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(Eric's Hunting goes completely FUBAR when he mistakes Wash as the vampire equivalent of a cherry pie. Malcolm takes exception to someone trying to eat his pilot. Hijinks ensue!)
(No difference)

Revision as of 08:06, 21 August 2014

I Only Wanted A Bite!
Date of Scene: 21 August 2014
Location: Void - Astroidia
Synopsis: Eric's Hunting goes completely FUBAR when he mistakes Wash as the vampire equivalent of a cherry pie. Malcolm takes exception to someone trying to eat his pilot. Hijinks ensue!
Cast of Characters: 273, 550, 551

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
Space. The final frontier.

Yeah, corny. But how else can Eric really react to this. He's in space. In a space station. Unless all these windows on this place are just projectors that are projecting a really realistic movie. All of them, across the whole station, playing the exact same one, in panoramic view. Too elaborate a plot.

More importantly. There are people here. People mean food. For a vampire, anyway. Which Eric Bane just happens to be. Time to find a good place to not be seen and pull somebody into a shadowy corner. And hope not to kill them. He stops to pull his hood up, and begins to file through the crowd. Somehow the people around him seem to simultaneously not see him and yet move around him. Eric looks for said shadowy corner. And waits for a passerby...

If this wasn't so necessary it'd be sad. Eric has no idea what he's doing. Why couldn't he get that hypnotic 'you will do whatever I tell you' stare for his gift instead? At least he blends well with the shadows so he's not likely to be seen... until he grabs someone!

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    Outside of the station, a medium-sized transport ship is docked at one of the ports. It's of interesting proportions, the aft section seeming imbalanced compared to the small cockpit area that's mounted on top of a small extrusion towards the stern of the ship. A few figures can be seen still inside of the ship, but a group of four or five have made their way down the port, and towards the center of the station.

    "Zoe, stick with Wash, please. If there's trouble, get him back to the boat. Would be keen to be leavin' in a hurry, and it helps to have my pilot actually -on- the ship if that's bein' the case."

Hoban Washburne (551) has posed:
     "I don't need a leash, captain. It's not like I'm going to run off the moment I see--oh shiny..." Wash's protests are interrupted by a slow-moving cart with what looks to sell a combination of colorful cartoon-character ice cream treats and badly-bootlegged plastic toys shaped like them. Wait, are those charicatures of the WMAT competitors? And already the easily-distracted pilot is trying to chase the cart down. "Hey. Hey. Can I get a Serori-Pop?" Oh Wash.

     He's easy to pick out of a crowd. Painfully easy. His hawaiian shirt is bright red with silver tropical plants on it. It's unlikely the man has even seen those plants. But the shirt is comfy looking. It almost draws attention away from his moustache. Almost.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:

    There's no way Eric's going to miss a guy wearing that shirt. And the moustache that sits under his nose like a fuzzy caterpillar that happens to be the same shade as his hair. Not that the hair helps him not be noticeable. And is Wash walking past that little shadowy corner? If so he might want to be careful because there will suddenly be arms and hands of a really strong dude trying to pull him into that corner! Eric's going to try to cover the guy's mouth to keep him from screaming, but not having grown into vampire speed yet, he might just miss.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    Mal just sorta sighs, as Wash goes off to try and buy a Serori-popsicle.

    "I've got it, sir.." says a darker-skinned woman, making her way over after her husband. A few figures from the crowd get in the way, and so Zoe is a bit delayed after Wash's departure, trying to push through and catch up.

    "Keep River away from the Megatron-pops, will ya!?" Serenity's captain calls over. "Don't like when she starts turnin' it into a puppet!"

Hoban Washburne (551) has posed:
     Wash seems oblivious. He's already patting down his pants for his wallet. The vendor seems impatient. He's got more pops to sell and the pilot is holding him up. "Ta Ma Duh..." he curses in Chinese, which the multiverse promptly translates into a badly-parsed <Damn it...>. "Hey, Captain, can I borrow--" And then he's grabbed. The poor spaceman makes a sound.
     "Whoa, hey, look buddy, I don't have my wallet. Scary guy in the brown coat over there, he's got my wallet. Or a wallet. Maybe," he seems remarkably calm. "...You're not going to take my kidneys, are you? Can you just take one?" and then he's silenced by that hand, the pilot starting to thrash and squirm about as strongly as, well, he can. Which actually isn't that much.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    Mal sighs again. He does this a lot with his pilot, it seems. "How does he always manage to forget his shee-niou <Cow-Sucking> wallet..." he bemoans. Serenity's captain starts to fish around his his brown coat for his wallet, probably intending on pelting the redhead with a few coin instead, but then looks over towards where the readhead pilot used to be a moment ago.

    "HEY!" he shouts. "That's my pilot! Don't got another one!"

    The captain, plus Zoe and Jayne, start elbowing their way through the crowd, now. "Go an' get your own!"

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    Wash's chatter doesn't get the perhaps typical 'shut up or I'll blow your head off'. Instead it's just a quiet, "Shhh." There's no threat of a gun. There's a strong grip aiming to pin at his waist and under an arm. A hiss, something inhuman-sounding.

    That would be about when Malcolm and Jayne get there. And they'll see what Wash can't, due to the attacker being behind him. What will Mal and Jayne see? A man in black clothes, attempting to subdue Wash for a purpose that's probably clear to them. Considering the attacker has FANGS bared ... and they're poised to try to take a bite out of the pilot!

    ... Probably better Wash didn't see that, all things considered.

    Regardless, once he sees Malcolm, his eyes widen in surprise and he releases Wash. They might hear a whooshing sound, feel something cold, dark, and alien zoom past as the attacker literally turns into a shadow and teleports past. It's not too far. Might even be close enough for the guy to be tackled. But if so, it better be fast, because he's running.

Hoban Washburne (551) has posed:
     Wash actually hushes at the shushing. He blinks, getting well and properly manhandled. "H-hey... I'll juggle you. I'll have you know I'm a world-class juggler." He's not. The hiss makes him stop again, though, and he even ceases struggling. "Ah! My barbarians! Save me from this gentleman!" he exclaims when Mal and Jayne arrive. He really can't see what's behind him, which is probably for the best.

     Then he's released, and the 'creature' is away, the pilot watching the shadow but more busy rubbing his arm. "If I had a wallet I'm sure he would've taken it. ...That was real, right? You both saw that?"

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    "Aw, hell.." says the voice belonging to the large, gruntish figure standing at Mal's left. Who also happens to be carrying enough weaponry to subdue a small country. He pulls out something that looks like an antiqueated shotgun, and pops off a few rounds in the direction of the cold 'whoosh', probably hitting nothing but air, with Jayne's luck and aim.

    Zoe's a bit more concerned with her husband, because they're married and all-Nope! She's also pulled a weapon, a level action rifle of sorts, and aims over at the fleeing vampire. She doesn't seem to have a shot, though, thanks to the crowd, and doesn't squeeze the trigger. Not that Jayne's in any better of a position, but he probably just didn't care.

    "Aw, hell..." echoes Mal, and turns to take off running in the 'whooshs direction, trying to see if he can catch up with the man/thing.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    If Jayne had fired literally a second later, those shots would have caught Eric. The group will have more luck when trying to track him down, though. Luckily for them, Eric's not able to teleport that far. Also, because they're paying attention, his natural 'do not see me' doesn't work on them. Not that it would work on them anyway, since they're Elites. Elites aren't susceptible to it.

    Making matters worse? Guy doesn't run that fast. And it's clearly a guy. A guy in a black or dark gray hoodie. He is, however, pretty good at ducking around people. Mainly because the crowd just seems to ... part around him somehow, without noticing him.

Hoban Washburne (551) has posed:
     "Uh... guys? Hello?" Wash asks in a pitiful voice, still rubbing his arm. "...Isn't anyone going to ask me if I'm alright? I just got grabbed by a... shadow... guy... and I think he was trying to eat me." He sighs, looking dejected. The gunfire has probably scared away the popsicle-and-toy cart vendor, too. "Maybe I'll just... go back to the ship. Yeah," he turns and starts walking, looking over his shoulder at the trio with guns and pointing awkwardly towards the docking ring.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    "Jayne, go with the captain.." instructs Zoe, in a voice of one accustomed to having others follow. She herself shoulders her weapon, and heads back in Wash's direction. "He didn't give you rabies or nothin' did he?" she asks, concernedly.

    Mal's still tearing after Eric. He's no sprinter, but he's no sloth, either. Jayne's a good deal slower, and started later, so he's a stone's throw behind Mal as it is, and can't shoot Eric without hitting Mal, now. Not that that's exactly an impediment to the big man, though. But, payday is tomorrow, so he needs that check.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    There's nothing to worry about, the fellow they're chasing is no sprinter either. Malcolm at least will near the guy pretty quickly. He doesn't seem to be inclined to use that shadowy zoomy thing again. Or maybe he can't, who knows? Either way, Malcolm will soon find himself in reach of the guy ...

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    And as Mal gets nearer, he'd try to jump and catch the man by the waist in a football tackle. Except the captain's no football player. Probably has enough force to knock him over, though, which is the whole point of his little chase.

    "What the gorram hell was that?!?" he asks, angrily, whether he be on top or bottom. "That's my pilot! Bought and paid for! Go an' find your own!"

Hoban Washburne (551) has posed:
     Wash melts when Zoe gets back over to him, halting his forward progress back towards the ship. "No, no, he just... grabbed me and hauled me away like I was a sack of potatoes. Does this mean I'm getting fat? Do I look fat?" he looks down at his belly, tugging at his shirt. "I think he tried to eat me."

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    Zoe 'tsk'-s at her husband, and reaches out to tweak him by the nose, playfully. "Nobody's allowed to nibble on my baby 'cept me, hear?" she says, looking over the poor redhead to check for any obvious bite marks. "Don't think he got you anywhere.." she says.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    Well that was unexpected. Maybe it shouldn't have been. Or maybe he should have found something to hide behind. Either way, as Malcolm makes that flying tackle, he does indeed make contact! Bodycheck! Except the man reacts near-instantaneously and rolls. Looks like Eric's going to end up on top. He's quite strong. Malcolm will be looking up at the face of the fellow in the hoodie. It's a scruffy-looking guy. Normal looking, too, except for two things. Blue-white eyes and the fangs. Those fangs are visible because the guy's mouth is open due to surprise.

    Given his positioning though, he's in a prime position to leave! He ... doesn't, though. He just scoots back from Malcolm. "...Sorry." He sounds contrite, at least. Looks it too. "Thought he was alone. I wouldn't've hurt him anyway." Sounds like an American.

Hoban Washburne (551) has posed:
     "Yeah. Nobody's allowed to nibble on me except--huh?" Wash proclaims before pausing and looking up at the dark-skinned amazon goddess that is his wife. Then the pilot shrugs, and rubs the side of his head. "...So... so um. AM I tasty? Like, am I at risk for actually being chewed on by other people. Things. Not you?" he blinks those bright blue eyes, then looks back at the captain.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    "Well, uh..." says the captain, picking himself up and dusting at his coat. Probably wasn't expecting things to go quite like that. Because things just never go like that with the crew. As it is, though, Serenity's captain still has his weapon, clothes, and is on his feet. A sight better than it normally ends up.

    "Looked to me like you were fixin' to bite yourself off a little bit of my pilot, see..." he says, though a bit less confrontationally now. "Now, if you're feelin' exceptionally peckish, I can sure's hell find some food for ya. But I'd take it as a kindness if that food didn't come from the fellow who's got to drive my boat," he explains.

    "Ain't goin' to be any chewin' of any pilots on my boat," says Mal, raising his voice as he addresses Zoe and Wash without looking away from the young vampire ahead of him. "Not that you're not tasty, Wash. I'm sure you're as keen to the taste as a nice cherry pie, and all," he clarifies. "But no eatin' of my pilot, dong ma?" Mal repeats, sqaring a look to Eric.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    Eric stands too, rubbing at the back of his neck. Though he stays quiet 'till Malcolm notes that he was about to bite the pilot. " ... I was." And then something is said about finding him food. " ... Might be kind of difficult," he hedges. Yeah, he'd totally been about to bite Wash. Still, though. He looks at Wash. " ... Sorry about that." Then he looks at Malcolm again. "Sorry. Like I said, I thought he was alone. Wasn't going to hurt him. Much." He sounds like he's totally serious.

Hoban Washburne (551) has posed:
     Wash puts his hands in his pockets, listening to the captain make a little speech in his defense. Captain always good at speeches. Until he gets to the part where he should shut up but forgets to shut up. "Did... did he just compare me to cherry pie? I know I've got the ginger thing going..." he pulls his hand out and ruffles his own hair, then looks at it to see if any came off. "Hey, bitey-guy, maybe I go with you instead? I don't look like a cherry pie to you, right?" Then he looks up at Zoe, "Do I taste like a cherry pie, honey?"

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    Mal takes the liberty of answering that one for Eric. "Nobody's goin' with the bitey-guy!" he calls, back over at Zoe and Wash. "'Specially not someone who's got to fly my gorram boat out of here!" he adds, before dipping his head to Eric. "You understand." He gives a brief little bow of sorts, then turns back for his crew.

    "Cherry pie and cream," agrees Zoe, flashing her husband a smile. "All set, sir?" she asks, as Mal comes back over.

    "All set," he replies. "Let's get out of here."

    "Oh, and Wash? Try not to get eaten next time."