again a vampire in the desert doesn't make much sense either. Then the wolf gets a slight smile, before she focuses her eyes on the Leader. "Thank you for the gift of water. Deserts are not exactly hospitable for anyone save the cactaur and the vile-kin."

    The boy also gets a small smile, before she reaches down to pick up the cup and sip at it slowly. "Some of us are less suited then others, but... Here we all are."

    There's a pause as she turns around to look at the giant incoming ... slab of beef. Eating a chicken. After a moment she just shakes her head and looks back to Rayner Warlash, while mentally classifying Finna's disguise as a proper source of shade ... if required.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Rayner looks over to Dr. Hunter as she speaks and very faintly smirks-- it doesn't last long. "A woman prepared is good to see." His eyes then peer over to the Fairy-like creature as she asks her question. He gives the creature a stern look, including one of being unsure on how to handle such a being.

Though the answer is held for a moment, as he takes notice of the large man coming their way eating on a leg of animal of-- somekind. Maybe a dodo? Sure-- we will go with that. Rayner gives the large man a nod of his head, glad he has yet to speak as all who are present should hear.

Rayner peers then over to the half-human and raises a brow slightly, which he says then calmly to her, "You do well in Limsa Lominsa.. if you remain here after the job... Perhaps the coin I will give will get you a few pints."

Though when the wolf talks, the young man who gave the wolf the water, backs up quickly in mild surprise. "It speaks!"

Rayner peers to the wolf, then to the lad. "Settle down. They are not from these lands and we should not expect things as they are normally." He then looks to Vi'Sharra, "Interesting pet you have."

The young man only stares at the wolf, before he tries to pull himself together, "Y-y-your.. welcome..." He then carefully goes to give the wolf more water, though he is slightly-- cautious as he does so now.

Rayner at last then answers the question that was asked by the Fairy and perhaps on others minds as well. "You are in the Desert of Thanalan. There are greater things to fear here then that of the sun. Many creatures that we have known have change and yet we must continue to thrive, for we have no others to honestly turn too."

Rayner hopes that explains some of it at least, before he continues. "Many of our youths go out and hunt so we may live here. They youths who have gone out, have not returned. There is great concern that they may either lost in the mountains or a worse fate has found them. Though I hope the mighty Rhalgr-- our deity-- is watching over them.. for it seems the twelve still smiles on us for all of you have answered."

The leader of the camp then motions off to the north. "Through that cavern it will lead you to another part of the desert. It is there that our youth goes to hunt. If you can find anything on them-- be it fabric, weapon, or shoe-- anything that will tell us what has happened. You will be paid.." Rayner then looks at them all, "..and if you can return them to us-- the pay will even be higher."

The older man shakes his head. "I would send some of our own with you, but... I can not afford to lose not only one of my other children.. but.. more children of the others here. I am sure you understand this, outsiders."

Thionette (393) has posed:
Thionette pauses mid-sip of water, her casual demeanor faultering when it's mentioned that it's kids in danger, lost or worse. Though she quickly covers it by finishing her drink. But the old man has struck a familiar chord, having once been a lost orphan herself. Heh. Some times keep coming around to her no matter where she goes.

Money -and- helping some struggling kids out. Much better. Likely score some prestige with the locals too. Also useful.

After the moment the smirk of hers returns, almost as if noticing somehow the thoughts of a pirate looking out of place in the desert. Only if they knew. Not that she's your typical pirate in the first place. "Alright. Missin' kids, great dangers, potential terrible things lurkin' deadly in the sands." She clasps her hands together after putting the cup down, the sound a bit odd as it's reinforced glove against mechanical palm. "Sounds like a right ol' dandy of an adventure. Seein' as there's only one way to get to the bottom of this."

She pulls her saber from its sheath and gives it a fanciful twirl before tucking it up under her arm so it's handily ready, and starts off for the indicated passage. "Well mates, what are we waitin' for?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
It strikes Jono to ask how the creatures around here have changed, but that's not important right now, he figures. More important to find out what happened to the kids who left here. He pauses to cross his arms over his chest as he listens to Rayner explain further. And nods. "Yeah. Makes sense." He looks in the direction of the cavern. Stays quiet. Waits to hear what the others have to say.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Violet still remains unflinching on her face. She doesn't smile, or show emotions. It's better when dealing with clients to do that. A bit of a poker face. She speaks though, in response to the announcement of the mission.

     "We will do what we can. We shall be back as soon as is feasible."

     Violet moves to right near the path they are taking. She looks at the others, simply waiting. A little bit of a glare at Allyn, but she remains rather neutral to everyone else.

     She's waiting for everyone else to go through so they can get eaten by monsters first. Violet isn't much of a fighter. Tinkermon is, but Violet mostly provides support. It's also not like Violet is going to hang to the far back. She's going to stick to somewhere in the middle of the group.

     Tinkermon smiles, lifting her hand. A sort of strange spear-like weapon, with three points coming out sideways at the end of it, appears.

     "This is gonna be fun, at least. Can't wait to see what kind of things are around!"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smiles slightly, "Thank you, his name is Allyn, and he's more of a partner then a pet." She gives a soft chuckle, "Yes. The Amalj'aa have been a menace to everyone as of late it seems." She reaches back to tap the heavy crossbow on her back before giving him a smile, "They made a few ... unfortionate decisions on my way here."

    Her eyes turn over to Thionette, before she shakes her head, and looks back at Rayner, "Were there any odd reports about the area before they disappeared, or ... was it simply that they were gone without a trace or a warning?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn would chuckle if animals could do that, but he's used to that reaction really. He nods to the young man and laps up a bit more of the water. Wait..pet? Nah he's no one's pet, but that'd probably take a while to explain, so he supposes for now he will go along with that as much as he dislikes it.

He tilts his head some as he listens to the explination. "Lost cubs? so there are things to hunt here, that is good to know.

He then pads over towards Vi'Sharra, "I think we should go help find the cubs mistress."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "It strikes me as sad that anyone should pay to see their children." The great mountain of a man rumbles. "Something that could waylay them, when I'd guess they always managed before... yrrrrgh. We're in for a doozie." Nomph nomph. The man's munching on what's left of the roasted bird, and glancing about slowly at the others.

    When he's done though - which doesn't take long - he hurls the thing over his back and ... well, it doesn't fly far. Bones aren't usually too aerodynamic, are they? "Erik Blackburn. 'n I'll pray the gods will favor our mission."

    He then hoists the massive sword from his back, and swings it left and right with great ease. "... If not, then more mettle'll have to do instead!"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Rayner watches everyone, it seems all are willing to go, so that is good. Though he does worry that sending them without a guide could be-- fatal for them as well. At least till it seems Vi'Sharra shows she knows of perhaps one of the true threats of this land, "Ah. So you have ran into the beast men tribe in this area. Yes, they are one of the larger concerns.. and perhaps always will be." He frowns at that.

"I do wish you the best of luck." Rayner remarks, yet as he goes to step back, that is when a young woman comes around the corner. She had a shield on her back and a sword at her hip. Her armor was a bit more studier, but still more leather then metal. "I am going with them." She says flatly, but is quickly halted by Rayner.

"You will not." He says with a firm, commanding tone. "I will not allow it."

Her eyes pierce right into his, the same commanding stare. "My brother is out there and while you may be content to send these outsiders to their death. I am not."


She shoves past him, before walking over to the mercenaries. "I will act as your guide. Weather our leader likes it or not." She says giving him a glare over her shoulder. "You do not know these lands and at least with me.. you will have a greater chance of survival."

Rayner can only gruff at this.

Ivetta then looks over the ground, before her eyes fall on the burly man with a massive blade. "If your ever as impressive as your blade. You lead the way into the cavern-- and I suggest you toss aside your meal. The dogs will smell it before you ever see them coming."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono blinks a little when the young woman seems intent to join them. She's not going to be dissuaded, he knows. He's got some experience with headstrong young women (coughPaigeGuthriecough). So instead he addreses Rayner. "A guide out there would be helpful. I'll try an' protect 'er for yer," he offers. "We all gotta watchin' each other's backs anyway."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smiles slightly as Allyn speaks again, then nods to him, "We will. Though I wonder..." Her eyes focus on Raynor, and then she shifts her gaze over to Ivetta, "You're aware that if the lizards have caught them then..." She lets her voice and the statement trail off.

    She shakes her head again, before she nods to Jono, "I think perhaps with her level of spirit we may have a time keeping up with her." Reaching down to touch Allyn's fur she ruffles his ears lightly before she continues, "If you're prepared to put up with, and not question the odd abilities of the Multiversals, then we would be pleased to have you along, but I warn you..." She transfixes the girl with her golden brown eyes, "The broader world outside can be much stranger then you think and you must be as prepared for anything as we must be here."

Thionette (393) has posed:
Thionette pauses at the entrance to the cavern to look back to the others. "Ye all comin' or what?"

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Violet looks towards Ivetta, frowning a little. First real emotion she has shown. She doesn't feel that someone else is /needed/ to come along. But alas, she's forcing her way in.

     Violet otherwise starts to move into the cavern.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Again the wolf would chuckle if he could, though as Vi'Sharra ruffles his ears he gives her hand a nuzzle, yeah he can behave when he really wants to. Though his ears perk as the woman comes forward and mentions danger and being lead to their deaths and such, well that gets his hackles to rise a little.

He peers at Vi'Sharra when she speaks and he ponders for a few moments, "Shall we show them what you mean, mistress?" he then shifts forms, a large sabertooth cat, or well, what the folks around here would probably just refer to as a 'Coeurl' jsut minus the long, lightning producing whiskers. He crouches down since he is rather tall and long and looks to Vi'Sharra, "Care for a ride? It might be safer that way." either way he begins to follow the others towards the cavern, maybe at least he can frighten off any dogs if there are any.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Just did." The big man with the muscles to inspire wrestlers gruffly states, jutting a thumb over his shoulder at the discarded bone. And then starts the tromping, at the head of the group. The massive sword's slung over his back again. He pulls out a torch though, after getting in a little ways, seemingly from nowhere, and whatever he uses to light is kept hidden in the palm of his hand. All the while, he alertly scans the ground for signs of material or passage... blood... anything.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Rayner looks to over to Jonothon and gives him a nod as a silent thanks. Knowing fully well that he couldn't really argue out of this even if his life dependent on it. Ivetta looks over to Jonothon before she huffs a bang out of her face.

She then looks over to Vi'Sharra answering her question where Rayner lacked too. "My brother and group did vanish without a trace and with the aetheric flow of our world upside down thanks to that damnable Primal.. we have no way to even stay in communications like we once did. The hunting is far more dangerous know-- he knows that.. we all know that.." Her voice gets a bit softer at that thought.

Ivetta shakes her head, her black hair moving every so slightly in the ponytail it was in. "But I know they are alive-- I know my brother would not go down without a fight. We the people of Ala Mhigo-- we are all fighters."

Ivetta then breaks her gaze away as Vi'Sharra looks at her. She avoids any thing about what the woman may suggest and perhaps her words already cover this. She also says nothing as Vi'Sharra explains that the world beyond this one can be far more dangerous. Given the strangers now here-- it does not surprise her.

As Thionette stands there and Dr. Hunter goes to join her. A few of the cactus that are standing near them seem to-- move-- slightly. Yet if someone looks at them quickly, they go back to just.. standing there. It isn't till a few seconds do the standing cactus actually are notice to have /legs/ and starts to scurry away from the two women, before coming back to a halt.

Their beady little black eyes just /stare/ at the two of them. There was at least three of these cactus-people and all three were taking notice of the two.

Back at the camp, when Allyn shifts forms, it causes many of the camp to actually back away. Though Ivetta only watches this and tilts her head to the side. "Let us hope you are ready for what comes. Many of the creatures here have become slightly suicidal."

She then takes notice of the three cactus-people, "..also pay no mind to the cactuars. They are harmless-- so long as you don't mess with them."

The cave itself was a long tunnel, it turned slightly, but light could be seen glinting the other side even as it turned. The wind also could be felt moving through the tunnel giving a comfort of cold air compared to the hot heat outside.

It looked clear of any creatures though.

Thionette (393) has posed:
Thionette pauses abruptly as he ears flare up, but by the time she turns her head the 'cactus' has stopped moving. She turns her head away again, going to slide the spyglass out of her mechanical arm to check out the area ahead of them... then snaps her head back once more. Only again for the creature to have stopped. She squints a moment, huffs, and then turns her head away once more.

Though this time her eyes shift back without moving her head, peering out of the corner of her field of vision... and then when the cactus starts to creep again abruptly she spins around to point at it. "AHA! I see ya there ya prickly .. uh.." She stops, and then raises her hand to tap her chin thoughtly. "Bloody 'ell, can't call 'em a prick, that'd probably be a compliment..."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods to Rayner, and then to Ivetta, "We will do what we can, and if nothing can be done..." Her eyes narrow as she climbs up onto Allyn's back, "We will promise vengeance, if nothing else." A moment later she unlimbers the heavy crossbow, and places it in the ready position, before she glances at Ivetta again, then after a moment nods.

    "Perhaps the rest of you would care to wait for Erik as she suggested?" (Erik being Finna.) Her eyes narrow, "Splitting up at this early of a stage tends to be a ... terminal ... sin."

    She gently ruffs Allyn's ears again, "Thank you. This will make things easier perhaps for the both of us."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Tinkermon hears the 'harmless so long as you don't mess wtih them' line. And Violet doesn't even have a /chance/ to stop her. If there is /any chance/ of Tinkermon picking on something weaker than her, she will, generally, take it.


     She rushes in. Out of nowhere, a vial of nail polish appears. She splashes it on her lance, and then swings it right at the cactuar, trying to hit all three of them.

     The nail polish she summoned is, technically, poison. It's actually a powerful hallucinogen which should /really/ mess wtih the Cactuar's sentences.

     Violet just kind of... facepalms at this.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
It's hard to tell, but Jonothon aims a pleasant smile Ivetta's way. Well, as much as he can, anyway. "Don' worry. Yer won't get too stifled here," he promises. She also happens to answer some of the questions he had about the world, too, without him having to ask. Once he's sure things are mostly squared away, he notes to Ivetta. "Le's go find 'em, then," he says, and makes to follow the others.

Except suddenly... "Wait what the bloody..." He trails off, heading into the area where... Tinkermon is attacking the things that they were told not to mess with. He groans a little, and then gets ready because... he has a feeling this isn't going to end well for any of them...

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn purrs quietly to Vi'sharra at the ruffling of his ears again andd he takes off with her. Well, at least until the cactuar are attacked. He growls because it was one of Violet's 'pets' that did it, but he will stop if the others do, or just continue on, it's not really his concern if the creature gets what she deserves, though they do sort of remind him of the cactus creatures he encountered not too long ago, but not quite the same. He does tell Vi'sharra though, "Yeah, it's better than going alone though you might want to hold on a bit."

Finna (513) has posed:
    Awwww crap, what now? Erik looks over his shoulder at the Digimon going off at the Cactuars moments after he gets a good look at 'em himself. And he swears under his breath. "... you play with needles, yer gonna get poked." He doesn't, however, draw his sword. Not yet. Instead he folds his arms and grunts deeply. Time to see what happens... first.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
And then someone decides to, well, not follow the instructions Ivetta gave. "Run! NOW!" The woman barks out, with little time to react to anyone had to say or do. She quickly goes to charge into the cavern, cause right now-- it is safer then what is about to happen...

As for the Cactuar and the Digimon....

Once Tinkermon decides to attack, the poison does take effect. They sway for a moment and then suddenly then hunker down. It was the worse before the storm.

==================================[ COMBAT ]==================================

* Cactuars 3x => Tinkermon (and possibly party members included)

Once the Cactuars hunker down, they suddenly all start to fire off their needless. Thousands upon thousands of needles go everywhere. Once right after another-- after another. Including the Cactuars bumping into one another, bumping into rocks. Rolling around on the ground.

Just needles everywhere!!


Back at the camp...

Rayner can only watch this as he opens a bottle of ale and just-- well-- takes a swig of it.

Thionette (393) has posed:
"Oh bloody 'ell!" Thionette curses when a few needles fly a little too close for comfort. "Get yer little rapscallion under control, doc!"

When the local woman says to run, she turns and bloody runs like the dickens! There was more important things to do tonight than get pincushioned by a bunch of drugged up cactus-critters.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono is swearing to himself as well! Thionette seems to have the right idea, so he follows suit! But not so fast that he can't be a human shield for Ivetta. He doesn't want her getting hit by needles. Leather and what little bit of body mass his torso has should deflect or absorb most of any needles that happened to come his way. Or Ivetta's way.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     As the needles come in, Violet /dives/ behind a nearby rock, to protect herself from the damage. A series of needles impact into the rock near her, and she won't even /look/ over on the other side of the rock.

     She reaches into a pocket on her coat, and pulls it out, shouting rather nervously.


     A light glows from Violet's Digivice, and Tinkermon changes form. Instead of being a tiny fairy? She is now red clad witch, larger than most humans, sitting upon a broom. She flies around on her broom, holding a hand up, and sending balls of Wind magic to try and tear at the cactuar.

     Witchmon is cackling. Yeaaah, she has a bit of a violent streak. Despite the needles piercing into her, this is rather entertaining.

     Violet is going to have a long conversation later.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra gestures with her left hand at one of the large nearby rocks. Which is more of a boulder then a rock really but... Semantics. Also conjuration. Mostly conjuration, because her hand and the boulder both glow briefly with lavender fire, before it out right moves. Between them and the cactaur.

    "Stupid fairy." She sighs, and glances up at the witch, and the cactaur anti-air fire. Well. Anti-EVERYTHING NEARBY fire. "Stupid ... Witch-creature."

    She looks down at Allyn, "If we keep it between us and the three sources of mayhem... Sorry. Four sources of mayhem, we should be mostly fine."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Gyyeeeegh!" Needles, needles EVERYWHERE. Some of them start puncturing into Erik's thick skin... or... maybe not as thick as one would like. "Yer gonna answer for that later, fae!" That's.... apparently addressed at Tinkermon. Despite his great girth, the needles are PAAAAINFUL. Erik starts bleeding a LOT. But he reaches out and SMACKS a cactuar with a thrown rock rather than drawing his sword. the rock, oddly enough, after striking and splattering a little Cactuar... ichor? They probably don't have blood... it boomerangs back to his hand.

    And then, the giant man LIIIIIIIICKS it up with one big slurp.

    "Huuuuuuuaaaaaahhhhh!!!" The great Erik BARES HIS CHEST... and all of the chest hair straightens, hardens, changes... into Cactuar needles. "Woooooooooogggggggggghhh!"

    And now the air fills with MORE needles as these needle hairs launcher like bullets at the Cactuars!

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra pauses for a moment as the chest hairs start flying, "Make that five sources of mayhem." Another pause, "I wonder if it will be six soon."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods his head in understanding to Vi'Sharra and he stays still for a few moments while the woman on his back erects a wall of sorts to keep the creatures from them. He grumbles some though at the prediciment they are in, but he supposes it's good to have someone that is actually watching out for them, unlike the selfish little bug of a pet that Violet has. "Stupid bugs." he comments and once there is a way, he continues on. He doesn't like cacti too much, reminds him of the time as a cub when he pounced on a porcupine and tried to eat it. "I hate things with spines."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Jonothon seems to aid in keeping Ivetta safe from the needles of endless rain (yeah, that is what we are calling it for now). She grits her teeth and glares outside back at the tunnel. "Idiots." She hisses through her teeth. ".. damn idiots."

Ivetta then places her hand to her forehead, before giving a soft smile to Jonothon, but it doesn't stay long before she looks over to Thionette who has joined them in the cavern tunnel, "Are you alright?" She decides to ask as she herself catches her breath.

She does equip her shield and stands at ready, juuust encase those cactuars move from where they are toward the entrance. She can only hope the others get in here.. or the cactuars are ended of their poor suffering.. poor little cactuars...

Though when someone decides to have Cactus needles fly from their chest, she kinda just stares. "...." Yeah-- she has nothing to say toward that.

==================================[ COMBAT ]==================================

* Cactuar x3 => Witchmon, Erik, Vi'Sharra

The Three cactuars continue to kinda go-- insane really. Though the blasts from the digimon knock one of them back, which it squirms a bit before it gets ready to start to fire off needles yet again. This gives Erik the chance before it gets up to smack it with a rock.

** Cactuar A goes down **

Vi'Sharra is able to place some rocks down to keep the needles at least from going to far out of bounds, while Witchmon continues her assault. Thanks to the rocks-- there is a path now more clear to the tunnel that the other three are in.

Though it seems one of the Cactaur focus fires right at Witchmon, but it soon also gets taken out.

** Cactuar B goes down **

** Remaining Targets: Cactuar 1x **


From the moving of the rocks and rubble, something starts to stir in the sand, a little flicker of gold light can be seen from different locations within the sand...

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Witchmon simply remains floating in the sky, launching blasts of water at the thing, now. She just laughs. For something built up as 'Not a threat unless bothered', these are rather weak.

     "OH PLEASE. You can't even handle /this/ amount of power? What sort of weak creatures /are you/?"

     Violet, though, in an attempt to end this without /another/ innocent cactuar killed, rushes in. She pulls something out. A burlap sack. Always come prepared! And she tries to put it over the Cactuar's head to get it stuck in the sack.

     Thankfully the sack is a bit thicker than the needles, so this /might/ work.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jonothon nods to Ivetta's question. "Yeah. What about yer?" Meanwhile, if he did get hit with any needles, time to pull those out. Probably with a nice choice curse with each one pulled out. Needles hurt! Jono may be a glorified golem, but he still feels pain!

He too has a similar response to seeing Erik turning his chest hairs into needles and firing them. "..." Blink. "O... /kay/." A look to Ivetta. "See? Weirdness. We're probably all like that."

Thionette (393) has posed:
"Aye, got outta there before it got worse than it need be," Thionette replies to Ivetta with a faint grin. "Take more than a wee mishap to put us outta this mission." Letting the two catch their breath she strides to the end of the tunnel and raises her spyglass to one eye to look out across the land. "So were do the wee nippers usually go for their hunts out here? That would be the most likely place to start looking."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn heads towards the tunnel, using the rocks to keep him and Vi'Sharra safe, as she does what she needs to do. He manages to get into the cave with the others that had made it there. He shakes his head, "I hope we can't look forward to something like that happening again." yeah, wishful thinking he know. He does manage to look back at the woman on his back, "Are you alright?" he asks her.

Finna (513) has posed:
    With the Cactuar problem seemingly mostly dealt with, Erik stomps the ground with one foot, now in a stance akin to a sumo wrestler's. He's,exhaling heavily and breathing in with a sound like a smith's bellows... but only for a few moments, while the chest hairs... start growing back in. But they're not needles this time, at least.

    What is UP with this guy?

    "Can we NOT provoke the wildlife more 'n we need to? Next person to do that..." He gestures vaguely at his chest. While glaring at the evolved 'mon behind that mess.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Golden-brown eyes focus on the surrounding deserts, and she briefly remembers something that one of the Gridanian's said about spirits. Of course there were also a bunch of floating rocks with Golden cores derping about the desert on the way here too.

    She shakes her head after a moment before she nods to Allyn, "I'm fine. Hopefully they missed you as well? I'm not particularly good at first aid." Her eyes shift over to Ivetta, Jonothan and Thionette as they get closer. "Indeed it does Thionette." She shakes her head, "Though I suspect that fae, has a bit more onreyness to get out of her before things settle down."

    She glances back at the glinting in the desert, "Yes... If you remember the floating rocks on the way here? Those are, I believe, earth crystals, earth elementals tend to form around them. Which means that your father..." She glances at Ivetta, "Is probably in for yet another show." She pauses and shakes her head, "Perhaps we've managed to convince any watchers that we're all feckless incompetents... So it may not be all bad, if it causes them to underestimate us."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Ivetta hears Jono explain they may all be like that and she steps away from him slightly. "Yes. I am fine. Thank you." She does keep her shield on her arm however. She then watches as Allyn and Vi'Sharra joined in the cave, leaving only two others outside.

Ivetta looks over to the skunk-lady as she takes out her spy glass to search the area. She uses her own eyes to hunt across the land. Before she takes notice of something. "Is that..."

Thionette may notice it easier with her spyglass. Its am arrow, but the arrow has punctured into the side of the rocks with a piece of red cloth caught in it. On the edges of the red cloth is a type of silver lining which is catching the sunlight and flickering slightly.

Ivetta waits to see if what she is seeing may be right-- a clue-- or possibly further trouble. Though she does answer the question as she waits on the others, refusing to just /leave/ anyone behind-- no matter how bad they are at taking advice. "We hunt several things out here. From the Condor's eggs to Snapping Shrews. We may even be so lucky as to fine honey left over by the locus."

Ivetta then looks over to Vi'Sharra as she speaks of 'earth elements'. "I don't know much about the elements. That is more up those tree huggers knowledge then our own, but we have fought the elements.. and we had to put up a rather good fight after that damn primal did what it did... I wouldn't be surprised if we run into a few very hostile ones as we go."

==================================[ COMBAT ]==================================

Cactuar 1x => Witchmon

The water splashes the Cactuar in the face, which-- causes it to come too. It blinks its little eyes, before suddenly---


There is then a rumble from the sack before suddenly Hunter may notice that the needles are coming again though only slightly getting through the sack that she has thrown over it.

There is also a rumble from the ground, as rocks start to head for the glowing locations and then slowly rising out of the ground are floating rocks around a gold crystal. They hover there, as the rocks spin around the crystal. By count-- there is several of them...

** New Targets: Earth Elemental x8 **


The leader of the camp by this point has taken another sip of his ale.

Thionette (393) has posed:
It's the glint of light off of silver that catchs her attention first, Thionette turning her attention in its direction and adjusting her spyglass to zoom in a little closer. Cloth pinned by an arrow? Suspicious! Possibly a clue. She makes note of where it is, then lowers the spyglass and collapses it back into her arm. "This way mates, I spotted something down yonder!" She helpfully points the right direction out with her sword before sprinting off towards it.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Did ya now!?" Erik turns to follow after Thionette, eying the same gleam moments later. Off he goes in her tracks. With a massive leap he catches up to her, kicking up some dust from the impact behind him...

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Notably, even as Ivetta steps away from him, Jono seems pretty normal. Then again, that might just be a ruse. As this point, who knows? "What did yer see?" Jono asks Thionette. Though, as Thionette goes sprinting off, Jono curses again. "Bloody 'ell... like 'erdin' cats..." he mutters. Looking to Ivetta, he tilts his head in Thionette's direction. "Probably shouldn't let 'er run off by 'erself, ey?" He'll follow Thionette only if Ivetta seems apt to go that way. He did promise to help keep her safe...

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra considers for a moment, before unlimbering her her heavy crossbow and pointing it in the direction of the earth elementals. Then after a pause she looks back at Thionette, "As much as I'd like to say we should investigate ahead, and use them as a diversion for whomever might be paying attention..." A pause, a longer pause, "Allyn, we should follow Thionette, and let them continue being a diversion back there.

    She grins, "It's only a fair division of labor right? Just... follow along behind, because if there's an ambush ahead... She's likely to trigger it."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Violet is /really careful/ with the sack. She is keeping it at arms length from her at all points, now. It's rather heavy, and is taking her a lot of strength to lift it. But... Hey. They /might as well/ bring it back with them, if they have it, at least.

     ...And then the Earth Elementals. Violet sighs, looks at Witchmon, and says, coldly.

     "Follow my lead. We will be having a /talk/ later. But for now, no more picking fights."

     Violet tosses the bagged cactuar towards the Earth elementals, and makes a mad dash to get to the rest of the group. Witchmon follows, a bit reluctantly.

     Though if the Elementals are pissed at Witchmon even with the cactuar sacrifice, Violet will probably try to keep them away from the rest of the party, at least.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn watches the elementals from inside the cave for a few moments, well he knows Erik can handle himself with things, but he doesn't like abandoning a friend, but he also knows that he himself may not be of much use against the elemental things. no, wait Erik is with them now? Well, he has no love for Violet and her digimon, so he's fine with leaving them to take up the rear and handle whatever fate has in store for them next.

He nods to Vi'Shrra when she says that she thinks she should follow Thionette and he moves forward and follows along as well, "I think that is the right thing to do. You seem to know some about this place, are you from here?" he asks the woman on his back.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The earth elements seemed pleased by the offering. They do not follow, just float around and wobble about as they do.

As for the group-- when the pirate runs off and Erik goes to follow, Ivetta extends out her open hand, "..Wait!" To late-- they have already run off. She gruffs, much like the older man did and looks over to Jono, "Your comrades are a hand full. Twelve be good if they don't get themselves killed."

She watches as the leather-clad man goes off after them and she in suit follows. Though her hand is reaching for her sword in more caution, cause the area is very open. Extremely-- open.

The mountains are on both sides, making this like a box canyon beyond the cave entrance itself. The cliff faces are high and sounds of some type of bird can be heard off in the distance. The cloth piece is waving gently in the wind, as its held by the arrow.

The shaft is made of some type of wood and the feathers are grey in color. The arrow point itself also seems to be made of stone, with little tribal marking down the shaft itself. The cloth has been torn and when Ivetta gets closer her eyes only go slightly wide. "...by the seven hells." She hisses out, before she does now draw her sword.

Her eyes scan around the area, but nothing-- nothing she can see. Her brows furrow, as she moves around the area staying close to the group, but the young female warrior has now gone on edge by the realization of what may be so close to their camp...

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"Yeah," Jono agrees with Ivetta. "I think they'll probably be alright... but no sense temptin' fate, ey?" He does indeed keep up with Ivetta, sands be damned, though he's going to have to empty his shoes of the sand later. Bleeeeh, sand! He notes her reaction to the sight of the arrow and frowns. "What? D'yer know what that arrow is?" he inquires. With Ivetta looking around, he's also going to pay close attention to the environment. His sight and hearing are no better than an average human, and he has /no/ sense of smell whatsoever, so he might not notice things as fast as she does...

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Violet finally catches up with the group, Witchmon following close behind. Violet is breathing a little bit heavily, due to all of the running. And it is taking her a second to take in the feel of the new area tehy are in.

     As she regains herself, she looks at Ivetta.

     "I apologize for the idiocy of my partner. Now... What is it that you are seeing? Being less familiar with your world, I am not able to tell what you have picked up."

     Perhaps it was a good thing Ivetta came along. She actually /knows/ what looks out of place.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "What have we heeeeeeere?" Spotting the arrow and the torn cloth, Erik sprouts the biggest grin ever. Then gestures over at the talking Sabertooth. "Noble beast, lend us your nose. This might belong to the youths!" ... Noble beast? Oh well, one mode of address might be as good as another?

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra glances after Thionette, before she shakes her head, "Jonothan. I do believe they already are tempting fate." She glances at the arrow for a moment before she adds in after a moment in a way that makes it both a statement and a question, "Amalj'aa?"

    A soft chuckle is her response to Allyn, "No. But Eorzea is a nice place to visit, just not so much Uldah. Unless you like deserts and far too much sunlight." She rubs at her sunburned nose for a moment before continuing, "Can you scent anyone or anything nearby? Say, perhaps lizard-like?" She scans the desert nearby before looking at the arrow.

    A pause, "Well, Violet, since you both survived, and probably managed to convince the rest of the desert that we're less the competent, no harm done." She adds grudgingly after a moment, "I guess." Her eyes travel back to the arrow, "Mmm... That's what we've found so far."

Thionette (393) has posed:
Thionette may of not been crazy enough to randomly attack the cactii, but that doesn't mean she's not crazy enough to go full steam ahead once she's got her sites on something. She regards the arrow for a moment, then lets out a snort. "Bah, this ain't even good craftmanship!" Maybe she was hoping it would be something worth selling off as a trinket. "Does this cloth belong to the sort ye wee nippers wea--"

She pauses when she realizes Ivetta is looking for something else. Reconizing the woman's tense stance as potential trouble ahead, she tightens the grip on her saber with her mechanical hand, and reachs for one of the clockwork pistols tucked in her belt with the other normal one. "Ye look like ye seen a ghost, lass... Ye know who owns this pointy projectile?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn pads over towards Erik when he asks to use his nose to sniff the cloth and he nods to the big man, "Of course, anything I can do to help." he sniffs the cloth that Erik is holding for a few moments to remember the scent and to see if it smells like people or anything else.

His ears perk as he listens to Vi'Sharra, "Uldah? What is that?" he tilts his head then at her question and lifts his head to sniff the air, seeing if he smells anything lizardlike or anything else that might seem creaturish. Well, the sceents here are all different than he is used to, so maybe it wont be too hard, or maybe it will be, he's not sure.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Ivetta looks over to Jono then to Thionette, "It is an arrow from the beast men tribe in this area, the cursed Amalj'aa. I guess while the rest of Eorzea licks their wounds, they have decided is the best time to..." Ivetta grits her teeth at that thought and shakes her head. "No. I wont believe..."

Yet her attention is quickly turned away from the matter. "We need to search around the area." She instructs as she then goes to hop up on part of the lower bolder ledge, placing away he sword as she does so. "..and watch yourselves. I am noticing Peiste tracks just a bit east of here.. and there is also tracks of the Hammer Beaks as well.. Though I am surprised they are in this close.."

Though her attention turns to Erik. "I am pretty sure it is one of ours. It looks like the scarf my brother once wore... the arrow must have caught the edge of it.." She then looks to Hunter and furrows her brows. "Just try to control you minion better. If the Amalj'aa are here, she may find herself in worse trouble then she ever would want. For they are cruel, soulless, and don't have a problem with giving anyone over to their damn... master."

Ivetta places her hand to her chin in thought, before she shoves it away and then goes to make her own way, mostly a bit of rock climbing and moving around some of the low lining ledges to see if she could find anything from a bit of a better view. Those who don't mind crag climbing can join here, but there is a big area to explore here.

As for Allyn asks his question to Vi'Sharra and Ivetta is fine with that. She hates that city and their Flaming Moron Serpents anyways. Thankfully though for Allyn there is indeed a scent, it is similar to that of Ivetta and even back toward the camp, but the scent is weak. It had been there awhile.

The issue with scents though too is-- there are several different scents in the air. Including one that may smell a bit like refined steel...

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods slightly, "Ul'dah, is one of the three great 'city states' of Eorzea. In short, they 'more or less' manage to control their area of the desert, with it's mines, and such." She frowns, "Like all of the city states, the Calamity well. Let's merely say that that the desert used to be a lot more populous and prosperous."

    She scans the area again before climbing down off of Alynn's back, "This going to be awkward depending on how long they've..." Looking over at Ivetta she tilts her head, "This isn't the first time I've been hired to find people that have 'gone missing' in the desert. How long have they been missing?"

    Her eyes travel the area, "And... Have you killed any Amalj'aa carrying crystals, because that. If my sources are correct..." A pause, "It means we may be up for more then we bargained for and if we are, I want your word, right now, that you'll withdraw."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods slowly to Vi'Sharra's words. This is commonly known as a 'sagenod'. He's at least partially kidding, though. He rather has to follow Ivetta, since he promised he'd keep her safe. He doesn't mind a bit of rock-climbing. But it's very likely that he's nowhere near as good at it as Ivetta. The only reason he's able to even SORT OF keep up with her is that he's athletic anyway, and he picked shoes for traction. There's little slipping, unless he puts his foot in the wrong place and the rocks slide out from under his foot.

Vi'Sharra seems to have something here, and Jono blinks. "Yer got some ideas what might be goin' on?" he inquires. She knows more about this place than he does, it seems, so it makes sense for him to ask her. "What d'yer think we may be in for, if that's the case?"

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Violet turns to Witchmon, and speaks in an /incredibly/ strict tone.

     "Take to the air. Scout out the area. Do /not/ engage enemies. Try to see if you can find any signs of life, whether it is enemy or not. Do not engage enemies. Yes. I said that twice."

     Witchmon just frowns, but nods, rolling her eyes. "Fine. I'll be /good/."

     And she takes off, at a low flight. she's trying to just scout out the area for any signs of /anything/, be it Beastman or the people they are looking for, hopefully alive and well and not corpses.

Thionette (393) has posed:
"Scuttle me stripes. It'd just have to be bloody savages, wouldn't it," Thionette curses under her breath. Then leans back to watch the woman climb her way up the rocks. "Good idea, get a better view of what be out there." The skunkette pirate... swings her sword at the rocks?

It makes more sense when you see her sword extend out into a length of linked metal cable and sharp wedges made from the blade, the point snagging into a higher outcropping of rocks. Which allows her to pull herself up by retracting the blade. Just like boarding the higher decks of a steam crawler.

Once up there she sticks her saber into the ground to keep it handy, and takes out her spyglass again for another look around. If these 'beast men' are taking the kids away, there's got to be some place they're taking them -to-...

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods to Vi'Sharra and ponders and then looks to the others, "The cloth smells like the people here more or less, though it's not too fresh of a scent." he tilts his head and listens to the woman a moment, "There is another scent on the air, I don't smell serpents, but I think it smells like metal.."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "If it caught the edge of it, I'm not seeing any sign of the rest of him or flesh." Erik declares. "So a close call. Or a surrender. They came this way... ... so if these guys got a hold of 'em, what'll be done? What would the youths've done if they had any warning? Run? And where?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Metal?" Ivetta asks the sabertooth, "Are you sure? I know the Amalj'aa brand iron weapons..." There is another concept in her mind, but one she shoves out as she continues to get up a bit more. She then pauses as Vi'Sharra asks her to run.

Her hands clench tightly against the rock. "..If they have hurt my brother.. I make no promises." She says firmly. "..but if he is safe.. then yes. I will go and warn my father." Giving true fact that she is indeed the daughter of the leader in the camp.

"..as for how long they have been missing? A few days now." Ivetta admits, which may not be a good sign in all cases. She then turns herself around and leans against the rock face, since its in the shade and looks out over the area from where she is. Moving a strand of her hair back, as she looks over to Jono. "Climb up with the other. I'll be alright here." She says with a confident smile on her face, trying to shove away all the true concerns that could be there.

Strong woman she may be, but the concerns were written on her face.

Witchmon would find some birds flying in the air that kinda would remind one of some cross breed between a vulture and a raven. Then she would find a bit further away some large scaled creatures with serpent like bodies, lizardish heads with a few spines along the eye ridges. It has four legs and heavily scale armored back.

There is at least five of them there and they seem to be snapping their massive jaws at another creature which is also reptilian like with purple scales, red head fun, and a massive 'beak' like structure on its muzzle and stands more upright.

They seem to be fighting over-- something between the two monsters.

Back at the main group, Ivetta stares toward Erik with a great deal of disdain on her face, "Are you calling my comrades, cowards?!" She sneers her teeth. "We are the people of Ala Mhigo! Though our leaders may have bowed over to the Garlean dogs! We fight still to reclaim our country! Reclaim our rights!"

Ivetta's eyes lit with hidden fury, "We would not RUN from those damn, brainless, fire worshiping..."

Though the rant is quickly interrupted as a explosive sound of a bullet fire cleaves the air. Three of them at that. One of the bullets comes close to impacting Ivetta as the chips of boulders fly off from thee edge of the mountain side she is on. Her eyes are wide.

Several more shots ring across the sky and soon who is firing them is black armored soldiers, with crimson red cloth. The weapons opening fire are gunblades-- a sword modified with a gun inside of it. There helmets seem to hide their face and they stand on the other side of the canyon.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono pauses where he is, rather than continuing up. "Sorry. Not used ter the place yet," he offers to Ivetta. At least he's not sweating. When Ivetta seems to be getting upset over the mention of running, he supplies, "Yer don't run because you're scared." Sometimes. He doesn't say that. "Yer fall back 'ntil you're better equipped an' then come back at 'em."

And speaking of 'equipped'... there are suddenly gunshots! Jono is instantly on guard, and looks in the direction they came from. Being from the city, he knows what metal smells like. "An' that'd be th' metal yer smelled right?" This to Allyn. Looking to Ivetta. "Yer better get back an' warn th' others. If they're close enough ter see us an' shoot, they're close enough ter be a threat ter your camp."

Also if she goes back to warn her family she's not in so much danger of being shot! Jono can take it, but he's not going to take the chance that Ivetta's people die when they're shot, like normal people.

Thionette (393) has posed:
As soon as the sound of gunfire hits her ears Thionette reflexively ducks to the ground, stowing away the spyglass quickly. "Look lively me mateys! They be attemptin' to broadside us!" Two opposite sides of a canyon, close enough for her. Dirt and rock flies from where the shots hit the ground around her. "Dunno who they be, but they gonna be regrettin' tryin' to butt in..."

Without getting up from the ground she shifts to pull the clockpunk longarm off of her back, setting it on the ground in front of her. A low but audible tick-tick-tick is heard when she releases the lock on the spring wound mechanism, rotating the ammo cylinder into place. She fires towards the soldiers, the weapon tick-tick-ticks to reload, and she fires again. And again.

Designed for shooting at enemies on the deck of an opposing steamcraft, the weapon has little trouble crossing the canyon gap with its shots. As for what its shooting, that becomes apparent enough when the blasts hit on the other side, detonating in fiery explosions from the elementally charged incederary rounds. Yeah, I probably spelt that wrong. Don't really care, too busy shooting!

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn lifts his head about to sniff towards where the gunshots come from, but just smells the acrid smell of gunpowder, he sneezes! ok, so that wasn't a good idea, "I think so." he tells Jono. Then he reacts to the gunshots, and inserts himself in between where they are coming from and Vi'Sharra to make sure that she is kept safe. Well, she can probably handle herself, but seems he's taken a little bit of a liking to her and he wants to protect her, like she did them from those needles earlier. Plus, it'll give her a little bit of cover to work with if she needs it.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "A tactical retreat, so you can come back later, with a plan, and numbers, ain't cowardly." Erik lays down with deep, granite-like words. "Never give up, never surrender... but never waste blood. Replacing it doesn't come easily. To flee the battle, and win the war..." A surprising bit of philosophy from the big man, hm?

    And then GUNFIRE! "Augh! Those ain't arrows!" Nope, they're bullets. They rip into Erik's flesh pretty easily, drawing blood. Strange, though, that most of the wounds do heal pretty quickly, and he's never apparently had any trouble with bleeding out. "Yer askin' fer trooooouble!"

    With a sudden display of TREMENDOUS speed, quick enough that it kicks up a gale, Erik is suddenly... right between most of the incoming gunfire and Allyn. At least, what's headed for Allyn. Mortal eyes can just BARELY follow what happens next. Erik grips the blade sheathed on his back, and a fierce, but briefly lived silvery power flashes down the edge. For a brief instant, the crescent moon burns on his forehead and---

    FWOOOOOOOSH! that great sword's swung once with the ferocity of a tiger baring its claws at prey. The air before the swing ripples silver, and pretty much every single bullet coming in those few instants ends up shredded and vaporized. The air sizzles with a warping silvery light, and then the display is over.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    "Vi'Sharra answers slowly, "It means that the Beast-Men may have summoned their god into this world... Which in of itself isn't ... exceptionally dangerous, since that particular once is supposedly not all that smart and can only be in one place at a time." She frowns, "It's a problem because somehow the Primals have the ability to brainwash people, and no one is particularly certain how." Her frown deepens, "Only that people don't return to being themselves after being brainwashed into one of their worshippers. Ever."

    Her eyes narrow, "...This is why dissappearances in the desert are... Bad enough that people are willing to hire outside help at almost any cost."

    Her expression darkens as a group of imperials open fire... After a few seconds of her pressing her fingers to her right ear, she levels her crossbow at one of them, "Ivetta, If a Primal were here, then you facing one head on would be sucide, and your people would need to be warned. You would have a much better chance of convincing your people of the danger then we would. It's cold logic, and ... It's your duty. Now. We have other problems."

    With that she pulls the trigger, aiming it at the faceplate of one of the soldiers. "This really wasn't what I was expecting." She complains while running towards one of the larger rocks.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Witchmon was, briefly, distracted by the whole 'Oh hey some monsters fighting over something.'

     And then Violet calls her back over the radio because THEY ARE BEING SHOT AT. Witchmon flies back, while Violet takes a position firmly behind a rock. For now, it's just gonna be a second til Witchmon gets back. Yeah, when you kind of fly off to scout, and then the group gets attacked, it just... Takes a second to get back.

     Violet is continously swearing under her breath because today is not her day.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Ivetta sneers as she sees who it is. "I am not running from these bloody bastards! They took everything from us!" She then leaps off the side of the mountain she was on. Her hand pulls back as wind rips around her finger tips, then with an extend of her hand, she blasts out an aerial spell, which slams into the mountain side and kicks up a ton of dust over the Garlean Troops.

==================================[ COMBAT ]==================================

* Garlean Troops x12 => On Everyone!

As the group fires back. The Garleans quickly split up, it also comes obvious as Erik leaps a one of them, that there is more here then just three!

The Garlean is knocked back by the impact, but corrects himself in the air before firing off several more shots. It is easy to see with each bullet fired there is an explosive blue flame from the chamber. One would quickly realize that these gunblades don't use gunpowder-- but something else.

One of the shots from the pirate, grazes across the armor of the Garlean, as the fire itself seems to well, bend, around his armor slightly. Like a field that was protecting him just slightly from the explosive force.

A few of them jump down from the cliff side and go straight in for melee, one of these goes right for Vi'Sharra. She quickly notice that there is something wrong here-- the helmet eyes that should be like a void have a red orb glow pass the lens where the eyes are.

** Garlean Troops x7 remain on the ledge.
** Garlean Troops x5 are on the ground.

** Garlean A => Erik **
** Garlean B => Thionette **
** Garlean C => Vi'Sharra **


Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono swears again as Ivetta runs into battle. "'Run' nothin'!" Jono calls out. "There may be others! If yer don't warn the rest 'o the camp, they won't 'ave any way 'o knowin'!" He tries to follow Ivetta, when he's on his feet again he starts to pull at the wrappings around his face and neck. As they loosen, red-orange fire that burns with what looks like static on a television begins to appear. By the time he's got them loose enough, his entire head looks wreathed in that flame.

It's at this point he attempts to get in front of Ivetta. Which might be kind of frightening since he might look something like a demon at this point, being wreathed in flame so. "Listen ter me, gel! Yer need ter warn th' others. If these blokes got more, they might already be marchin' on yer camp."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn isn't really sure what to do, Erik saved him, then the woman guiding them ran off into the threat of the enemy and then there is someone targetting Vi'Sharra as well. He growls deeply and then crouches and leaps over Erik, shifting in midair into a large winged serpent. He hisses and spits a stream of venom towards the 'eyes' of the one coming after Vi'Sharra and then flies off in the direction of Jono and the girl.

He lands around fifteen feet in front of them and shifts again, becoming a ten foot long tortoise many feet high and thick shelled. "duck behind my shell or something." he tells the girl, or Jono too if he needs to as well and then pulls his head and legs in as far as they will go.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra frowns, "They're not imperials. They've been tempered. Try to take at least one of them alive." With a sligh sigh she notices that somehow or another she's managed to miss, which... Will doesn't particularly please her, but in all likelyhood, it's going to please someone somewhere else a whole lot less. Eventually.

    But for now, there are other issues. Like the idiot that's coming right for her. The delicious Garlean in a hard power armored shell. In such a case, there's only one thing to do... ...The crossbow is discarded to the side, and with a bit of lavendar fire, a heavily enchanted short sword, appears in her right hand, and she lunges at him from her cover... attempting to use the blade as a can-opener.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Witchmon finally gets back to where she can see the group. After assessing the situation, she actually has a bit of a plan now. She files in, at a high speed, trying to move towards the ones still remaining on the ledge. The hope, at the moment, is that none of the ones on the ledge will notice her coming in, being distracted by the others. She's trying to simply /ram/ into all of the ones on the ledge, at an angle that will, hopefully, cause them to fall off of the cliff, rather than jumping off of it softly.

     Unless stopped, she'd keep going past them before swooping up and turning around, laughing.

     "The names Witchmon. STRONGEST DIGIMON UNDER THE HEAVENS. Stand down, and you guys won't have to be torn to shreds by my ultimately powerful magic!"

     Violet, meanwhile, is hiding behind a rock.

Thionette (393) has posed:
Thionette scowls a bit as the explosive blast is.. deflected, for lack of a better term. But this is a world of magitech, so she shouldn't really be all that surprised. With a huff she ejects the cylinder from the longarm, but doesn't bother reloading it before returning it to her back. It wasn't going to be very useful with magic shielding like that.

The pirate captain waits until the next round of fire finishes, then gets up from the ground, grabbing her saber as she does so. She takes a few sprinting steps and leaps off the edge of the outcropping.

As she comes down she snaps back her arm, causing the serpent saber to once again extend into it's blade-and-chain length. So as she lands she swings her arm overhead and forward to lash the length towards the soldiers as she lands. They might have just enough of an oppritunity to step out of the way.

Though if they do it'll just slam into the ground at their feet instead, throwing up a spray of rock shrapnel and dust from the impact, possibly making it harder for them to see other attacks and attackers coming at them.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Erik knows little of gunpowder, and wouldn't know one way or another, but the strange weapons don't seem to be fazing him much beyond the initial volley. A few times he manages to parry bullets on his blade, though each impact taken without that strange silvery light protecting it chips away. The thing might be of far inferior craftsmanship than it appears...

    But it's not as though Erik cares. The mountainous man roars with a depth that almost reminds listeners of a tiger and bats at the incoming shots with impossible ease, each strike TEARING through the air and ripping apart bullets.

    That's what people SEE, anyways. It's not quite the reality. In truth, he's taking hits. Bullets tear into his flesh and draw blood, staggering him... but nobody sees that.

    Nobody who's not looking REALLY hard anyways. No, one will not see the way Erik's panting desperately to stay on his feet and resist crying out at each painful bullet wound. All everyone will hear is a titanic battle roar as he leaps at the offending Garlean soldier and brings the blade DOWN on his head with a mighty THUMP.

    .... Thump?

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
==================================[ COMBAT ]==================================

Ivetta stands her ground, that is until Jono shows his true features, which actually causes her eyes to go wide. "You are--" Though before she could even finish that thought one of the Garleans on the ground opens fire right at Jono, not seeming to care he is on fire. Which may not be so wise in the long run.

Ivetta then barks out, "What /are/ You?! Are you with that damn primal as well?! Has this all been a trick!?" She quickly raises up her shield as a bullet gets by, clinging against the metal and putting a dent in the shield. She sneers her teeth before yelling out to the Garleans, "Give me back my brother you Garlean scums! We knew you were the Primal worshiping savages! Its all your FAULT!!"

-- ALLYN --
Though that is when Allyn starts to go shifter on the Garleans and spits acid on one of the helmets. It partly eats through the armor, but it doesn't get in deep. Instead as Allyn tries, he gets two Garleans on his form. One that goes in for a melee swipe that may hit harder then it should, why the other fires off more bullets.

This does however cause Ivetta to rethink this for a moment as another bullet almost gets by her defenders. She grits her teeth in anger and then makes a bolt for the cavern. It seems at last common sense kicked in and overrode her hatred.

Vi'Sharra's blade cuts into the armor, but doesn't get in deep as it perhaps should, but it does cause the Garlean to stumble back. However another comes in and strikes down with a cleaving jump as he tries to go for her.

Though his jump is wide and he comes down so, but then he quickly twirls his body around in a swirling display of his gunblade to try and catch her in the clip edge of the sword. This one's eyes.. however do not glow.

The Garlean soldier that is focused on her, does try to get out the way. Leaving him indeed open to the fact as her sword impacts the ground, dust flies in the air. He attempts to swing his sword anyways, though the attack completely misses.


Erik however leaps up and collides his sword against the helm of the Garlean Solider. There is a loud /CLANG/ on the impact and needless to say the sheer force, causes the Garlean to stagger back, reaching up for his head.

Though there is little time to react, because Witchmon comes in and actually knocks all those garleans up there-- to the ground floor, which they all collide down and some of them manage to save themselves. Another impacts and does get back up. While another loses his helm, displaying the face of a Highlander youth behind it, with lacking of glowing eyes, but a down right /creepy/ freakin' grin on his face, as he goes for the gunsword and then leaps high into the air as a blue flicker of light displays under his feet to try and make impact with Witchmon.

** Garlean A => KOed **
** Garlean B => Thionette **
** Garlean C+D => Vi'Sharra **
** Garlean E => Jonothon **
** Garlean F+G => Allyn **
** Garlean H => Witchmon **

** Remaining Targets: 9 **


Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Ivetta's words hurt more than Jono is willing to show. But he knows it's a natural response. The bullets actually /do/ get past the fire, because it doesn't burn with temperature. Somehow. And the bullet HURT too, judging from how Jono staggers back from being shot himself. He emits a "Ghn!" of pain. And to Ivetta he notes, "If this'd been a trick, d'yer really think they'd be shootin' at us? Or I'd be tryin' ter keep yer from gettin' shot?"

Perhaps it will convince her further when Jono aims a large blast of that not-hot fire at the Garlean shooting at him. It visually forms a 'beam' of fire. However, Jono's power is not in the slightest magical. In fact it's psychokinetic. A psionic power. If it hits, it will feel like the Garlean has been physically struck.

But the psionic not-flame turns with a fast speed, and the metal armor may still heat up from the friction. This is, of course, presuming it hits.

Thionette (393) has posed:
The serpent saber retracts again after the strike, giving an extra flash to the maneuver as Thionette twists out of the way of the awkward counterstrike before locking together into a blade. Then with a flick of the wrist she tosses it into her normal hand to keep it out of the way but ready. Then clenches the now empty mechanical hand into a fist, audible clicking heard as the glove-like gadgetry upon it locking a volatile chamber into place.

With metal fist she steps back towards the soldier without losing a beat in her steps, and swings for what should be near the center of his mass in his midsection. The mechanical arm, in itself, can hit a good deal harder than your typical person does.
The real thing however is when with the blow landing, be it on her enemy or his shield, the charged chamber erupts, propelling a sudden blast away from her into the intended target. Hopefully the sudden one-two blow up close will be enough to get past that shielding and let the actual explosion do some work.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra actually frowns as her weapon doesn't go through them a like a knife through butter, but at the same time... There is something special about taking your time to unwrap a present. Or a meal. Unfortionately those unwanted visitors always like to interupt you in the middle of a meal... ...Like this other bugger right next to her.

    Which is why she leaps back from the both of them, and her left hand glows briefly with lavendar fire, "That was unwise." A moment later she tries to conjure the one who's armor she was trying to open with a short sword, about ten feet above the one who just took a swipe at her. ...Hopefull they'll have a jarring close encounter for their rudeness, and if she's really lucky... One of them will be knocked out for it.

    If sucessful, she whirls her shortsword and goes back to trying to use it to open up the other one's helmet.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Well, luckily Allyn is tucked into his shell for now, so maybe the bullets and the ones coming after him wont hurt too much. Unfortunately in this form he can't do much on the offensive side of things. Tortoises aren't really made to bite people after all. Well, not usually, but he'll give it a try anyway, maybe he can at least crush the armor off of the one that is closest to him. He decides to take the chance and darts his head out from under his shell and tries to grab his closest assailant and attempts to crush the armor, maybe not hurting the person inside too much.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Don't lose yer head!" Erik barks at Ivetta. "'Cause that kinda thinking'll get it lopped off....!" He's quite pleased with the results of that blow, but with Witchmon coming in like a hurricane and doing so much more, he just takes the moment to study their aggressors. he leaps over to one of the fallen, hoists the gunblade, and takes a few seconds to quickly study the thing. Most people probably would need way more than that, but not Erik Blackburn, it seems. He shifts stances quickly, and attempts to take some heat off Allyn's attackers by opening fire on one of them! ... Assuming the weapon cooperates... and has ammo...

    He THINKS he knows how it works, but reloading isn't something he's had to do before.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     The soldier leaps at Witchmon, and the sword comes in. The gunsword strikes her, cutting her, until she can fly out of the way. She winces with pain. Damnit, they were supposed to /die/.

     "GO, FAMILIAR!"

     And from her back, a catlike ghostly figure appears. It leaps down, towards the soldier, trying to cut at his throat a bit. The helmet is off, so that should hopefully be a /bit/ more possible.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
==================================[ COMBAT ]==================================

Jonothon should be glad to know that Ivetta isn't arguing cause she is running the heck out there at /long last/ to explain to the camp what is going on-- though-- it is hard to say if she will explain it the correct way or not.

As for Jonothon's powers, it does hit the Garlean Solider he is face and two others along side that one, including one after Allyn. One of the soldiers gets back up-- two do not. The Garlean who does get up shakes his head, before he actually rips his helm off. His eyes have a red glow to them, and the 'third eye' is visible-- though it has no iris or pupil-- which has a red shimmer to it as well. "You think you can defeat us." He points his Gunblade at Jonothon.

"Even if you are to kill us here-- more will come. Eorzea will be ours to control!" Then the Garlean rushes right for Jonothon, with far more speed then a normal man should have and attempts to cut into Jonothon's body.

As for the one that Allyn does manage to get the sheer pressure creeks against the armor, but the Garlean uses something to blast himself free. Some type of wind magic, though it was hum from the gauntlet before it fired.

The Garlean that is facing Thionette, finds himself in for a real dosy. He is impact by the punch and then the explosive force sends him right off his feet. The Solider lands down with a few rolls, before he tries to get back up and falls back over.

Thionette at last finds herself free from any opponents.

Vi'sharra does some moves that the people of this world are not /overly/ use too. One of them gets lifted up and then chucked into the other. They both go down an roll along the ground. The one lacking a helmet doesn't get back up.

The one with a helm, attempts to but finds his helm being ripped off by the vampire mistress. He then attempts to kick her off.

-- ERIK & ALLYN --
Before Allyn can maybe even react to mayhaps the Garlean soldier coming back or opening fire, he is caught off guard as Erik uses one of their own weapons against them. The shots slams into the weak point of the armor and blasts the Garlean Solider right back who flops onto the desert floor.

The Garlean soldier with his mad eyes, gets ready to come back for another strike, but the familiar catches him and rips into his throat, blood is quick to be seen, and just as quickly-- the soldier crashes to the ground, killed by the attacking familiar...

** Garlean B => KOed **
** Garlean C => Vi'Sharra **
** Garlean D => KOed **
** Garlean E => FLEE **
** Garlean F => KOed **
** Garlean G => KOed **

** Remaining Targets: 1 **


The two that remain suddenly decide to leave the battle field. Their forms take on a blueish hue, before they seem to teleport back up on the ridge and then seem to actually /run/ off, sliding down another side and quickly vanishing from view.

Thionette (393) has posed:
Thionette pulls back her fist and shakes it off, the device still smoking. There was a reason she only used that gadget on her mechanical arm, just in case there happened to be an accidental blast back or such.

Then she walks over to the fellow she KOed, stooping down next to him... and true to pirate form checks him over for anything potentially valuable that she can, aheh, claim for herself.

THEN she'll look up to the others, putting her foot down on the soldier like a certain other captain likes to pose upon kegs of rum. "Got one uncon over here, mates!"

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Yeah. Witchmon overdid it, actually killing teh guy, probably. Either way, though, she she begins to take off his armor and go through his stuff. The main reason? Looking for any signs of identification, or similar. Looking for any valuables to loot. The main goal is just finding any signs of identification though.

     Violet is remaining where she is, looking over the rock on occasion, waiting for things to calm down. She is /not/ combat capable at all, so she is waiting til everything is fairly definately calmed down.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smiles at him showing her fangs, before she rolls off and to the side, letting kick her off of him. "Far more unwise, but I think..." Her eyes glow golden as she stares into his and just starts pouring in the charm effect, "You really do like us, in fact you like us so much that you're going to set aside your weapons and armor, make yourself comfortable and tell us about the greatness, the power, and the location of your master."

    She smiles widely, "Doesn't that sound like such a wonderful idea to you? Isn't trying to convert us so much better then trying to fight a battle that your forces are losing? Don't you just want to tell us about the rightness of your cause and the power of your master?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Well it seems like his attackers are gone, he shifts back to his sabertooth form and he goes over towards Erik, "You alright Erik?" he asks the man and sniffs at him curiously to make sure that he is alright. He knows the man has taken some damage. He butts his head against Erik a moment and purrs and then he trots over towards Vi'Sharra.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Good, Ivetta went back home. That's one less worry on Jono's mind. The soldier that attempts to attack him gets discouragement in the form of a blast, but only enough to push the soldier back. Jono needs some room before he can hit the soldier, otherwise he runs the risk of hurting himself.

And then suddenly the armored guys... retreat? Jono blinks. "...Well." Vi'Sharra starts 'interrogating' the soldier, and Jono makes for one of the downed soldiers. Those weapons are SWEET, and if he can find one that works, he is totally going to grab it.

...For research, of course. If he can take it to someone who can figure out how its made, he can figure out how it works. And he might be able to give that information to someone here that may not have the info!

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Oooooohoooo. It works!" Erik twirls the weapon with one hand out before him on a finger, then grips it firmly. "I'll be keepin' this 'un." He hops down with a mighty leap to land near Allyn, pausing momentarily to let the dust settle (and, under the illusion of might, catch his breath.)

    "... they were WAITING for us here. Which means they knew we, or SOMEONE, was gonna come this way."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Magitek armor they wore was-- not very easy to remove or even full with. It was actually kinda sophisticated for a people who seem like 'knights' in a 'fantasy' world, but if anything. The Garlean equipment was like an empire that should be in a sci-fi, then in a fantasy. The only thing fantasy about their gear was the magic controlled part.

Sadly for those who did die, which was a large number of them. Their suits start to glow, before suddenly the blue flames lap out of every crevice and then suddenly those very flames eat away whoever was within the armor and soon the armor itself.

Though eventually for those that were still alive, which out of the twelve that came, the two who were missing-- so the ten that remained.. there was only four that lived through the entire ordeal. They either died by the attacks, or actually killed themselves.

Though Dr. Hunter /does/ manage to get the helmet off and he looks like someone a young Highlander-- someone who may come from the very camp. Also thankfully for the pirate, hers too was still alive.

As for the Gunblades, there was a beep from each of them and they too start to glow blue before the canisters within actually /burnt/ through the firing chamber making them well-- useless. Though maybe some parts of it could still be researched, though if your holding on-- becareful!

By this point as well, the one who was fighting Vi'Sharra tries to fight off her charm effect, "I.." He tries to say, before his eyes seem to soften slightly. Given the one who lost their helmet early on was a one from Garlemald, this one was not. Like another he was a highlander.

More correctly, he had striking black hair and had softer eyes then that of the young woman who was just here with them. He does as he is ordered, drops the Gunblade. Removes some of the armor that has magitek gear within it and just-- sits down.

He stares up at Vi'Sharra still trying to fight. "Yes-- I should convert you-- as he... AUUGH!!"

About then dark flames suddenly flare over the youth. Someone like Finna will since a great deal of darkness, almost sickenly so. The sheer presence of the magic was powerful force, but once the flames fade away. The young man falls over as if suddenly asleep-- more correctly-- in a coma.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra frowns. Then her lips slowly draw back into a snarl, before she picks him up by the front of his shirt and shakes him roughly. "Damn..." After a moment she sighs and visibly relaxes for dropping him back into the sands. "Black flames? Melting armor?" She grits her teeth for a moment, before she reaches over, picks up her crossbow and sticks it on her back. "I think ... It was fairly obvious that they were waiting for someone."

    She looks over at Erik, "The scrap of clothing stuck on a boulder? They wanted someone to step up to it, look at it, and then get shot in the back." She glances at the comatose boy, "And that? That's not normal. I've charmed people who've been taken over before, and they were more then happy to talk about their 'glorious god'. They don't catch fire."

    She looks over in the direction that the others took off in, then to the Witchmon, and finally Violet. "If you can get your fae, to go up and try to track down the others, we may still have a chance at finding answers... ...Otherwise." She looks at the rock where the arrowhead and the scarf was, "We have more questions, and a worse situation." She looks at Allyn, "I don't suppose you have a chance at tracking people that teleport?"

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     With things calmed down, Violet stands, and looks to the others. Things are calming down a bit, at least. She frowns as she looks at everyone.

     "I... propose we go back to camp. We found what we were looking for, and there is not much more we can do about it. These were likely the youths who went missing, brainwashed to fight us, and guard this pass. While we could track the others who fled, teleportation is /hard/ to track and follow. But if you insist, we can try."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "The hell!" Erik shrieks - a very weird noise, given his deep noise - and, like a startled cat, skips away from the dark flames. It's a complete shift from his demeanor otherwise, though the crack is sealed fast as he settles down and stares at the man toppling down. "...black magics... nasty things 'r at work 'ere! ... Are there minds even their own?"

Thionette (393) has posed:
Thionette glances over when Hunter pulls the helmet off of one, raising a brow a bit. "Damn," she mutters under her breath. "I was worried it be something like that." She takes her foot off her downed foe, and scoops him off the ground with her mechanical arm, slumping him over her shoulder. "They be lurin' folks out here to brainwash, makin' it -look- like the beast men or whatever was makin' off with 'em."

She also grabs what had been the bloke's weapon, despite the discharge making it unusable in itself. He was an expert tinkerer, she might be able to do something with studying it still. Or at the very least learn how to deal with fighting against them.

"Aye. I think it would take a more arranged effort to track 'em down. Best we step back and plan instead of rushin' in."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn peers at Erik and he gives him a nod, "Yeah it looks like it." the big cat sighs and then he looks to Vi'Sharra, "No, unfortunately I do not think that I can track people that do that." he sighs again, "I could track them by smell, or their taste in the air, but that might take a while...Which I do not think we have enough time to do at the moment." the cat kind of shrugs, "I could shift and fly around and take a look though if nothing else." he ponders for a few moments, "Going back might be a good idea, guess I could carry some of them if need be so others hands are free?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
YUP. Somehow Jono was expecting that. Otherwise why weren't these gunblades more prevalent? "Sonova..." Quickly he tries to figure out how to get the thing apart so that some of the components could still be salvaged. He's a decent mechanic and can fix a motorcycle as long as he has the parts. And he also plays guitar so his hands are pretty nimble.

Either way the thing is going to end up useless, whether because he couldn't get the thing apart in time and it burned through or because he DID manage to get the burning components out before they exploded. Meh. It's still pointy. Keeping it. Once it stops smoldering of course. He'll probably have to hold it by the sharp end for a bit to avoid getting burned too bad in the meantime though.

Once it's dealt with, he looks at the others. Listening to Thionette, he nods. "So yer think that's what happened ter the kids what came up missin' from the camp? Think they're just randomly recruitin' or d'yer think they 'ave specific goal in mind?" As for continuing or going back? "We probably ought ter at least tell 'em what's goin' on." Even as he speaks he's fixing his wrappings. He's gotten good at doing that quickly. Soon enough his fire's completely contained again, and he looks like a normla guy again. Except for the whole 'wrapped up face' thing.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra frowns, "This is Imperial Power armor. It's not just given out in batches, especially not to the uncoordinated and unitiated." She glances around at the bodies, "I don't think this would be the missing youths, unless someone is somehow trying to frame the Empire for something."

    She gestures at the melted armor, "I suspect that's what happens when someone tries to steal them. Though it also seems to work well enough as a suicide device." She frowns a little more deeply, "Irifit isn't smart enough for this, and there wasn't half enough fire here for it to be him..."

    She glances around the area for a moment longer before she shakes her head, "I don't know enough lore from this world to know what 'black fire' represents." A soft snort, "Other then trouble. But yes, we should let them know that something over here is afoot before we go digging any deeper."

Thionette (393) has posed:
Thionette nods a bit to Jonothon. "Pad their numbers while reducing the enemies? Attempt crushing their morale when they find out they're fightin' their own folk and kin?" She hangs the broken gunblade on her belt and reachs up with her feet hand to adjust her tricorn from where it had gotten jostled to the side in all the fighting. "Lotta reasons they could be, mate. Though I dunno what those blokes could have that they'd want. They looked kinda, no offense to the lass, battered down."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Violet looks firm as she looks at the group.

     "We will be heading back to the village. We will block off the tunnel. We will tell them that the village is in danger, and their people were forcibly brainwashed into serving an enemy. This will minimize damage until we can return, and seek out the true cause, with more forces. Making it easier to find what we are looking for."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods to Vi'Sharra and ponders for a few moments, "It sounds resonable that is what it is." he shakes his head, "Using cubs though, that's not a very good thing to do I don't think though." he crouches down though, "Let's take one or two of them back with us, see if they belong to the camp though. I don't think we should leave the living just lying here, that might not be a very good idea." he reaches out his muzzle and touches his nose to Vi'Sharra.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra narrows her eyes slightly, "What I'm saying is that, this is damnably odd. Power armor goes to the higher ranking officers. They have padded armor and chainmail for the rank and file." She frowns again, before reaching down to give Allyn's ears a light rub, "Besides too many of them were wearing helmets for it to be a demoralization operation. After all if you can't recognize who you're fighting... You're not going to be demoralized by them."

    After a moment she shakes her head, "Let them decide about collapsing the tunnel. You heard them say this was one of their hunting grounds, Right?" She looks up at Violet, "Lets not starve them out, or make their lives worse then neccesary." She glances at the comatose one, "You're right about the still living ones though..."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Vi'Sharra seems to know what's going on here so Jono looks to her as she speaks. She may not know 'much', but she definitely knows more than Jono, so it seems a good idea. Though he does nod. "Yer don' think these are the kids?" he asks Vi'Sharra. Everyone else seems to. Violet gets a look. "Eh... dunno if blockin' the tunnel is a good idea. I get the feelin' they won't jus' find another huntin' ground." A nod as Vi'Sharra speaks up again. Yeah, that.

But Allyn's got a point. "Bringin' 'em in might be a good idea. If nothin' else maybe they'll recognize this lot an' be able ter tell where those tossers are doin' most 'o their recruitin'. Quote, unquote."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Unforgivable." Erik declares gruffly. "So these soldiers were..." He slams his fists together after sheathing his weapon - really, just strapping it over his back again. The gunblade's stuck in the ground, meanwhile, having been discarded when it started glowing. And just in time!

    "I ain't standing fer this. To slay an enemy, sure... but this goes too far. The ones behind this need to learn a few painful lessons..."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Hunting grounds. Starve them out." Erik snaps his fingers, after a moment of bewildered glancing around. Seems that took a LOT out of him. More than it looks it did. "... Maybe that's it."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn shakes his head some, "I don't think collapsing the tunnel would be a good idea. I know I wouldn't want any place I go to, to hunt for food to be blocked off. Yeah, I am sure there are others, but they wouldn't use this way if the hunting for what they want wasn't good." he ponders and then sighs a bit, he glances to Erik, "You alright, Erik?" he asks and then looks back to Vi'Sharra and the others, "Lets get them loaded on then and get back, before the other guys come back with larger numbers. I think most of us are tired and don't think we would be good for another encounter at the moment."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra glances about for a moment then sighs, "I suspect your probably right about that. Several of you..." She smiles slightly, "Were instrumental in keeping Ivetta out of the line of fire, and that couldn't have been pleasant." There's another soft sigh, "I can't say that I'm enjoying the sun out here today, and a bit of shade would be nice."

    She chuckles for a moment before she looks up at Erik, "Well. You're the largest here, I suspect we're going to be using you as a packmule."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Violet shrugs, "If the rest of you will not block off the path, the kidnappings will continue. But... I think my role here is done, for now. We will be returning another day regardless, I feel. So I have no more purpose here."

     And Violet starts walking, with Witchmon, back towards the camp.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Once the unconscious are loaded up and everyone starts to head back to the camp. They will find the camp is very active. Active not in a good way either. There are people sharpening blades, putting on armor, and looking as if ready to go to war.

Ivetta is standing along side her father, while her father has his arms crossed as he notes the returning group and his brows are furrowed. Rayner then speaks with a calm tone, but a hint of agitation in his voice. "I see the twelve bring you back to us." He takes note of those who they carry. "..and you bring back the one my daughter told me are the invaders of the North."

Rayner then lowers his arms and motions to the group over to one of the tents to the side. "Take the unconscious there. We will see to them ourselves, as you have all risked enough for us."

Ivetta looks at her father about then, she gives him a puzzled look before she huffs in some frustration. Her eyes do glance over to Jono and she then looks away toward the ground, before she then goes to head back into the heart of the camp to help with preparations.

Rayner inhales deeply, calming perhaps himself further. "Thank you for your aid, even if it was not fruitful on one front-- it was in others, as we now know our enemy is close and we must make preparations for the worst. Perhaps-- even had to Little Ala Mhigo.. as much has I do not like the idea."

Thionette (393) has posed:
Thionette slumps the unconcious soldier down in the tent. "Ye gonna have to defend yourselves, no doubt 'bout that. Now that they know their trick up there is known, they probably gonna be comin' down full force soon as they can."

She pauses a moment, without actually looking back. Feh. She shouldn't care beyond getting paid, but there was reasons while she was definately a pirate, she wasn't the cutthroat black hearted sort.

"Doubt ye be having to do it alone, though."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono actually seems relieved when he sees Ivetta got away unharmed. He offers a pleasant wave to her as she looks in his direction. Though he rather expects the looking away. He'll help with putting the unconscious in the tent before he approaches Raynor again. "Sorry we couldn't find your lost," he says sadly. "But at least now we know what's goin' on out there."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn lets the others unload the people that were put on his back in the tent once they get back into the camp, then he shakes himself out a little. Have to fix that fur that is out of place anyway. He glances around for a few moments, then finds a place a little out of the way and lays down and stretches out some.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Weapons and armor of a sort I've never seen before. Even hiding their faces. They're none too respectable an enemy... but deeeefinitely fiercesome. Pity their gear all went up in smoke, coulda been useful..." Erek sighs gruffly. "... I'm hoping we didn't overlook something..."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra glances at Thionette for a moment before she looks at Rayner, "I think you and your people know how to deal with the tempered but..." She sighs after a moment, "This is odd. I think after fighting the Empire for so long you know their patterns." She glances down the tunnel, "We happened upon a peice of scarf stuck to a rock by one of the beast men's arrows."

    She reaches over to give Allyn another quick ear rub, "Allyn here noticed that there wasn't any lizard smell, only that of high quality steel, then that lot attacked. We took them down, Imperial power armor and all, then I attempted to use a charm effect on one of them..."

    She frowns, "The others' gear melted itself, but the one I charmed just as he was about to talk about what had happened... He immolated in black fire. I hope you know what that means, because I don't." She looks back to the Hunting grounds, "And I think something dangerous is afoot here."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Rayner rubs his chin as he listens to all and listen to Vi'Sharra. His eyes close for a moment. "It is strange that so many were in those armors. I seen the Garlean Empire with my own eyes. Those men normally are not in such high numbers-- unless there are those cursed machina about."

Rayner shakes his head. "More reason in the end we should leave this place and head for Little Ala Mhigo. At least there we can warn the others and be larger in number. If it is the Garlean Empire.. then they are tempting to mess with the heads of our people again."

"They done so once before-- they could do so again."

Rayner then looks to the others. "The gear will do that yes. Whatever they make it out of is lighter then any sword we can forge-- but--" He shakes his head. "--the stuff is not of the twelves making. Unnatural it is."

"Much like the people of Galemald themselves are untouched." Suddenly another voice speaks up. Another young man, though perhaps in his early thirties as he sharpens his blade. "They use that damn seven hell armor to make up for what the mothercrystal does not provide to them. No Aether flows through them. They are even damned by the very essence of this world and by it creator."

Rayner looks at the other man with furrowed brows, before he looks at the group. "Forgive his out burst. I know this is not the problems of outsiders. You have done your job and I thank you." He then reaches behind him in a satchel and hands it to Jonothon, giving him a funny look for a moment.

Then Rayner steps away. "The satchel has bags for each of you. We will handle things from here."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Nothing to forgive. I'd be just as angry! ... but if you ask me? Moving outta here 'n joining with allies is the best thing to do. Who knows what they've encountered?" Erik makes a troubled face. "Damn shame. All this blood yet they might have you outguned. That was a clever trap.... don't get killed."

Thionette (393) has posed:
Thionette gives a tip of her hat to Rayner. "Well if ye need any more help mate, ye know where to call." She has a feeling this might be a problem bigger than they can handle alone, but it's not her position to push the matter.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nuzzles Vi'Sharra's hand when she gives his ears another rub and purrs quietly to her, rubbing his head up under her hand a moment. He then looks to Erik, "Will you take my share Erik and give it to me later? I don't have anywhere to put it right now." yeah the cat would chuckle again at that if he could. He stands slowly once more, "Well, if you need help again, just yell."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods to Rayner's suggestion. "That may be for the best," he agrees. "Even if yer don't want ter head there, more defenders is always a good idea. Especially if this lot's targetin' yer now." Ah, but. Outburst or not, it's still information that can be filed away for later use. "Maybe not," said in response to 'not the problems of outsiders', "but if yer need help yer can probably ask an' people'll come to help."

He accepts the satchel with as much of a 'smile' as he can manage, being all wrapped up like that. "Thank yer. An' good luck." The satchel may have the reward in it, so that'll get distributed fairly by someone.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smiles slightly, "Thank you for your help, please leave." She seems more amused then anything else, "Well. If you have farther difficulties... And if your hunters see me in the desert, I'll be hunting loose ends." She chuckles, and bows, taking her part from the satchel, "I despise loose ends for my own reasons and I've found that dealing with primalspawn permanantly ... Is a worthwhile way to spend my time." She looks back to Ivetta, "Good fortunes to the both of you."

    And with that she starts towards the desert in the direction of Ul'Dah, "Good Luck Allyn, everyone. We'll meet again. I'm certain of it."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Sure, you're bound to find me easily enough." Erik states, and stuffs away both his bag and another... somewhere? Well, he futzes with something behind his back, as if tucking it into the colossal trousers, but it's just GONE...


    "Maybe we will!" He calls back to Vi'Sharra. ".. I'd like to see what these bastards are up to..."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn watches Vi'Sharra go for a few moments and then pads over towards Erik and peers up at him, "I guess we should be on our way too then." he lowers his voice some, "We've other things to do soon, I think." and he begins to pad off, glancing back at Erik for a moment.