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Latest revision as of 02:40, 21 August 2014

Elves and Serpents
Date of Scene: 17 August 2014
Location: The Citadel - Ward 17 <CW>
Synopsis: Clokwerk sees Medusa for medical attention.
Cast of Characters: 22, 539

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
Miss Clokwerk is still quite the mess from last night! While Taro's work on her cybernetics has certainly helped, there's still the matter of flesh and blood. Laying out in one of the beds, the railing curiously dented near her metallic legs, Clokwerk is tapping away on her cyberdeck, one cable hooked from device to head. At least those aren't burnt out anymore, she was getting matrix withdrawals.

Her bloodwork would show quite a few traces of combat stimulants in her bloodstream, the calming drug Bliss, as well as the aptly-named Frenzy. Her fleshy arms twitch every now and then, as bodily reactions to the harsh stimulants finally kick in. The elf might kill herself one day on those things.

Physically, she still has a sword-wound between the ribs beneath hard dermal plating. So too are there a number of abrasions and signs of gunshot wounds to her still-flesh arms.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Now let's see what we can do here..."

    The warm and soothing voice of a certain nurse can be heard as Medusa Gorgon herself steps into the room, followed by one of the nurses working for her at Ward 17. Most of the patients here are Elites, and well... if you need medical treatment, it might be the best place to get treatment. Or possibly the worst, all whether you like being treated by a witch who might make a few people nervous or not. The woman looks pleasantly enough, smiling down at Clokwerk with soft, golden eyes. "Now this is quite the mess, isn't it?" she inquires curiously as she steps up next to the bed, watching the taller woman in the bed. Even as she asks this she is busy finding Clokwerk's blood results on her tablet, musing as she looks over them. Hmmm, some chemicals she herself is not familiar with... slightly elevated CRP, no elevated troponine values.... To be expected, for sure. The pad is handed over to the other nurse, and Medusa is all smiles as she pulls up her sleeves, exposing her arms and her tattoos. "Push the trolley over, prepare gloves, size 6 and a half." "At once, Miss Gorgon!" The other nurse isn't slow to rush out of the room, fetching a trolley and starting to take out various equipment from it after handing Medusa a pair of gloves that she puts on.

    "Do tell me what happened... miss Clokwerk, was it?" Medusa asks as she gets ready. Might as well get the patient to talk while she prepared to clean things up here.

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
Witches and other mages Clokwerk can handle. But it's their servants; spirits, zombies, undead in general that creep her out. It might explain the rather happy look that the rigger regards Medusa with, upon noticing that this one is actually /alive/.

"Hoiiii!" No, the skirmish did not mess with her voice at all. It's still all in its exaggerated, attention-grabbing glory.

"Hey, you're that Doc! Uhh...frag...Gorgonzola right? Yeah, Clokwerk, best damn rigger and decker in the Multiverse~." Griiin. With all those bullet holes, you'd think she'd be a little down. Might be the drugs.

Clokwerk laughs, and sits up, letting Medusa get to work. She doesn't seem a stranger to medical attention.

"Well, pretty simple: run went off without a hitch. Yeah, yeah, doens't /look/ like it. But this is what you get when there's no reliable muscle, and ya gotta go in guns blazing. So, yeah, see what I did was, was have Ferry...err, Ferham, sneak her robotic butt into the museum while I provided a distraction! Slammed my humvee riiiight into the armored delivery van for the bank next to the museum. Banged me up more than the car! Metal man got to opening the big tin can full of money while I shot a few of the security and civvies to get eveyrone's attention. More cops show up, start gunning them down while my sniper friend starts geeking the mages. All good, aside from a few scrapes, yeah?"

She shakes her head, grinning.

"Nex thing I know? There's this kid in a fragging victorian dress flying out towards me with a /sword/ like she was a knight out of a storybook. Demands I stop. I mean, really? When's /that/ ever worked? I start shooting with my drones, her little maid buddies slap them around, then me and her are locked up. Fists and her little butter knife! She guts me, shoot up on some Bliss and Frenzy? Kick her all the way through the building's wall. Then, that weird Drone-Girl kid shows up! Knight Errant's on their way, so we split with the money. Ferry'd gotten the diamond out by then, our real prize. Drone Girl blows up the humvee, frame goes over the wall and splush!"

"We're floating in the Detroit River with a busted humvee and bags of cash. Luckily, called in a favor to have a friend pick us up. Ferry gets away in the confusion."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Medusa is quite alive, not that anybody hasn't tried to kill her yet. As the elven woman gets her name wrong Medusa only smiles softly. "Medusa Gorgon. Nurse, lieutenant. Witch," she helpfully informs Clokwerk as she puts the gloves on.

    So the heist didn't go as planned. Hmmm. Medusa reaches out her hand, and the assistant nurse hands her a bottle of orange looking fluid. This is poured over the cuts and bullet holes, which might even sting slightly. "Oh really...? That sounds too bad~" Somehow it doesn't seem that the worry quite reaches Medusa's voice there, and she hands the bottle back before she snaps her fingers. The assistant next hands her a syringe with some clear liquid in it, and Medusa injects it into Clokwerk's abdomen, the fleshy parts at least, and then she is given some needle and thread. "Let us get your cut here stitched up first before we deal with the bullet wounds, shall we?" And then she begins stitching, not wasting any time and getting to work, pushing the needle into the skin along the edge of the cut. "Do your arms twitch a lot normally...?"

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
"Riiiight. I'm calling you Doc G. Pleasure!" The 'witch' bit doesn't seem to put her off. Dime a dozen, where she's from.

"Just don't sic any of those creepy earth spirits on me. Those /eyes/ on those things, I tell ya! Don't get how you guys deal with 'em!"

There's a slight wince, at the injection, Clokwerk looking down warily. She's used to her Cyberdoc's more lively bedside manner, but decides the more 'motherly' tone is alright. Better than getting patched up by an ork.

She lets Medusa get to work, the wound deep and rather painful looking. As for the twitching?

"...Fah, they're doing that again? Eh. Sometimes. Usually only happens when Zack's gotten the drek stimms. He gets 'em from the Yak's normally, but sometimes the local Boss decides to shift the market. Leaves a bunch of half-hooped Mafia drek to give me. Gonna have /words/ with him!" Despite her words, it may well be long-term effects of an exotic variety of stimulants that her personelle file in the Confederacy would show: likely an addict, this one.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Doc G? Medusa chuckles at that, looking amused. "Spirits? I don't deal with spirits, dear," she assures her patient. "My tools are witchcraft, magic and science." Quite handy tools at that!

    The nurse doesn't seem worried about the nature of the sword injury, instead she focuses on the task at hand, nimble fingers working with much practice and experience as she stiches, and while she is working quickly she isn't doing a sloppy job at all. Her time to too precious to waste it on a half assed job, after all.

    "Do you know /why/ they are twitching?" Medusa inquires further, glancing up briefly from the work she's doing. "Lot 24c," she asides to the assistant, who hands her another syringe. This one Medusa stabs directly into the cut itself, eyes narrowed as her pupils turn into slits. "You should have come here sooner, dear."

    Still, she continues working.

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
Here, Clokwerk tilts her head. "...What kinda witch are you?" Asks the woman incredulously, shaking her head. Both hands go up.

"Whatever! You Awakened are allll fragging crazy, if ya ask me. But the /good/ kind!"

Watching her work, Clokwerk seems to be impressed. Someone's good at her job!

"Heh. You should teach Zack a few things! Hurts like a drunk Ork in a brawl when he does it!"

'Why'? The woman withdraws a bit, scowling suddenly. "It'll be fine, damnit! Just a bad mixture! Really!" Protests Clokwerk, the rigger stubbornly refusing to admit a problem. Wince. "Ow!" That stab hurt slightly. Or she's just grumpy now.

"Hoi. I was getting to it! No rush, huh? I've been getting along fine. Was my Doctor that gave it to me, too!" Clearly this 'Doctor' does a little more than that.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "A snake witch," Medusa replies happily enough, a smile crossing her lips. "I am afraid I have no idea what you mean by 'awakened', however. Besides, I'm quite sane." At least according to most people. "Who is this 'Zack' person?" At least Clokwerk seems to focus on something else besides the pain as she works, which makes her job much easier.

    In not too long Medusa has finished stitching up the sword cut, and she cuts the thread before she holds out her hand, and the assistant hands her an adhesive bandage that she puts on top of the sutured wound. "Now... let's move to your bullet wounds, dear..." A bad mixture, she says? Medusa cracks her knuckles, her bloodied gloves making a slight sound as she gestures to the assistant. "Restrain her arm, I need to be precise when I get the bullets out," Medusa orders... and she turns towards Clokwerk with no tools in her hand. The assistant takes a hold of Clokwerk's wrist and shoulder, then pushes her arm down on the bed as Medusa leans over her. Something dances at her fingertips, something black and seemingly made of lightning. And then Medusa moves her hand closer, intending to /stab/ her index and long finger into one of the bullet holes!

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
"Anyone with magic, or at least that's what the pretentious ones call themselves! Buncha ars...erm. Right." Best not to piss off the one healing you!

"Oh, Zack? He's my Cyberdoc, 'seller of legitimately claimed goods', and provider of various 'assisting agents'. Oh, and he knows guys who know guys." Doctor, dealer, and fence. What a combinaton.

Clokwerk seems happy with the work!

"Hoi, Doc! Wiz work, chum! Can barely even..."

The restraining of the arm doesn't seem to bother her. She cuts herself off as there's a distinct lack of /tools/!

"Hey. Hey Doc. Chum. Don't ya need some kind of..."

There's a slow dawning look of pure terror, twisting into white-hot suffering as that pair of fingers are stabbed right into her wound! The string of curses that erupt barely get translated from teh multiverse, they're so foul and spiteful.

"OH WHAT THE HELL, JACKASS!? YOU JUST STUCK THE FRAGGIN' THINGS IN THERE YA BARBARIAN! OW OW FRAG SLOTTING FRAGGIN' HELL! JUST HURRY THE FRAG UP!" She's twisting and writhing, heart pumping with pain, anger, fear, and a sudden desire to strangle the doctor.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Chuckling slightly, Medusa focuses on what she's doing, perhaps something that Clokwerk should appreciate. "Cyberdoc, hmm? Haven't worked with those before, I'm afraid..." she muses.

    Why need tools when you've got magic? There's a focused look on Medusa's face as she stabs her fingers into the bullet hole, and there's a /wriggling/ sensation inside the tissue there as small snakes crawls out of Medusa's fingers, wrapping themselves around the bullet... and then Medusa yanks her hand back, tearing out the bullet in a way that might not be comfortable, but at least it doesn't require her to cut the woman's arm open. Sure, it's bloody, brutal... but it's /effective/ and quick. The painkillers should still work somewhat though, and Medusa peers at Clokwerk. "One down... just a few left." And then she repeats the treatment with the next bullet. And the next.

    It's fortunately a quick process, as Medusa doesn't waste time, and the assistant is there to take each bullet that she pulls out of the arm, applying bandages as Medusa works. Finally it's done, and Medusa pulls back her bloodied hands with an innocent smile grazing her lips. "There there... that wasn't too bad, now was it~?" she chuckles down at the elven woman as she peels off her gloves.

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
"Just what it sounds like! Doctor that works on /these/!" She lifts a metallic leg.

A creepy wriggle, and with a curse, the bullet's out. Blink. Blinkblink. "Hey. That actually wasn't too...FRAG!...bad as it usually...SLOTTING BUNRAKU JOYGIRL!...is!"

Every bullet yoinked out earns her blood, some of it looking rather blackish. Examination later would show it to be various compounds to facilitate cyberware; anti-rejection ones. Every bullet earns Medusa more colorful language. Thankfully, Medusa's not likely to have been a nun in her past life.

Pant pant. "Hoi. Just, uhh, warn me next time? That was /weird/ and more than a little creepy, Doc G! What /was/ that? Wiggled around more than an angry basilisk!"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The bullets make soft clinking sounds as they are deposited onto a metal tray. "Hmmm? Those were my babies," she answers simply, that smile still in place. With the bandages put on, it does look like Clokwerk should be okay. "Do you require some painkillers? It will take a day before that cut in your torso heals up, even with the healing agent. Either way I think you should take it easy for two days before you do something..." Better not take too many chances.

Miss Clokwerk (539) has posed:
"Your...babies." Clokwerk gives Medusa a look that may be hard to place. A bit of stunned, a touch of 'is this woman insane'. Deep breath. She perks up as 'painkillers are mentioned.

"Load me up Doc! Best drek ya got! I /promise/ they won't end up in my fen...erm...'purveyor of goods's hands. Personal use only, swear!" Notably, her arms start twitching again, the needy look in her eye not at all covering up the hunger for new experiences, and new chemical alterations.

"Lay up, don't do anything? I'll get Ferry over to my place, and call it a girl's night in! Ooh, can I still work on my drones? Nothing big! Just my fliers! Can do it from the couch! Gotta get them apart, or they really /will/ fuse."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Yes," Medusa replies calmly. Her babies. She seems perfectly sincere about her comment and her terms of endearments to whatever was wriggling inside Clokwerk's arm.

    So the patient wants meds. Medusa chuckles a bit, then rises from her seat. "Then I shall go and get you some pills." She turns briefly to the assistant. "Clean up here. And tend to room 3." "Yes, Miss Medusa."

    And as for the meds? "Oh, it better only be for personal use. As I dosage these individually. And I would be very cross if my medications were spread around without my consent. I have made these all by myself, you know~" she cautions the elf lady. With that the witch heads out of the room and heads towards her office where she keeps her medicine under lock and key. After all, nobody else but her should get to those things, lest somebody grab something and kill themselves by accident.